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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. You may place your order with a credit card through a SECURE
- web page (and SAVE on shipping charges!) Point your web browser to:
- http://www.chaosoft.com or http://www.pik.com
- and choose the "Order with a credit card" link. You will be prompted
- for your credit card information. In return, you will be immediately
- provided with your personal registration code, allowing you to convert
- an evaluation version of the program into the registered one.
- NOTE: Except for the registration code, you will NOT receive
- any other materials by regular mail. If you want your registration
- package to be delivered to you by regular mail, please use some
- other method of registration.
- NOTE: Quantity discounts are not available when ordering via the
- registration web page.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 2. You may order with a credit card by calling Pik A Program, Inc.:
- 1-800-TOREGISTER or (212) 598-4939
- (867-3447)
- (noon-8pm New York City time / 9am-5pm Los Angeles time)
- Please have your credit card ready when calling the toll-free number.
- NOTE: Technical support is NOT available at these numbers. Please
- refer to the README.TXT file for information on technical support.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 3. You may also order by filling in the order form below (using a
- text editor or word procesor), printing it out, and sending it to
- Pik A Program, Inc. at the address shown below in this file.
- ========================= cut here =============================
- [_] Yes! Please send me the registration code(s) and the latest
- version(s) of the following products, for use on ________
- computer(s):
- [_] Folder Guard for Windows 95
- [_] File Manager Guard for Windows 3.1x/95
- These products are licensed on the 'per-computer' basis. This means
- that if you want to install and use the software on more than one
- computer, a site license for the total number of the computers must
- be obtained. If you are ordering the software for use by multiple
- users in a network, you don't need to include every computer
- attached to the network in your license, but you must include every
- computer on which the program is installed or used, regardless of
- whether the user of the computer happens to know that the program is
- in use on their system. If you have single computers which allow
- multiple users to use the program simultaneously, you must count
- each keyboard or terminal separately when determining how many
- computers are using the program.
- Price list:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Number of | Folder Guard Win95 | Folder Guard Win95 | FM Guard for |
- computers | REGULAR price | DISCOUNT price | Win 3.1x/95 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 - 2 | $49.95 each | $29.95 each | $29.95 each |
- 3 - 5 | $40 each | $25 each | $25 each |
- 6 - 15 | $50 + $30 each | $25 + $20 each | $25+$20 each |
- 16 - 25 | $200 + $20 each | $95 + $15 each | $95+$15 each |
- 26 - 50 | $325 + $15 each | $245 + $9 each | $245+$9 each |
- 51 - 100 | $575 + $10 each | $395 + $6 each | $395+$6 each |
- 101 -more | $1075 + $5 each | $695 + $3 each | $695+$3 each |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- For example, the REGULAR licensing fee for Folder Guard, 10
- computers, would be (using the 3rd row and the 2nd column of the
- table above): $50 + $30 * 10 computers = $350
- You may order a license for Folder Guard at a discount price, if one
- of the following conditions applies to you:
- [_] You are ordering also a license for "File Manager Guard for
- Windows 3.1x/95" for the number of computers not less than the
- number of computers for which you are ordering a Folder Guard
- license.
- [_] You are a registered user of our utility "File Manager Guard for
- Windows 3.1x/95" *AND* the number of computers of your FM Guard
- license is not less than the number of computers for which you
- are ordering a Folder Guard license. Please provide the exact
- name your copy of FM Guard is licensed to:
- ___________________________________________________________,
- the number of users it is licensed to: _________, your FM Guard
- registration code: _____________, and an approximate date when
- you have ordered your FM Guard license (month and year):_______.
- [_] You represent an educational or non-profit organization; please
- enclose with your order a copy of the document certifying the
- educational or non-profit status of your institution.
- If none of the conditions above applies to you, please use the
- REGULAR price information in the table above to calculate the amount
- of your licensing fee for Folder Guard.
- [_] Yes! Please send me also the registration code(s) and the
- latest version(s) of the following products, for use by ________
- user(s):
- [_] StepUp'98 for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
- [_] File Manager StepUp for Windows NT 3.5x/4.0
- [_] File Manager StepUp for Windows 3.1x/95
- [_] File Manager Toolbar for Windows 3.1x/95
- These products are licensed on the 'per-user' basis. This means
- that you may purchase a single individual license and install the
- software on more than one computer (for example, a desktop system
- and a notebook), provided that there is *no possibility* to use the
- Registered Copy by anybody else. On the other hand, if more than
- one person uses a computer, every such user must purchase an
- individual license for continued use of the software, or a site
- license for the total number of users accessing the computer must be
- obtained.
- Price list:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Number | StepUp'98 | FM StepUp | FM StepUp | FM Toolbar |
- of users| Win95/NT4.0 | WinNT35x/4.0 | Win 3.1x/95 | Win 3.1x/95 |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 2 | $29.95 each | $29.95 each | $29.95 each | $19.95 each |
- 3- 5 | $25 each | $25 each | $25 each | $18 each |
- 6-15 | $25+$20 each | $25+$20 each | $25+$20 each | $18+$15 each |
- 16-25 | $95+$15 each | $95+$15 each | $95+$15 each | $66+$12 each |
- 26-50 | $245+$9 each | $245+$9 each | $245+$9 each | $144+$9 each |
- 51-100 | $395+$6 each | $395+$6 each | $395+$6 each | $297+$6 each |
- 101-more| $695+$3 each | $695+$3 each | $695+$3 each | $599+$3 each |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- For example, registration fee for StepUp'98, 20 users, would be
- (using the 4th row of the table above): $95 + $15 * 20 users = $395
- SPECIAL OFFERS: (single user licenses only!)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [_] order three StepUp utilities (StepUp'98 for Win95/WinNT4.0,
- FM StepUp for WinNT3.5x/4.0, and FM StepUp for Win3.1x/95) for
- only $59.95
- [_] order Chaosoft Utilities for Windows 3.1x/95 (a set of
- FM StepUp, FM Toolbar, and FM Guard) for only $49.95
- [_] order all six utilities for only $149.95
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Registration fee (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________
- Purchase order processing, $15.00 (if applicable) . $ _________
- Shipping and handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4.00_____
- TAX (NYS residents only) . . . . . . . . . _____ % $ _________
- TOTAL: US$ _________
- All prices shown are in US dollars.
- Please make all checks payable to: Pik a Program, Inc.
- Please include one of the following:
- [_] Check (in US dollars, payable through a US bank ONLY!)
- [_] Money order (in US dollars, payable through a US bank ONLY!)
- [_] Cash (by registered mail only, please)
- [_] Purchase Order # ____________ (from a company only).
- Purchase Order processing fee is $15.00.
- [_] Please charge my:
- [_] VISA [_] MasterCard [_] American Express [_] Discover
- (no other cards accepted)
- Credit Card # ____________________________________________
- Exp. Date: ___ / ___
- Name of the Credit Card holder: _______________________________
- Signature (required): _______________________________
- Name to register software to: _______________________________
- (from 6 to 29 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
- Number of users
- to license the software to: _______________________________
- Shipping address:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- NAME (if other than above): _______________________________
- COMPANY: _______________________________
- STREET: _______________________________
- _______________________________
- CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: _______________________________
- COUNTRY: _______________________________
- Email address: _______________________________
- Phone: _______________________________
- FAX: _______________________________
- We would appreciate it if you would tell us where did you first
- hear about this program. Thanks for your cooperation!
- [_] Internet/web site - which one?_______________________________
- [_] BBS - which one?_____________________________________________
- [_] Friend [_] retail store package
- [_] CD-ROM - which one? _________________________________________
- [_] magazine - which one?________________________________________
- [_] other - _____________________________________________________
- Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated:
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- Thank you for ordering ChaoSoft products!
- ============================ cut here ===========================
- You may mail, fax, e-mail, or phone in your order. Please send the
- completed registration form, along with payment to Pik A Program,
- Inc. at:
- 13 Saint Marks Place (noon-8pm NYC / 9am-5pm LA) (867-3447)
- New York, NY 10003 Telephone (212) 598-4939
- USA Fax (212) 228-5879
- E-mail: sales@pik.com
- Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 4. If you are a member of Compuserve(r), you may order Chaosoft
- products on-line, through its SWREG registration service. The
- registration fee will be added to your CIS bill. To order in this
- way, connect to CIS as usual, and enter GO SWREG at any ! prompt.
- Choose 'Register a program' from a menu, and select one of the
- following registration IDs:
- Product Registration ID
- ------------------------------ ----------------
- Folder Guard for Windows 95 14533
- StepUp'98 for Win95/WinNT4.0 12893
- FM StepUp for WinNT 3.5x/4.0 10877
- FM StepUp for Windows 3.1x/95 10787
- FM Toolbar for Windows 3.1x/95 10878
- FM Guard for Windows 3.1x/95 10875
- Chaosoft Utilities for Win3.1x/95 10876
- (a set of FM StepUp, FM Toolbar,
- and FM Guard at special
- discount price $49.95 + s&h)
- NOTE: quantity discounts are not available when ordering via SWREG
- service.