home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 101 Fehler bei der OLE-Initialisierung. ▄berprⁿfen Sie, ob die OLE-Bibliotheken in der richtigen Version vorliegen.
- 103 Squeez initialization failed. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
- 104 Error opening archive !
- 105 Error renaming archive !
- 106 The function is not implemented !
- 110 The time for this version has expired.
- 111 Squeez needs at least Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.
- 116 Options
- 128 Squeez
- 129 \nArchive\nSqueez\nArchive files (zip,arj,lzh,cab,rar,tar,gz,uue)\n.zip\nSqueez.Archiv\nSqueez Archiv
- 130 Archive files (arj,zip,lzh,cab,rar,tar,gz,tgz,uue)|*.arj;*.zip;*.lzh;*.cab;*.rar;*.tar;*.gz;*.tgz;*.uue|ARJ files (arj)|*.arj|ZIP files (zip)|*.zip|LZH files (lzh)|*.lzh|CAB files (cab)|*.cab|RAR files (rar)|*.rar|TAR files (tar)|*.tar|GZip files (gz,tgz)|*.gz;*.tgz|UUE files (uue)|*.uue|All files|*.*||
- 131 The file already exists. Replace existing file ?
- 1001 Name
- 1002 Date
- 1003 Compressed
- 1004 Size
- 1005 Ratio
- 1006 Folder
- 1007 Type
- 1101 %1!d! object(s)
- 1102 %1!d! object(s) selected
- 1103 %1!d! bytes (Compressed: %2!d! bytes)
- 1104 %1!d! KB (Compressed: %2!d! bytes)
- 1105 %1!d! KB (Compressed: %2!d! KB)
- 1201 All files|*.*||
- 1202 &Add
- 1203 &Rekurse Folders
- 1204 Compress
- 1301 ARJ files|*.arj|ZIP files|*.zip|LZH files|*.lzh|TAR files|*.tar|GZip files|*.gz|UUE files|*.uue||
- 1302 Archive Save As
- 1303 Create SFX
- 1401 This shortcut key is currently assigned to command '%1' !
- 1402 Alt
- 1403 + Ctrl
- 1404 Ctrl
- 1405 + Shift
- 1406 Shift
- 1407 None
- 1501 DOS|Windows 3.1|Windows 95 / NT
- 1502 No Restriction|360 KB|720 KB|1.2 MB|1.44 MB
- 1900 There is no viewer engine for this file !
- 1901 The dynamic link library <%s> can't be loaded !
- 1902 Error on function call <IsFileOk> !
- 1903 The file format is invalid !
- 1904 Error on function call <CreateViewWindow> !
- 1905 Error on opening the file !
- 2400 &Quick View Plus
- 2401 &Find
- 2402 Find &Next
- 2403 &Print
- 2404 Print &Setup
- 2405 &Display Options
- 2406 Print &Options
- 2407 &Clipboard Options
- 2420 Squeez has finished searching the document.
- 33201 Add files to active document.\nAdd
- 33202 Extract files from active document.\nExtract
- 33203 Reverses which items are selected and which are not.
- 33401 Displays items by using large icons.\nLarge Icons
- 33402 Displays information about each item in the window.\nDetails
- 33403 Displays items by using small icons.\nSmall Icons
- 33404 Displays items in a list.\nList
- 33405 Arranges the icons in a grid.
- 33407 Arranges the icons automatically.
- 33408 Activates or deactivates the all files view.\nAll Files
- 33409 Activates or deactivates the integrated quick view.\nQuick View
- 33420 Sorts items by name.
- 33421 Sorts items by size.
- 33422 Sorts items by type.
- 33423 Sorts items by date.
- 33424 Sorts items by ratio.
- 33425 Sorts items by compressed size.
- 33426 Sorts items by folder.
- 33501 Changes the settings.
- 33502 Selects font.
- 33902 Shows important informations about Quick View Plus.
- 57344 Squeez
- 57345 For Help, press F1.
- 57346 Select an object on which to get Help.
- 57600 Creates a new document.\nNew
- 57601 Opens an existing document.\nOpen
- 57602 Closes the active document.\nClose
- 57603 Saves the active document.\nSave
- 57604 Saves the active document with a new name.\nSave As
- 57616 Opens this document.
- 57617 Opens this document.
- 57618 Opens this document.
- 57619 Opens this document.
- 57620 Opens this document.
- 57621 Opens this document.
- 57622 Opens this document.
- 57623 Opens this document.
- 57624 Opens this document.
- 57625 Opens this document.
- 57626 Opens this document.
- 57627 Opens this document.
- 57628 Opens this document.
- 57629 Opens this document.
- 57630 Opens this document.
- 57631 Opens this document.
- 57632 Deletes the selected items.\nDelete
- 57634 Copies the selected items to the Clipboard. Use Paste to put them in the new location.\nCopy
- 57637 Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.\nPaste
- 57642 Selects all items in the window.
- 57648 Opens another window for the active document\nNew Window
- 57649 Arranges icons at the bottom of the window.\nArrange Icons
- 57650 Arranges windows so they overlap.\nCascade Windows
- 57651 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.\nTile Windows
- 57652 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.\nTile Windows
- 57653 Splits the active window into panes.\nSplit
- 57664 Displays program information, version number and copyright.\nAbout
- 57665 Quits the application.\nExit
- 57666 Opens Help.\nHelp Topics
- 57667 Lists Help topics.\nHelp Topics
- 57668 Displays instructions about how to use help.\nHelp
- 57669 Displays help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows.\nHelp
- 57670 Displays help for current task or command.\nHelp
- 57680 Switches to the next window pane.\nNext Pane
- 57681 Switches back to the previous window pane.\nPrevious Pane
- 59136 ER
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140 OVR
- 59141 REC
- 59392 Shows or hides the toolbar.\nToggle ToolBar
- 59393 Shows or hides the status bar.\nToggle StatusBar
- 61184 Changes the window size.
- 61185 Changes the window position.
- 61186 Reduces the window to an icon.
- 61187 Enlarges the window to full size.
- 61188 Switches to the next document window.
- 61189 Switches to the previous document window.
- 61190 Closes the active window and prompts to save the documents.
- 61202 Restores the window to normal size.
- 61203 Activates Task List.
- 61215 Activates this window.