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- DeskBar for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
- Version 4.01
- Copyright ⌐ 1994-1997 Burrell Software Enterprises
- All rights reserved.
- Introducing DeskBar
- -------------------
- DeskBar provides you with a very powerful and elegant system of application
- toolbars. These toolbars are populated with your choice of buttons that
- provide quick and easy access to almost anything on your desktop. You can have
- buttons that access your favorite Control Panel applets, Dial-up Networking
- programs, Web pages, printers, applications, documents, or directories. You
- can also control your screen saver and wallpaper, and get one-click access to
- the Windows Run dialog, Find menu, and a variety of shutdown options. You can
- have one or multiple bars and dock them along an edge or float them in any
- orientation you wish. DeskBar can provide you with a button to almost anything!
- What's New in Version 4
- -----------------------
- Here are just some of the improvements in this version of DeskBar:
- - faster loading of bars
- - more efficient use of system resources
- - bars support setting the background color
- - bars can have a bitmap background
- - buttons can activate with single- or double-clicks
- - buttons can have icon, text, or both icon and text on them
- - buttons support setting the background color and text color
- - button size is fully adjustable, not just "large" or "small"
- - large icon size (48 x48) is now supported
- - new "Office 97" style menus and buttons
- - "OpenBar" component is replaced by more flexible "BarManager" component
- - new clock/stopwatch component
- - new simple audio CD component
- - .BAR files can now exist anywhere on your system - no more "data directory"!
- - no longer requires system DLL's (MFC42.DLL, MSVCRT.DLL, OLEPRO32.DLL)
- Upgrading From Version 3.x
- --------------------------
- Much of DeskBar's internals have changed for version 4. As a result, the
- format of the .BAR files has changed. Version 4 will open your v3.x .BAR
- files, back them up with a .BAK extension, and convert them to the new format.
- If, for some reason, you want to go back to a previous version of DeskBar, you
- can rename the .BAK files to .BAR and use them.
- REGISTERED USERS: If you are a registered user of DeskBar 3.x, you must contact
- Burrell Software Enterprises for a new license file to gain full access to this
- version.
- Installing DeskBar
- ------------------
- To begin the installation, run SETUP.EXE and follow the Setup Wizard's prompts.
- Setup will install the following files into your DeskBar destination folder:
- DESKBAR.EXE main program
- DBREMOVE.EXE DeskBar uninstall program
- DBREMOVE.INF DeskBar uninstall information file
- COMPS.DBX DeskBar components
- SHELL.DBX DeskBar shell extension library
- SAMPLE.BAR sample bar
- DBTIPS.TXT tips file
- ORDER.TXT order form
- README.TXT this file
- DeskBar will only run on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 and later versions.
- Uninstalling DeskBar
- --------------------
- To uninstall DeskBar, run the "Add/Remove Programs" applet in Control Panel.
- Select "DeskBar" from the list and click the "Add/Remove" button.
- Registration
- ------------
- See the file ORDER.TXT for full registration information.
- Contacting Burrell Software Enterprises
- ---------------------------------------
- Burrell Software Enterprises
- 4718 Millhaven Dr. SE
- Kentwood, MI 49548
- Web URL: www.iserv.net/~burrell
- Internet: burrell@iserv.net
- CompuServe: 71163,2001
- Thank you for checking out DeskBar!