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- Cloning Outlawed in Europe
- Monorail Accident Kills 800
- Rioting Continues in Asia
- Speed Limit Lowered to 80
- Neon Flu Devastates Berlin
- Mars Mission Still Silent
- Lunar Cities Protest New Tax
- L5 Accident Slows Project
- Hurricane Sweeps Union Territory
- Retro Bomber Claims 3 More
- 'Spring Legs' Wins Arizona Derby
- 'Mad Chicken' Syndrome Spreads
- Hong Kong / Taiwan Merger Delayed
- Christian Republic Executes Heretics
- Money-Mart Indicted for Fraud
- Bob Law Files Class Action
- Militia Free States Claim AgriBomb
- Pope Holds Mass In Exile
- Fortune 500 Increase Military
- Experts Give Australia 40 Years
- Holistic Cybernetics Debunked
- Ecotopia Prime Guru Elected
- British Martial Law Relaxed
- Spacecraft Uncovered in Sudan
- Cuba Denies Nuclear Testing
- Cancer Cure on Horizon
- Cold Cure Declared Hoax
- Russian Visas Revoked
- Chilean Ballet Held on Drug Charges
- Series IV Cluster Bombs Recalled
- Enterprise Zone Posts Record Highs
- Eat at Joe's Diner
- Buy STINKY Soap! It's Pungeant
- Use Flouridated Toothpaste
- Trust the Psi-Corps...
- BOOZE makes you Strong!
- Buy LOTS of War Bonds
- Gooey(TM) Hair Gel RULES!
- BEEF! It's Not Just For Breakfast
- Come to Al's Used Hovercraft
- 58% Low Financing for Starters
- Join The Space Marines!
- 'Exterminator 12' is Action Packed!
- Hickup Chili is Scrummy
- Smoke Anytime(TM) Cigarettes
- Try Oppenheimers WarChest
- PORK! The Other White Meat
- SHARK! The Other Other White Meat
- You MUST See 'Rocky vs Jason'
- Ooiisshhiiii Ddeessuu
- Arcotop Cafe: Elegant Dining
- HepTalk B-Ball Honder Scriven
- Move To The Colony Worlds
- Need Insurance? Call Money-Mart
- Need A Will? Call Money-Mart
- Need Bail? Call Money-Mart
- Need A Load? Call Money-Mart
- Work Injury? Call Bob Law
- Car Accident? Call Bob Law
- Bad Implants? Call Bob Law