Chip Hitware 9
Text File
50 lines
Shortcuts and Hints
Several shortcuts have been built into CD-Runner to help an experienced user
more quickly navigate through screens and options. One of the biggest shortcuts
involves the mouse; although you can use the pulldown menus and/or command
buttons to access everything in CD-Runner, a faster and more efficient way is
to click directly on the item or "hotspot" on the screen.
For example, in the Audio CD player you may click on the Menu button and then
click on the CD Jacket button to select a desired display type, or you may
left-click the mouse on either the CD Jacket text in the music calendar window
or directly on the display itself to directly bring up the display selection box,
saving a step in the process.
Another useful hotspot is the Audio CD and CD-ROM Runner disc drawers; simply
left-click the mouse on this hotspot to eject the audio CD or CD-ROM. Note that
you can easily identify the hotspots by bringing up the CD-Runner help module
(press function key F1 anywhere in CD-Runner to see context-sensitive help).
Simply move the mouse to the different parts of the faceplates and a pop-up
help box will display the hotspot and its function. You can also identify a
hotspot while any CD-Runner faceplate is displayed by observing the mouse
pointer change from the standard pointer to either a cross (16-bit version) or
a hand icon (32-bit version).
Note that both left AND right mouse clicks are available on some hotspot areas.
To conserve Windows 3.x resources and memory for use with other applications,
use the "on-top" (floating icon) option. This can be set in the CD-Runner Setup
section. When you are finished using CD-Runner but wish to have quick access
later, exit CD-Runner but leave the floating icon on top. This will free up the
memory and resources used by the main CD-Runner module and leave only a
small (3% or less resources required) CD-Runner launcher active. When you
wish to run CD-Runner again, simply left-click on the floating icon.
If you are using the "on-top" floating icon option, and if it is visible on
the top bars or bottom of the screen (change position by right-clicking on the
floating icon), then do not click on the CD-Runner icon in the CD-Runner
Applications Group. Left click directly on the floating icon instead to run
CD-Runner. This will prevent the small program which launches CD-Runner to
be loaded multiple times.
Use of the floating icon with Windows 95 is both redundant (due to the new
task bar which accomplishes the same function) and not necessary due to
far better resource "headroom".