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- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
- / EasyCD2, Version 3.00 \
- \ (C) Copyright 1997, Greg Leichner, All rights reserved. /
- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
- May, 1997
- What's New in EasyCD2 v3.00
- ---------------------------
- New Features in EasyCD2:
- 1) NT 4.0 support. EasyCD2 now works on Windows 95 and
- Windows NT 4.0.
- 2) Full integrated Windows help. All online documentation
- is now in Windows help format including popup help for
- the properties and options dialogs.
- 3) Multiple CD-ROM support. EasyCD2 will now keep track
- of all CD-ROM drives in the system.
- 4) CD-ROM changer support. CD-ROM changers are supported
- under both Windows95 and Windows NT 4.0 based on proper
- CD-ROM driver implementation.
- 5) Random mode can cross multiple drives. EasyCD2 can play
- a track on one drive and then randomly pick the next
- track from all audio CD's in the drives.
- 6) Volume control on CD Control Panel can now control any
- any volume mixer, i.e. main volume, CD volume, etc.
- 7) CD Control Panel now can display the CD title information
- or the time and drive status.
- 8) The EasyCD2 CD database is now stored in it's own files
- instead of in registry. This could probably be put in the
- 'Bugs Fixed' list, but I see it as a feature. ;)
- 9) Auto server list download. EasyCD2 will automatically
- download the most current Internet CDDB server list. It
- will never have an out dated server list again.
- 10) Auto category list download. EasyCD2 will automatically
- download the most current CDDB category list. This list
- is not anticipated to change, but if it does...
- 11) CD entries can now include arbitrarily long 'extended'
- information for each CD and for each track. This can be
- used for information on conductors, composers, or
- lyrics.
- 12) CDDB revision number tracking (this is maintained
- internally for the Internet CDDB Servers to keep track
- of updates to titles).
- 13) CD Control panel now displays current CD-ROM drive.
- 14) Optional interactive popup status dialog.
- 15) New exit options for leaving EasyCD2 running even if there
- are no CD's in the drive(s).
- 16) Query and submit operations can now be started from the
- main menus.
- 17) Can start CD Database Manager directly from the main
- menus.
- What's New In The CD Database Manager:
- 1) CD Database Manager now uses a more sophisticated 'list
- view'. You can sort the list by ID, artist or title by
- selecting the column header, just like in the Explorer.
- 2) CD Database Manager shows entry source (Manual or CDDB)
- and submitted flag. The submitted flag shows that you
- have previously submitted the entry to CDDB.
- 3) CD Database Manager now has a built in backup and restore
- options. Now it is easy to backup the CD database so you
- can restore it later if you need to reload windows.
- Bug Fixes:
- 1) Fixed problem displaying '&' in popup menus. Previously,
- track titles that had an '&' in them would display them
- as '_' in the popup menus.
- 2) Installation script now has double quotes in the paths
- for correct operation with long file names.
- 3) Previous track button now re-starts current track with a
- single click and goes to previous track with a double
- click just like a real CD player.
- 4) Fixed the processing for a CDDB fuzzy response that
- sometimes caused the inability to download the selected
- entry (this would sometimes cause an infinite loop of
- fuzzy responses).
- 5) Editing of an track title in the properties dialog
- now behaves better with cut and pastes.
- 6) Only one copy of EasyCD2 can run at a time.
- 7) Improved local CDDB query accuracy. The increased size
- of the local database was causing occasional incorrect
- lookups in the local database. The increased accuracy
- is, of course, at the expense of decreased a success
- rate.
- What Was New In Previous Versions
- ---------------------------------
- New Features In Version 2.20:
- 1) New CD database manager program. This new
- add-on program to EasyCD2 provides for "off-line"
- viewing and editing of entries in the EasyCD2
- database. The database manager also allows you to
- export the CD entries to a standard "comma-delimited"
- text file for import into just about any commercial
- database program.
- 2) New time display options. You can now select from
- four time display options for the CD Control Panel
- and tray tip displays. These are: track time elapsed,
- track time remaining, disc time elapsed, disc time
- remaining.
- 3) Enhanced introduction play mode options. A new
- option has been added allow you to automatically
- play the middle of each track for a specified period
- of time.
- 4) The track times and CD total play time are now
- stored in EasyCD2's database. This allows the user
- to view the CD times in the CD database manager
- and export the times along with the title information.
- 5) The popup menu available on the CD Control Panel
- now has more of the menu options that were
- previously only available from the tray icon menu.
- This allows the user to perform the same operations
- from either menu.
- 6) The CDDB server list has been updated to reflect the
- most recent list of active CDDB servers. The changes
- are listed below:
- New Servers
- smurfy.tcimet.net - East Lansing, MI, USA
- cddb.dartmouth.edu - Hanover, NH, USA
- cddb.westel.hu - Hungary
- Removed Servers
- cddb.delphi.com - Lowell, MA, USA
- Bug Fixes In Version 2.20:
- 1) Repaired the CDDB ID generation in EasyCD2.
- Previous versions of EasyCD2 generated incorrect
- CDDB ID's for many CD's. This has been corrected in
- this version.
- Please read important announcements about EasyCD2
- version 2.21 in the file 'Notice.txt'.
- 2) Fixed a couple of file content errors in the entries
- submitted to CDDB from EasyCD2.
- Please read important announcements about EasyCD2
- version 2.21 in the file 'Notice.txt'.
- 3) When toggling the CD Control Panel "Always On
- Top" attribute, you previously needed to exit and
- restart EasyCD2 for the change to take effect. This
- has been fixed.
- 4) All popup dialogs now have appropriate tab orders
- set for all components.
- New Features In Version 2.10:
- 1) Full support for the remote CDDB server "fuzzy" search.
- This greatly increases the success rate for finding your
- particular pressing of a CD. EasyCD2 displays a new dialog
- when the CDDB server returns that a possible match was found.
- The dialog displays the list of possible matches. You select
- the CD you are currently playing from the list and EasyCD2
- retrieves the information for that CD from the CDDB server.
- 2) The "CD Control Panel" now contains a fully integrated volume
- control. No more looking around someplace else when you
- really want to crank it up for your favorite song! In
- addition to the volume control, EasyCD2 has a small volume
- indicator AND if you click on the volume indicator it's a
- "Mute" button!
- 3) Improved tray icon functions. You can now use the tray icon
- for selecting the next and previous tracks in addition to
- being able to pause the CD. A single-click on the icon is
- Pause, a double-click is Next Track and a triple-click is
- Previous Track.
- 4) A new exit option. This option allows you to either stop
- the CD player when you exit EasyCD2 or to leave the CD
- playing.
- 5) Enhanced Introduction Play mode. The Introduction Play
- mode now has unlimited offset and unlimited duration
- settings.
- 6) The CD control panel has a new improved layout to include
- the volume controls and also has new easier to see buttons.
- Bug Fixes in Version 2.10:
- 1) The CDDB server error: "Server handshake error #500" has
- been fixed. This was caused by Windows95 user names or
- computer names that had spaces in them, such as
- "Greg H. Leichner" or "My Computer".
- 2) Various errors connecting to some SMTP servers have been
- fixed. EasyCD2 is now compatible with the vast majority of
- SMTP protocol implementations.
- 3) The problem when initially connecting to the CD player(s)
- that resulted in the message "Unable to find audio cd on
- any players in system." or the message "CD player has
- already been opened by another application. Exit the other
- application before running EasyCD." has been fixed.
- 4) The CD Information dialog now behaves better when typing in
- the track titles. The 'Enter' key can now be used to complete
- the current track entry, and it will the automatically go to
- the next track. No more: type, type, type, grab mouse, click,
- back to keyboard, type, type, type.