These concern the possible relationships between two themes: especially the emotional relationship , but also those on the social, intellectual and spiritual levels.
\3. Inter-planetary aspects
\3.1 Sun
\3.1.1 Sun - Sun
Positive aspect: It's an excellent aspect for a union because the two people go remarkably well together. They are made to understand each other, to complement each other and to support each other.
\3.1.2 Sun - Sun
Negative aspect: Certainly enough conflict to ruin a whole day, if not a whole life. If at first the relationship is charming and agreeable, it will quickly end up disharmonious and life together will become unbearable.
If one of the two does not make an effort, or does not find a compromise, it leads irrevocably to a breakup.
\3.1.3 Sun - Moon
Positive aspect: It's an excellent aspect for a union: they are made to go well together, to understand, appreciate, love and complement each other.
\3.1.4 Sun - Moon
Negative aspect: Here there are definitely conflicts and arguments in prospect. The partner is really too selfish, which is hard to support in day-to-day life. To see each other two days a week is quite enough.
\3.1.5 Sun - Mercury
Positive aspect: Good understanding between the two persons and intellectual interests in common, the same type of curiosity. They are made to go well together, to appreciate each other.
\3.1.6 Sun - Mercury
Negative aspect: Lack of understanding between the two persons. They do not have the same intellectual interests, the same tastes, as a result of which they have problems in understanding each other. This could lead to conflicts, lies, etc.
\3.1.7 Sun - Venus
Positive aspect: It's an excellent aspect. They go well together, they love each other, and feel good, happy and radiant in each other's company.
\3.1.8 Sun - Venus
Negative aspect: The two persons are drawn towards each other, but the union is unstable, because there will inevitably be division, probably through misunderstanding on the sexual level, which may frustrate the partner.
\3.1.9 Sun - Mars
Positive aspect: Pure sexual attraction will unite the couple. They will have an ideal partner. They will be energetic, full of life and can undertake things together on the professional level or travel together on adventurous, unpredictable journeys.
\3.1.10 Sun - Mars
Negative aspect: Here is a couple which will have frequent disputes. Finding it impossible to speak calmly, they will always be aggressive towards each other. Conflict is caused because they both want to dominate the other.
They cannot live on the basis of mutual understanding. The man is the type who lays down the law, gives orders, makes decisions and the woman is independent type, who cannot stand being limited, taking orders - the more so from her partner.
\3.1.11 Sun - Jupiter
Positive aspect: Here is a couple you like to be with. They are charming, agreeable and know how to entertain their friends generously and warmly.
They go well together, and love each other in a discrete and sincere way, and appreciate the joys of life together.
\3.1.12 Sun - Jupiter
Negative aspect: While they get on well when they first meet, sharing the same ideas and tastes, with the years their ideas change and they do not develop in the same way.
They will no longer understand each other and could split up because they no longer love each other, have nothing more in common.
\3.1.13 Sun - Saturn
Positive aspect: Here is a couple you can call stable. They will lead their life together quietly, with friendship slowly replacing love. Saturn will dominate the Sun - as is only natural - but the Sun might find this difficult to accept.
In any case, as the Sun likes to feel secure, Saturn is a perfect partner.
\3.1.14 Sun - Saturn
Negative aspect: They are certainly not made to live together. Saturn is too harsh, rigid and likes tranquility too much for the Sun. Neither will feel happy in this relationship.
\3.1.15 Sun - Uranus
Positive aspect: The Sun will be enriched by this relationship with Uranus, which will lead to the discovery of a new world, original and full of change.
They will go well together, but Uranus is unstable and certainly too independent to enter into marriage.
\3.1.16 Sun - Uranus
Negative aspect: Here is an aspect that speaks against any long-term understanding.
An the beginning, they will appreciate each other a lot, and will have pleasure in being together but, quite quickly, this life will become unbearable with disputes, conflicts and crying replacing love.
\3.1.17 Sun - Neptune
Positive aspect: They will be greatly attracted by each other, not necessarily physically. With the problems of everyday life, this love will vanish and each will no longer understand what they found so attractive in the other.
\3.1.18 Sun - Neptune
Negative aspect: The Sun will probably suffer in this relationship. Neptune may deceive the other, lie, will promise a fantastic future that only exists in the imagination. Neptune will not be able to live up to these dreams.
\3.1.19 Sun - Pluto
Positive aspect: It's love-at-first-sight, the great passion; they will be drawn to each other like two magnets, they will always have to see and touch each other. Very good sexual understanding, typically very passionate.
It must be said that this type of relationship won't last forever, it won't develop into a quiet and tender love and even less so into friendship. One will suffer when the passion of the other dies, it will be a very difficult time to live through.
\3.1.20 Sun - Pluto
Negative aspect: A great physical attraction will unite the couple, but these relationships are not healthy. Pluto tries to change the Sun, which is not at all appreciated, and this leads to sometimes violent conflict.
\3.1.21 Sun - Lilith
Positive aspect.
\3.1.22 Sun - Lilith
Negative aspect.
\3.1.23 Sun - Lunar node
Positive aspect: Each has confidence in the other. They are made to understand each other and live together, they will help each other throughout life.
\3.1.24 Sun - Lunar node
Negative aspect: A great attraction for each other will make them try to live together, but life together will be difficult and full of pitfalls.
\3.1.25 Sun - Ascendant
Positive aspect.
\3.1.26 Sun - Ascendant
Negative aspect.
\3.1.43 Sun - Midheaven
Positive aspect.
\3.1.44 Sun - Midheaven
Negative aspect:
\3.2 Moon
\3.2.3 Moon - Moon
Positive aspect: They know exactly how to interpret the other person, to see how they feel, to understand them.
\3.2.4 Moon - Moon
Negative aspect: Life will not be easy for this couple, because they will develop in opposite directions and will have difficulty understanding each other.
\3.2.5 Moon - Mercury
Positive aspect: Ideal aspect for a couple, they will have lots of interests and projects in common, they will understand each other perfectly, feeling what the other feels.
\3.2.6 Moon - Mercury
Negative aspect: They will have problems understanding each other on an everyday basis, their interests and preoccupations will be different, sometimes conflicting. Rows will result.
\3.2.7 Moon - Venus
Positive aspect: They get on together very well, be it on the intellectual or the emotional level. They love to be together and appreciate each other's company.
\3.2.8 Moon - Venus
Negative aspect: They are attracted to one another, have pleasure in being together, but conflicts could arise perhaps because of unfaithfulness.
\3.2.9 Moon - Mars
Positive aspect: Great physical passion and, as with every passion of this type, there are storms in the air.
\3.2.10 Moon - Mars
Negative aspect: Passions that could well lead to conflicts, even violent ones not only verbal but also, unfortunately, sometimes physical.
\3.2.11 Moon - Jupiter
Positive aspect: They go well together, understand and have confidence in each other, develop side-by-side in the same way, and will have many joint projects. They will have a happy family, where their children will grow up in a pleasing atmosphere.
\3.2.12 Moon - Jupiter
Negative aspect: They go well together, but will have emotional problems throughout their life together.
A life together that will be stormy and with its bright spots - sometimes really bright - but they will stay together because they are nevertheless made to understand each other.
\3.2.13 Moon - Saturn
Positive aspect: They will lead their lives together, with the Moon bringing fantasy to Saturn, who is sometimes too austere but whose other qualities (which the Moon does not possess) are appreciated.
Two people whose difference in character is made to complement each other.
\3.2.14 Moon - Saturn
Negative aspect: Planetary aspect that does not augur well for a life together, it will bring disappointment.
\3.2.15 Moon - Uranus
Positive aspect: They will be very attracted to each other. They will have a life together that will be far from monotonous, sometimes quite out of the ordinary, thanks to Uranus.
A life certainly full of surprises and not always agreeable for one of the two.
\3.2.16 Moon - Uranus
Negative aspect: Not favorable for a union, very unstable and not lasting.
\3.2.17 Moon - Neptune
Positive aspect: An almost magical bond will unite them. Perfect harmony.
\3.2.18 Moon - Neptune
Negative aspect: This union will be full of illusions and disappointments. They will find it difficult to understand each other. Unfaithfulness and lies are on the agenda.
\3.2.19 Moon - Pluto
Positive aspect: An uncontrollable great passion which might be a nuisance, as it totally lacks thought or control. Jealousy, possessiveness, absolute need of the other's presence 24 hours out of 24.
Needless to say, this type of relationship is not able to last.
\3.2.20 Moon - Pluto
Negative aspect: Great physical attraction, uncontrolled passion, possessiveness, jealousy and suffocation. This relationship is very negative because it is destructive, even fatal. Problems on the sexual level.
It will be very difficult to get over this relationship, if it is possible to get over it.
\3.2.21 Moon - Lilith
Positive aspect:
\3.2.22 Moon - Lilith
Negative aspect.
\3.2.23 Moon - Lunar node
Positive aspect: A strong attraction will link the two people. They will marry.
\3.2.24 Moon - Lunar node
Negative aspect: Difficult marital and family ties.
\3.2.25 Moon - Ascendant
Positive aspect.
\3.2.26 Moon - Ascendant
Negative aspect.
\3.2.43 Moon - Midheaven
Positive aspect.
\3.2.44 Moon - Midheaven
Negative aspect.
\3.3 Mercury
\3.3.5 Mercury - Mercury
Positive aspect: Favorable for all types of communication.
\3.3.6 Mercury - Mercury
Negative aspect: Not favorable for communication.
\3.3.7 Mercury - Venus
Positive aspect: A relationship which will be agreeable, they will like to speak to each other, have a good intellectual understanding, their tastes will be very similar, they will like to share their feelings with each other.
\3.3.8 Mercury - Venus
Negative aspect: Their relationship will sometimes be agreeable, sometimes disturbed.
They will like to share their ideas which are not always to the other's taste, so that they may have interminable discussions in order to convince each other of their mistakes, lack of judgement or lack of taste.
\3.3.9 Mercury - Mars
Positive aspect: They have been well selected. They understand each other, like to discuss things with each other and take joint initiatives. Great intellectual understanding.
\3.3.10 Mercury - Mars
Negative aspect: Lots of problems can be foreseen for this couple, lacking in understanding, with ideas that are too different - and this leads to disputes. They are not made for each other.
\3.3.11 Mercury - Jupiter
Positive aspect: An ideal couple, prosperous, happy, good intellectual understanding, great confidence in each other, a successful family life.
\3.3.12 Mercury - Jupiter
Negative aspect: Not always the best of unions. They don't always share the same ideas, their tastes are different and this leads to a few tense moments due to lack of understanding.
\3.3.13 Mercury - Saturn
Positive aspect: If Mercury is looking for a mother or father in the spouse, then this aspect is very favorable. Saturn will give a lot on the intellectual level and in life in general.
\3.3.14 Mercury - Saturn
Negative aspect: Mercury will find it difficult to tolerate Saturn.
\3.3.15 Mercury - Uranus
Positive aspect: No clouds in this couple's life. They have a good intellectual understanding, take pleasure in being together, in discussing and exchanging ideas.
\3.3.16 Mercury - Uranus
Negative aspect: There is no intellectual understanding, these two people do not understand each other. If they insist on living together, there will be disputes and insupportable tension.
\3.3.17 Mercury - Neptune
Positive aspect: Good spiritual understanding.
\3.3.18 Mercury - Neptune
Negative aspect: This relationship can only bring illusions, and therefore also disappointments will follow. These two people can never understand each other and if they insist on living together, it will be with lies and deception.
\3.3.19 Mercury - Pluto
Positive aspect: Favorable union.
\3.3.20 Mercury - Pluto
Negative aspect: This union is not to be recommended, it can be destructive and dangerous.
\3.3.21 Mercury - Lilith
Positive aspect:
\3.3.22 Mercury - Lilith
Negative aspect.
\3.3.23 Mercury - Lunar node
Positive aspect: Favorable union, intellectual understanding, similar tastes and interests.
\3.3.24 Mercury - Lunar node
Negative aspect.
\3.3.25 Mercury - Ascendant
Positive aspect.
\3.3.26 Mercury - Ascendant
Negative aspect.
\3.3.43 Mercury - Midheaven
Positive aspect.
\3.3.44 Mercury - Midheaven
Negative aspect.
\3.4 Venus
\3.4.7 Venus - Venus
Positive aspect: Very good aspect for a successful union. Love, gaiety, understanding, everything for getting on well together.
\3.4.8 Venus - Venus
Negative aspect: A union unlikely to last.
\3.4.9 Venus - Mars
Positive aspect: This is a union that is particularly based on physical understanding, passionate love.
\3.4.10 Venus - Mars
Negative aspect: A love that is particularly based on physical understanding, a passionate love with all its negative sides: possessiveness, jealousy, aggressiveness. Such a union is unlikely to last.
\3.4.11 Venus - Jupiter
Positive aspect: This union will be completely successful. A couple that is happy to be alive, and to live together, with a pleasant family and home, total confidence in each other (and with reason), intellectual understanding, similar tastes.
\3.4.12 Venus - Jupiter
Negative aspect: A life together that will be very difficult, with intellectual misunderstandings, diametrically opposed tastes, different ideas.
\3.4.13 Venus - Saturn
Positive aspect: This union could be favorable and lasting, if Venus is really looking for a Saturn.
\3.4.14 Venus - Saturn
Negative aspect: Unfavorable union, as it will be very difficult for a Venus to put up with a Saturn who is too austere, cold, hides their feelings and puts Venus ill-at-ease.
\3.4.15 Venus - Uranus
Positive aspect: Union or love will be very strong, not at all intellectual, but sensual and full of romanticism and originality.
\3.4.16 Venus - Uranus
Negative aspect: A meeting that can only be passing and highly disappointing.
\3.4.17 Venus - Neptune
Positive aspect: Favorable union, they have the same artistic tastes in common, their life will sometimes be full of fantasy.
\3.4.18 Venus - Neptune
Negative aspect: The attraction is certainly there, but the relationship will only last a short time. Venus misunderstands the other and will, without a doubt, be the only one who really is in love. Neptune will be unfaithful.
\3.4.19 Venus - Pluto
Positive aspect: Great passionate affair, most certainly not lasting but pleasant to experience, whatever about the future.
\3.4.20 Venus - Pluto
Negative aspect: A very strong passion but destructive, to be avoided if at all possible.
\3.4.21 Venus - Lilith
Positive aspect:
\3.4.22 Venus - Lilith
Negative aspect.
\3.4.23 Venus - Lunar node
Positive aspect: The union will be most pleasant, with a good intellectual and physical understanding. These two will love each other sincerely and will have confidence in each other. Pleasant family life.
\3.4.24 Venus - Lunar node
Negative aspect: A relationship which won't work out well in time. Even if union is possible, it will not last long.
\3.4.25 Venus - Ascendant
Positive aspect.
\3.4.26 Venus - Ascendant
Negative aspect.
\3.4.43 Venus - Midheaven
Positive aspect.
\3.4.44 Venus - Midheaven
Negative aspect:
\3.5 Mars
\3.5.9 Mars - Mars
Positive aspect: A life together in which each will desire the other and satisfy each other's sexual needs. As neither is frustrated, the couple will develop in a pleasant atmosphere. They will do great things together.
\3.5.10 Mars - Mars
Negative aspect: Life together, if this happens, will be full of aggression and conflict.
\3.5.11 Mars - Jupiter
Positive aspect: The couple will be in harmony, even if they are different they complement each other perfectly and understand each other very well. They go well together.
\3.5.12 Mars - Jupiter
Negative aspect: They are too different to get on well together, they can never understand each other, and conflict and an aggressive atmosphere will result.
\3.5.13 Mars - Saturn
Positive aspect: A life together without any problems, love will develop into friendship, they will understand each other and go well together.
An indication that they will both be faithful.
\3.5.14 Mars - Saturn
Negative aspect: It is impossible for such a union to happen but, if it does, it will be unbearable.
\3.5.15 Mars - Uranus
Positive aspect: Favorable for union, linking originality to initiative and decision-making.
\3.5.16 Mars - Uranus
Negative aspect: It is impossible for such a union to happen but, if it does, it will only lead to violence and extreme aggression.
\3.5.17 Mars - Neptune
Positive aspect: A difficult union that can succeed, but could founder in lies. Be very careful.
\3.5.18 Mars - Neptune
Negative aspect: An unfavorable union, with lies, aggression, violence - each trying to destroy the other with the weapons at their disposal, strength against lying.
\3.5.19 Mars - Pluto
Positive aspect: Great physical passion.
\3.5.20 Mars - Pluto
Negative aspect: Sexual passion leading to destruction. It will be very difficult to pick oneself up after such a relationship. To be avoided at all costs, nothing agreeable can come of this union.
\3.5.21 Mars - Lilith
Positive aspect:
\3.5.22 Mars - Lilith
Negative aspect.
\3.5.23 Mars - Lunar node
Positive aspect: The union or love will last.
\3.5.24 Mars - Lunar node
Negative aspect: Passionate love, violence, jealousy, possessiveness. To be avoided.
\3.5.25 Mars - Ascendant
Positive aspect.
\3.5.26 Mars - Ascendant
Negative aspect.
\3.5.43 Mars - Midheaven
Positive aspect.
\3.5.44 Mars - Midheaven
Negative aspect.
\3.6 Jupiter
\3.6.11 Jupiter - Jupiter
Positive aspect.
\3.6.12 Jupiter - Jupiter
Negative aspect.
\3.6.13 Jupiter - Saturn
Positive aspect: A favorable union, a joyful family life, thanks to Saturn, this couple will never go lightly into any adventure but will work out and think through everything.
\3.6.14 Jupiter - Saturn
Negative aspect: Difficult relationship as a couple, the two being too different even to complement each other.
\3.6.15 Jupiter - Uranus
Positive aspect: This union can be favorable, if the two mutually respect each other. They both like their independence, their freedom of thought and action.
\3.6.16 Jupiter - Uranus
Negative aspect: An unfavorable union, nothing in common.
\3.6.17 Jupiter - Neptune
Positive aspect: A potential union. Look at the other aspects.
\3.6.18 Jupiter - Neptune
Negative aspect: Unlucky union.
\3.6.19 Jupiter - Pluto
Positive aspect: A possible union. Look at the other aspects to interpret exactly.
\3.6.20 Jupiter - Pluto
Negative aspect: A union to be avoided at all costs, it can only be destructive and dangerous.
\3.6.21 Jupiter - Lilith
Positive aspect:
\3.6.22 Jupiter - Lilith
Negative aspect.
\3.6.23 Jupiter - Lunar node
Positive aspect: They are made for each other. They go well together, have intellectual understanding and confidence in each other, a harmonious couple.
\3.6.24 Jupiter - Lunar node
Negative aspect: One dominates the other, and the latter cannot stand the situation for too long. If they do not break up, it is because they are too weak to make a decision, there will be permanent conflict.
\3.6.25 Jupiter - Ascendant
Positive aspect:
\3.6.26 Jupiter - Ascendant
Negative aspect.
\3.6.43 Jupiter - Midheaven
Positive aspect.
\3.6.44 Jupiter - Midheaven
Negative aspect.
\3.7 Saturn\3.7.13 Saturn - Saturn
Positive aspect.
\3.7.14 Saturn - Saturn
Negative aspect.
\3.7.15 Saturn - Uranus
Positive aspect: Favorable union, linking invention and originality with common sense and thoughtfulness. They might do great things together.
\3.7.16 Saturn - Uranus
Negative aspect: Complete mutual lack of comprehension. This relationship is to be avoided, or else countless conflicts will arise.
\3.7.17 Saturn - Neptune
Positive aspect: Favorable union. Neptune brings dreams to Saturn, who lacks them, and Saturn brings common sense to Neptune, who is totally without it.
\3.7.18 Saturn - Neptune
Negative aspect: Unlucky union.
\3.7.19 Saturn - Pluto
Positive aspect: Favorable union.
\3.7.20 Saturn - Pluto
Negative aspect: Unfavorable union, the relationship will be difficult and sometimes destructive. To be avoided.
\3.7.21 Saturn - Lilith
Positive aspect:
\3.7.22 Saturn - Lilith
Negative aspect.
\3.7.23 Saturn - Lunar node
Positive aspect: Favorable union, will help to achieve their ambitions.