The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual psyche.
\1.1.1 Sun In Aries
{He|She} has a strong personality and an entrepreneurial spirit. {He|She} is ambitious and self-willed, stubborn, obstinate and tenacious.
Weaknesses: nervousness, impulsiveness, wastefulness, provoking nature, restlessness and changeability.
\1.1.2 Sun In Taurus
{He|She} is strong-willed and conceited. {He|She} has charm, and is tolerant and stoical. {He|She} likes pleasure and the good things of Life. Appreciates the Arts.
Weaknesses: obstinacy, laziness. {He|She} is too materialistic, and is a snob. {He|She} is greedy and proud.
\1.1.3 Sun In Gemini
{He|She} is an opportunist. {He|She} can express {himself|herself} easily and learns quickly. {He|She} is welcoming and gentle. {He|She} likes travel and intellectual work.
Weaknesses: a changeable and diffuse nature. Wastes energy by doing too many things. {He|She} lacks persistence in achieving set goals.
\1.1.4 Sun In Cancer
{He|She} weighs words carefully and is tenacious. A calm and discreet nature, tender, thoughtful, sensitive and impressionable. {He|She} likes group life.
Weaknesses: {He|She} is humble, timid, changeable, indecisive, lazy, over-sensitive and prickly. Easily influenced by the family.
\1.1.5 Sun in Leo
{He|She} is masterful, likes authority, aspires towards an ideal. A little too pretentious and always wanting things. {He|She} likes to give advice. {He|She} is honest, frank, loyal, open and sincere.
Weaknesses: pride, vanity, arrogance, presumption and disdain of others.
\1.1.6 Sun in Virgo
{He|She} is ingenious, sharp customer, discerning, crafty, diplomatic. To the point and subtle in speech, {he|she} is a real diplomat.
Weaknesses: petty and over-critical. Over-attention to detail, nit-picking and fussy.
\1.1.7 Sun in Libra
{He|She} has a great need to be part of a group. {He|She} likes to mix with people and looks for partnerships. {He|She} likes and respects justice. {He|She} approves of society's values. {He|She} is level-headed and assimilates quickly.
Weaknesses: does not think enough, {he|she} is frivolous. A dilettante in love. {He|She} is easily swayed by group pressure.
\1.1.8 Sun in Scorpio
Physical energy and courage. Strong passions. Regeneration and improvement. Strong sexual powers.
Weaknesses: {He|She} is suspicious, defiant, extremist; {he|she} has a vindictive nature. Can turn violent.
\1.1.9 Sun in Sagittarius
{He|She} is good, idealistic, enthusiastic and warm-hearted. {He|She} is independent, has a taste for travel and freedom. {He|She} is pre-disposed to a professional career.
Weaknesses: {He|She} is too adventurous and leaves things to chance; takes risks which cause problems; {he|she} is rebellious and has a playful spirit.
\1.1.10 Sun in Capricorn
{He|She} is honest, reserved, circumspect, honorable and strong-willed. Quietly ambitious within the realms of the possible, {he|she} likes and takes on responsibility. {He|She} can work in the social domain.
Weaknesses: a bitter, hostile, disagreeable and mistrustful mind.
\1.1.11 Sun in Aquarius
{He|She} is independent, autonomous, emancipated and has progressive ideas.
Weaknesses: an unusual, rebellious and revolutionary spirit.
\1.1.12 Sun in Pisces
{He|She} is compassionate and sentimental. {He|She} likes isolated occupations: administration, archives, history. Spirit of self-sacrifice.
Weaknesses: tendency to be led astray, lack of experience or inability to apply experience practically. Lethargy, over-sensitivity and emotionalism.
\1.2 The Moon in the Signs
\1.2.1 Moon in Aries
{He|She} is autonomous, emancipated, courageous. Self-assured, with energetic activities. {He|She} is ambitious and enthusiastic.
Weaknesses: impulsiveness, domination, aggressiveness, great impetuousness. Constant changing of job.
\1.2.2 Moon in Taurus
Sweetness itself. Convinced of their ideas and strong-willed. {He|She} is foresighted and willful. {He|She} knows how to trust. {He|She} appreciates all the good things in Life. {He|She} likes and protects Nature.
Weaknesses: excesses in pleasure, laziness, sensuality, thoughtlessness.
\1.2.3 Moon in Gemini
Sharp intellect. {He|She} likes literature, adapts to all situations and social groups. Work in contact with the public, literary occupations, travel.
Weaknesses: lack of follow-up of ideas, indecision, goes back on decisions.
\1.2.4 Moon in Cancer
{He|She} is likeable and sociable. Very sensitive to environmental conditions and surroundings. {He|She} likes home, habits, comfort and {his|her} little world. Large families.
Weaknesses: subject to family circle, indolence, inertia. {He|She} is impressionable and too sensitive. Family problems.
\1.2.5 Moon in Leo
{He|She} is brave and knows how to take risks, has the courage of {his|her} convictions, is honest , imposing and sharp. {He|She} has a great sense of and respect for justice. Organizational sense. Selectivity in friends, but is not influenced by them.
Taste for splendor.
Weaknesses: changing and numerous affections. Emotional instability, pride.
\1.2.6 Moon in Virgo
{He|She} has a very good memory. Scientific or medical studies preferred above all others. {He|She} is humble and moderate, calm and reserved. Emotional discipline. {He|She} is willing to help, devoted and gentle.
Weaknesses: servile nature, frequent changes of occupation, gets annoyed, upset, worries. {He|She} is too shy.
\1.2.7 Moon in Libra
{He|She} is sociable and popular. Has good judgement, {he|she} is intelligent and reasonable. Likes social pleasures.
Weaknesses: instability in loving relationships, unfaithfulness, gives too much weight to the views of others and to public opinion.
\1.2.8 Moon in Scorpio
Courageous, brave, independent, not a fearful nature. {The type of man who is attracted to sensual erotic women.|The type of sensual woman who likes eroticism.}
Weaknesses: excesses of pleasures of the flesh, sensual delights and sensuality.
\1.2.9 Moon in Sagittarius
Likes to throw {himself|herself} into the unknown and into adventure; {he|she} is agile, tough and enthusiastic. Attracted to long voyages, to discover the unknown.
Weaknesses: takes great risks in throwing {himself|herself} into the unknown and into adventure. Audacious, bold and rebellious. Unable to stay in one place, is always ready to risk everything to achieve {his|her} goal.
\1.2.10 Moon in Capricorn
Fearful, taciturn, reserved. Attracted to politics. Has few friends because of reserved nature. Success comes by means of other people, who recognize {his|her} qualities.
Weaknesses: material worries, savings, restrictions. Does not get carried away by love.
\1.2.11 Moon in Aquarius
{He|She} is sociable, intelligent and lucid. Thanks to great sociability, {he|she} has many friends. {He|She} is modern, original, inventive, non-conformist and brings new life.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is eccentric, with sharp mood swings. Complex love life.
\1.2.12 Moon in Pisces
Imaginative, sharp insights. {He|She} is impressionable, with an abundant imagination. Multiple births.
Weaknesses: troubles caused by too much sentimentality, worries, problems, unhealthy imagination, nervousness.
\1.3 Mercury in the Signs
\1.3.1 Mercury in Aries
{He|She} argues, disputes, discusses, answers back. Lively mind which quickly understands a given situation. {He|She} is very resourceful and capable.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is impetuous, hot-headed, petulant. Impatient and hasty, which causes problems due to lack of foresight before acting.
\1.3.2 Mercury in Taurus
{He|She} is faithful to {his|her} ideas, unchangeable and opinionated, persistent, but discreet. Likes all the pleasures Life can offer. {He|She} is sometimes naive.
Weaknesses: stubborn, obstinate, withdrawn. Slow to react.
\1.3.3 Mercury in Gemini
Quick and alert mind. Suited to lengthy research. Likes changes and travel, {he|she} is always on the search for novelty. Likes movement and commotion. Facility with the spoken word. {He|She} likes writing.
Weaknesses: excitable in the extreme, mental strain.
\1.3.4 Mercury in Cancer
{He|She} adapts to every situation that arises, has a good understanding, is discerning and is full of insight. {He|She} is lucid and thinks things through. {He|She} likes to please and to create a good impression.
Weaknesses: strong tendency to be influenced by those around {him|her}. Of changeable and unstable ideas, {he|she} is quickly convinced by fine words, even if at the beginning {he|she} did not share the person's point of view.
\1.3.5 Mercury in Leo
Ambitious, sincere, loyal, friendly and full of good cheer. Great sense of organization. Likes children and leisure time.
Weaknesses: likes to play games too much and can go too far, in spite of {himself|herself}. Likes to play-act and do about-turns, which surprise and upset those concerned. Likes to take risks in jest and for amusement.
\1.3.6 Mercury in Virgo
{He|She} discusses, deduces and judges. {He|She} reasons logically and accurately.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is easily irritable and nervous. {He|She} tells off and criticizes. {He|She} is impulsive and manic.
\1.3.7 Mercury in Libra
With big ideas, {he|she} evaluates and weighs things up. Of good judgement, {he|she} expresses {himself|herself} clearly. Before coming to an opinion on a subject,
{he|she} listens to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up {his|her} own mind.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is happy-go-lucky and phlegmatic. The spouse can be unfaithful. Partnerships are unprofitable.
\1.3.8 Mercury in Scorpio
Plays on words, argues, criticizes, jokes, is ironical, mocks. {He|She} is crafty and always finds a solution to a problem.
Weaknesses: mocks, derides, disputes, constantly picks a quarrel. A really awkward customer.
\1.3.9 Mercury in Sagittarius
Democrat, philosopher, tolerant, respectful of laws. Likes foreign travel. Believes that everything teaches you something.
Weaknesses: free spirit, that likes adventure and will leap into hazardous and risky affairs.
\1.3.10 Mercury in Capricorn
Reflective, deep thinker; a fine and vivacious mind. Undertakes lengthy studies or, if circumstances do not allow, will teach {himself|herself}. A rational person.
Weaknesses: rancor, coldness, malice, and often a pessimist.
\1.3.11 Mercury in Aquarius
Likes everything that is new and original; is an innovator. Values {his|her} independence and liberty of action greatly. {He|She} initiates projects, {he|she} is individualistic, idealistic and humanitarian. Likes intellectual discussions.
Weaknesses: argumentative, bickering and eccentric.
\1.3.12 Mercury in Pisces
Fertile imagination, kind, good. Capable and flexible mind, but a little artificial.
Weaknesses: melancholy, gullibility. Tendency to illusions, fears and apprehensiveness.
\1.4 Venus in the Signs
\1.4.1 Venus in Aries
Brief passions, love as a "flash in the pan". Bursts of friendship or embracing of causes that cannot be justified or which turn out not to be what they promised at the start. Becomes drunk with love or passion. A spendthrift.
Weaknesses: fickleness, sudden passions, too swift and unconsidered flights of enthusiasm.
\1.4.2 Venus in Taurus
Amiability and fidelity. Likes to please and dress up. Earns a good living. {He|She} is generous but not extravagant. Affectionate, sensual and loving in nature, {he|she} likes the good things of Life, sensitive to beauty, melodious sounds, perfumes.
Love arrives slowly, without passion but with force. Love is lasting.
Weaknesses: indolence, laziness, immoderate taste for pleasures of Life, gambling, entertainment and luxury.
\1.4.3 Venus in Gemini
"Gift of the gab", always finds the right expression. A good talker, refined, with a love of the Arts. Two-sided in emotional affairs, flirtatious. Superficial emotions. Countless and inconstant love affairs. Likes to play love games.
Weaknesses: Instability and fickleness in love. Often goes too far in love because of the desire to flirt and play on the other person, who will often suffer - but that is not {his|her} problem. Inconstant in love, which is ephemeral;
{he|she} is unfaithful and can sometimes speak caustically.
\1.4.4 Venus in Cancer
{He|She} is affectionate, loves family life, the home, the nest, comfort. Fertile imagination, love of children, {he|she} is sociable and likes the country, nature. {He|She} is romantic, pleasant, at ease in relationships.
{He|She} always dreams of the "Great Love".
Weaknesses: changing emotions. The subject easily becomes attached to people, {he|she} is inconstant, extravagant, whimsical, always in pursuit of the impossible. Not an authoritative parent, avoiding family conflict for the quiet life.
\1.4.5 Venus in Leo
Sincere, frank and warm affections. {He|She} is full of tenderness. High hopes of love. {He|She} likes to live and satisfy {his|her} passions to the full. Protects and makes friends with those who can be useful.
Weaknesses: excess in pleasure and amusements. Haughty, boastful, pretentious; {he|she} is affected, and seduces for the sake of seducing to prove to {himself|herself} that {he|she} is attractive (this gets worse with age).
\1.4.6 Venus in Virgo
Gives help to sick and old people. {He|She} is very devoted, does not show emotions; {he|she} is prudish and never lets {himself|herself} go, either through fear of ridicule or through fear of not being loved in return as much as {he|she} loves.
Always suspects the feelings of others. {He|She} is therefore sometimes too undemonstrative, so the other (thinking {she|he} is not loved) will leave.
Weaknesses: likes to flirt and provoke. {He|She} is perfectly in command of {his|her} own feelings, which often lack passion or force. {His|Her} love is never for free but must automatically bring a bonus, be it only an intellectual pleasure.
\1.4.7 Venus in Libra
Happiness is found in marriage, living with another. {He|She} is devoted, tender, affectionate, gentle. Love is a matter of charm, rapture, delicacy. {He|She} cannot hide {his|her} love, but needs legal recognition.
{He|She} wants all the marriage rites.
Weaknesses: {he|she} likes to be worshipped, enjoys flattery and likes to be surrounded by {his|her} inner circle. This causes a few problems after marriage.
\1.4.8 Venus in Scorpio
Sensual and passionate, {he|she} likes love, the act of making love. Passionate loves, full of ardor and desire where the partner needs to be able to match {his|her} level or else recriminations will follow.
While being passionate, {he|she} is also jealous and possessive.
Weaknesses: if disappointed or deceived in love, {he|she} can become bitter and odious. {He|She} hates the person as much as {he|she} used to love. Only jealousy can be as strong as hate.
\1.4.9 Venus in Sagittarius
Open-heartedness, devotion, generosity, charity, altruism. {He|She} likes foreigners or {he|she} can find love abroad. Has problems with the family or with the society in which {he|she} lives.
{He|She} looks for affection, love far from the family circle or from the native country.
Weaknesses: {he|she} loves adventure and risk, and the unforeseen is always to be expected.
\1.4.10 Venus in Capricorn
Loves are sincere. {He|She} is basically attracted to those with problems, which complicates life because {he|she} takes on those people's problems. {His|Her} feelings are deep, stable, solid, definite.
{He|She} is not very expansive and can be melancholic.
Weaknesses: {he|she} has a tendency to hold back emotions, {he|she} is too reserved and is frightened of being disappointed in love.
\1.4.11 Venus in Aquarius
{He|She} likes flowery language; {he|she} is very sensitive and detests anything vulgar. {He|She} appreciates independence in love, but idealizes and embellishes it. {He|She} likes to please and will do whatever is necessary for this.
While always being frank, {he|she} is not always faithful.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is unfaithful, because {he|she} likes above all to please and will follow through to the end of any adventure that arises. Does not like barriers, likes liberty of action and does not like to account to anyone.
\1.4.12 Venus in Pisces
Very sentimental. {He|She} is easily moved. {He|She} is melancholic, romantic. When {he|she} loves, it is the most generous of loves.
Weaknesses: risky and confused loves, insane hopes.
\1.5 Mars in the Signs
\1.5.1 Mars in Aries
{He|She} is aggressive, offensive, impulsive, provoking. {He|She} is bold and adventurous.
Weaknesses: aggressiveness, boldness that can lead to violence, or to an accident, but certainly leads to problems.
\1.5.2 Mars in Taurus
{He|She} is a choleric type, loud-mouthed. {He|She} is masterful, dominates and imposes {himself|herself} forcefully. {He|She} carries on to the end of a goal, achieves it and undertakes another action with the same strong will and enthusiasm.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is tenacious and stubborn. The rages, which are usually restricted to words, are frightening.
\1.5.3 Mars in Gemini
{He|She} speaks a lot, likes to spar verbally, discussions, disputes, polemic, criticism.
Weaknesses: {he|she} scolds and declaims. Words can be bitter and aggressive.
\1.5.4 Mars in Cancer
{He|She} works relentlessly for the well-being of the family. All the aggressiveness is channelled in order to improve the conditions of life for the family, which is {his|her} foremost preoccupation. {He|She} rarely gets angry and never cries.
{He|She} controls {himself|herself} perfectly. That said, if someone, even a member of the family, goes too far then the anger is all the more impressive for being so uncommon.
Weaknesses: Domestic quarrels, discipline problems with children, house moves that are not necessarily an improvement.
\1.5.5 Mars in Leo
Combative strength. {He|She} always realizes {his|her} schemes. Can undertake big projects, conclude them successfully and receive the deserved rewards. {He|She} likes responsibilities and difficulties above all, and imposes {himself|herself} forcefully.
Weaknesses: Combative force can lead to violence if {he|she} thinks it necessary. {He|She} is bold, presumptuous, intrepid; {he|she} likes to face danger and can naturally have a few hiccups on the way.
\1.5.6 Mars in Virgo
Efficiency, deftness, flexibility, diligence but also ingenuousness.
Weaknesses: {he|she} can easily boil over and can get angry over a small detail that gets in the way .
\1.5.7 Mars in Libra
Aggression is quite simply repressed. {He|She} stores up the setbacks without letting it show, but too much can be difficult to support. Appreciates the Arts, beauty.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is quick to criticize the society in which {he|she} lives. {He|She} likes to please and plays on the affection of others.
\1.5.8 Mars in Scorpio
Aggressiveness can lead to a fight against society, the family, injustice in general and can sometimes be very violent.
{He|She} can be the leader of an organization or a union, but the aggressiveness can be directed towards self-destruction if it does not have an outlet. The latter is by no means certain, as it is difficult to contain without snapping.
Weaknesses: passion, rage, fanaticism, quarrels.
\1.5.9 Mars in Sagittarius
Fights against principles, society or a philosophy. Reasoning, ability to explain things, logic and debate.
Weaknesses: {he|she} goes to excess in the battle against moral or other principles. Has a somewhat revolutionary spirit, is intrepid but presumptuous.
\1.5.10 Mars in Capricorn
{He|She} is inflexible, rigid. {He|She} is very firm, controls {himself|herself}, observes and is very watchful. {He|She} has a great sense of responsibility.
Weaknesses: {he|she} has a vindictive character, is hard and bitter.
\1.5.11 Mars in Aquarius
{He|She} uses {his|her} aggressiveness in a social battle for freedom, or independence or adventure, but always linked to society. Likes adventure, independence. Disturbances, changes, upsets.
\1.5.12 Mars in Pisces
{He|She} is choleric, boils over, and easily gets exasperated. {He|She} has difficulty in controlling {himself|herself}.
Weaknesses: The constraints of society can provoke {him|her} to great anger. Religious extremists in particular can drive {him|her} insane. These rages can put {him|her} in very unpleasant situations.
\1.6 Jupiter in the Signs
\1.6.1 Jupiter in Aries
{He|She} is open, loyal, correct and honest. {He|She} is ambitious, of good character and likes being amused.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is often in a bad mood. Irritation, disagreement, rages.
\1.6.2 Jupiter in Taurus
{He|She} likes the good things in Life and knows how to profit from them. A high liver, but perhaps a little too greedy. {He|She} controls and administers {his|her} affairs, money well.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is a little too obsessed by increasing {his|her} material possessions, money. Has too great a desire to possess, to be powerful.
\1.6.3 Jupiter in Gemini
Very good education, {he|she} is also a good talker. {He|She} likes to travel, to write, to increase {his|her} knowledge.
Weaknesses: likes to puff {himself|herself} up with grandiose speeches or fine words. Does not listen to others but likes to be listened to.
\1.6.4 Jupiter in Cancer
Peaceful, calm nature. Fertile imagination. Likes home life and material comforts. A good cook, because {he|she} is relatively greedy and takes pleasure in conjuring up little things that are good to eat.
Weakness: {He|She} likes to eat too much, likes own home and comfort too much and has the tendency to be a stay-at-home, going out without any pleasure because home is always best.
\1.6.5 Jupiter in Leo
{He|She} is ambitious, wants to impose {himself|herself}, to be someone, while nonetheless having sincere and pure feelings.
Weaknesses: pride, haughtiness, arrogance.
\1.6.6 Jupiter in Virgo
{He|She} is methodical and practical. {He|She} likes order, organization and harmony. {He|She} can easily link everything together.
Weaknesses: {he|she} has a tendency to distrust {his|her} circle, does not trust people.
\1.6.7 Jupiter in Libra
A high liver with a sweet, attractive and sunny disposition. Likes justice, which {he|she} trusts. {He|She} knows how to forgive completely.
Weaknesses: {he|she} can have problems, because {he|she} gets involved in doubtful situations through trusting too much.
\1.6.8 Jupiter in Scorpio
{He|She} is provocative, brusque, offensive. Very pretentious and opinionated, with lots of authority and ambition. Possibility of a large family.
{He|She} is agreeable, seductive, engaging and generous.
Weaknesses: immoderate taste for sport and games.
\1.6.10 Jupiter in Capricorn
{He|She} has great professional aspirations. {He|She} likes to direct, organize. {He|She} is correct, virtuous, conscientious and worthy.
Weaknesses: without doubt too avaricious, eager for gain.
\1.6.11 Jupiter in Aquarius
Ambivalent feelings, generous, philanthropic. {He|She} is tolerant and indulgent.
Weaknesses: an idealist prone to rebel or revolt.
\1.6.12 Jupiter in Pisces
Strength, tenderness, devotion, charity, pity.
Weaknesses: lets {himself|herself} go, can sometimes be a social parasite.
\1.7 Saturn in the Signs
\1.7.1 Saturn in Aries
Exploration, investigation, research.
Weaknesses: defiance, uneasiness. {He|She} takes revenge and is indifferent.
\1.7.2 Saturn in Taurus
Slow but persistent in action. Perseverance of effort, assiduity, in a regular and set manner.
Weaknesses: {he|she} perseveres, insisting on {his|her} way but is intransigent. Not very expansive.
\1.7.3 Saturn in Gemini
{He|She} is systematic, ordered, meticulous. {He|She} is discerning and lucid. A scientific mind.
Weaknesses: problems with nearest and dearest, worries in moving or travelling.
\1.7.4 Saturn in Cancer
Invests more in {his|her} interior reality than in the outside world. {He|She} saves to buy property.
Weaknesses: melancholy and solitude. A solitude that is nevertheless welcome because {he|she} likes to stay peacefully at home.
\1.7.5 Saturn in Leo
In a position of authority, {he|she} likes responsibilities and assumes them. {He|She} receives favours from patrons, who recognize {his|her} merits or similarly receives honors in return for well-accomplished tasks.
Weaknesses: abuse of power, little feeling in the workplace.
\1.7.6 Saturn in Virgo
{He|She} likes order, harmony, method and balance. {He|She} can undertake long-term medical or scientific studies.
Weaknesses: {he|she} is intransigent, stubborn. Misuse of medicines, or asking for too much medicine.
\1.7.7 Saturn in Libra
Recognized for {his|her} seriousness, moral qualities. {He|She} is respectable, conscientious.
Weaknesses: not open to new ideas.
\1.7.8 Saturn in Scorpio
Observant, self-controlled, unforgiving, tough, methodical, a researcher, an investigator. Lots of courage, self-assurance and can keep {his|her} cool.
Weaknesses: makes no concessions or compromises. {He|She} can become a fanatic of a creed, a party, work or a religion.
\1.7.9 Saturn in Sagittarius
{He|She} has {his|her} own way of thinking about a subject, {he|she} has {his|her} own ideas about things. {He|She} respects society and its rules guide {his|her} conduct.
Weaknesses: hard, unforgiving, rigorous, insensitive and sometimes inhuman. A limited and narrow mind.
\1.7.10 Saturn in Capricorn
{He|She} is scrupulous, honest, correct, worthy and respectable.
Weaknesses: melancholy, sullenness, disappointment and bitterness.
\1.7.11 Saturn in Aquarius
Long-term studies and, if family circumstances do not allow this, {he|she} will teach {himself|herself}. {He|She} is serious and methodical in work. Likes to visit the elderly and intellectuals, who both enrich {his|her} mind.
Weaknesses: bad luck, adversity, problems and disappointed hopes.
\1.7.12 Saturn in Pisces
Misanthropic, with a sullen humor. {He|She} likes to live in solitude, in contemplation. Likes to work alone.
\1.8 Uranus in the Signs
\1.8.1 Uranus in Aries
Inventive, progressive and innovative mind. Likes {his|her} independence.
\1.8.2 Uranus in Taurus
Pig-headed, obstinate, strong-willed; not easily intimidated.
\1.8.3 Uranus in Gemini
Innovative, inventive and progressive mind.
\1.8.4 Uranus in Cancer
{He|She} is impressionable, ticklish and excitable.
\1.8.5 Uranus in Leo
{He|She} is self-contained, resolute, tenacious. Likes freedom of action and independence.
\1.8.6 Uranus in Virgo
Not a strong character. {He|She} is unstable but has good intuition. {He|She} is sometimes ingenious.
\1.8.7 Uranus in Libra
Well-developed artistic leanings. {His|Her} balance can be upset by too great an independence.
\1.8.8 Uranus in Scorpio
Intelligent and subtle. Adores research, inquiry, investigation. Very sensual.
\1.8.9 Uranus in Sagittarius
{He|She} is shy, delicate but proud, bold and lively.
\1.8.10 Uranus in Capricorn
A great battler. {He|She} has so much power, that one thinks nothing can defeat {him|her}. {His|Her} mission in society, in the world means everything to {him|her}.
\1.8.11 Uranus in Aquarius
Gets over-excited at the start of a task that interests {him|her}. {His|Her} debonair personality gives others a banal impression.
\1.8.12 Uranus in Pisces
{He|She} is receptive, subtle but reveals {himself|herself} when asked to become involved.
\1.9 Neptune in the Signs
\1.9.1 Neptune in Aries
Disturbances, ruptures.
\1.9.2 Neptune in Taurus
Artistic inspiration, likes all the good and beautiful things in Life.
\1.9.3 Neptune in Gemini
Enthusiasm, verve, imagination. Likes poetry.
\1.9.4 Neptune in Cancer
Lyrical enthusiasm, limitless imagination, delicacy and sensitivity.
\1.9.5 Neptune in Leo
{His|Her} generosity is shown by {his|her} charity and forgiveness. {He|She} is sociable.
\1.9.6 Neptune in Virgo
Whims, psychosomatic illnesses.
\1.9.7 Neptune in Libra
Likes the Arts, music, beautiful voices, poetry. Emotional, with fine feelings.
\1.9.8 Neptune in Scorpio
Investigation, inquiry, secrets.
\1.9.9 Neptune in Sagittarius
Likes long voyages, things foreign, water.
\1.9.10 Neptune in Capricorn
{He|She} is discerning, wise and sensible.
\1.9.11 Neptune in Aquarius
Generosity, likes to resolve problems in order to satisfy everyone.
\1.9.12 Neptune in Pisces
Likes to work alone, appreciates solitude.
\1.10 Pluto in the Signs
\1.10.1 Pluto in Aries
Violence, aggression.
\1.10.2 Pluto in Taurus
Great passions.
\1.10.3 Pluto in Gemini
Likes to torment those about {him|her}, because {he|she} is tormented.
\1.10.4 Pluto in Cancer
Pollutes the family atmosphere, destructive.
\1.10.5 Pluto in Leo
Gives {him|her} all {his|her} strength.
\1.10.6 Pluto in Virgo
Takes away {his|her} shyness.
\1.10.7 Pluto in Libra
Brings changes.
\1.10.8 Pluto in Scorpio
Great sexual activity.
\1.10.9 Pluto in Sagittarius
Great aspirations; sexuality and love are idealized.
\1.10.10 Pluto in Capricorn
Brings success.
\1.10.11 Pluto in Aquarius
\1.10.12 Pluto in Pisces
Many ideals.
\2. The planets in the houses
The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny.
\2.1 The sun in the houses
\2.1.1 Sun in I
Forceful personality. {He|She} is strong-willed, authoritarian. {He|She} is self-confident but is sometimes arrogant. Has a happy childhood. {His|Her} desire for self-development leads to success and {he|she} has a good professional job.
\2.1.2 Sun in II
Financial ambition. Lucrative job, {he|she} satisfies {his|her} needs, which are substantial. Moves money about a lot and sometimes spends recklessly.
\2.1.3 Sun in III
{He|She} has a good education, a solid grasp of facts. Socially successful, {he|she} wants to be known. {He|She} has a strong influence on {his|her} circle.
\2.1.4 Sun in IV
Influenced by the family, especially the mother. Proud, self-confident, {he|she} has faith in {his|her} future and is ambitious.
\2.1.5 Sun in V
Recreation, pleasure and games play an important part in life, but also bringing up children. The latter are the most important things in the world for {him|her} and {he|she} is prepared to make huge sacrifices for them.
\2.1.6 Sun in VI
Not much social ambition, {he|she} wants to work in the medical environment and progress step by step.
\2.1.7 Sun in VII
Marriage or living together with someone of superior intelligence.
\2.1.8 Sun in VIII
Financial problems ease after marriage.
\2.1.9 Sun in IX
Prolonged scientific research. High ideals. {He|She} is gifted for languages and it is even more interesting for {him|her} to live abroad. Professionally successful abroad.
\2.1.10 Sun in X
Successful career is guaranteed, but may sometimes come late.
\2.1.11 Sun in XI
Successful career thanks to support of patrons, friends or relations. Knows how to choose {his|her} circle.
\2.1.12 Sun in XII
Professional success in isolated occupations. Work in laboratories, scientific research, police, information services, hospitals.
\2.2 The moon in the houses
\2.2.1 Moon in I
Very sensitive. Fantasizes. {He|She} is easily frightened, {he|she} is fearful, shy, prudent and emotional.
\2.2.2 Moon in II
Very ingenious and inventive where earning money is concerned. Moves around, travels.
\2.2.3 Moon in III
Highly imaginative, but has difficulty in concentrating. {He|She} fantasizes sometimes. Important studies, moves around a lot and travels frequently.
\2.2.4 Moon in IV
{He|She} likes family life, peace and quiet; {he|she} likes to stay at home, surrounded by loved ones, in agreeable circumstances. Positively influenced by the mother.
\2.2.5 Moon in V
{He|She} likes pleasures, distractions of all sorts. Emotional life is rich. {He|She} loves children, and will have a lot. {He|She} will be self-taught.
\2.2.6 Moon in VI
Will never be a leader, but succeeds in being the right-hand of an important person. In most cases, {he|she} is an employee, worker etc. {He|She} likes the country, respects Nature and likes animals.
\2.2.7 Moon in VII
Marriage is very important for {him|her}, for better and for worse. Cannot stand being alone. Likes business relationships.
\2.2.8 Moon in VIII
{He|She} has a tendency to bad dreams. Possibly has romantic phantasies. Is interested in the occult.
\2.2.9 Moon in IX
Highly imaginative. Prolonged studies, is intuitive. Professionally successful abroad, or in import-export or as a diplomat. Contact with foreigners. Long journeys. Ability to learn foreign languages.
\2.2.10 Moon in X
Changes of situation. {He|She} is frightened of getting old and tends to hark back to the past. Influenced by the father. Success due to help from women.
\2.2.11 Moon in XI
Lots of friends, relationships. {He|She} makes friends easily and uses {his|her} relationships to further professional success. Feelings of friendship are superficial. Lots of children.
\2.2.12 Moon in XII
Curious and inquisitorial nature. {He|She} likes peace and quiet, being alone.
\2.3 Mercury in the houses
\2.3.1 Mercury in I
Lively, alert, penetrating and ingenious mind. {He|She} expresses {himself|herself} easily, is a born orator. {He|She} always looks on the bright side. Very adaptable.
\2.3.2 Mercury in II
Intelligence geared towards ways of making money, becoming rich. All methods are good, sometimes {he|she} is on the borderline of honesty, with a tendency to be fraudulent.
\2.3.3 Mercury in III
Deep studies. Adaptable. {He|She} is attracted to the Arts/letters. {He|She} knows how to share ideas. Moves around a lot professionally. {He|She} can easily keep many irons in the fire at the same time.
\2.3.4 Mercury in IV
Good education, {he|she} is cultivated, likes literature, family life and family relationships.
\2.3.5 Mercury in V
Taste for intellectual games, sports that require skill and finesse. {He|She} is very curious about everything, even in love. {He|She} likes children.
\2.3.6 Mercury in VI
Medical profession. Serviceable and generous nature. Meets their soul {sister|brother} at work, or (if not) through family contacts.
\2.3.7 Mercury in VII
Hates being alone. {He|She} has lots of friends, likes to discuss and similarly has a lot of work friends. Likes to write.
\2.3.8 Mercury in VIII
Has a fear of death, but who doesn't? {He|She} can be tormented at night. {He|She} likes research, investigation, enquiries. Studies well.
\2.3.9 Mercury in IX
{His|Her} thirst for knowledge is never satisfied. {He|She} is full of mental activity. {He|She} undertakes exhaustive studies, always studying for pleasure. Likes journeys to faraway places, and can go to live abroad.
\2.3.10 Mercury in X
{His|Her} home and comfort are the only things important for {him|her}. {He|She} is intelligent and speaks easily and cogently. Easily keeps many irons in the fire and concludes {his|her} activities. Moves house a lot for business reasons.
\2.3.11 Mercury in XI
{He|She} has lots of friends. {He|She} likes intelligent, cultivated people which whom {he|she} can have verbal battles; {he|she} likes debates, interminable discussions. {He|She} likes to be friends with younger people; friends come and go.
\2.3.12 Mercury in XII
{He|She} has difficulty expressing {himself|herself}, especially when young. Does not talk much, {he|she} does not speak for the sake of it. {He|She} works in remote and quiet places. {He|She} is discrete and philosophical.
\2.4 Venus in the houses
\2.4.1 Venus in I
Big-hearted. {He|She} is generous, altruistic, devoted, warm-hearted, lovable and sweet-tempered. {He|She} is drawn towards the Arts, music, song. {He|She} likes gatherings, parties. {He|She} has big emotional highs. Peaceful life in love.
\2.4.2 Venus in II
There is a link between emotional life and money. {He|She} is helped by friends or by a person to whom {he|she} is emotionally linked. Takes advantage of friendships for professional success. Activities connected with beauty, aesthetics, finery.
Danger: big spending.
\2.4.3 Venus in III
Likes everything that is beautiful, likes decorum. Outstanding intelligence. {He|She} works in a trade linked to beauty, fashion. Numerous select friends.
\2.4.4 Venus in IV
{He|She} is lucky enough to have many happy occasions all through life. Strong friendships which can effect the emotional life. {He|She} also makes a good marriage. Happy family life. Good work situation.
\2.4.5 Venus in V
{He|She} wants to succeed in love-life. {He|She} meets pleasant people and has very good friends, always without conflict. {He|She} likes amusements, parties. {He|She} has lots of children.
\2.4.6 Venus in VI
{He|She} is devoted to sick or poor people. Certainly works in a medical or social setting, where {he|she} meets their partner, who is a great help professionally.
\2.4.7 Venus in VII
{His|Her} fate depends a lot on marriage. Marries for love, children, happy emotional life.
\2.4.8 Venus in VIII
Not frightened by the unknown, death. {He|She} has a peaceful and happy end. Natural and late death. Possible inheritance.
\2.4.9 Venus in IX
Finds love abroad or marries a foreigner. Refined mind, {he|she} likes the Arts, is carried away by beautiful things. {He|She} is very happy abroad.
\2.4.10 Venus in X
{His|Her} best years are in the parental home and also the last years of life. That said, the rest are not unhappy, but contain certain hurdles. Love can help in professional life, {he|she} has a gift for seduction. {He|She} likes to entertain;
{he|she} likes comfort and the attractions of home-life.
\2.4.11 Venus in XI
Successful professional life in great part due to good relationships, friends or patrons. {He|She} finds love in the circle of friends.
\2.4.12 Venus in XII
{He|She} is devoted to sick or impoverished people. Can be in the medical or social professions. {He|She} likes animals, tranquility, peace and solitude. {He|She} has secret love affairs.
\2.5 Mars in the houses
\2.5.1 Mars in I
{He|She} gets angry and carried away a lot. {He|She} is provocative, impulsive, dynamic and bold. Great spirit of enterprise.
{He|She} has a great need of activity and throws {himself|herself} into projects without thinking of the consequences of possible setbacks, nor of the dangers that may arise.
\2.5.2 Mars in II
{He|She} undertakes daring and dangerous enterprises. {He|She} has lots of initiative. {He|She} works hard for {his|her} money, of which {he|she} earns a lot. {He|She} is a spendthrift, money comes and goes.
{He|She} is always ready to start from scratch in the event of a setback. Great willingness and enthusiasm.
\2.5.3 Mars in III
Lively spirit, alert and ingenious but sarcastic, critical, provocative. {He|She} is quarrelsome. Expresses {himself|herself} easily, does what {he|she} wants; success is at the end of the road. {He|She} is capable and acts quickly.
\2.5.4 Mars in IV
Quick decisions, {he|she} has a lot of things on {his|her} plate and wants to climb the social ladder. {He|She} will succeed through phenomenal work-rate. Stormy family life, where {his|her} aggressiveness shows itself.
\2.5.5 Mars in V
Spontaneous nature. {He|She} likes games, sometimes even violent sports. {He|She} takes professional risks. A great worker, {he|she} likes everything that can be done quickly, and detests things that hang around for a long time.
It is the same for {his|her} emotional life: no candy-floss or fine speeches, {he|she} gets directly to the point.
\2.5.6 Mars in VI
{He|She} works with great pleasure and flat out but meets with problems at work, where professional rivalry blocks {his|her} ideas and enjoyment.
\2.5.7 Mars in VII
{He|She} dominates {his|her} associates, colleagues. {He|She} is the same in love life, dominating the spouse and this makes for a stormy relationship in prospect.
\2.5.8 Mars in VIII
Sexually very powerful, {he|she} expends their energy badly. Arguments over inheritance.
\2.5.9 Mars in IX
Deeply rooted opinions, which {he|she} knows how to defend energetically. At a certain moment of life,
{he|she} can fight for a particular ideal but might abandon it along the way, being less convinced than at the beginning of its virtue or because {he|she} realizes that it is a losing battle. Conflict abroad or with foreigners.
\2.5.10 Mars in X
{He|She} devotes lots of energy to work, which continues till a great age. {He|She} is a dedicated worker, not afraid of getting down to it. {He|She} improves {his|her} living conditions. {He|She} can complete long-term tasks.
{He|She} is easily excitable, gets upset and in the same vein criticizes even {himself|herself}.
\2.5.11 Mars in XI
{He|She} achieves {his|her} ambitions. {He|She} is impulsive and presses on without thinking. {He|She} starts something new without necessarily finishing the last job.
{He|She} likes to dominate and lacks diplomacy where friends and professional relations are concerned.
\2.5.12 Mars in XII
All {his|her} energy is put into the work life. {He|She} loves research. {He|She} could be a lab worker, doctor, police officer, teacher specializing in hospital, prison or hospice work..
\2.6 Jupiter in the houses
\2.6.1 Jupiter in I
{He|She} is jovial, expansive, dynamic, kindly, altruistic. {He|She} has good judgement, is tolerant and likes food. {He|She} has a good education and a prosperous life.
\2.6.2 Jupiter in II
Easygoing over money matters, no credit problems, increases {his|her} inheritance. {He|She} earns good money, without too much effort. {He|She} enjoys what {he|she} has.
\2.6.3 Jupiter in III
{He|She} has good judgement, a sense of values, an open and optimistic mind, a good education and high moral standards. {He|She} likes studying. {He|She} is successful in communications work.
{His|Her} professional work is a vocation and plays a great part in {his|her} life.
\2.6.4 Jupiter in IV
{He|She} likes and believes in justice. {He|She} is an optimist and is generous. Professional success is rapid and helped by the family. Family life is very important for {him|her}. {He|She} likes comfort, well-being at home.
{He|She} knows how to entertain in style and above all with pleasure; {his|her} house is always open to friends.
\2.6.5 Jupiter in V
{He|She} likes games and distractions. {He|She} has passion which lights up {his|her} days. {He|She} is lucky in love, but also professionally, with pleasant working conditions and duties.
{He|She} loves {his|her} children and gets much enjoyment from them.
\2.6.6 Jupiter in VI
{He|She} has a responsible job in an organization. Dislikes working for {himself|herself}. {He|She} helps the sick and under-privileged with kindness. Probably overdoes the good life, {he|she} likes animals, the country.
\2.6.7 Jupiter in VII
{He|She} makes a good marriage, with a useful partner who helps to bring success if only by {her|his} advice. {He|She} never goes outside the bounds of legality.
\2.6.8 Jupiter in VIII
{He|She} is interested in the occult. {He|She} can work in a field associated with death e.g. as a funeral director. Marriage can help financially, the spouse having money.
\2.6.9 Jupiter in IX
Deeply intelligent, {he|she} is tolerant and sincere. Professional success can happen abroad or in connection with foreign countries. Faraway voyages are profitable.
\2.6.10 Jupiter in X
{He|She} cannot adapt to a humdrum or an uncertain life. {He|She} likes comfort. {He|She} can move towards a managerial position, of prestige. {His|Her} success follows on from that of the parents or in {his|her} home town.
\2.6.11 Jupiter in XI
{He|She} is cooperative, organizes everyone. {He|She} climbs the social ladder thanks to help from friends and acquaintances who are chosen, not for their qualities, but for the advantages they can bring. {He|She} achieves {his|her} objectives.
\2.6.12 Jupiter in XII
{He|She} is kindly, and does charity work. {He|She} is protected from life's rigors to which {he|she} is not immune, but {he|she} knows how to cope. {He|She} likes working in peace and alone.
\2.7 Saturn in the houses
\2.7.1 Saturn in I
{He|She} is methodical, patient, distrustful, polite. {He|She} speaks little and does not waste energy unnecessarily. {He|She} has a good memory and sense of organization, likes to do things well.
{He|She} is never slapdash and has a sense of responsibility.
\2.7.2 Saturn in II
If {he|she} is rich, will always give the impression of being in financial difficulties. If {he|she} is broke, {he|she} gives the same impression - this time with reason. {He|She} has difficulty earning money; {his|her} work is tiresome and laborious.
\2.7.3 Saturn in III
{His|Her} studies will be restricted. {He|She} is serious, discrete. {He|She} takes on mental tasks that require time and concentration. {He|She} travels little even though {he|she} likes it. {He|She} has few friends, who are, however, very close.
\2.7.4 Saturn in IV
{He|She} needs to be dominated. {He|She} has a sense of organization and accepts {his|her} responsibilities. {He|She} achieves {his|her} objectives in spite of slow progress, with many hurdles to overcome. {He|She} is persevering and patient.
\2.7.5 Saturn in V
{He|She} likes method, calculation, concentration. {He|She} is not drawn towards amusements, or pleasure in general. {He|She} has few friends, but has deep and sincere feelings. {He|She} is serious in everything.
\2.7.6 Saturn in VI
{He|She} is a worker, very steady in all {he|she} does. {He|She} likes precision, method. {He|She} is serious and likes continuity at work.
{He|She} can focus on a job in the medical field, where {he|she} will probably be successful, as {he|she} possesses all the necessary qualities.
\2.7.7 Saturn in VII
Relationships, marriage are not likely to be fruitful. {He|She} marries fairly late but {his|her} feelings are sincere and stable. {He|She} is persevering, methodical and persistent, which brings professional success.
\2.7.8 Saturn in VIII
Financially not very well off, average salary. The spouse is also not rich. Possibility of a small inheritance, which helps a lot. Long life and natural death, if the aspects allow.
\2.7.9 Saturn in IX
{He|She} is studious, patient, rigorous, austere. {He|She} likes reflection, meditation. {He|She} carries out all the plans {he|she} makes. {He|She} is a stay-at-home.
\2.7.10 Saturn in X
{His|Her} up-bringing is rigorous, severe. {His|Her} professional life is all-important. {He|She} is serious, methodical, persevering.
{He|She} wants to have power, to succeed and has all the necessary qualities to achieve this objective, by taking one step at a time.
\2.7.11 Saturn in XI
{He|She} appreciates the company of older people of intelligence and good counsel. These will help success in professional life. {He|She} has few friends and has difficulty in finding a partner. {He|She} is very reserved.
\2.7.12 Saturn in XII
{He|She} likes quiet and solitude above everything. {He|She} looks for work (or can work) alone, without being bothered. {He|She} hates chatting, outside noises.
\2.8 Uranus in the houses
\2.8.1 Uranus in I
{He|She} is above all independent and original. Sometimes blunt and irritable. Never lets {himself|herself} be influenced. {He|She} does not tolerate any sort of setback. {He|She} is ready for adventure, even though it's risky.
\2.8.2 Uranus in II
{He|She} has a lot of flair. {He|She} is unreliable at work, always ready for change. {He|She} must have an out-of-the-ordinary job, in which case all goes well; otherwise, {he|she} will often change jobs and will have financial problems.
\2.8.3 Uranus in III
{He|She} is curious and inventive. If {he|she} does not study for a long time, {he|she} will be self-taught. {He|She} is intelligent, with a strong personality. {He|She} does not like routine and will regularly go on mission for work purposes.
\2.8.4 Uranus in IV
{He|She} is very independent. {His|Her} independence begins vis-à-vis the family circle. {He|She} does not like bureaucracy, administration, and has problems as a result.
{He|She} has avant-garde ideas, {he|she} is original and does not tolerate constraints on {his|her} freedom.
\2.8.5 Uranus in V
{He|She} is independent, likes even dubious distractions. {His|Her} amorous adventures are not only numerous but also very complicated, otherwise they hold no charm.
\2.8.6 Uranus in VI
{He|She} is independent, undisciplined, eccentric and rebellious. {He|She} has a blunt character. {He|She} has problems in holding down a job, must work independently without relying on anyone else.
\2.8.7 Uranus in VII
{His|Her} independence does not tolerate marriage very well. If {he|she} does marry, {he|she} has little chance of finishing {his|her} days with the spouse, unless the partner gives {him|her} complete freedom and accepts {his|her} unfaithfulness.
\2.8.8 Uranus in VIII
{He|She} is interested in antiquity, archaeology, history. {His|Her} financial situation has its highs and lows, which an inheritance can help out.
\2.8.9 Uranus in IX
Interested in humanity. {He|She} is highly intellectual. {He|She} travels a lot. {His|Her} mind is always alert, even when sleeping, during which time {he|she} often resolves the problems of the previous day.
\2.8.10 Uranus in X
{He|She} must have an independent career, with no routine, which satisfies {his|her} need to move around, travel and which must in particular have an element of risk attached. {He|She} is eccentric.
\2.8.11 Uranus in XI
{His|Her} freedom is important to {him|her}, even with regard to friends. These are extravagant, original, intellectual. They are not from the same background and have a different up-bringing.
\2.8.12 Uranus in XII
{He|She} has difficulty in adapting to the modern world, to new technology. {He|She} looks for a job in an isolated place.
\2.9 Neptune in the houses
\2.9.1 Neptune in I
{He|She} is intuitive, sensitive. Not a fighter and is indecisive.
\2.9.2 Neptune in II
{He|She} develops {his|her} "brilliant" but questionable ideas to earn money.
\2.9.3 Neptune in III
{He|She} has a lot of imagination, high ideals. {He|She} is nostalgic. Likes studying.
\2.9.4 Neptune in IV
{He|She} succeeds thanks to brilliant and unusual ideas. {He|She} is very much influenced by {his|her} mother.
\2.9.5 Neptune in V
Extravagant love affairs, great passions.
\2.9.6 Neptune in VI
{He|She} is more prone than most to the bad influence of alcohol, medicines and drugs. To be avoided at all costs.
\2.9.7 Neptune in VII
Marries for love, to show the depth of {his|her} passion, but has a troubled conjugal life.
\2.9.8 Neptune in VIII
Marriage can solve a few financial problems.
\2.9.9 Neptune in IX
Interest in art, has high ideals and a great attraction for sea voyages.
\2.9.10 Neptune in X
{He|She} has great ambition, which obsesses {him|her}. {He|She} always wants to check work already done, {he|she} is terrified of being less than perfect.
\2.9.11 Neptune in XI
Friendships are frank and unselfish.
\2.9.12 Neptune in XII
{He|She} likes isolation, a withdrawn life, dreams and meditation. {He|She} has little desire for action.
\2.10 Pluto in the houses
\2.10.1 Pluto in I
\2.10.2 Pluto in II
\2.10.3 Pluto in III
\2.10.4 Pluto in IV
\2.10.5 Pluto in V
\2.10.6 Pluto in VI
\2.10.7 Pluto in VII
\2.10.8 Pluto in VIII
\2.10.10 Pluto in IX
\2.10.10 Pluto in X
\2.10.11 Pluto in XI
\2.10.12 Pluto in XII
\3. Interplanetary aspects
The interplanetary aspects have a strong influence on the character and disposition of the individual and, consequently, on {his|her} destiny.
The conjunction aspect is variable and depends above all on the nature of the conjoint planets.
\3.1 Sun
\3.1.3 Sun - Moon
Positive aspect: {He|She} has lots of vitality. {He|She} likes public life, {he|she} is popular and {his|her} company is appreciated. {He|She} is balanced, at ease with {himself|herself} and gets on very well with {his|her} parents.
\3.1.4 Sun - Moon
Negative aspect: someone who is never satisfied. {He|She} is unstable because never content with what {he|she} has, cannot take an important decision.
{He|She} therefore has difficulty in staying in the same post, and frequently changes jobs, thinking things can only get better. {He|She} certainly has problems with {his|her} parents.
\3.1.5 Sun - Mercury
Positive aspect: {He|She} is intelligent and knows what {he|she} wants. Is a good organizer, {he|she} likes moving, travel. {He|She} likes literature.
\3.1.6 Sun - Mercury
These two planets do not form bad aspects between them.
\3.1.7 Sun - Venus
Positive aspect: {He|She} is gay, sociable, welcoming. {He|She} is a lover, and has many affairs; {he|she} is seduced by beauty and charm. {He|She} likes the Arts and social life.
\3.1.8 Sun - Venus
Negative aspect: {He|She} attaches a lot of importance to appearance, to luxury, to what people say of {him|her}. {He|She} sometimes has very particular tastes that could be said to be poor, too flashy. Likes to live it up.
\3.1.9 Sun - Mars
Positive aspect: {He|She} is energetic, determined, courageous, {he|she} is full of self-confidence. {He|She} likes to dominate, command, direct. {He|She} overcomes all difficulties by sheer will-power. {He|She} is frank.
\3.1.10 Sun - Mars
Negative aspect: {He|She} is violent, impulsive. {He|She} throws {himself|herself} headlong into situations without ever thinking of the consequences of {his|her} actions. This can cause a lot of problems.
{He|She} cannot stand still and channels badly the energy which {he|she} possesses.
\3.1.11 Sun - Jupiter
Positive aspect: {He|She} has high social ambitions, respects justice and the law. {He|She} is tolerant, optimistic, kindly. {He|She} has every chance for professional success in a strictly legal setting.
\3.1.12 Sun - Jupiter
Negative aspect: {He|She} is negligent, spendthrift. {He|She} goes to excesses of all sorts. {He|She} is proud and arrogant, and considers {himself|herself} much superior to others.
\3.1.13 Sun - Saturn
Positive aspect: {He|She} likes to work alone, quietly. {He|She} pays attention to detail, is serious, methodical, patient and can take on long, difficult and delicate tasks, and complete them.
Positive aspect: {he|she} is above all independent and original. {He|She} likes change, reforms, {he|she} is allergic to everything routine. {He|She} has a strong personality, and has many friends.
\3.1.16 Sun - Uranus
Negative aspect: {his|her} independence and need for liberty are all-important. {He|She} does not accept constraints or barriers. Mainly extravagant eccentricity.
\3.1.17 Sun - Neptune
Positive aspect: {he|she} has a fertile imagination, is full of inspiration, and very emotional - all qualities that {he|she} uses on the professional level. {He|She} likes the Arts, beauty.
\3.1.18 Sun - Neptune
Negative aspect: {his|her} imagination turns to internal day-dreaming; {he|she} is easily influenced, and complicates life unnecessarily. {He|She} does not bring plans to a conclusion. The dream-world is enough.
\3.1.19 Sun - Pluto
Positive aspect: {he|she} is aware of the goal to be achieved. {He|She} is strong, and always picks {himself|herself} up after a setback.
\3.1.20 Sun - Pluto
Negative aspect: fights, setbacks. {He|She} is presumptuous.
\3.1.21 Sun - Lilith
Positive aspect: gives freely, without letting {his|her} feelings get in the way.
\3.1.22 Sun - Lilith
Negative aspect: you might worry about a friend betraying you, although your partner will undoubtedly find this person full of charm!
\3.1.23 Sun - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.1.24 Sun - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.1.25 Sun - Ascendant
Positive aspect: Good judgement. {He|She} succeeds through will-power and vitality.
\3.1.26 Sun - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} has a lot of ambition, but is pretentious, vain and does not realize when {his|her} schemes are too ambitious, and therefore unattainable.
\3.1.43 Sun - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} knows what {he|she} wants on the professional level, is aware of {his|her} objectives and does everything to achieve them, {he|she} will carry out plans to the very end. {He|She} has a good job as well as a good reputation.
\3.1.44 Sun - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} lacks an aim in life. {He|She} does not face up to problems and {his|her} schemes, if any, are impossible for {him|her} to realize.
\3.2 Moon
\3.2.5 Moon - Mercury
Positive aspect: {he|she} has good judgement, a good memory. {He|She} is intelligent, imaginative, vivacious and develops all through life. {He|She} speaks easily. {He|She} has an aptitude for learning foreign languages.
\3.2.6 Moon - Mercury
Negative aspect: {he|she} is happy in {his|her} imaginary world and thus is happy nowhere, because {he|she} can never find {his|her} ideal world - thus causing a lot of change, instability and also disquiet.
{He|She} is a liar, a gossip and leaves {himself|herself} open to criticism. {His|Her} lies save {him|her}. If the other aspects allow, {he|she} can be a very good novelist.
\3.2.7 Moon - Venus
Positive aspect: {he|she} is gracious, sweet and gay. {He|She} likes pleasure and entertainment, but also the Arts. {He|She} needs tenderness, loves and wants children. {He|She} appreciates home life in a comfortable atmosphere.
\3.2.8 Moon - Venus
Negative aspect: while {he|she} is gay and gracious, {he|she} is also inconstant and capricious. {He|She} has a changeable nature. A varied love life and a sometimes dubious morality.
{He|She} is weak and easily influenced, and can get involved in unfortunate situations because of a lack of understanding.
\3.2.9 Moon - Mars
Positive aspect: {he|she} is frank, honest, full of vigor and ambition. {He|She} is strong-willed and powerful at work. {He|She} is a little hard on {himself|herself} but, above all, on others whose capacity for action is not as great.
\3.2.10 Moon - Mars
Negative aspect: {he|she} is very emotional and is driven to do things by {his|her} emotions. {He|She} does not think things over or through in a given situation. {He|She} is irascible and sometimes violent. Marital disputes.
\3.2.11 Moon - Jupiter
Positive aspect: {he|she} is frank, honest, optimistic and generous. {He|She} likes good cooking, {his|her} comforts. {His|Her} friendships are sincere.
{He|She} is a worker and knows how to surround {himself|herself} with the right people; {he|she} is appreciated at work.
\3.2.12 Moon - Jupiter
Negative aspect: {he|she} is indifferent to others, to those who surround {him|her}; {he|she} is negligent and indecisive. {He|She} likes excess, gambling and {his|her} honesty is elastic.
This aspect does not help professional success, especially as {he|she} tends to spend more than {he|she} earns.
\3.2.13 Moon - Saturn
Positive aspect: {he|she} controls {his|her} feelings. {He|She} has a sense of duty, of self-esteem and is prudent. {He|She} can concentrate on a long-term task, manual or intellectual. {He|She} perseveres and is serious in everything {he|she} does.
\3.2.14 Moon - Saturn
Negative aspect: {he|she} has changeable moods, a reserved character, is stubborn and lacks assurance. {His|Her} relationship with {his|her} mother is disturbing and difficult, {he|she} has considerable family problems.
This is the standard aspect for children who are abandoned or lack maternal love.
\3.2.15 Moon - Uranus
Positive aspect: {he|she} is imaginative and has the Moon's intuition complemented by Uranus' independence and originality.
{His|Her} life is out-of-the-ordinary, with lots of changes and a great knowledge of the world not through reading but through personal experience. {He|She} likes the sensational, new things.
{He|She} acts instinctively, but fortunately has a good sixth sense. {He|She} likes to be surrounded by original people, artists.
\3.2.16 Moon - Uranus
Negative aspect: {he|she} has a feverish, non-constructive restlessness. {He|She} is too susceptible. While {his|her} life is full of change, {he|she} is full of hot air. {He|She} is eccentric, irritable and stubborn.
{He|She} has difficulty concentrating on a job. Nervous strain. {His|Her} friendships are like {his|her} professional and love life - unstable.
\3.2.17 Moon - Neptune
Positive aspect: an excellent imagination, helped by great sensitivity. {He|She} has sophisticated tastes, likes to be surrounded by intelligent friends, who have a good education. {He|She} likes the sea, peace.
\3.2.18 Moon - Neptune
Negative aspect: {he|she} lacks firmness, {he|she} is weak and lazy. {He|She} likes to live in a dream, in the imaginary.
\3.2.19 Moon - Pluto
Positive aspect: {he|she} wavers between a rich and successful love life and social success. {He|She} has difficulty in succeeding in both. Almost always, the choice comes down on an ideal emotional life.
\3.2.20 Moon - Pluto
Negative aspect: {he|she} has problems in love. {He|She} is jealous, {his|her} self-esteem is often quickly held up to ridicule.
\3.2.21 Moon - Lilith
Positive aspect: favors relations with the opposite sex, gives charm and intelligence.
\3.2.22 Moon - Lilith
Negative aspect: love-at-first-sight is to be avoided, as it will make one forget all other duties and lead to ruin.
\3.2.23 Moon - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.2.24 Moon - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.2.25 Moon - Ascendant
Positive aspect: {he|she} has a good influence on the family, which loves and helps the person. {He|She} likes travelling, movement, change. {He|She} likes contact and is open to other people.
\3.2.26 Moon - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} is unhappily influenced by the family. {He|She} is probably loved insufficiently by {his|her} parents, but looks for more love especially from {his|her} mother.
{He|She} is susceptible, has superficial sensitivity and is sometimes irascible.
\3.2.43 Moon - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} has a sense of family, profound feelings and especially likes children. If there are changes in {his|her} professional life, they are for the better.
\3.2.44 Moon - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} has an irresolute nature, with sudden changes of humor. {He|She} is unstable and does not follow through on {his|her} own objectives.
This instability shows itself not only in professional life but also in love life and friendships.
\3.3 Mercury
\3.3.7 Mercury - Venus
Positive aspect: {he|she} looks on the bright side of life; {he|she} is gay, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. {He|She} likes to speak and write, and does both with charm and artistry.
{His|Her} intellectual pleasures are influenced by {his|her} feelings. {He|She} is amorous and sensual. {He|She} likes beauty, the Arts but also travelling.
\3.3.8 Mercury - Venus
Negative aspect: {he|she} lacks direction in life.. {He|She} is superficial and lightweight, but is also vain and therefore susceptible. {He|She} likes to please, to flirt.
{He|She} speaks charmingly but is not sincere, {he|she} misuses people and the pleasures of love.
\3.3.9 Mercury - Mars
Positive aspect: {he|she} likes to discuss, likes polemic. {He|She} has good judgement and is determined. {He|She} is a worker and has lots of energy. {He|She} has a lively intelligence and goes to the heart of things.
\3.3.10 Mercury - Mars
Negative aspect: while {his|her} spirit is lively, it is also cunning. {He|She} often acts without thinking, {he|she} throws {himself|herself} into things and exaggerates - and this can bring certain problems. {He|She} is nervous and irascible.
{He|She} can develop others' ideas, while they hesitate - {he|she} never does: {he|she} presses on.
\3.3.11 Mercury - Jupiter
Positive aspect: {he|she} is intelligent, has big ideas; {he|she} is tolerant and has a strong sense of justice. {He|She} has good judgement, good sense and has {his|her} feet on the ground.
{He|She} has the "gift of the gab", and likes to speak, {he|she} also likes literature. {He|She} is erudite and will normally be successful socially.
\3.3.12 Mercury - Jupiter
Negative aspect: {he|she} is frivolous and imprudent. {He|She} lacks judgement, and is full of self-importance. {He|She} has difficulty in realizing {his|her} plans, because {he|she} lacks clarity and rates {his|her} qualities higher than they are.
\3.3.13 Mercury - Saturn
Positive aspect: Deeply intelligent. {He|She} is a thinker, a scientist. {He|She} is serious, methodical, prudent. {He|She} can start a long and difficult intellectual task, giving it all the time it needs to finish, without getting impatient or upset.
{He|She} has a great sense of organization. {He|She} likes peace and has few friends.
\3.3.14 Mercury - Saturn
Negative aspect: {he|she} is reserved, conservative, ambitious and stubborn. {He|She} has a slow mind and has problems expressing {himself|herself}. Social success is slow and laborious, but {he|she} does not give up easily and is patient.
\3.3.15 Mercury - Uranus
Positive aspect: {he|she} is perspicacious, ingenious; {he|she} binds intelligence and originality together with genius. {He|She} likes literature, especially fiction.
{He|She} is spontaneous in {his|her} friendships and knows how to take advantage of the situations that arise.
\3.3.16 Mercury - Uranus
Negative aspect: {he|she} likes polemic, to criticize and, above all, to contradict. {He|She} lacks diplomacy and tends to dissipate {his|her} energy.
{He|She} cannot stay in the same place, likes change even if it means a backward step in {his|her} professional career.
\3.3.17 Mercury - Neptune
Positive aspect: {he|she} can put down in writing everything that {his|her} imagination and intuition dictates.
\3.3.18 Mercury - Neptune
Negative aspect: {he|she} makes errors of judgement, and lacks sincerity. {He|She} lets things happen, and is happy in {his|her} dreamworld.
Confronted by reality, {he|she} is hesitant, incapable of being tested and falls back into {his|her} imaginary world. {He|She} might become a drug-taker.
\3.3.19 Mercury - Pluto
Positive aspect: {he|she} has a great sense of observation and quickly grasps the situation. {He|She} is crafty, subtle and critical.
\3.3.20 Mercury - Pluto
Negative aspect: {he|she} is impatient. {He|She} likes contradiction and is irascible. {His|Her} arguments are noisy and animated.
\3.3.21 Mercury - Lilith
Positive aspect: redoubtable in love, because {he|she} uses {his|her} intelligence and craft to achieve {his|her} ends.
\3.3.22 Mercury - Lilith
Negative aspect: someone without much charm, without sexual magnetism, who holds back {his|her} sensuality.
\3.3.23 Mercury - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.3.24 Mercury - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.3.25 Mercury - Ascendant
Positive aspect: {he|she} is intelligent, with quick and lively reflexes. {He|She} is preoccupied by {his|her} circle, likes to exchange ideas with {his|her} friends, but also with strangers. Of an open nature, {he|she} goes out to others.
\3.3.26 Mercury - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} likes to criticize, to gossip. Frequently arguing, {he|she} is nervous but also disturbed. {He|She} looks out too much for a verbal battle, and is provoking.
\3.3.43 Mercury - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} likes to have {his|her} own ideas about things, to form an opinion and think over the problems it poses. {He|She} is an intellectual.
\3.3.44 Mercury - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} has no specific aim in life. {He|She} frequently changes jobs, is unstable but likes change, which gives {him|her} the feeling of living intensely. Lots of activity as far as love is concerned - {he|she} has a full sex life.
\3.4 Venus
\3.4.9 Venus - Mars
Positive aspect: {he|she} is amorous, not a peaceful and calm lover but a passionate one with a strong temperament. {He|She} is demonstrative in love, and likes healthy pleasures. {He|She} enjoys life to the full.
\3.4.10 Venus - Mars
Negative aspect: while {he|she} is passionate, {he|she} likes carnal desires and voluptuousness above all. {He|She} goes to excess, is unfaithful and often unsatisfied. Serious family quarrels in view.
\3.4.11 Venus - Jupiter
Positive aspect: {he|she} is good-hearted, generous and has a good character. {He|She} likes well-being, comfort, a life without problems. {He|She} has good relations with {his|her} circle. {He|She} is easy to approach.
All the same, {he|she} falls in love easily. {He|She} has a successful married and professional life.
\3.4.12 Venus - Jupiter
Negative aspect: {he|she} is nonchalant, pretentious, full of self-importance. {He|She} likes what is beautiful and sometimes ostentatious, and spends lots of money for the sake of appearances.
{He|She} likes to please and has numerous amorous adventures. {He|She} is unfaithful and undergoes tribulations in love.
\3.4.13 Venus - Saturn
Positive aspect: {he|she} has a good grasp of reality and of duty. {He|She} is thrifty, reserved and does not show off. {He|She} likes truth and justice. In love, {his|her} sentiments are sincere and deep, {he|she} never plays false.
{He|She} is, of course, faithful in love and friendship. {He|She} can love a much older person and appreciates {his|her} intelligence and good sense.
\3.4.14 Venus - Saturn
Negative aspect: a sometimes unhealthy sensuality. {He|She} is hard, and does not know how to express {his|her} emotions. {He|She} is frightened of showing {his|her} love, and this leads to disappointments, break-ups, lack of satisfaction.
It is likely that {he|she} had problems with {his|her} mother, who did not know how to love {him|her} or give {him|her} self-confidence. {He|She} doubts, is suspicious and jealous.
{He|She} will learn how to be happy in love, to be at ease with {himself|herself} and to control {his|her} jealousy in the second half of {his|her} life, thanks to an older person, who gives {his|her} self-confidence back to {him|her}.
{Hhe|She} can then trust others.
\3.4.15 Venus - Uranus
Positive aspect: independent in love. {His|Her} love life is rich, but with passing love affairs. {He|She} tires quickly and is scared of losing {his|her} liberty. If {he|she} marries, {he|she} will regret it.
{He|She} has that little something that attracts the opposite sex: {he|she} likes amorous adventures, {he|she} is romantic. {He|She} is the eternal lover and, of course, is unfaithful if {he|she} has a serious relationship.
{He|She} likes art, anything new.
\3.4.16 Venus - Uranus
Negative aspect: {he|she} looks for new sensations in love and is often unsatisfied by affairs which quickly turn into purely conventional relationships. {He|She} likes novelty, adventure, the eccentric; {he|she} is frivolous, unstable, unfaithful.
Marriage is not for {him|her} and, if {he|she} does throw {himself|herself} into this adventure, it will end in divorce, written off as a youthful mistake. As a result of {his|her} numerous love affairs, {he|she} makes sure {his|her} line is continued.
\3.4.17 Venus - Neptune
Positive aspect: {his|her} professional life is unstable. {He|She} has a taste for the Arts, is a dreamer, is easily influenced and romantic. {He|She} is emotional and very sensitive.
\3.4.18 Venus - Neptune
Negative aspect: {he|she} lacks self-confidence and {his|her} ideals are not easily to achieve. In love, {he|she} is unstable, unfaithful and deceitful. {He|She} is easy-going and follows others, {he|she} does not take the initiative.
\3.4.19 Venus - Pluto
Positive aspect: {His|Her} emotional and sex life is powerful and rich. {He|She} lives out truly passionate love affairs.
\3.4.20 Venus - Pluto
Negative aspect: passionate love affairs, destruction, break-ups, stress and all that makes life difficult to support.
{His|Her} professional life suffers the consequences, as {he|she} is unable to carry out {his|her} responsibilities while living through such upsets; disappointment in friendships.
\3.4.21 Venus - Lilith
Positive aspect: gives charm, beauty, attracts the opposite sex by {his|her} magnetism; {he|she} is not always serious in love.
\3.4.22 Venus - Lilith
Negative aspect: someone who does not have much charm; lacks that little something that attracts the opposite sex.
\3.4.23 Venus - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.4.24 Venus - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.4.25 Venus - Ascendant
Positive aspect: {he|she} likes everything beautiful, the Arts, balance and harmony. {He|She} is amiable and sociable. {He|She} likes entertainment and has a loving nature.
\3.4.26 Venus - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} goes to excess in {his|her} pleasures, frequents doubtful company. {He|She} lacks good taste. {He|She} is very spendthrift, but spreads {his|her} money around {his|her} circle.
{His|Her} friends are more self-interested than sincere.
\3.4.43 Venus - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} has good taste, has an affectionate nature, {his|her} love is warm and deep, based on intellectual understanding and common tastes. {His|Her} friends are useful in furthering {his|her} career.
\3.4.44 Venus - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} is vain and jealous. Both married life and professional life are difficult with such a character.
\3.5 Mars
\3.5.11 Mars - Jupiter
Positive aspect: {he|she} has a good sense of organization, {he|she} is jovial, frank and sincere. {He|She} is full of dynamism and over-abundant energy. {He|She} loves life and takes all it has to offer. {He|She} likes sports and the outdoor life.
{He|She} is successful professionally and emotionally. {He|She} usually has lots of children.
\3.5.12 Mars - Jupiter
Negative aspect: {he|she} refuses to accept any guidance. {He|She} lacks forethought, acts impulsively and sometimes imprudently, which can cause problems.
{He|She} wants everything yesterday and uses whatever means necessary to achieve {his|her} objectives, even if they are dishonest or not very commendable. {His|Her} emotional life is fraught with quarrels and sometimes violent conflicts.
\3.5.13 Mars - Saturn
Positive aspect: {he|she} is energetic and determined. {He|She} has strength and resistance, ability and patience;
{He|She} is tough, and sometimes insensitive, and puts all {his|her} energy and talents into overcoming all the obstacles to {his|her} success.
{He|She} is obstinate, calculating, does not take on anything without having thought of all the possible consequences, {he|she} can take all the time in the world and never loses patience to achieve {his|her} objectives.
{He|She} is not particularly popular in {his|her} circle, but is feared and respected.
\3.5.14 Mars - Saturn
Negative aspect: {he|she} is only interested in doing something if there are problems attached; once these are solved, {he|she} goes on to something else which has complications.
{He|She} likes to overcome obstacles, is tough, does not have too many feelings, especially in business. {He|She} is egoistic, violent and stubborn. {He|She} does not always make friends.
\3.5.15 Mars - Uranus
Positive aspect: {he|she} possesses exceptional energy. {He|She} is impulsive but bold. {He|She} takes on risky enterprises for the good of the community, with all the energy {he|she} possesses.
{He|She} has a great need of {his|her} independence, likes {his|her} freedom of action.
\3.5.16 Mars - Uranus
Negative aspect: {he|she} is full of contradictions. {He|She} is original, tending to the eccentric, violent, headstrong, impatient and irascible. {He|She} fights to the bitter end to overcome hurdles, and has the strength to overcome them.
\3.5.17 Mars - Neptune
Positive aspect: {his|her} feelings are dominated by wisdom and geared towards the ideal. {He|She} likes water, sea voyages. {He|She} likes odd people.
\3.5.18 Mars - Neptune
Negative aspect: often fights for causes lost in advance or for causes that are simply stupid, too idealistic. {He|She} is irascible, impulsive, {he|she} acts without thinking of the consequences, being sure that {he|she} is on the right track.
\3.5.19 Mars - Pluto
Positive aspect: {he|she} is ambitious, has a great capacity for work, has self-confidence and goes to the end of {his|her} plans.
\3.5.20 Mars - Pluto
Negative aspect: {he|she} is violent, brutal, irascible and succeeds in crushing others, without giving it a thought.
\3.5.21 Mars - Lilith
Positive aspect: Love affairs are tempestuous with quarrels, crises, great passion after the storm.
\3.5.22 Mars - Lilith
Negative aspect: a lot of violence in {his|her} love affairs. This person needs to learn how to control {himself|herself}, because {his|her} violence can become dangerous.
\3.5.23 Mars - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.5.24 Mars - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.5.25 Mars - Ascendant
Positive aspect: vitality, strength to carry things out, {he|she} knows how to impose {his|her} will.
\3.5.26 Mars - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} is quarrelsome, critical and violent. {His|Her} success is obtained by dubious means.
\3.5.43 Mars - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} has a good sense of organization. {He|She} knows how to take the necessary decisions rapidly, is independent and uses all {his|her} energy to succeed socially.
\3.5.44 Mars - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} suffers professional setbacks because {he|she} is too impulsive, imprudent and lacks forethought.
\3.6 Jupiter
\3.6.13 Jupiter - Saturn
Positive aspect: {he|she} is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, orderly. {His|Her} judgement is good and {he|she} thinks over things. {He|She} pursues {his|her} objectives to the bitter end, always knowing when to choose the right moment.
{He|She} is upright and respects the law.
\3.6.14 Jupiter - Saturn
Negative aspect: {he|she} is indifferent to what goes on around {him|her}, is mistrustful and always unsatisfied. {He|She} is easily irritated.
\3.6.15 Jupiter - Uranus
Positive aspect: {he|she} knows what's going on at a glance. {He|She} thirsts after knowledge, and is a good organizer. {He|She} is very independent, likes {his|her} freedom of action, is a non-conformist.
{He|She} is very agreeable company and is always in demand.
\3.6.16 Jupiter - Uranus
Negative aspect: {he|she} is too independent and {his|her} liberty is all-important. {He|She} lacks diplomacy, and {his|her} extravagance is shocking. {He|She} likes verbal battles and espouses extremist ideas in order to shock {his|her} companions.
{He|She} has a number of internal tensions.
\3.6.17 Jupiter - Neptune
Positive aspect: {he|she} is very generous and altruistic, helping people in difficulty or sick people. {He|She} knows how to listen or, at least, how to give that impression. {He|She} is a dreamer, with lots of imagination; {he|she} likes the Arts.
\3.6.18 Jupiter - Neptune
Negative aspect: {he|she} is easily influenced. {He|She} is a dreamer, who lets {himself|herself} be seduced by fine words, which are not always sincere. {He|She} does not see wickedness and is often fooled by people.
\3.6.19 Jupiter - Pluto
Positive aspect: {he|she} likes to direct, is intelligent and is an organizer of the first order.
\3.6.20 Jupiter - Pluto
Negative aspect: {he|she} tends to exploit others, and has a doubtful honesty.
\3.6.21 Jupiter - Lilith
Positive aspect: {he|she} meets a partner much wealthier than {himself|herself} but does not abuse this, as the partner might tire of {him|her}. Good sexual understanding.
\3.6.22 Jupiter - Lilith
Negative aspect: {he|she} will ruin {himself|herself} in order to please {his|her} partner. On the sexual level, {he|she} will go to considerable effort to please {his|her} partner.
In order to possess the partner more, {he|she} will ruin {himself|herself} financially to get whatever the partner might want. In spite of all that, the partner is never entirely satisfied. {He|She} will be very disappointed in love.
\3.6.23 Jupiter - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.6.24 Jupiter - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.6.25 Jupiter - Ascendant
Positive aspect: {he|she} likes meeting friends, around a good meal and in a cordial atmosphere. {He|She} is pleasant, jovial and engaging.
\3.6.26 Jupiter - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} does not listen to those around {him|her}, {he|she} is pretentious and goes to excess when eating.
\3.6.43 Jupiter - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} is a high liver, likes to have fun but knows what {he|she} wants and does whatever necessary to get it. {He|She} wants to - and does - succeed socially.
After a hard day's work, a good well-lubricated meal in the company of friends is just the ticket.
\3.6.44 Jupiter - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} likes to vaunt {himself|herself} too much, is pretentious. Only one thing interests {him|her}: {himself|herself} - and {he|she} brings every conversation around to {himself|herself}.
{He|She} has highs and lows in {his|her} professional life.
\3.7 Saturn
\3.7.15 Saturn - Uranus
Positive aspect: {he|she} knows how to be on top of the situation. {He|She} perseveres, is determined but ingenious and original. {He|She} is very practical. {He|She} proceeds slowly, but is always bound to achieve {his|her} objectives in the end.
\3.7.16 Saturn - Uranus
Negative aspect: {he|she} does not like routine, whether at work or in {his|her} emotional life. {He|She} fights to keep {his|her} independence, {his|her} freedom of action. {He|She} would gladly re-make the world.
\3.7.17 Saturn - Neptune
Positive aspect: {his|her} plans are realized in a methodical fashion, {he|she} works hard to achieve success.
\3.7.18 Saturn - Neptune
Negative aspect: living conditions are difficult. {He|She} is unsatisfied and this is understandable. {He|She} has sudden changes in humor.
\3.7.19 Saturn - Pluto
Positive aspect: {he|she} perseveres, achieves {his|her} projects through hard work.
\3.7.20 Saturn - Pluto
Negative aspect: {he|she} is not open to others' ideas, especially if they are free-thinking. {He|She} is an egoist and has a narrow mind.
\3.7.21 Saturn - Lilith
Positive aspect: no problems in {his|her} sex life. {He|She} will meet an older person who will have taught or will teach {him|her} love games. It is probable that {he|she} will love and live with this person all {her|his} life.
\3.7.22 Saturn - Lilith
Negative aspect: {he|she} will live with an older person; whereas this will seem quite amazing at the beginning of their life together, {he|she} will end up by hating the older person in time.
\3.7.23 Saturn - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.7.24 Saturn - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.7.25 Saturn - Ascendant
Positive aspect: {he|she} is serious, sober, thoughtful, pays attention to detail. {He|She} likes to be with older people.
\3.7.26 Saturn - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {his|her} life is difficult and cramped. {He|She} is a worker, but success takes time in coming. {He|She} has problems in being open. {He|She} accepts solitude, rather than looks for it. Family problems.
\3.7.43 Saturn - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} is ambitious, but in a calculated, well-balanced way. {He|She} perseveres, is serious, orderly. {He|She} climbs the ladder slowly but surely; if need be, {he|she} is willing to change {his|her} ideas.
{He|She} is wise and experienced.
\3.7.44 Saturn - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} must struggle a lot and work hard to achieve {his|her} aims. Although confronted by discouraging circumstances, {he|she} knows how to set off again and continue the fight.
\3.8 Uranus
\3.8.17 Uranus - Neptune
Positive aspect: interest in the occult. {He|She} has lots of imagination. {He|She} likes long voyages, and is an idealist.
\3.8.18 Uranus - Neptune
Negative aspect: {he|she} lacks will-power and strength. Of a nervous disposition.
\3.8.19 Uranus - Pluto
Positive aspect: {he|she} fights to improve {his|her} daily life, {he|she} is persevering.
Positive aspect: {he|she} lives through marvellous adventures - without any follow-up, it is true, but which leave a happy memory. {He|She} will have many such adventures and fantastic love-at-first-sight encounters.
\3.8.22 Uranus - Lilith
Negative aspect: {he|she} cannot live a peaceful love life. {He|She} will have lots of adventures, lots of love-at-first-sights which will lead {him|her} into dangerous territory, will complicate and even perhaps poison {his|her} life.
\3.8.23 Uranus - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.8.24 Uranus - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.8.25 Uranus - Ascendant
Positive aspect: {he|she} is always changing, is unstable. {He|She} is ready to innovate, to change everything. {He|She} is inventive.
\3.8.26 Uranus - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} is inconstant, lacks control and is nervous.
\3.8.43 Uranus - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} must have a job that allows {him|her} complete freedom, something non-routine. {He|She} likes change, has a lot of energy and knows how to influence others in spite of {his|her} originality.
\3.8.44 Uranus - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} cannot carry through {his|her} plans, schemes to the end. These are changeable. {He|She} lacks forethought, attention. {He|She} throws {himself|herself} into things, more than reacts to them.
\3.9 Neptune
\3.9.19 Neptune - Pluto
Positive aspect: taste for the extraordinary and the bizarre.
\3.9.20 Neptune - Pluto
Negative aspect: a sometimes morbid imagination, a tormented spirit.
\3.9.21 Neptune - Lilith
Positive aspect: love dominates {his|her} life. {He|She} lives {his|her} love life to the full, and is passionate. {His|Her} partner has problems on the professional level, but {he|she} is always there to give support.
If the partner loses {her|his} job and their rhythm of life has to change, {he|she} accepts this with a smile. {He|She} is a lover, and faithful - the most important thing is that they love each other.
\3.9.22 Neptune - Lilith
Negative aspect: love dominates {his|her} life. {He|She} could lose {his|her} head over someone of the opposite sex. That can become troublesome, because {he|she} loses all idea of reality.
If {he|she} is not loved in return, so what - {he|she} will love for the two of them. With time, if the loved one loses patience, {he|she} will have difficulty disentangling {himself|herself} and {he|she} will suffer enormously.
\3.9.23 Neptune - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.9.24 Neptune - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.9.25 Neptune - Ascendant
Positive aspect: {he|she} has strange relationships. {He|She} is easily influenced, very sensitive and emotional.
\3.9.26 Neptune - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} is very easily influenced and fragile. {He|She} suffers disappointments.
\3.9.43 Neptune - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {his|her} plans lack realism and are therefore often unattainable.
\3.9.44 Neptune - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} lacks assurance, self-confidence. {He|She} does not always choose the right path.
\3.10 Pluto
\3.10.21 Pluto - Lilith
Positive aspect: {He|She} will lead a double life. {He|She} will have a secret love affair which {he|she} will enjoy to the full, while having a perfect relationship with {his|her} partner.
\3.10.22 Pluto - Lilith
Negative aspect: {He|She} will lead a double life. {He|She} will have a secret love affair. Sexual compatibility is the main feature of this relationship.
But the secret won't last long and a scandal will follow, or at the very least there will be problems.
\3.10.23 Pluto - Lunar Node
Positive aspect.
\3.10.24 Pluto - Lunar Node
Negative aspect.
\3.10.25 Pluto - Ascendant
Positive aspect: {he|she} has will-power and ambition, and likes to have {his|her} own way.
\3.10.26 Pluto - Ascendant
Negative aspect: {he|she} imposes {his|her} will by force, violence.
\3.10.43 Pluto - Midheaven
Positive aspect: {he|she} uses all {his|her} energy to succeed professionally. {He|She} has a good sense of organization and authority.
\3.10.44 Pluto - Midheaven
Negative aspect: {he|she} abuses {his|her} power, crushing others in order to achieve {his|her} objectives. {He|She} risks losing everything and having to start from scratch.
\3.11 Lilith
\3.11.23 Lilith - Lunar Node
Positive aspect: a well-filled and well-lived sex life.
\3.11.24 Lilith - Lunar Node
Negative aspect: a sometimes troubled sex life.
\3.11.25 Lilith - Ascendant
Positive aspect: a well-filled and well-lived sex life.
\3.11.26 Lilith - Ascendant
Negative aspect: a sex life that might interfere with everyday life.
\3.11.43 Lilith - Midheaven
Positive aspect: it will be difficult to get out of an over-emotional lifestyle, if {his|her} love dies.
\3.11.44 Lilith - Midheaven
Negative aspect: all the problems {he|she} encounters in the course of {his|her} life, be it in social or professional life, or in friendships, will be due to emotional and sexual problems.
\3.12 Lunar Node
\3.12.25 Lunar Node - Ascendant
Positive aspect.
\3.12.26 Lunar Node - Ascendant
Negative aspect.
\3.12.43 Lunar Node - Midheaven
Positive aspect.
\3.12.44 Lunar Node - Midheaven
Negative aspect.
Social success thanks to {his|her} talents, good results at school.
{He|She} goes to the heart of things, achieves their goals, carries on to the end of whatever has been undertaken. Likes food, comfort, good sexuality.
{He|She} is sociable, without a doubt a little gossipy. Tends to forget set objectives. Likes to write.
{He|She} will certainly have a large family. Indeed, family life, the home, the children will be very important for {him|her}.
Sign of good health, vitality. Certain of success, either in sport, the Arts or something else. Very full emotional life.
Predisposed for the medical, paramedical, or social service professions. Likes peace and tranquility at home. Looks for a loving and tender partner.
{He|She} will never leave the beaten track. Married and not living with a partner, if {he|she} gets involved in politics it will be in a recognized party and naturally one in power etc...
{He|She} is sociable, diplomatic in everything. Likes the Arts.
Emotional life certainly very changeable. Lovers will come and go, and then come back again. Sexuality is very important for {him|her}, for {his|her} stability.
{He|She} will have an intellectual profession. Teaching, research, philosophy, mathematics. Children will be a source of happiness and pride.
If childhood and youth are not very scholarly periods, with little success, maturity and old age will see the arrival of success.
The rise will be slow, and {he|she} will be self-taught, spending all {his|her} life studying and instructing {himself|herself}.
{He|She}loves meeting people, discussing until the wee hours of the morning. Likes to please, happily flits about. Is interested in politics, is a member of a youth organization, or one that fights for human rights.
{He|She} looks for love, but not any sort of love, it must be the pure and perfect kind. The search will probably take a long time.
Financial success thanks to the use of energy and entrepreneurial spirit. {He|She} will tend to be spendthrift. Highly ambitious.
Social success will be acquired by laborious, long work that will require a lot of patience.
Financial success will be acquired thanks to various activities, frequent changes, be it of the activity or the workplace.
Financial success might come late, if it will come in the commercial field.
Financial success will be very easy thanks to the support of influential people.
Tendency to spend more than what is earned.
Will not earn a lot of money through work.
Income will come either as a result of an advantageous marriage, or by a very useful association.
Financial success will come either through a job connected with death, (funeral director, forensic surgeon, monumental mason etc...) or thanks to an inheritance.
Social success in one of the professions or in an import/export company dealing regularly with foreign countries.
Success in professional life will be long and laborious. Continuously working towards it, {he|she} will finally achieve universally acknowledged success.
Success in professional life won't take place without the help of friends and protectors. While {he|she} might earn enormous amounts, {he|she} can lose as much if not even more.
Easy success in professional life thanks to intelligence, ingeniousness and a few friends. {He|She}is careful with money without being miserly, because {he|she} is generous.
Lively intelligence. {He|She} is ambitious. {He|She} is always ready for any initiative requiring change or novelty.
One is never better than at home. Not much travelling or taking of a sudden or unexamined initiative. Everything is calculated; the motto is "slowly but surely".
{He|She} adapts well to any kind of change, and enthusiastically. {He|She} doesn't like monotony. Will need to move house because of work reasons.
Any travel that {he|she} does will only be to visit family or friends . Family and dear ones are very important to {him|her}, they can always count on {him|her} in times of difficulty or trouble.
{He|She} is a very good organizer. Everything is carefully studied, explained and swiftly executed.
{He|She} pulls everything to pieces, analyzes, critizes. Doesn't take on anything without examining the pro's and the con's. {He|She} is very careful, sometimes to a manic extent, taking everything into account even to the slightest detail.
{He|She} looks for refined unproblematic people, with whom to have long discussions, without raised voices of any kind.
Makes a good investigator because {he|she} is very curious, likes researching and does this with a lot of patience, likes to solve mysteries. Knows how to take risks, while being aware of the dangers.
{He|She} will study for a long time, will be erudite. Very intelligent, an open and independent spirit, will have a connection with foreign countries. Fertile intelligence.
Nothing is left to chance, everything is calculated, dissected slowly and methodically, twice rather than once, in peace and quiet by {himself|herself}. {He|She} is introverted, and doesn't speak about {his|her} plans until they are underway.
{He|She} is always at the forefront of progress. Likes everything that is new, original and ingenious. Likes every new idea, as long as it improves life and naturally is good for everyone.
{He|She} is happy to travel even at a moment's notice, likes a life full of change and meetings.
Ideas are somewhat changeable, and {his|her} humor as well. Travel, sea voyages or work connected with the sea.
Lots of authority within the family. {He|She} knows how to take the destiny of the family in hand. {He|She} is very energetic, very strong, knowing how to cope with life's setbacks.
Makes a good {father|mother}. Likes to be at home, with the little family for company. Appreciates comfort, peace and quiet, and simple but good food!. Takes care of what {he|she} possesses wisely.
Impossible to stay in one place, frequently changes home. If the job is monotonous, {he|she} will often change firm. The ideal profession would be one offering a lot of change, moving around, meeting lots of new people.
An equally erratic love life is to be expected.
Likes family life, children have a large place in {his|her} heart. {He|She}is by nature calm, affectionate, delicate and tender.
Conducts family life like a business, rigorously and authoritatively. Great sense of organization, looks after what {he|she} possesses well.
Makes a good {father|mother}, watching over {his|her} children, spending the night in an armchair near a sick child, caring for and calming him/her with patience.
Knows how to look after {his|her} home perfectly, how to iron out difficulties by {his|her} practical sense and thanks to {his|her} intelligence.
The simple life, the small home isn't for {him|her}. If the job doesn't pay well or {he|she} doesn't marry well financially speaking, {he|she} will probably be unhappy. Likes luxury goods to make life comfortable, going out, cocktail parties.
Goes round only with refined people, perhaps sometimes a little too affected, and with good jobs.
{He|She}is jealous, snobby, irascible.
Family rows will be frequent. Might receive an inheritance.
{He|She} will certainly marry a foreigner, or go to live abroad permanently and set up home there.
After working all {his|her} life to obtain {his|her} objectives and finally having reached that goal, {he|she} wants to retire in peace and quiet and to have a retirement full of contemplation, with few tasks, close to nature.
As {he|she} was very careful with money all {his|her} life, {he|she} will administer the properties {he|she} has acquired.
{He|She} will leave the family home reasonably young. Likes liberty, wants a life that is out-of-the-ordinary, and certainly one that does not correspond with mum and dad's.
{He|She} is very susceptible to the mood of those around {him|her}. A hard difficult upbringing can mark {him|her} for life. When a child, has to be protected, given confidence.
Full of initiative. Things are done to the full, with energy, vigor and strength of purpose; It is the same with love life. Children will be hardy and rarely ill.
A pleasant home, a charming {wife|husband}, loving and sweet children, nice little meals, pleasant evenings with the loved one, that's the good life.
Likes to please; {He|She} can spend hours in the bathroom, preparing to go out, in the hope of meeting someone to dazzle. Likes interminable discussions with friends.
{He|She} will often be in love, up until the day {he|she} meets the chosen one. Then, no more flirting - the only goal: to start a family, as many kids as possible.
Can only love an honest, upright and intelligent person. Likes to admire {his|her} spouse. A sincere, stable and faithful love. Refined education.
{He|She} does not lack for practical sense to run {his|her} business and home; {He|She} is ingenious and good with {his|her} hands. {He|She} is modest and prudish.
{He|She} is delicate and full of good manners, with a taste for luxury; {his|her} friends are the same - refined with very good jobs. Will want to marry (and not just live with the partner).
Gets blinded by and drunk with love; everything revolves around {his|her} love. {His|Her} passions are angry, exclusive and domestic quarrels are in prospect as a result. Fertile love life.
Likes adventure, travel, gambling, takes risks for the pleasure of it, treating it as a game. Lots of love affairs.
The absolute example of the "serious" type. Everything is calculated, the slightest risk analyzed, patience is one of {his|her} main qualities. Doesn't know anything about chance.
One or two love affairs, marriage, a family, all unproblematic - done calmly with love and wisdom.
Doesn't like routine and the banal. {He|She} is romantic, full of fantasy and imagination. {He|She} is also a friend one can count on.
With lofty feelings, {he|she} is full of tenderness, sentimentality. Things do not always go {his|her} way.
A meeting with a person who is either not free, too young or from a different family or social background means that living together will be done in the utmost secrecy while waiting for the chance to legalize the situation quietly, without any trouble.
This state of affairs will make {him|her} melancholy. A lovely little family will result from this union.
Ability to command, knows how to take up {his|her} responsibilities at work. Weak point: headaches, fevers.
Completely trusted at work. Knows how to keep a secret and is of irreproachable honesty. Weak point: the throat.
Good secretary, or equally good sales rep. Weak point: the nerves, sometimes also the lungs.
Likes jobs in contact with the public. Weak point: the stomach.
Ability to command, authority at work. Weak point: the heart and arteries.
Jobs in the medical or paramedic fields suit {him|her} the best. Weak point: the nerves and intestines.
Above all else, likes good work conditions, a good atmosphere. Weak point: the kidneys.
Likes risky professions. Weak point: the genital area.
Likes jobs that involve travel, moving about a lot. Weak point: the circulation of the blood.
Works hard, unceasingly and patiently. Weak point: the cold, changes in temperature.
One of the professions or teaching. Weak point: the circulation of the blood.
Job in commerce. Weak point: the kidneys.
Love-at-first-sight, marries without thinking. Doesn't want to change {his|her} habits, so domestic quarrels to be foreseen.
Marries for love but also well financially. A peaceful union even if exchange of ideas isn't always smooth.
Marries quite young, and divorces later. A second marriage doubtless with less passion but a lot of friendship. Frightened of living alone in old age.
Marriage, a nice little family. The spouse will not always be easy to live with, a little too mad.
Marriage for love, based on confidence, honesty, sincerity.
Marriage more of the head than the heart, which will last in spite of a few hiccups. The spouse is honest, hard-working, intelligent and cunning.
Love-marriage with someone of a higher class, bringing the desired luxury and refinement.
Passion, passion. Feverish and drunk with love. Hiccups, discussions, disputes in love.
Either marriage with a foreigner, or a marriage abroad, or marriage with a foreigner abroad.
A love-and-friendship marriage. Unproblematic, quiet relationship. A few hiccups, but nothing really serious. Faithfulness.
A slightly hasty marriage. The relationship between man-and-wife will be very friendly and full of understanding. Both will love their independence, their freedom of action.
If one refuses to give this to the other while insisting on it for {herself|himself}, then a divorce will ensue.
Marriage with someone who will quickly disappoint. The spouse's lack of energy and vitality will annoy {him|her}, and this could lead to the break-up of the marriage. A second, happier one could happen.
The spouse will tend to spend more money than {he|she} earns. Be careful of any haste that could prove dangerous. Drives a car too fast.
Happy old age, natural death. Inheritance.
If {he|she} is a writer, a painter or involved in another of the Arts, and if fame doesn't come when living, then it will come posthumously. Small inheritance from near relations. Take care of the lungs - if a smoker, then it is advisable to stop.
Small inheritances.
Have regular check-ups on the heart and arteries.
Small inheritances. Happy old age, natural death.
Happy old age, natural death.
Lots of vivacity and hastiness put life in danger too often, and one of these times could be too much.
Death will certainly be in a foreign land or on a journey abroad. Nevertheless this will happen after a long life, when the body is too exhausted to continue. Easy death.
Natural death in very old age. Inheritances.
An unexpected inheritance.
Discussions about an inheritance. Be careful of water.
Travel with risk and adventure.
Travels but little, no great attraction for abroad. Doesn't change principles, practically never changes mind.
Likes studying, is open to anything new, accepts and recognizes {his|her} errors, always develops in a positive sense. Likes travel, discovery, meeting new people and knows how to appreciate them.
Fertile imagination. {He|She} is easily influenced. Likes travel, especially cruises.
{He|She} is tolerant, accepts all differences and respects them. {He|She} is honest and loyal.
{He|She} is devoted to all causes that bring comfort or help to people in difficulty.
Likes justice, honesty, loyalty. Make good lawyers.
Likes long voyages, especially by sea. Might participate in regattas, likes risk, sport.
Long voyages abroad. Might settle permanently in a foreign country. Intellectual work, mathematical mind.
Respects the religion in which {he|she} was brought up as a child, still holds this belief.
Likes justice and loyalty.
Goes into one of the professions, is innovative and original. Likes travel, communicating with different people. Long research.
Likes sea cruises. Sometimes has brilliant ideas that come from nowhere.
All the leadership qualities are there: authority, energy, initiative, leadership, lots of gung-ho and of course intelligence.
Trusted at work. Occupation connected with the earth, buildings, finance etc...
Profession requiring lots of change and movement. If this isn't the case, then lots of job changes. Likes to move, travel, write.
Likes contact with the public, the crowd. Profession that involves meeting a lot of people. Professional success thanks to sense of duty and application to {his|her} work.
\4.10.5 HOUSE X IN LEO
All the leadership qualities are there: authority, sense of organization, initiative, intelligence, but also thanks to outside help. {He|She} is a fighter.
All medical, paramedic or social work are recommended.
Contacts of all kinds will lead to social success, professional, through marriage etc... Likes society life, friendships that could help professionally. Sometimes jobs connected with justice, but always involved with important and influential people.
Likes professions that involve a certain risk. Those in the police field are recommended. {He|She} likes to investigate. {He|She} is curious by nature, takes risks and fights to succeed.
Job involving travel, especially abroad, and if possible with some risk attached. One of the professions.
Someone who is completely trusted at work. Respectable, irreproachable in {his|her} work and moral qualities, scrupulous and praiseworthy.
Success in teaching. Likes contact with others, to speak and explain.
Professional success in solitary professions. Archivist, librarian, historian etc...
Likes to be surrounded by friends full of vigor, solid, spirited. Carries out everything {he|she} undertakes.
Likes to be surrounded by frank and good-hearted friends. These friendships don't stand on ceremony. Carries out everything {he|she} undertakes surely, composedly, calmly until successful.
Likes meeting, ceaselessly discussing with well-informed people, full of ideas.
Sincere and life-long friendships. The family comes first, however.
Friends are not always chosen by chance. Even if the feelings of friendship are sincere, these friends must automatically bring something - professional help for example.
Friends must resemble {him|her}, anyone having different ideas or ways of doing things cannot be friends. Discussing ideas is not {his|her} cup of tea.
{His|Her} knowledge is the result of study but also of the down-to-earth nature that characterizes {him|her}.
Looks for friends among "well-placed" people, artists known even regionally, influential people in society, the social or political world, likes high class evenings.
Adores to debate endlessly with friends who don't share {his|her} ideas. The discussion can lead to words, even a certain verbal violence.
Loves above all travel, adventure and friends are often from abroad.
Stable friendships with composed, wise people, from whose experience of life {he|she} can profit in {his|her} own life.
Likes to re-make the world with {his|her} friends. These discussions can last the whole night and, with the ideal world created, {he|she} can retire to bed.
Has only a few friends, but with these the friendship is sincere and frank.
Can take initiatives without consulting anyone, even {his|her} partner.
Business affairs will have their highs and lows, financial loss can be heavy.
Anxiety, preoccupation concerning a dear one.
Problems will only come from the family.
A few problems with authority or someone in charge.
Work in a research lab.
Marriage doesn't bring luck, honors come as {he|she} imagined they might.
Work in the police field, likes investigating other people's private lives.
Problems abroad, or with foreigners, or flight abroad, exile.
Disappointments are difficult to digest, the bitterness can last a long time before {he|she} is able to react positively.