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- @echo off
- echo off
- echo --- Thunderbyte Anti-Virus installation batch program ---
- echo.
- rem * Make sure that we can find the utilities in the current directory
- if not exist TBSCAN.EXE goto error1
- rem * Find out if we are upgrading a previous version in the current dir
- if exist TBSTART.BAT goto pathexists
- rem * Make sure that the user specified a destination path
- if %1X==X goto error2
- rem * Make sure the target path exists or can be created
- if exist %1\nul goto pathexists
- md %1
- if not exist %1\nul goto error3
- :pathexists
- rem * Make sure user did not type something like 'C:' :-)
- if exist %1\CONFIG.SYS goto error5
- echo Please read the License.Txt file. By using the TBAV package you
- echo agree with our license agreement. You can print the License.Txt
- echo file by typing the following command on the DOS command line:
- echo Copy License.Txt Lpt1
- echo Press Ctrl-C to abort this installation batch file, or
- pause
- echo.
- echo This installation batch file of the shareware version of TBAV
- echo is not the same as the full featured installation program of the
- echo commercial version of TBAV. (The main reason for the omission of
- echo the installation program is to save disk space and to minimize
- echo download time). Therefore the installation procedure might
- echo differ from the procedure described in the manual.
- echo.
- rem * If TbScanX is active, de-activate it.
- if not exist SCANX goto notres
- if exist %1\tbscanx.exe %1\tbscanx /off
- :notres
- rem * Copy the TBAV utilities if necessary
- if exist dummy.tst del dummy.tst >nul
- if exist %1\dummy.tst del %1\dummy.tst >nul
- echo TEST >%1\dummy.tst
- if exist dummy.tst goto filesexists
- if not exist %1\dummy.tst goto error4
- echo TbSetup will now delete the Anti-Vir.Dat file of a previous
- echo TBAV version if it exists in directory %1
- pause
- rem * If Anti-Vir.Dat already exists and is hidden, delete it...
- tbsetup %1 remove
- cls
- echo Copying files. Please wait...
- copy addendum.txt %1 >nul
- copy agents.txt %1 >nul
- copy anti-vir.dat %1 >nul
- copy appnotes.txt %1 >nul
- copy esass.pgp %1 >nul
- copy file_id.diz %1 >nul
- copy install.bat %1 >nul
- copy license.txt %1 >nul
- copy makeresc.bat %1 >nul
- copy register.exe %1 >nul
- copy report.txt %1 >nul
- copy security.txt %1 >nul
- copy tbav.txt %1 >nul
- copy tbav.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbav.lng %1 >nul
- copy tbav.msg %1 >nul
- copy tbcheck.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbclean.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbdel.com %1 >nul
- copy tbdisk.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbdriver.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbdriver.lng %1 >nul
- copy tbfile.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbkey.exe %1 >nul
- copy tblog.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbmem.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbscan.def %1 >nul
- copy tbscan.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbscan16.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbscan32.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbscan.lng %1 >nul
- copy tbscan.sig %1 >nul
- copy tbscanx.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbsetup.dat %1 >nul
- copy tbsetup.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbutil.exe %1 >nul
- copy tbutil.lng %1 >nul
- copy nvclean.* %1 >nul
- copy veldman.pgp %1 >nul
- copy esass.pgp %1 >nul
- copy tbav.faq %1 >nul
- copy tbmon.com %1 >nul
- copy whatsnew.* %1 >nul
- if %_4ver%x==x copy descript.ion %1 >nul
- :filesexists
- del %1\dummy.tst >nul
- if not exist %1\docs.exe goto nopack
- %1\docs -o %1
- del %1\docs.exe >nul
- :nopack
- rem * DOS has no interactive batch file commands,
- rem * so we create a special program to solve that!
- rem * the 'garbage' in the echo command is program code
- rem * to read a key into an errorlevel, the program code
- rem * will be copied into an executable file.
- echo ═êα╧┤L═! >%1\ask.com
- echo.
- echo TbSetup will now generate or update the Anti-Vir.Dat file
- echo of the directory %1
- pause
- rem * create or update the Anti-Vir.Dat records of the TBAV utilities
- %1\TBSETUP %1
- cls
- rem * do not overwrite an existing TBAV setup.
- if exist %1\TBSTART.BAT goto upgrade
- echo.
- echo The Thunderbyte Anti-Virus utilities have been copied to the destination
- echo directory. It is recommended to read the documentation of TBAV thoroughly
- echo and to make a customized setup. One of the advantages of the Thunderbyte
- echo Anti-Virus utilities is flexibility and the possibility to configure
- echo them to suit your needs in an optimal way.
- echo.
- echo This installation batch file helps you to setup the utilities in their
- echo most standard and non-customized way.
- echo Do you want to continue? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto nosetup
- rem * make a backup of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file!
- echo.
- echo Backing up C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT to C:\AUTOEXEC.ORG...
- copy c:\autoexec.bat c:\autoexec.org >nul
- rem * create a TBSTART.BAT file in the TBAV directory.
- echo @echo off >%1\TBSTART.BAT
- echo echo off >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
- echo.
- echo For easy access of the TBAV utilities it is recommended to put them
- echo into your PATH environment variable.
- echo Do you want to add %1 to your PATH statement? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto dosetup
- rem * add the PATH statement to the end of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- echo PATH=%%PATH%%;%1 >>C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
- :dosetup
- echo.
- echo TbSetup will now process your drives to generate the Anti-Vir.Dat files.
- pause
- rem * process the rest of the machine, but do not touch existing information!
- %1\TbSetup NewOnly AllDrives
- :tbdriver
- cls
- echo.
- echo The TBAV package contains some utilities that can be installed in the memory
- echo of your PC. Do you want to add them to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto autoscan
- rem * create a TBSTART.BAT file in the TBAV directory.
- echo %1\TbDriver >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
- echo.
- echo TBSCANX is a memory resident virus scanner.
- echo Do you want to install it? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto tbcheck
- rem * add the TbScanX statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
- echo %1\TbScanX EMS XMS >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
- :tbcheck
- echo.
- echo TBCHECK is a memory resident integrity checker.
- echo Do you want to install it? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto tbmem
- rem * add the TbCheck statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
- echo %1\TbCheck noavok=ab >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
- :tbmem
- echo.
- echo TBMEM is a resident memory guard.
- echo Do you want to install it? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto tbfile
- rem * add the TbMem statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
- echo %1\TbMem >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
- :tbfile
- echo.
- echo TBFILE is a resident file guard.
- echo Do you want to install it? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto autoscan
- rem * add the TbFile statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
- echo %1\TbFile >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
- :autoscan
- echo.
- echo Do you want the system to be scanned automatically for viruses every day? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto addcall
- rem * add the TbScan statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
- echo %1\TbScan Once AllDrives >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
- :addcall
- if exist C:\TEMP.BAT del C:\TEMP.BAT >nul
- echo call %1\TBSTART.BAT >C:\TEMP.BAT
- copy /a C:\TEMP.BAT + C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\TEMP2.BAT >nul
- copy C:\TEMP2.BAT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT >nul
- del C:\TEMP.BAT >nul
- del C:\TEMP2.BAT >nul
- :ready
- echo.
- echo Do you want to scan your drives now? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto starttbav
- %1\TbScan AllDrives
- :starttbav
- cls
- :nosetup
- echo.
- echo It is highly recommended to print the TBAV user manual.
- echo You can do this with the following DOS command:
- echo Copy TBAV.TXT Lpt1
- echo.
- echo If you are upgrading from previous TBAV versions, it is recommended
- echo to print the WHATSNEW files and the Addendum.Txt.
- echo You can do this with the following DOS command:
- echo Copy WHATSNEW.* Lpt1
- echo Copy ADDENDUM.TXT Lpt1
- echo.
- echo The menu program TBAV.EXE can be used to read the documentation files.
- echo Do you want to start TBAV now? (Y/n)
- %1\ask
- if not errorlevel 1 goto flush
- %1\TBAV
- goto end
- :upgrade
- echo.
- rem * Delete all stuff we don't support anymore
- echo Install.Bat will delete some obsolete files from previous TBAV
- echo versions which are not supported anymore.
- echo.
- if exist %1\TbScan.Com del %1\TbScan.Com >nul
- if exist %1\TbScan.Msg del %1\TbScan.Msg >nul
- if exist %1\TbScan.ECI del %1\TbScan.ECI >nul
- if exist %1\VirScan.Dat del %1\VirScan.Dat >nul
- if exist %1\AddnSigs.Dat del %1\AddnSigs.Dat >nul
- if exist %1\ComprSca.* del %1\ComprSca.* >nul
- if exist %1\*.AVR del %1\*.AVR >nul
- if exist %1\*.Doc del %1\*.Doc >nul
- if exist %1\TbScanX.Com del %1\TbScanX.Com >nul
- if exist %1\TbRescue.* del %1\TbRescue.* >nul
- if exist %1\TBAV.CFG del %1\TBAV.CFG >nul
- if exist %1\TbShell.* del %1\TbShell.* >nul
- if exist %1\register.exe ren %1\register.exe reg.exe >nul
- if exist %1\register.txt ren %1\register.txt reg.txt >nul
- if exist %1\register.* del %1\register.* >nul
- if exist %1\reg.exe ren %1\reg.exe register.exe >nul
- if exist %1\reg.txt ren %1\reg.txt register.txt >nul
- if exist %1\TbGarble.* del %1\TbGarble.* >nul
- if exist %1\GetBoot.* del %1\GetBoot.* >nul
- if exist %1\Upgrade.Bat del %1\Upgrade.Bat >nul
- if exist %1\TBAV.ICO del %1\TBAV.ICO >nul
- if exist %1\TBAV.PIF del %1\TBAV.PIF >nul
- echo All obsolete TBAV files have been removed.
- echo.
- if not exist %1\StackMan.Exe goto ready
- echo Note: StackMan.Exe is not necessary anymore to solve TBAV problems.
- echo StackMan is therefor no longer supplied with the shareware TBAV package.
- echo If you do not use StackMan, you can delete it from the TBAV directory.
- goto ready
- :error1
- echo Error: Invalid program invocation!
- echo.
- echo Make sure that you invoke INSTALL.BAT in the directory where the
- echo TBAV utilities can be found!
- echo.
- echo Example: if the TBAV utilities can be found on drive A:, you should type:
- echo A: [enter]
- echo INSTALL [path] [enter]
- goto end
- :error2
- echo Error: No destination path specified!
- echo.
- echo You have to specify the destination path for the TBAV utilities!
- echo Even if the utilities are already in the destination path.
- echo.
- echo Example:
- echo If the TBAV utilities are or should be copied to C:\TBAV, please type:
- goto end
- :error3
- echo Error: Unable to creat destination directory %1
- echo.
- echo Make sure you enter an existing destination path or a path that can be created!
- goto end
- :error4
- echo Error: Unable to copy files in directory %1
- echo.
- echo Disk full? Access denied?
- goto end
- :error5
- echo Error: No target directory specified!
- echo.
- echo Make sure you enter a full destination path!
- echo %1 is not sufficient!
- echo.
- echo Example:
- echo If the TBAV utilities are or should be copied to C:\TBAV, please type:
- goto end
- :flush
- echo.
- echo If you have a disk cache installed, wait a few seconds to allow the
- echo cache to flush the buffers, and reboot...
- :end
- if exist %1\ask.com del %1\ask.com >nul