2500 Holiday Lights allows you to string virtual lights on your Windows desktop. You can configure many options from this dialog. To help you, select a help topic from this list and more detailed information will be provided to help configure Holiday Lights to your liking.\n\nThis program was originally written for Windows 3.1 in 1994 and called XMas Lights. It has been enhanced many times since then, and thanks to the support of registered users it will continue to become better and have more configuration options.\n\nSelect various options from this control panel and click apply (or OK) to see your changes.
2501 Setting the flashing mode allows you to change to visual effect for the flashing lights.\n\nNone: No bulbs are flashing.\nRandom: Lights flash at random.\nAll Together: Lights flash in sequence together.\nChase: Lights "chase" each other.\nAlternating: Lights flash in an alternating pattern.\nSome Flash: Similar to random, but not all of the lights are "flashers".
2502 Set the flashing rate according to your preference. From very slow to very fast. Note that on some slower systems, a fast flash rate may interfere with other applications running concurrently in Windows.\n\nUse the slider control to select the flash rate. Note the red and green lights on the options dialog which give you an indication of the speed you select.
2503 Select a bulb style which you like. Choosing random will allow the computer to select a bulb style for you.\n\nBurnt Out: Some bulbs can be burned out.\nBroken: Some bulbs can be broken (works only with the normal bulb type)\nMissing: Some bulbs can be completely missing.\nChange Bulbs: Bulbs will change every five minutes if the random bulb type is selected.
2504 Select the color you would like for the string of lights. Note that some lights have more color options than others.\n\nIf you are running Windows in 16-bit color mode and have selected to use the maximum number of colors for icons, the lights that appear in Holiday Lights will also use more colors. For instance, the pumpkins are a true orange color in 16-bit color mode (versus dithered in lesser color modes).
2505 Select background music that you would like to play when Holiday Lights is running.\n\nTo add additional music, copy MIDI files to the same path on your hard drive where the LIGHTS95.EXE program is located. These music files will then show up in the music list when you configure Holiday Lights.\n\nYou may surf the Internet and download more *.MID files and place them in this directory.\n\n
2506 Holiday Lights has its own built-in screen saver. This screen saver can override the default screen saver built into Windows. Various options can be configured for the built-in screen saver.\n\nNote that this screen saver is contained within the Holiday Lights program and not accessible from the Windows desktop or control panel.
2507 The power switch can turn on or off all functionality for Holiday Lights. Note that when this switch is off, lights will not be on, music will not play and the screen saver will be disabled.\n\nToggle the power by clicking on the yellow power switch.
2508 Select various miscellaneous options to configure your system.\n\nMore Lights: Display more lights in the string.\nZoom F/X: Zoom window effects.\nSound Effects: Enable sound effects for configuring Holiday Lights.\nFlash LEDs: Allows the keyboard LEDs to flash in sync with the lights. (This can be annoying when attempting to use other programs.)\nStartup Options: Shows the configuration options when Holiday Lights starts.\nPrevent Flicker: When checked, lights are drawn to prevent flickering. This also causes some screen and window updates to be handled in a strange manner.\nCalendar: Select various dates to be notified of holidays before they occur.\nIdle Process: Check this to have the system draw the lights without hogging the CPU.
2509 This program was developed to be a tinkerer's dream. It was also created so that you could see festive lights all year round and not just during the commercial holiday season.\n\nDeveloped in C and the Win32 SDK using MS Visual C++.\n\nHoliday Lights is Copyright ⌐ 1994-96 Don Metzler and Barefoot Productions.\n\nYou may send us email at 71174.2675@compuserve.com or visit our web site at http://members.aol.com/noshoes/\n\nYour comments and suggestions are appreciated and help make this a better product.\n\nHappy Holidays!!!