1 Deskey cannot be disabled beause it is currently busy. If you have any Deskey dialog boxes open, you need to close them, and then try again.\n\nIf this problem persists, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.
2 This public beta release of Deskey has expired.\n\nFor information on how to obtain an updated version of SoftArts Deskey, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.
3 Unable to determine the version of DESKEY.EXE. The file may be corrupted.\n\nIf this problem persists, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.
4 Unable to load DESKEY.DLL. Make sure this file is present in the same folder as DESKEY.EXE.\n\nIf this problem persists, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.
5 Unable to determine the version of DESKEY.DLL. The file may be corrupted.\n\nIf this problem persists, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.
6 The version numbers of DESKEY.EXE and DESKEY.DLL do not match. Find and delete all copies of DESKEY.EXE and DESKEY.DLL on your computer, and then reinstall Deskey.\n\nIf this problem persists, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.
7 Unable to locate a required function in DESKEY.DLL. The file may be corrupted.\n\nIf this problem persists, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.
8 This product requires Microsoft Windows 95 running Explorer as the shell.
9 The version of Deskey you have just started (%s) is different from the previously installed version (%s).\n\nIf you choose to continue, %s will be installed as the current version.\n\n
10 If you've just upgraded to a new version of Deskey, this is normal. All applicable settings and window placements will be automatically converted to version %s.\n\nDo you want to continue?
11 Since the previously installed version (%s) is not recognized by this version, your previous settings and window placements cannot be used, but will be preserved in case you decide to go back to version %s in the future.\n\nDo you want to continue?
12 Deskey has not been properly installed on your computer. Refer to the SoftArts Deskey Help file for installation instructions.\n\nIf this problem persists, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.
13 You have just chosen to disable Deskey.\n\nDisabling Deskey removes it from memory and prevents it from running at startup.
14 (To reenable it, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to SoftArts Deskey, and then click SoftArts Deskey.)\n\nDisable Deskey now?
15 Deskey is already enabled. To access its features, click the Deskey icon on the taskbar with your right mouse button.
16 This will remove SoftArts Deskey from your computer. All files, settings, and window placements will be deleted.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
17 The 60-minute time limit for the evaluation version of Deskey is up. Deskey will now terminate itself.\n\nThank you for choosing to evaluate Deskey. For information on how to register Deskey, see SoftArts Deskey Help.
18 Your registration code has expired, and the 60-minute time limit is up. Deskey will now terminate itself.\n\nFor information on how to obtain an updated registration code, contact SoftArts via Internet e-mail to softarts@tridel.com.ph.