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- About VB Expressions' Internet Text Translator for Windows
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- (Formerly the DOS/Unix Text Translator)
- Thanks for downloading the VB Expressions Internet Text Translator,
- Shareware Version 2.00! Texttran (for short) is a Microsoft Windows
- program that allows you to translate UUEncoded (.uue) text files back
- to binary format, DOS-prepared text files to Unix or Macintosh text
- format, and vice versa. It also translates some peculiar double-spaced
- DOS text files from early Netscape Navigator versions to normal DOS text.
- It works with Windows 3.0 and later.
- Start Texttran, select your files and translation direction, and go!
- Graphics and programs from your E-mail system will be usable; files
- from your DOS editor will work in your Macintosh or Unix-served
- applications, and Unix or Macintosh files from your file server or the
- Internet will be usable in DOS.
- The file you just de-archived, DUTRANS.ZIP, should contain this file
- and the following:
- Name Size Date Time
- ------------ -------- -------- --------
- TEXTTRAN.EXE 39246 09-26-96 9:00p
- TEXTTRAN.HLP 50724 09-26-96 9:00p
- UUCODER.VBX 22272 04-19-96 6:40p
- CMDIALOG.VBX 18688 04-28-93 12:00a
- Please see the Windows Help file TEXTTRAN.HLP for complete Installation
- and Operations instructions. If you have associated .HLP files with the
- Windows Help application, just double-click on TEXTTRAN.HLP in the File
- Manager; otherwise run WINHELP.EXE and open TEXTTRAN.HLP using the "File"
- menu.
- One additional support file is required to use the VB Expressions Internet
- Text Translator: VBRUN300.DLL, the runtime module for Visual Basic 3.0. If
- you use any other Visual Basic 3.0 programs, you have this file, probably
- in your \WINDOWS or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Otherwise, VBRUN300.DLL is
- available from the same BBS, on-line system or software distributor where
- you obtained DUTRANS.ZIP.
- ------
- The Internet Text Translator is NOT Public Domain or Freeware. Please
- REGISTER Texttran if you use it beyond a fifteen day trial period. For
- personal use, send your $15 registration fee to:
- VB Expressions
- 64 Burning Brush Drive
- Rochester, NY 14606-4642
- Kindly include the Version number and the source where you got Texttran.
- You will receive a disk with the latest version of the program and all
- necessary support files. If you prefer to receive the registered version
- by E-mail, send $10 by U.S. Mail to the above address, and we will send
- the latest version of TEXTTRAN.EXE via CompuServe or AmericaOnline mail.
- (VBRUN300.DLL will NOT be included in E-mail delivered software.)
- On-line registration for Texttran is now available on CompuServe!
- The fee for this service is $15, plus shipping/handling. The fees will
- be billed directly to your CIS account. The Shareware Registration
- database number is 5575. You will receive a disk with the latest versions
- of the files required for Texttran in return. Enter "Go CIS:SWR" at
- a WinCIM or CompuServe prompt for more information.
- Registrants of earlier versions of Texttran may receive the latest version
- by sending $5.00 to cover shipping costs to the address above: your continued
- support is greatly appreciated!
- There is a full Windows 95 version of the Internet Text Translator. Look for
- the Internet Text Translator for Windows 95 from your shareware distributor.
- You can also look for other VB Expressions utilities: Desktop Assistants
- Draggin' Viewer, a drag-and-drop file viewer/program launcher, Printer's
- Daemon, a drag-and-drop file printing utility, and Trash Free-K!, a
- drag-and-drop file deletion utility. Also look for Smartclp, a Windows
- Clipboard enhancer, PM Fonts, which allows you to change your Program
- Manager fonts from the Microsoft default to any installed screen font,
- PM Group Sorter, which allows you to control the listing of files in
- your Program Manager Windows menu and PM Access Control, which restricts
- access to Program Manager set-up changes on a multi-user computer.
- Good stuff (if we may say so ourselves!)
- VB Expressions Web site is now available: http://members.aol.com/vbexpressn.
- Look there for the latest news on our utilities.
- We'd be interested in your comments or suggestions on the Internet Text
- Translator. You can reach us by Email on CompuServe, ID 73457,3603 or
- AmericaOnline, ScreenName PMChefalo, or by US Mail, at the address above.
- Our preferred internet address is: PMChefalo@aol.com.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Internet Text Translator - Copyright ⌐ 1994-6 by P.M. Chefalo
- Revision History
- ----------------
- Version 1.00S - First Shareware Version
- Version 1.05S - Maintenance release. Fixed Help file text and call from
- application, removed error message if ASCII 12 (Page Feed)
- character is encountered.
- Version 1.10S - Maintenance release. Amended Help file text. Fixed problem
- translating files with names without extensions. Adjusted
- Common Dialog title.
- Version 1.15S - Maintenance release. Extended the path returned from the
- Common Dialog to maximum allowed by Windows 3.1. Modified
- batch operations for efficiency.
- Version 1.20S - Maintenance release. Allowed user to continue translation
- of file if target format is detected, instead of by-passing
- file.
- Version 1.20aS - Minor bug fix. Fixed "non-text warning" dialog box text.
- Version 1.25S - Added ability to translate double-spaced DOS text. Changed name
- to "Internet Text Translator for Windows".
- Version 1.50S - Added ability to translate Macintosh text. Corrected duplicate
- D/S and changed Select accelerator keys, and updated Help system.
- Version 1.55S - Corrected backup naming in directories with "dot". Repaired "bug"
- in nag screen.
- Version 2.00S - Added UUCoding and UUDecoding for text-encoded binary files.
- Added right click interactive help.