11 The WebSeeker program cannot find %s. This file is a Search Module that works with one of the World Wide Web Search engines. If you would like to purchase this Search Module and create your own searches, please contact ForeFront sales at sales@ffg.com or 1-800-403-0925.
12 hInst is %d
13 Finished
14 Str.LoadString (
15 Server Invalid
16 Begin
17 Using Gateway"
18 Error Connecting
19 Requesting...%d
20 Connecting...%d
21 Reading...%d
22 Stopping...
23 Finishing...
24 Reading
25 Connect Timeout
26 Receive Timeout
27 Writing Source
28 Adding...
29 Adding
30 No Search Result
31 Creating file %s
32 Empty Server
33 Empty URL
34 Empty Type
35 Empty Post
36 Empty Server Monitoring
37 Empty URL Monitoring
38 Error: Monitoring:%s\nError: %s
39 Detail: Monitoring:%s\nDetail: %s
40 Error: In Subject:%s Search:%s\nError: %s
41 Detail: In Subject:%s Search:%s\nDetail: %s
43 Error: Unknown Type
44 Import - Complete
45 First Found:
46 Last Modified:
47 Last Tagged:
48 Cannot load the WebCharger DLL.
49 WC Not Loaded
51 yyFlexLexer::yylex invoked but %option yyclass used
52 input in flex scanner failed
53 fatal flex scanner internal error--no action found
54 fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed
100 OLE 2.0 initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
124 Please Wait
126 Windows sockets initialization failed.
132 Ti&p of the Day...
133 Did you know...
135 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory
136 Proxy
137 Server
138 Port
139 Reg
140 RegEMail
144 Options
145 Browser
146 Connections
148 ConnectOut
149 ReadOut
150 RequestOut
161 Trouble reading the tips file
1064 Indexes the results which are grabbed
2002 000000
2004 Search Progress
2005 Searching
2006 Indexing
2007 Total
2008 Results:
2009 Engines:
2010 Pages:
2011 %d of %d
4001 Search only the selected subject
4002 Expands a search by adding search engines\nExpands Search
4003 Add a subject to this file
4004 Shows the database status
4005 Adds a result for tracking or monitoring
4006 Starts or renews the search\nStarts or renews the search
4007 Renews using all of the search engines that are selected
4008 Renews the Monitored URLs
4501 Include the New URLs in the results list
4502 Include the Modified URLs in the results list
4503 Include the Old URLs in the results list
4507 Add a new set of keywords to search for
4508 Clears an item from the selected list\nClears
4509 Writes out the selected results to a web page
4510 Writes out all results to the web page\nWrites all results
4512 Insert item into the selected list\nInsert
4513 Compacts and reindexes the results database
4514 Edits an items properties in the selected list\nEdit
4515 Rejects the result\nReject
4516 Sets the selected results to 'Monitored'\nSets to Monitored
4517 Toggle Error Logging
4518 Toggle Detail Logging
4519 Toggle between URLs and Titles
4520 Allows you to set your preferences
4521 Sets the selected results to not be monitored by the computer
4522 Sets the selected results to New
4523 Sets the selected results to Old
4524 Sets the selected results to browsed\nSets to browsed
4525 Sets the selected results to 'Has not been browsed'
4526 Sets the selected results to Changed
5001 Imports an existing HTML file.
5002 Too many searches. Windows limits exceeded.
5003 Too many results. Windows limits exceeded.
7001 If you delete many search results you should pack and re-index the results database by selecting Compact Database from the Tools menu. This will decrease the size of the database and increase performance.
7002 Your most recently opened WSK files appear at the bottom of the File menu for quick access.
7003 To copy a search result s URL to your browser, click Edit-Copy, press Ctrl-C, or click the Copy button on the Toolbar.
7004 Set a search result s status to Browsed after you have viewed it. This will help you to keep track of which search results you have already browsed and which you haven t.
7005 You can rate search results by changing the title to begin with a different letter, number, or letter and number combination. This would cause the search results to sort differently.
7006 Be sure to set a search result s status to Rejected if you don t want it to appear in future search results.
7007 You can set a search result s status to Monitored if you want to check it for changes each time you search for new results.
7008 To stop a search in progress, select Stop under the Search menu or click the Stop button on the Toolbar.
7009 If you come across a URL on your own and wish to add it to your search results, select Results-Add Result (URL).
7010 Deleting a result removes it entirely from the database, unlike Reject which keeps the search result in the database, but marks it as rejected so it will not show up as a new search result when you search again.
7011 Select Write Web Page from the File menu to create an HTML page of All Results or just the Selected Results.
7012 Using the Writing tab on the Preferences dialog box you can output search results to an HTML file or a text file.
7013 Using the Writing tab on the Preferences dialog box you can launch another program immediately after writing results.
7014 Use Schedule to automate your searches at night or off-peak hours.
7015 WebSeeker uses a standard xBase database format to allow you to create your own reports with FoxPro, Access, or other popular xBase compatible products.
7016 You can rename search results to reflect what they mean to you.
7017 You can prefix search result names with letters or numbers to rank them.
7018 Use the Boolean operators AND and OR, or the AS A PHRASE option to narrow or broaden your searches.
7019 Monitor web pages for changes by setting the search result to Monitor.
7020 If you come across an interesting Web site, you can manually add it to your search results by selecting Add Result from the Results menu.
7021 You can select Horizontal or Vertical layout on the View tab of the Preferences dialog box.
7022 You can double-click WSK files in Windows explorer or Program Manager and WebSeeker will automatically be launched with the selected file.
7023 You can rename a search result with a name that has more meaning to you by right-clicking on the search result and changing the Title to the desired name.
7024 Troubleshoot problems occurring during unattended operation by logging details and errors on the Logging tab of the Preferences dialog box.
7025 You can import the link references from any HTML file using Import under the File menu.
7026 Display available search engines by selecting Search Engines from the View menu.
7027 Each individual search can be customized to use the specific options available from that search engine by right clicking on the displayed search engine and selecting Properties on the drop down menu.
7028 Keep each search narrow and perform more searches. This will usually give you better search results.\n\n
7029 You can filter the results of a power search by selecting Refine from the Results menu.
7501 Try out this demo version. It is limited to three search engines to give you a taste of the power of the program.
7502 Experience the ease of searching the whole internet with a only a few simple clicks.
32770 Launches the browser with the selected result\nLaunches browser with selected result
32771 Launches the browser with ForeFront's Home Page\nForeFront's Home Page
32775 Include the Rejected URLs in the results list
32776 Exclude duplicate titles from the results list
32777 Exclude Monitored URLs from the results list
32778 Exclude URLs that are not Monitored from the results list
32779 Exclude Viewed URLs from the results list
32780 Exclude URLs that have not been Viewed from the results list
32781 Set the preferences for writing results when search is complete
32782 Schedules WebSeeker to run at a specified time
32786 Exclude duplicate URLs from the results list
32787 Sort the results by date
32788 Sort the results alphabetically
32790 Stops the search\nStops search
32791 Toggles the layout between vertical and horizontal
32792 Keeps source from each search for diagnostics
32795 Set options for all instances of WebSeeker
32815 Saves this search to another location
32816 Deletes current WSK file and all of the search results
32817 Starts a new search or adds to a previous search\nStart new search
32818 Select this option if you would like WebSeeker to collect the results of the search
32819 Select this option if you would like WebSeeker to reject the non grabbed results of the search
32820 Select this option if you would like WebSeeker to refine your results\nTurns on/off Refine
32838 Rename the current subject\nRename
32839 Refines your results\nRefines results
32843 Removes the item selected.
32844 Selects all of the results or search engines.
32846 Sort the results by their type.
32847 Sorts the results by type
32848 Sorts the results by title.
32849 Sorts the results by URL
32850 Views the search engines window
32851 Starts a new search
32852 Adds a result to the list of results
32853 Shows the statistical information for the resutls
32854 Browse the web page for the result.
32855 Browse the original search engine web page
32857 Edit the search engine properties\nEdit
32860 Automatically updates your version of WebSeeker
32862 Browse the results web page WebSeeker created.
32863 Launches the browser with the selected search engine page\nLaunches browser with selected search engine
32864 Launches the browser with the selected result remote page
57344 WebSeeker
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Creates a new document\nNew document
57601 Opens an existing document\nOpens document
57602 Close the active document
57603 Save the active document
57604 Save the active document with a new name
57605 Change the printing options
57606 Change the printer and printing options
57607 Print the active document
57609 Display full pages
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection
57633 Erase everything
57634 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCopies
57635 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
57636 Find the specified text
57637 Inserts clipboards contents
57640 Repeat the last action
57641 Replace specific text with different text
57642 Select the entire document
57643 Undo the last action
57644 Redo the previously undone action
57664 Displays program information, version number and copyright\nProgram information
57665 Quits the application; prompts to save documents
57666 Lists Help topics\nHelp
57668 Displays instructions about how to use help
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command
57680 Switch to the next window pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane
59392 Shows or hides the toolbar
59393 Shows or hides+ the status bar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61204 Indexing not supported in this release
61205 Error: writing file %s the disk is full.
61206 Error: writing file %s.
61207 Could not open index library.
61208 pi32.dll
61209 Your Search has not been saved.\nDo you want to save?
61210 Cannot delete files another running copy of WebSeeker may be using them. To delete the files close all copies of WebSeeker.
61211 Please wait renaming subject.
61212 Please wait applying filter to results.
61213 Title
61214 URL
61215 Search Engines
61216 Are you sure you want to clear %s?
61217 Are you sure you want to clear all the selected items?