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- Registration
- SBNews/Newsbot and SBJV are shareware programs and as such, you are only
- granted the right to operate them for a limited time to evaluate their
- performance. Continued usage requires registration in the amount of $15.00.
- Since they are similar in form and function, I have decided to include
- SBNews/Newsbot and SBJV together in the same registration package. Paying the
- registration fee entitles you to use of both of these programs.
- Paying the $15 registration fee entitles you to use of all of the following:
- 1. SBNews/Newsbot ... SBNEWSxx.ZIP and/or SBN32_xx.ZIP
- 2. SBJV (Standalone Jpeg viewer) ... SBJV16xx.ZIP and/or SBJV32xx.ZIP
- The registration policy is as follows:
- 1. Mail $15 (a personal check made out to "Scott M. Baker" is fine) to my
- US-Mail address. Include your EMAIL address with the check.
- 2. I will generate a registration code that corresponds to the email you
- included. I will email this registration code back to you at the address
- you provided.
- 3. Load up newsbot and select Register from the menu. Enter your email and
- the code I provided. The program will now be registered.
- 4. Your registration is good forever, and will be supported under ALL FUTURE
- VERSIONS of these programs.
- Specific registration benefits include:
- 1. Removal of "shareware delay" in SBNews/Newsbot and SBJV.
- 2. Newsbot's automatic start command line feature.
- Please do consider registering this shareware if you continue to use it. The
- programming is very involved and time consuming, and it really gives me a lot
- more incentive to add new features if I receive compensation for my work.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How to contact me:
- US-Mail:
- Scott M. Baker
- 2241 W Labriego
- Tucson, Az 85741
- My Bulletin board:
- The Not-Yet-Named BBS
- (520) 544-4655 (USR Dual 14.4k)
- (520) 797-8573 (USR Sportster 28.8k)
- Email:
- smbaker@primenet.com
- My Homepage:
- http://www.primenet.com/~smbaker
- Find the latest SBNews/Newsbot at this address:
- http://www.primenet.com/~smbaker/sbnews/sbnews.html
- Find the latest SBJV at this address:
- http://www.primenet.com/~smbaker/sbjv/sbjv.html