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717 lines
// Name : tsample_.c
// Date : 23.05.1996 Author : SM System : Win32
// This file contains the language-independent implementation of the module TSAMPLE_.DLL. All texts and
// resources that are language-dependent are located in an additional TSAMPLE.DLL, whose sources can be
// found in the subdirectories \E (for English) and \D (for German).
#define USER_DATA_ID "1.00-1995-08-10"
#include "windows.h"
#include "windowsx.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "e:\release4\toso40.h" // Toso Interface 4.0 Definitions
#include "dialog.h"
#define STAR_INDENT_MIN 3 // Minimum number of indents
#define STAR_INDENT_MAX 100 // Maximum number of indents
typedef struct {
STR32 TimeStamp;
int StarIndentNum;
double StarRotation;
//------ Language-dependent texts in TSAMPLE.DLL -------------------------------------------------------
eStartUpText [],
eDialogText [],
eMessageText [],
eCommandName [],
eCommandEntry [],
eNewPoint [];
static HINSTANCE hInstDLL, // Instance handle of the main DLL
hLanguage, // Instance handle of the language DLL
hGlobalInst; // Instance handle of the serving application
static HWND hGlobalWnd; // Main window handle of the serving application
//------Dialog Window Handling -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static DUMMYSTR gCaption; // Current dialog window caption
static int gExitDialog; // Button with which the dialog was canceled
static INF_HEADER gCopyHeader; // Temporary copy of INFHeader
//------ Command Processing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static INF_HEADER INFHeader; // Settings
static DPOINT gPoint[3]; // Points entered by the user
static int gCommandID; // Current Command's ID
static HBITMAP hBitmap; // Handle of command icon bitmap
//------ Command Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The structure COMMAND_DATA contains a command description. It lists the points to be entered by the
// user and their types. Each point description consists of three values: The point type (POINT_???),
// the index of "related point", i.e. the point to which this point is relative, and a textual
// description of that point.
// The following command required exactly 3 points to be entered (COMMAND_FIXED = number of point to be
// entered is known in advance, "3" says that this known number is three).
// Following a description of those three points to be entered:
// 1) POINT_CENTER = center of a circle, ellipse, etc.
// "-1" = no "related point"
// NULL = default description
// 2) POINT_RADIUS = radius of a circle
// "0" = relative to the point with the index zero (the center point)
// NULL = default description
// 3) POINT_RADIUS = radius of a circle
// "0" = relative to the point with the index zero (the center point)
// NULL = default description
// Please note that the description strings of the points 2) and 3) will be overwritten before passed
// to the serving application in order to change the description to "Enter Radius 1" and "Enter Radius 2"
// (see end of procedure TosoModuleInit()).
static COMMAND_DATA gInfo[] = { // Command description structure
{ -1, 0, 0 },
BOOL ModuleLoadSettings( void )
BOOL Result = FALSE;
if( TosoProfileReadKeyOpen( "TSAMPLE", FALSE ) ) {
if( TosoProfileReadData( "Init", (LPBYTE) &INFHeader, sizeof( INFHeader ) ) )
Result = TRUE;
INFHeader.TimeStamp[31] = 0x00;
if( lstrcmp( INFHeader.TimeStamp, USER_DATA_ID ) )
Result = FALSE;
if( !Result ) {
INFHeader.StarIndentNum = 6;
INFHeader.StarRotation = REAL_05PI;
return( Result );
BOOL ModuleSaveSettings( void )
BOOL Result = FALSE;
if( TosoProfileWriteKeyOpen( "TSAMPLE", FALSE ) ) {
lstrcpy( INFHeader.TimeStamp, USER_DATA_ID );
if( TosoProfileWriteData( "Init", (LPBYTE) &INFHeader, sizeof( INFHeader ) ) )
Result = TRUE;
return( Result );
// Callback procedure for dialog box handling of DialogEditParamaters(). This procedure handles all
// messages sent to the dialog window.
BOOL CALLBACK DialogEditParametersManage( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
static HWND hOldFocus;
DUMMYSTR DummyStr, UnitStr;
int DummyInt;
double DummyDouble;
switch( message ) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: // Initialize dialog box
TosoDialogCenter( hDlg );
SetWindowText( hDlg, gCaption );
// Convert the current indent number to a string that can be set to an edit field.
wsprintf( DummyStr, "%d", gCopyHeader.StarIndentNum );
SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDD_EDIT0, DummyStr );
// Convert the current rotation angle to a string that can be set to an edit field. A conversion made
// by means of TosoConvertAngleString() automatically uses the current coordinate system and its
// parameters like current unit, number diplay, etc. for the conversion.
TosoConvertAngleString( DummyStr, gCopyHeader.StarRotation, UnitStr );
SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDD_EDIT1, DummyStr );
SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDD_UNIT1, UnitStr );
// Set the focus to the first edit field and highlight the complete content of that edit field.
Edit_SetSel( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDD_EDIT0 ), 0, -1 );
hOldFocus = SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDD_EDIT0 ) );
return( FALSE );
switch( GET_WM_COMMAND_ID( wParam, lParam ) ) {
case IDD_OK: // OK
// Read the indent number from the edit field and convert it to an integer value.
GetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDD_EDIT0, DummyStr, NAME_LENGTH_EDIT );
if( sscanf( DummyStr, "%d", &DummyInt ) != 1 ) {
MessageBox( hDlg, eMessageText[3], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
Edit_SetSel( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDD_EDIT0 ), 0, -1 );
SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDD_EDIT0 ) );
return( TRUE );
// Check wether the stated indent number is within range. If not, display a message and set the
// focus to the according edit field.
if( DummyInt < STAR_INDENT_MIN || DummyInt > STAR_INDENT_MAX ) {
MessageBox( hDlg, eMessageText[3], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
Edit_SetSel( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDD_EDIT0 ), 0, -1 );
SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDD_EDIT0 ) );
return( TRUE );
gCopyHeader.StarIndentNum = DummyInt;
// Read the rotation angle rom the edit field and convert it to a double with unit [rad]. A conversion
// made by TosoConvertStringAngle() automatically resolves any term or unit stated in that string. If
// an error occurs, display a message and set the focus to the according edit field.
GetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDD_EDIT1, DummyStr, NAME_LENGTH_EDIT );
if( !TosoConvertStringAngle( &DummyDouble, DummyStr, hDlg ) ) {
MessageBox( hDlg, eMessageText[2], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
Edit_SetSel( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDD_EDIT1 ), 0, -1 );
SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDD_EDIT1 ) );
return( TRUE );
gCopyHeader.StarRotation = DummyDouble;
gExitDialog = IDD_OK;
SetFocus( hOldFocus );
EndDialog( hDlg, TRUE );
return( TRUE );
gExitDialog = IDD_CANCEL;
SetFocus( hOldFocus );
EndDialog( hDlg, TRUE );
return( TRUE );
// Help message detection and processing
return( TosoDialogEnterIdle( hDlg, wParam, lParam ) );
if( message == TosoDialogHelpMessage() ) {
WinHelp( hDlg, "TSAMPLE.HLP", HELP_CONTEXT, gCommandID );
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
// This procedure displays and manages the parameter dialog for the command "Star" that this module
// offers to the user.
BOOL DialogEditParameters( HWND hMainWnd, LPSTR Caption, int* IndentNum, double* Rotation )
lstrcpy( gCaption, Caption );
// Copy the current settings to the temporary copy in order to be able to restore the values if
// the user cancels the dialog.
gCopyHeader.StarIndentNum = *IndentNum;
gCopyHeader.StarRotation = *Rotation;
// Call and process the dialog window.
if( DialogBox( hLanguage, "EDITPARAM", hMainWnd, DialogEditParametersManage ) == -1 ) {
MessageBox( hMainWnd, eMessageText[1], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
return( FALSE );
// Check whether the user canceled the dialog or not. If he pressed OK, copy the new values to
// the current settings.
if( gExitDialog == IDD_CANCEL ) {
return( FALSE );
else {
*IndentNum = gCopyHeader.StarIndentNum;
*Rotation = gCopyHeader.StarRotation;
return( TRUE );
// This procedure is used to calculate the polygon corner points of a star based on the current values
// of INFHeader.StarIndentNum and INFHeader.StarRotation.
int CommandCalculateStar( DPOINT* p1, DPOINT* p2, DPOINT* p3, DPOINT* Result )
double dx, dy, r1, r2, Angle1, Angle2, Step;
int Count, Index;
// Calculation of the first radius (distance p1 - p2)
dx = p2->x - p1->x;
dy = p2->y - p1->y;
r1 = sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
// Calculation of the second radius (distance p1 - p3)
dx = p3->x - p1->x;
dy = p3->y - p1->y;
r2 = sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
// Step angle
Step = REAL_2PI / INFHeader.StarIndentNum;
// Calculation of point pairs with an offset of 1/2 step
Angle1 = INFHeader.StarRotation;
Angle2 = INFHeader.StarRotation + 0.5 * Step;
Index = 0;
for( Count = 0; Count < INFHeader.StarIndentNum; Count++ ) {
Result[Index ].x = p1->x + cos( Angle1 ) * r2;
Result[Index++].y = p1->y + sin( Angle1 ) * r2;
Result[Index ].x = p1->x + cos( Angle2 ) * r1;
Result[Index++].y = p1->y + sin( Angle2 ) * r1;
Angle1 += Step;
Angle2 += Step;
// Number of calculated points
return( Index );
// This procedure creates an object of types "Surface" and fills it with required definition points to
// build a star.
BOOL CommandFinishStar( void )
int Total, Count;
BOOL Result = TRUE;
// Room to store the polygon point of the calculated star.
// Fill the array Poly[] with a list of point coordinates
Total = CommandCalculateStar( gPoint + 0, gPoint + 1, gPoint + 2, Poly );
// Open an object of "Surface"
TosoObjectOpen( OBJ_SURFACE );
// Add the start-point of the polygon
TosoObjectAddPoint( DB_POINT_START, Poly[0].x, Poly[0].y );
// Add all further points as end-point
for( Count = 1; Count < Total; Count++ )
TosoObjectAddPoint( DB_POINT_END, Poly[Count].x, Poly[Count].y );
// Close the object, initialize its properties and insert it into the current drawing
if( !TosoObjectFastInsert() )
Result = FALSE;
return( Result );
// This procedure is called by the serving application during the execution of the module-supplied
// command "Star". It is called each time the entry of a new point is about to start.
int TosoInputPointInitProc( int CommandID, int PointIndex, double XPos, double YPos )
// There is no need to initialize anything, so return immediately.
return( INPUT_OK );
// This procedure is called by the serving application during the execution of the module-supplied
// command "Star". It is called at least once each time the user move the cursor.
BOOL TosoInputPointMoveProc( int CommandID, int PointIndex, double XPos, double YPos )
// The only action required is to store the current point's coordinates. These coordinate will be used
// to draw the "rubber lines" within the procedure TosoInputDisplayProc() and later on to create the
// object within the procedure TosoInputFinishProc().
// It will suffice if the coordinate are only stored at this one location since TosoInputPointMoveProc()
// will at least be called once with the final coordinate of each point.
gPoint[PointIndex].x = XPos;
gPoint[PointIndex].y = YPos;
return( TRUE );
// This procedure is called by the serving application during the execution of the module-supplied
// command "Star". It is called each time the entry of a point is to be finished.
int TosoInputPointExitProc( int CommandID, int PointIndex, double XPos, double YPos )
// There is no need to do anything, so return immediately. The final point coordinate that are passed
// in XPos and YPos should have already been saved in the TosoInputPoitMoveProc(), so there is no need
// to do it here again.
return( INPUT_OK );
// This procedure is called by the serving application during the execution of the module-supplied
// command "Star". It is called each time the module has to update the "rubber lines" displaying the
// current input status on the screen.
// Since the given hDrawDC is using an reversing pen, both "display" and "hide" require the same
// drawing operations.
void TosoInputDisplayProc( int CommandID, int PointIndex, HDC hDrawDC, BOOL DrawFixed, BOOL DrawVariable )
int Total, Count;
// Room to store the polygon point of the calculated star.
switch( CommandID ) {
case 1: // Star
// First step: draw all rubber lines that do not change due to mouse movement. Since the complete star
// changes when the mouse position changes, this case is empty here.
if( DrawVariable ) {
// Second step: draw all rubber lines that do change due to mouse movement. Since the complete star
// changes when the mouse position changes, everything is drawn in this case.
if( DrawVariable ) {
// Point index 0: No rubber lines visible during entry of first point (center).
if( PointIndex == 0 ) {
// Point index 1: Display a circle defined by point index 0 (center) and point index 1 (radius 1)
if( PointIndex == 1 ) {
TosoInputDrawCircle( hDrawDC, gPoint[0].x, gPoint[0].y, gPoint[1].x, gPoint[1].y );
// Point index 2: Calculate and display a complete star based on point index 0 (center), point
// index 1 (radius 1) and point index 2 (radius 2).
if( PointIndex == 2 ) {
Total = CommandCalculateStar( gPoint + 0, gPoint + 1, gPoint + 2, Poly );
for( Count = 1; Count < Total; Count++ )
TosoInputDrawLine( hDrawDC, Poly[Count-1].x, Poly[Count-1].y, Poly[Count].x, Poly[Count].y );
TosoInputDrawLine( hDrawDC, Poly[Total-1].x, Poly[Total-1].y, Poly[0].x, Poly[0].y );
// This procedure is called by the serving application during the execution of the module-supplied
// command "Star". It is called each time the user wants to edit the parameters of the currently active
// command.
BOOL TosoInputParameterProc( int CommandID )
gCommandID = CommandID;
switch( CommandID ) {
case 1: // Star
// Display the parameter dialog window. If the parameters are changed (i.e. if DialogEditParameters()
// return TRUE, do also return TRUE to indicate the serving application that parameters of the
// currently active command have changed, i.e. this command should be re-initialised.
return( DialogEditParameters( hGlobalWnd, eCommandName[0], &INFHeader.StarIndentNum, &INFHeader.StarRotation ) );
// This procedure is called by the serving application during the execution of the module-supplied
// command "Star". It is called each time the user explicity canceles the currently active command
// by pressing the right mouse button. If the current command were a command that requires a non-fixed
// number of point entries, this is the place to terminate the command by returning INPUT_FINISH. If
// the current allowed parameters to be editing DURING its execution (like the serving application's
// DRAW > CURVE command), this is the right place to display a corresponding dialog window.
int TosoInputCancelProc( int CommandID, int PointCount )
return( INPUT_CANCEL );
// This procedure is called by the serving application during the execution of the module-supplied
// command "Star". It is called each time the user has successfully enteres all required points, i.e.
// the command is finished and the resulting actions are to be performed.
void TosoInputFinishProc( int CommandID, int PointCount )
BOOL Result = TRUE;
// Tell the interface that some objects are to be created.
if( !TosoCreationStart() )
// Start a new undo level. All objects created since now can either now be inserted to the drawing by
// calling TosoUndoFinishProcess() or can be deleted by calling TosoUndoCancelProcess().
// Execute the command, i.e. calculate the resulting polygon and create an object of type "Surface"
// based on that calculation.
switch( CommandID ) {
case 1: // Star
Result = CommandFinishStar();
// If creation was successful, end the newly created undo level (which inserts all objects to the
// current drawing) and draw all newly created objects. Else, delete all newly created objects by
// canceling the undo level.
if( Result ) {
// Tell the interface that the object creation was ended.
// This DLL entry procedure must exist in any DLL to be used in Win32. Since our DLL does all necessary
// initialization in its TosoModuleInit() procedure, this procedure is quite empty.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD Reason, LPVOID Dummy )
switch( Reason ) {
hInstDLL = hInstance;
hInstDLL = NULL;
return( TRUE );
// This procedure is called when the module is loaded by the serving application. Its main tasks are:
// - Checking whether it is compatible with the given InterfaceVersion
// - Checking whether it is licensed to the given serial number (optional)
// - Storing of the serving application's instance and main windows handle for further use
// - Loading of the language-dependent library
// - Filling in the module ID structure whose address is passed in ModuleID
// - Loading of options from the registry database
// - Loading profiles
// - Allocating any static memory required
DLL_EXPORT BOOL TosoModuleInit( const LPSTR SerialNumber, HINSTANCE hMainInst, HWND hMainWnd,
int InterfaceVersion, MODULE_ID* ModuleID )
int Count;
if( InterfaceVersion < TOSO_INTERFACE_VERSION ) {
MessageBox( hMainWnd, eMessageText[0], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
return( FALSE );
hGlobalInst = hMainInst;
hGlobalWnd = hMainWnd;
// Load the command icon bitmap from the language DLL.
hLanguage = LoadLibrary( "TSAMPLE.DLL" );
hBitmap = LoadBitmap( hLanguage, "IDB_COMMAND" );
// Fill the module information data block
ModuleID->OwnerID = DB_OWNER_TOSO;
ModuleID->ModuleID = 0x0000;
ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputPointInitProc = (TOSOINPUTPOINTINIT_PROC) TosoInputPointInitProc;
ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputPointMoveProc = (TOSOINPUTPOINTMOVE_PROC) TosoInputPointMoveProc;
ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputPointExitProc = (TOSOINPUTPOINTEXIT_PROC) TosoInputPointExitProc;
ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputDisplayProc = (TOSOINPUTDISPLAY_PROC) TosoInputDisplayProc;
ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputParameterProc = (TOSOINPUTPARAMETER_PROC) TosoInputParameterProc;
ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputCancelProc = (TOSOINPUTCANCEL_PROC) TosoInputCancelProc;
ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputFinishProc = (TOSOINPUTFINISH_PROC) TosoInputFinishProc;
ModuleID->ModuleData.Type = MODULETYPE_DRAW;
ModuleID->ModuleData.InputData.CommandMode = COMMAND_DIRECT;
ModuleID->ModuleData.MenuData.MenuEntry = eStartUpText[1];
ModuleID->ModuleData.MenuData.Description = eStartUpText[2];
ModuleID->ModuleData.IconHandle = hBitmap;
ModuleID->ModuleData.IconXOffset = 0;
ModuleID->ModuleData.IconYOffset = 0;
ModuleID->ModuleData.IconMode = 0;
ModuleID->CommandData = CommandData;
// Fill in the commands' names and the accompanying information.
Count = 0;
while( eCommandEntry[Count] == NULL || eCommandEntry[Count][0] != END_CHAR ) {
CommandData[Count].InputData.CommandMode = COMMAND_DIRECT;
CommandData[Count].MenuData.MenuEntry = eCommandEntry[Count];
CommandData[Count].MenuData.Description = eCommandName [Count];
CommandData[Count].IconHandle = hBitmap;
CommandData[Count].IconXOffset = 0;
CommandData[Count].IconYOffset = ( Count + 1 ) * 48;
CommandData[Count].IconMode = 0;
if( eCommandEntry[Count] )
CommandData[Count].Type = IDM_ENTRY;
CommandData[Count].Type = IDM_ENTRY | IDM_SEPARATOR;
CommandData[Count].Type = IDM_END;
// Fill the command description structure with the predefined global structure gInfo.
CommandData[0].InputData = gInfo[0];
CommandData[0].InputData.PointNames[1] = eNewPoint[0];
CommandData[0].InputData.PointNames[2] = eNewPoint[1];
// Read the current settings (set to their default values if not found)
return( TRUE );
// This procedure is called when the module is removed by the serving application. Its main tasks are:
// - Checking whether anything is to be saved. If so, it should display a message information the user
// about it and allowing him to save those changes.
// - Freeing of all statically allocated memory.
// If this procedure return FALSE, the serving application will not be able to terminate. So please, do
// only return FALSE if shutting down the module now would severely damage or destroy user data.
DLL_EXPORT BOOL TosoModuleExit( void )
DeleteBitmap( hBitmap );
return( TRUE );
// This procedure is called when a module's command is chosen by the user. For a command module, its
// main tasks are:
// - If requested, display the help topic for the given command
// - Execute the chosen command (if it is a "direct" command that does not require point entry)
// - Register an external command (if it is a "indirect" command that does require point entry)
// - Error handling and display
DLL_EXPORT BOOL TosoModuleCommand( int CommandID, int ExecMode )
BOOL Result = FALSE;
// Check whether a help topic is to be displayed instead of starting a command.
if( ExecMode == MODULEEXEC_HELP ) {
switch( CommandID ) {
case 1:
case 3:
WinHelp( hGlobalWnd, "TSAMPLE.HLP", HELP_CONTEXT, CommandID );
return( FALSE );
// Execute the command chosen by the user.
switch( CommandID ) {
case 1:
Result = TRUE;
// If the user has first selected the command from the menu, allow him to edit the parameters first.
// If the command does only use seldomly-modified parameters, this is NOT necessary.
if( ExecMode == MODULEEXEC_USER ) {
gCommandID = CommandID;
if( !DialogEditParameters( hGlobalWnd, eCommandName[0], &INFHeader.StarIndentNum, &INFHeader.StarRotation ) )
Result = FALSE;
case 3:
MessageBox( hGlobalWnd, eStartUpText[0], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
Result = TRUE;
Result = FALSE;
return( Result );