500 Save the current card as a card template to be used with the Card Expert
501 Print a single card with layout text
502 Import a old format business card
503 Send the current card by email
504 Display the Tip of the Day
505 Change the default size and positioning of the cards
507 Change the positioning of the current card
508 Set the mode to insert box objects
509 Set the mode to insert filled box objects
510 Set the mode to insert shadow box objects
511 Set the mode to insert rounded box objects
512 Set the mode to insert rounded filled box objects
513 Set the mode to insert circle objects
514 Set the mode to insert filled circle objects
515 Set the mode to insert line objects
516 Set the mode to insert graphic objects
517 Set the mode to insert text objects
518 Set the mode to insert a special objects
519 Set the mode to select objects to move, size or edit
520 Select a linesize of 1 pixel
521 Select a linesize of 2 pixels
522 Select a linesize of 3 pixels
523 Select a linesize of 4 pixels
524 Select a linesize of 5 pixels
525 Select a linesize of 6 pixels
526 Set the current text font
527 Set the current font rotation
528 Edit the selected text object
529 Set the margins for this card
530 Zoom in
531 Zoom out
532 Align the selected object to the grid
533 Align all objects to the grid
534 Align the selected object with the left margin
535 Align the selected object with the right margin
536 Center the selected object between the right and left margins
537 Align the selected objects with the top margin
538 Align the selected objects with the bottom margin
539 Center the selected object between the top and bottom margins
540 Set the current foreground color
541 Set the current background color
542 Edit the style of the selected line, box or circle object
543 Display infomation about the currently selected graphic object.
544 Bring the selected object to the front
545 Send the selected object to the back
546 Set options for Business Card Designer Plus
547 About Business Card Designer Plus
1000 Cards (*.BCO)|*.BCO|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
1001 Cards (*.BCO)|*.BCO|
1002 All Formats|*.BMP;*.PCX;*.WMF;*.TIF;*.JPG;*.PNG|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
1003 Card Template (*.BCT)|*.BCT|
1004 Old Format Cards (*.BCD)|*.BCD|
1006 New Card - %d
1007 Print Preview
1008 Foreground Color
1009 Background Color
1100 BCDP could not open the specified file.\n\nPlease verify that the file is a card and that it was not created with a newer version of BCDP.
1101 BCDP could not save the file with the specified filename.\n\nPlease specify a different filename.
1102 BCDP could not copy the selection to the clipboard.\n\nIt's likely that system memory is low.
1103 BCDP could not paste from the clipboard.\n\nIt's likely that system memory is low.
1104 BCDP could not load the specified graphic.\n\nIt's possible that the graphic is in an unrecognizable format. Please try a different graphic.
1105 Error inserting text.\n\nThe card is full.
1106 Error inserting line.\n\nThe card is full.
1107 Error inserting box.\n\nThe card is full.
1108 Error inserting rounded box.\n\nThe card is full.
1109 Error inserting circle.\n\nThe card is full.
1110 Margins out of range.\nLeft/Right: 0.0 - 1.0 \nTop/Bottom: 0.0 - 0.5
1111 Error initializing printer.
1112 Error initializing preview window.
1113 Error creating printout object.
1115 Invalid layout size.\n\nThe width and height must be between 1.0 and 4.0 inches.
1116 There must be at least one row and one column on a page.
1120 Please choose a template for the Card Expert\nor press the Free Form button to create a card by hand.
1121 BCDP could not import the specified file.\n\nPlease verify that the file is a card and that it was not created with a newer version of BCDP.
1122 You must enter a valid text string.\n\nPlease enter a valid text string.
1123 You must enter at least one string in the list if you choose to specify variable text.
1200 Delete the selected object.\n\nAre you sure?
1201 This card has been changed.\n\nWould you like to save it before closing?
1203 You are about to save this card as a template for the Card Expert.\n\nOLE and variable text objects will not be saved in the template.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
1204 Delete this item from the list.\n\nAre you sure?
1205 By unchecking the variable text option you will lose all the strings you entered.\n\nAre you sure?
12100 You can hold the CTRL key down while selecting objects to select multiple objects. Hold the CTRL key and drag to move the entire selection.
12101 You can hold the SHIFT key down while dragging a line to automatically make the line straight.
12102 You can display a context menu on an object by clicking the right mouse button with the pointer inside the selected object.
12103 You can change the style of a box or circle object by choosing the Style command on the context menu that pops up when you right click on a selected object.
12104 Business Card Designer Plus is shareware. If you continue to use it you must register.
12105 You can import any cards created using a previous version of Business Card Designer Plus by using the Import command on the File menu.
12106 You can save a card as a template by using the Save As Template command on the file menu. This will allow you to use your design with the Business Card Expert.
12107 You can use the Edit Current Layout command on the Configuration menu to change the spacing on the printer. Use the Edit Default Layout command to set the default layout once you have the settings correct.
12108 You can insert BMP, WMF, PCX, JPG, PNG or TIF graphics into a card by using the graphic tool.
12109 You can insert an OLE object into a card by choosing the 'Insert Object' command on the Edit menu.
18020 Thank you for evaluating Business Card Designer Plus (32-bit).\n\nWe hope you enjoy it!\n\nThis program is shareware so please remember to register!
18021 This program has been installed for more than 30 days.\n\nYou now have %d uses left until your shareware license expires.\n\nPlease press the Registration Info button on the next screen to find out how to register.
18022 Your Shareware License has Expired!\n\nThis program has been used well beyond its evaluation period, so if you wish to continue using it you must register.\n\nPlease press the Registration Info button on the next screen to find out how to register.
18023 Registration complete!\n\nThank you for registering.
18024 Invalid Registration ID.\n\nPlease be sure to enter the ID EXACTLY as printed on the letter.
18025 Registered to: %s
24310 Quit Business Card Designer Plus
24311 Select from available object types and format to be pasted from the clipboard
24312 Link with an object on the clipboard
24313 Insert an OLE object
24314 Edit OLE links
24322 Copy the selected object to the clipboard and remove it from the card
24323 Copy the selected object to the clipboard
24324 Paste the object on the clipboard in the current card
24325 Delete the selected object(s)
24331 Create a new card
24332 Open an existing card
24333 Save the current card
24334 Saves the current card with a new name
24337 Print a sheet of the current card
24340 Display a sheet of the currect card as it will be printed
24361 Cascade open windows
24362 Tile open windows
24364 Arrange iconic windows along the bottom of the window
24365 Close all open windows
24370 Ask the selected object to perform an action
24392 Show a frame around embedded objects
32450 Shell failure
32451 TShellMalloc::Alloc failed.
32452 Invalid Path
32453 IShellFolder::BindToObject failed.
32454 ::SHGetDesktopFolder failed.
32455 ::SHGetSpecialFolderLocation failed.
32456 IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf failed.
32457 ::SHGetFileInfo failed.
32458 IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf failed.
32459 ::SHGetPathFromIDList failed.
32460 IShellFolder::SetNameOf failed.
32461 IShellFolder::GetUIObjectOf failed.
32462 IShellFolder::CompareIDs failed.
32463 TShellItem is invalid.
32464 IShellFolder::EnumObjects failed.
32465 IEnumIDList::Clone failed.
32466 Attempt to read past end of TShellItemIterator list.
32467 IEnumIDList::Next failed.
32468 IEnumIDList::Skip failed.
32469 IEnumIDList::Reset failed.
32470 IEnumIDList pointer is zero.
32471 ::SHGetMalloc failed.
32472 IExtractIcon::GetIconLocation failed.
32473 IExtractIcon::Extract failed.
32474 TShellItem::Rename attempted on item that cannot be renamed.
32475 TShellItem::Copy attempted on item that cannot be copied.
32476 TShellItem::Move attempted on item that cannot be moved.
32477 TShellItem::Delete attempted on item that cannot be deleted.