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- Please note that the information given below only applies to the English
- language shareware version of the program, which is only available
- directly from Iceland.
- For information on localized/translated versions, the F-PROT Professional
- program and versions for Windows, OS/2, NT or NetWare, please see the file
- The English-language shareware version of the F-PROT anti-virus program is
- free of charge for private use (that is, free for any individual or family
- using it on a personally owned computer).
- Private users may obtain free updates from BBSes, via FTP or E-mail. See
- UPDATES.DOC for info.
- Licenses are available from Frisk Software International to companies,
- organizations and institutions in USA, Canada and countries where no
- distributor for the F-PROT Professional version has been established.
- Please note that we do not accept new registrations from Australia and
- New Zealand any more, only renewals from existing users. New customers
- in those countries are asked to contact the distributors of the Pro
- version.
- For information on distributors of the Professional version, please see
- the PRO.DOC file.
- The cost for a site license depends on the estimated number of computers in
- the company or department covered by the license. There is a minimum fee of
- US$20 per year.
- 1 - 2500 $1.00 per computer ($20 minimum)
- 2501 - 5000 $0.75 per computer
- 5001 - 7500 $0.50 per computer
- 7501 - 10000 $0.25 per computer
- 10001 and up call for information
- Example: A license for 4500 computers would be
- 2500 computers at $1.00 $2500
- 2000 computers at $0.75 $1500
- which gives a total of $4000 per year
- The customer is not expected to keep accurate count of the number of computers
- which the software is installed on, only to provide a reasonable estimate.
- If you just order a site license, we assume that you already have the
- program, and that you will be obtaining new versions of the program by FTP
- or download them from bulletin boards. In this case, all you receive from
- us is just an invoice and a paper copy of the license, if requested. If
- you need a diskette with the latest version, please add $20 (or $100 for a
- 1-year subscription).
- There is a 25% educational discount of the license fee, although the $20
- minimum fee still applies. There is no charge for the use of the program
- on computers personally owned by students/staff. This discount does not
- apply to the subscription fee.
- There is no additional fee for updates if they are obtained from BBSes,
- from CompuServe, AOL or other such services, or via FTP from one of the
- Internet archive servers, such as oak.oakland.edu. Please see the file
- UPDATES.DOC for a list of FTP distribution sites.
- If you cannot use any of those options, we offer a bimonthly mail-update
- service, for a fixed annual fee of US$100, added to the license fee.
- We accept regular purchase orders from corporations and educational or
- government institutions.
- Orders should be sent to Frisk Software International
- Postholf 7180
- IS-127 Reykjavik
- Iceland
- or sent by fax: +354-5617274
- or by e-mail: sales@complex.is
- You may pay with a check (payable to Frisk Software International),
- international money order or a VISA/EuroCard/MasterCard/Aceess credit
- card (please specify card number, card holder's name and expiration date).
- Please note that we do not accept American Express or Diners Club credit
- cards.
- Users in Europe, please note: We accept payment by Eurochecks, but they
- should be either in Icelandic kronor, or your own currency - not a third
- currency like US dollars, as the fee we have to pay to cash the check
- would be $25.
- Users in Canada, please note: If paying by a check in US$, issued by a
- Canadian bank, please make sure the check states that it is payable through
- some US bank. If the check is drawn on an US$ account in a Canadian bank,
- and no mention made of an US bank, it can only be cashed in Canada and the
- US - we would have to return it.
- Please do not send payment in the form of an US Postal Money Order - it
- cannot be cashed in Iceland.