ocr: e No log file open - WFIPD -X File Edit View Logging Messages Secunty Help [#-001] 02/06/97 22:57:20 Welcome to YYFIPD -your IP address is now U.U.U.U [#-001] 02/06/97 22:57:20 WFTPD is listening on port 21, standard ftp [#-001] 02/06/97 22:57:20 Program will be killed by WM ENDSESSION message [#-001] 02/06/97 22:57:20 Unregistered version - for instructions on registering, [#-001] 02/06/97 22:5/:2U select the "Registering" option from the "Help" menu. For Help, press F1 1s socket Ousers NUM