ocr: HTMASC 2.0 Unregistered Version File Edit Search Options Help gE - Original File: DENTEMPISCHEIBEWHTMASCIGEOCIT.HTM <I-- NoFooter NOBG NoHeader --> <html> head> CTITLE>GEocities Homesteading Program Information</TITLE> </HEAD> Converted File: OENTEMPISCHEIBEWHIMASLIGEULIT.IXI Shop the Geo way. Click here. GeoCities homesteading Program home-stead (hom'sted, -stid), n., V., -stead-ed, -stead-ing. --n. 1. iwelling with its land and buildings occupied by the owner as a home. 2. any dwelling with its land and buildings where a tamily makes its home. --V.C. 3. to acquire or settle on (land) as a ho ...