As you know Microsoft has come out with Windows 95. Here is how to make Ultra Unzipper v2.11 (if you don't have v2.11 tell me so I can send it to you!) work with Windows 95. This explanation assumes:
1. You have Win 95 on your computer
2. You have Ultra Unzipper in a specific directory alone
3. You have the PKUNZIP file in your GO95 directory (or some directory on your computer).
Basically to "unzip" a file in Windows 95 with ultra Unzipper you must have the Ultra Unzipper file and the PKUNZIP file in the same directory as the file you want to unzip. I would recommend creating a directory (or using the C:\CSERVE\DOWNLOAD which works fine) and copying (not moving!!) the Ultra Unzipper and PKUNZIP file there. This directory is where you should download all further 'zipped' files. To copy these files first go into the browser you feel comfortable with (explorer, file manager, My Computer...) and go to the directory you have Ultra Unzipper in. Click once on the icon then go to the EDIT menu and click on COPY. Now to go the directory you have created, or if you are using c:\cserve\download go there, and click on the folder to open up the directory. Now click on EDIT and then PASTE. You should see the Ultra Unzipper icon appear as well as the name Ultra Unzipper in the window. Do the same for the PKUNZIP file in the GO95 directory. Now run Ultra Unzipper as usual and you should be all set!
As always should you need more assistance please e-mail me on CompuServe at 75114,1411 so I can help you!