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- {$A+,B-,D+,E-,F-,I-,L+,N-,O-,R-,S-,V-,X+}
- UNIT AuxDos;
- {Auxiliary DOS-Interface-Routines}
- {Copyright (c) 1990-1991, Christoph H. Hochstätter}
- {Written in Turbo-Pascal 6.0}
- USES dos;
- {File open mode and sharing constants}
- CONST OReadOnly = 0;
- OWriteOnly = 1;
- OReadWrite = 2;
- OCompatibility= $00;
- ODenyAll = $10;
- ODenyWrite = $20;
- ODenyRead = $30;
- ODenyNone = $40;
- ONoInheritance= $80;
- {DOS-File-Handles}
- CONST StdNulHandle = 0;
- StdOutHandle = 1;
- StdErrHandle = 2;
- VAR StdErr : Text; {Define a file variable for standard error output}
- old1B : Pointer; {Save old Ctrl-Break-Interrupt}
- old23 : Pointer; {Save Old abnormal End Procedure}
- CONST ExitRequest : Boolean = FALSE; {Ctrl-Break pressed?}
- PROCEDURE CtrlBreak;
- PROCEDURE EndProgram(x: Byte;s: String);
- PROCEDURE DefExitProc;
- PROCEDURE IgnoreInt;
- PROCEDURE CtrlBreak; Assembler; {Don't invoke directly (or go to neverland)}
- push ds {Save DS}
- {$IFOPT G+}
- push seg @data {Push data-segment on stack}
- pop ds {Pop it in DS}
- {$ELSE}
- push ax {Save AX, because it is interrupt}
- mov ax,seg @data {Get data segment in AX}
- mov ds,ax {Put it in DS}
- pop ax {Restore AX}
- {$ENDIF}
- mov ExitRequest,True {Set ExitRequest}
- pop ds {Restore DS}
- iret {Exit}
- END;
- PROCEDURE IgnoreInt; Assembler;
- iret
- END;
- PROCEDURE EndProgram;
- IF ExitRequest THEN BEGIN
- WriteLn(stderr,#13#10,s);
- Halt(x);
- END;
- END;
- PROCEDURE DefExitProc; {Default Exit-Procedure}
- SetIntVec($1B,old1B); {Restore old Ctrl-Break-Procedure}
- SetIntVec($23,old23); {Restore old abnormal abort Procedure}
- ExitProc:=NIL;
- END;
- move(Output,stderr,SizeOf(stderr)); {Copy Standard-Output File to Standard-Error File}
- TextRec(stderr).Handle:=StdErrHandle; {Standard-Error is DOS-File-Handle 2}
- TextRec(stderr).BufPtr:=@TextRec(stderr).Buffer; {set our own Buffer}
- GetIntVec($1B,old1B); {Save old Ctrl-Break interrupt}
- GetIntVec($13,old23);
- ExitProc:=@DefExitProc; {Restore Ctrl-Break-Interrupt, when exiting}
- END.