CreateFullScanTarget = 1 ; Create target file to scan all drives ?
PromptForDirectory = 1 ; Ask for non-existent directories to be created ?
SrcPathSubst = You specified a non-physical drive or path as the source path.\n\nCorrect this problem by selecting another source directory.
DstPathSubst = You specified a non-physical drive or path as the destination path.\n\nCorrect this problem by selecting another destination directory.
SrcEqualsDst = The source directory and destination directory you specified are the same.\n\nPlease change either the source directory or the destination directory.
SrcNotThere = The source directory you specified does not exist.\n\nCorrect this problem by selecting another source directory.
DstNotThere = The destination directory you specified does not exist.\n\nDo you want me to create this directory ?
LowDiskSpace = The destination directory you specified does not have enough free disk space to install TBAV for Windows.\n\nCorrect this problem by selecting another destination directory.
AutoExecRO = Your AutoExec.Bat file seems to be read-only. In order to incorporate the settings you selected, the AutoExec.Bat file needs to be changed.\n\nPress OK if you want the AutoExec.Bat file to be changed, or CANCEL to continue.
ActionFT = The TbSetup program will now generate or update the fingerprint information of the files located in the TBAV directory. Next, TbScan will scan your system for viruses, and TbSetup will be executed once again to process your local drives.\n\nIf TbScan finds a virus, you should immediately exit Windows, reboot your system with a clean bootdiskette and disinfect the infected files.\n\nPress OK to continue.
ActionUpd = The TbSetup program will now generate or update the fingerprint information of the files located in the TBAV directory.\n\nPress OK to continue.
AddPATH = To provide easy access to the TBAV utilities, it is recommended to extend the DOS searchpath so that it includes the TBAV utilities.\n\nDo you want to change the DOS searchpath ?\n\nPress YES to change the path, NO to continue.
AddTbScanX = TbScanX is a signature scanner that remains resident in memory and automatically scans those files which are being executed, copied, de-archived, downloaded, etc.\n\nDo you want to have TbScanX installed?\n\nPress YES to install TbScanX, NO to continue.
AddTbCheck = TbCheck is a memory resident integrity checker, which automatically checks every file just before that file is being executed.\n\nDo you want to have TbCheck installed?\n\nPress YES to install TbCheck, NO to continue.
AddTbMem = TbMem detects attempts from programs to remain resident in memory, and makes sure that no program can remain resident in memory without permission. \n\nDo you want to have TbMem installed?\n\nPress YES to install TbMem, NO to continue.
AddTbFile = TbFile detects attempts from programs to infect other programs. It also guards read-only attributes, detects illegal time-stamps, etc. \n\nDo you want to have TbFile installed?\n\nPress YES to install TbFile, NO to continue.
AddTbScanOnce= TbScan, the virus scan program, offers the possibility to scan your system once a day.\n\nDo you want to scan your system each day when the system is booted?\n\nPress YES to execute TbScan once each day, NO to continue.
AddPMGroup = To provide access to the TBAV for Windows program, it is recommended to create a new program manager group.\n\nDo you want me to create a new 'TBAV for Windows' program manager group?\n\nPress YES to create the program manager group, NO to continue.
AddLoadIs = TBAV for Windows has some nice features, such as the background scan scheduler, a file I/O monitor and an application execution tracker. To get the most out of these features of TBAV for Windows, you might want to automatically start TBAV for Windows each time MS-Windows is started.\n\nPress YES if you want to automatically start TBAV for Windows each time MS-Windows is started, NO to continue.
UseTbLoad = You can configure TBAV for Windows in such a way, that is automatically checks a specific 'update' directory upon startup, and updates itself if a new program files are present in that directory. (This feature only applies for registered users!).\n\nDo you want to use the automatic update feature of TBAV for Windows ?
NoTbLoadDir = The update directory to be used by TbLoad does not yet exist.\n\nDo you want me to create this directory ?
TBAVWINActive= WARNING!\n\nAn instance of TBAV for Windows is currently active.\n\nPlease quit TBAV for Windows (you can switch to TBAV for Windows using the Alt+TAB key, and close it using Alt-F4). Then, press the OK button to continue or press CANCEL to quit the installation program.
ExecError = ERROR! - Couldn't activate TBAV for Windows!\n\nThe setup procress (and scan process, if applicable) will NOT be executed.\n\nPress OK to continue.
InsertFirstDisk= Please insert the TBAV-for-Windows installation disk #1 in your diskdrive!\n\nPress OK to continue.
WrongUserName= ERROR! - You must at least use three characters for your username! \n\nPress OK to continue.
RegisterError= ERROR! - You did not enter the correct registration information. Please fill in all the fields, i.e., the security code, your name (at least 3 characters) and the registration serial number.\n\nPress OK to continue.
NoLicense = ERROR! - The TBAV-for-Windows95 disk does not contain the license agreement! The installation program will now be aborted.\n\nPress OK to continue.
Title = TBAV for Windows Setup
Text(100) = Browse
Text(101) = Browse
Text(104) = &First-time installation
Text(105) = &Update installation
Text(106) = &Express installation
Text(107) = &Custom installation
Text(1) = C&ontinue
Text(2) = &Quit
Text(998) = &Help
Text(0xF000) = Congratulations for buying the ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus utilities for Windows!\n\nSetup will help you install TBAV for DOS && Windows.
Text(0xF001) = Install TBAV for Windows from:
Text(0xF002) = Install TBAV for Windows to:
Text(0xF003) = Installation options
Title = Change disks !
Text(1) = &Ok
Text(2) = &Cancel
Text(0xF000) = Disk change information
Text(0xF001) = The following file could not be found in the source directory. Please change the disk or change directory.
Text(0xF003) = You can specify a new path for the source files below.
Title = Copying files
Text(0xF000) = Copying the file:
Text(0xF001) = to:
Title = Options for automatic update
Text(998) = &Help
Text(0xF003)= Update options
Text(0xF004)= &Update directory
Text(3103) = Update &newer files only
Text(3104) = Update &all files
Text(3105) = Browse
Title = Aborting Setup
Text(0xF000) = The TBAV for Windows Setup process is aborted.\n\nIf you still wish to install TBAV for Windows, please try again later.
Title = End of Setup
Text(0xF000) = The TBAV for Windows Setup process has been succesfully completed. In order to register some internal MS-Windows variables, MS-Windows will be rebooted when you press the OK button.\n\nBefore pressing the OK button, make sure to close down all your applications properly! You can switch to your active applications by using the Alt-TAB key combination, and then close them using Alt-F4.
Title = TBAV for Windows Setup
Text(0xF000) = Please read this license agreement, and press 'AGREE' if you agree with it.
Text(1) = Agree
Text(2) = Cancel
Title = Register your copy of TBAV for Windows!
Text(0xF000) = Enter registration information
Text(0xF001) = Please fill in the TBAV for Windows security code printed on your TBAV diskette.
Text(0xF002) = Type your name here to personalize your copy of TBAV for Windows.
Text(0xF003) = Please take your registration card and fill in the TBAV for Windows serial number.