This is the help file for My Picture Viewer software from AA Zoftware. This file is used by the program and should remain in the same subdirectory as the MYVIEWER.EXE program file. Please do not delete it!
> 1, 0, Required Files
There are only a few required files for this software program (items 1,2, and 3 must reside in the same subdirectory as the myviewer.exe file and the rest in the c:\windows\system subdirectory):
1. MYVIEWER.EXE - the main executable file
2. MYVIEWER.INI - the initialization file to save settings
3. MYVIEWER.HLP - help text for the setup screen
4. VBRUN300.DLL - you should already have this file, it is required to run Visual Basic programs (therefore is not included on this diskette). This file is available from most bulletin boards or online services.
5. IMVB3.VBX - was copied to your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory
6. IM2*.DIL - where * is the type of graphics file (e.g., GIF, JPG, TIF, EPS, BMP, WMF) also copied to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.
7. IM2X*.DEL - where * is the type of graphics files, used to save files as different types (e.g., changing a GIF to a PCX). Copied to the c:\windows\system subdirectory. These files may be deleted if you do not use the "Save As" option from the "Picture" menu.
Other files that are included in the shareware package but are only required for installation and registration include:
8. REGISTER.WRI - form and information for registration
9. README.WRI - describes the setup process & steps
10. SETUP.BAT - is a DOS batch file that copies files 1 through 7 to your hard drive.
11. UNINSTAL.BAT - deletes the files from your hard drive to un-install this application.
12. SCANORDR.WRI - an order form for custom picture scanning
Picture file(s) are also required and can be in any c:\ subdirectory and must be BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, WPG, PCX, EPS, IMG, or WMF format.
> 2, 16, Ordering Information
My Picture Viewer is available from AA Zoftware with several licensing options:
1. License agreement - includes the software with as current enhancements or upgrades. This is the minimum for "honesty" and provides you with a version that removes the irritating shareware notices. The license fee is $15 plus $3 shipping and handling. We waive the $3 S/H fee if you give us a CompuServe or America On-Line "address" so that the small "unlocking" file can be sent electronically.
2. Scanning service - provides the user with photos scanned and delivered in GIF file format, ready to include in the product. These can be ordered in any quantities, but a special price of $10 is offered for the first 4 pictures or $3 each for any additional or other quantity.
Please print the order form included in the REGISTER.WRI file or call (513) 232-9509. The licensed version excludes the "nag" shareware notices, user support, and you will receive the latest version available. Send registration to:
AA Zoftware
P.O. Box 54425
Cincinnati, Ohio 45254-0425
Remember...integrity is the foundation for success...
Try the software for 2 weeks, you must license it to use it after 2 weeks...Also, keep in mind that a license includes rights to download and use later versions. In this way YOU benefit from our ongoing development efforts!
Please pass a copy of the shareware file (MYVIEWER.ZIP) to your friends and associates, they will appreciate it!!!
> 3, 0, Picture File Recommendations
There are many options for the picture file:
1. Tagged Image Format (TIF) - supports up to 16 million colors and there are a number commercially available (CDs with a variety of pictures/graphics).
2. CompuServe (GIF) - currently only supports 256 colors. There a many images available in this format from BBSs, CompuServe, America On-Line, etc.
3. Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) -
4. WordPerfect (WPG) -
5. JPEG (JPG) - supports up to 16 million colors.
A word of caution - if your monitor is set to 16 or 256 colors it may not work well with graphics at 256 or 16 million. We send all images in 256 colors in GIF format, unless otherwise requested.
>Other file options include:
6. BMP (Bitmapped) - There are a number of sources for these files and you will find a number in the Windows subdirectory.
7. WMF (Windows Metafile) - Another good source for files, particularly if you have a grahics application like PowerPoint and want to use those pictures.
8. Paint Brush (PCX) - Used by the Windows PaintBrush application
> 4, 0, Printing
Pictures can be printed easily on any Windows compatible printer. The picture currently displayed will be printed when this menu item is selected. There are four options to print:
1. Default - uses the original size of the image
2. Half - prints half page
3. Full - prints as large as possible within the space remaining from the user entered border
4. Custom - user selects a percentage of the page size for the image
The program determines whether the height or width limits the size and prints accordingly so that the aspect ratio (height to width) is properly maintained. Check the portrait or landscape setting (in Windows Control Panel) for the printer to obtain optimum printed size.
For the DEFAULT option, if the graphic does not contain the dots per inch resolution, a message box appears to prompt for your entry. Smaller resolution (i.e., 50 or 100) will yield larger printed images. Try several resolutions to find the best size. The image is centered for all options. If you select CANCEL or enter a space at the resolution, percentage or border prompts the print will cancel.
In addition, the picture can be darkened or lightened for a better printed image. Refer to the separate help section: Change Brightness.
> 5, 0, Picture Commands
Pressing any key advances to the next picture for the SHOW and MULTIPLE picture display options; however, there are keys that advance specifically:
F - advances forward
B - goes to the last shown picture (back)
E - goes to the last slide in the sequence
S - returns to the starting slide
Q - quits the show and brings up a blank screen
T - starts and stops the timer that automatically changes the pictures
# - a number (2-9) that skips ahead that many pictures
Any other key advances to the next picture...
> 6, 0, Change Brightness
The brightness of a picture can be modified with this control. A dark picture can be lightened somewhat for a better display or especially, for printing. These changes do not affect the original picture file, only the currently loaded display.
You must select to either Brighten or Darken the picture. Each time the Brigthen/Darken menu item is selected, the picture is modified slightly. Select Brighten/Darken several times until the optimum result is achieved. To reverse the direction, select Reset Brightness and then make the change.
> 7, 0, Timer Control
Pictures can be changed automatically by the use of a timer. Turning the timer on or off can be accomplished from the OPTIONS menu (a check mark indicates the Timer is on) or using the mouse commands. When you EXIT AND SAVE, this option selection is saved so that the next time you open My Viewer, the timer is on.
To use the mouse command, first turn on the mouse commands from the OPTIONS menu (several icons will appear in the lower left). Click on the clock icon to toggle the Timer on or off. You can tell that the timer is on bcause the other mouse icons will fade in color and cannot be used. To turn off the timer and turn on the other mouse commands, click on the clock icon.
The time between pictures can be set from the OPTIONS menu. Any number of seconds between 2 and 30 may be used. This time can also be also saved using the EXIT AND SAVE command.
> 8, 0, Mouse Commands
If you would rather use the mouse to change pictures, then select MOUSE COMMANDS from the OPTIONS menu. A series of icons will appear in the lower left of the screen. Click on the right arrow to advance to the next picture in the sequence. Clicking the left arrow moves back one picture. The START and END command buttons take you those points in the sequence. If these icons are faded and do not respond, then the timer is active. No mouse input is allowed when the timer is active.
The clock icon activates and deactivates the Timer, described in another help section.
> 9, 0, Dither
Dither (or dithering) is a method to better translate graphics from one set of "colors" to another. When your system operates with 256 colors (a todays standard) graphics based on 16 million colors must be translated into the 256 color format. If you have a 16 million color system, skip this option. You can think of it as painting a picture with only 256 different "paints" rather than 16 million. Obviously, the 16 million color output has a better result, but requires more computer video capability ( a hardware limitation, not a limitation of this software).
If you have a 256 color system (the most probable case), translating certain images may be required. A choice of dithering options is given here to allow you alternatives to suit your taste. There are trade-offs with each, which is why we give you the choice. The trade-offs are in quality versus speed. Bayer is faster, but not as good as Burke or Steinberg, which are a little slower. Try each and decide which you like.
Dithering will only be required for TIF, JPG, WPG, PCX, BMP, etc. files that have more than 256 colors (software checks the colors in each image and only translates those with more than 256). If you use GIF type files exclusively, then Dither can be safely set to none (GIFs can only have a maximum of 256 colors).
> 10, 0, Other AA Zoftware Products
AA Zoftware has other products for the Microsoft Windows environment that provide access to graphics files and scanners:
MYSCNSVR displays all major types of graphics files in an easy to use screen saver. It can play sound files, has multiple picture movement types, and supports password control. It supports: GIF, TIF, JPEG, EPS, DCX, DIB, WPG and of course BMP, WMF, and PCX files. Look for it as MYSCNSVR.ZIP on your local BBS.
MY-SCANR is a TWAIN compliant scanning and graphic file conversion application. This application can be purchased as either a graphics file converter or both a scanner and converter. Either way it makes graphics easy!
If you have difficulty finding these applications, please call/fax AA Zoftware at (513) 232-9509.
> 11, 0, Uninstallation Instructions
If you want to un-install this application, just type A:UNINSTAL with the original program disk in the A: drive.
If you do not have the original disk then type:
Delete c:\myviewer\*.*
Delete c:\windows\system\imvb3.vbx
Delete c:\windows\system\im2*.*
RD c:\myviewer
Since you can place this program in any subdirectory, the first DOS command may not work. Just replace the myviewer part of the first statement with the proper subdirectory.
And then delete all of your photo files from the windows and/or other subdirectories.
> 14, 0, Picture Show Setup
Up to 10 pictures can be selected for each of these three "Scrolling Portfolio" picture viewer. These pictures can each be from different subdirectories on the hard drive and are selected and sequenced individually.
This setup can be saved so that it can be started easily by selecting PICTURE SHOW GO (1,2, or 3) from the main menu. The same picture commands operate for this show to move Forward, Backward, to the End, to the Start, or to Quit.
You know when the limit of 10 is reached by:
1. The list of file names is full, because it holds exacting 10 picture file names
2. The "Select/Add File" button does not work after the limit of 10 is reached (letters become "faded")
You can select the same file more than once, if desired. Picture preview shows the file that is highlighted, but not at the actual size.
> 15, 0, Multiple Pictures Setup
This options allows you to select all graphics files of a specified type(s) from one subdirectory of the hard drive, a floppy, or a CD Rom. After the selection is made, returning to the main menu for MULTIPLE GO starts the scrolling through the pictures. The selection can be saved when you exit so that the next time My Viewer is started, you can select MULTIPLE GO to start.
Be careful if any directory other than c:\ is used, because an error will occur upon startup if the drive is not available (i.e., no CD in the drive). This directory is not "saved" to the disk until the program is exited (i.e., Exit and Save).
The picture commands can be used to move Forward, Backward, to the End, to the Start, or to Quit.
> 16, 0, AA Zoftware
We are an established software and technology firm in the Southwest Ohio area, dedicated to providing excellent value and quality graphics programs for the PC user. You can reach us on CompuServe at 102504,2132 or on America On-Line at KIRKDZ.
Please call, fax, or E-Mail us with your comments, questions, support requirements, or ideas. Compliments are also accepted!
Thanks for reviewing My Picture Viewer and we look forward to your order...
> 17, 0, Installation Suggestions
Welcome to My Picture Viewer Version 1.6! If this is a reinstallation, please skip this by pressing OK.
There are several things you should be aware of and possibly setup before you encounter difficulties. First, you should select the type of monitor and driver that you have. To do this, go to the OPTIONS menu and pick either the standard VGA or super VGA setting. Within each is a choice for 256 or 16 milion colors. The best way to make these settings is to:
1. Start with Standard VGA and 256 colors.
2. Load a picture file (preferrably a GIF). Go to ZOOM and make sure that FIT TO SCREEN is checked, if not select it.
3. If the picture takes up the entire screen with no white space on the right and bottom, then VGA is the correct setting.
4. Change the setting to SVGA. If the white space is now filled in by the picture, then this is correct.
5. Change the setting to VGA or SVGA and 16 million colors. Now load a JPG type picture. Do the colors look good? If not, go back to 256 and reload the same picture.
The reason for all of this is that you driver capabilities (size and colors) must be better than in the pictures, if not, then the software must translate the 16 million colors into 256 and you selections here setup the translation.
This notice can also be displayed from the HELP menu and is in the READ.WRI file.