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KISS/GS ( KISS General Specification ) Manual by K.O.S.
<<<<<<<< KISS/GS (v1.80) $Date: 1994/09/23 23:30:37 $ >>>>>>>>
by: yav <UHD98984@pcvan.or.jp>
translated by: ITO Takayuki <yuki@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Edited by: Hitoshi Ozawa <h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp>
KISS General Specification is public domain and is provided free of
charge to all users on an AS IS basis without warranty of any kind,
including without limitations the fitness of this specification to your
needs. The entire risk of using and developing software based on this
specification is borne to you. IN NO WAYS WILL DEVELOPERS AND AUTHORS
Content of this document is subject to change without notice.
Furthermore, there are topics that are not still not fully
defined in the KISS specification. They will be covered as
they are defined.
1. Introduction
KISS is a paper doll program came to existence on March 1991 when
it was initially developed to run on Japanese NEC PC-9801VM2 computer.
The initial program was dependent on the NEC computer architecture
but due to its popularity, it was soon appearing on other platforms.
To help further spread KISS, this KISS data format reference manual,
KISS General Specification : KISS/GS
containing the most recent specification, was written as a PUBLIC
DOMAIN document.
This new specification was developed to be independent of NEC
computers and portable across all computers platforms.
2. Changes in Specification
New specification is fully upward compatible with the old specification.
However, following limitations have been changed:
* color (cel) 16 colors -> 16 or 256 colors
* color (palette) 4096 colors -> 4096 or 16,777,216 colors
* screen size 640 x 400 -> 768 x 480 or more
* maximum number of 128 -> 256 or more
cels and objects
Furthermore, the multiple color palette files are now supported.
(Refer to section -> 4-1 Multi-Palette)
With this change, a header containing necessary information are now
inserted in cel and color palette files.
All these changes, nevertheless, may actually be limited
during implementation by hardware and software specifications.
To distinguish these levels, KISS/GS specifies the following levels:
KISS/GSn (where n = 1,2,3,... )
(Refer to section -> 7 KISS/GS Levels)
3. Basic Concepts
3-1 KISS functions
KISS is an image viewer program supporting transparency processing and
display object layering. To enable it to be used as a doll clothing
changing program, these objects are made to be moveable in real-time
using a mouse.
3-2 Files
KISS uses the following files:
* Cel file
Cel files (files ending with CEL extensions) contain images of
individual pictures.
It consists of array defining each color of a pixel (color code)
with the first pixel (0th pixel code) defining the transparent
* Palette file
Defines relationship between the color code used in the CEL
file with the actual screen color code that is used to display
them. Maximum of color palettes for 10 settings may be defined.
* Configuration file
Defines the cel layer ordering and coordinates.
This is the first file KISS opens to find what other files
need to be opened.
Configuration files, also, are ordinary text files that may be
created with a text editor.
Some KISS program may update some definitions when [Save]
is selected.
3-3 Glossary of Technical Terms
* Cel Minimal picture element manageable by KISS
* Object Unit of moveable pictures.
Composed of one or more cels.
* Palette group Color information pertaining to a screen.
* Set Group of palette group and object coordinates.
4. GS-KISS Special Feature
4-1 Multi-palette
Standard computer system only support one color palette.
KISS, by supporting several colors palette files, lessens
picture elements dependencies. Thus, parts like clothes
and accessories may exist individually as a separate file
(cel file). These parts may be paired with a background
to create a complete picture. Furthermore, because each
piece of a picture may have independent color palette,
they may be created by different developers.
However, each cell must specify which color palette to use.
The only limitation that exists now is that the total
number of color must be less than or equal to 256 colors.
5. Configuration File
Each line in a configuration file must be shorter than 256 bytes.
Furthermore, cel and palette filenames must be composed of basename
(max 8 bytes) + extension (max 3 bytes) with upper and lower cases
characters treated identically (MS-DOS limitations).
Characters that may be used in filenames are [_0-9a-z].
The first character of each line specifies the content of the line.
Character Content
* '=' Data memory size in kilobytes
Format: =<memory size>K
Specifies how much memory to allocate for KISS data.
Is used in KISS v1.0 for compatibility but is ignored
by KISS v2.0 or later.
Usage is discouraged.
* '(' Screen size
Format: (<horizontal size>,<vertical size>)
Defines screen size.
When omitted, KISS v2.18 compatible size of
(448,320) is assumes.
Maximum screen size supported by KISS/GS2 is (640,400).
(Refer to section-> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
* '%' Palette filename
Format: %<Palette filename>
Defines palette files to open.
Several palette files may be defines. When they
are, they numbered 0,1,2... in order of usage.
All colors defined in the first palette file are
used, but the first color (transparent) color in
the remaining files are ignored and palette are
shifted left one place.
Additionally, the total number colors defined by all
file palettes must be less than 256 colors.
Furthermore, all color palette files must be defined
prior to cel file definition.
* '[' Border color
Format: [<Border color's pixel code>
Defines the color of screen where color is
not explicitly defined by the cel data.
Pixel code is the color code defined in the
cel file.
* '#' Cel file
Format: #<Mark>[.<Fix>] <Cel filename>
[*<Palette number>] [:<Set number>...]
<Mark> : Unique ID number to specify an object.
Cels with a same Mark are combined as
an object.
KISS/GS2 supports Marks between 0 to 255.
(refer to section -> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
<Fix> : A number indicating object movement
fluidity. Usually used to fix an object
to a location. A number from 0 to 32767
may be specified with larger number
requiring more operations to move an
When omitted, an object is assigned a
value of 0 (ie. totally mobile).
<Cel filename> :
Specifies the cel file name to assign
to the Mark.
<Palette number> :
Specifies palette file corresponding to
the cel file when multiple palette files
are defined.
When omitted, palette file 0 is assigned.
<Set number> :
Assign an object to a particular set.
There may be 10 sets which are numbered
from 0 to 9.
When omitted, an object will become available
in all sets.
Cels are layered in order of definition with first definition being
the top layered cel and last being the bottom layered cel.
Up to 256 cels may be defined in KISS/GS2.
(refer to section -> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
|#2 data1.cel ; top (shown in front of other cells)
|#3 data2.cel :2 3 4 ; available only in sets 2,3,4
|#4.255 data3.cel ; fix object location
|#5 data4.cel *1 :5 ; use palette 1. only in set 5
|#2 data1_.cel ; bottom (shown behind other cels)
In the following example, data1.cel and data1_.cel are combined as an
* '$' Set Information
Format: $<Palette group> [<xpos,ypos> ...]
Defines palette group and position of objects in each set.
Up to 10 sets, numbered from 0 to 9, may be defined.
Set Information section are usually automatically
generated when [Save] is selected from KISS so there
probably isn't any need to directly modify them.
When definition extends through multiple lines, continued
rows start with a space.
<Palette group> : Palette group number. 0 - 9.
<xpos,ypos> : Position of object (ordered in accordance
with Mark definition).
KISS/GS2 supports up to 256 positions definitions.
(see also section -> 7 KISS/GS Ranks)
Undefined objects are denoted by an asterisk (*).
|$2 192,11 * 56,176 55,21 259,62 15,24 375,63
|$3 43,115 154,62 372,108 253,156 * * * 165,207
| * 162,198 * 119,56 152,44 * * *
| 16,355 394,362 108,355 * * * 125,261
|$0 192,11 * 56,176 55,21 259,62 15,24 375,63
* ';' Comment
Format: ;<Comment>
Igonores content of this line.
Future KISS/GS versions may specify to enable some
information such as title and author names in comments
lines to be a read into a program.
* Others
Reserved for future extensions
5. Cel File Layout
In new KISS/GS, cel files each contain a 32-byte header.
offset size contents
+0 4B KiSS data Identifier ( 4Bh 69h 53h 53h )
+4 B cel file Mark ( 20h )
+5 B number of bits to represent a pixel (either 4 or 8 )
+6 W Reserved
+8 W(L,H) Width ( 1 ... XMAX )
+10 W(L,H) Height ( 1 ... YMAX )
+12 W(L,H) x-offset ( 0 ... XMAX-1 )
+14 W(L,H) y-offset ( 0 ... YMAX-1 )
+16 16B Reserved
WARNING: All reserved fields must be filled with 0.
Cels defined in the same object are aligned by their top left corners.
When offsets are defined, a cel are moved to coordinate (x,y) from this
top left corner.
+32... Pixel data
* Data Layout of 4 bits per pixel data (16 colors)
-when bit 5 in the header is 4
One raster layout:
|<- byte ->| |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->|
| pix0 | pix1 | | pix2 | pix3 | | pix4 | pix5 | ......... |
pixN |
When there are only odd number of pixels in a line, the end pixel is
padded with a '0'.
Pixel data consists of concatenation of these arrays defining each line
in a cel.
* Data Layout of 8 bits per pixel data (256 colors)
-when bit 5 in the header is 8
One raster layout:
|<- byte ->| |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->|
| pix0 | | pix1 | | pix2 | ... |
pixN |
Pixel data consists of concatenation of these arrays defining each line
in a cel.
An old KISS format may not have 'KiSS' in the first 4-byte identification
field. In such a case, the file layout is as follows:
offset size contents
+0 W(L,H) Width
+2 W(L,H) Height
+4... Pixel data
Pixel data are in the 4 bits per pixel data (16 colors) format which
is the same as those defined above. Furthermore, x and y offsets should
both be treated as 0 (ie. no offset).
6. Palette File Layout
Palette files have a 32-byte header.
offset size contents
+0 4B KiSS data Identifier ( 4Bh 69h 53h 53h )
+4 B Palette file mark ( 10h )
+5 B number of bits per color ( 12 or 24 )
+6 W Reserved
+8 W(L,H) number of colors in one palette group ( 1 ... 256 )
+10 W(L,H) number of palette groups ( 1 ... 10 )
+12 W Reserved
+14 W Reserved
+16 16B Reserved
WARNING: All reserved fields must be filled with 0.
+32... Palette data
* Palette Data Layout (12 bits = 4096 colors)
-when bit 5 in the header is 12
Each color is defined by 4 bit primary colors - red, green, and blue -
in the following 2 byte layout:
|<- byte ->| |<- byte ->|
| rrrr | bbbb | | 0000 | gggg | ....
When there are less than 10 palette groups, group 0 data are replicated
to fill to form 10 groups.
* Palette Data Layout (24 bit = 16,777,216 colors)
-when bit 5 in the header is 24
Each color is defined by 1 byte primary colors - red, green, and blue -
in the following 3 byte layout:
|<- byte ->| |<- byte ->| |<- byte ->|
| rrrrrrrr | | gggggggg | | bbbbbbbb | ...
When there are less than 10 palette groups, group 0 data are replicated
to fill to form 10 groups.
An old KISS format may not have 'KiSS' in the first 4-byte identification
field. In such a case, the file layout is as follows:
+0... palette data
Palette data are in the 12 bits per each color with 16 colors in a palette
groups with 10 groups. Refer to Palette Data Layout above for palette data
NOTE: KISS data identification purposely consists of lower case 'i' to
reduce possibility of conflicting with other file formats.
7. KISS/GS Levels
Rank size colors max cels Status
--------------- ---------- ---- ----------
KISS/GS1 640 x 400 16 128 ; KISS v2.24c
KISS/GS2 640 x 400 256 256 ; KISS v2.37
KISS/GS3 768 x 480 256 256 ; draft
KISS/GS4 768 x 480 256 512 ; draft
--------------- ---------- ---- ----------
Degree of data portability was increased with generalization of
specification. Nevertheless, differences in hardwares still limits
some computers from running KISS programs and displaying KISS data.
Above ranks are specified as a guideline to allow developers to
write programs and for users to display data on their platforms.
We encourage programmers to implement the highest KISS rank capable
on their system and for users to use highest ranks program to view
them while keeping in mind that the lower ranks have more users
* Miscellaneous
This document is in public domain.
Please send bug reports, questions, comments and problems to
Thank you.