Chip Hitware 3
Text File
7,017 lines
1 alt.1d
One-dimensional imaging, & the thinking behind it.
2 alt.2600
The magazine or the game system. You decide.
3 alt.2600.hope.announce
4 alt.2600.hope.d
5 alt.2600.hope.tech
Technology concerns for Hackers on Planet Earth 1994.
6 alt.2600hz
Like alt.mag.2600, only different.
7 alt.266
The fauna of 266 Flora.
8 alt.3d
Three-dimensional imaging.
9 alt.aapg.announce
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Announcements
10 alt.aapg.general
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Discussion Group
11 alt.abortion.inequity
Paternal obligations of failing to abort unwanted child.
12 alt.abuse-recovery
Helping victims of abuse to recover. (Moderated)
13 alt.abuse.recovery
Helping victims of abuse to recover.
14 alt.abuse.transcendence
Non-standard ways to deal with all forms of abuse.
15 alt.activism
Activities for activists.
16 alt.activism.d
A place to discuss issues in alt.activism.
17 alt.activism.death-penalty
For people opposed to capital punishment.
18 alt.adjective.noun.verb.verb.verb
The penultimate alt group.
19 alt.adoption
For those involved with or contemplating adoption.
20 alt.adoption.agency
Licensed non-profit adoption agency information.
21 alt.aeffle.und.pferdle
German TV cartoon characters das Aeffle und das Pferdle.
22 alt.agriculture.misc
Like sci.agriculture, only different.
23 alt.alcohol
Don't drink and drive on the Info...no, I can't say it.
24 alt.aldus.freehand
The other hand is busy.
25 alt.aldus.pagemaker
Don't use expensive user support, come here instead.
26 alt.algebra.help
27 alt.alien.research
Extraterrestial body snatching for fun and profit.
28 alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
Something about simoN.
29 alt.alien.visitors
Space Aliens on Earth! Abduction! Gov't Coverup!
30 alt.alt
ASCII stereograms.
31 alt.alt.alt.alt.alt
When the ants go marching five by five.
32 alt.amateur-comp
Discussion and input for Amateur Computerist Newsletter.
33 alt.amazon-women.admirers
Worshiping women you have to look up to.
34 alt.america.online
The America Online network services provider.
35 alt.amiga.demos
Like alt.sys.amiga.demos, only different.
36 alt.anagrams
Playing with words.
37 alt.angst
Anxiety in the modern world.
38 alt.animals.bears
Who's gonna win the Super Bowl? Da Bears!
39 alt.animals.dolphins
Flipper, Darwin, and all their friends.
40 alt.animals.felines
Cats of all types.
41 alt.animals.felines.lions
RoYES alty of the Beasts.
42 alt.animals.felines.lynces
43 alt.animals.felines.lynxes
44 alt.animals.felines.snowleopards
Snow leopards & those who love them.
45 alt.animals.foxes
Everything you ever wanted to know about vulpines.
46 alt.animals.humans
47 alt.animals.lampreys
They're eel-like, and they suck.
48 alt.animals.raccoons
discussion of raccoons and raccoon-related topics.
49 alt.animation.warner-bros
Discussions about Warner Brothers cartoons.
50 alt.anonymous
alt! Who goes there?
51 alt.anonymous.messages
An anonymous message pool newgroup, whatever that is.
52 alt.answers
As if anyone on alt has the answers. (Moderated)
53 alt.aol-sucks
Why some people hate AOL and its users.
54 alt.aol.rejects
Another forum for gripes about America Online.
55 alt.appalachian
Appalachian region awareness, events, and culture.
56 alt.aquaria
The aquarium & related as a hobby.
57 alt.aquaria.killies
Killifish, members of family cyprinodontidae.
58 alt.archery
Robin Hood had the right idea.
59 alt.architecture
Building design/construction and related topics.
60 alt.architecture.alternative
Non-traditional building designs.
61 alt.architecture.int-design
Interior design and decorating.
62 alt.aromatherapy
63 alt.artcom
Artistic Community, arts & communication.
64 alt.arts.ballet
All aspects of ballet & modern dance as performing art.
65 alt.arts.nomad
Shifting, searching, belonging, place, identity, power?
66 alt.arts.storytelling
Discussion of storytelling in all its forms.
67 alt.ascii-art
Pictures composed of ASCII characters.
68 alt.ascii-art.animation
Movies composed of ASCII characters.
69 alt.asian-movies
Movies from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese mainland.
70 alt.astrology
Twinkle, twinkle, little planet.
71 alt.atari-jaguar.discussion
As opposed to simply alt.atari.jaguar.
72 alt.atari.2600
The Atari 2600 game system, not 2600 Magazine.
73 alt.atari.2600.vcs
Twits shouldn't create groups. Cf. alt.atari.2600vcs.
74 alt.atari.2600vcs
Twits shouldn't create groups. Cf. alt.atari.2600.vcs.
75 alt.atheism
Godless heathens.
76 alt.atheism.moderated
Focused Godless heathens. (Moderated)
77 alt.atheism.satire
Atheism-related humour and satire.
78 alt.authorware
About Authorware, produced by Authorware. So subtle.
79 alt.autos.antique
Discussion of all facets of older automobiles.
80 alt.autos.camaro.firebird
A couple of American sports cars.
81 alt.autos.macho-trucks
For macho truck enthusiasts. Big block or bust.
82 alt.autos.rod-n-custom
Vehicles with modified engines and/or appearance.
83 alt.bacchus
Disciples of the god of wine.
84 alt.backrubs
Lower...to the right...aaaah!
85 alt.banjo
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah.
86 alt.banjo.clawhammer
Technique and tricks from the masters of banjo.
87 alt.barefoot
No shirt, no shoes, no service.
88 alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die
"There's enough hatred of Barney for everyone!"
89 alt.basement.graveyard
Another side of the do-it-yourself movement.
90 alt.bbs
Computer BBS systems & software.
91 alt.bbs.ads
Ads for various computer BBS's.
92 alt.bbs.allsysop
SysOp concerns of ALL networks and technologies.
93 alt.bbs.doors
Bulletin board system add-on executables, or "doors".
94 alt.bbs.drealmbbs
Discussion/support for drealmBBS
95 alt.bbs.first-class
The First Class Mac GUI BBS.
96 alt.bbs.gigo-gateway
Garbage in, garbage out --- alt.* in a nutshell.
97 alt.bbs.internet
BBSs that are hooked up to the Internet.
98 alt.bbs.lists
Postings of regional BBS listings.
99 alt.bbs.lists.d
Discussion and requests of regional BBS listings.
100 alt.bbs.majorbbs
The MajorBBS by Galacticomm, Inc.
101 alt.bbs.metal
The METAL Telecommunications Enviornment.
102 alt.bbs.pcboard
Technical support for the PCBoard BBS.
103 alt.bbs.pcbuucp
The commerical PCBoard gateway, PCB-UUCP.
104 alt.bbs.renegade
The James Dean of BBSes.
105 alt.bbs.tribbs
Didn't Kirk have some trouble with tribbs?
106 alt.bbs.unixbbs
UnixBBS, from Nervous XTC.
107 alt.bbs.uupcb
PCB? I used to do that in the Sixties, man.
108 alt.bbs.watergate
A really good hotel for BBS spies.
109 alt.bbs.wildcat
WILDCAT! BBS from Mustang Software, Inc.
110 alt.bbs.wme
111 alt.beadworld
We must appease the Bead Gods.
112 alt.beer
Good for what ales ya.
113 alt.beograd
city and people of Beograd
114 alt.best.of.internet
It was a time of sorrow, it was a time of joy.
115 alt.bigfoot
Dr. Scholl's gone native.
116 alt.bigfoot.die.die.die
The death of alt.bigfoot, weak and putrid.
117 alt.bigfoot.research
Serious discussion by Bigfoot researchers. (Moderated)
118 alt.binaries.clip-art
Distribution of DOS, Mac and Unix clipart.
119 alt.binaries.doom
Binaries for or of the DOOM PC game.
120 alt.binaries.misc
Random large files without a more appropriate group.
121 alt.binaries.multimedia
Sound, text and graphics data rolled in one.
122 alt.binaries.pictures.anime
Images from Japanese animation.
123 alt.binaries.pictures.ascii
Pictures composed of ASCII characters.
124 alt.binaries.pictures.astro
Very black pictures.
125 alt.binaries.pictures.cartoons
Images from animated cartoons.
126 alt.binaries.pictures.celebrities
Unrated pictures featuring famous people.
127 alt.binaries.pictures.d
Discussions about picture postings.
128 alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d
Discussion of the fine-art binaries. (Moderated)
129 alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized
Art from conventional media. (Moderated)
130 alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics
Art created on computers. (Moderated)
131 alt.binaries.pictures.fractals
Cheaper just to send the program parameters.
132 alt.binaries.pictures.furry
Originaly funny animal art.
133 alt.binaries.pictures.misc
Have we saturated the network yet?
134 alt.binaries.pictures.utilities
Posting of pictures-related utilities.
135 alt.binaries.sounds.cartoons
Sounds from copyrighted animated shows.
136 alt.binaries.sounds.d
Sounding off.
137 alt.binaries.sounds.midi
MIDI binaries.
138 alt.binaries.sounds.misc
Digitized audio adventures.
139 alt.binaries.sounds.mods
MODs and related sound formats.
140 alt.binaries.sounds.movies
Sounds from copyrighted movies.
141 alt.binaries.sounds.music
Music samples in MOD/669 format.
142 alt.binaries.sounds.tv
Sounds from copyrighted television shows.
143 alt.binaries.sounds.utilities
Sound utilities.
144 alt.bio.hackers
More designer genes.
145 alt.birthright
Birthright Party propaganda.
146 alt.bitterness
No matter what it's for, you know how it'll turn out.
147 alt.bonehead.tom-servo
Paying homage to the Mad Newgrouper.
148 alt.bonsai
Little trees and battle screams.
149 alt.books.anne-rice
The Vampire Thermostat.
150 alt.books.deryni
Katherine Kurtz's books, especially the Deryni series.
151 alt.books.isaac-asimov
Fans of the late SF/science author Isaac Asimov.
152 alt.books.m-lackey
Author Mercedes Lackey and her books.
153 alt.books.phil-k-dick
Discussion about the works of Phillip K. Dick
154 alt.books.reviews
"If you want to know how it turns out, read it!".
155 alt.books.sf.melanie-rawn
discussion of Melanie Rawn's writings
156 alt.books.stephen-king
The works of horror writer Stephen King.
157 alt.books.technical
Discussion of technical books.
158 alt.books.tom-clancy
The group for discusson of Mr. Techno-Thriller.
159 alt.boomerang
The angular throwing club, not the Eddie Murphy flick.
160 alt.brother-jed
The born-again minister touring US campuses.
161 alt.buddha.short.fat.guy
Religion. And not religion. Both. Neither.
162 alt.business.import-export
Business aspects of international trade.
163 alt.business.internal-audit
Discussion of internal auditing.
164 alt.business.misc
All aspects of commerce.
165 alt.business.multi-level
Multi-level (network) marketing businesses.
166 alt.cad
Computer Aided Design.
167 alt.cad.autocad
CAD as practiced by customers of Autodesk.
168 alt.calc-reform
169 alt.california
The state and the state of mind.
170 alt.callahans
Callahan's bar for puns and fellowship.
171 alt.canadian.beaver
More from "Things that make you go, 'eh?'"
172 alt.captain.sarcastic
For the captain's minions.
173 alt.cardgame.magic
174 alt.cars.Ford-Probe
"PROBE ME" --- actual Viriginia woman's license plate.
175 alt.cascade
Art or litter you decide.
176 alt.caving
177 alt.cd-rom
Discussions of optical storage media.
178 alt.cd-rom.reviews
Reviews of various published things available on CD-ROM.
179 alt.celebrities
discussion of any celebrities, present or past, no binaries
180 alt.cellular-phone-tech
Brilliant telephony mind blows netnews naming.
181 alt.cellular.oki.900
A whole group for a telephone model.
182 alt.censorship
Discussion about restricting speech/press.
183 alt.cereal
Breakfast cereals and their (m)ilk.
184 alt.cesium
College Educated Students in Universal Mainland.
185 alt.chess.ics
The Internet Chess Server @valkyries.andrew.cmu.edu.
186 alt.child-support
Raising children in a split family.
187 alt.chinchilla
The nature of chinchilla farming in America Today.
188 alt.chinese.computing
Discussion group for Chinese computing.
189 alt.chinese.text
Postings in Chinese; Chinese language software.
190 alt.chinese.text.big5
Posting in Chinese[BIG 5].
191 alt.christnet
Gathering place for Christian ministers and users.
192 alt.christnet.bible
Bible discussion and research.
193 alt.christnet.christianlife
How to live what Christians believe.
194 alt.christnet.evangelical
Some aspect of evangelism.
195 alt.christnet.philosophy
Philosophical implications of Christianity.
196 alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now
It could happen.
197 alt.christnet.sex
Some of them still do that, you know.
198 alt.christnet.theology
The distinctives of God of Christian theology.
199 alt.clearing.technology
Traumatic Incident Reduction and Clearing.
200 alt.clothing.lingerie
The special secrets under wraps.
201 alt.clothing.sneakers
Sports, casual, collection, or just one pair.
202 alt.co-ops
Discussion about co-operatives.
203 alt.cobol
Relationship between programming and stone axes.
204 alt.coffee
Another group worshipping caffeine.
205 alt.collecting.autographs
WOW! You got Pete Rose's? What about Kibo's?
206 alt.college.college-bowl
Discussions of the College Bowl competition.
207 alt.college.food
Dining halls, cafeterias, mystery meat, and more.
208 alt.college.fraternities
College and university fraternities.
209 alt.college.sororities
College and university sororities.
210 alt.college.tunnels
Tunnelling beneath the campuses.
211 alt.college.us
Is that "us" as in "U. S.", or do you just mean y'all?
212 alt.comedy.british
Discussion of British comedy in a variety of media.
213 alt.comedy.british.blackadder
The Black Adder programme.
214 alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre
Firesign Theatre in all its flaming glory.
215 alt.comedy.slapstick
Slapstick--comedy stressing farce and horseplay.
216 alt.comedy.slapstick.3-stooges
Hey, Mo!
217 alt.comedy.standup
Discussion of stand-up comedy and comedians.
218 alt.comedy.vaudeville
219 alt.comics.alternative
You could try a book without pictures, for example.
220 alt.comics.batman
Marketing mania.
221 alt.comics.elfquest
W & R Pini's ElfQuest series.
222 alt.comics.lnh
Interactive net.madness in the superhero genre.
223 alt.comics.peanuts
For the discussion of the Peanuts comic strip
224 alt.comics.superman
No one knows it is also alt.clark.kent.
225 alt.commuter.students
Learning how to use mass transit.
226 alt.comp.acad-freedom.news
Academic freedom issues related to computers. (Moderated)
227 alt.comp.acad-freedom.talk
Academic freedom issues related to computers.
228 alt.comp.compression
Like comp.compression, only different.
229 alt.comp.databases.xbase.clipper
The Clipper database language.
230 alt.comp.fsp
A file transport protocol.
231 alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt
Designing devious devices in the den.
232 alt.comp.msx
Some sort of computer system.
233 alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus
ASUS motherboards.
234 alt.comp.shareware
"Try Before You Buy" software marketing.
235 alt.comp.virus
An unmoderated forum for discussing viruses
236 alt.computer.consultants
The business of consulting about computers.
237 alt.config
Alternative subnet discussions and connectivity.
238 alt.config.is.not.necessary
It all depends on your objectives.
239 alt.consciousness
Discussions on the study of the human consciousness.
240 alt.consciousness.4th-way
The Fourth Way, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky.
241 alt.consciousness.mysticism
The quest for ultimate reality.
242 alt.consciousness.near-death-exp
Discussion of the near-death experience.
243 alt.conspiracy
Be paranoid -- they're out to get you.
244 alt.conspiracy.area51
The US Government has a secret they're not telling you.
245 alt.conspiracy.jfk
The Kennedy assassination.
246 alt.conspiracy.netcom
Evil Empire / Gribbit.
247 alt.conspiracy.retards
248 alt.consumers.free-stuff
Free offers and how to take advantage of them.
249 alt.cosuard
Sysops against rate discrimination.
250 alt.coupons
/koo pahns/, not /kew pahns/. Try it.
251 alt.cows.moo.moo.moo
Like cows would cluck or something.
252 alt.crackers
Snack food in little bits or big bytes.
253 alt.cracks
Heavy toolbelt wearers of the world, unite.
254 alt.creative-cook
Like rec.food.cooking, only different.
255 alt.creative-cooking
Like rec.food.cooking, only different.
256 alt.crist-clark.pathetic-loser
A pathetic loser
257 alt.cucap
258 alt.cuddle
What cows do with their food; should be alt.cows.cuddle.
259 alt.cult-movies
Movies with a cult following.
260 alt.cult-movies.evil-deads
The Evil Dead movie series.
261 alt.cult-movies.rocky-horror
Virgin! Virgin! Virgin! Virgin!
262 alt.culture.alaska
Is this where the ice weasels come from?
263 alt.culture.argentina
Argentinian people.
264 alt.culture.austrian
You'll find more Austrians in soc.culture.austria.
265 alt.culture.beaches
Surf's up!
266 alt.culture.cajun
Cajun culture, history, genealogy, events.
267 alt.culture.egyptian
matters related to Egypt and the Egyptian culture.
268 alt.culture.hawaii
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka 'Aina I Ka Pono.
269 alt.culture.indonesia
Indonesian culture, news, etc.
270 alt.culture.internet
The culture(s) of the Internet.
271 alt.culture.karnataka
Culture and language of the Indian state of Karnataka.
272 alt.culture.kerala
People of Keralite origin and the Malayalam language.
273 alt.culture.ny-upstate
New York State, above Westchester.
274 alt.culture.oregon
Discussion about the state of Oregon.
275 alt.culture.somalia
Discussions of Somalia, its people, and its problems
276 alt.culture.tuva
Topics related to the Republic of Tuva, South Siberia.
277 alt.culture.us.1970s
At least pick a _good_ decade to be stuck in the past.
278 alt.culture.us.asian-indian
Asian Indians in the US and Canada.
279 alt.culture.us.southwest
Basking in the sun of the US's lower left.
280 alt.culture.usenet
A self-referential oxymoron.
281 alt.culture.zippies
Zippie Culture
282 alt.current-events.bosnia
The strife of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
283 alt.current-events.cebit94
Infos from and about the CeBIT 94 in Hannover,Germany
284 alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
The Clinton Whitewater Scandle.
285 alt.current-events.haiti
News about Haiti.
286 alt.current-events.korean-crisis
North Korea's nuclear armament.
287 alt.current-events.la-quake
When I'm with you, I feel the earth move, baby.
288 alt.current-events.net-abuse
Usenet spamming, Green Card and the like.
289 alt.current-events.russia
Current happenings in Russia.
290 alt.current-events.ukraine
Current and fast paced Ukrainian events.
291 alt.current-events.usa
What's new in the United States.
292 alt.cyberpunk
High-tech low-life.
293 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo
Literary virtual reality in a cyberpunk hangout.
294 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo.d
Meta-discussion about Chatsubo stories.
295 alt.cyberpunk.movement
A little laxative might help.
296 alt.cyberpunk.tech
Cyberspace and Cyberpunk technology.
297 alt.cyberspace
Cyberspace and how it should work.
298 alt.dads-rights
Rights of fathers. (Moderated)
299 alt.david-guntner.die.die.die
300 alt.dcom.slip-emulators
Pseudo-SLIP/PPP with shell accounts. TIA, SLAP, etc.
301 alt.dcom.telecom
Discussion of telecommunications technology.
302 alt.dear.whitehouse
When Hints from Heloise aren't enough.
303 alt.decathena
Digital's DECathena product. (Moderated)
304 alt.desert-storm
Continuing proof that alt groups never die.
305 alt.destroy.the.earth
Please leave the light on when you leave.
306 alt.destroy.the.internet
Demons in the wire.
307 alt.dev.null
The ultimate in moderated newsgroups. (Moderated)
308 alt.devilbunnies
Probably better left undescribed.
309 alt.digital.dcu
Discussion of Digital's DCU.
310 alt.disasters.aviation
Plane Lands Safely at Airfield, Film at 11.
311 alt.disasters.earthquake
Did the 'big one' shut down the 'net?
312 alt.disasters.misc
General discussion of disaster issues.
313 alt.discordia
All hail Eris, etc.
314 alt.discordia.scc
Discussion of topics relevant to the Sno(w) Chao Cabal
315 alt.discrimination
Quotas, affirmative action, bigotry, persecution.
316 alt.divination
Divination techniques (e.g., I Ching, Tarot, runes).
317 alt.dragons-inn
Breathing fire tends to make one very thirsty.
318 alt.dreams
What do they mean?
319 alt.dreams.lucid
What do they _really_ mean?
320 alt.drinks.kool-aid
Beverage break on the Information Superhighway.
321 alt.drinks1.snapple
Made from the Best Stuff on Earth.
322 alt.drugs
Recreational pharmaceuticals and related flames.
323 alt.drugs.caffeine
All about the world's most-used stimulant drug.
324 alt.drugs.chemistry
Discussion of drug chemistry and synthesis.
325 alt.drugs.culture
Entertainment while under the influence.
326 alt.drugs.pot
Cannabis conversations.
327 alt.drugs.psychedelics
Pink elephants and jumping out of windows.
328 alt.drumcorps
Like rec.arts.marching.drumcorps, only different.
329 alt.drunken.bastards
Peeing in the potted plants.
330 alt.drwho.creative
Writing about long scarves and time machines.
331 alt.dss
Discussion of the new Digital Satellite Systems.
332 alt.duck.quack.quack.quack
It looks like a duck, but it's an alt group.
333 alt.dumpster
Oscar has always wanted a roomier place.
334 alt.durex.blender.corporation
Naming, when an exercise left to the reader.
335 alt.edgar
336 alt.education.alternative
School doesn't have to suck!
337 alt.education.disabled
Education for people with physical/mental disabilities.
338 alt.education.distance
Learning from teachers who are far away.
339 alt.education.email-project
The email project for teaching English.
340 alt.education.higher.stu-affairs
Student Affairs principles & practices.
341 alt.education.home-school.christian
Christian home-schoolers. (Moderated)
342 alt.education.ib
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.
343 alt.education.ib.tok
International Baccalaureates in Theory of Knowledge.
344 alt.education.research
Studying about studying.
345 alt.education.university.vision2020
Models for a university in 2020.
346 alt.elvis.king
Fat and dead, too. Pretty useless king.
347 alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2
Making your paperweight behave like another.
348 alt.emusic
Ethnic, exotic, electronic, elaborate, etc, music.
349 alt.energy.renewable
Fueling ourselves without depleting everything.
350 alt.ensign.wesley.die.die.die
We just can't get enough of him.
351 alt.ethiopic.text
352 alt.evil
Tales from the dark side.
353 alt.exotic-music
Exotic music discussions.
354 alt.fairs.renaissance
Discussions of Renaissance faires and festivals.
355 alt.falconry
Hunting and training with birds of prey
356 alt.fan.actors
Discussion of actors, make and female.
357 alt.fan.addams.family
They're creepy and they're kooky...
358 alt.fan.addams.wednesday
She's deadpan and she's homicidal
359 alt.fan.alan-lowell
360 alt.fan.art-bell
For fans of old AT&T logos.
361 alt.fan.asprin
I'm fond of buffered analgesics. Robert Lynn Asprin too.
362 alt.fan.authors.stephen-king
Modern master of the spooky story.
363 alt.fan.barry-manilow
Discussion group for fans of Barry Manilow.
364 alt.fan.bazyar
365 alt.fan.big-red-gum
Kiss a little longer.
366 alt.fan.bill-gates
Fans of the original micro-softie.
367 alt.fan.blues-brothers
Jake & Elwood ride again!
368 alt.fan.brie
Such a cheesy name.
369 alt.fan.british-accent
"Oooh, he just sounds soooo cool! *Giggle*"
370 alt.fan.bruce-campbell
371 alt.fan.cecil-adams
The brother Douglas Adams never talks about.
372 alt.fan.ceiling
Overused in movie fight scenes around the world.
373 alt.fan.chris-elliott
Get a Life, you Letterman flunky.
374 alt.fan.colin-chapman
Discussion of Colin Chapman and Lotus Cars
375 alt.fan.conan-obrien
Late Night with a big red pompadour.
376 alt.fan.courtney-love
The Notorious Courtney Love. Nuff Said.
377 alt.fan.cult-dead-cow
Fans and files from cDc Communications.
378 alt.fan.cult.of.the.dead.cow
Like alt.fan.cult-dead-cow, only different.
379 alt.fan.dan-quayle
For discussion of the US Vice President.
380 alt.fan.dave_barry
Electronic fan club for humorist Dave Barry.
381 alt.fan.david-bowie
The man who fell to earth.
382 alt.fan.debbie.gibson
Thwarter of the supervillain Tiffany.
383 alt.fan.devo
Funny hats do not a band make.
384 alt.fan.disney.afternoon
Disney Afternoon characters & shows.
385 alt.fan.don-n-mike
Two radio guys.
386 alt.fan.douglas-adams
Author of "The Meaning of Liff", & other fine works.
387 alt.fan.dragonlance
Please ignore if group exists on your site.
388 alt.fan.dragons
People love automobiles at Pennsic.
389 alt.fan.drmellow
390 alt.fan.dune
Herbert's drinking buddies.
391 alt.fan.eddings
The works of writer David Eddings.
392 alt.fan.elvis-presley
The late, great Elvis the Pelvis.
393 alt.fan.fabio
A hunk of pecs.
394 alt.fan.fan-man
Powered parachutes --- the Fan Man.
395 alt.fan.frank-zappa
Is that a Sears poncho?
396 alt.fan.freenet
397 alt.fan.furry
Fans of funny animals, ala Steve Gallacci's book.
398 alt.fan.furry.muck
FurryMUCK and other anthropomorphic MU*s.
399 alt.fan.g-gordon-liddy
Crime does pay, or we wouldn't have so much of it.
400 alt.fan.gene-scott
Some TV preacher and horsebreeder.
401 alt.fan.goons
Careful Neddy, it's that dastardly Moriarty again.
402 alt.fan.greaseman
Fans of Doug Tracht, the DJ.
403 alt.fan.greg-kinnear
The host of "TalkSoup" on the E! Entertainment Channel.
404 alt.fan.gwydion
A legendary figure on USENET.
405 alt.fan.heinlein
406 alt.fan.hello-kitty
I have no damn mouth!
407 alt.fan.hofstadter
Douglas Hofstadter, Godel, Escher, Bach and others.
408 alt.fan.holmes
Elementary, my dear Watson. Like he ever said that.
409 alt.fan.howard-stern
Fans of the abrasive radio & TV personality.
410 alt.fan.ivor-cutler
411 alt.fan.jalaludin_rumi
412 alt.fan.james-bond
On his Majesty's Secret Service (& secret linen too).
413 alt.fan.jay-leno
Fans of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
414 alt.fan.jello-biafra
The Dead Kennedys' lead singer.
415 alt.fan.jen-coolest
Gosh, isn't she just wonderful?
416 alt.fan.jerky-boys
Ask Ian Cady; he created it without clueing us in.
417 alt.fan.jesus-christ
Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication.
418 alt.fan.jimi-hendrix
Fans of the late-great guitarist, Jimi Hendrix.
419 alt.fan.jimmy-buffett
A white sports coat and a pink crustacean.
420 alt.fan.jimmy-jazz
421 alt.fan.joel-furr
Joel Furr.
422 alt.fan.john-palmer
With an army of lawyers from a Michigan warren.
423 alt.fan.john-winston
The future people speak.
424 alt.fan.karla-homolka
Why are there so few hot, exhibitionist, S&M women?
425 alt.fan.kinks
Discussions about The Kinks
426 alt.fan.kroq
LA radio station KROQ, FM 106.7. Great monster name.
427 alt.fan.laurie.anderson
Will it be a music concert or a lecture this time?
428 alt.fan.lemurs
Little critters with BIG eyes.
429 alt.fan.leningrad.cowboys
Discussion about the musical Leningrad Cowboys.
430 alt.fan.letterman
One of the top 10 reasons to get the alt groups.
431 alt.fan.letterman.top-ten
Top Ten lists from the Letterman show. (Moderated)
432 alt.fan.linus-torvalds
Disciples of the Linux high priest.
433 alt.fan.lion-king
Discussion of Disney's "The Lion King".
434 alt.fan.madonna
Nice tits, eh... And how about that puppy?
435 alt.fan.marcia-clark
No one would know her, but she prosecutes O.J. Simpson.
436 alt.fan.mark.wang
Just another random net.personality.
437 alt.fan.mel-brooks
Actor/directory/funnyman Mel Brooks.
438 alt.fan.melvin-gladstone
439 alt.fan.michael-bolton
All that hair makes women jealous.
440 alt.fan.mike-jittlov
Electronic fan club for animator Mike Jittlov.
441 alt.fan.mistic
442 alt.fan.monty-python
Electronic fan club for those wacky Brits.
443 alt.fan.mr-kfi
Fans of the "dopest, freshest homeboy" on KFI.
444 alt.fan.mst3k
I thought people hated jerks who talked in theatres.
445 alt.fan.nathan.brazil
The Well of Souls and all things Markovian.
446 alt.fan.noam-chomsky
Noam Chomsky's writings and opinions.
447 alt.fan.oingo-boingo
Have you ever played ping pong in Pago Pago?
448 alt.fan.oj-simpson
Juice! Juice! Juice!
449 alt.fan.oj-simpson.die.die.die
People who favour a guilty verdict.
450 alt.fan.oj-simpson.gas-chamber
Burn, Hollywood, Burn, I smell a riot going on.
451 alt.fan.ok-soda
It's not that good, it's just OK.
452 alt.fan.oksana.bayul
Another figure skater fan group.
453 alt.fan.paul-bernardo
Until death do us part.
454 alt.fan.penn-n-teller
The magicians Penn Jillette & Teller.
455 alt.fan.pern
Anne McCaffery's s-f oeuvre.
456 alt.fan.philip-dick
Philip K. Dick, writer.
457 alt.fan.piers-anthony
For fans of the s-f author Piers Anthony.
458 alt.fan.pratchett
For fans of Terry Pratchett, s-f humor writer.
459 alt.fan.q
Omnipotent being from either Star Trek or James Bond.
460 alt.fan.red.green
Possum Lodge happenings
461 alt.fan.ren-and-stimpy
For folks who couldn't find alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy.
462 alt.fan.rickie-lee.jones
Funky, acoustic, soulful, song writer.
463 alt.fan.ricking-ball
The Ricking Ball Sports Report.
464 alt.fan.road-work
Bitch to your hearts content about messy roads.
465 alt.fan.robert-jordan
Baseball's most popular minor leaguer.
466 alt.fan.ronald-reagan
Jellybeans and all.
467 alt.fan.roomi-s
468 alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
Derogation of others for fun and profit.
469 alt.fan.russell.lawrence
470 alt.fan.sam-raimi
471 alt.fan.scarecrow
472 alt.fan.schwarzenegger
Imitated but never duplicated.
473 alt.fan.serdar-argic
Notorious activist from zuma.uucp.
474 alt.fan.seth-cohn
Seth Cohn's net.politics.
475 alt.fan.shedevil
Cheering up Shani of the Desert.
476 alt.fan.shostakovich
Fans of the music of Shostakovich.
477 alt.fan.skinny
Fat fetishes have no place here.
478 alt.fan.spinal-tap
Down on the sex farm.
479 alt.fan.sting
See alt.sex.bestiality.with-bees.
480 alt.fan.super-big-gulp
481 alt.fan.surak
That wild and crazy Vulcan.
482 alt.fan.tank-girl
No, she doesn't make noises like a squirrel. Really.
483 alt.fan.tarantino
Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino.
484 alt.fan.tarka
485 alt.fan.teen.idols
For the adoration of male-type teenage heartthrobs.
486 alt.fan.teen.starlets
For the adoration of female-type teenage heartthrobs.
487 alt.fan.tlc
Discussion of TLC rap/hip-hop group.
488 alt.fan.tolkien
Mortal Men doomed to die.
489 alt.fan.tom-clancy
Like alt.books.tom-clancy, only different.
490 alt.fan.tom-robbins
31 flavours for readers.
491 alt.fan.tom-servo
The robot runs amok with alt.* group creations.
492 alt.fan.tonya-harding.whack.whack.whack
Someone get this chick a colorist!
493 alt.fan.u2
The Irish rock band U2.
494 alt.fan.vd-muijzenberg
495 alt.fan.vejcik
496 alt.fan.vic-reeves
Britain's top light entertainer and formation mollusc.
497 alt.fan.warlord
The War Lord of the West Preservation Fan Club.
498 alt.fan.wavey.davey
Ocean Spray's latest flavour.
499 alt.fan.wayne-dolesman
For the discussion of love and devotion to Wayne!
500 alt.fan.wedge
Standing by, red 2.
501 alt.fan.weird-al
He's rather a lot like Kibo, actually.
502 alt.fan.winona-ryder
Generation X's gorgeous, elfin, brainy, goddess actress.
503 alt.fan.wodehouse
Discussion of the works of humour author P.G. Wodehouse.
504 alt.fan.woody-allen
The diminutive neurotic.
505 alt.fan.zbig-tyrlik
506 alt.fandom.cons
Announcements of conventions (SciFi and others).
507 alt.fantasy.conan
Robert E. Howard's barbarian warrior/king.
508 alt.fashion
All facets of the fasion industry discussed.
509 alt.fax
Like comp.dcom.fax, only different.
510 alt.feminazis
Like soc.feminism, only more radical.
511 alt.feminism
Like soc.feminism, only different.
512 alt.feminism.individualism
Discussions about feminism and individualism.
513 alt.fetish.furry.roope_ritvos
Furry Fantasies of Winnie the Pooh (nallepuh)
514 alt.fifi.la-fume.drool.drool.drool
Horny cartoon fan boys.
515 alt.filesystems.afs
The Andrew Filesystem.
516 alt.fishing
Like rec.outdoors.fishing, only different.
517 alt.flame
Alternative, literate, pithy, succinct screaming.
518 alt.flame.airlines
Problems and complaints with the airlines.
519 alt.flame.cycle-sluts
Women on bikes. Don't pickup litter, pickup men instead!
520 alt.flame.football.notre-dame
Flames directed towards Notre Dame football.
521 alt.flame.landlord
Flaming and ploting against the evil landlord.
522 alt.flame.mud
Dirt burns well when soaked with gasoline.
523 alt.flame.roommate
Putting the pig on a spit.
524 alt.flame.spelling
USENET's favourite fallacious argoomint.
525 alt.flumox.demo.only-3-quid
526 alt.folklore.college
Collegiate humor.
527 alt.folklore.computers
Stories & anecdotes about computers (some true!).
528 alt.folklore.gemstones
history and lore of gemstones
529 alt.folklore.ghost-stories
530 alt.folklore.herbs
Discussion of all aspects of herbs and their uses.
531 alt.folklore.info
Current urban legends and other folklore. (Moderated)
532 alt.folklore.military
Military-oriented 'urban legends' and folklore.
533 alt.folklore.science
The folklore of science, not the science of folklore.
534 alt.folklore.suburban
Serious discussion of urban legends. (Moderated)
535 alt.folklore.urban
Urban legends, ala Jan Harold Brunvand.
536 alt.foobar
Foobar, Inc. stuff.
537 alt.food.chocolate
Aphrodisiac confections.
538 alt.food.cocacola
An American Classic. Buy our nostalgic art.
539 alt.food.coffee
Black gold of another sort. Colombian tea.
540 alt.food.fat-free
Quest for thinness.
541 alt.food.ice-cream
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
542 alt.food.mcdonalds
Carl Sagan's favourite burger place.
543 alt.food.pancakes
Waffles without the interesting topography.
544 alt.food.professionals
Fruit of the Loom.
545 alt.food.sushi
The ancient art of preparing raw fish.
546 alt.food.veg.ted-altar
547 alt.food.waffle-house
Not just for breakfast anymore.
548 alt.food.wine
All about wine, for oeneophiles.
549 alt.fractal-design.painter
Fractal Design's "Natural Media" painting.
550 alt.fraternity.sorority
Discussions of fraternity/sorority life and issues.
551 alt.freaks
Rick James, we love you!
552 alt.freemasonry
Someone will build my basement for free? Cool.
553 alt.freenet
Discussions about freenets.
554 alt.friends.sterno
Friends of IRC denzien sterno.
555 alt.fun.with.court
Not just a place to plead insanity anymore.
556 alt.fun.with.luc
Luc has fun and likes cheese.
557 alt.fun.with.matt
No arms and no legs on a doorstep; how fun could it be?
558 alt.galactic-guide
Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Known Galaxy Project.
559 alt.gambling
Like rec.gambling, only different.
560 alt.games.air-warrior
The Air Warrior combat computer game.
561 alt.games.alt-config
Talk about the alt.config problem and ways to fix it.
562 alt.games.apogee
A real high point in any gamer's day.
563 alt.games.btech.muse.munchkins
564 alt.games.cosmic-wimpout
A dice game popular in the computer crowd.
565 alt.games.doom
A really popular PC game.
566 alt.games.doom.announce
Announcements about the PC game Doom. (Moderated)
567 alt.games.doom.ii
Ladies and Gentlemen, We are in Hell. On Earth!
568 alt.games.doom.newplayers
Helping people new to a really popular PC game.
569 alt.games.dune-ii.virgin-games
570 alt.games.final-fantasy
571 alt.games.frp.2300ad
The 2300 AD roleplaying game.
572 alt.games.frp.dnd-util
Computer utilities for Dungeons and Dragons.
573 alt.games.frp.live-action
Discussion of all forms of live-action gaming.
574 alt.games.frp.tekumel
Empire of the Petal Throne FRPG by M. A. R. Barker.
575 alt.games.gb
The Galactic Bloodshed conquest game.
576 alt.games.ibmpc.shadowcaster
A discussion for players of Shadowcaster
577 alt.games.jyhad
Another trading card game, like Magic, the Gathering.
578 alt.games.lynx
The Atari Lynx.
579 alt.games.mk
Struggling in Mortal Kombat!
580 alt.games.mornington.cresent
You can't get there from here.
581 alt.games.mtrek
Multi-Trek, a multi-user Star Trek-like game.
582 alt.games.netrek.paradise
Discussion of the paradise version of netrek.
583 alt.games.omega
A rogue-like computer game Omega.
584 alt.games.quake
Natural disasters as sport.
585 alt.games.sf2
The video game Street Fighter 2.
586 alt.games.torg
Gateway for TORG mailing list.
587 alt.games.ultima.dragons
Hints for Ultima games.
588 alt.games.vga-planets
Discussion of Tim Wisseman's VGA Planets.
589 alt.games.video.classic
Video games from before the mid-1980s.
590 alt.games.video.sony-playstation
591 alt.games.whitewolf
Discussion of WhiteWolf's line of gothic/horror RPGs.
592 alt.games.xpilot
Discussion on all aspects of the X11 game Xpilot.
593 alt.games.xtrek
The networked game Xtrek.
594 alt.gathering.rainbow
For discussing the annual Rainbow Gathering.
595 alt.geek
To fulfill an observed need.
596 alt.genealogy
Like soc.roots, only different.
597 alt.go.go.nancy
598 alt.good.morning
Would you like coffee with that?
599 alt.good.news
A place for some news that's good news.
600 alt.gopher
Discussion of the gopher information service.
601 alt.gorets
The care and spackling of your goret
602 alt.gothic
The gothic movement: things mournful and dark.
603 alt.gourmand
Recipes & cooking info. (Moderated)
604 alt.grad-student.tenured
Professional students.
605 alt.grad.skool.sux
Apparently high school English classes sucked too.
606 alt.graffiti
The writing is on the wall.
607 alt.graphics.pixutils
Discussion of pixmap utilities.
608 alt.great-lakes
Discussions of the Great Lakes and adjacent places.
609 alt.grissom.information.network
For graduates of Grissom High School in Huntsville, Alabama.
610 alt.guitar
You axed for it, you got it.
611 alt.guitar.bass
Bass guitars.
612 alt.guitar.tab
Discussions about guitar tablature music.
613 alt.hETY
alth.cfids-action Chronic Fatigue Snydrome Action Group. (Moderated)
614 alt.hackers
Descriptions of projects currently under development. (Moderated)
615 alt.hangover
I am never drinking again.
616 alt.health.ayurveda
Really old medicine from India.
617 alt.hemp
It's about knot-tying with rope. Knot!
618 alt.hi.are.you.cute
Are there a lot of pathetic people on the net or what?
619 alt.hindu
The Hindu religion. (Moderated)
620 alt.history.living
A forum for discussing the hobby of living history.
621 alt.history.what-if
What would the net have been like without this group?
622 alt.hk.spcc
623 alt.home.repair
Bob Vila would love this group.
624 alt.homosexual
Same as alt.sex.homosexual.
625 alt.horology
626 alt.horror
The horror genre.
627 alt.horror.creative
Original horror fiction, poems, pictures.
628 alt.horror.cthulhu
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu, Ctulhu, Ctulu, and the rest.
629 alt.horror.cthulu
Like alt.horror.cthulhu, only different.
630 alt.horror.shub-internet
The process with a thousand young.
631 alt.horror.werewolves
They were wolves, now they're something to be wary of.
632 alt.hotrod
High speed automobiles. (Moderated)
633 alt.human-brain
A delicacy in some corners of the planet.
634 alt.humor.best-of-usenet
What the moderator thinks is funniest. (Moderated)
635 alt.humor.best-of-usenet.d
Discussion of alt.humor.best-of-usenet posts.
636 alt.humor.bluesman
Humor from the 105th St. BluesMan's world
637 alt.humor.puns
Not here.
638 alt.hypertext
Discussion of hypertext -- uses, transport, etc.
639 alt.hypnosis
When you awaken, you will forget about this newsgroup.
640 alt.illuminati
See alt.cabal. Fnord.
641 alt.image.medical
Medical image exchange discussions.
642 alt.impeach.clinton
Some think he performs as though he is impeared.
643 alt.india.progressive
Progressive politics in the Indian sub-continent. (Moderated)
644 alt.individualism
Philosophies where individual rights are paramount.
645 alt.industrial
The Industrial Computing Society claimed this name.
646 alt.infertility
Discussion of infertility causes and treatments.
647 alt.internet.access.wanted
"Oh. OK, how about just an MX record for now?"
648 alt.internet.media-coverage
The coverage of the internet by the media.
649 alt.internet.services
Not available in the uucp world, even via email.
650 alt.internet.talk-radio
Carl Malamud's Internet Talk Radio program.
651 alt.internet.talk.bizarre
652 alt.internet.talk.haven
653 alt.internet.talk.shows
654 alt.inventors
655 alt.irc
Internet Relay Chat material.
656 alt.irc.42
Cosmic significance.
657 alt.irc.announce
Announcements about Internet Relay Chat (IRC). (Moderated)
658 alt.irc.hottub
Discussion of the IRC channel #hottub.
659 alt.irc.ircii
The IRC II client programme.
660 alt.irc.jeopardy
For discussion of the IRC channel #jeopardy.
661 alt.irc.questions
How-to questions for IRC (International Relay Chat).
662 alt.irc.undernet
The alternative IRC.
663 alt.is.doomed
If it's a sewer, let's treat it like one! (Moderated)
664 alt.japanese.text
Postings in Japanese; Japanese language software.
665 alt.journalism
Shop talk by journalists and journalism students.
666 alt.journalism.criticism
I write, therefore I'm biased.
667 alt.journalism.gonzo
Hunter S. Thomspon's approach to reporting.
668 alt.kalbo
Bald guys of the world, unite!
669 alt.ketchup
Whak* Whak* ...shake... Whak* Damn, all over my tie.
670 alt.kids-talk
A place for the pre-college set on the net.
671 alt.kill.the.whales
And fulfill the prophecy of Star Trek IV!
672 alt.krunk
A curse word so new, no one minds if you use it.
673 alt.lacrosse
Like alt.sport.lacrosse, only different.
674 alt.lang.asm
Assembly languages of various flavors.
675 alt.lang.basic
The Language That Would Not Die.
676 alt.lang.ca-realizer
The CA Realizer GUI programming environment.
677 alt.lang.design
Discussion for the design of computer languges.
678 alt.lang.focal
The FOCAL computer language and its interpreters.
679 alt.language.urdu.poetry
Poetry in the Indic Urdu language.
680 alt.law-enforcement
No, ossifer, there's nothing illegal going on in alt.
681 alt.law-enforcement.traffic
682 alt.lefthanders
How gauche.
683 alt.lemmings
Rodents with a death wish.
684 alt.lesbian.feminist.poetry
Everyone has their niche.
685 alt.lies
This is not a newsgroup.
686 alt.life.afterlife
687 alt.life.sucks
Another whingYES alt group.
688 alt.lifestyle.barefoot
Discussions related to going barefoot
689 alt.literacy.adult
Adults, Literacy, Reading, Writing.
690 alt.locksmithing
You locked your keys in *where*?
691 alt.lucid-emacs.bug
Bug reports about Lucid Emacs.
692 alt.lucid-emacs.help
Q&A and general discussion of Lucid Emacs.
693 alt.lycra
The WunderFabrik.
694 alt.mag.playboy
Four decades of appreciation or degradation. Your pick.
695 alt.magazines.pornographic
Like alt.sex.magazines, only different.
696 alt.magic
For discussion about stage magic.
697 alt.magick
For discussion about supernatural arts.
698 alt.magick.chaos
Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards.
699 alt.magick.ethics
Discussion of the ethics/morals of magickal work.
700 alt.magick.order
Discussion of magickopolitical hierarchy.
701 alt.magick.sex
Pursuing spirituality through sexuality and vice versa.
702 alt.magick.sex.angst
Three great tastes that taste great together.
703 alt.magick.tyagi
Magick as revealed by Mordred Nagasiva.
704 alt.magick.virtual-adepts
705 alt.make.money.fast
And piss off thousands of people even faster.
706 alt.malta
707 alt.management.tech-support
See alt.managing.techsupport.
708 alt.managing.techsupport
See alt.management.tech-support.
709 alt.manga
Like rec.arts.manga, only different.
710 alt.masonic.demolay
711 alt.masonic.members
712 alt.math.iams
Internet Amateur Mathematics Society. (Moderated)
713 alt.mcdonalds
Can I get fries with that?
714 alt.med.allergy
Helping people with allergies.
715 alt.med.cfs
Chronic fatigue syndrome information.
716 alt.med.equipment
Discussion of medical equipment.
717 alt.med.fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia Fibrositis List.
718 alt.med.outpat.clinic
Outpatient clinic issues, discussions.
719 alt.meditation
General discussion of meditation.
720 alt.meditation.quanyin
The Quan Yin method of meditation.
721 alt.meditation.transcendental
Contemplation of states beyond the teeth.
722 alt.memetics
The evolution of ideas in societies.
723 alt.mens-rights
We hold these truths to be self-evident.
724 alt.messianic
Messianic traditions.
725 alt.military.cadet
Preparing for the coming apocalypse.
726 alt.mindcontrol
Are you sure those thoughts are really your own?
727 alt.misanthropy
Go away.
728 alt.missing-kids
Locating missing children.
729 alt.mock.the.court
A place to make fun of judiciary systems.
730 alt.models
Examples, patterns, exemplars, ideals, archetypes.
731 alt.mono.acorner
Alternative Acorn forum for monogamous squirrels.
732 alt.motd
The messages of the day.
733 alt.motherjones
Mother Jones magazine.
734 alt.motorcycles.harley
Like rec.motorcycles.harley, only different.
735 alt.mountain-bike
736 alt.movies.branagh-thmpsn
Films of Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson
737 alt.movies.kubrick
For the discussion of Stanley Kubrick's movies
738 alt.movies.monster
Godzilla! The Wolfman! The Thing! Aiiieee!!
739 alt.movies.scorsese
Are you talking to me? You think I'm funny?
740 alt.movies.silent
741 alt.movies.spielberg
Films of blockbuster director Steven Spielberg.
742 alt.movies.tim-burton
743 alt.movies.visual-effects
Discussion of visual f/x for movies and tv
744 alt.msdos.programmer
For the serious MS/DOS programmer (no forsale ads).
745 alt.mud
Like rec.games.mud, only different.
746 alt.music.4-track
People who need to get out more often.
747 alt.music.4ad
Artists on the 4AD music label.
748 alt.music.a-cappella
Like rec.music.a-cappella, only different.
749 alt.music.alternative
For groups having 2 or less Platinum-selling albums.
750 alt.music.alternative.female
Discussing alternative music by female artists.
751 alt.music.amy-grant
Discussion about Amy Grant and her music.
752 alt.music.awk-jam
753 alt.music.banana-truffle
754 alt.music.barenaked-ladies
Kraft Dinner at its finest.
755 alt.music.beastie-boys
Discussion of crossover group, The
756 alt.music.bela-fleck
Bela and the Flecktones.
757 alt.music.big-band
Sounds from the Big Band era.
758 alt.music.billy-joel
Discussion of Billy Brinkley, err Joel.
759 alt.music.bjork
For fans of Bjork and the late Sugarcubes.
760 alt.music.blues-traveler
For "All fellow travelers."
761 alt.music.bootlegs
People pirating music performances.
762 alt.music.brian-eno
Apparently too popular to warrant further description.
763 alt.music.butholesurfers
764 alt.music.butthole.surfers
Discussion of the music of Butthole Surfers
765 alt.music.byrds
The music and fans of The Byrds
766 alt.music.canada
Oh, Canada, eh?
767 alt.music.chapel-hill
You might think hymnals and chants, but you'd be wrong.
768 alt.music.complex-arrang
To complex for _your_ simple mind.
769 alt.music.counting-crows
In my day, we used to count sheep.
770 alt.music.danzig
Discussion of the works of Glenn Danzig. MOTHER!
771 alt.music.deep-purple
Discussions about Deep Purple and related artists.
772 alt.music.def-leppard
Discussion about the rock group Def Leppard.
773 alt.music.dio
For discussion about Ronnie James Dio
774 alt.music.dream-theater
Is "progressive metal" an accepted label?
775 alt.music.ebm
Electronic (or not?) Body Music.
776 alt.music.ecto
Happy Rhodes and other music by plasms.
777 alt.music.elo
The Electric Light Orchestra.
778 alt.music.enya
Gaelic set to spacey music.
779 alt.music.fates-warning
Fates Warning.
780 alt.music.filk
SF/fantasy related folk music.
781 alt.music.fleetwood-mac
Rock group Fleetwood Mac and its members.
782 alt.music.genesis
Genesis, in all their incarnations.
783 alt.music.hardcore
Could be porno set to music.
784 alt.music.independent
Soloists without contracts with the major labels.
785 alt.music.james-taylor
786 alt.music.jethro-tull
Ironman sitting on a park bench.
787 alt.music.jewish
Music from the Jewish heritage.
788 alt.music.jimi.hendrix
'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky.
789 alt.music.kylie-minogue
Music of Kylie Minogue.
790 alt.music.led-zeppelin
Discussion about Led Zeppelin and their music.
791 alt.music.leonard-cohen
The music of Leonard Cohen.
792 alt.music.lor-mckennitt
Discussion of Loreena McKennit.
793 alt.music.lyrics
Discussion of song lyrics.
794 alt.music.makers.woodwind
People who play woodwind instruments.
795 alt.music.marillion
A progressive band. The Silmarillion is a book.
796 alt.music.midi
797 alt.music.ministry
Perhaps not the music you would expect.
798 alt.music.misc
Like rec.music.misc, only different.
799 alt.music.mlg
800 alt.music.monkees
Hey, hey, they were the Monkees.
801 alt.music.moody-blues
Still In Search of the Lost Chord.
802 alt.music.naked-barbies
803 alt.music.nin
Nine Inch Nails.
804 alt.music.nirvana
Generation X's Seattle leaders, leaderless.
805 alt.music.orb
For fans of the Ambient Techno music group "The Orb".
806 alt.music.pat-mccurdy
Milwaukee's music at its finest.
807 alt.music.paul-simon
Discussion of Paul Simon's music.
808 alt.music.pearl-jam
The music of the alternative rock band Pearl Jam.
809 alt.music.peter-gabriel
So, it's the music of Peter Gabriel, sans frontier.
810 alt.music.pink-floyd
Sold out shows everywhere.
811 alt.music.primus
Discussions related to the music group Primus
812 alt.music.prince
So my Prince came. Make him go away.
813 alt.music.producer
Discussion about record production and A&R.
814 alt.music.progressive
Yes, Marillion, Asia, King Crimson, etc.
815 alt.music.queen
He's dead, Jim.
816 alt.music.roger-waters
To Pink or Not to Pink.
817 alt.music.rush
For Rushheads.
818 alt.music.s-mclachlan
819 alt.music.sarah_mclachlan
820 alt.music.seal
Aquatic creatures playing cymbals and the horn stand.
821 alt.music.ska
Discussions of ska ( skank ) music, bands, and suchlike.
822 alt.music.smash-pumpkins
The Smashing Pumpkins.
823 alt.music.smiths
Discussion about the Smiths, and related solo projects.
824 alt.music.sonic-youth
Loud enough to make you deaf.
825 alt.music.sophie-hawkins
News & Discussions on Sophie B. Hawkins.
826 alt.music.soul
Discussion of sweet soul music.
827 alt.music.stone-temple
The band Stone Temple Pilots
828 alt.music.swedish-pop
ABBA and beyond.
829 alt.music.sylvian
David "Japan" Sylvian and friends.
830 alt.music.synth.roland.u20
831 alt.music.synthpop
Depeche Mode, Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, and much more!
832 alt.music.techno
Bring on the bass!
833 alt.music.the-doors
A rider on the storm no more.
834 alt.music.the.police
If you play it too loud, they bust your party.
835 alt.music.tmbg
They Might Be Giants.
836 alt.music.todd-rundgren
Todd Rundgren music fandom.
837 alt.music.type-o-negative
A group for fans of the band type-o-negative.
838 alt.music.u2
Another group for the band U2. See also alt.fan.u2.
839 alt.music.ween
Marble Tulip Juicy Tree!!!
840 alt.music.weird-al
841 alt.music.who
Enduring megagroup.
842 alt.music.world
Discussion of music from around the world.
843 alt.music.yes
The progressive band Yes.
844 alt.my.head.hurts
So don't do that.
845 alt.mythology
Zeus rules.
846 alt.mythology.mythic-animals
Creatures of myth, fantasy, and imagination.
847 alt.native
People indigenous to an area before modern colonisation.
848 alt.necromicon
Big time death wish.
849 alt.necronomicon
Like alt.necromicon, only different.
850 alt.net.scandal
Outrageous happenings on the net.
851 alt.netgames.bolo
A multiplayer tank game for the Macintosh.
852 alt.newbie
The altnet housewarming committee.
853 alt.newbies
Housewarming for a group.
854 alt.newgroup.for.fun.fun.fun
Yes, we delight in your games.
855 alt.news-media
Don't believe the hype.
856 alt.news.macedonia
News concerning Macedonia in the Balkan Region.
857 alt.nick.sucks
858 alt.niteclub.alternative
Alternative music nightclubs.
859 alt.niteclub.commercial
Commercially owned nightclubs.
860 alt.niteclub.independent
Promoters of independent nightclubs.
861 alt.noise
Ow, quit it.
862 alt.non.sequitur
Richard Nixon.
863 alt.nosebeeping
Test newgroup goes wild in slapstick spoof.
864 alt.ntia.avail
NTIA Virtual Conference Topic: Affordability and Availability
865 alt.ntia.intellec
NTIA Virtual Conference Topic: Intellectual Property
866 alt.ntia.opnacces
NTIA Virtual Conference Topic: Open Access
867 alt.ntia.privacy
NTIA Virtual Conference Topic: Privacy
868 alt.ntia.redefus
NTIA Virtual Conference Topic: Redefining Universal Service
869 alt.ntia.standard
NTIA Virtual Conference Topic: Interoperability Standards
870 alt.ntia.virtconf
NTIA Virtual Conference official announcements (Moderated)
871 alt.nuke.antarctica
872 alt.nuke.europe
873 alt.nuke.the.USA
Last one out is a radioactive egg.
874 alt.nv.personals
875 alt.obituaries
A place to note the passage of the noteworthy.
876 alt.online-service
Large commercial online services, and the Internet.
877 alt.online-service.america-online
Or should that be "America Offline?"
878 alt.online-service.compuserve
Discussions and questions about Compuserve.
879 alt.online-service.delphi
Run! It's the Delphoids!
880 alt.online-service.freenet
Public FreeNet systems.
881 alt.online-service.genie
Discussions and questions about GEnie.
882 alt.online-service.portal
883 alt.online-service.prodigy
The Sears Prodigy system.
884 alt.online-service.winnet
WinNET Mail/News service (.win.net) and software
885 alt.online-service.wizvax
886 alt.org.earth-first
Discussion of the Earth First! society
887 alt.org.h-h-harriers
Running + drinking w/the Hash House Harriers.
888 alt.org.royal-rangers
Royal Rangers, a Ministry to Boys.
889 alt.org.toastmasters
Public speaking and Toastmasters International.
890 alt.os.linux
Like comp.os.linux.*, only different.
891 alt.os.multics
30 years old and going strong.
892 alt.out-of-body
Out of Body Experiences.
893 alt.overlords
Omnipotent Overlords of the Omniverse. Inflated egos.
894 alt.pagan
Discussions about paganism & religion.
895 alt.pantyhose
Stockings are sexier.
896 alt.paranet.abduct
"They replaced Jim-Bob with a look-alike!"
897 alt.paranet.forteana
discussion of Fortean phenomena
898 alt.paranet.metaphysics
Philosphical ontology, cosmology and cosmetology.
899 alt.paranet.paranormal
"If it exists, how can supernatural be beyond natural?"
900 alt.paranet.psi
"How much pressure can you generate with your brain?"
901 alt.paranet.science
"Maybe if we dissect the psychic ..."
902 alt.paranet.skeptic
"I don't believe they turned you into a newt."
903 alt.paranet.ufo
"Heck, I guess naming it ``UFO'' identifies it."
904 alt.paranormal
Phenomena which are not scientifically explicable.
905 alt.paranormal.channeling
Spiritual mediumship, channeling and channelers.
906 alt.parenting.solutions
Like misc.kids.*, only different.
907 alt.parents-teens
Parent-teenager relationships.
908 alt.party
Parties, celebration and general debauchery.
909 alt.pave.the.earth
Damn the environmentalists, full speed ahead!
910 alt.peace-corps
The works of the Peace Corps.
911 alt.peeves
Discussion of peeves & related.
912 alt.periphs.pcmcia
Credit card sized plug in peripherals (PCMCIA, JEDIA).
913 alt.personals
Do you really want to meet someone this way?
914 alt.personals.ads
Geek seeks Dweeb. Object: low-level interfacing.
915 alt.personals.aliens
916 alt.personals.bi
Personals by or seeking bisexuals.
917 alt.personals.big-folks
Romance for large people.
918 alt.personals.fat
Romance for fat people.
919 alt.personals.fetish
Romance for object-oriented people.
920 alt.personals.misc
Dweeb seeks Geek. Object: low-level interfacing.
921 alt.personals.phone
? (Moderated)
922 alt.personals.poly
Hi there, do you multiprocess?
923 alt.pets.hamsters
924 alt.pets.rabbits
Coneys abound. See also alt.fan.john-palmer.
925 alt.philosophy.jarf
The Jarf philosphy/metaphysics/religion/culture.
926 alt.philosophy.objectivism
A product of the Ayn Rand corporation.
927 alt.philosophy.zen
928 alt.pimps.belgo
929 alt.pinecone
930 alt.planning.urban
Urban development.
931 alt.pnwnet.general
932 alt.politics.british
Politics and a real Queen, too.
933 alt.politics.clinton
Discussing Slick Willie & Co.
934 alt.politics.correct
A Neil Bush fan club.
935 alt.politics.datahighway
Electronic interstate infrastructure.
936 alt.politics.drinking-age
Regarding age restrictions for alcohol use.
937 alt.politics.ec
The European economic community.
938 alt.politics.economics
War == Poverty, & other discussions.
939 alt.politics.elections
All about the process of electing leaders.
940 alt.politics.europe.misc
The general political situation in Europe.
941 alt.politics.greens
Green party politics & activities worldwide.
942 alt.politics.homosexuality
As the name implies.
943 alt.politics.libertarian
The libertarian ideology.
944 alt.politics.nationalism.white
945 alt.politics.org.batf
Politics of the U.S. firearms (etc.) regulation agency.
946 alt.politics.org.cia
The United States Centrial Intelligence Agency.
947 alt.politics.org.misc
Political organizations.
948 alt.politics.org.nsa
The ultrasecret security arm of the US government.
949 alt.politics.perot
Discussion of the non-candidate.
950 alt.politics.radical-left
Who remains after the radicals left?
951 alt.politics.reform
Political reform.
952 alt.politics.scorched-earth
953 alt.politics.sex
Not a good idea to mix them, sez Marilyn & Profumo.
954 alt.politics.socialism.trotsky
Trotskyite socialism discussions.
955 alt.politics.usa.constitution
U.S. Constitutional politics.
956 alt.politics.usa.misc
Miscellaneous USA politics.
957 alt.politics.usa.republican
Discussions of the USA Republican Party.
958 alt.politics.white-power
959 alt.polyamory
For those who maintain multiple love relationships.
960 alt.port.deimos
961 alt.postmodern
Postmodernism, semiotics, deconstruction, and the like.
962 alt.president.clinton
Will the CIA undermine his efforts?
963 alt.prisons
Can I get an alt.* feed in the slammer?.
964 alt.privacy
Privacy issues in cyberspace.
965 alt.privacy.anon-server
Technical & policy matters of anonymous contact servers.
966 alt.privacy.clipper
The USA administration's Clipper encryption plan.
967 alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Mystic verse.
968 alt.prose
Postings of original writings, fictional & otherwise.
969 alt.prose.sharewords
Posting prose == sharing words. Makes sense.
970 alt.psychoactives
Better living through chemistry.
971 alt.psychology.help
An alt.support group away from home.
972 alt.psychology.personality
Personality taxonomy, such as Myers-Briggs.
973 alt.psychotic.roommates
Single white female seeks roommate.
974 alt.pub-ban
Discussions about the merits of publication bans.
975 alt.pub-ban.homolka
About the publication ban on the Karla Homolka trial.
976 alt.pub.coffeehouse.amethyst
Realistic place to meet and chat with friends.
977 alt.pub.dragons-inn
Fantasy virtual reality pub similar to alt.callahans.
978 alt.pud
"Discussion of the TFiLE PuD!@#@#!@$!" Whatever.
979 alt.pulp
Paperback fiction, newsprint production, orange juice.
980 alt.punk
Burning them keeps insects away.
981 alt.punk.europe
Burning them keeps European insects away.
982 alt.punk.straight-edge
Shaving eyebrows for fun and profit.
983 alt.ql.creative
Quantum Leap fiction for the typographically challenged.
984 alt.quotations
Quotations, quips, .sig lines, witticisms, et al.
985 alt.radio.networks.cbc
Radio programming by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
986 alt.radio.networks.npr
U.S. National Public Radio: shows, stories, hosts, etc.
987 alt.radio.online-tonight
OnLine Tonight radio show discussion.
988 alt.radio.pirate
Hide the gear, here comes the magic station-wagons.
989 alt.radio.scanner
Like rec.radio.scanner, only different.
990 alt.radio.uk
Radio in the United Kingdom
991 alt.radio.whadya-know
Fans of Wha'Dya Know with Michael Feldman
992 alt.rap
For fans of rap music.
993 alt.rap-gdead
Fans of The Grateful Dead and Rap. Really.
994 alt.rave
Techno-culture: music, dancing, drugs, dancing, etc.
995 alt.rec.camping
Like rec.backcountry, only different.
996 alt.recovery
For people in recovery programs (e.g., AA, ACA, GA).
997 alt.recovery.addiction.sexual
Recovering sex addicts.
998 alt.recovery.catholicism
Getting over a Roman Catholic upbringing.
999 alt.recovery.codependency
Mutually destructive relationships.
1000 alt.recovery.job.min-wage
the maximum damage of minimum wage
1001 alt.recovery.religion
The twelve steps from the Ten Commandments.
1002 alt.religion.all-worlds
Grokking the Church of All Worlds from Heinlein's book.
1003 alt.religion.amiga
Rumours of Commodore's death are greatly exaggerated.
1004 alt.religion.barney
1005 alt.religion.broadcast
Say Amen, somebody!
1006 alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan
The teachings of Buddha as studied in Tibet.
1007 alt.religion.christian
Unmoderated forum for discussing Christianity.
1008 alt.religion.computers
Tiresome technical tirades.
1009 alt.religion.eckankar
Eckankar, the religion of the Light and Sound of God.
1010 alt.religion.emacs
Emacs. Umacs. We all macs.
1011 alt.religion.gnostic
History and philosophies of the Gnostic sects.
1012 alt.religion.islam
Discussion of Islamic Faith & Soc.Religion.Islam.
1013 alt.religion.kibology
He's Fred, Jim.
1014 alt.religion.monica
Discussion about net-venus Monica and her works.
1015 alt.religion.mormon
Mormon religion.
1016 alt.religion.rabbet
The Rabbet sect.
1017 alt.religion.scientology
L. Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology.
1018 alt.religion.secular.atavism
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny!
1019 alt.religion.sexuality
The politics of sexuality and religion.
1020 alt.religion.shamanism
Like soc.religion.shamanism, only different.
1021 alt.religion.universal-life
Universal Life Church.
1022 alt.religion.wombat
Nonsequitorianism from the Children of the Wombat.
1023 alt.religion.zoroastrianism
Zoraster's/Zarathustra's religion, mazdaism.
1024 alt.retromod
Dick Depew's crusade.
1025 alt.revenge
Two wrongs trying to make a right.
1026 alt.revisionism
"It CAN'T be that way 'cause here's the FACTS".
1027 alt.revolution.counter
Discussions of counter-revolutionary issues.
1028 alt.rhode_island
A little state with apparently world wide interest.
1029 alt.rock-n-roll
Counterpart to alt.sex and alt.drugs.
1030 alt.rock-n-roll.acdc
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
1031 alt.rock-n-roll.aerosmith
Lead singer looks like an ugly lady.
1032 alt.rock-n-roll.classic
Classic rock, both the music and its marketing.
1033 alt.rock-n-roll.hard
Music where stance is everything.
1034 alt.rock-n-roll.metal
For the headbangers on the net.
1035 alt.rock-n-roll.metal.death
"Death metal" and newgroup overkill.
1036 alt.rock-n-roll.metal.gnr
"Axl Rose" is an anagram for "Oral Sex".
1037 alt.rock-n-roll.metal.heavy
Non-sissyboy metal bands.
1038 alt.rock-n-roll.metal.ironmaiden
Sonic torture methods.
1039 alt.rock-n-roll.metal.metallica
Sort of like Formica with more hair.
1040 alt.rock-n-roll.metal.progressive
Slayer teams up with Tom Cora.
1041 alt.rock-n-roll.oldies
Discussion of rock and roll music from 1950-1970.
1042 alt.rock-n-roll.stones
Gathering plenty of moss by now.
1043 alt.romance
Discussion about the romantic side of love.
1044 alt.romance.chat
Talk about no sex.
1045 alt.romance.unhappy
alt.angst on the run.
1046 alt.rush-limbaugh
Fans of the conservative activist radio announcer.
1047 alt.rv
Rotten varmints or recreational vehicles, you decide.
1048 alt.sailing.asa
The American Sailing Association.
1049 alt.satanism
Not such a bad dude once you get to know him.
1050 alt.satellite.tv.europe
All about European satellite tv.
1051 alt.save.the.earth
Environmentalist causes.
1052 alt.sb.programmer
Programming the Sound Blaster PC sound card.
1053 alt.school.homework-help
Looking for assistance with schoolwork.
1054 alt.sci.physics.acoustics
The soundness of the science of sound.
1055 alt.sci.physics.new-theories
Scientific theories you won't find in journals.
1056 alt.sci.physics.spam
Spam-related physics
1057 alt.sci.planetary
Studies in planetary science.
1058 alt.sci.sociology
People are really interesting when you watch them.
1059 alt.sci.tech.indonesian
Science and technology in Indonesia.
1060 alt.scooter
Motor scooters, like Vespas, Lambrettas, etc.
1061 alt.scottish.clans
Discussions about Scottish Clans
1062 alt.security
Security issues on computer systems.
1063 alt.security.index
Pointers to good stuff in alt.security. (Moderated)
1064 alt.security.pgp
The Pretty Good Privacy package.
1065 alt.sega.genesis
Another addiction.
1066 alt.self-improve
Self-improvement in less than 14 characters.
1067 alt.sewing
A group that is not as it seams.
1068 alt.sex.femdom
Discussions about female dominant relationships.
1069 alt.sexy.bald.captains
More Stardrek.
1070 alt.shared-reality.startrek.klingon
Klingons: Blood, Honor and Tribbles.
1071 alt.shenanigans
Practical jokes, pranks, randomness, etc.
1072 alt.shoe.lesbians
A discussion for shoe lesbians and their friends.
1073 alt.showbiz.gossip
A misguided attempt to centralise gossip.
1074 alt.shut.the.hell.up.geek
Group for Usenet motto.
1075 alt.silly-group.beable
Beable beable beable beable beable.
1076 alt.silly-group.im-matt
1077 alt.silly-group.lampreys
Jawless parasitical fish.
1078 alt.silly.group.names.d
1079 alt.skate
Like rec.skate, only different.
1080 alt.skate-board
Discussion of all apsects of skate-boarding.
1081 alt.skinheads
The skinhead culture/anti-culture.
1082 alt.skopjea.is.not.macedonia
Some wars never die.
1083 alt.skunks
Enthusiasts of skunks and other mustelidae.
1084 alt.sl9
Crashing into Jupiter.
1085 alt.slack
Posting relating to the Church of the Subgenius.
1086 alt.smokers
Puffing on tobacco.
1087 alt.smokers.cigars
From stogies to cubans.
1088 alt.smokers.pipes
Briars, meerschaums, and calabashes.
1089 alt.smoking.mooses
Puffing on mooses.
1090 alt.smouldering.dog.zone
The smell is enough to kill ya.
1091 alt.snail-mail
Mail sent on paper. Some people still do that.
1092 alt.snowmobiles
For bikers who don't like two wheels in snow and ice.
1093 alt.soc.comets.planetary-shield
Societal discussion about comets.
1094 alt.society.anarchy
Societies without rulers.
1095 alt.society.civil-liberties
Same as alt.society.civil-liberty.
1096 alt.society.civil-liberty
Same as alt.society.civil-liberties.
1097 alt.society.conservatism
Social, cultural, and political conservatism.
1098 alt.society.futures
Musing on where we're all headed.
1099 alt.society.generation-x
Lifestyles of those born 1960-early-1970s.
1100 alt.society.labor-unions
1101 alt.society.mental-hETY
alth ?
1102 alt.society.neutopia
A place to further the cause of peace and love.
1103 alt.society.paradigms
Social and cultural patterns.
1104 alt.society.resistance
Resistance against governments.
1105 alt.society.underwear
What's the big deal, anyway?
1106 alt.soft-sys.corel.draw
The Corel Draw graphics package.
1107 alt.soft-sys.corel.misc
Other software by Corel
1108 alt.soulmates
Richard Bach and his herculean odds.
1109 alt.sources
Alternative source code, unmoderated. Caveat Emptor.
1110 alt.sources.amiga
Source code for the Amiga.
1111 alt.sources.d
Discussion of posted sources.
1112 alt.sources.index
Pointers to source code in alt.sources.*. (Moderated)
1113 alt.sources.mac
Source code for Apple Macintosh computers.
1114 alt.sources.mac.d
1115 alt.sources.wanted
Requests for source code.
1116 alt.spam
What is that stuff that doth jiggle in the breeze?
1117 alt.spank.jennifer.capriati
Was she bad enough to earn a spanking?
1118 alt.spank.tonya.harding
1119 alt.sport.basketball.pro.fantasy
Fantasy pro basketball game: discussion, stats, and standings.
1120 alt.sport.bowling
In the gutter again.
1121 alt.sport.darts
Look what you've done to the wall!
1122 alt.sport.falconry
The taking of live game by using a trained raptor.
1123 alt.sport.foosball
Table soccer and dizzy little men.
1124 alt.sport.horse-racing
Run for the roses:breeding, betting on, & racing horses
1125 alt.sport.jet-ski
Discussion of personal watercraft.
1126 alt.sport.korfball
Discussion of the sport of Korfball.
1127 alt.sport.lacrosse
The game of lacrosse.
1128 alt.sport.lasertag
Indoor splatball with infrared lasers.
1129 alt.sport.officiating
Problems related to officiating athletic contests.
1130 alt.sport.paintball
Splat, you're it.
1131 alt.sport.pool
Knock your balls into your pockets for fun.
1132 alt.sport.racquetball
All aspects of indoor racquetball and related sports.
1133 alt.sport.squash
With the proper technique, vegetables can go very fast.
1134 alt.sport.weightlifting
1135 alt.sports.badminton
Discussion about badminton
1136 alt.sports.baseball.atlanta-braves
Atlanta Braves major league baseball.
1137 alt.sports.baseball.balt-orioles
Baltimore Orioles major league baseball.
1138 alt.sports.baseball.bos-redsox
Boston Red Sox major league baseball.
1139 alt.sports.baseball.calif-angels
California Angles major league baseball.
1140 alt.sports.baseball.chi-whitesox
Chicago White Sox major league baseball.
1141 alt.sports.baseball.chicago-cubs
Chicago Cubs major league baseball.
1142 alt.sports.baseball.cinci-reds
Cincinnati Reds major league baseball.
1143 alt.sports.baseball.cleve-indians
Cleveland Indians major league baseball.
1144 alt.sports.baseball.col-rockies
Colorado Rockies major league baseball.
1145 alt.sports.baseball.detroit-tigers
Detroit Tigers major league baseball.
1146 alt.sports.baseball.fla-marlins
Florida Marlins major league baseball.
1147 alt.sports.baseball.houston-astros
Houston Astros major league baseball.
1148 alt.sports.baseball.kc-royals
Kansas City Royals major league baseball.
1149 alt.sports.baseball.la-dodgers
Los Angeles Dodgers major league baseball.
1150 alt.sports.baseball.minor-leagues
Minor league baseball talk.
1151 alt.sports.baseball.mke-brewers
Milwaukee Brewers major league baseball.
1152 alt.sports.baseball.mn-twins
Minnesota Twins major league baseball.
1153 alt.sports.baseball.montreal-expos
Montreal Expos major league baseball.
1154 alt.sports.baseball.ny-mets
New York Mets baseball talk.
1155 alt.sports.baseball.ny-yankees
New York Yankees baeball talk.
1156 alt.sports.baseball.oakland-as
Oakland As major league baseball.
1157 alt.sports.baseball.phila-phillies
Philadelphia Phillies baseball talk.
1158 alt.sports.baseball.pitt-pirates
Pittsburg Pirates major league baseball.
1159 alt.sports.baseball.sd-padres
San Diego Padres major league baseball talk.
1160 alt.sports.baseball.sea-mariners
Seattle Mariners major league baseball.
1161 alt.sports.baseball.sf-giants
San Francisco Giants baseball talk.
1162 alt.sports.baseball.stl-cardinals
St Louis Cardinals baseball talk.
1163 alt.sports.baseball.texas-rangers
Texas Rangers major league baseball.
1164 alt.sports.baseball.tor-bluejays
Toronto Blue Jays baseball talk.
1165 alt.sports.basketball.ivy.penn
U of Pennsylvania (NOT Penn State!) basketball.
1166 alt.sports.basketball.nba.atlanta-hawks
Atlanta Hawks NBA basketball.
1167 alt.sports.basketball.nba.boston-celtics
Boston Celtics NBA basketball.
1168 alt.sports.basketball.nba.chicago-bulls
Chicago Bulls NBA basketball.
1169 alt.sports.basketball.nba.denver-nuggets
Denver Nuggets NBA basketball.
1170 alt.sports.basketball.nba.det-pistons
Detroit Pistons NBA basketball talk
1171 alt.sports.basketball.nba.gs-warriors
Golden State Warriors NBA basketball.
1172 alt.sports.basketball.nba.hou-rockets
Houston Rockets NBA basketball.
1173 alt.sports.basketball.nba.la-lakers
Los Angeles Lakers NBA basketball.
1174 alt.sports.basketball.nba.miami-heat
Miami Heat NBA basketball talk.
1175 alt.sports.basketball.nba.mn-wolves
Minnesota Timberwolves NBA basketball.
1176 alt.sports.basketball.nba.nj-nets
New Jersey Nets NBA Basketball
1177 alt.sports.basketball.nba.orlando-magic
Orlando Magic NBA basketball talk.
1178 alt.sports.basketball.nba.phx-suns
Phoenix Suns NBA basketball talk.
1179 alt.sports.basketball.nba.sa-spurs
San Antonio Spurs basketball talk
1180 alt.sports.basketball.nba.seattle-sonics
Seattle Sonics NBA basketball.
1181 alt.sports.basketball.nba.utah-jazz
Utah Jazz NBA basketball.
1182 alt.sports.basketball.nba.wash-bullets
Discussion of the Washington Bullets.
1183 alt.sports.basketball.pro.ny-knicks
New York Knicks NBA basketball talk.
1184 alt.sports.college.ivy-league
Ivy League athletics.
1185 alt.sports.football.arena
Discussion of the Arena Football League
1186 alt.sports.football.college.fsu-seminoles
Florida U Seminoles football.
1187 alt.sports.football.mn-vikings
Minnesota Vikings football talk.
1188 alt.sports.football.pro.atl-falcons
Atlanta Falcons NFL Football talk
1189 alt.sports.football.pro.buffalo-bills
Buffalo Bills NFL football talk.
1190 alt.sports.football.pro.car-panthers
The Carolinas welcome the Panthers to the NFL!
1191 alt.sports.football.pro.chicago-bears
Chicago Bears NFL football talk.
1192 alt.sports.football.pro.cinci-bengals
Cincinnati Bengals NFL football talk.
1193 alt.sports.football.pro.cleve-browns
Cleveland Browns NFL football talk.
1194 alt.sports.football.pro.dallas-cowboys
Dallas Cowboys NFL football talk.
1195 alt.sports.football.pro.denver-broncos
Denver Broncos NFL football talk.
1196 alt.sports.football.pro.detroit-lions
Detroit Lions NFL football
1197 alt.sports.football.pro.gb-packers
Green Bay Packers NFL football talk.
1198 alt.sports.football.pro.houston-oilers
Houston Oilers NFL football talk.
1199 alt.sports.football.pro.jville-jaguars
1200 alt.sports.football.pro.kc-chiefs
Kansas City Chiefs NFL football talk.
1201 alt.sports.football.pro.la-raiders
Los Angeles Raiders NFL football talk.
1202 alt.sports.football.pro.la-rams
Los Angeles Rams NFL football talk.
1203 alt.sports.football.pro.miami-dolphins
Miami Dolphins NFL football talk.
1204 alt.sports.football.pro.ne-patriots
New England Patriots NFL football talk.
1205 alt.sports.football.pro.no-saints
New Orleans Saints NFL football talk.
1206 alt.sports.football.pro.ny-giants
New York Giants NFL football talk.
1207 alt.sports.football.pro.ny-jets
New York Jets NFL football.
1208 alt.sports.football.pro.phila-eagles
Philadelphia Eagles NFL football talk.
1209 alt.sports.football.pro.phoe-cardinals
Phoenix Cardinals NFL football.
1210 alt.sports.football.pro.pitt-steelers
Pittsburgh Steelers NFL football talk.
1211 alt.sports.football.pro.sd-chargers
San Diego Chargers NFL football talk.
1212 alt.sports.football.pro.sea-seahawks
Seattle Seahawks NFL football talk.
1213 alt.sports.football.pro.sf-49ers
San Francisco 49ers NFL football talk.
1214 alt.sports.football.pro.tampabay-bucs
Tampa Bay Buccaneers NFL football.
1215 alt.sports.football.pro.wash-redskins
Washington Redskins football talk.
1216 alt.sports.hockey.echl
East Coast Hockey League minor league hockey.
1217 alt.sports.hockey.fantasy
Rotisserie league ice hockey.
1218 alt.sports.hockey.ihl
1219 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.Que-Nordiques
Quebec Nordiques NHL Hockey
1220 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.boston-bruins
Boston Bruins NHL Hockey
1221 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.chi-blackhawks
Chicago Black Hawks NHL Hockey talk.
1222 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.dallas-stars
Dallas Stars NHL Hockey
1223 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.hford-whalers
Hartford Whalers NHL Hockey talk.
1224 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.la-kings
For discussion of the Los Angeles Kings.
1225 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.mtl-canadiens
Montreal Canadiens NHL hockey talk.
1226 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.nj-devils
New Jersey Devils NHL hockey talk.
1227 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.ny-islanders
New York Islanders NHL hockey talk.
1228 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.ny-rangers
New York Rangers NHL hockey talk.
1229 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.phila-flyers
Philadelphia Flyers NHL hockey talk.
1230 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.pit-penguins
Pittsburgh Penguins NHL hockey talk.
1231 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.pitt-penguins
For the fans of the Pittsburgh Penguins.
1232 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.que-nordiques
Quebec Nordiques NHL hockey talk.
1233 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.sj-sharks
San Jose Sharks NHL hockey talk.
1234 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.tor-mapleleafs
Toronto Maple Leafs NHL hockey talk.
1235 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.vanc-canucks
Vancouver Canucks NHL hockey talk.
1236 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.wash-capitals
Washington Capitals NHL hockey talk.
1237 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.winni.peg-jets
1238 alt.sports.hockey.nhl.winnipeg-jets
Winnipeg Jets NHL Hockey talk.
1239 alt.sports.hockey.rhi
Some hockey league, maybe.
1240 alt.sports.hockey.whl
1241 alt.sports.oj-simpson
His time is passed, but some want to still discuss it.
1242 alt.stagecraft
Technical theatre issues.
1243 alt.starfleet.rpg
Starfleet role playing stories.
1244 alt.startrek.creative
Stories and parodies related to Star Trek.
1245 alt.startrek.klingon
AcK! What is that thing on your head?!
1246 alt.steinberg.cubase
Discussion of Cubase and Steinberg Products
1247 alt.stop.spamming
Trying to prevent net abuse.
1248 alt.stoppress
1249 alt.stupid.signature.flame.flame.flame
Like alt.fan.warlord, only different.
1250 alt.stupidity
Discussion about stupid newsgroups.
1251 alt.suicide.holiday
Talk of why suicides increase at holidays.
1252 alt.super.nes
Like rec.games.video.nintendo, only different.
1253 alt.supermodels
Discussing famous & beautiful models.
1254 alt.supermodels.cindy-crawford
House of Style's overexposed host.
1255 alt.support
Dealing with emotional situations & experiences.
1256 alt.support.abuse-partners
People with people who were abused.
1257 alt.support.anxiety-panic
Support for people who have panic attacks.
1258 alt.support.arthritis
Helping people with stiff joints.
1259 alt.support.asthma
Dealing with labored breathing.
1260 alt.support.attn-deficit
Attention Deficit Disorder.
1261 alt.support.big-folks
Sizeism can be as awful as sexism or racism.
1262 alt.support.cancer
Emotional aid for people with cancer.
1263 alt.support.cant.urinate.in-public
1264 alt.support.cerebral-palsy
Cerebral Palsy support
1265 alt.support.crohns-colitis
Support for sufferers of ulcerative colitis.
1266 alt.support.depression
Depression and mood disorders.
1267 alt.support.diabetes.kids
Support for kids w/diabetes and their families.
1268 alt.support.diet
Seeking enlightenment through weight loss.
1269 alt.support.dissociation
For persons with dissociative disorders.
1270 alt.support.divorce
Discussion of marital breakups.
1271 alt.support.eating-disord
People over the edge about weight loss.
1272 alt.support.epilepsy
Epilepsy support.
1273 alt.support.ex-cult
Recovering from religious cult experiences.
1274 alt.support.headaches.migraine
Discussion of migraine and headache ailments.
1275 alt.support.jock-strap
Helping genitals cope.
1276 alt.support.learning-disab
For individuals with learning disabilities.
1277 alt.support.loneliness
It's not easy being green.
1278 alt.support.mult-sclerosis
Living with multiple sclerosis.
1279 alt.support.non-smokers
Discussing issues relating to second-hand smoke.
1280 alt.support.non-smokers.moderated
Discussing the dangers of secondhand smoke. (Moderated)
1281 alt.support.obesity
Support/resources to treat obesity. (Moderated)
1282 alt.support.ocd
1283 alt.support.post-polio
Post Polio Syndrome Discussion Area
1284 alt.support.prostate.prostatitis
For individuals with prostatitis.
1285 alt.support.shyness
Um, er, <blush>, well, maybe I will post, after all.
1286 alt.support.sleep-disorder
For all types of sleep disorders.
1287 alt.support.social-phobia
1288 alt.support.spina-bifida
Social and medical aspects of spina bifida.
1289 alt.support.step-parents
Dealing with step parents.
1290 alt.support.stop-smoking
Getting over the nicotine addiction.
1291 alt.support.stuttering
Support for people who stutter.
1292 alt.support.tall
Issues of interest to tall people.
1293 alt.support.tinnitus
Coping with ringing ears and other head noises.
1294 alt.support.tourette
1295 alt.surfing
Riding the ocean waves.
1296 alt.surrealism
Surrealist ideologies and their influences.
1297 alt.sustainable.agriculture
Such as the Mekong delta before Agent Orange.
1298 alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork
The beginning of the end.
1299 alt.sys.amiga.demos
Code and talk to show off the Amiga.
1300 alt.sys.amiga.uucp
1301 alt.sys.icl
International Computers Limited hardware and software.
1302 alt.sys.intergraph
Support for Intergraph machines.
1303 alt.sys.pc-clone.dell
Dell computer systems.
1304 alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000
A PC clone vendor.
1305 alt.sys.pc-clone.micron
1306 alt.sys.pc-clone.zeos
Zeos computer systems.
1307 alt.sys.pdp10
The trusty old PDP 10.
1308 alt.sys.perq
PERQ graphics workstations.
1309 alt.sys.sun
Technical discussion of Sun Microsystems products.
1310 alt.sysadmin.recovery
1311 alt.taiwan.republic
Like soc.culture.taiwan, only different.
1312 alt.talk.hypothetical
Suppose we had unlimited resources.
1313 alt.talk.korean
A lighthearted place for discussions concerning Koreans
1314 alt.tanya.shalayeva
1315 alt.tarot
Your destiny is in the cards.
1316 alt.teens
1317 alt.test
Alternative subnetwork testing.
1318 alt.test.my.new.group
Thank you for sharing.
1319 alt.test.test
Like we really needed another.
1320 alt.thinking.hurts
So don't do that.
1321 alt.thrash
1322 alt.timewasters
A pretty good summary of making the list of alt groups.
1323 alt.tinygirls
1324 alt.tke.fraternity
Tau Kappa Epsilon demonstrating alt naming skills.
1325 alt.tkuc
1326 alt.toolkits.xview
The X windows XView toolkit.
1327 alt.toys.hi-tech
Optimus Prime is my hero.
1328 alt.toys.lego
Snap 'em together.
1329 alt.toys.transformers
From robots to vehicles and back again.
1330 alt.traffic.atlanta
1331 alt.transgendered
Boys will be girls, and vice-versa.
1332 alt.travel.road-trip
Ever go to Montreal for pizza --- from Albany?
1333 alt.true-crime
Criminal acts around the world.
1334 alt.tv.90210
Like alt.tv.bh90210, only different.
1335 alt.tv.animaniacs
Steven Spielberg's Animaniacs!
1336 alt.tv.babylon-5
Casablanca in space.
1337 alt.tv.barney
He's everywhere. Now appearing in several alt groups.
1338 alt.tv.beakmans-world
Some sort of science and comedy show.
1339 alt.tv.beavis-n-butthead
Uh huh huh huh uh uh huh uh huh.
1340 alt.tv.bh90210
Fans of "Beverly Hills 90210" TV show.
1341 alt.tv.brady-bunch
Here's the story of a lovely lady.
1342 alt.tv.brisco-county
A western comedy adventure.
1343 alt.tv.brothers.grunt.sucks
For those who hate the MTV's Brother's Grunt.
1344 alt.tv.comedy-central
Just what the hell is going on here?
1345 alt.tv.commercials
Keep them on the boob tube and off the net.
1346 alt.tv.dinosaurs
A live action animated sitcom.
1347 alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney.die.die.die
Squish the saccharine newt.
1348 alt.tv.duckman
Discussion of the TV show, Duckman.
1349 alt.tv.eek-the-cat
Fans of the television show "Eek The Cat"
1350 alt.tv.forever-knight
The Forever Knight television programme.
1351 alt.tv.forever-knight.spoilers
Revelations about Forever Knight.
1352 alt.tv.frasier
1353 alt.tv.game-shows
Just look at these wonderful prizes.
1354 alt.tv.hermans-head
Fans of those inside (and outside) of Herman's Head.
1355 alt.tv.highlander
There was only one, then a bad sequel, now a tv show.
1356 alt.tv.infomercials
30 minutes to sell you a vacuum hair cutting system.
1357 alt.tv.kids-in-hall
The Kids in the Hall comedy skits.
1358 alt.tv.kungfu
"Kung-fu" and "Kung-fu, The Legend Continues".
1359 alt.tv.la-law
For the folks out in la-law land.
1360 alt.tv.liquid-tv
Animated variety.
1361 alt.tv.lois-n-clark
The new adventures of the man from Krypton, Superman.
1362 alt.tv.mad-about-you
Some people really love their televisions.
1363 alt.tv.mash
Nothing like a good comedy about war and dying.
1364 alt.tv.max-headroom
Blipverts will kill ya.
1365 alt.tv.melrose-place
Cat fights and sleaziness, Wednesdays on FOX.
1366 alt.tv.models-inc
A spinoff of Melrose Place.
1367 alt.tv.mst3k
Hey, you robots! Down in front!
1368 alt.tv.mtv
1369 alt.tv.muppets
Miss Piggy on the tube.
1370 alt.tv.mwc
"Married... With Children".
1371 alt.tv.nickelodeon
The first network for kids.
1372 alt.tv.northern-exp
For the TV show with moss growing on it.
1373 alt.tv.nypd-blue
For fans of the NYPD Blue TV show.
1374 alt.tv.picket-fences
The Picket Fences show.
1375 alt.tv.prisoner
The Prisoner television series from years ago.
1376 alt.tv.public-access
Public access and community television.
1377 alt.tv.real-world
Discussion of the MTV programme "The Real World".
1378 alt.tv.red-dwarf
The British sci-fi/comedy show.
1379 alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy
Some change from Lassie, eh?
1380 alt.tv.robocop
Discussion of out favorite cybercop.
1381 alt.tv.robotech
The Robotech animated SF TV series.
1382 alt.tv.rockford-files
But he won't do windows.
1383 alt.tv.roseanne
In all her glory.
1384 alt.tv.saved-bell
Saved by the Bell, a sitcom for teens.
1385 alt.tv.sctv
SCTV (Second City TV) & alumni discussions.
1386 alt.tv.seaquest
Deep sea adventures in the future.
1387 alt.tv.seinfeld
A funny guy.
1388 alt.tv.sentai
Live action Asian SF/Fantasy discussion, etc.
1389 alt.tv.simpsons
Don't have a cow, man!
1390 alt.tv.snl
Saturday Night Live, older but not better.
1391 alt.tv.talkshows.daytime
Geraldo!! Montel!! Jenny!!
1392 alt.tv.talkshows.late
Late night wars on the major networks.
1393 alt.tv.taz-mania
What a devil of a newsgroup.
1394 alt.tv.time-traxx
Back from the future in Time Traxx.
1395 alt.tv.tiny-toon
Discussion about the "Tiny Toon Adventures" show.
1396 alt.tv.tiny-toon.fandom
Apparently one fan group could not bind them all.
1397 alt.tv.tiny-toon.sex
I almost (_almost_) feel concerned about these folks.
1398 alt.tv.tv-nation
Some show called "TV Nation".
1399 alt.tv.twin-peaks
Discussion about the popular (and unusual) TV show.
1400 alt.tv.wiseguy
A wise guy.
1401 alt.tv.x-files
Extra-terrestrial coverup conspiracies.
1402 alt.tv.x-files.creative
Creative Writings for the The X-Files.
1403 alt.tv.xuxa
That wacky Connie Dobbs clone, her tv show, and her double Xs.
1404 alt.ufo.reports
Like alt.paranet.ufo, only different.
1405 alt.unix.wizards.free
1406 alt.usage.english
English grammar, word usages, and related topics.
1407 alt.usage.german
Questions and answers about the German language.
1408 alt.usenet.kooks
I have a theory about why we have such crazy theories.
1409 alt.usenet.offline-reader
Getting your fix offline.
1410 alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions
Usenet University helps with LINUX.
1411 alt.uu.future
Does Usenet University have a viable future?
1412 alt.uu.lang.esperanto.misc
Learning Esperanto at the Usenet University.
1413 alt.uu.lang.russian.misc
Learning Russian at the Usenet University.
1414 alt.vacation.las-vegas
Everything you always wanted to know about Vegas but where afraid
1415 alt.vampyres
Discussion of vampires and related writings, films, etc.
1416 alt.video.laserdisc
LD players and selections available for them.
1417 alt.video.tape-trading
Trading of legally copied videos
1418 alt.videogames.3d0.sucks.hard
Apparently someone doesn't like 3DO.
1419 alt.videos.bootlegs
People pirating shows.
1420 alt.virtual-adepts
Cybermagick and net.wizardry.
1421 alt.visa.us
Discussion/information on visas pertaining to US.
1422 alt.war
Not just collateral damage.
1423 alt.war.civil.usa
Discussion of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865).
1424 alt.war.vietnam
Discussion of all aspects of the Vietnam War.
1425 alt.wedding
Til death or our lawyers do us part.
1426 alt.wheel.of.time
1427 alt.whine
Why me?
1428 alt.windows.cde
1429 alt.winsock
Windows Sockets.
1430 alt.wired
Wired Magazine.
1431 alt.wired.tired.tired.tired
The National Enquirer of the network age.
1432 alt.wolves
Discussing wolves & wolf-mix dogs.
1433 alt.women.attitudes
The different attitudes that women have.
1434 alt.zen
It is.
1435 alt.zima
A clear malt beverage, better with lime.
1436 alt.zine.ballsout-squeegee
1437 alt.zines
Small magazines, mostly noncommercial.
1438 alt.znet.aeo
Atari Explorer Online magazine. (Moderated)
1439 alt.znet.pc
Z*NET International ASCII Magazines (Weekly). (Moderated)
1440 altmyke-reynolds.pathetic-loser
Never a more pathetic loser
1441 bionet.agroforestry
Discussion of Agroforestry.
1442 bionet.announce
Announcements of widespread interest to biologists. (Moderated)
1443 bionet.biology.cardiovascular
Research discussions between scientists engaged in cardiovascular research
1444 bionet.biology.computational
Computer and mathematical applications. (Moderated)
1445 bionet.biology.grasses
Discussion of the biology of grasses: cereal, forage, turf, etc.
1446 bionet.biology.n2-fixation
Research issues on biological nitrogen fixation.
1447 bionet.biology.tropical
Discussions about tropical biology.
1448 bionet.biophysics
The science and profession of biophysics.
1449 bionet.celegans
Research discussion of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans.
1450 bionet.cellbiol
Disucssions about cell biology.
1451 bionet.cellbiol.cytonet
The cytoskeleton, plasma membrane and cell wall.
1452 bionet.chlamydomonas
Discussions about the green alga Chlamydomonas.
1453 bionet.drosophila
Discussions about the biology of fruit flies.
1454 bionet.emf-bio
Discussions among researchers investigating electromagnetic field interactions with biological systems.
1455 bionet.general
General BIOSCI discussion.
1456 bionet.genome.arabidopsis
Information about the Arabidopsis project.
1457 bionet.genome.chromosomes
Mapping and sequencing of eucaryote chromosomes.
1458 bionet.immunology
Discussions about research in immunology.
1459 bionet.info-theory
Discussions about biological information theory.
1460 bionet.jobs
Scientific Job opportunities.
1461 bionet.jobs.wanted
Requests for employment in the biological sciences.
1462 bionet.journals.contents
Contents of biology journal publications. (Moderated)
1463 bionet.journals.note
Advice on dealing with journals in biology.
1464 bionet.metabolic-reg
Kinetics and thermodynamics at the celluar level.
1465 bionet.microbiology
Discussion of issues related to the science and profession of microbiology.
1466 bionet.molbio.ageing
Discussions of cellular and organismal ageing.
1467 bionet.molbio.bio-matrix
Computer applications to biological databases.
1468 bionet.molbio.embldatabank
Info about the EMBL Nucleic acid database.
1469 bionet.molbio.evolution
How genes and proteins have evolved.
1470 bionet.molbio.gdb
Messages to and from the GDB database staff.
1471 bionet.molbio.genbank
Info about the GenBank Nucleic acid database.
1472 bionet.molbio.genbank.updates
Hot off the presses! (Moderated)
1473 bionet.molbio.gene-linkage
Discussions about genetic linkage analysis.
1474 bionet.molbio.genome-program
Discussion of Human Genome Project issues.
1475 bionet.molbio.hiv
Discussions about the molecular biology of HIV.
1476 bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts
Requests for information and lab reagents.
1477 bionet.molbio.molluscs
Discussions about research on mollusc DNA.
1478 bionet.molbio.proteins
Research on proteins and protein databases.
1479 bionet.molbio.rapd
Research on Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA.
1480 bionet.molbio.yeast
The molecular biology and genetics of yeast.
1481 bionet.molec-model
Discussion of the physical and chemical aspects of molecular modelling.
1482 bionet.mycology
Discussions about filamentous fungi.
1483 bionet.neuroscience
Research issues in the neurosciences.
1484 bionet.organisms.urodeles
Discussions among research scientists using urodele amphibians in any biological field.
1485 bionet.organisms.zebrafish
Discussions about research using the model organism Zebrafish (Danio rerio).
1486 bionet.parasitology
Research discussions in parasitology.
1487 bionet.photosynthesis
Discussions about research on photosynthesis.
1488 bionet.plants
Discussion about all aspects of plant biology.
1489 bionet.population-bio
Technical discussions about population biology.
1490 bionet.prof-society.ascb
Official announcements from The American Society for Cell Biology. (Moderated)
1491 bionet.prof-society.biophysics
Biophysical Society official announcements. (Moderated)
1492 bionet.prof-society.cfbs
Newsgroup for the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies (CFBS)
1493 bionet.prof-society.csm
Canadian Society of Microbiologists announcements. (Moderated)
1494 bionet.prof-society.faseb
Official announcements from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. (Moderated)
1495 bionet.protista
Discussion on ciliates and other protists.
1496 bionet.sci-resources
Information about funding agencies, etc. (Moderated)
1497 bionet.software
Information about software for biology.
1498 bionet.software.acedb
Discussions by users of genome DBs using ACEDB.
1499 bionet.software.gcg
Discussions about using the ACEDB software.
1500 bionet.software.sources
Software Source relating to biology. (Moderated)
1501 bionet.software.staden
Discussions between scientists using the Staden molecular sequence analysis software
1502 bionet.software.www
Announcements and information about WWW resources of interest to biologists. (Moderated)
1503 bionet.structural-nmr
Exploring the structure of macromolecules using NMR.
1504 bionet.users.addresses
Who's who in Biology.
1505 bionet.virology
Discussions about research in virology.
1506 bionet.women-in-bio
Discussions about women in biology.
1507 bionet.xtallography
Discussions about protein crystallography.
1508 biz.americast
AmeriCast announcements.
1509 biz.americast.samples
Samples of AmeriCast. (Moderated)
1510 biz.books.technical
Technical bookstore & publisher advertising & info.
1511 biz.clarinet
Announcements about ClariNet.
1512 biz.clarinet.sample
Samples of ClariNet newsgroups for the outside world.
1513 biz.comp.accounting
Dialogue specific to the accounting software industry.
1514 biz.comp.hardware
Generic commercial hardware postings.
1515 biz.comp.mcs
MCSNet. (Moderated)
1516 biz.comp.services
Generic commercial service postings.
1517 biz.comp.software
Generic commercial software postings.
1518 biz.comp.telebit
Support of the Telebit modem.
1519 biz.comp.telebit.netblazer
The Telebit Netblazer.
1520 biz.config
Biz Usenet configuration and administration.
1521 biz.dec
DEC equipment & software.
1522 biz.dec.decathena
DECathena discussions.
1523 biz.dec.decnews
The DECNews newsletter. (Moderated)
1524 biz.dec.ip
IP networking on DEC machines.
1525 biz.digex.announce
Announcements from Digex. (Moderated)
1526 biz.digital.announce
Digital Equipment Corp news & announcements. (Moderated)
1527 biz.digital.articles
Digital Equipment Corp newsletter, catalog & journal. (Moderated)
1528 biz.general
Dialogue related to business operations and offerings.
1529 biz.jobs.offered
Position announcements.
1530 biz.misc
Miscellaneous postings of a commercial nature.
1531 biz.next.newprod
New product announcements for the NeXT.
1532 biz.oreilly.announce
New product announcements from O'Reilly and Associates (Moderated)
1533 biz.pagesat
For discussion of the Pagesat Satellite Usenet Newsfeed.
1534 biz.sco.announce
SCO and related product announcements. (Moderated)
1535 biz.sco.binaries
Binary packages for SCO Xenix, UNIX, or ODT. (Moderated)
1536 biz.sco.general
Q&A, discussions and comments on SCO products.
1537 biz.sco.magazine
To discuss SCO Magazine and its contents.
1538 biz.sco.opendesktop
ODT environment and applications tech info, q&a.
1539 biz.sco.sources
Source code ported to an SCO operating environment. (Moderated)
1540 biz.sco.vtcl
SCO Visual Tcl.
1541 biz.stolen
Postings about stolen merchandise.
1542 biz.stortek.forum
Storage Technology Corporation.
1543 biz.tadpole.sparcbook
Discussions on the Sparcbook portable computer.
1544 biz.test
Biz newsgroup test messages.
1545 biz.univel.misc
Discussions and comments on Univel products.
1546 biz.zeos.announce
Zeos Product Announcements. (Moderated)
1547 biz.zeos.general
Zeos technical support and general information.
1548 can.ai
Artificial intelligence in Canada.
1549 can.canet.d
An open forum for discussion of CA*net topics. (Moderated)
1550 can.canet.stats
USENET statistics from major CA*Net NNTP sites.
1551 can.domain
CA-DOM discussion and announcements.
1552 can.english
About the English-speaking population (in English).
1553 can.francais
About the Francophone population (in French).
1554 can.general
Items of general interest to Canadians.
1555 can.infobahn
1556 can.infohighway
1557 can.jobs
Jobs in Canada.
1558 can.legal
Canadian law and legal matters.
1559 can.motss
Gay/lesbian/bi issues in Canada.
1560 can.motss
Gay/lesbian/bi issues in Canada.
1561 can.newprod
New products/services of interest to Canadian readers.
1562 can.politics
Canadian politics.
1563 can.schoolnet.biomed.jr
SchoolNet Biology and Medecine for elementary students.
1564 can.schoolnet.biomed.sr
SchoolNet Biology and Medecine for high school students.
1565 can.schoolnet.chat.students.jr
General talk by elementary echool SchoolNet students.
1566 can.schoolnet.chat.students.sr
General talk by high school SchoolNet students.
1567 can.schoolnet.chat.teachers
General talk by SchoolNet teachers.
1568 can.schoolnet.chem.jr
SchoolNet Chemistry for elementary students.
1569 can.schoolnet.chem.sr
SchoolNet Chemistry for high school students.
1570 can.schoolnet.comp.jr
SchoolNet Computer Science for elementary students.
1571 can.schoolnet.comp.sr
SchoolNet Computer Science for high school students.
1572 can.schoolnet.earth.jr
SchoolNet Earth Sciences for elementary students.
1573 can.schoolnet.earth.sr
SchoolNet Earth Sciences for high school students.
1574 can.schoolnet.elecsys.jr
SchoolNet EE and Systems Eng. for elementary students.
1575 can.schoolnet.elecsys.sr
SchoolNet EE and Systems Eng. for high school students.
1576 can.schoolnet.eng.jr
SchoolNet Engineering for elementary students.
1577 can.schoolnet.eng.sr
SchoolNet Engineering for high school students.
1578 can.schoolnet.math.jr
SchoolNet Mathematics for elementary students.
1579 can.schoolnet.math.sr
SchoolNet Mathematics for high school students.
1580 can.schoolnet.phys.jr
SchoolNet physics for elementary-school students
1581 can.schoolnet.phys.sr
SchoolNet physics for high-school students
1582 can.schoolnet.problems
The group to gripe in about SchoolNet or find its FAQs.
1583 can.schoolnet.projects.calls
SchoolNet CFPs, project announcements.
1584 can.schoolnet.projects.discuss
SchoolNet project discussion.
1585 can.schoolnet.socsci.jr
SchoolNet Social Sciences for elementary students.
1586 can.schoolnet.socsci.sr
SchoolNet Social Sciences for high school students.
1587 can.schoolnet.space.jr
SchoolNet Space Sciences for elementary students.
1588 can.schoolnet.space.sr
SchoolNet Space Sciences for high school students.
1589 can.scout-guide
1590 can.sun-stroke
Sun Microsystems Users in Canada.
1591 can.talk.bilingualism
Flames about Canadian English or French, depending.
1592 can.talk.guns
Flames about Canadian gun owners, non-owners, and laws.
1593 can.talk.smoking
Flames about/from Canadian smokers.
1594 can.test
Testing USENET in Canada.
1595 can.usrgroup
Unix user group information in Canada.
1596 can.uucp
Canadian uucp problems.
1597 can.uucp.maps
Canadian UUCP maps are posted here. (Moderated)
1598 can.vlsi
1599 cmh.forsale
Columbus buy, sell, trade.
1600 cmh.general
Columbus general news.
1601 cmh.groups
Meta-discussions about newsgroups in cmh.* distribution.
1602 cmh.jobs
Columbus job postings.
1603 cmh.network
Columbus network connections, computing, etc.
1604 cmh.opinion
Columbus opinion.
1605 cmh.test
Columbus test group.
1606 comp.admin.policy
Discussions of site administration policies.
1607 comp.ai
Artificial intelligence discussions.
1608 comp.ai.alife
Research about artificial life.
1609 comp.ai.edu
Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Education.
1610 comp.ai.fuzzy
Fuzzy set theory, aka fuzzy logic.
1611 comp.ai.genetic
Genetic algorithms in computing.
1612 comp.ai.jair.announce
Announcements & abstracts of the Journal of AI Research. (Moderated)
1613 comp.ai.jair.papers
Papers published by the Journal of AI Research. (Moderated)
1614 comp.ai.nat-lang
Natural language processing by computers.
1615 comp.ai.neural-nets
All aspects of neural networks.
1616 comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
1617 comp.ai.philosophy
Philosophical aspects of Artificial Intelligence.
1618 comp.ai.shells
Artificial intelligence applied to shells.
1619 comp.ai.vision
Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. (Moderated)
1620 comp.answers
Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
1621 comp.apps.spreadsheets
Spreadsheets on various platforms.
1622 comp.arch
Computer architecture.
1623 comp.arch.arithmetic
Implementing arithmetic on computers/digital systems.
1624 comp.arch.bus.vmebus
Hardware and software for VMEbus Systems.
1625 comp.arch.fpga
Field Programmable Gate Array based computing systems.
1626 comp.arch.storage
Storage system issues, both hardware and software.
1627 comp.archives
Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
1628 comp.archives.admin
Issues relating to computer archive administration.
1629 comp.archives.msdos.announce
Announcements about MSDOS archives. (Moderated)
1630 comp.archives.msdos.d
Discussion of materials available in MSDOS archives.
1631 comp.bbs.majorbbs
Support & discussion of The Major BBS from Galacticomm.
1632 comp.bbs.misc
All aspects of computer bulletin board systems.
1633 comp.bbs.tbbs
The Bread Board System bulletin board software.
1634 comp.bbs.waffle
The Waffle BBS and USENET system on all platforms.
1635 comp.benchmarks
Discussion of benchmarking techniques and results.
1636 comp.binaries.acorn
Binary-only postings for Acorn machines. (Moderated)
1637 comp.binaries.amiga
Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
1638 comp.binaries.apple2
Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
1639 comp.binaries.atari.st
Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
1640 comp.binaries.cbm
For the transfer of 8bit Commodore binaries. (Moderated)
1641 comp.binaries.geos
Binaries for the GEOS operating system. (Moderated)
1642 comp.binaries.ibm.pc
Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
1643 comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d
Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
1644 comp.binaries.ibm.pc.wanted
Requests for IBM PC and compatible programs.
1645 comp.binaries.mac
Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
1646 comp.binaries.ms-windows
Binary programs for Microsoft Windows. (Moderated)
1647 comp.binaries.newton
Apple Newton binaries, sources, books, etc. (Moderated)
1648 comp.binaries.os2
Binaries for use under the OS/2 ABI. (Moderated)
1649 comp.bugs.2bsd
Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
1650 comp.bugs.4bsd
Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
1651 comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes
Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
1652 comp.bugs.misc
General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
1653 comp.bugs.sys5
Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
1654 comp.cad.autocad
AutoDesk's AutoCAD software.
1655 comp.cad.cadence
Users of Cadence Design Systems products.
1656 comp.cad.compass
Compass Design Automation EDA tools.
1657 comp.cad.pro-engineer
Parametric Technology's Pro/Engineer design package.
1658 comp.cad.synthesis
Research and production in the field of logic synthesis.
1659 comp.client-server
Topics relating to client/server technology.
1660 comp.cog-eng
Cognitive engineering.
1661 comp.compilers
Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
1662 comp.compilers.tools.pccts
Construction of compilers and tools with PCCTS.
1663 comp.compression
Data compression algorithms and theory.
1664 comp.compression.research
Discussions about data compression research. (Moderated)
1665 comp.constraints
Constraint processing and related topics.
1666 comp.databases
Database and data management issues and theory.
1667 comp.databases.informix
Informix database management software discussions.
1668 comp.databases.ingres
Issues relating to INGRES products.
1669 comp.databases.ms-access
MS Windows' relational database system, Access.
1670 comp.databases.object
Object-oriented paradigms in database systems.
1671 comp.databases.olap
Analytical Processing, Multidimensional DBMS, EIS, DSS.
1672 comp.databases.oracle
The SQL database products of the Oracle Corporation.
1673 comp.databases.paradox
Borland's database for DOS & MS Windows.
1674 comp.databases.pick
Pick-like, post-relational, database systems.
1675 comp.databases.rdb
The relational database engine RDB from DEC.
1676 comp.databases.sybase
Implementations of the SQL Server.
1677 comp.databases.theory
Discussing advances in database technology.
1678 comp.databases.xbase.fox
Fox Software's xBase system and compatibles.
1679 comp.databases.xbase.misc
Discussion of xBase (dBASE-like) products.
1680 comp.dcom.cabling
Cabling selection, installation and use.
1681 comp.dcom.cell-relay
Forum for discussion of Cell Relay-based products.
1682 comp.dcom.fax
Fax hardware, software, and protocols.
1683 comp.dcom.frame-relay
Technology and issues regarding frame relay networks.
1684 comp.dcom.isdn
The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).
1685 comp.dcom.lans.ethernet
Discussions of the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 protocols.
1686 comp.dcom.lans.fddi
Discussions of the FDDI protocol suite.
1687 comp.dcom.lans.hyperchannel
Hyperchannel networks within an IP network.
1688 comp.dcom.lans.misc
Local area network hardware and software.
1689 comp.dcom.lans.token-ring
Installing and using token ring networks.
1690 comp.dcom.modems
Data communications hardware and software.
1691 comp.dcom.net-management
Network management methods and applications.
1692 comp.dcom.servers
Selecting and operating data communications servers.
1693 comp.dcom.sys.cisco
Info on Cisco routers and bridges.
1694 comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet
Wellfleet bridge & router systems hardware & software.
1695 comp.dcom.telecom
Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
1696 comp.dcom.telecom.tech
Discussion of technical aspects of telephony.
1697 comp.doc
Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
1698 comp.doc.techreports
Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
1699 comp.dsp
Digital Signal Processing using computers.
1700 comp.editors
Topics related to computerized text editing.
1701 comp.edu
Computer science education.
1702 comp.edu.composition
Writing instruction in computer-based classrooms.
1703 comp.edu.languages.natural
Computer assisted languages instruction issues.
1704 comp.emacs
EMACS editors of different flavors.
1705 comp.emacs.xemacs
Bug reports, questions and answers about XEmacs.
1706 comp.emulators.announce
Emulator news, FAQs, announcements. (Moderated)
1707 comp.emulators.apple2
Emulators of Apple // systems.
1708 comp.emulators.cbm
Emulators of C-64, C-128, PET, and VIC-20 systems.
1709 comp.emulators.misc
Emulators of miscellaneous computer systems.
1710 comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine
A free MS-Windows emulator under X.
1711 comp.fonts
Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
1712 comp.graphics
Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
1713 comp.graphics.algorithms
Algorithms used in producing computer graphics.
1714 comp.graphics.animation
Technical aspects of computer animation.
1715 comp.graphics.avs
The Application Visualization System.
1716 comp.graphics.data-explorer
IBM's Visualization Data Explorer, aka DX.
1717 comp.graphics.explorer
The Explorer Modular Visualisation Environment (MVE).
1718 comp.graphics.gnuplot
The GNUPLOT interactive function plotter.
1719 comp.graphics.opengl
The OpenGL 3D application programming interface.
1720 comp.graphics.packages.alias
3-D graphics software from Alias Research.
1721 comp.graphics.packages.lightwave
NewTek's Lightwave3D and related topics.
1722 comp.graphics.raytracing
Ray tracing software, tools and methods.
1723 comp.graphics.research
Highly technical computer graphics discussion. (Moderated)
1724 comp.graphics.visualization
Info on scientific visualization.
1725 comp.groupware
Software and hardware for shared interactive environments.
1726 comp.groupware.lotus-notes.misc
Lotus Notes related discussions.
1727 comp.home.automation
Home automation devices, setup, sources, etc.
1728 comp.home.misc
Media, technology and information in domestic spaces. (Moderated)
1729 comp.human-factors
Issues related to human-computer interaction (HCI).
1730 comp.infosystems
Any discussion about information systems.
1731 comp.infosystems.announce
Announcements of internet information services. (Moderated)
1732 comp.infosystems.gis
All aspects of Geographic Information Systems.
1733 comp.infosystems.gopher
Discussion of the Gopher information service.
1734 comp.infosystems.interpedia
The Internet Encyclopedia.
1735 comp.infosystems.kiosks
Informational and transactional kiosks. (Moderated)
1736 comp.infosystems.wais
The Z39.50-based WAIS full-text search system.
1737 comp.infosystems.www.misc
Miscellaneous World Wide Web discussion.
1738 comp.infosystems.www.providers
WWW provider issues (info providers).
1739 comp.infosystems.www.users
WWW user issues (Mosaic, Lynx, etc).
1740 comp.internet.library
Discussing electronic libraries. (Moderated)
1741 comp.internet.net-happenings
Announcements of network happenings. (Moderated)
1742 comp.ivideodisc
Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
1743 comp.lang.ada
Discussion about Ada*.
1744 comp.lang.apl
Discussion about APL.
1745 comp.lang.asm.x86
General 80x86 assembly language programming.
1746 comp.lang.asm370
Programming in IBM System/370 Assembly Language.
1747 comp.lang.basic.misc
Other dialects and aspects of BASIC.
1748 comp.lang.basic.visual
Microsoft Visual Basic & App Basic; Windows & DOS.
1749 comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty
Add-ins for Visual Basic.
1750 comp.lang.basic.visual.announce
Official information on Visual Basic. (Moderated)
1751 comp.lang.basic.visual.database
Database aspects of Visual Basic.
1752 comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
Visual Basic in general.
1753 comp.lang.beta
The object-oriented programming language BETA.
1754 comp.lang.c
Discussion about C.
1755 comp.lang.c++
The object-oriented C++ language.
1756 comp.lang.clos
Common Lisp Object System discussions.
1757 comp.lang.clu
The CLU language & related topics.
1758 comp.lang.cobol
The COBOL language and software.
1759 comp.lang.dylan
For discussion of the Dylan language.
1760 comp.lang.eiffel
The object-oriented Eiffel language.
1761 comp.lang.forth
Discussion about Forth.
1762 comp.lang.forth.mac
The CSI MacForth programming environment.
1763 comp.lang.fortran
Discussion about FORTRAN.
1764 comp.lang.functional
Discussion about functional languages.
1765 comp.lang.hermes
The Hermes language for distributed applications.
1766 comp.lang.icon
Topics related to the ICON programming language.
1767 comp.lang.idl
IDL (Interface Description Language) related topics.
1768 comp.lang.idl-pvwave
IDL and PV-Wave language discussions.
1769 comp.lang.lisp
Discussion about LISP.
1770 comp.lang.lisp.franz
The Franz Lisp programming language.
1771 comp.lang.lisp.mcl
Discussing Apple's Macintosh Common Lisp.
1772 comp.lang.lisp.x
The XLISP language system.
1773 comp.lang.logo
The Logo teaching and learning language.
1774 comp.lang.misc
Different computer languages not specifically listed.
1775 comp.lang.ml
ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. (Moderated)
1776 comp.lang.modula2
Discussion about Modula-2.
1777 comp.lang.modula3
Discussion about the Modula-3 language.
1778 comp.lang.mumps
The M (MUMPS) language & technology, in general.
1779 comp.lang.oberon
The Oberon language and system.
1780 comp.lang.objective-c
The Objective-C language and environment.
1781 comp.lang.pascal
Discussion about Pascal.
1782 comp.lang.perl
Discussion of Larry Wall's Perl system.
1783 comp.lang.pop
Pop11 and the Plug user group.
1784 comp.lang.postscript
The PostScript Page Description Language.
1785 comp.lang.prograph
Prograph, a visual object-oriented dataflow language.
1786 comp.lang.prolog
Discussion about PROLOG.
1787 comp.lang.python
The Python computer language.
1788 comp.lang.rexx
The REXX command language.
1789 comp.lang.sather
The object-oriented computer language Sather.
1790 comp.lang.scheme
The Scheme Programming language.
1791 comp.lang.scheme.c
The Scheme language environment.
1792 comp.lang.sigplan
Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
1793 comp.lang.smalltalk
Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
1794 comp.lang.tcl
The Tcl programming language and related tools.
1795 comp.lang.verilog
Discussing Verilog and PLI.
1796 comp.lang.vhdl
VHSIC Hardware Description Language, IEEE 1076/87.
1797 comp.lang.visual
Visual programming languages.
1798 comp.laser-printers
Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
1799 comp.lsi
Large scale integrated circuits.
1800 comp.lsi.cad
Electrical Computer Aided Design.
1801 comp.lsi.testing
Testing of electronic circuits.
1802 comp.mail.elm
Discussion and fixes for the ELM mail system.
1803 comp.mail.headers
Gatewayed from the Internet header-people list.
1804 comp.mail.list-admin.policy
Policy issues in running mailing lists.
1805 comp.mail.list-admin.software
Software used in the running of mailing lists.
1806 comp.mail.maps
Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
1807 comp.mail.mh
The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
1808 comp.mail.mime
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions of RFC 1341.
1809 comp.mail.misc
General discussions about computer mail.
1810 comp.mail.multi-media
Multimedia Mail.
1811 comp.mail.mush
The Mail User's Shell (MUSH).
1812 comp.mail.pine
The PINE mail user agent.
1813 comp.mail.sendmail
Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
1814 comp.mail.smail
Administering & using the smail email transport system.
1815 comp.mail.uucp
Mail in the uucp network environment.
1816 comp.misc
General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
1817 comp.multimedia
Interactive multimedia technologies of all kinds.
1818 comp.music
Applications of computers in music research.
1819 comp.networks.noctools.announce
Info and announcements about NOC tools. (Moderated)
1820 comp.networks.noctools.bugs
Bug reports and fixes for NOC tools.
1821 comp.networks.noctools.d
Discussion about NOC tools.
1822 comp.networks.noctools.submissions
New NOC tools submissions.
1823 comp.networks.noctools.tools
Descriptions of available NOC tools. (Moderated)
1824 comp.networks.noctools.wanted
Requests for NOC software.
1825 comp.newprod
Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
1826 comp.object
Object-oriented programming and languages.
1827 comp.object.logic
Integrating object-oriented and logic programming.
1828 comp.org.acm
Topics about the Association for Computing Machinery.
1829 comp.org.cpsr.announce
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. (Moderated)
1830 comp.org.cpsr.talk
Issues of computing and social responsibility.
1831 comp.org.decus
Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society newsgroup.
1832 comp.org.eff.news
News from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. (Moderated)
1833 comp.org.eff.talk
Discussion of EFF goals, strategies, etc.
1834 comp.org.fidonet
FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
1835 comp.org.ieee
Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
1836 comp.org.isoc.interest
Discussion about the Internet Society.
1837 comp.org.issnnet
The International Student Society for Neural Networks.
1838 comp.org.lisp-users
Association of Lisp Users related discussions.
1839 comp.org.sug
Talk about/for the The Sun User's Group.
1840 comp.org.usenix
USENIX Association events and announcements.
1841 comp.org.usenix.roomshare
Finding lodging during Usenix conferences.
1842 comp.os.386bsd.announce
Announcements relating to the 386bsd operating system. (Moderated)
1843 comp.os.386bsd.apps
Applications which run under 386bsd.
1844 comp.os.386bsd.bugs
Bugs and fixes for the 386bsd OS and its clients.
1845 comp.os.386bsd.development
Working on 386bsd internals.
1846 comp.os.386bsd.misc
General aspects of 386bsd not covered by other groups.
1847 comp.os.386bsd.questions
General questions about 386bsd.
1848 comp.os.aos
Topics related to Data General's AOS/VS.
1849 comp.os.chorus
CHORUS microkernel issues, research and developments.
1850 comp.os.coherent
Discussion and support of the Coherent operating system.
1851 comp.os.cpm
Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
1852 comp.os.cpm.amethyst
Discussion of Amethyst, CP/M-80 software package.
1853 comp.os.geos
The GEOS operating system by GeoWorks for PC clones.
1854 comp.os.linux.admin
Installing and administering Linux systems.
1855 comp.os.linux.announce
Announcements important to the Linux community. (Moderated)
1856 comp.os.linux.development
Ongoing work on the Linux operating system.
1857 comp.os.linux.help
Questions and advice about Linux.
1858 comp.os.linux.misc
Linux-specific topics not covered by other groups.
1859 comp.os.lynx
Discussion of LynxOS and Lynx Real-Time Systems.
1860 comp.os.mach
The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
1861 comp.os.minix
Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
1862 comp.os.misc
General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
1863 comp.os.ms-windows.advocacy
Speculation and debate about Microsoft Windows.
1864 comp.os.ms-windows.announce
Announcements relating to Windows. (Moderated)
1865 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.comm
MS-Windows communication applications.
1866 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.financial
MS-Windows financial & tax software.
1867 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.misc
MS-Windows applications.
1868 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities
MS-Windows utilities.
1869 comp.os.ms-windows.apps.word-proc
MS-Windows word-processing applications.
1870 comp.os.ms-windows.misc
General discussions about Windows issues.
1871 comp.os.ms-windows.networking.misc
Windows and other networks.
1872 comp.os.ms-windows.networking.tcp-ip
Windows and TCP/IP networking.
1873 comp.os.ms-windows.networking.windows
Windows' built-in networking.
1874 comp.os.ms-windows.nt.misc
General discussion about Windows NT.
1875 comp.os.ms-windows.nt.setup
Configuring Windows NT systems.
1876 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.controls
Controls, dialogs and VBXs.
1877 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.drivers
Win16/Win32 drivers and VxDs.
1878 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.graphics
GDI, graphics and printing.
1879 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.memory
Memory management issues.
1880 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc
Programming Microsoft Windows.
1881 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.multimedia
Multimedia programming.
1882 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.networks
Network programming.
1883 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.ole
OLE2, COM and DDE programming.
1884 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools
Development tools in Windows.
1885 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32
32-bit Windows programming interfaces.
1886 comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.winhelp
WinHelp/Multimedia Viewer development.
1887 comp.os.ms-windows.setup
Installing and configuring Microsoft Windows.
1888 comp.os.ms-windows.video
Video adapters and drivers for Windows.
1889 comp.os.msdos.4dos
The 4DOS command processor for MS-DOS.
1890 comp.os.msdos.apps
Discussion of applications that run under MS-DOS.
1891 comp.os.msdos.desqview
QuarterDeck's Desqview and related products.
1892 comp.os.msdos.mail-news
Administering mail & network news systems under MS-DOS.
1893 comp.os.msdos.misc
Miscellaneous topics about MS-DOS machines.
1894 comp.os.msdos.pcgeos
GeoWorks PC/GEOS and PC/GEOS-based packages.
1895 comp.os.msdos.programmer
Programming MS-DOS machines.
1896 comp.os.msdos.programmer.turbovision
Borland's text application libraries.
1897 comp.os.os2.advocacy
Supporting and flaming OS/2.
1898 comp.os.os2.announce
Notable news and announcements related to OS/2. (Moderated)
1899 comp.os.os2.apps
Discussions of applications under OS/2.
1900 comp.os.os2.beta
All aspects of beta releases of OS/2 systems software.
1901 comp.os.os2.bugs
OS/2 system bug reports, fixes and work-arounds.
1902 comp.os.os2.games
Running games under OS/2.
1903 comp.os.os2.misc
Miscellaneous topics about the OS/2 system.
1904 comp.os.os2.multimedia
Multi-media on OS/2 systems.
1905 comp.os.os2.networking.misc
Miscellaneous networking issues of OS/2.
1906 comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
TCP/IP under OS/2.
1907 comp.os.os2.programmer.misc
Programming OS/2 machines.
1908 comp.os.os2.programmer.oop
Programming system objects (SOM, WPS, etc).
1909 comp.os.os2.programmer.porting
Porting software to OS/2 machines.
1910 comp.os.os2.programmer.tools
Compilers, assemblers, interpreters under OS/2.
1911 comp.os.os2.setup
Installing and configuring OS/2 systems.
1912 comp.os.os9
Discussions about the os9 operating system.
1913 comp.os.parix
Forum for users of the parallel operating system PARIX.
1914 comp.os.qnx
Using and developing under the QNX operating system.
1915 comp.os.research
Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
1916 comp.os.rsts
Topics related to the PDP-11 RSTS/E operating system.
1917 comp.os.v
The V distributed operating system from Stanford.
1918 comp.os.vms
DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
1919 comp.os.vxworks
The VxWorks real-time operating system.
1920 comp.os.xinu
The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
1921 comp.parallel
Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
1922 comp.parallel.mpi
Message Passing Interface (MPI).
1923 comp.parallel.pvm
The PVM system of multi-computer parallelization.
1924 comp.patents
Discussing patents of computer technology. (Moderated)
1925 comp.periphs
Peripheral devices.
1926 comp.periphs.printers
Information on printers.
1927 comp.periphs.scsi
Discussion of SCSI-based peripheral devices.
1928 comp.programming
Programming issues that transcend languages and OSs.
1929 comp.programming.literate
Literate programs and programming tools.
1930 comp.protocols.appletalk
Applebus hardware & software.
1931 comp.protocols.dicom
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine.
1932 comp.protocols.ibm
Networking with IBM mainframes.
1933 comp.protocols.iso
The ISO protocol stack.
1934 comp.protocols.iso.dev-environ
The ISO Development Environment.
1935 comp.protocols.iso.x400
X400 mail protocol discussions.
1936 comp.protocols.iso.x400.gateway
X400 mail gateway discussions. (Moderated)
1937 comp.protocols.kerberos
The Kerberos authentication server.
1938 comp.protocols.kermit.announce
Kermit announcements. (Moderated)
1939 comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Kermit protocol and software.
1940 comp.protocols.misc
Various forms and types of protocol.
1941 comp.protocols.nfs
Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
1942 comp.protocols.pcnet
Topics related to PCNET (a personal computer network).
1943 comp.protocols.ppp
Discussion of the Internet Point to Point Protocol.
1944 comp.protocols.smb
SMB file sharing protocol and Samba SMB server/client.
1945 comp.protocols.snmp
The Simple Network Management Protocol.
1946 comp.protocols.tcp-ip
TCP and IP network protocols.
1947 comp.protocols.tcp-ip.domains
Topics related to Domain Style names.
1948 comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc
TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
1949 comp.protocols.time.ntp
The network time protocol.
1950 comp.publish.cdrom.hardware
Hardware used in publishing with CD-ROM.
1951 comp.publish.cdrom.multimedia
Software for multimedia authoring & publishing.
1952 comp.publish.cdrom.software
Software used in publishing with CD-ROM.
1953 comp.publish.prepress
Electronic prepress.
1954 comp.realtime
Issues related to real-time computing.
1955 comp.research.japan
The nature of research in Japan. (Moderated)
1956 comp.risks
Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
1957 comp.robotics
All aspects of robots and their applications.
1958 comp.security.announce
Announcements from the CERT about security. (Moderated)
1959 comp.security.misc
Security issues of computers and networks.
1960 comp.security.unix
Discussion of Unix security.
1961 comp.simulation
Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
1962 comp.society
The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
1963 comp.society.cu-digest
The Computer Underground Digest. (Moderated)
1964 comp.society.development
Computer technology in developing countries.
1965 comp.society.folklore
Computer folklore & culture, past & present. (Moderated)
1966 comp.society.futures
Events in technology affecting future computing.
1967 comp.society.privacy
Effects of technology on privacy. (Moderated)
1968 comp.soft-sys.andrew
The Andrew system from CMU.
1969 comp.soft-sys.dce
1970 comp.soft-sys.khoros
The Khoros X11 visualization system.
1971 comp.soft-sys.matlab
The MathWorks calculation and visualization package.
1972 comp.soft-sys.nextstep
The NeXTstep computing environment.
1973 comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder
Application development tools from PowerSoft.
1974 comp.soft-sys.ptolemy
The Ptolemy simulation/code generation environment.
1975 comp.soft-sys.sas
The SAS statistics package.
1976 comp.soft-sys.shazam
The SHAZAM econometrics computer program.
1977 comp.soft-sys.spss
The SPSS statistics package.
1978 comp.soft-sys.wavefront
Wavefront software products, problems, etc.
1979 comp.software-eng
Software Engineering and related topics.
1980 comp.software.config-mgmt
Configuration management, tools and procedures.
1981 comp.software.international
Finding, using, & writing non-English software.
1982 comp.software.licensing
Software licensing technology.
1983 comp.software.testing
All aspects of testing computer systems.
1984 comp.sources.3b1
Source code-only postings for the AT&T 3b1. (Moderated)
1985 comp.sources.acorn
Source code-only postings for the Acorn. (Moderated)
1986 comp.sources.amiga
Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
1987 comp.sources.apple2
Source code and discussion for the Apple2. (Moderated)
1988 comp.sources.atari.st
Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
1989 comp.sources.bugs
Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources.
1990 comp.sources.d
For any discussion of source postings.
1991 comp.sources.games
Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
1992 comp.sources.games.bugs
Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
1993 comp.sources.hp48
Programs for the HP48 and HP28 calculators. (Moderated)
1994 comp.sources.mac
Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
1995 comp.sources.misc
Posting of software. (Moderated)
1996 comp.sources.postscript
Source code for programs written in PostScript. (Moderated)
1997 comp.sources.reviewed
Source code evaluated by peer review. (Moderated)
1998 comp.sources.sun
Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
1999 comp.sources.testers
Finding people to test software.
2000 comp.sources.unix
Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
2001 comp.sources.wanted
Requests for software and fixes.
2002 comp.sources.x
Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
2003 comp.specification
Languages and methodologies for formal specification.
2004 comp.specification.z
Discussion about the formal specification notation Z.
2005 comp.speech
Research & applications in speech science & technology.
2006 comp.std.announce
Announcements about standards activities. (Moderated)
2007 comp.std.c
Discussion about C language standards.
2008 comp.std.c++
Discussion about C++ language, library, standards.
2009 comp.std.internat
Discussion about international standards.
2010 comp.std.lisp
User group (ALU) supported standards. (Moderated)
2011 comp.std.misc
Discussion about various standards.
2012 comp.std.mumps
Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
2013 comp.std.unix
Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
2014 comp.std.wireless
Examining standards for wireless network technology. (Moderated)
2015 comp.sw.components
Software components and related technology.
2016 comp.sys.3b1
Discussion and support of AT&T 7300/3B1/UnixPC.
2017 comp.sys.acorn
Discussion on Acorn and ARM-based computers.
2018 comp.sys.acorn.advocacy
Why Acorn computers and programs are better.
2019 comp.sys.acorn.announce
Announcements for Acorn and ARM users. (Moderated)
2020 comp.sys.acorn.games
Discussion of games for Acorn machines.
2021 comp.sys.acorn.tech
Software and hardware aspects of Acorn and ARM products.
2022 comp.sys.alliant
Info and discussion about Alliant computers.
2023 comp.sys.amiga.advocacy
Why an Amiga is better than XYZ.
2024 comp.sys.amiga.announce
Announcements about the Amiga. (Moderated)
2025 comp.sys.amiga.applications
Miscellaneous applications.
2026 comp.sys.amiga.audio
Music, MIDI, speech synthesis, other sounds.
2027 comp.sys.amiga.cd32
Technical and computing talk for Commodore Amiga CD32.
2028 comp.sys.amiga.datacomm
Methods of getting bytes in and out.
2029 comp.sys.amiga.emulations
Various hardware & software emulators.
2030 comp.sys.amiga.games
Discussion of games for the Commodore Amiga.
2031 comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Charts, graphs, pictures, etc.
2032 comp.sys.amiga.hardware
Amiga computer hardware, Q&A, reviews, etc.
2033 comp.sys.amiga.introduction
Group for newcomers to Amigas.
2034 comp.sys.amiga.marketplace
Where to find it, prices, etc.
2035 comp.sys.amiga.misc
Discussions not falling in another Amiga group.
2036 comp.sys.amiga.multimedia
Animations, video, & multimedia.
2037 comp.sys.amiga.networking
Amiga networking software/hardware.
2038 comp.sys.amiga.programmer
Developers & hobbyists discuss code.
2039 comp.sys.amiga.reviews
Reviews of Amiga software, hardware. (Moderated)
2040 comp.sys.amiga.uucp
Amiga UUCP packages.
2041 comp.sys.amstrad.8bit
Amstrad CPC/PcW/GX4000 software/hardware.
2042 comp.sys.apollo
Apollo computer systems.
2043 comp.sys.apple2
Discussion about Apple II micros.
2044 comp.sys.apple2.comm
Apple II data communications.
2045 comp.sys.apple2.gno
The AppleIIgs GNO multitasking environment.
2046 comp.sys.apple2.marketplace
Buying, selling and trading Apple II equipment.
2047 comp.sys.apple2.programmer
Programming on the Apple II.
2048 comp.sys.apple2.usergroups
All about Apple II user groups.
2049 comp.sys.arm
2050 comp.sys.atari.8bit
Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
2051 comp.sys.atari.advocacy
Attacking and defending Atari computers.
2052 comp.sys.atari.announce
Atari related hard/software announcements. (Moderated)
2053 comp.sys.atari.programmer
2054 comp.sys.atari.st
Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
2055 comp.sys.atari.st.tech
Technical discussions of Atari ST hard/software.
2056 comp.sys.att
Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
2057 comp.sys.cbm
Discussion about Commodore micros.
2058 comp.sys.cdc
Control Data Corporation Computers (e.g., Cybers).
2059 comp.sys.concurrent
The Concurrent/Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
2060 comp.sys.convex
Convex computer systems hardware and software.
2061 comp.sys.dec
Discussions about DEC computer systems.
2062 comp.sys.dec.micro
DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
2063 comp.sys.encore
Encore's MultiMax computers.
2064 comp.sys.handhelds
Handheld computers and programmable calculators.
2065 comp.sys.harris
Harris computer systems, especially real-time systems.
2066 comp.sys.hp.apps
Discussion of software and apps on all HP platforms.
2067 comp.sys.hp.hardware
Discussion of Hewlett Packard system hardware.
2068 comp.sys.hp.hpux
Issues pertaining to HP-UX & 9000 series computers.
2069 comp.sys.hp.misc
Issues not covered in any other comp.sys.hp.* group.
2070 comp.sys.hp.mpe
Issues pertaining to MPE & 3000 series computers.
2071 comp.sys.hp48
Hewlett-Packard's HP48 and HP28 calculators.
2072 comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos
Demonstration programs which showcase programmer skill.
2073 comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest
The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
2074 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Arcade-style games on PCs.
2075 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure
Adventure (non-rpg) games on PCs.
2076 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.announce
Announcements for all PC gamers. (Moderated)
2077 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.flight-sim
Flight simulators on PCs.
2078 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.marketplace
PC clone games wanted and for sale.
2079 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc
Games not covered by other PC groups.
2080 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg
Role-playing games on the PC.
2081 comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic
Strategy/planning games on PCs.
2082 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.cd-rom
CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the PC.
2083 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips
Processor, cache, memory chips, etc.
2084 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.comm
Modems & communication cards for the PC.
2085 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.misc
Miscellaneous PC hardware topics.
2086 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.networking
Network hardware & equipment for the PC.
2087 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage
Hard drives & other PC storage devices.
2088 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.systems
Whole IBM PC computer & clone systems.
2089 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.video
Video cards & monitors for the PC.
2090 comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc
Discussion about IBM personal computers.
2091 comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt
Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
2092 comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.advocacy
Advocacy for a particular soundcard.
2093 comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.games
Questions about using soundcards with games.
2094 comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.misc
Soundcards in general.
2095 comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.music
Music and sound questions using soundcards.
2096 comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.tech
Technical questions about pc soundcards.
2097 comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware
Microchannel hardware, any vendor.
2098 comp.sys.intel
Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
2099 comp.sys.intel.ipsc310
Anything related to the Intel 310.
2100 comp.sys.isis
The ISIS distributed system from Cornell.
2101 comp.sys.laptops
Laptop (portable) computers.
2102 comp.sys.m6809
Discussion about 6809's.
2103 comp.sys.m68k
Discussion about 68k's.
2104 comp.sys.m68k.pc
Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
2105 comp.sys.m88k
Discussion about 88k-based computers.
2106 comp.sys.mac.advocacy
The Macintosh computer family compared to others.
2107 comp.sys.mac.announce
Important notices for Macintosh users. (Moderated)
2108 comp.sys.mac.apps
Discussions of Macintosh applications.
2109 comp.sys.mac.comm
Discussion of Macintosh communications.
2110 comp.sys.mac.databases
Database systems for the Apple Macintosh.
2111 comp.sys.mac.digest
Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
2112 comp.sys.mac.games
Discussions of games on the Macintosh.
2113 comp.sys.mac.graphics
Macintosh graphics: paint, draw, 3D, CAD, animation.
2114 comp.sys.mac.hardware
Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.
2115 comp.sys.mac.hypercard
The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
2116 comp.sys.mac.misc
General discussions about the Apple Macintosh.
2117 comp.sys.mac.oop.macapp3
Version 3 of the MacApp object oriented system.
2118 comp.sys.mac.oop.misc
Object oriented programming issues on the Mac.
2119 comp.sys.mac.oop.tcl
Symantec's THINK Class Library for object programming.
2120 comp.sys.mac.portables
Discussion particular to laptop Macintoshes.
2121 comp.sys.mac.programmer
Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
2122 comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior
Macintosh programming using CodeWarrior.
2123 comp.sys.mac.programmer.help
Help with Macintosh programming.
2124 comp.sys.mac.programmer.info
Frequently requested information. (Moderated)
2125 comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc
Other issues of Macintosh programming.
2126 comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools
Macintosh programming tools.
2127 comp.sys.mac.scitech
Using the Macintosh in scientific & technological work.
2128 comp.sys.mac.system
Discussions of Macintosh system software.
2129 comp.sys.mac.wanted
Postings of "I want XYZ for my Mac."
2130 comp.sys.mentor
Mentor Graphics products & the Silicon Compiler System.
2131 comp.sys.mips
Systems based on MIPS chips.
2132 comp.sys.misc
Discussion about computers of all kinds.
2133 comp.sys.ncr
Discussion about NCR computers.
2134 comp.sys.newton.announce
Newton information posts. (Moderated)
2135 comp.sys.newton.misc
Miscellaneous discussion about Newton systems.
2136 comp.sys.newton.programmer
Discussion of Newton software development.
2137 comp.sys.next.advocacy
The NeXT religion.
2138 comp.sys.next.announce
Announcements related to the NeXT computer system. (Moderated)
2139 comp.sys.next.bugs
Discussion and solutions for known NeXT bugs.
2140 comp.sys.next.hardware
Discussing the physical aspects of NeXT computers.
2141 comp.sys.next.marketplace
NeXT hardware, software and jobs.
2142 comp.sys.next.misc
General discussion about the NeXT computer system.
2143 comp.sys.next.programmer
NeXT related programming issues.
2144 comp.sys.next.software
Function, use and availability of NeXT programs.
2145 comp.sys.next.sysadmin
Discussions related to NeXT system administration.
2146 comp.sys.northstar
Northstar microcomputer users.
2147 comp.sys.novell
Discussion of Novell Netware products.
2148 comp.sys.nsc.32k
National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
2149 comp.sys.palmtops
Super-powered calculators in the palm of your hand.
2150 comp.sys.pen
Interacting with computers through pen gestures.
2151 comp.sys.powerpc
General PowerPC Discussion.
2152 comp.sys.prime
Prime Computer products.
2153 comp.sys.proteon
Proteon gateway products.
2154 comp.sys.psion
Discussion about PSION Personal Computers & Organizers.
2155 comp.sys.pyramid
Pyramid 90x computers.
2156 comp.sys.ridge
Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
2157 comp.sys.sequent
Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
2158 comp.sys.sgi.admin
System administration on Silicon Graphics's Irises.
2159 comp.sys.sgi.announce
Announcements for the SGI community. (Moderated)
2160 comp.sys.sgi.apps
Applications which run on the Iris.
2161 comp.sys.sgi.audio
Audio on SGI systems.
2162 comp.sys.sgi.bugs
Bugs found in the IRIX operating system.
2163 comp.sys.sgi.graphics
Graphics packages and issues on SGI machines.
2164 comp.sys.sgi.hardware
Base systems and peripherals for Iris computers.
2165 comp.sys.sgi.misc
General discussion about Silicon Graphics's machines.
2166 comp.sys.sinclair
Sinclair computers, eg. the ZX81, Spectrum and QL.
2167 comp.sys.stratus
Stratus products, incl. System/88, CPS-32, VOS and FTX.
2168 comp.sys.sun.admin
Sun system administration issues and questions.
2169 comp.sys.sun.announce
Sun announcements and Sunergy mailings. (Moderated)
2170 comp.sys.sun.apps
Software applications for Sun computer systems.
2171 comp.sys.sun.hardware
Sun Microsystems hardware.
2172 comp.sys.sun.misc
Miscellaneous discussions about Sun products.
2173 comp.sys.sun.wanted
People looking for Sun products and support.
2174 comp.sys.super
2175 comp.sys.tahoe
CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
2176 comp.sys.tandy
Discussion about Tandy computers: new & old.
2177 comp.sys.ti
Discussion about Texas Instruments.
2178 comp.sys.ti.explorer
The Texas Instruments Explorer.
2179 comp.sys.transputer
The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
2180 comp.sys.unisys
Sperry, Burroughs, Convergent and Unisys* systems.
2181 comp.sys.xerox
Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
2182 comp.sys.zenith
Heath terminals and related Zenith products.
2183 comp.sys.zenith.z100
The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
2184 comp.terminals
All sorts of terminals.
2185 comp.terminals.bitgraph
The BB&N BitGraph Terminal.
2186 comp.terminals.tty5620
AT&T Dot Mapped Display Terminals (5620 and BLIT).
2187 comp.text
Text processing issues and methods.
2188 comp.text.desktop
Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
2189 comp.text.frame
Desktop publishing with FrameMaker.
2190 comp.text.interleaf
Applications and use of Interleaf software.
2191 comp.text.sgml
ISO 8879 SGML, structured documents, markup languages.
2192 comp.text.tex
Discussion about the TeX and LaTeX systems & macros.
2193 comp.theory
Theoretical Computer Science.
2194 comp.theory.cell-automata
Discussion of all aspects of cellular automata.
2195 comp.theory.dynamic-sys
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.
2196 comp.theory.info-retrieval
Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
2197 comp.theory.self-org-sys
Topics related to self-organization.
2198 comp.unix.admin
Administering a Unix-based system.
2199 comp.unix.advocacy
Arguments for and against Unix and Unix versions.
2200 comp.unix.aix
IBM's version of UNIX.
2201 comp.unix.amiga
Minix, SYSV4 and other *nix on an Amiga.
2202 comp.unix.aux
The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
2203 comp.unix.bsd
Discussion of Berkeley Software Distribution UNIX.
2204 comp.unix.cray
Cray computers and their operating systems.
2205 comp.unix.dos-under-unix
MS-DOS running under UNIX by whatever means.
2206 comp.unix.internals
Discussions on hacking UNIX internals.
2207 comp.unix.large
UNIX on mainframes and in large networks.
2208 comp.unix.misc
Various topics that don't fit other groups.
2209 comp.unix.osf.misc
Various aspects of Open Software Foundation products.
2210 comp.unix.osf.osf1
The Open Software Foundation's OSF/1.
2211 comp.unix.pc-clone.16bit
UNIX on 286 architectures.
2212 comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit
UNIX on 386 and 486 architectures.
2213 comp.unix.programmer
Q&A for people programming under Unix.
2214 comp.unix.questions
UNIX neophytes group.
2215 comp.unix.shell
Using and programming the Unix shell.
2216 comp.unix.solaris
Discussions about the Solaris operating system.
2217 comp.unix.sys3
System III UNIX discussions.
2218 comp.unix.sys5.misc
Versions of System V which predate Release 3.
2219 comp.unix.sys5.r3
Discussing System V Release 3.
2220 comp.unix.sys5.r4
Discussing System V Release 4.
2221 comp.unix.ultrix
Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
2222 comp.unix.unixware
Discussion about Novell's UnixWare products.
2223 comp.unix.user-friendly
Discussion of UNIX user-friendliness.
2224 comp.unix.wizards
For only true Unix wizards. (Moderated)
2225 comp.unix.xenix.misc
General discussions regarding XENIX (except SCO).
2226 comp.unix.xenix.sco
XENIX versions from the Santa Cruz Operation.
2227 comp.virus
Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)
2228 comp.windows.garnet
The Garnet user interface development environment.
2229 comp.windows.interviews
The InterViews object-oriented windowing system.
2230 comp.windows.misc
Various issues about windowing systems.
2231 comp.windows.news
Sun Microsystems' NeWS window system.
2232 comp.windows.open-look
Discussion about the Open Look GUI.
2233 comp.windows.suit
The SUIT user-interface toolkit.
2234 comp.windows.x
Discussion about the X Window System.
2235 comp.windows.x.announce
X Consortium announcements. (Moderated)
2236 comp.windows.x.apps
Getting and using, not programming, applications for X.
2237 comp.windows.x.i386unix
The XFree86 window system and others.
2238 comp.windows.x.intrinsics
Discussion of the X toolkit.
2239 comp.windows.x.motif
The Motif GUI for the X Window System.
2240 comp.windows.x.pex
The PHIGS extension of the X Window System.
2241 compuserve.general
CompuServe general discussion newsgroup
2242 compuserve.test
CompuServe test message newsgroup
2243 control
Pseudo-group where news system directives are filed.
2244 de.admin.archiv
Archive in Deutschland.
2245 de.admin.lists
Fuer Statistiken. (Moderated)
2246 de.admin.mail
Adressierungs- und andere Mailprobleme.
2247 de.admin.misc
Allgemeine Themen zum Netz.
2248 de.admin.news.announce
RFDs, CFVs, Zwischen- und Endergebnisse (Moderated)
2249 de.admin.news.groups
Diskussionen ueber (neue) Newsgruppen
2250 de.admin.news.misc
Sonstige Themen rund um NetNews
2251 de.admin.news.software
Technisches zur Newssoftware
2252 de.admin.submaps
Mapdaten fuer Pathalias. (Moderated)
2253 de.alt.admin
Neue de.alt-Newsgroups und deren Verbreitung.
2254 de.alt.astrologie
Sterndeuter und Horoskope.
2255 de.alt.bbs.waffle
Die Waffle-BBS-Software.
2256 de.alt.bestanden.toga.toga.toga
2257 de.alt.binaries.amigaos
Programme fuer Amigas [unter AmigaOS].
2258 de.alt.binaries.amigaos.d
Diskussionen ueber Postings in de.alt.binaries.amigaos.
2259 de.alt.binaries.msdos
Programme fuer MS-DOS-Rechner
2260 de.alt.binaries.msdos.d
Diskussionen ueber Postings in de.alt.binaries.msdos
2261 de.alt.binaries.next
2262 de.alt.binaries.pictures.comix
2263 de.alt.binaries.pictures.natur
2264 de.alt.binaries.pictures.tech
2265 de.alt.binaries.sounds
Audio-Dateien in unterschiedlichen Formaten.
2266 de.alt.binaries.sounds.d
Diskussionen ueber Sounds und Soundformate.
2267 de.alt.binaries.tos
Programme fuer den Atari ST/TT
2268 de.alt.binaries.tos.d
Diskussionen ueber Postings in de.alt.binaries.tos
2269 de.alt.cdrom
Diskussion um silberne Scheiben am Computer.
2270 de.alt.comm.mgetty
2271 de.alt.comm.ums
2272 de.alt.comp.os.os9.classic
Das klassische OS9, f|r den 6809 - Prozessor.
2273 de.alt.comp.sap-r3
betriebswirtschaftliche Standardsoftware SAP R/3
2274 de.alt.drogen
Zum Thema Drogen -- keine Pro/Kontra-Diskussionen.
2275 de.alt.dummschwatz
2276 de.alt.fan.badesalz
2277 de.alt.fan.haraldschmidt
2278 de.alt.fan.helgescheider
Fuer die Fangemeinde der singenden Herrentorte.
2279 de.alt.fan.helgeschneider
2280 de.alt.fan.lassie-singers
Alles ueber die Band "Die Lassie Singers".
2281 de.alt.fan.n8schicht
Fuer Freunde des unbeschreiblichen Rocktheaters N8schicht.
2282 de.alt.fan.pluesch
Plueschtiere: Aufzucht, Pflege und Knuddeln
2283 de.alt.flame
Fuer diejenigen die es nicht lassen koennen :-)
2284 de.alt.folklore.computer
Anekdoten ueber Computer und ihre Benutzer
2285 de.alt.fotografie
Alles in und um Fotos.
2286 de.alt.games.pbem
EMail-Spiele Diskussion / Regeln / Spiele.
2287 de.alt.geschichten
Geschichten, selbstgebacken
2288 de.alt.megatest
Fuer die etwas anderen Tests.
2289 de.alt.messe
2290 de.alt.messe.cebit
Informationen von und ueber die CeBIT94 in Hannover.
2291 de.alt.mud
Alles ueber multi-user-dungeons.
2292 de.alt.netdigest
Aktueller und klassischer Humor aus allen Netzen und IRC. (Moderated)
2293 de.alt.newsgroups
Vorstellung/Diskussion deutscher/internationaler Newsgroups.
2294 de.alt.sources.huge.unix
Umfangreiche Programme fuer Unix.
2295 de.alt.sources.next
NeXT-Programme (Quellcode).
2296 de.alt.sport
Auf die Plaetze-fertig-los!
2297 de.alt.studienreform
2298 de.alt.subnet
Diskussion zum Netz und/oder zum VzFdpbD eV.
2299 de.alt.test
Tests im de.alt-Teilnetz. Achtung Reflektoren!
2300 de.alt.tv.misc
Infos & Talk ueber TV, Programme, Videotext, das Medium.
2301 de.answers
Fundgruppe fuer regelmaessige deutschspr. USENET-Artikel. (Moderated)
2302 de.comm.gatebau
Gateprotokolle, -implementierungen. (Moderated)
2303 de.comm.gateways
News- und Mail-Gateways zu anderen Netzen.
2304 de.comm.ham
Amateurfunk, Packet Radio.
2305 de.comm.internet
2306 de.comm.isdn
Digitale Telefonnetze (ISDN): Geraete,Software,Telekom
2307 de.comm.misc
Kommunikation: Hardware, Protokolle und Probleme.
2308 de.comm.software.ums
Das Universal Message System (UMS).
2309 de.comm.uucp
UUCP: Protokolle, Programme und Probleme.
2310 de.comp.databases
Diskussion ueber Datenbanken.
2311 de.comp.dtp
2312 de.comp.gnu
Diskussion ueber GNU's Not Unix-Software.
2313 de.comp.graphik
Grafik, insbesondere auf Computern.
2314 de.comp.infosystems
Infosysteme in Deutschland (gopher, WWW, ...)
2315 de.comp.lang.c
Die Programmiersprache C (K&R, ANSI).
2316 de.comp.lang.c++
Die Programmiersprache C++.
2317 de.comp.lang.forth
2318 de.comp.lang.lisp
Lisp, Scheme, andere Lisp-aehnliche Sprachen.
2319 de.comp.lang.misc
Alle Programmiersprachen ohne eigene Gruppe.
2320 de.comp.lang.pascal
Pascal, inkl. Turbo-.
2321 de.comp.lang.perl
Perl (von Larry Wall).
2322 de.comp.misc
Diverses rund um die Computerei.
2323 de.comp.os.linux
Linux, ein freies, Unix-aehnliches BS fuer 386ff.
2324 de.comp.os.minix
2325 de.comp.os.misc
Diverse Betriebssysteme (z.B. MVS, RTOS)
2326 de.comp.os.os2
Das Betriebssystem OS/2 und seine Verwendung.
2327 de.comp.os.os9
2328 de.comp.os.unix
Unix-Systeme (ausser Xenix).
2329 de.comp.os.vms
2330 de.comp.os.xenix
2331 de.comp.security
Diskussion sicherheitsrelevanter Themen.
2332 de.comp.sources.amiga
Programme fuer den Amiga. (Moderated)
2333 de.comp.sources.d
Sources-Diskussion, Anfragen nach Software.
2334 de.comp.sources.misc
Programme fuer MS-DOS, TOS, VMS etc. (Moderated)
2335 de.comp.sources.os9
Programme fuer OS-9/68000. (Moderated)
2336 de.comp.sources.st
Programme fuer den Atari ST. (Moderated)
2337 de.comp.sources.unix
Programme fuer UNIX/XENIX. (Moderated)
2338 de.comp.standards
Computerstandards und ihre Auswirkungen
2339 de.comp.sys.amiga.advocacy
Diskussionen ueber die Zukunft des Amiga.
2340 de.comp.sys.amiga.archive
Listen und Ankuendigungen von ftp- und Mailservern.
2341 de.comp.sys.amiga.comm
2342 de.comp.sys.amiga.misc
Allgemeine Themen zum Commodore Amiga.
2343 de.comp.sys.amiga.tech
Programmierung und Hardware des Amigas.
2344 de.comp.sys.amiga.unix
Unix auf dem Amiga.
2345 de.comp.sys.amiga.uucp
UUCP mit dem Amiga.
2346 de.comp.sys.apple
Apple II/Macintosh.
2347 de.comp.sys.ibm
IBMs und kompatible.
2348 de.comp.sys.misc
Andere Systeme.
2349 de.comp.sys.next
2350 de.comp.sys.pcs
Alles zu PCS-Computern.
2351 de.comp.sys.st
Atari ST.
2352 de.comp.tex
Diskussion um und Codeschnipsel fuer TeX.
2353 de.etc.finanz
Infos zu & Diskussion ueber Geld & Anlagen.
2354 de.etc.lists
Kurze und lange Listen zu allen Themen.
2355 de.etc.misc
Alles, was woanders nicht hinpasst.
2356 de.etc.sprache.deutsch
Die deutsche Sprache: Fragen, Antworten und Diskussionen.
2357 de.mag.chalisti
Chalisti-Magazin. (Moderated)
2358 de.mag.chalisti.d
Diskussion ueber Artikel in der Chalisti.
2359 de.mag.misc
Alle anderen Newsletters und Magazine. (Moderated)
2360 de.mag.misc.d
Diskussionen ueber Magazine und Artikel in de.mag.misc.
2361 de.markt.comp.misc
Angebote/Gesuche im EDV-Bereich (Hard/Software, Literatur).
2362 de.markt.jobs
Stellen- und sonstige Arbeitsangebote und -gesuche.
2363 de.markt.jobs.d
2364 de.markt.misc
Angebote/Gesuche. Aussagekraeftige Themen bitte!
2365 de.markt.wohnen
Angebote/Gesuche fuer Wohnraum (Kauf und Miete).
2366 de.newusers
Infos und periodische Postings fuer neue User. (Moderated)
2367 de.newusers.questions
Neue Benutzer im Netz fragen, Experten antworten.
2368 de.org.auge
Mitteilungen des AUGE e.V.
2369 de.org.ccc
Mitteilungen des CCC e.V.
2370 de.org.dfn
Mitteilungen des DFN e.V. (Moderated)
2371 de.org.dfn.d
Diskussionen ueber den DFN e.V. und Artikel in de.org.dfn.
2372 de.org.eunet
Bekanntmachungen der unido-News-Verwalter. (Moderated)
2373 de.org.in
Informationen des Individual Network e.V. (Moderated)
2374 de.org.in.d
Diskussionen ueber den Individual Network e.V.
2375 de.org.mensa
Mensa: der weltweite Verein fuer Spass mit der Intelligenz.
2376 de.org.sub
Fuer Mitteilungen des sub-Netz e.V. (Moderated)
2377 de.org.sub.d
Diskussionen ueber den sub-Netz e.V.
2378 de.org.xlink
Mitteilungen der XLink GmbH. (Moderated)
2379 de.org.xlink.d
Diskussionen zu de.org.xlink.
2380 de.rec.fahrrad
Alles rund ums Fahrrad.
2381 de.rec.film.misc
Filme, Serien, TV, Video, Kino.
2382 de.rec.games
2383 de.rec.games.rpg
2384 de.rec.mampf
Alles, was mit Essen und Trinken etc. zu tun hat.
2385 de.rec.misc
Diverse Themen im Bereich Freizeit.
2386 de.rec.modelle
Bau von und Spiel mit Modellen.
2387 de.rec.motorrad
Alles rund ums Motorrad.
2388 de.rec.music.misc
Musikbezogene Themen.
2389 de.rec.orakel
??? (Moderated)
2390 de.rec.reisen
Alles Rund ums Reisen.
2391 de.rec.sf.misc
2392 de.rec.sf.perry-rhodan
Perry Rhodan, die groesste Weltraumserie.
2393 de.rec.sf.startrek
2394 de.sci.electronics
Elektronik in Theorie und Praxis, Diskussionen.
2395 de.sci.ki.announce
Ankuendigungen zum Thema KI.
2396 de.sci.ki.discussion
Diskussion ueber kuenstliche Intelligenz u.ae.
2397 de.sci.ki.mod-ki
Elektronische Zeitung ueber KI. (Moderated)
2398 de.sci.medizin
Rund um die Medizin.
2399 de.sci.misc
Diverse Themen aus der Wissenschaft.
2400 de.soc.familie
Alles, was mit Familie zu tun hat.
2401 de.soc.jugendarbeit
Informationen und Anregungen zur Kinder- und Jugengruppendarbeit.
2402 de.soc.kontakte
2403 de.soc.kultur
Kulturelle Themen.
2404 de.soc.misc
Diverse gesellschaftliche Themen.
2405 de.soc.netzwesen
Netzkultur etc. verschiedener Netze.
2406 de.soc.politik
Politische Diskussionen.
2407 de.soc.recht
Aktuelle Urteile, juristische Fragen und Diskussionen.
2408 de.soc.studium
Diskussion Studium, Studienbedingungen usw.
2409 de.soc.umwelt
Infos zu und sachliche Diskussion ueber Umweltfragen.
2410 de.soc.verkehr
Autos sowie umweltfreundlichere Verkehrsmittel.
2411 de.soc.weltanschauung
Religion(en), Atheismus und sonstige Weltanschauungen.
2412 de.talk.bizarre
Fuer Liebhaber des Unsinnigen, Hintergruendigen, Bizarren.
2413 de.talk.chat
Offline-Chat und verwandte Krankheiten.
2414 de.talk.jokes
Witze etc.
2415 de.talk.jokes.d
Diskussion ueber Witze.
2416 de.talk.jokes.funny
Witze und andere Lustbarkeiten. (Moderated)
2417 de.talk.misc
Diverse Endlosthemen. ;-)
2418 de.talk.romance
Alles, was sich um Romantik und Liebe (nicht Sex) dreht.
2419 de.test
Tests. Vorsicht Reflektoren!
2420 fr.announce.divers
Annonces diverses (pas petites annonces). (Moderated)
2421 fr.announce.important
Annonces importantes concernant fr. (Moderated)
2422 fr.announce.newgroups
Annonces de nouveaux groupes / discussions. (Moderated)
2423 fr.announce.newusers
Annonces destinees aux nouveaux utilisateurs. (Moderated)
2424 fr.announce.seminaires
Annonces de conferences et seminaires. (Moderated)
2425 fr.bio.biolmol
Biologoie moleculaire, banques de donnees.
2426 fr.bio.general
Discussions sur le theme de la biologie.
2427 fr.bio.genome
Le projet Genome, tenants et aboutissants.
2428 fr.bio.logiciel
Logiciels sur le theme de la biologie.
2429 fr.biz.d
Discussions diverses liees aux groupes fr.biz.*.
2430 fr.biz.produits
Nouveaux produits et services. (Moderated)
2431 fr.biz.publicite
Annonces a caractere publicitaire. (Moderated)
2432 fr.comp.divers
Discussions diverses sur l'informatique.
2433 fr.comp.ia
L'Intelligence Artificielle.
2434 fr.comp.infosystemes
Tous les systemes d'information reseau.
2435 fr.comp.lang.lisp
Le langage LISP.
2436 fr.comp.os.divers
Discussions diverses sur les systemes d'exploitation.
2437 fr.comp.os.linux
Discussions concernant le systeme LINUX.
2438 fr.comp.os.msdos
Systeme MS-DOS.
2439 fr.comp.os.unix
Systeme UNIX.
2440 fr.comp.os.vms
Systeme VMS de Digital.
2441 fr.comp.sys.amiga
Machines de la gamme Amiga.
2442 fr.comp.sys.atari
Machines de la gamme Atari.
2443 fr.comp.sys.divers
Autres machines n'ayant pas de groupe specifique.
2444 fr.comp.sys.mac
Apple Macintosh.
2445 fr.comp.sys.next
Machines NeXT.
2446 fr.comp.sys.pc
Micro-ordinateurs PC et compatibles.
2447 fr.comp.text.tex
Discussions concernant TeX et LaTeX.
2448 fr.comp.windows.divers
Systemes de fenetrage n'ayant pas de groupe specifique.
2449 fr.comp.windows.ms
Environnement graphique Microsoft-Windows.
2450 fr.comp.windows.nextstep
Interface utilisateur NeXT Step.
2451 fr.comp.windows.x11
Systeme de multifenetrage X11.
2452 fr.doc.biblio
Discussions concernant notamment les documentalistes.
2453 fr.doc.divers
Discussions diverses sur la documentation.
2454 fr.doc.magazines
Sommaires de revues et magazines. (Moderated)
2455 fr.misc.divers
Ce qui n'a de place nulle part ailleurs dans fr.
2456 fr.misc.transport.rail
Informations sur les transports ferroviaire.
2457 fr.network.divers
Discussions diverses sur les reseaux.
2458 fr.network.incidents.annonces
Incidents reseaux: annonces. (Moderated)
2459 fr.network.incidents.tickets
Incidents reseaux: tickets. (Moderated)
2460 fr.network.modems
Discussions concernant les modems.
2461 fr.news.8bits
Les News avec nos caracteres nationaux.
2462 fr.news.distribution
Distribution des news fr.
2463 fr.news.divers
Ce qui ne va pas ailleurs dans fr.news.
2464 fr.news.groups
Discussions sur la creation de nouveaux groupes fr.
2465 fr.news.logiciels
Discussions sur les logiciels de News.
2466 fr.news.reponses
Reponses a des questions frequemment posees. (Moderated)
2467 fr.news.stats
Statistiques concernant les news fr. (Moderated)
2468 fr.petites-annonces.divers
Annonces diverses et variees entre particuliers.
2469 fr.petites-annonces.immobilier
Annonces immobilieres entre particuliers.
2470 fr.petites-annonces.informatique
Je vends/achete une babasse.
2471 fr.petites-annonces.vehicules
Vehicules entre particuliers.
2472 fr.rec.cuisine
Tous les plaisirs du palais.
2473 fr.rec.divers
Sujets de loisir divers.
2474 fr.rec.genealogie
Informations se rapportant a la genealogie.
2475 fr.rec.humour
L'humour en soi.
2476 fr.rec.musiques
Informations sur les transports ferroviaire.
2477 fr.rec.oracle
Le Grand Oracle francophone. (Moderated)
2478 fr.rec.sport
Les sports, tous les sports.
2479 fr.res-doct.archi
Reseau Doctoral Architecture des Systemes et des Machines.
2480 fr.sci.automatique
Automatique et commande optimale.
2481 fr.sci.biometrie
2482 fr.sci.cogni.discussion
Discussion sur les sciences cognitives. (Moderated)
2483 fr.sci.cogni.incognito
Association des etudiants en sciences cognitives.
2484 fr.sci.cogni.info
Conferences, seminaires, theses, ... (Moderated)
2485 fr.sci.cogni.outil
Logiciels, materiels, pour les sciences cognitives.
2486 fr.sci.cogni.publication
Articles et publications. (Moderated)
2487 fr.soc.divers
Discussions divers sur des sujets sociaux.
2488 fr.test
Testez la diffusion de vos articles dans fr.
2489 gnu.announce
Status and announcements from the Project. (Moderated)
2490 gnu.bash.bug
Bourne Again SHell bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
2491 gnu.chess
Announcements about the GNU Chess program.
2492 gnu.emacs.announce
Announcements about GNU Emacs. (Moderated)
2493 gnu.emacs.bug
GNU Emacs bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
2494 gnu.emacs.gnews
News reading under GNU Emacs using Weemba's Gnews.
2495 gnu.emacs.gnus
News reading under GNU Emacs using GNUS (in English).
2496 gnu.emacs.help
User queries and answers.
2497 gnu.emacs.sources
ONLY (please!) C and Lisp source code for GNU Emacs.
2498 gnu.emacs.vm.bug
Bug reports on the Emacs VM mail package.
2499 gnu.emacs.vm.info
Information about the Emacs VM mail package.
2500 gnu.emacs.vms
VMS port of GNU Emacs.
2501 gnu.epoch.misc
The Epoch X11 extensions to Emacs.
2502 gnu.g++.announce
Announcements about the GNU C++ Compiler. (Moderated)
2503 gnu.g++.bug
g++ bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
2504 gnu.g++.help
GNU C++ compiler (G++) user queries and answers.
2505 gnu.g++.lib.bug
g++ library bug reports/suggested fixes. (Moderated)
2506 gnu.gcc.announce
Announcements about the GNU C Compiler. (Moderated)
2507 gnu.gcc.bug
GNU C Compiler bug reports/suggested fixes. (Moderated)
2508 gnu.gcc.help
GNU C Compiler (gcc) user queries and answers.
2509 gnu.gdb.bug
gcc/g++ DeBugger bugs and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
2510 gnu.ghostscript.bug
GNU Ghostscript interpreter bugs. (Moderated)
2511 gnu.gnusenet.config
GNU's Not Usenet administration and configuration.
2512 gnu.gnusenet.test
GNU's Not Usenet alternative hierarchy testing.
2513 gnu.groff.bug
Bugs in the GNU roff programs. (Moderated)
2514 gnu.misc.discuss
Serious discussion about GNU and freed software.
2515 gnu.smalltalk.bug
Bugs in GNU Smalltalk. (Moderated)
2516 gnu.utils.bug
GNU utilities bugs (e.g., make, gawk. ls). (Moderated)
2517 ieee.announce
General Announcements for IEEE community.
2518 ieee.config
Postings about managing the ieee.* groups.
2519 ieee.general
IEEE - General discussion.
2520 ieee.pcnfs
Discussion & tips on PC-NFS.
2521 ieee.rab.announce
Regional Activities Board - Announcements.
2522 ieee.rab.general
Regional Activities Board - General discussion.
2523 ieee.region1
Region 1 Announcements.
2524 ieee.tab.announce
Technical Activities Board - Announcements.
2525 ieee.tab.general
Technical Activities Board - General discussion.
2526 ieee.tcos
The Technical Committee on Operating Systems. (Moderated)
2527 ieee.usab.announce
USAB - Announcements.
2528 ieee.usab.general
USAB - General discussion.
2529 info.admin
Administrative messages regarding info.* groups (usenet@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu). (Moderated)
2530 info.big-internet
*Issues facing a huge Internet (big-internet@munnari.oz.au). (Moderated)
2531 info.bind
*The Berkeley BIND server (bind@arpa.berkeley.edu). (Moderated)
2532 info.brl-cad
BRL's Solid Modeling CAD system (cad@arl.army.mil). (Moderated)
2533 info.bsdi.users
BSDI user forum (bsdi-users@bsdi.com). (Moderated)
2534 info.bytecounters
*NSstat network analysis program. (bytecounters@venera.isi.edu). (Moderated)
2535 info.firearms
Non-political firearms discussions (firearms@ns1.rutgers.edu). (Moderated)
2536 info.firearms.politics
Political firearms discussions (firearms-politics@ns1.rutgers.edu). (Moderated)
2537 info.gated
*Cornell's GATED program (gated-people@devvax.tn.cornell.edu). (Moderated)
2538 info.grass.programmer
GRASS geographic information system programmer issues (grassp-list @moon.cecer.army.mil). (Moderated)
2539 info.grass.user
GRASS geographic information system user issues (grassu-list@moon.cecer.army.mil). (Moderated)
2540 info.ietf
*Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) discussions (ietf@venera.isi.edu). (Moderated)
2541 info.ietf.hosts
*IETF host requirements discussions (ietf-hosts@nnsc.nsf.net). (Moderated)
2542 info.ietf.isoc
*Internet Society discussions (isoc-interest@relay.sgi.com). (Moderated)
2543 info.ietf.njm
*Jo-MAAN - the Joint Monitoring Access between Adjacent Networks IETF working group (njm@merit.edu). (Moderated)
2544 info.ietf.smtp
*IETF SMTP extension discussions (ietf-smtp@dimacs.rutgers.edu). (Moderated)
2545 info.isode
*The ISO Development Environment package (isode@nic.ddn.mil). (Moderated)
2546 info.jethro-tull
Discussions about Jethro Tull's music (jtull@remus.rutgers.edu). (Moderated)
2547 info.labmgr
Computer lab managers list (labmgr@ukcc.uky.edu). (Moderated)
2548 info.mach
The Mach operating system (info-mach@cs.cmu.edu). (Moderated)
2549 info.mh.workers
*MH development discussions (mh-workers@ics.uci.edu). (Moderated)
2550 info.nets
Inter-network connectivity (info-nets@think.com).
2551 info.nsf.grants
*NSF grant notes (grants@note.nsf.gov). (Moderated)
2552 info.nsfnet.cert
*Computer Emergency Response Team announcements (nsfnet-cert@merit.edu). (Moderated)
2553 info.nsfnet.status
NSFnet status reports. (Moderated)
2554 info.nupop
Northwestern University's POP for PCs (nupop@casbah.acns.nwu.edu). (Moderated)
2555 info.nysersnmp
*The SNMP software distributed by PSI (nysersnmp@nisc.nyser.net). (Moderated)
2556 info.osf
*OSF Electronic Bulletin mailings (roma@uiuc.edu). (Moderated)
2557 info.pem-dev
*IETF privacy enhanced mail discussions (pem-dev@tis.com). (Moderated)
2558 info.ph
Qi, ph, sendmail/phquery discussions (info-ph@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu). (Moderated)
2559 info.rfc
*Announcements of newly released RFCs (rfc-request@nic.ddn.mil). (Moderated)
2560 info.slug
Care and feeding of Symbolics Lisp machines (slug@iu.ai.sri.com). (Moderated)
2561 info.snmp
*SNMP (Simple Gateway/Network Monitoring Protocol) (snmp@psi.com). (Moderated)
2562 info.solbourne
Discussions & info about Solbourne computers (info-solbourne@acsu.buffalo.edu). (Moderated)
2563 info.sun-managers
*Sun-managers digest (sun-managers@rice.edu). (Moderated)
2564 info.sun-nets
*Sun-nets (nee Sun Spots) digest (sun-nets@umiacs.umd.edu). (Moderated)
2565 info.theorynt
Theory list (theorynt@vm1.nodak.edu). (Moderated)
2566 info.unix-sw
Software available for anonymous FTP (unix-sw-request@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil). (Moderated)
2567 info.wisenet
Women In Science and Engineering NETwork (wisenet@uicvm.uic.edu). (Moderated)
2568 junk
Pseudo-group where non-standard messages are placed.
2569 k12.chat.elementary
Casual conversation for elementary students, grades K-5.
2570 k12.chat.junior
Casual conversation for students in grades 6-8.
2571 k12.chat.senior
Casual conversation for high school students.
2572 k12.chat.teacher
Casual conversation for teachers of grades K-12.
2573 k12.ed.art
Arts & crafts curricula in K-12 education.
2574 k12.ed.business
Business education curricula in grades K-12.
2575 k12.ed.comp.literacy
Teaching computer literacy in grades K-12.
2576 k12.ed.health-pe
Health and Physical Education curricula in grades K-12.
2577 k12.ed.life-skills
Home Economics, career education, and school counseling.
2578 k12.ed.math
Mathematics curriculum in K-12 education.
2579 k12.ed.music
Music and Performing Arts curriculum in K-12 education.
2580 k12.ed.science
Science curriculum in K-12 education.
2581 k12.ed.soc-studies
Social Studies and History curriculum in K-12 education.
2582 k12.ed.special
Educating students with handicaps and/or special needs.
2583 k12.ed.tag
K-12 education for gifted and talented students.
2584 k12.ed.tech
Industrial arts & vocational education in grades K-12.
2585 k12.lang.art
The art of teaching language skills in grades K-12.
2586 k12.lang.deutsch-eng
Bilingual German/English practice with native speakers.
2587 k12.lang.esp-eng
Bilingual Spanish/English practice with native speakers.
2588 k12.lang.francais
French practice with native speakers.
2589 k12.lang.russian
Bilingual Russian/English practice with native speakers.
2590 k12.library
Implementing info technologies in school libraries.
2591 k12.sys.channel0
Current projects.
2592 k12.sys.channel1
Current projects.
2593 k12.sys.channel10
Current projects.
2594 k12.sys.channel11
Current projects.
2595 k12.sys.channel12
Current projects.
2596 k12.sys.channel2
Current projects.
2597 k12.sys.channel3
Current projects.
2598 k12.sys.channel4
Current projects.
2599 k12.sys.channel5
Current projects.
2600 k12.sys.channel6
Current projects.
2601 k12.sys.channel7
Current projects.
2602 k12.sys.channel8
Current projects.
2603 k12.sys.channel9
Current projects.
2604 k12.sys.projects
Discussion of potential projects.
2605 misc.activism.progressive
Information for Progressive activists. (Moderated)
2606 misc.answers
Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
2607 misc.books.technical
Discussion of books about technical topics.
2608 misc.consumers
Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
2609 misc.consumers.house
Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
2610 misc.creativity
Promoting the use of creativity in all human endeavors.
2611 misc.education
Discussion of the educational system.
2612 misc.education.adult
Adult education and adult literacy practice/research.
2613 misc.education.home-school.christian
Christian home-schooling.
2614 misc.education.home-school.misc
Almost anything about home-schooling.
2615 misc.education.language.english
Teaching English to speakers of other languages.
2616 misc.education.medical
Issues related to medical education.
2617 misc.education.multimedia
Multimedia for education. (Moderated)
2618 misc.education.science
Issues related to science education.
2619 misc.emerg-services
Forum for paramedics & other first responders.
2620 misc.entrepreneurs
Discussion on operating a business.
2621 misc.fitness
Physical fitness, exercise, bodybuilding, etc.
2622 misc.forsale
Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
2623 misc.forsale.computers.d
Discussion of misc.forsale.computers.*.
2624 misc.forsale.computers.discussion
Discussions only about items for sale.
2625 misc.forsale.computers.mac
Apple Macintosh related computer items.
2626 misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.cards.misc
Macintosh expansion cards.
2627 misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.cards.video
Macintosh video cards.
2628 misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.misc
Other Macintosh equipment.
2629 misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.portables
Portable Macintosh systems.
2630 misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.software
Macintosh software.
2631 misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.systems
Complete Macintosh systems.
2632 misc.forsale.computers.memory
Memory chips and modules for sale and wanted.
2633 misc.forsale.computers.modems
Modems for sale and wanted.
2634 misc.forsale.computers.monitors
Monitors and displays for sale and wanted.
2635 misc.forsale.computers.net-hardware
Networking hardware for sale and wanted.
2636 misc.forsale.computers.other
Selling miscellaneous computer stuff.
2637 misc.forsale.computers.other.misc
Miscellaneous other equipment.
2638 misc.forsale.computers.other.software
Software for other systems.
2639 misc.forsale.computers.other.systems
Complete other types of systems.
2640 misc.forsale.computers.pc-clone
IBM PC related computer items.
2641 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.audio
PC audio equipment.
2642 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.cards.misc
PC expansion cards.
2643 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.cards.video
PC video cards.
2644 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.misc
Other PC-specific equipment.
2645 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.motherboards
PC motherboards.
2646 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.portables
Portable PC systems.
2647 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.software
PC software.
2648 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.systems
Complete PC systems.
2649 misc.forsale.computers.printers
Printers and plotters for sale and wanted.
2650 misc.forsale.computers.storage
Disk, CDROM and tape drives for sale and wanted.
2651 misc.forsale.computers.workstation
Workstation related computer items.
2652 misc.forsale.non-computer
Non-computer items for sale and wanted.
2653 misc.handicap
Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
2654 misc.headlines
Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
2655 misc.health.aids
AIDS issues and support.
2656 misc.health.alternative
Alternative, complementary and holistic health care.
2657 misc.health.diabetes
Discussion of diabetes management in day to day life.
2658 misc.immigration.canada
Canada immigration issues.
2659 misc.immigration.misc
Miscellaneous countries immigration issues.
2660 misc.immigration.usa
USA immigration issues.
2661 misc.int-property
Discussion of intellectual property rights.
2662 misc.invest
Investments and the handling of money.
2663 misc.invest.canada
Investing in Canadian financial markets.
2664 misc.invest.funds
Sharing info about bond, stock, real estate funds.
2665 misc.invest.futures
Physical commodity and financial futures markets.
2666 misc.invest.real-estate
Property investments.
2667 misc.invest.stocks
Forum for sharing info about stocks and options.
2668 misc.invest.technical
Analyzing market trends with technical methods.
2669 misc.jobs.contract
Discussions about contract labor.
2670 misc.jobs.misc
Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
2671 misc.jobs.offered
Announcements of positions available.
2672 misc.jobs.offered.entry
Job listings only for entry-level positions.
2673 misc.jobs.resumes
Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
2674 misc.kids
Children, their behavior and activities.
2675 misc.kids.computer
The use of computers by children.
2676 misc.kids.consumers
Products related to kids.
2677 misc.kids.health
Children's health.
2678 misc.kids.info
Informational posts related to misc.kids hierarchy. (Moderated)
2679 misc.kids.pregnancy
Pre-pregnancy planning, pregnancy, childbirth.
2680 misc.kids.vacation
Discussion on all forms of family-oriented vacationing.
2681 misc.legal
Legalities and the ethics of law.
2682 misc.legal.computing
Discussing the legal climate of the computing world.
2683 misc.legal.moderated
All aspects of law. (Moderated)
2684 misc.misc
Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
2685 misc.news.bosnia
News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. (Moderated)
2686 misc.news.east-europe.rferl
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. (Moderated)
2687 misc.news.southasia
News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. (Moderated)
2688 misc.rural
Devoted to issues concerning rural living.
2689 misc.survivalism
Disaster and long-term survival techniques and theory.
2690 misc.taxes
Tax laws and advice.
2691 misc.test
For testing of network software. Very boring.
2692 misc.test.moderated
Testing of posting to moderated groups. (Moderated)
2693 misc.transport.urban-transit
Metropolitan public transportation systems.
2694 misc.wanted
Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).
2695 misc.writing
Discussion of writing in all of its forms.
2696 ne.food
New England food and restaurant reviews.
2697 ne.forsale
Short postings on items for sale in New England.
2698 ne.general
General interest discussions pertinent to New England.
2699 ne.housing
Short postings on housing wanted or available in NE.
2700 ne.jobs
New England job listings.
2701 ne.motorcycles
The Northeast branch of the Denizens of Doom.
2702 ne.motss
Issues pertaining to homosexuality in New England.
2703 ne.nearnet.general
Discuss the New England Academic and Research Network.
2704 ne.nearnet.tech
Technical operation and future of NEARnet.
2705 ne.news
New England news (USENET) administration.
2706 ne.org.bcs
The Boston Computer Society.
2707 ne.org.decus
CRIMLUG discussion, the Southern NE Decus group.
2708 ne.org.neci.announce
2709 ne.org.neci.general
The New England Community Internet Project.
2710 ne.org.neci.nsp
2711 ne.org.neci.software
2712 ne.politics
Discussio of NE political issues.
2713 ne.seminars
New England upcoming talks, seminars, etc.
2714 ne.singles
New England "singles" issues, events, and personal ads.
2715 ne.wanted
New England want-ads.
2716 ne.weather
2717 news.admin.misc
General topics of network news administration.
2718 news.admin.policy
Policy issues of USENET.
2719 news.admin.technical
Technical aspects of maintaining network news. (Moderated)
2720 news.announce.conferences
Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
2721 news.announce.important
General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
2722 news.announce.newgroups
Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. (Moderated)
2723 news.announce.newusers
Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
2724 news.answers
Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
2725 news.config
Postings of system down times and interruptions.
2726 news.future
The future technology of network news systems.
2727 news.groups
Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
2728 news.groups.questions
Where can I find talk about topic X?
2729 news.groups.reviews
What is going on in group or mailing list named X? (Moderated)
2730 news.lists
News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
2731 news.lists.ps-maps
Maps relating to USENET traffic flows. (Moderated)
2732 news.misc
Discussions of USENET itself.
2733 news.newsites
Postings of new site announcements.
2734 news.newusers.questions
Q & A for users new to the Usenet.
2735 news.software.anu-news
VMS B-news software from Australian National Univ.
2736 news.software.b
Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
2737 news.software.nn
Discussion about the "nn" news reader package.
2738 news.software.nntp
The Network News Transfer Protocol.
2739 news.software.notes
Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
2740 news.software.readers
Discussion of software used to read network news.
2741 rec.answers
Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
2742 rec.antiques
Discussing antiques and vintage items.
2743 rec.antiques.radio+phono
Audio devices and materials of yesteryear.
2744 rec.aquaria
Keeping fish and aquaria as a hobby.
2745 rec.arts.animation
Discussion of various kinds of animation.
2746 rec.arts.anime
Japanese animation fen discussion.
2747 rec.arts.anime.info
Announcements about Japanese animation. (Moderated)
2748 rec.arts.anime.marketplace
Things for sale in the Japanese animation world.
2749 rec.arts.anime.stories
All about Japanese comic fanzines. (Moderated)
2750 rec.arts.ascii
ASCII art, info on archives, art, & artists. (Moderated)
2751 rec.arts.bodyart
Tattoos and body decoration discussions.
2752 rec.arts.bonsai
Dwarfish trees and shrubbery.
2753 rec.arts.books
Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
2754 rec.arts.books.childrens
All aspects of children's literature.
2755 rec.arts.books.marketplace
Buying and selling of books.
2756 rec.arts.books.reviews
Book reviews. (Moderated)
2757 rec.arts.books.tolkien
The works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
2758 rec.arts.cinema
Discussion of the art of cinema. (Moderated)
2759 rec.arts.comics.creative
Encouraging good superhero-style writing.
2760 rec.arts.comics.info
Reviews, convention information and other comics news. (Moderated)
2761 rec.arts.comics.marketplace
The exchange of comics and comic related items.
2762 rec.arts.comics.misc
Comic books, graphic novels, sequential art.
2763 rec.arts.comics.strips
Discussion of short-form comics.
2764 rec.arts.comics.xbooks
The Mutant Universe of Marvel Comics.
2765 rec.arts.dance
Any aspects of dance not covered in another newsgroup.
2766 rec.arts.disney
Discussion of any Disney-related subjects.
2767 rec.arts.drwho
Discussion about Dr. Who.
2768 rec.arts.erotica
Erotic fiction and verse. (Moderated)
2769 rec.arts.fine
Fine arts & artists.
2770 rec.arts.int-fiction
Discussions about interactive fiction.
2771 rec.arts.manga
All aspects of the Japanese storytelling art form.
2772 rec.arts.marching.band.college
2773 rec.arts.marching.band.high-school
2774 rec.arts.marching.colorguard
2775 rec.arts.marching.drumcorps
Drum and bugle corps.
2776 rec.arts.marching.misc
Marching-related performance activities.
2777 rec.arts.misc
Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
2778 rec.arts.movies
Discussions of movies and movie making.
2779 rec.arts.movies.production
Filmmaking, amateur and professional.
2780 rec.arts.movies.reviews
Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
2781 rec.arts.mystery
Mystery and crime books, plays and films.
2782 rec.arts.poems
For the posting of poems.
2783 rec.arts.prose
Short works of prose fiction and followup discussion.
2784 rec.arts.sf.announce
Major announcements of the SF world. (Moderated)
2785 rec.arts.sf.fandom
Discussions of SF fan activities.
2786 rec.arts.sf.marketplace
Personal forsale notices of SF materials.
2787 rec.arts.sf.misc
Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
2788 rec.arts.sf.movies
Discussing SF motion pictures.
2789 rec.arts.sf.reviews
Reviews of science fiction/fantasy/horror works. (Moderated)
2790 rec.arts.sf.science
Real and speculative aspects of SF science.
2791 rec.arts.sf.starwars
Discussion of the Star Wars universe.
2792 rec.arts.sf.tv
Discussing general television SF.
2793 rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5
Babylon 5 creators meet Babylon 5 fans.
2794 rec.arts.sf.tv.quantum-leap
Quantum Leap TV, comics, cons, etc.
2795 rec.arts.sf.written
Discussion of written science fiction and fantasy.
2796 rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
Books by author Robert Jordan.
2797 rec.arts.startrek.current
New Star Trek shows, movies and books.
2798 rec.arts.startrek.fandom
Star Trek conventions and memorabilia.
2799 rec.arts.startrek.info
Information about the universe of Star Trek. (Moderated)
2800 rec.arts.startrek.misc
General discussions of Star Trek.
2801 rec.arts.startrek.reviews
Reviews of Star Trek books, episodes, films, &c. (Moderated)
2802 rec.arts.startrek.tech
Star Trek's depiction of future technologies.
2803 rec.arts.theatre.misc
Miscellaneous topics and issues in theatre.
2804 rec.arts.theatre.musicals
Musical theatre around the world.
2805 rec.arts.theatre.plays
Dramaturgy and discussion of plays.
2806 rec.arts.theatre.stagecraft
Issues in stagecraft and production.
2807 rec.arts.tv
The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
2808 rec.arts.tv.mst3k
For fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
2809 rec.arts.tv.soaps
Postings about soap operas.
2810 rec.arts.tv.soaps.abc
2811 rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs
2812 rec.arts.tv.soaps.misc
2813 rec.arts.tv.uk
Discussions of telly shows from the UK.
2814 rec.arts.wobegon
"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
2815 rec.audio.car
Discussions of automobile audio systems.
2816 rec.audio.high-end
High-end audio systems. (Moderated)
2817 rec.audio.marketplace
Buying and selling of home audio equipment.
2818 rec.audio.misc
Post about audio here if you can't post anywhere else.
2819 rec.audio.opinion
Everybody's two bits on audio in your home.
2820 rec.audio.pro
Professional audio recording and studio engineering.
2821 rec.audio.tech
Theoretical, factual, and DIY topics in home audio.
2822 rec.autos.antique
Discussing all aspects of automobiles over 25 years old.
2823 rec.autos.driving
Driving automobiles.
2824 rec.autos.makers.chrysler
Dodge, Plymouth, Jeep, Eagle, etc info/talk.
2825 rec.autos.makers.saturn
2826 rec.autos.marketplace
Buy/Sell/Trade automobiles, parts, tools, accessories.
2827 rec.autos.misc
Miscellaneous discussion about automobiles.
2828 rec.autos.rod-n-custom
High performance automobiles.
2829 rec.autos.simulators
Discussion of automotive simulators.
2830 rec.autos.sport.f1
Formula 1 motor racing.
2831 rec.autos.sport.indy
Indy Car motor racing.
2832 rec.autos.sport.info
Auto racing news, results, announcements. (Moderated)
2833 rec.autos.sport.misc
Organized, legal auto competitions.
2834 rec.autos.sport.nascar
NASCAR and other professional stock car racing.
2835 rec.autos.sport.tech
Technical aspects & technology of auto racing.
2836 rec.autos.tech
Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
2837 rec.autos.vw
Issues pertaining to Volkswagen products.
2838 rec.aviation.announce
Events of interest to the aviation community. (Moderated)
2839 rec.aviation.answers
Frequently asked questions about aviation. (Moderated)
2840 rec.aviation.homebuilt
Selecting, designing, building, and restoring aircraft.
2841 rec.aviation.ifr
Flying under Instrument Flight Rules.
2842 rec.aviation.military
Military aircraft of the past, present and future.
2843 rec.aviation.misc
Miscellaneous topics in aviation.
2844 rec.aviation.owning
Information on owning airplanes.
2845 rec.aviation.piloting
General discussion for aviators.
2846 rec.aviation.products
Reviews and discussion of products useful to pilots.
2847 rec.aviation.questions
Aviation questions and answers. (Moderated)
2848 rec.aviation.simulators
Flight simulation on all levels.
2849 rec.aviation.soaring
All aspects of sailplanes and hang-gliders.
2850 rec.aviation.stories
Anecdotes of flight experiences. (Moderated)
2851 rec.aviation.student
Learning to fly.
2852 rec.aviation.ultralight
Light aircraft in general, all topics.
2853 rec.backcountry
Activities in the Great Outdoors.
2854 rec.bicycles.marketplace
Buying, selling & reviewing items for cycling.
2855 rec.bicycles.misc
General discussion of bicycling.
2856 rec.bicycles.off-road
All aspects of off-road bicycling.
2857 rec.bicycles.racing
Bicycle racing techniques, rules and results.
2858 rec.bicycles.rides
Discussions of tours and training or commuting routes.
2859 rec.bicycles.soc
Societal issues of bicycling.
2860 rec.bicycles.tech
Cycling product design, construction, maintenance, etc.
2861 rec.birds
Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
2862 rec.boats
Hobbyists interested in boating.
2863 rec.boats.building
Boat building, design, restoration, and repair.
2864 rec.boats.paddle
Talk about any boats with oars, paddles, etc.
2865 rec.boats.racing
Boat racing.
2866 rec.climbing
Climbing techniques, competition announcements, etc.
2867 rec.collecting
Discussion among collectors of many things.
2868 rec.collecting.cards
Collecting all sorts of sport and non-sport cards.
2869 rec.collecting.cards.discuss
Discussion of sports and non-sports cards.
2870 rec.collecting.cards.non-sports
Non-sports cards.
2871 rec.collecting.coins
Coin, currency, medal, etc. collecting forum.
2872 rec.collecting.sport.baseball
Baseball memorabilia (cards, photos, etc).
2873 rec.collecting.sport.basketball
Basketball memorabilia (cards, photos, etc).
2874 rec.collecting.sport.football
Football memorabilia (cards, photos, etc).
2875 rec.collecting.sport.hockey
Hockey memorabilia (cards, photos, etc).
2876 rec.collecting.sport.misc
Sports memorabilia not in any other group.
2877 rec.collecting.stamps
Discussion of all things related to philately.
2878 rec.crafts.beads
Making, collecting, and using beads.
2879 rec.crafts.brewing
The art of making beers and meads.
2880 rec.crafts.jewelry
All aspects of jewelry making and lapidary work.
2881 rec.crafts.marketplace
Small-scale ads for craft products of all kinds.
2882 rec.crafts.metalworking
All aspects of working with metal.
2883 rec.crafts.misc
Handiwork arts not covered elsewhere.
2884 rec.crafts.textiles.misc
Fiber and textile crafts not covered elsewhere.
2885 rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
Any form of decorative stitching done by hand.
2886 rec.crafts.textiles.quilting
All about quilts and other quilted items.
2887 rec.crafts.textiles.sewing
Sewing: clothes, furnishings, costumes, etc.
2888 rec.crafts.textiles.yarn
Yarn making & use: spin, dye, knit, weave etc.
2889 rec.crafts.winemaking
The tasteful art of making wine.
2890 rec.equestrian
Discussion of things equestrian.
2891 rec.folk-dancing
Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
2892 rec.food.cooking
Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
2893 rec.food.drink
Wines and spirits.
2894 rec.food.drink.beer
All things beer.
2895 rec.food.drink.coffee
The making and drinking of coffee.
2896 rec.food.historic
The history of food making arts.
2897 rec.food.preserving
Preserving foodstuffs, herbs, and medicinals.
2898 rec.food.recipes
Recipes for interesting food and drink. (Moderated)
2899 rec.food.restaurants
Discussion of dining out.
2900 rec.food.sourdough
Making and baking with sourdough.
2901 rec.food.veg
2902 rec.food.veg.cooking
Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. (Moderated)
2903 rec.gambling
Articles on games of chance & betting.
2904 rec.games.abstract
Perfect information, pure strategy games.
2905 rec.games.backgammon
Discussion of the game of backgammon.
2906 rec.games.board
Discussion and hints on board games.
2907 rec.games.board.ce
The Cosmic Encounter board game.
2908 rec.games.board.marketplace
Trading and selling of board games.
2909 rec.games.bolo
The networked strategy war game Bolo.
2910 rec.games.bridge
Hobbyists interested in bridge.
2911 rec.games.chess
Chess & computer chess.
2912 rec.games.chinese-chess
Discussion of the game of Chinese chess, Xiangqi.
2913 rec.games.computer.doom.announce
Info/FAQs/reviews about DOOM. (Moderated)
2914 rec.games.computer.doom.editing
Editing and hacking DOOM-related files.
2915 rec.games.computer.doom.help
DOOM Help Service (new players welcome).
2916 rec.games.computer.doom.misc
Talking about DOOM and id Software.
2917 rec.games.computer.doom.playing
Playing DOOM and user-created levels.
2918 rec.games.corewar
The Core War computer challenge.
2919 rec.games.deckmaster
The Deckmaster line of games.
2920 rec.games.deckmaster.marketplace
Trading of deckmaster paraphernalia.
2921 rec.games.design
Discussion of game design related issues.
2922 rec.games.diplomacy
The conquest game Diplomacy.
2923 rec.games.empire
Discussion and hints about Empire.
2924 rec.games.frp.advocacy
Flames and rebuttals about various role-playing systems.
2925 rec.games.frp.announce
Announcements of happenings in the role-playing world. (Moderated)
2926 rec.games.frp.archives
Archivable fantasy stories and other projects. (Moderated)
2927 rec.games.frp.cyber
Discussions of cyberpunk related roleplaying games.
2928 rec.games.frp.dnd
Fantasy role-playing with TSR's Dungeons and Dragons.
2929 rec.games.frp.live-action
Live-action roleplaying games.
2930 rec.games.frp.marketplace
Role-playing game materials wanted and for sale.
2931 rec.games.frp.misc
General discussions of role-playing games.
2932 rec.games.go
Discussion about Go.
2933 rec.games.int-fiction
All aspects of interactive fiction games.
2934 rec.games.mecha
Giant robot games.
2935 rec.games.miniatures
Tabletop wargaming.
2936 rec.games.misc
Games and computer games.
2937 rec.games.mud.admin
Administrative issues of multiuser dungeons.
2938 rec.games.mud.announce
Informational articles about multiuser dungeons. (Moderated)
2939 rec.games.mud.diku
All about DikuMuds.
2940 rec.games.mud.lp
Discussions of the LPMUD computer role playing game.
2941 rec.games.mud.misc
Various aspects of multiuser computer games.
2942 rec.games.mud.tiny
Discussion about Tiny muds, like MUSH, MUSE and MOO.
2943 rec.games.netrek
Discussion of the X window system game Netrek (XtrekII).
2944 rec.games.pbm
Discussion about Play by Mail games.
2945 rec.games.pinball
Discussing pinball-related issues.
2946 rec.games.programmer
Discussion of adventure game programming.
2947 rec.games.roguelike.angband
The computer game Angband.
2948 rec.games.roguelike.announce
Major info about rogue-styled games. (Moderated)
2949 rec.games.roguelike.misc
Rogue-style dungeon games without other groups.
2950 rec.games.roguelike.moria
The computer game Moria.
2951 rec.games.roguelike.nethack
The computer game Nethack.
2952 rec.games.roguelike.rogue
The computer game Rogue.
2953 rec.games.trading-cards.announce
2954 rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad
2955 rec.games.trading-cards.magic.misc
2956 rec.games.trading-cards.magic.rules
2957 rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy
2958 rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace
2959 rec.games.trading-cards.misc
2960 rec.games.trivia
Discussion about trivia.
2961 rec.games.vectrex
The Vectrex game system.
2962 rec.games.video.3do
Discussion of 3DO video game systems.
2963 rec.games.video.advocacy
Debate on merits of various video game systems.
2964 rec.games.video.arcade
Discussions about coin-operated video games.
2965 rec.games.video.arcade.collecting
Collecting, converting, repairing etc.
2966 rec.games.video.atari
Discussion of Atari's video game systems.
2967 rec.games.video.cd32
Gaming talk, info and help for the Amiga CD32.
2968 rec.games.video.classic
Older home video entertainment systems.
2969 rec.games.video.marketplace
Home video game stuff for sale or trade.
2970 rec.games.video.misc
General discussion about home video games.
2971 rec.games.video.nintendo
All Nintendo video game systems and software.
2972 rec.games.video.sega
All Sega video game systems and software.
2973 rec.games.xtank.play
Strategy and tactics for the distributed game Xtank.
2974 rec.games.xtank.programmer
Coding the Xtank game and its robots.
2975 rec.gardens
Gardening, methods and results.
2976 rec.gardens.orchids
Growing, hybridizing, and general care of orchids.
2977 rec.gardens.roses
Gardening information related to roses.
2978 rec.guns
Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
2979 rec.heraldry
Discussion of coats of arms.
2980 rec.humor
Jokes and the like. May be somewhat offensive.
2981 rec.humor.d
Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
2982 rec.humor.funny
Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). (Moderated)
2983 rec.humor.oracle
Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. (Moderated)
2984 rec.humor.oracle.d
Comments about the USENET Oracle's comments.
2985 rec.hunting
Discussions about hunting. (Moderated)
2986 rec.juggling
Juggling techniques, equipment and events.
2987 rec.kites
Talk about kites and kiting.
2988 rec.mag
Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
2989 rec.mag.dargon
DargonZine fantasy fiction emag issues and discussion.
2990 rec.martial-arts
Discussion of the various martial art forms.
2991 rec.misc
General topics about recreational/participant sports.
2992 rec.models.railroad
Model railroads of all scales.
2993 rec.models.rc
Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
2994 rec.models.rockets
Model rockets for hobbyists.
2995 rec.models.scale
Construction of models.
2996 rec.motorcycles
Motorcycles and related products and laws.
2997 rec.motorcycles.dirt
Riding motorcycles and ATVs off-road.
2998 rec.motorcycles.harley
All aspects of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.
2999 rec.motorcycles.racing
Discussion of all aspects of racing motorcycles.
3000 rec.music.a-cappella
Vocal music without instrumental accompaniment.
3001 rec.music.afro-latin
Music with Afro-Latin, African and Latin influences.
3002 rec.music.artists.bruce-hornsby
The music of Bruce Hornsby.
3003 rec.music.beatles
Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
3004 rec.music.bluenote
Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
3005 rec.music.bluenote.blues
The Blues in all forms and all aspects.
3006 rec.music.cd
CDs -- availability and other discussions.
3007 rec.music.celtic
Traditional and modern music with a Celtic flavor.
3008 rec.music.christian
Christian music, both contemporary and traditional.
3009 rec.music.classical
Discussion about classical music.
3010 rec.music.classical.guitar
Classical music performed on guitar.
3011 rec.music.classical.performing
Performing classical (including early) music.
3012 rec.music.compose
Creating musical and lyrical works.
3013 rec.music.country.western
C&W music, performers, performances, etc.
3014 rec.music.dementia
Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
3015 rec.music.dylan
Discussion of Bob's works & music.
3016 rec.music.early
Discussion of pre-classical European music.
3017 rec.music.folk
Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
3018 rec.music.funky
Funk, rap, hip-hop, house, soul, r&b and related.
3019 rec.music.gaffa
Discussion of Kate Bush & other alternative music. (Moderated)
3020 rec.music.gdead
A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
3021 rec.music.indian.classical
Hindustani and Carnatic Indian classical music.
3022 rec.music.indian.misc
Discussing Indian music in general.
3023 rec.music.industrial
Discussion of all industrial-related music styles.
3024 rec.music.info
News and announcements on musical topics. (Moderated)
3025 rec.music.makers
For performers and their discussions.
3026 rec.music.makers.bands
For musicians who play in groups with others.
3027 rec.music.makers.bass
Upright bass and bass guitar techniques and equipment.
3028 rec.music.makers.builders
Design, building, repair of musical instruments.
3029 rec.music.makers.guitar
Electric and acoustic guitar techniques and equipment.
3030 rec.music.makers.guitar.acoustic
Discussion of acoustic guitar playing.
3031 rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature
Guitar tablature/chords.
3032 rec.music.makers.marketplace
Buying & selling used music-making equipment.
3033 rec.music.makers.percussion
Drum & other percussion techniques & equipment.
3034 rec.music.makers.piano
Piano music, performing, composing, learning, styles.
3035 rec.music.makers.synth
Synthesizers and computer music.
3036 rec.music.marketplace
Records, tapes, and CDs: wanted, for sale, etc.
3037 rec.music.misc
Music lovers' group.
3038 rec.music.movies
Music for movies and television.
3039 rec.music.newage
"New Age" music discussions.
3040 rec.music.phish
Discussing the musical group Phish.
3041 rec.music.promotional
3042 rec.music.reggae
Roots, Rockers, Dancehall Reggae.
3043 rec.music.rem
The musical group R.E.M.
3044 rec.music.reviews
Reviews of music of all genres and mediums. (Moderated)
3045 rec.music.tori-amos
Discussion of the female singer/songwriter Tori Amos.
3046 rec.music.video
Discussion of music videos and music video software.
3047 rec.nude
Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
3048 rec.org.mensa
Talking with members of the high IQ society Mensa.
3049 rec.org.sca
Society for Creative Anachronism.
3050 rec.outdoors.fishing
All aspects of sport and commercial fishing.
3051 rec.outdoors.fishing.fly
Fly fishing in general.
3052 rec.outdoors.fishing.saltwater
Saltwater fishing, methods, gear, Q&A.
3053 rec.parks.theme
Entertainment theme parks.
3054 rec.pets
Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
3055 rec.pets.birds
The culture and care of indoor birds.
3056 rec.pets.cats
Discussion about domestic cats.
3057 rec.pets.dogs
Any and all subjects relating to dogs as pets.
3058 rec.pets.dogs.activities
Dog events: showing, obedience, agility, etc.
3059 rec.pets.dogs.behavior
Behaviors and problems: housetraining, chewing, etc.
3060 rec.pets.dogs.breeds
Breed specific -- breed traits, finding breeders, etc.
3061 rec.pets.dogs.health
Info about health problems & how to care for dogs.
3062 rec.pets.dogs.info
General information and FAQs posted here. (Moderated)
3063 rec.pets.dogs.misc
All other topics, chat, humor, etc.
3064 rec.pets.dogs.rescue
Information about breed rescue, placing and adopting.
3065 rec.pets.herp
Reptiles, amphibians and other exotic vivarium pets.
3066 rec.photo.advanced
Advanced topics (equipment and technique).
3067 rec.photo.darkroom
Developing, printing and other darkroom issues.
3068 rec.photo.help
Beginners questions about photography (and answers).
3069 rec.photo.marketplace
Trading of personal photographic equipment.
3070 rec.photo.misc
General issues related to photography.
3071 rec.puzzles
Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
3072 rec.puzzles.crosswords
Making and playing gridded word puzzles.
3073 rec.pyrotechnics
Fireworks, rocketry, safety, & other topics.
3074 rec.radio.amateur.antenna
Antennas: theory, techniques and construction.
3075 rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc
Packet radio and other digital radio modes.
3076 rec.radio.amateur.equipment
All about production amateur radio hardware.
3077 rec.radio.amateur.homebrew
Amateur radio construction and experimentation.
3078 rec.radio.amateur.misc
Amateur radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
3079 rec.radio.amateur.policy
Radio use & regulation policy.
3080 rec.radio.amateur.space
Amateur radio transmissions through space.
3081 rec.radio.broadcasting
Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. (Moderated)
3082 rec.radio.cb
Citizen-band radio.
3083 rec.radio.info
Informational postings related to radio. (Moderated)
3084 rec.radio.noncomm
Topics relating to noncommercial radio.
3085 rec.radio.scanner
"Utility" broadcasting traffic above 30 MHz.
3086 rec.radio.shortwave
Shortwave radio enthusiasts.
3087 rec.radio.swap
Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
3088 rec.railroad
For fans of real trains, ferroequinologists.
3089 rec.roller-coaster
Roller coasters and other amusement park rides.
3090 rec.running
Running for enjoyment, sport, exercise, etc.
3091 rec.scouting
Scouting youth organizations worldwide.
3092 rec.scuba
Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
3093 rec.skate
Ice skating and roller skating.
3094 rec.skiing.alpine
Downhill skiing technique, equipment, etc.
3095 rec.skiing.announce
FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. (Moderated)
3096 rec.skiing.nordic
Cross-country skiing technique, equipment, etc.
3097 rec.skiing.snowboard
Snowboarding technique, equipment, etc.
3098 rec.skydiving
Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
3099 rec.sport.baseball
Discussion about baseball.
3100 rec.sport.baseball.analysis
Analysis & discussion of baseball. (Moderated)
3101 rec.sport.baseball.college
Baseball on the collegiate level.
3102 rec.sport.baseball.data
Raw baseball data (Stats, birthdays, scheds).
3103 rec.sport.baseball.fantasy
Rotisserie (fantasy) baseball play.
3104 rec.sport.basketball.college
Hoops on the collegiate level.
3105 rec.sport.basketball.misc
Discussion about basketball.
3106 rec.sport.basketball.pro
Talk of professional basketball.
3107 rec.sport.basketball.women
Women's basketball at all levels.
3108 rec.sport.billiard
Billiard sports, including pool, snooker, carom games.
3109 rec.sport.boxing
Boxing in all its pugilistic facets and forms.
3110 rec.sport.cricket
Discussion about the sport of cricket.
3111 rec.sport.cricket.info
News, scores and info related to cricket. (Moderated)
3112 rec.sport.disc
Discussion of flying disc based sports.
3113 rec.sport.fencing
All aspects of swordplay.
3114 rec.sport.football.australian
Discussion of Australian (Rules) Football.
3115 rec.sport.football.canadian
All about Canadian rules football.
3116 rec.sport.football.college
US-style college football.
3117 rec.sport.football.fantasy
Rotisserie (fantasy) football play.
3118 rec.sport.football.misc
Discussion about American-style football.
3119 rec.sport.football.pro
US-style professional football.
3120 rec.sport.golf
Discussion about all aspects of golfing.
3121 rec.sport.hockey
Discussion about ice hockey.
3122 rec.sport.hockey.field
Discussion of the sport of field hockey.
3123 rec.sport.misc
Spectator sports.
3124 rec.sport.olympics
All aspects of the Olympic Games.
3125 rec.sport.paintball
Discussing all aspects of the survival game paintball.
3126 rec.sport.pro-wrestling
Discussion about professional wrestling.
3127 rec.sport.rowing
Crew for competition or fitness.
3128 rec.sport.rugby
Discussion about the game of rugby.
3129 rec.sport.soccer
Discussion about soccer (Association Football).
3130 rec.sport.swimming
Training for and competing in swimming events.
3131 rec.sport.table-tennis
Things related to table tennis (aka Ping Pong).
3132 rec.sport.tennis
Things related to the sport of tennis.
3133 rec.sport.triathlon
Discussing all aspects of multi-event sports.
3134 rec.sport.volleyball
Discussion about volleyball.
3135 rec.sport.water-polo
Discussion of water polo.
3136 rec.sport.waterski
Waterskiing and other boat-towed activities.
3137 rec.toys.lego
Discussion of Lego, Duplo (and compatible) toys.
3138 rec.toys.misc
Discussion of toys that lack a specific newsgroup.
3139 rec.travel.air
Airline travel around the world.
3140 rec.travel.asia
Travel in Asia.
3141 rec.travel.cruises
Travel by cruise ship.
3142 rec.travel.europe
Travel in Europe.
3143 rec.travel.marketplace
Tickets and accomodations wanted and for sale.
3144 rec.travel.misc
Everything and anything about travel.
3145 rec.travel.usa-canada
Travel in the United States and Canada.
3146 rec.video
Video and video components.
3147 rec.video.cable-tv
Technical and regulatory issues of cable television.
3148 rec.video.desktop
Amateur, computer-based video editing and production.
3149 rec.video.production
Making professional quality video productions.
3150 rec.video.releases
Pre-recorded video releases on laserdisc and videotape.
3151 rec.video.satellite
Getting shows via satellite.
3152 rec.video.satellite.dbs
DBS systems and technologies.
3153 rec.video.satellite.misc
Non-TVRO and non-DBS satellite information.
3154 rec.video.satellite.tvro
"Large Dish" ("BUD") systems and technologies.
3155 rec.windsurfing
Riding the waves as a hobby.
3156 rec.woodworking
Hobbyists interested in woodworking.
3157 sci.aeronautics
The science of aeronautics & related technology. (Moderated)
3158 sci.aeronautics.airliners
Airliner technology. (Moderated)
3159 sci.aeronautics.simulation
Aerospace simulation technology. (Moderated)
3160 sci.agriculture
Farming, agriculture and related topics.
3161 sci.agriculture.beekeeping
Beekeeping, bee-culture and hive products.
3162 sci.answers
Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
3163 sci.anthropology
All aspects of studying humankind.
3164 sci.anthropology.paleo
Evolution of man and other primates.
3165 sci.aquaria
Only scientifically-oriented postings about aquaria.
3166 sci.archaeology
Studying antiquities of the world.
3167 sci.archaeology.mesoamerican
The field of mesoamerican archaeology.
3168 sci.astro
Astronomy discussions and information.
3169 sci.astro.amateur
Amateur astronomy equipment, techniques, info, etc.
3170 sci.astro.fits
Issues related to the Flexible Image Transport System.
3171 sci.astro.hubble
Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. (Moderated)
3172 sci.astro.planetarium
Discussion of planetariums.
3173 sci.astro.research
Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. (Moderated)
3174 sci.bio
Biology and related sciences.
3175 sci.bio.conservation
Conservation biology research. (Moderated)
3176 sci.bio.ecology
Ecological research.
3177 sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera
Lepidoptera: butterflies & moths.
3178 sci.bio.ethology
Animal behavior and behavioral ecology.
3179 sci.bio.evolution
Discussions of evolutionary biology. (Moderated)
3180 sci.bio.herp
Biology of amphibians and reptiles.
3181 sci.bio.microbiology
Protists, fungi, algae, other microscopic organisms.
3182 sci.bio.technology
Any topic relating to biotechnology.
3183 sci.chem
Chemistry and related sciences.
3184 sci.chem.electrochem
The field of electrochemistry.
3185 sci.chem.labware
Chemical laboratory equipment.
3186 sci.chem.organomet
Organometallic chemistry.
3187 sci.classics
Studying classical history, languages, art and more.
3188 sci.cognitive
Perception, memory, judgement and reasoning.
3189 sci.comp-aided
The use of computers as tools in scientific research.
3190 sci.cryonics
Theory and practice of biostasis, suspended animation.
3191 sci.crypt
Different methods of data en/decryption.
3192 sci.crypt.research
Cryptography, cryptanalysis, and related issues. (Moderated)
3193 sci.data.formats
Modelling, storage and retrieval of scientific data.
3194 sci.econ
The science of economics.
3195 sci.econ.research
Research in all fields of economics. (Moderated)
3196 sci.edu
The science of education.
3197 sci.electronics
Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
3198 sci.electronics.cad
Schematic drafting, printed circuit layout, simulation.
3199 sci.electronics.repair
Fixing electronic equipment.
3200 sci.energy
Discussions about energy, science & technology.
3201 sci.energy.hydrogen
All about hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
3202 sci.engr
Technical discussions about engineering tasks.
3203 sci.engr.advanced-tv
HDTV/DATV standards, formats, equipment, practices.
3204 sci.engr.biomed
Discussing the field of biomedical engineering.
3205 sci.engr.chem
All aspects of chemical engineering.
3206 sci.engr.civil
Topics related to civil engineering.
3207 sci.engr.control
The engineering of control systems.
3208 sci.engr.lighting
Light, vision & color in architecture, media, etc.
3209 sci.engr.manufacturing
Manufacturing technology.
3210 sci.engr.mech
The field of mechanical engineering.
3211 sci.engr.metallurgy
3212 sci.engr.semiconductors
Semiconductor devices, processes, materials, physics.
3213 sci.environment
Discussions about the environment and ecology.
3214 sci.fractals
Objects of non-integral dimension and other chaos.
3215 sci.geo.eos
NASA's Earth Observation System (EOS).
3216 sci.geo.fluids
Discussion of geophysical fluid dynamics.
3217 sci.geo.geology
Discussion of solid earth sciences.
3218 sci.geo.hydrology
Surface and groundwater hydrology.
3219 sci.geo.meteorology
Discussion of meteorology and related topics.
3220 sci.geo.oceanography
Oceanography, oceanology and marine science.
3221 sci.geo.petroleum
All aspects of petroleum and the petroleum industry.
3222 sci.geo.satellite-nav
Satellite navigation systems, especially GPS.
3223 sci.image.processing
Scientific image processing and analysis.
3224 sci.lang
Natural languages, communication, etc.
3225 sci.lang.japan
The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
3226 sci.life-extension
Slowing, stopping or reversing the ageing process.
3227 sci.logic
Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
3228 sci.materials
All aspects of materials engineering.
3229 sci.materials.ceramics
Ceramic science.
3230 sci.math
Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
3231 sci.math.num-analysis
Numerical Analysis.
3232 sci.math.research
Discussion of current mathematical research. (Moderated)
3233 sci.math.symbolic
Symbolic algebra discussion.
3234 sci.mech.fluids
All aspects of fluid mechanics.
3235 sci.med
Medicine and its related products and regulations.
3236 sci.med.aids
AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
3237 sci.med.dentistry
Dentally related topics; all about teeth.
3238 sci.med.diseases.cancer
Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer.
3239 sci.med.immunology
Medical/scientific aspects of immune illness.
3240 sci.med.informatics
Medical informatics --- computer apps and information.
3241 sci.med.nursing
Nursing questions and discussion.
3242 sci.med.nutrition
Physiological impacts of diet.
3243 sci.med.occupational
Preventing, detecting & treating occupational injuries.
3244 sci.med.pharmacy
The teaching and practice of pharmacy.
3245 sci.med.physics
Issues of physics in medical testing/care.
3246 sci.med.psychobiology
Dialog and news in psychiatry and psychobiology.
3247 sci.med.radiology
All aspects of radiology.
3248 sci.med.telemedicine
Hospital/physician networks. No diagnosis questions.
3249 sci.med.transcription
Information for and about medical transcriptionists.
3250 sci.med.vision
Human vision, visual correction, and visual science.
3251 sci.military
Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
3252 sci.misc
Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
3253 sci.nanotech
Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
3254 sci.nonlinear
Chaotic systems and other nonlinear scientific study.
3255 sci.op-research
Research, teaching & application of operations research.
3256 sci.optics
Discussion relating to the science of optics.
3257 sci.philosophy.meta
Discussions within the scope of "MetaPhilosophy."
3258 sci.philosophy.tech
Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
3259 sci.physics
Physical laws, properties, etc.
3260 sci.physics.accelerators
Particle accelerators and the physics of beams.
3261 sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics
Computaional fluid dynamics.
3262 sci.physics.electromag
Electromagnetic theory and applications.
3263 sci.physics.fusion
Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion.
3264 sci.physics.particle
Particle physics discussions.
3265 sci.physics.plasma
Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. (Moderated)
3266 sci.physics.research
Current physics research. (Moderated)
3267 sci.polymers
All aspects of polymer science.
3268 sci.psychology
Topics related to psychology.
3269 sci.psychology.digest
PSYCOLOQUY: Refereed Psychology Journal and Newsletter. (Moderated)
3270 sci.psychology.research
Research issues in psychology. (Moderated)
3271 sci.research
Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
3272 sci.research.careers
Issues relevant to careers in scientific research.
3273 sci.research.postdoc
Anything about postdoctoral studies, including offers.
3274 sci.skeptic
Skeptics discussing pseudo-science.
3275 sci.space.news
Announcements of space-related news items. (Moderated)
3276 sci.space.policy
Discussions about space policy.
3277 sci.space.science
Space and planetary science and related technical work. (Moderated)
3278 sci.space.shuttle
The space shuttle and the STS program.
3279 sci.space.tech
Technical and general issues related to space flight. (Moderated)
3280 sci.stat.consult
Statistical consulting.
3281 sci.stat.edu
Statistics education.
3282 sci.stat.math
Statistics from a strictly mathematical viewpoint.
3283 sci.systems
The theory and application of systems science.
3284 sci.techniques.mag-resonance
Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy.
3285 sci.techniques.microscopy
The field of microscopy.
3286 sci.techniques.spectroscopy
Spectrum analysis.
3287 sci.techniques.xtallography
The field of crystallography.
3288 sci.virtual-worlds
Virtual Reality - technology and culture. (Moderated)
3289 sci.virtual-worlds.apps
Current and future uses of virtual-worlds technology. (Moderated)
3290 soc.answers
Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
3291 soc.bi
Discussions of bisexuality.
3292 soc.college
College, college activities, campus life, etc.
3293 soc.college.grad
General issues related to graduate schools.
3294 soc.college.gradinfo
Information about graduate schools.
3295 soc.college.org.aiesec
The Int'l Assoc. of Business and Commerce Students.
3296 soc.college.teaching-asst
Issues affecting collegiate teaching assistants.
3297 soc.couples
Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
3298 soc.couples.intercultural
Inter-cultural and inter-racial relationships.
3299 soc.couples.wedding
Wedding planning.
3300 soc.couples.wedding
Wedding planning.
3301 soc.culture.afghanistan
Discussion of the Afghan society.
3302 soc.culture.african
Discussions about Africa & things African.
3303 soc.culture.african.american
Discussions about Afro-American issues.
3304 soc.culture.arabic
Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
3305 soc.culture.argentina
All about life in Argentina.
3306 soc.culture.asean
Countries of the Assoc. of SE Asian Nations.
3307 soc.culture.asian.american
Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans.
3308 soc.culture.australian
Australian culture and society.
3309 soc.culture.austria
Austria and its people.
3310 soc.culture.baltics
People of the Baltic states.
3311 soc.culture.bangladesh
Issues & discussion about Bangladesh.
3312 soc.culture.belgium
Belgian society, culture(s) and people.
3313 soc.culture.bengali
Sociocultural identity of worldwide Bengali population.
3314 soc.culture.berber
The berber language, history, and culture.
3315 soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna
The independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3316 soc.culture.brazil
Talking about the people and country of Brazil.
3317 soc.culture.british
Issues about Britain & those of British descent.
3318 soc.culture.bulgaria
Discussing Bulgarian society.
3319 soc.culture.burma
Politics, culture, news, discussion about Burma.
3320 soc.culture.cambodia
Cambodia and its people.
3321 soc.culture.canada
Discussions of Canada and its people.
3322 soc.culture.caribbean
Life in the Caribbean.
3323 soc.culture.celtic
Irish, Scottish, Breton, Cornish, Manx & Welsh.
3324 soc.culture.chile
All about Chile and its people.
3325 soc.culture.china
About China and Chinese culture.
3326 soc.culture.colombia
Colombian talk, social, politics, science.
3327 soc.culture.croatia
The lives of people of Croatia.
3328 soc.culture.cuba
Cuban culture, society and politics.
3329 soc.culture.czecho-slovak
Bohemian, Slovak, Moravian and Silesian life.
3330 soc.culture.ecuador
The culture and people of Ecuador.
3331 soc.culture.esperanto
The neutral international language Esperanto.
3332 soc.culture.europe
Discussing all aspects of all-European society.
3333 soc.culture.filipino
Group about the Filipino culture.
3334 soc.culture.french
French culture, history, and related discussions.
3335 soc.culture.german
Discussions about German culture and history.
3336 soc.culture.greek
Group about Greeks.
3337 soc.culture.hongkong
Discussions pertaining to Hong Kong.
3338 soc.culture.hongkong.entertainment
Entertainment in Hong Kong.
3339 soc.culture.indian
Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
3340 soc.culture.indian.info
Info group for soc.culture.indian, etc. (Moderated)
3341 soc.culture.indian.kerala
3342 soc.culture.indian.telugu
The culture of the Telugu people of India.
3343 soc.culture.indonesia
All about the Indonesian nation.
3344 soc.culture.iranian
Discussions about Iran and things Iranian/Persian.
3345 soc.culture.israel
Israel and Israelis.
3346 soc.culture.italian
The Italian people and their culture.
3347 soc.culture.japan
Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
3348 soc.culture.jewish
Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
3349 soc.culture.jewish.holocaust
The Shoah. (Moderated)
3350 soc.culture.korean
Discussions about Korea & things Korean.
3351 soc.culture.kuwait
Kuwaiti culture, society, and history.
3352 soc.culture.laos
Cultural and Social Aspects of Laos.
3353 soc.culture.latin-america
Topics about Latin-America.
3354 soc.culture.lebanon
Discussion about things Lebanese.
3355 soc.culture.maghreb
North African society and culture.
3356 soc.culture.magyar
The Hungarian people & their culture.
3357 soc.culture.malaysia
All about Malaysian society.
3358 soc.culture.mexican
Discussion of Mexico's society.
3359 soc.culture.mexican.american
Mexican-American/Chicano culture and issues.
3360 soc.culture.misc
Group for discussion about other cultures.
3361 soc.culture.mongolian
Everything related to Mongols and Mongolia.
3362 soc.culture.native
Aboriginal people around the world.
3363 soc.culture.nepal
Discussion of people and things in & from Nepal.
3364 soc.culture.netherlands
People from the Netherlands and Belgium.
3365 soc.culture.new-zealand
Discussion of topics related to New Zealand.
3366 soc.culture.nigeria
Nigerian affairs, society, cultures, and peoples.
3367 soc.culture.nordic
Discussion about culture up north.
3368 soc.culture.pakistan
Topics of discussion about Pakistan.
3369 soc.culture.palestine
Palestinian people, culture and politics.
3370 soc.culture.peru
All about the people of Peru.
3371 soc.culture.polish
Polish culture, Polish past, and Polish politics.
3372 soc.culture.portuguese
Discussion of the people of Portugal.
3373 soc.culture.puerto-rico
Puerto Rican culture, society and politics.
3374 soc.culture.punjab
Punjab and Punjabi culture.
3375 soc.culture.quebec
Quebec society and culture.
3376 soc.culture.romanian
Discussion of Romanian and Moldavian people.
3377 soc.culture.scientists
Cultural issues about scientists & scientific projects.
3378 soc.culture.singapore
The past, present and future of Singapore.
3379 soc.culture.slovenia
Slovenia and Slovenian people.
3380 soc.culture.somalia
Somalian affairs, society, and culture.
3381 soc.culture.south-africa
South African society, culture, & politics.
3382 soc.culture.soviet
Topics relating to Russian or Soviet culture.
3383 soc.culture.spain
Spain and the Spanish.
3384 soc.culture.sri-lanka
Things & people from Sri Lanka.
3385 soc.culture.swiss
Swiss culture.
3386 soc.culture.taiwan
Discussion about things Taiwanese.
3387 soc.culture.tamil
Tamil language, history and culture.
3388 soc.culture.thai
Thai people and their culture.
3389 soc.culture.turkish
Discussion about things Turkish.
3390 soc.culture.ukrainian
The lives and times of the Ukrainian people.
3391 soc.culture.uruguay
Discussions of Uruguay for those at home and abroad.
3392 soc.culture.usa
The culture of the United States of America.
3393 soc.culture.venezuela
Discussion of topics related to Venezuela.
3394 soc.culture.vietnamese
Issues and discussions of Vietnamese culture.
3395 soc.culture.yugoslavia
Discussions of Yugoslavia and its people.
3396 soc.feminism
Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated)
3397 soc.genealogy.computing
Genealogical computing & net resources.
3398 soc.genealogy.french
Francophone genealogy.
3399 soc.genealogy.german
Family history including a German background.
3400 soc.genealogy.jewish
3401 soc.genealogy.methods
Genealogical methods and resources. (Moderated) (Moderated)
3402 soc.genealogy.misc
General genealogical discussions.
3403 soc.genealogy.surnames
3404 soc.history
Discussions of things historical.
3405 soc.history.living
Living history and reenactment, issues and info.
3406 soc.history.moderated
All aspects of history. (Moderated)
3407 soc.history.science
History of science and related areas.
3408 soc.history.war.misc
History & events of wars in general.
3409 soc.history.war.world-war-ii
History & events of World War Two. (Moderated)
3410 soc.libraries.talk
Discussing all aspects of libraries.
3411 soc.men
Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
3412 soc.misc
Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
3413 soc.motss
Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
3414 soc.net-people
Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
3415 soc.org.nonprofit
Nonprofit organizations.
3416 soc.org.service-clubs.misc
General info on all service topics.
3417 soc.penpals
In search of net.friendships.
3418 soc.politics
Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
3419 soc.politics.arms-d
Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
3420 soc.religion.bahai
Discussion of the Baha'i Faith. (Moderated)
3421 soc.religion.christian
Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
3422 soc.religion.christian.bible-study
Examining the Holy Bible. (Moderated)
3423 soc.religion.christian.youth-work
Christians working with young people. (Moderated)
3424 soc.religion.eastern
Discussions of Eastern religions. (Moderated)
3425 soc.religion.gnosis
Gnosis, marifat, jnana & direct sacred experience. (Moderated)
3426 soc.religion.islam
Discussions of the Islamic faith. (Moderated)
3427 soc.religion.quaker
The Religious Society of Friends.
3428 soc.religion.shamanism
Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. (Moderated)
3429 soc.religion.unitarian-univ
Unitarian-Universalism & non-creedal religions. (Moderated)
3430 soc.rights.human
Human rights & activism (e.g., Amnesty International).
3431 soc.roots
Discussing genealogy and genealogical matters.
3432 soc.singles
Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
3433 soc.support.transgendered
Transgendered and intersexed persons.
3434 soc.veterans
Social issues relating to military veterans.
3435 soc.women
Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.
3436 talk.abortion
All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
3437 talk.answers
Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
3438 talk.bizarre
The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
3439 talk.environment
Discussion the state of the environment & what to do.
3440 talk.origins
Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
3441 talk.philosophy.humanism
Humanism in the modern world.
3442 talk.philosophy.misc
Philosophical musings on all topics.
3443 talk.politics.animals
The use and/or abuse of animals.
3444 talk.politics.china
Discussion of political issues related to China.
3445 talk.politics.crypto
The relation between cryptography and government.
3446 talk.politics.drugs
The politics of drug issues.
3447 talk.politics.guns
The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
3448 talk.politics.libertarian
3449 talk.politics.medicine
The politics and ethics involved with health care.
3450 talk.politics.mideast
Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
3451 talk.politics.misc
Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
3452 talk.politics.soviet
Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
3453 talk.politics.theory
Theory of politics and political systems.
3454 talk.politics.tibet
The politics of Tibet and the Tibetan people.
3455 talk.rape
Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted.
3456 talk.religion.buddhism
All aspects of Buddhism as religion and philosophy.
3457 talk.religion.misc
Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
3458 talk.religion.newage
Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
3459 talk.rumors
For the posting of rumors.
3460 uk.announce
Announcements of UK wide interest. No discussions.
3461 uk.bcs.announce
Announcements of British Computer Society. (Moderated)
3462 uk.bcs.misc
Discussion of the British Computer Society.
3463 uk.d-i-y
3464 uk.education.misc
General discussion of UK educational matters.
3465 uk.education.teachers
UK educational matters especialy relevant to teachers.
3466 uk.environment
United Kingdom environmental issues.
3467 uk.events
Forthcoming events (conferences etc). No discussions.
3468 uk.finance
3469 uk.forsale
3470 uk.ikbs
Discussion of Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems.
3471 uk.jips
Discussion about JANET IP service matters. (Moderated)
3472 uk.jobs.d
Discussion of jobs related issues.
3473 uk.jobs.offered
Situations vacant. No discussion.
3474 uk.jobs.wanted
Situations wanted. No discussion.
3475 uk.legal
3476 uk.lisp
Discussion of LISP; especially the draft standard.
3477 uk.media
Discussion of Media in the UK.
3478 uk.misc
General interest to everyone on UKnet.
3479 uk.net
Used by UKnet maintainers.
3480 uk.net.maps
UK net maps.
3481 uk.net.news
UK net news.
3482 uk.org.community
UK CommUnity matters.
3483 uk.org.community.committee
3484 uk.org.epsrc.hpc.discussion
Disussion by users of the HPC service and HPCI.
3485 uk.org.epsrc.hpc.news
News on the HPC service and HPCI. (Moderated)
3486 uk.org.starlink.announce
??? (Moderated)
3487 uk.org.starlink.hardware
3488 uk.org.starlink.misc
3489 uk.org.starlink.research
3490 uk.org.starlink.software
3491 uk.politics
UK political discussion.
3492 uk.radio.amateur
Amateur radio and related matters.
3493 uk.rec.cycling
Discussion of UK cycling issues.
3494 uk.singles
3495 uk.sources
UK wide group for sources/reposts/requests.
3496 uk.sun
Discussion of Sun computers.
3497 uk.telecom
Discussion of UK telecommunications.
3498 uk.test
UK wide tests.
3499 uk.tex
TeX, etc.
3500 uk.transport
Transportation issues in the United Kingdom.
3501 uk.ukuug
UKUUG related topics, announcements, etc.
3502 uk.wic
Discussion of Women in Computing.
3503 uunet.alternet
AlterNet IP service issues. (Moderated)
3504 uunet.announce
Important announcements from UUNET. (Moderated)
3505 uunet.forum
UUNET subscribers discussion forum.
3506 uunet.products
Info & pricing of products UUNET offers. (Moderated)
3507 uunet.status
Status messages for UUNET & AlterNet. (Moderated)
3508 uunet.tech
Technical advice and support from UUNET. (Moderated)