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- UltraEdit / UltraEdit-32 - v5.50
- The editor for all your editing needs.
- UltraEdit is an excellent replacement for NOTEPAD and a lot more,
- with support for unlimited file sizes, 100,000 word spelling checker,
- full HEX editing capabilities, configurable syntax highlighting
- for programmers, column editing. UltraEdit has all the features
- you will need. UltraEdit handles multiple files at once, even
- if they are multi-megabyte files. It is Disk based and only requires
- a small amount of memory, even for very large files. UltraEdit-32 is
- designed for Windows NT and Windows 95, and UltraEdit is designed for
- for Windows 3.1. One fee allows use of both products.
- Standard Features:
- - Disk based text editing
- - No limit on file size, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
- - Multiple files open and displayed at the same time
- - Column mode editing!!!, Insert columns/ delete/ cut/ add sequential
- numbers
- - Drag and Drop Editing
- - File sort (with remove duplicates, ignore case, ascending, descending)
- - 100,000 word spell checker
- - Syntax highlighting - configurable, pre configured for C/C++, VB, HTML
- and Java
- - Automatic word wrap at specified column with hard return
- - Insert file into an existing document at cursor position
- - Drag and Drop support from the file manager
- - Configurable toolbar
- - Splitter windows
- - Insert and overstrike modes for editing
- - Multi-level undo and redo
- - UltraEdit is Windows 3.x CUA compliant
- - Find and Replace - Also allows selection of text between caret and
- find target when shift key is pressed, Replace all in select area
- - Find in Files, Replace In Files
- - Goto Line Number/Page Break
- - Font Selection for display and printer. (Supports all fonts installed
- including TRUE-TYPE fonts)
- - Print support with headers, footers, margins and page breaks.
- - Automatic Line Indentation
- - Tab Settings
- - Word Wrap Support
- - Hexadecimal Editor - Allows editing of any binary file - HEX Cut,
- copy and paste support
- - HEX Insert and Delete of characters
- - HEX Find, Replace and Replace All
- - Bookmarks - Unlimited number of Bookmarks
- - Multiple Windows of the same file
- - Comprehensive macro support, including saving and loading
- - Context Sensitive Help
- - Automatic backup file generated with (.BAK) extension in the directory of
- the original file
- - UltraEdit retains its screen position each time it is used
- - Line & column number display (line number display may be disabled)
- - Pop-up menus with right mouse button.
- - Text conversion to lower or upper case and capitalization.
- - Unix/Mac to DOS Conversion
- - DOS to Unix conversion
- - Auto detect UNIX/Mac files
- - Convert Word Wrap to CR/LF's allowing word wrap to be written to file
- with hard returns
- - Convert CR/LF's to Word Wrap (removes CR/LF's from file)
- - Template Support
- - More ...
- Also: - UltraEdit accepts a command line input and so can be used
- to replace NOTEPAD or other editors that are called up from a file
- manager by clicking on a file.
- -------- Registration ------------------------------------
- You are limited to 45 Days of use for an unregistered version.
- UltraEdit is a shareware program. If you find it useful and continue to
- use it you are obligated to register it with the author by sending $30.00
- (Ohio Residents add $1.65 Sales Tax) to:
- Ian D. Mead
- 8209 Chestnut Hill Ct.
- West Chester, OH 45069
- Free upgrades for at least 1 year.
- Upgrade fee is $15.00 (Ohio residents add $0.83 Sales Tax)for previous
- registered users.
- -------- VISA/MASTERCARD/American Express Accepted ---------
- For VISA/MasterCard/American Express orders, include:
- 1) Name of card holder
- 2) Address of card holder
- 3) Name and address of user if different from card holder
- 4) Expiration date of card
- 5) Card #.
- Credit card orders may be faxed or telephoned to (513) 779 8549,
- or sent to my E-Mail address (see below).
- -------- CompuServe Registration -------------------------
- UltraEdit may also be registered online on CompuServe by typing GO SWREG and
- following instructions for registering using ID 2662 or UltraEdit and
- ID 4017 for UltraEdit-32.
- This will entitle you to an authorization code, the latest registered
- version, and technical support.
- For CompuServe registrations, a newer version is not sent out if the latest
- version is available on CompuServe.
- -------- E-Mail Address ----------------------------------
- Internet: idm@idmcomp.com (backup idm@ultraedit.com, idm@iglou.com)
- CompuServe: 71613,2654
- WWW http://www.idmcomp.com or http://www.ultraedit.com
- -------- Return Policy ----------------------------------
- No refunds are issued after an authorization code has been issued. Exchanges
- are allowed if appropriate.
- This program may be freely distributed provided it is unmodified, no charge
- is made for the software, and all of the following files are included:
- 1) READ.ME - This File
- 2) UltraEdt.EXE - Executable File
- 3) UltraEdt.HLP - UltraEdit help file
- -------- Latest Version ----------------------------------
- The latest version of UltraEdit/UltraEdit-32 may be found in several places:
- The following www page:
- http://www.idmcomp.com and http://www.ultraedit.com
- In the WINUSER Forum on CompuServe, an official distribution and support
- online resource for future updates. Search for ULTRAEDIT.ZIP,
- and UEDIT32.ZIP.
- The Windows Users Group Network (WUGNET), operators of the oldest and
- largest independent support resource forum (WINUSER) for Windows Users on
- CIS with nearly 1,000,000 active members is recognized in the press, user
- groups, developers, and Microsoft as the foremost resource for shareware
- publishers on CompuServe and the Internet.
- On the Internet on several sites, including CICA and other sites.
- -------- History -----------------------------------------
- // History - Purged changes prior to v4.20
- V4.20 - ASCII file compare under file menu
- - Replace in files
- - Replace in all open files (option under standard replace)
- - Command line improvements:
- a) The command line parameter /r will open the specified files for
- read only.
- b) Wildcard support: you may now specify *.c to open all c files.
- c) You may specify that the filename on the command line contains
- a list of file to open:
- uedit32 filelist.txt /f
- where filelist.txt contains a list of files, each on a separate
- line.
- - New spelling checker engine that supports French, German, Spanish,
- Italian, Finnish, Swedish and Dutch. Download dictionaries
- separately. Also support multiple user dictionaries and can share
- Microsoft's custom dictionaries.
- - New column markers to indicate the lines extending beyond specified
- columns (View menu).
- - Added option "Save File As Input Format" also that allows a Unix
- file to be opened and then save as Unix format automatically when
- used in conjunction with the "Auto Convert Unix Files" function.
- - User selectable reference help files. From the Help menu you may
- add help files that you want UltraEdit to be able to reference
- with keyword searches. Great for adding help support for your
- programming API.
- - Syntax Highlighting improvements:
- a) Fixed //* problem with comments for C/C++
- b) Added support for selectable colors for all 6 languages
- c) Added 5 user colors per language (was 3)
- d) Added color selection for strings (stings not recognized if
- cross multiple lines)
- - Added FORTRAN_LANG key word for syntax highlighting to support
- 'c', 'C' and '*' as comment indicators if in first column.
- - Long or short filename support passing file names in the
- Dos/Windows and Tools commands. If the %F, %P, %N and %E are lower
- case the name passed to the application is the long file name and
- the user should put the %f in quotes i.e.
- c:\somecommand "%f" or
- c:\somecommand "%p%n"
- - Other changes
- V4.20a - Bug Fixes:
- Vertical Scroll Bar Thumb Size
- Opening files with UNC convention "\\computer name..."
- Fix possible crash with syntax highlighting (reported once)
- V4.20b - Bug Fixes:
- - Vertical Scroll Bar Thumb Drag
- - Possible GPF if word-wrap set to wrap at column and insert CR/LF
- - Syntax Highlight related display fixes
- v4.30 - Drag and Drop Editing (including column and hex modes)
- - Directory Specification for optional default Save Directory
- - Replace All in Selected Text Only
- - Option to "not" remember last file opened and open from the default
- directory (including the directory specified in the shortcut when
- first started)
- - Feature to insert a string at a known increment in a file
- - designed to help DB users add delimiters (CR/LF often) at the
- end of every record. (File Menu, special,
- "Insert String at Every Increment")
- - Macro menu item to specify macro to be loaded at startup
- - use to be on the command line but this can be awkward these days.
- - Syntax Highlighting Block comments now supported with Word Wrap
- turned on.
- - Case manipulation functions now work on selected text correctly
- when in column Mode
- - Improved HTML support syntax highlighting support
- - Allow multiple language dictionaries to be used at one time
- - TeX/LaTeX support with LATEX_LANG flag for syntax highlighting
- - EBCDIC file conversion
- - Fix for long delay when accessing drives no longer available on most
- recent file list.
- - IntelliMouse scrolling support
- - Reformat Paragraph will work on complete file if selected
- - Set color for selected text
- - Enhanced user time/date specification for templates.
- - EBCDIC File Conversion (File - Conversions)
- - Trim Trailing Spaces (Format menu)
- v4.31 - INI file selection using command line (allows different
- configurations and personal configurations on shared stations
- across network)
- - File Type Associations in Advanced Configuration (32-Bit only)
- - File Compare - Option for showing Differences Only,
- not complete file
- - Regular Expressions Support tagged expressions for find/replace
- - Configurable Keyboard Mapping in Advanced Configuration
- (32-Bit only)
- - Word Count in Search Menu (includes line count)
- - Macro option to continue when search string is not found
- - Block Cursor in Overstrike Mode
- - DDE Support with full command line options
- - Page setup header/footer alignment commands
- - Bug fixes
- v4.31a - Fix problems associated with Column mode, and Ctrl+End
- v4.40 - Viewing with line numbers on left side of Window (View menu)
- - Printing of line numbers (Page Setup)
- - Page Setup option for wrapping text
- - Ruler for column numbers (View menu)
- - TABS to select between open files (View menu enabled) (32-bit only)
- - An option for the set of columns to the left of the first column
- marker to be "fixed" and non scrollable (View menu)
- - Configurable string characters for syntax highlighting.
- This may be up to two characters.
- - Allow multiple lines words starting with the same letter with
- syntax highlighting.
- - Allow description string for language in wordfile for reference in
- color selection.
- - Find In Files now optionally sends output to a regular window or
- by default sends output to a new list box that can be used to double
- click on to open the file at the appropriate line number.
- (32-Bit Only)
- - Default Browser button/menu item to show current file in the
- default WWW browser.
- - Command Output for DOS commands option to output to a new list box
- that can be used to double click on to open the file at the
- appropriate line number. (32-Bit Only)
- - ASCII Table in the View Menu
- - Favorite Files List
- - Retain Find/Replace History between sessions
- - Bug fixes include:
- Uninstall from Control Panel (Uninstall Icon worked)
- Possible Lock Up with word wrap as default when UltraEdit Minimized
- and file opened from Explorer
- Page Down many times sometimes mispositioned by several lines
- v4.40a - Bug Fixes:
- Line Number Display problem including with splitter Windows
- 1st Column Marker in wrong position when scrolled
- Hex mode Select All now allowed
- Insert file in HEX mode
- Favorite File Item available for Toolbar configuration
- Timing problem caused DOS output not to capture all data on faster
- systems
- v4.40b - Bug Fixes:
- Dialogs not showing correctly when a lot of files are open
- Remove file from favorite file list would not work if no other
- changes
- v4.40c - Bug Fixes:
- Fix divide by 0 error reported on startup very intermittently
- Fix for File "TABS" showing partial filename on some systems
- Fix for column ruler not showing correctly with LARGE fonts enabled
- Fix file problem with large files with at 1000+ columns reported by two users
- v5.00 - Printing two pages on 1 sheet
- - Macro editing
- - Macro Load appending file to existing macros
- - Macro delete all
- - Warning when quitting without saving macros
- - Sum numbers in selected text or columns
- - Find whole word only
- - Find/replace wraps round at end of file (option in configuration)
- - Find Slim Dialog after first search is now optional
- - Line/Column display color options
- - Customize colors now supported
- - Status bar indicator for file type (DOS/Unix/Mac)
- - Status bar indicator for HEX and DECIMAL offset in HEX mode
- - Delimiter highlighting for syntax highlighting
- - Scroll line up/down with Ctrl+Cursor UP/Down
- - Select Word Hot Key - same as double click (Ctrl+J)
- - Support for up to 5 characters for the block comments
- - HTML comments now supported as <!-- ... -->
- - Right Click menu on File Tabs (32-Bit Only)
- - Regular expression support '+' to find one or more
- of the previous character.
- - File Insert detects UNIX/MAC files when inserted
- - File Compare Printing (Basic Support)
- Windows is a registered Trademark of Microsoft Corporation.