It's *NOT* recommended that you modify this file directly.
You should use the Macro Mania program to make
any changes to your macros.
Simple Example Using Windows' Notepad face03.ico XXXXXXXXXXXMINIMIZEREM Start Windows' NotepadRUN Notepad, MMTESTREM Turn on WordWrapSend %EwREM Maximize the WindowSEND % xREM Send a few sentences and pause. Notice that as long as I do not press the ENTER key and just allow the word wrap to work, that the command continues to the next line.SEND Macro Mania makes it really easy to create macros! While this one is fairly simple, you can send any keystroke that you would need to send to any Windows program with Macro Mania!{ENTER 2}SEND Notice that you can control your macros using the PAUSE command. It allows you to temporarily stop a macro so that you can type, read, or whatever; then you can either resume immediately or choose to cancel the macro entirely by clicking on the appropriate button.{ENTER 2}SEND If you're finished reading, just click the "Resume" button on the "MACRO PAUSE" window at the bottom right of your screen now to exit this session of Notepad, or wait and it will count down and resume automatically. The "Cancel" button will cause the macro to stop {(}in this case it will not exit the Notepad as instructed to do next{)}.PAUSE 45 SHOWActivate MMTEST.TXT - NotepadREM THE PAUSE BELOW SEEMS TO BE NEEDED FOR SOME SYSTEMS TO GIVE THE PC A CHANCE TO CATCH UP, YOU MAY NEED TO USE THIS STRATEGY ON OCCASSION. REMEMBER, MACRO MANIA TYPES FASTER THAN YOU EVER COULD, SO AN OCCASIONAL PAUSE MAY BE NECESSARYPause 1REM Exit the Notepad without savingSEND %FxnREM Return to Macro ManiaRESTORE
DOS Prompt misc41.ico XXXXXXXXXXXMSG_OK Notice that you can display helpful, instructional messages along with your macros. This message is intended to let you know that this macro will take you to the DOS prompt. To return to Windows just type EXIT.REM Notice that you can run PIFs too!!RUN DOSprmpt.pifMSG_OK As you can see, Macro Mania is a very handy program launcher too!
Example of an interactive macro misc15.ico XXXXXXXXXXXMSG_OKCANCEL You can control whether or not you wish to have a macro resume executing after displaying a message box like this one. Select OK now and this macro will display another message box. Select CANCEL and the macro will stop executing entirely.MSG_OK These examples really just touch the surface of all you can do with Macro Mania. I wish I could have included more powerful examples, but not knowing what programs you run on your system I didn't want to overdo it and jinx making my point of how easy and powerful this all can be. Once you master the few simple commands, you'll find yourself creating macros for both chores you perform every day as well as quick, temporary macros that still save you a lot of repetitive typing.
An America Online "Flash Session" aol.ico XXXXXXXXXXXMsg_OK As you might guess, you'll need to have a copy of America Online for Windows to use this example. It will bring up a copy of that program and activate the FlashSession menu option automatically for you. If you don't have the program, an error will occur and it just won't work, no big deal.MINIMIZECD c:\aol30RUN c:\aol30\aol.exeSEND %MSEND {down 7}{enter}PAUSE .5SEND {enter}
Send/Receive WINCIM E-mail cim1.ico XXXXXXXXXXXMsg_OK As you might guess, you'll need to have a copy of WINCIM to use this example. It will bring up a copy of that program and activate the Send/Receive Mail command automatically for you. If you don't have the program, an error will occur and it just won't work, no big deal.MINIMIZEREM Start CompuServe's WINCIM programCD c:\cserve\wincimRUN c:\cserve\wincim\wincim.exeREM Send keystrokes to Send/Receive E-mailSEND %Mr{enter}
Scheduling macros... clock01.ico XXXXXXXXXXXMSG_OK By using the Scheduling feature, you can even set yourself quick "reminders" throughout the day. This macro does not actually use the schedule feature since I have no idea when you'll run this program, but you can easily modify this macro to do so via the "Add/Edit Macros" window.BEEPPAUSE .5BEEPPAUSE .5BEEPMSG_OK Of course you can also schedule certain macros to run at a time or interval you specify. Perhaps you have a backup program you want to run at 1:00 am (and you would prefer not to have to attend such an activity), or you wish to Send/Receive Email every hour (to name just a few examples).
Wordpad example - Windows 95 icon.ico XXXXXXXXXXXRun WordPad.exeREM Make the fonts BOLDSend %Of{tab}BOLD{enter}REM Make the font size largerSend %Of{tab 2}14{enter}REM Center the letter headSend %Op%Ac{enter}Send ABC and XYZ Technologies{enter}Send 123 West Main St.{enter}Send Manhattan, KS 66502{enter}Send ________________________________________________________Send {enter}REM Right justify the dateSend %Op%Ar{enter}REM Make the font smaller and regular (not bold or italic)Send %Of{tab}Regular{tab}12{enter}Send %I{enter 3}Send %Op%Al{enter}Send Dear Mr President:{enter 2}MSG_OK A letter head fast and easy.
Demonstration of getting Dynamic Input burger.ico XXXXXXXXXXXGetInput Enter the text file to open with Notepad. Include the full path if necessary (e.g. c:\autoexec.bat).RUN notepad.exeSEND %FoSendInputSEND {enter}
An example of playing a WAV file. sound.ico XXXXXXXXXXXPLAYWAV c:\macrom\applaus.wavMSG_OK In addition to all the other cool features, Macro Mania can play WAV files to give your macros added "pizzaz"!!!
Backing up a file data.ico XXXXXXXXXXXMSG_OKCANCEL This macro simply copies a file to drive A. It checks if a little file called "backup" exists on the diskette. The presence of the file tells Macro Mania it is the correct diskette. If the file is not found, you're given the chance to change diskettes, or add a new diskette. If a new diskette is used, Macro Mania creates the file and then the next time it will not ask if it is the correct diskette because the file will be found.IF ExistFile a:\backup THEN GoTo BackUp ELSE GoTo CheckDisk:BACKUPCOPY /y c:\macrom\ TO a:\default.mmEXIT:CHECKDISKMsg_OKCANCEL Make sure the disk in Drive A is your backup disk.LET {var_1} = {BACK UP DISK FLAG}WRITEFILE a:\backup {var_1}GoTo BACKUP
Example of using Variables waves.ico XXXXXXXXXXXMSG_OKCANCEL Macro Mania can store data in variables, then manipulate and send the contents of a variable to the screen, a file, or another program. You can also evaluate variables and execute a macro (or branch to a macro) accordingly.GETINPUT {var-a} Please enter your first name below.LET {var-a} = TRIM {var-a}LET {var-b} = LEFT {var-a} 1LET {var-b} = UCASE {var-b}LET {var-c} = {The letter of your first name is }LET {var-c} = MERGE {var-c}+{var-b}MSG_OK {var-c}:CALENDARLET {var-a} = {}GETINPUT {var-a} Enter any number from 1 to 12 below.LET {var-1} = 1IF {var-a} = {var-1} THEN GOTO JanLET {var-2} = 2IF {var-a} = {var-2} THEN GOTO FebLET {var-3} = 3IF {var-a} = {var-3} THEN GOTO MarLET {var-4} = 4IF {var-a} = {var-4} THEN GOTO AprLET {var-5} = 5IF {var-a} = {var-5} THEN GOTO MayLET {var-6} = 6IF {var-a} = {var-6} THEN GOTO JunLET {var-7} = 7IF {var-a} = {var-7} THEN GOTO JulLET {var-8} = 8IF {var-a} = {var-8} THEN GOTO AugLET {var-9} = 9IF {var-a} = {var-9} THEN GOTO SepLET {var-10} = 10IF {var-a} = {var-10} THEN GOTO OctLET {var-11} = 11IF {var-a} = {var-11} THEN GOTO NovLET {var-12} = 12IF {var-a} = {var-12} THEN GOTO DecREM If we're here, an invalid # was entered.LET {var-b} = { is not a number from 1 to 12.}LET {var-b} = MERGE {var-a}+{var-b}MSG_OKCANCEL {var-b}GOTO CALENDAR:JanMSG_OKCANCEL January is month 1GOTO CALENDAR:FebMSG_OKCANCEL February is month 2GOTO CALENDAR:MarMSG_OKCANCEL March is month 3GOTO CALENDAR:AprMSG_OKCANCEL April is month 4GOTO CALENDAR:MayMSG_OKCANCEL May is month 5GOTO CALENDAR:JunMSG_OKCANCEL June is month 6GOTO CALENDAR:JulMSG_OKCANCEL July is month 7GOTO CALENDAR:AugMSG_OKCANCEL August is month 8GOTO CALENDAR:SepMSG_OKCANCEL September is month 9GOTO CALENDAR:OctMSG_OKCANCEL October is month 10GOTO CALENDAR:NovMSG_OKCANCEL November is month 11GOTO CALENDAR:DecMSG_OKCANCEL December is month 12GOTO CALENDAR