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238 lines
Drain Storm
> HINTS...
(c) Copyright 1997 by Dave Horner
Beneath this easy-to-learn strategy game lies a
sophisticated and deadly puzzle.
This short document will help you prepare to take
on all of the challenges that you'll face on your
way to the ultimate battle.
This text is divided into 2 sections:
1) Things everyone should know.
2) Cheats.
The first section is recommended to all players.
It gives fundamental playing tips to help players
get the most out of the game, and become as competitive
as possible. Some of these will be obvious to those
who've played a few rounds.
The second section is more along the lines of "cheats".
Don't look here unless you're stuck and can't get to
the final showdown. Even here I don't give away all
the answers, so it's safe to look, and still face
a formidable challenge. If things get too easy, you
can always try a higher difficulty level. Personally,
I can't win on level 4 (and I made the darn game).
NOTE: This information assumes you've read the basic game
instructions (pressing [F1] key while playing).
[Section 1]
1) Using the proper weapon...
The most effective weapon early in the game is
the bubble. For best effect, don't wait until
monsters are right next to you. You have an
unlimited supply, so start shooting in the
direction of the monsters immediately. Knock off
as many as you can before they're right next to
you. Use the "3-shot bubbler" when you find it.
Tip: lining up monsters diagonally will give you the
best odds of hitting them from long range.
Bombs are good when you're trapped behind rows of
engulfed monsters, or when you're fighting sewer
Don't neglect to use DECOYS. They're incredibly
helpful if you're facing more monsters than you
can fight off. Drop a decoy and move away. Many
monsters will stay with the decoy.
Using a decoy requires some anticipation. If it
looks like you'll be overwhelmed in a few rounds,
drop a decoy and plot your get-away. Try laying a
few mines near a decoy, but not too close.
Missiles are useful when a dense group of monsters
is approaching. They explode like cluster bombs.
2) Treasures and Treasure Chests...
You should constantly replenish your arsenal by
gathering "treasures", which can be found scattered
around every board. You'll find lots of new and useful
weapons and items this way.
To open treasure chests, use a key (by "shooting"
the key at the treasure chest from an adjacent square).
You can also open a treasure chest (forcefully) with a
bomb. However, this method may destroy some or all of
the contents.
3) Using '5' key to let monsters come to you...
Sometimes it's worthwhile to wait for monsters to come
to you. For example, you've laid some mines and want
to lure them near. Simply press the middle number-pad
key. You won't move, but monsters (and projectiles) will.
4) Read fortune cookies...
These contain hints and clues (and it's part of the game,
so you're not cheating!). To read them, select them in
the arsenal, then shoot in any direction. Press 'M' if
there's more text than will fit in the text window.
5) Forget the mouse...
You can play the game with the mouse, but this is really
a good old-fashioned keyboard game. I use the following
* Left ring-finger: Shift key (to select "shoot" mode)
* Left middle-finger: 'A' key (to select weapon)
* Left index-finger: 'Z' key (to select weapon)
* Right hand: number pad keys (to move/shoot in any direction)
Obviously, use what works best for you.
6) CASINO...
If you haven't found it yet, see below in the "Cheats"
The casino takes bets of just about all item types with
some exceptions: It does not take artifacts (such as
the emerald), it also does not take bubbles, which you
have no need to wager anyway.
The game is five-card draw, and a special "Wild" symbol
appears on the table if the next hand uses wild cards.
If you win, the house pays out the weapon type you
wagered. The amount you bet is multiplied according to
the strength of your hand. Basically, it works like video
poker games.
This is obviously an incredible chance to improve the power
of your arsenal. An arsenal with several dozen "8x missiles"
will take you a long way toward solving Drain Storm.
To wager a weapon, select it from your arsenal using 'A'
and 'Z'. Then position your vehicle on top of the '$' square
found below the poker table. Simply shoot in any direction.
Any shot fired from this square is considered a bet. WARNING:
This means you should not attempt to fight monsters while
standing on this square!
Once you've placed your bet, move the vehicle to the animated
lever on the right side of the betting square. Your cards will
be dealt. Select the cards you wish to keep by moving the vehicle
to the flashing red squares found below the cards.
When you've selected all the cards to keep, move to the lever again
and draw your new cards. Wins and losses are reported immediately.
If you win, the winnings are added automatically to your arsenal.
7) Different types of monsters...
Aside from Sewer Squids and Bulldozers, you'll encounter other beasts
including Xoids and variations of Sewer Demons. Bubbles do NOT work
on Sewer Demons, and they are often clever enough to side-step bombs
and missiles hurled at them. One type of Sewer Demon is especially
nasty: when it gets hit by a bomb, it explodes into multiple lesser
monsters which attack immediately. These are preferably destroyed
from long range.
Cheats follow....
[Section 2]
CHEATS. Read here for help on solving the Drain Storm puzzle.
WARNING: This may reveal elements you would otherwise
discover on your own, thus lessening some of the surprise.
However, if you're stuck, these hints may get you going again.
1) Finding the casino...
The casino is one level below the City. (The City is the first special
board, which can typically be found 4 to 8 levels below the top.)
Once in the City, locate the down-drain near the upper-right corner,
and go down... voila- the casino!
2) Abyss...
Several special boards lie within the bottomless levels of the abyss.
These special boards may contain artifacts which are required
to solve the game. The abyss is entered through the down-drain near
the lower-left corner of the City.
Beware, the abyss can be nasty. Boards in the abyss contain several
monster portals, including reinforced portals and portals which
deliver Sewer Demons into the attack. Although entering the abyss
is required to finish the game, do not enter until you are properly
armed. It is helpful to have a smart bomb or some repellent before
entering the abyss.
3) Treasure room...
There is a secret treasure room found below the Breakout Board.
This room is packed with treasure chests, wall to wall.
The Breakout Board is found 2 levels below the city. You can enter
from the Idol Room or the Moon Room. The down-drain to the treasure
room is blocked behind walls. However, as the Bulldozers of the
Breakout Board clear away crud, a lever will be uncovered. This lever
opens a passage to the down-drain to the treasure room.
WARNING: The treasure chests of the Treasure room are booby trapped
in a potentially deadly way. Be ready for a big fight.
4) Moon Key...
The Moon Key can be found in the labyrinth. This gives special access
to the treasures in the Moon Room. The labyrinth has many levels and
the passages get narrower and narrower. Be patient and well-equipped.
5) Smart Card...
This card is required to gain entrance to Gorloth's fortress, and the
power plant. It can be found in a special room within the layers of
the abyss.
6) Emerald...
This artifact is required to get beyond the force field in the Idol
Room. The idol is missing one of its eyes, which are giant emeralds.
The emerald is being held captive in the Xoid fortress. Enter via
the Moon Room.
7) Getting extra treasure chests at the City...
A useful trick for gaining more treasure is to "create" treasure
chests. This can be accomplished by destroying all 3 regenerating
portals located in the center of the City. Occasionally when they
reappear, a treasure chest will also appear.
8) Destroying Gorloth...
In order to Destroy Gorloth, he must be lured out into the open.
This is accomplished by destroying the energy core of the power
plant. This is heavily guarded and booby-trapped. Lots of missiles
and repellent are helpful here. Radio bombs are also extremely useful.
Once Gorloth attacks (and he won't be alone), get ready to unleash
a massive assault. He takes several hits before he's destroyed, and
bombs, bubbles and mines have no effect on him. He surrounds himself
with hoards of his minions. Unless you're equipped with devastating
firepower, you will regret you ever woke him...