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<TITLE>Graphics Viewer and HTML Creator</TITLE>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Off-Site Labs, Inc.">
<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff">
<B>Graphics Viewer and HTML Creator</B>
<H1><A NAME="_Toc398779231"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779358"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782723"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783033"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783113"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783175"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923428"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923483">Thumb
<H1><A NAME="_Toc398779232"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779359"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782724"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783034"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783114"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783176"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923429"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923484">and</A>
<H1><A NAME="_Toc398779233"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779360"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782725"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783035"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783115"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783177"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923430"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923485">Thumb
Print Pro</A></H1>
<B>from Off-Site Labs, Inc.</B>
<B>(October 10, 1997)</B> <A NAME="ChapterHeading"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270038"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270085"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270124"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962271"></A>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc398779234"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779361"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782726"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783036"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783116"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783178"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923431"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923486">What
you will find in this document</A></B></H1>
1. <A HREF="#whatsnew">What's New</A>
2. <A HREF="#whatis">What Is Thumb Print</A>
3. <A HREF="#useful">Why Is Thumb Print Useful?</A>
4. <A HREF="#difference">Thumb Print vs. Thumb Print Pro</A>
5. <A HREF="#investment">Maintaining Your Initial Investment</A>
6. <A HREF="#demo">Demo Keys</A>
7. <A HREF="#features">Features</A>
8. <A HREF="#browser">Use Of Internet Browser</A>
9. Main Window Options
A. <A HREF="#main_file">"File" Menu</A>
B. <A HREF="#main_options">"Options" Menu</A>
C. <A HREF="#main_output">"Output" Menu</A>
10. View Images Window Options (Windows 95/NT only)
A. <A HREF="#view_file">"File" Menu</A>
B. <A HREF="#view_options">"Options" Menu</A>
11. <A HREF="#thumbnail_icons">Non-HTML Image/File Icons</A>
12. <A HREF="#download_sites">Official Download Sites</A>
13. <A HREF="#installation">Installation</A>
14. <A HREF="#service_and_support">Service And Support</A>
15. <A HREF="#special_requirements">Special Requirements</A>
16. <A HREF="#reporting_problems">Reporting Problems</A>
17. <A HREF="#registration">How To Register</A>
18. <A HREF="#agreement">License Agreement</A>
<H1><B><A NAME="whatsnew"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779235"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779362"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782727"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783037"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783117"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783179"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923432"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923487">What's
New in the 2.12 release?</A></B></H1>
<U><B>HTML Base Slide Show Presentation</B></U> - Starting with
this version, web images can be arranged into a set of HTML files
to create a web 'slide show'. Several options are available to
vary the presentation.
<U><B>Icons Added To Main User Interface</B></U> - The user interface
has acquired a few new icons to make it easy to be productive.
These icons have been added to quickly create HTML files, and
to save/load file lists.
<U><B>'View Images' Window Rearranged</B></U> - The buttons on
this window have been moved around and grouped for easier use
of functionality.
<U><B>JPG Images Can Be Created In The Source Directory</B></U>
- An option has been added to 'View Images' window allowing JPG
images and thumbnail images to be created in the same directory
where the source image is located.
<U><B>Demo Keys Do Not Have To Be Acquired</B></U> - Prior to
v2.12, a demo key had to be obtained by filling our a form on
our web site. The key would then be emailed to the user. The
user now has to select which version, regular or pro, before the
application can be used.
<U><B>Internet Links To Various OSL Web Pages</B></U> - These
links have been added to assist you in obtaining updated information
about Thumb Print, purchase information, and general information.
<U><B>Bug Fix Selecting A: drive When No Disk In Drive</B></U>
- This bug would only show up if you selected the A: drive for
the target directory on the 'View Image" window and the disk
drive did not contain a diskette.
<U><B>Sample Logo No Longer Loads By Default Upon Startup</B></U>
- The application will still support the use of logos. It just
will not automatically appear when the application is installed.
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc400923433"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923488">What
Was New in the 2.11 release?</A></B></H1>
<U><B>Internet Ready HTML Pages</B></U><B> - </B>This option has
been added to the Options\HTML menu option section. It provides
an additional method to create Internet ready web pages. This
option will copy files and images into one directory where the
HTML will be created. Thumbnail images will also be created in
the same directory. The thumbnail images will still contain links
to the full size image.
<U><B>Bug Fix Creating JPG Images</B></U> - In the View Images
Window the option to create single JPEG images contained a bug
that would not properly name the new image. It would also cause
the application to terminate.<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="whatis"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779236"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779363"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782728"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783038"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783118"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783180"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923434"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923489">What
is Thumb Print</A></B></H1>
<B>T</B>humb Print is a utility that will create HTML files that
display GIF, JPEG and other image files as thumbnail images in
your favorite Internet browser. The graphic images are displayed
as thumbnails or small versions of the full size image. Each
image or file name displayed contains a link to the physical location
on your local disk drive or web site. This utility makes it easy
for you to get a quick visual look at a large number of images.
Then as you spot one that you may be searching for, click on the
link to see the full size picture. Thumb Print does not alter
the original image.
<B>S</B>tarting with v1.10, any file name on your system or web
site can be indexed with an HTML page. This includes AVI, WAV,
MID, RMI, and any other file type. Icon files, in GIF or JPG format,
can be used to represent the files. For example, if you are using
Thumb Print to index a list of AVI files, the icon gif may display
a camera or video monitor. You decide by specifying the icon in
the INI file. For more Details, see "Thumbnail Icons".
<B>F</B>or Windows 95 users, Thumb Print is a utility that enables
you to view GIF, JPG, and 21 other image types easily without
the use of a browser. Select any file for quick and easy viewing
within Thumb Print 95. Copy image files from one directory to
another as easily as clicking a button.
<B>S</B>tarting with v2.0, the Windows 95 version is able to create
actual thumbnail images. Quickly convert BMP, GIF, and other image
types to JPG format. This feature is especially useful when you
are publishing content on the WEB. Previously, the html files
created just scaled down the images using the 'height' and 'width'
parameters. Now you can display the small thumbnail versions of
the real image in fractions of the time due to the decreased size.
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270039"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270086"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270125"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962272"></A><A NAME="useful"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779237"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779364"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782729"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783039"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783119"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783181"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923435"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923490"></A>Why
is Thumb Print useful?</B></H1>
Thumb Print is a tool that is useful to quickly search and view
graphic images on your local or network disk drives. The popular
graphic formats are supported. Small versions of the original
images can be created quickly and easily. The smaller images are
referred to as "thumbnail images". Thumb Print allows
thumbnail images to be any size you desire them to be.
File indexes can be easily be created in the form of an HTML file
for any file type on your system or web site.
Thumb Print is also a tool for Web site developers. HTML pages
can be generated to display small, scaled down images. This is
similar to contact prints to photographers. Some software will
display rows of images in their software. Thumb Print allows the
viewing of images with any Internet browser. Netscape and MSIE
users can have the HTML pages automatically loaded upon creation.
There are many options to vary the look and feel of the HTML page
that is created.
Now in v2.00, you have a tool to create images in JPG format.
The images can be created from any of the supported file formats.
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270040"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270087"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270126"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962273"></A><A NAME="difference"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779238"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779365"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782730"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783040"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783120"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783182"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923436"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923491"></A>Thumb
Print vs. Thumb Print Pro</B></H1>
There are now two different types of Thumb Print that can be used:
Thumb Print for Windows 3.x/Windows 95/NT, and Thumb Print Pro
for Windows 95/NT.
<U><B>Thumb Print for Windows 3.x:</B></U> This version does not
have the ability to view images from within the software. It does
allow the creationg of HTML files from a selected list of files.
<U><B>Thumb Print for Windows 95/NT:</B></U> This version has
a image viewer built into the software. There is added functionality
to copy and move files.
<U><B>Thumb Print Pro for Windows 95/NT:</B></U> This version
starts at v2.00. All the features of the regular Windows 95 version
plus it adds the ability to create JPG images from various supported
file formats. The JPG images can be copies of other file types
or thumbnail images.<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270041"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270088"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270127"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962274"></A><A NAME="investment"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779239"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779366"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782731"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783041"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783121"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783183"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923437"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923492"></A>Maintaining
You Initial Investment</B></H1>
Your initial investment in Thumb Print is maintained if you decide
to upgrade to Thumb Print Pro. There is a small charge to upgrade.
This charge covers additional fees required to add the ability
to create JPEG images.<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270042"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270089"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270128"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962275"></A><A NAME="demo"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779240"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779367"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782732"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783042"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783122"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783184"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923438"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923493"></A>Demo
Key Required</B></H1>
<U>Versions 1.14 through 2.11</U> require a demo key (Windows
95 only). The demo key must be acquired from Off-Site Labs, Inc.
to use the software. The demo key is FREE and all that is required
is to visit our web site at http://www.offsitelabs.com. Select
the option for the "Request Free Software Demo Key".
Upon filling out the form you will be emailed the FREE key to
use the software. IMPORTANT: Be sure to enter the correct Email
address. It is instantly emailed to you.
The shareware version of the software disables program functionality
until the proper key is entered. Upon successfully entering the
key, ALL system functions and features will be available for your
use. However, the demo version will limit some features until
a purchased registration key is obtained. <HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270043"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270090"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270129"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962276"></A><A NAME="features"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779241"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779368"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782733"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783043"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783123"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783185"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923439"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923494"></A>Features
<LI>Create HTML pages that can be copied to Internet accounts.
<LI>Create HTML based Slide Shows.
<LI>Convert images to JPG images quickly and easily <B>(Pro version
<LI>Create small thumbnail files to display in HTML files <B>(Pro
version only)</B>.
<LI>Animated Gif support in the image viewer <B>(Windows 95/NT
version only)</B>.
<LI>View 23 popular graphic formats without the use of a browser
<B>(Windows 95/NT version only).</B>
<LI>Supports Netsape and Microsoft browsers <B>(Windows 95/NT
version only).</B>
<LI>Create HTML files to display images in Netscape, MSIE, or
other favorite browsers.
<LI>Create HTML files for <U><B>any</B></U> file on your system
(AVI, MID, WAV, etc.)
<LI>Any GIF or JPG icon can be specified non-image files for the
created HTML file.
<LI>HTML can be displayed as small thumbnail images.
<LI>Each image in the HTML file contains a link to the full size
<LI>Allows you to quickly search or view images.
<LI>Automatically load HTML into Netscape or Microsoft Internet
<LI>Automatically load HTML output into your favorite editor.
<LI>Software is available in both Windows 3.x and Windows 95 versions.
<LI>Put borders around images in HTML output file.
<LI>Place local file names under the images in the HTML output
<LI>Customize HTML output with default settings.
<LI>Display thumbnail images that maintain their size ratios.
<LI>Logo support for your company.
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270044"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270091"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270130"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962277"></A><A NAME="browser"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779242"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779369"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782734"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783044"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783124"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783186"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923440"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923495"></A>Use
Of Internet Browser</B></H1>
<B>Thumb Print Now Supports Netscape And Microsoft Browsers:</B>
Starting with version 1.11, Thumb Print supports the Netscape
Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) browsers. MSIE
is only supported in the Windows 95 version. The software has
the ability to automatically create and load an HTML document
that contains links to GIF and JPG file types that you select
to view. If you are not using Netscape or MSIE as your browser,
the HTML file you created can be loaded into your favorite browser.
<B>Netscape And Off-Line Browsing:</B> If you are using Thumb
Print for Windows 3.x and you want to view images off-line (not
connected to the Internet) you will want to acquire MOZOCK.DLL.
This file is a special WINSOCK.DLL that allows you to use Netscape
without connecting to the Internet through your Internet Service
Visit our WEB site, http://www.offsitelabs.com, for information
on downloading MOZOCK.DLL<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270045"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270092"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270131"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962278"></A><A NAME="starting"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270046"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270093"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270132"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962279"></A><A NAME="filemenu"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779243"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779370"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782735"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783045"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783125"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783187"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923441"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923496"></A>Main
Window Options</B></H1>
<H2><A NAME="main_file"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782736"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783046"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783126"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783188"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923442"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923497">"FILE"
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270047"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270094"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270133"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962280"></A>Auto
Select (Windows 95 only)</B></H4>
Auto Select is a function that will attempt to locate the Netscape
or MSIE browser software. If for some reason the software cannot
be found, you will have to locate it manually using the "File/Select
Browser" function.
At the current time, Netscape and MSIE are the only browsers that
Thumb Print uses to automatically load the HTML document created.
Other browsers can be used with Thumb Print. To use other browsers,
the "File/Open" menu option is used to load HTML files
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270048"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270095"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270134"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962281"></A>Select
This function allows you to manually locate the Netscape or MSIE
browser software.
At the current time, Netscape and MSIE are the only browsers that
Thumb Print use to automatically load the HTML document created.
Other browsers can be used with Thumb Print.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270049"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270096"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270135"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962282"></A>Clear
This option will clear the file name of the browser software.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270050"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270097"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270136"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962283"></A>Select
This function allows you to manually locate your favorite text
editor. The editor you select, should be able to launch and load
a file supplied on the command line. For example: c:\windows\notepad
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270051"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270098"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270137"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962284"></A>Clear
This option will clear the file name of the text editor software.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270055"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270102"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270141"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962288"></A>Logo</B>
You now have the ability to have your company or personal logo
as part of the initial display. Create and use any size file.
The image will be scaled to a size (if it is too big) that will
fit inside the display area. The file can be any *.BMP. If you
have the Windows 95 version, you may also select GIF, or JPG files.
LOGO AREA: The area just below the icons and the status bar at
the bottom of the window.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270056"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270103"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270142"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962289"></A>Clear
This option simply clears the logo entry so that the logo area
is blank.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270057"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270104"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270143"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962290"></A>Background
This option allows you to change the background color of the logo
area. This allows you to match the area around the logo to match
your logo image.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270058"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270105"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270144"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962291"></A>Clear
File List</B></H4>
This option will clear the files listed in the "file list"
box. It will also make the logo reappear if you have one defined.
The background color will also appear at the same time. To make
the file list appear, select file(s) from the local or network
disk drives.<A NAME="_Toc395270059"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270106"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270145"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962292"></A><A NAME="optionsmenu"></A>
<H2><A NAME="main_options"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779244"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779371"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782737"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783047"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783127"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783189"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923443"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923498">"Options"
Menu</A><A NAME="_Toc395270060"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270107"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270146"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962293"></A>
<H4><B>HTML </B></H4>
<U><B>Images</B></U> - The Image Size frame contains options for
you to customize the size of the images that will appear in the
HTML file. There are two boxes for you to supply values. The default
size is 25x25 pixels.
<LI><B>Maximum Image Height:</B> This defines the height of the
image(s) in pixels. If you place a "%" after the number,
it will be used as a percentage of the browser's window height.
Percentages are ignored when "Maintain Size Ratio" option
box is set on.
<LI><B>Maximum Image Width:</B> This defines the width of the
image(s) in pixels. If you place a "%" after the number,
it will be used as a percentage of the browser's window width.
Percentages are ignored when "Maintain Size Ratio" option
box is set on.
<LI><B>Internet Ready</B> - This option copies and creates files
into one directory. After the HTML file is created, the directory
contains all of the files that are referenced in the HTML file.
This makes it easy to publish images and other information on
the web with the click of a few buttons.
<LI><B>Use Relative HTML Address</B> - This option allows images
to be displayed using a file location that is relative to the
HTML page created. No files are copied with this option. The
HTML file will not use disk drive identifiers (C:\) to display
the files if the image is in the same directory or in a sub-directory
under the HTML page. If this option is checked and the HTML page
is in a directory path other than the images, the disk drive identifier
will be used. This option allows the HTML page to be copied directly
to your WEB site without modifications regarding the file path.
Of course, the same directory structure has to exist as was used
to create the HTML file. See the following example:
Relative Addressing:
HTML PAGE: c:\files\thumbp.htm
IMAGES: c:\files\gif\abc123.gif
Result: the address would be gif/abc123.gif
Non-Relative Addressing:
HTML PAGE: c:\data\thumbp.htm
IMAGES: c:\files\gif\abc123.gif
Result: the address would be c:\files\gif\abc123.gif
<LI><B>Rename HTML File:</B> This option allows you to save the
HTML file into a specified directory and file name. The default
name will always be thumbp.htm. You will be prompted for a new
file name when you create the HTML file by clicking on the icon
or selecting the "Output\Advanced HTML" menu option.
<LI><B>"Select Temporary Internet Directory" Button</B>
- This button allows you to select a directory that will be used
when the "Internet Ready" option is selected. The directory
selected will be used to create the HTML file. It will also be
used to copy all files associated with that HTML file. Once the
HTML file has been created, the contents of this directory can
be copied to your Internet account for web publishing.
<LI><B>File Names In HTML Output:</B> Check this box if you want
the local file names to appear centered under each image. If this
box is checked, the other options in the frame will also be enabled.
<LI><B>Borders Around Images:</B> If you want borders around the
images and the file names, check this box. This option only available
if "File Names In HTML Output" is selected.
<LI><B>Images Across Page:</B> This box allows you to place a
certain number of files across the screen in your browser. This
allows you to take into account the size of the images and the
length of the file names. If this number is too large, the horizontal
scroll bar must be used to view the images that do not appear
on the screen. The default is "1". This option only
available if "File Names In HTML Output" is selected.
<LI><B>File Names Only:</B> This check box will strip the directory
path from the file name. The file name will appear in the HTML
file if "File Names In HTML Output" is selected or if
the file being added to the HTML file is not a GIF or JPEG file.
This option is mostly for use with the "File Names In HTML
Output" option.
<LI><B>File Names And Path:</B> This check box will place the
entire directory path and file name in the HTML file. The file
name will appear in the HTML file if "File Names In HTML
Output" is selected or if the file being added to the HTML
file is not a GIF or JPEG file. This option is mostly for use
with the "File Names In HTML Output" option.
<U><B>Background Image For HTML Page</B></U>
<LI><B>Set Background Image - </B>If you want to use an image
in your HTML files created by Thumb Print, this is where you do
it. Click on an image and then select this option. Every time
you create a new thumbnail file of images, the background image
you selected will be used.
<LI><B>Clear Background Image</B> - Clears the entry for the HTML
background image file.
<LI><B>Maintain Size Ratio:</B> This options causes the image
to be displayed according to the height and width of the actual
image. The height and width are calculated when this option is
selected. The minimum height or width is 5 pixels. This option
is not available with the "Use Thumbnail If Available"
<LI><B>Use Thumbnail If Available:</B> This option searches thumbp.ini
for thumbnails previously created. Using this option will cause
thumbnails to be used in the creation of HTML files if and only
if the thumbnail exists for the image file. There is one exception,
the "Internet Ready" option will create thumbnails for
the images used in the HTML. Thumb nails are created by selecting
the "Options/View Images" menu option. If this option
is selected and no thumbnail image exists, then the maximum pixel
size is used in the HTML file to scale down and display the thumbnail
images. When this option is selected and the thumbnail image exists,
the 'Maintain Size Ratio" option has no effect on the thumbnail
size in the HTML file created. This option is only available
in the Pro version.
<LI><B>Allow Individual Selections:</B> If this option is selected,
you will be able to select individual files from the file list.
The selected files will be used to create the HTML output for
your browser. <B>If you have this option selected and you do not
select any files, the output will be empty of images.</B>
<LI><B>GIF And JPEG Files Only: </B>Use this option if you only
want GIF and JPEG files to be added to the HTML file. If you have
various file types in the file list, this check box will extract
and only use GIF and JPG file formats in the output file.
<LI><B>Use HTML Header / Footer File:</B> This option specifies
whether or not custom HTML code should be used. If this option
is selected, the file "htmlhead.htm" will be used to
place custom HTML code at the top of the HTML file created by
Thumb Print. The bottom of the HTML will can be supplied by a
file named "htmlfoot.htm". If either or both of these
files exists and this option is selected, the information contained
inside the file will be used to generate the html output. The
"<BODY>" and "</BODY>" tag should
not be used in these files. This is handled automatically with
the application.
<LI><B>Auto Start Browser:</B> This option allows automatic launching
of Netscape or MSIE when an HTML file is created.
<LI><B>Auto Start Editor:</B> This option allows the automaticly
launch a text editor. The software selected should be able to
accept text file names as a command line parameter. For example:
c:\windows\notepad.exe test.txt
<LI><B>Thumbnail Size:</B> This numerical value determines thumbnail
maximum size. This option is used with any of the buttons on the
menu "Options\View Image" window that allows the creation
of JPG files.
<U><B>"Edit HTML Heading And Footing" Button</B></U><B>
- </B>This button will display a window that will contain the
HTML code to generate custom HTML ouput. Refer to your HTML reference
material for appropriate tags and syntax. The first time you select
this option, default code will be supplied. If for some reason
you want to reload the default information, simply delete "htmlhead.htm"
and "htmlfoot.htm" from the directory where you have
Thumb Print installed. Then select this option. If you select
"Cancel" on this window, all changes (if any) will be
ignored. To save all changes and update the header and footer
HTML files, click the "OK" button.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270052"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270099"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270138"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962285"></A>Locate
Local Files </B></H4>
When this item is selected, a panel is displayed that will allow
you to locate GIF and JPG files. Once you have selected the files
you want to look at, click on the OK button and select the "File/Create
HTML File" option or icon
<U><B>Save Directory Profile</B></U><B> - </B>If you have a directory
or set of sub-directories that you will want to recall at some
point in the future you can save the settings in a "directory
profile". The file will have a "DPR" extension.
It will contain information such as directory paths, file filter
pattern, and whether to look in sub directories.
<U><B>Load Directory Profile</B></U><B> - </B>This option simply
reloads information saved by the "Save Directory Profile"
option. Once reloaded, you can click on the "Add To File
List" button to have files added to the file list that match
the file filter pattern.
<U><B>Save File Profile</B></U><B> - </B>If you have a set of
files that you will want to reload at some point in the future
you can save them in a "file profile". The file will
have a "FPR" extension. It will contain the file list
that is found in the File List box.
<U><B>Load File Profile</B></U><B> - </B>This option simply reloads
a file list saved by the "Save File Profile" option.
Once reloaded, you can click on the "Exit" button to
have the list box populated with the selected file names. Then
you will be ready to create the HTML document from the file list..
<U><B>Look In Sub-Dirs</B></U><B> - </B>This item will allow you
to select a parent directory and search all sub-directories without
having to visit each directory manually.
<U><B>File Type</B></U>
<I>Windows 3.x File Type Support: </I>
Only GIF and JPG file types will be used when HTML files are created.
The supported file types are as follows:
<LI>BMP Microsoft Windows and OS2 bitmaps (supported for logo)
<LI>GIF CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format (supported for
HTML creation)
<LI>JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group (supported for HTML creation)
<I>Windows 95 File Type Support: </I>
The popular graphic file types available for your to select. Only
GIF and JPG file types will be used when HTML files are created.
The supported file types are as follows:
<LI>*.* Any file on your disk can be used. Icons are supported
for special file types.
<LI>ART - PFS First Publisher
<LI>BMP - Microsoft Windows and OS2 bitmaps
<LI>CUT - Dr. Halo
<LI>DIB - Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmaps
<LI>EMF - Windows Enhanced Meta-files
<LI>GEM - GEM Raster files (Digital Research)
<LI>GIF - CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
<LI>HRZ - Slow Scan Television
<LI>IFF - Interchange File Format (Amiga Electronic Arts Deluxe
<LI>IMG - GEM Raster files (Digital Research)
<LI>JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
<LI>LBM - Interchange File Format (Amiga Electronic Arts Deluxe
<LI>MAC - Macintosh Paint
<LI>MSP - Microsoft Paint
<LI>PCX - ZSoft PC Paintbrush
<LI>PIC - Pictor PC Paint
<LI>PNG - CompuServe Portable Network Graphics
<LI>RAS - Sun Raster files
<LI>RLE - Run-length Encoded BMP files
<LI>TGA - Targa TrueVision Files
<LI>TIF - Tagged Image File Format (PC or Mac)
<LI>WMF - Windows Meta-files
<LI>WPG - Word Perfect Graphics
<U><B>"Add To Directory List" Button</B></U><B> - </B>This
button adds directory entries to be scanned into the Directory
List box.
<U><B>Add To File List</B></U><B> - </B>Clicking on this button
will add files to the File List box that match the file filter
pattern. The file search will be performed from the directories
added to the Directory List box. As directories are processed
they will be removed from the list. If you have selected "Look
In Sub-Dirs" then sub-directories will be added to the list
<U><B>Directory List: Clear List</B></U><B> - </B>This button
simply clears the Directory List box.
<U><B>Directory List: Remove Directory</B></U><B> - </B>If you
want to remove a directory from the list, click on the directory
path and then click on the "Remove Directory" button.
The directory will be removed from the list.
<U><B>File List: "Clear List" Button</B></U><B> - </B>This
button simply clears the File List box.
<U><B>File List: "Remove File" Button</B></U><B> - </B>If
you want to remove a file from the list, click on the file name
and then click on the "Remove File" button. The file
name will be removed from the list.
<U><B>File List Frame: Allow Duplicates</B></U><B> - </B>This
option allows the file list to contain duplicates.
<U><B>"Stop Processing" Button</B></U><B> - </B>This
button will cease the processing of any unsearched directories.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270061"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270108"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270147"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962294"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779245"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779372"></A>View
Images </B>- See "<A HREF="#view_file">View Images </A>Window
Options<A NAME="_Toc395962295"></A> </H4>
<H4><B>Clipboard Conversion</B></H4>
This option allows the conversion of an HTML file address to
something that can be used in any "Cut & Paste"
operation. The converted text can be used to paste file path and
names into a word processor, editor, or graphics program. When
this option is selected, anytime a local HTML path appears on
the clipboard it can be converted.
This option looks for "file:///" on the clipboard. If
it exists, it will then check to see if the file is located on
your local system (checking the file path and name). If the file
path and name can be found, the clipboard is then converted. It
could then be used for "paste" operations.
For example, if you copy "file:///c|data/abc.gif" to
the clipboard from your browser's address line, it will be converted
to "c:\data\abc.gif".
<H4><B>Image Window</B></H4>
This option will launch a separate window to display images selected
from the main file list. This window contain a menu option that
allows you to copy the image to the Windows clipboard. After doing
so, the image can be pasted into any application that supports
This option maintains information about how the HTML based slide
presentations will be created.
<U><B>Display Title</B></U> - This causes the name of the file
or a "user defined" title to appear above the image.
To enter a title, goto "View Images" window and use
the "Options\Associate Text" option.
<U><B>Use Associated Text (if any)</B></U> - Custom text can be
displayed with each image. To enter text, go to the "View
Images" window and use the "Options\Associate Text"
option. HTML tag information can be used to format the text you
want to display. This will help to center and align the text
information. If you need help with HTML scripting tags, visit
any of the Internet search engines and search for "HTML".
<U><B>Use Pre-Formatted Text</B></U> - This option is only available
if you have the "Use Associated Text" option selected.
This option will display the text as entered into the text content
area. HTML scripting tags will be used if they are used. When
this option is not used, each line of the text will be appended
to the previous line.
<U><B>Rename HTML File</B></U> - Using this option allows the
renaming of the HTML file when it is created. Since each slide
show presentation iscreated in a single directory, the name of
the main HTML page is the only thing you can change (not the directory).
<U><B>Create Slide Show Using Frames</B></U> - This option creates
the slide presentation using browser frames. The image index
will be located on the left and each slide will be displayed in
the rest of the window. Some browsers cannot use this feature
due to the lack of support for frames.
<U><B>Automatic Advance</B></U> - Slides can automatically advance
to the next slide using this option. This option is used with
"Continuous Loop" and "Delay In Seconds".
<U><B>Continuous Loop</B></U> - Use this option will cause the
first slide to be displayed after the last slide until the index
page is selected. The amount of time between slides is determined
by the "Delay In Seconds" option.
<U><B>Delay In Seconds</B></U> - This option determines how many
seconds to pause before the next slide is displayed. The default
value is 30 seconds.
<U><B>Maximum Images Height In Pixels</B></U> - The value placed
in this field determines the size of the image to be displayed.
This value does not create another image. It simply scales down
the original image to fit the specified size. Images smaller
than the value used will not be scaled and will be the original
<H2><A NAME="_Toc398779246"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779373"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782738"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783048"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783128"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783190"></A><A NAME="main_output"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923444"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923499">"Output"
Menu</A><A NAME="_Toc395270064"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270111"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270150"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962297"></A>
<H4><B>Quick View</B></H4>
This option will prompt you for a directory to use in the creation
of a HTML page. The HTML file created with this option will use
only GIF and JPG type files. After the directory is selected,
click on "Create HTML" to create the HTML file. It
will only create an HTML that displays the full size image. The
HTML heading and footing will be used if you have set them up
(see "Options/HTML").
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270065"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270112"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270151"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962298"></A>Simple
This option allows the quick HTML file creation from the list
of files contained in the main file list area. The HTML file
created with this option will use only GIF and JPG type files.
The images are not scaled by height or width. No borders, file
names, thumbnails, or background images. The output from this
option is a plain HTML file with a heading and footing with the
full size images being displayed.
<H4><B><A NAME="_Toc395270066"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270113"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270152"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962299"></A>Advanced
This option uses all of the options made available in in the menu
"Options/HTML" option.
When you select at least one file with the "File/Locate Local
Files" option, you can create an HTML document with this
option. By default, the file name is "thumbp.htm" and
is created in the software's installation directory.
The HTML file contains links to selected image files, sound file,
movie files, text files, and any other file you have selected
in the file list. The HTML file will initially display all images
as small thumbnail pictures. To view the full size image, just
click on the thumbnail image. The the HTML file contain sound
or movie files, the link will cause the browser to load the appropriate
software and play the sound or movie.
<H4><B>Slide Show HTML</B></H4>
This option will create a series of HTML files to create an image
presentation that is referred to a the "slide show".
Each HTML file contains one image with navigation buttons to
advance to the next slide or HTML file. Custom text can be associated
with each image by going to the "View Images" window
and using the "Options\Associate Text" option.
All HTML files and images are copied to the directory specified
on the main window by using "Options\HTML" menu option.
The directory is specified by the "Select Temporary Internet
Directory" button.
<B>NETSCAPE and MSIE USERS:</B> If you are using the Netscape
or MSIE browser, the html file you create can be automatically
loaded into the browser by selecting the "Options\HTML\Auto
Start Browser" option on the main window. Otherwise, thumbp.htm
will be created and you must load it manually into your browser
using "File/Open". The status bar at the bottom of
the main window displays the location of the created file.<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc398782739"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783049"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783129"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783191"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923445"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923500">View
Images Window Options (Windows 95 only)</A> </B></H1>
<H2><A NAME="_Toc395270062"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270109"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270148"></A><A NAME="view_file"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782740"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783050"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783130"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783192"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923446"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923501"></A>"File"
<H4><B>Exit And Use Current File List</B></H4>
This option will exit the Image Viewing window and return the"Current
File List" to the Main Window.
<H4><B>Exit And Use New File List</B></H4>
This option will exit the Image Viewing window and return the
"New File List" to the Main Window. If no files are
in this list, the "Current File List" will be used.
<H4><B>Cancel And Exit</B></H4>
Selecting this option will return back to the main window and
will maintain the original file list before loading the "View
Images" form.
<H2><A NAME="_Toc398782741"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783051"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783131"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783193"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923447"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923502"></A><A NAME="view_options">"Options"
<H4><B>Set HTML Background</B></H4>
If you want to use an image in your HTML files created by Thumb
Print, this is where you do it. Click on an image and then select
this option. Every time you create a new thumbnail file of images,
the background image you selected will be used. This option is
available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
<H4><B>Clear HTML Background</B></H4>
Clears the entry for the HTML background image file. This option
is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
<H4><B>Move Selected Files To "New File List"</B></H4>
This option will copy all files from the "Current File List"
to the "New File List" box for the files you have selected.
This allows you to perform multiple copies at once. The actual
files are not being moved, just the list box entries. This option
is available with the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
<H4><B>Move Selected Files To "Current File List"</B>
This option will copy all files from the "New File List"
to the "Current File List" box for the files you have
selected. This allows you to perform multiple copies at once.
The actual files are not being moved, just the list box entries.
This option is available with the right mouse button in the file
list boxes.
<H4><B>Clear Current File List Selections</B></H4>
This option will clear all file selections in the "Current
File List" box. No files are removed from the list, deleted
from disk or copied. Files you have "highlighted" will
be "un-highlighted". This option is available with the
right mouse button in the file list boxes.
<H4><B>Clear New File List Selections</B></H4>
This option all file selections in the "New File List"
box. No files are removed from the list, deleted from disk or
copied. When selected, the files you have "highlighted"
will be "un-hilighted". This option is available with
the right mouse button in the file list boxes.
<H4><B>Clear All File List Selections</B></H4>
This option all file selections in both the "Current File
List" and "New File List" boxes. No files are removed
from the list, deleted from disk or copied. When selected, the
files you have "highlighted" will be "un-hilighted".
This option is available with the right mouse button in the file
list boxes.
<H4><B>View Thumbnail</B></H4>
This option allows you to display the images as a thumbnail. The
thumbnail displayed is what the image would look like as a JPG
thumbnail image. The size is determined by the value entered in
the menu Options\HTML option.
<H4><B>Associate Text</B></H4>
This option is to allow text to be associated with a particular
file name. This text will be used in the HTML slide show option
(to be released in a future version).
<H4><B>Add File</B></H4>
This option allows the addition of a single file name to the list
of files.
<U><B>Current File List Box</B></U><B> - </B>This list box contains
the files as loaded into the main window. All file operations
in this window will start with this list of files. If you select
the menu FILE/EXIT, the files listed in the "Current File
List" box will be kept and moved back to the main display
window. If you want to move files from the "Current File
List" box to the "New File List" box, double click
on the file and the file path moves to the "New File List"
box. This list box also has options available if the "right"
mouse button is clicked. The options duplicate some of those found
in the menu "Options".
<U><B>New File List Box</B></U><B> - </B>This list box is used
to cut files down to a smaller sub-set of files. For example,
you have 30 files in the "Current File List" box and
you want to move 10 of the files to the "New File List"
box, double click on the 10 desired files and watch them move
to the "New File List" box. If you want to move files
from the "New File List" box to the "Current File
List" box, double click on the file and the file path moves
to the "Current File List" box. This list box also has
options available if the "right" mouse button is clicked.
The options duplicate some of those found in the menu "Options".
<U><B>HTML BG (Background Image)</B></U> - This box contains the
image file that will be used as the background image in the HTML
file created by Thumb Print. To change the file, click on the
desired file in the "Current File List" box or the "New
File List" box and then select the menu option "File/Options/Set
Background". The same result can be obtained by double clicking
on the box where the background file name goes.
<U><B>Target Dir</B></U> - This box is the directory that will
be used to copy any files when the "Copy / Move File(s)"
button is clicked. To change this directory, select the desired
drive and directory from the "Target Directory" selection
<U><B>"Create Thumbnail" Button (Pro Version Only)</B></U>
- This button allows for the creation of a small, thumbnail version
of the selected file. The size is determined from the value located
in the menu "Options/HTML/ Thumbnail Size" option.
<U><B>"Create JPG File" Button (Pro Version Only)</B></U>
- This button allows for the creation of the selected file to
be converted to a JPG file format. If the selected image is already
in JPG format, this option is unavailable.
<U><B>"Convert List To Thumbs" Button (Pro Version Only)</B></U>
- This button will create small, thumbnail images from the selected
list of files. They will be saved in JPG file format. The size
is determined from the value located in the menu "Options/HTML/
Thumbnail Size" option.
<U><B>"Convert List To JPGs" Button (Pro Version Only)</B></U>
- This button will create JPG images from all files in the selected
list. If the selected image is already in JPG format, this option
is unavailable.
<U><B>"Copy / Move File(s)" Button</B></U> -This button
allows you to copy or physically move files to other directories.
<LI>1. Select or highlight the desired file(s) you want to process.
<LI>2. Select the desired or target directory.
<LI>3. Click on the "Copy / Move Button"
When the file(s) are moved, the file list will reflect the new
directory where the file can be found.
<U><B>"View File Copy Log" Button</B></U> - Thumb Print
will create a log file that contains all file copies and file
moves. This file is named "filecopy.log" and will be
located in Thumb Print's directory (where thumbp.exe is located).
When Thumb Print starts up each time, "filecopy.log"
will be deleted. This file will never contain more information
than the activity for a given session of Thumb Print. This option
uses NOTEPAD.EXE to display the log file.
<U><B>Image</B></U> - This area of the window is used to view
the image files. Click on the desired file and the image will
appear in this area. It will be scaled to fit the frame in the
window. The file is not altered in any way.
<U><B>File Operation</B></U>
There are three functions that can be performed on a file. There
are two 'radio' buttons that determine if a file will be copied
or physically moved to another directory. These two options are
performed when the "Copy / Move File(s)" button is selected.
The other option is deleting a file from disk when the 'delete'
button is selected.
<LI><B>Copy - </B>Selected when files are to be copied from one
directory to another.
<LI><B>Move - </B>Selected when files are to be moved from one
directory to another
<LI><B>Delete</B> - This option allows you to actually delete
the selected image(s) from disk.
<U><B>Target Directory</B></U> - This frame is used to select
the desired directory for file copies and file moves. In the Pro
version, it is used when JPEG files are created. This includes
both thumbnail and full image size files.
<U><B>Image Dimensions</B></U><B> - </B>This frame contains the
height and width of the image displayed. A non-image will have
zero values for both the height and width.<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270067"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270114"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270153"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962300"></A><A NAME="thumbnail_icons"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779247"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779374"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782742"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783052"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783132"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783194"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923448"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923503"></A>Non-HTML
Image/File Icons</B></H1>
There is a section in the thumbp.ini file that is used to specify
icons to be used for non-HTML images (GIF and JPG). The entries
in this section of the thumbp.ini file are only used during the
creation of the HTML file. If all the files being added to the
HTML are GIF and/or JPG files, this section is not used.
If you are creating an HTML file with AVI, MID, WAV, BAT, HTM,
TXT, etc., an entry will be added into this section of the INI
file for each file type. You can then modify the entries and provide
the full path for the icon to be used for each file type. Edit
this file with your favorite text editor.
There are three default gifs supplied starting with v1.10. They
(question mark). If these files are located in the Thumb Print
directory, they will by default be used for HTM, MPG, AVI, and
TXT file types. All other files will use the QMARK.GIF
Providing the ability to set the icon for a given file type allows
for great flexibility as new file types are created.<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270069"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270116"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270155"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962302"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270070"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270117"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270156"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962303"></A><A NAME="download_sites"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779248"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779375"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782743"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783053"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783133"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783195"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923449"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923504"></A>Official
Download Sites</B></H1>
The official download site is Off-Site Labs, Inc. at http://www.offsitelabs.com.
This location always contains the most current version.
<B>Alternate Internet Download Sites:</B>
TUCOWS (The Ultimate Collection Of Winsock Software): http://www.tucows..net/.
This site also has mirror sites that may be closer to you than
others. The application is displayed in the HTML Accessories
Windows 3.x: tp16vvv.zip (where vvv is the version number)
Windows 95: tp32vvv.zip (where vvv is the version number)
<B>Compuserve Files and Forums:</B>
Winshare Forum: thumbp16.zip (Windows 3.x) and thumbp32.zip (Windows
Winutil Forum: thumbp16.zip (Windows 3.x) and thumbp32.zip (Windows
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270071"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270118"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270157"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962304"></A><A NAME="installation"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779249"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779376"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782744"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783054"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783134"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783196"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923450"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923505"></A>Installation
The download packages contain everything you need except the Visual
Basic runtime library (see Special Requirements)
To install, complete the following:
<LI>VB40016.DLL (Windows 3.x) or VB40032.DLL (Windows 95)
<LI>TP16SUPP.ZIP (Windows 3.x) or TP32SUPP.ZIP (Windows 95)
<LI>TP16vvv.ZIP (Windows 3.x) or TP32vvv.zip (Windows 95)
See "Special Requirements" section for further information
on required files (vb40016.dll and vb40032.dll).
<LI>After you download the software package, unzip/uncompress
the ZIP file into a temporary directory. This can be done with
any Pkzip or Winzip compatible compression/uncompression program.
<LI>Provide any information you are prompted for (i.e. target
<LI>After the setup program finishes, you're ready to go!
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270072"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270119"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270158"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962305"></A><A NAME="service_and_support"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779250"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779377"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782745"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783055"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783135"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783197"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923451"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923506"></A>Service
& Support</B></H1>
Direct your questions, problem, or comments to us at the following:
Off-Site Labs, Inc.
P.O. Box 536
Barker, TX 77413
email: support@offsitelabs.com
www: http://www.offsitelabs.com<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270073"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270120"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270159"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962306"></A><A NAME="special_requirements"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779251"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779378"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782746"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783056"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783136"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783198"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923452"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923507"></A>Special
The Thumb Print software is distributed without the Visual Basic
runtime library. These files are referenced on the download page
at our WEB site. These files are commonly found in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM
<B>The library file required for 16 bit systems (Windows 3.x)
is VB40016.DLL.</B>
<B>The library file required for 32 bit systems (Windows 95) is
Visit our web site for links to these files at http://www.offsitelabs.com.
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270074"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270121"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270160"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962307"></A><A NAME="reporting_problems"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779252"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779379"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782747"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783057"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783137"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783199"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923453"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923508"></A>Reporting
<B>Please send any bug reports to support@offsitelabs.com.</B>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270075"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270122"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270161"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962308"></A><A NAME="registration"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779253"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779380"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782748"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783058"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783138"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783200"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923454"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923509"></A>How
To Register</B></H1>
The prices and payment methods are subject to change at anytime.
For up to date information you should visit our WEB site at http://www.offsitelabs.com.
Thumb Print is shareware, not freeware. The software is licensed
for evaluation purposes only. After 30 days, we ask that you register
the software or discontinue its use.
Prices are in US currency and are effective as of October, 1997:
<LI>Thumb Print Purchase Price: $16.00 (Windows 3.x)
<LI>Thumb Print Purchase Price: $16.00 (Windows 95)
<LI>Thumb Print Pro Purchase Price: $25.00 (Windows 95/NT)
<LI>Thumb Print Upgrade to Thumb Print Pro: $10.00 (Windows 95/NT)
<LI><I>(Proof of purchase may be required if you purchase the
Pro version)</I>
Prices are subject to change without notice. Contact Off-Site
Labs, Inc. for the current price by email at sales@offsitelabs.com.
Texas residents will need to add 8.25%.
After payment is received, you will receive a registration code
by one of the following methods: 1) e-mail, 2) postal mail.
Windows 3.x version - Software Registration ID: #12179
Windows 95 Regular version - Software Registration ID: #12180
Windows 95 PRO version - Software Registration ID: #15946
Windows 95 PRO Upgrade - Software Registration ID: #15945
Printed Manual: #14299
For Compuserve users, there is a shareware registration forum
(GO SWREG) to make it easy for you to purchase the software. The
registration amount will added to your Compuserve account balance.
<LI>Handling Charges: $0.00 (included in the price)
<LI>Thumb Print Purchase Price: $16.00 (Windows 3.x)
<LI>Thumb Print Purchase Price: $16.00 (Windows 95)
<LI>Thumb Print Pro Purchase Price: $25.00 (Windows 95/NT)
<LI>Thumb Print Upgrade to Thumb Print Pro: $10.00 (Windows 95/NT)
<LI><I>(Proof of purchase may be required if you purchase the
Pro version)</I>
<LI>Printed Manual: $10 (help file in printed form)
<U><B>ON-LINE Registration With A Credit Card At Outreach Communications
If you have a credit card and would like to register Cache Master
on-line, you can visit our WEB site and select the "On-Line
Registration" link. This link takes you to a form for credit
card and other ordering information.
<LI>Secure Sales: http://www.outreach.com/cgi-bin/offsite/
<LI>Credit Card Accepted: Visa, Mastercard, American Express,
Handling Charges: $0.00 (included in the price)
<LI>Thumb Print Purchase Price: $16.00 (Windows 3.x)
<LI>Thumb Print Purchase Price: $16.00 (Windows 95)
<LI>Thumb Print Pro Purchase Price: $25.00 (Windows 95/NT)
<LI>Thumb Print Upgrade to Thumb Print Pro: $10.00 (Windows 95/NT)
<LI><I>(Proof of purchase may be required if you purchase the
Pro version)</I>
<LI>Printed Manual: $10 (help file in printed form)
<U><B>Credit Card Orders By eMail, Postal, And Telephone at PsL</B></U>
<B>PsL Reference #15034 (both Windows 3.x & Windows 95)</B>
Be sure to reference Thumb Print as product ID #15034 when ordering
from PsL.
<LI>Secure On-Line Orders: https://www.pslweb.com/cgi-win/psl_ords.exe/ITEM15034
<LI>Primary On-Line Site: http://www.pslweb.com/cgi-win/psl_ord.exe/ITEM15034
<LI>Secondary On-Line Site:
<U>Thumb Print (Windows 3.x and Windows 95) </U>
<LI>Handling Fees: $6.00
<LI>Total Price: $22.00
<U>Thumb Print Pro </U>
<LI>Handling Fees: $6.00
<LI>Total Price: $31.00
<LI>Printed Manual: $10 (help file in printed form)
Use the following information to order through PsL:
<LI>Send the completed form (order.txt) included in the download
kit to PsL by email, Fax, or mail
<LI>Email to 71355.470@compuserve.com
<LI>FAX 713-524-6398
<LI>Mail credit card orders to PsL at P.O. Box 35705, Houston,
TX 77235
<LI>Call 1-800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 from 7a.m.-6p.m., Mon.-Thurs.
7a.m.-Noon Friday
<LI>Credit Card Accepted: Visa, Mastercard, American Express,
<U><B>Site Licenses </B></U>
If you feel that a site license (covering an organization at a
given location) would be more appropriate, send email to Off-Site
Labs, Inc. at sales@offsitelabs.com for more information.
<B>Thumb Print (Windows 3.x / Windows 95) Site License Rates:
<B>Number of</B> <B>Price</B>
1-10 $16 per copy
11-20 $160 for the first 10 copies + $14 per each
additional copy
21-50 $300 for the first 20 copies + $13 per each
additional copy
51-100 $690 for the first 50 copies + $10.00 per each
additional copy
101 - 500 $1,190 for the first 100 copies + $8 per each
additional copy
501 - 1000 $4,390 for the first 500 copies + $6.50 per each
additional copy
1001 - 2000 $7,640 for the first 1000 copies + $5.50 per each
additional copy
2001 - 5000 $13,140 for the first 2000 copies + $5 per each
additional copy
<B>Thumb Print Pro (Windows 95/NT) Site License Rates: </B>
<B>Number of</B> <B>Price</B>
1-10 $25 per copy
11-20 $250 for the first 10 copies + $23 per each
additional copy
21-50 $480 for the first 20 copies + $22 per each
additional copy
51-100 $1,140 for the first 50 copies + $20.00 per each
additional copy
101 - 500 $2,140 for the first 100 copies + $18 per each
additional copy
501 - 1000 $9,340 for the first 500 copies + $16.50 per
each additional copy
1001 - 2000 $17,590 for the first 1000 copies + $15.50 per each
additional copy
2001 - 5000 $33,090 for the first 2000 copies + $15 per each
additional copy
<B>NOTE:</B> There is an annual maintenance fee of 15% for site
licenses over 100 copies.
If additional purchases are made in the future, previous purchases
will apply to new site licenses. For example, Company XYZ buys
a 10 user license today for $160. Next month, the same company
site location decides to buy 10 more copies for the company, the
additional charge will be $140 ($14x10 copies). The original $160
is applied to the subsequent license purchase.
<B>Educational Institutions:</B> Site licenses for educational
facilities qualify for an automatic 10% discount.<HR>
<H1><B><A NAME="_Toc395270076"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270123"></A><A NAME="_Toc395270162"></A><A NAME="_Toc395962309"></A><A NAME="agreement"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779254"></A><A NAME="_Toc398779381"></A><A NAME="_Toc398782749"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783059"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783139"></A><A NAME="_Toc398783201"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923455"></A><A NAME="_Toc400923510"></A>License
This license agreement permits an evaluation period not to exceed
30 calendar days. After such time, registration is requested.
Off-Site Labs, Inc. reserves the right to make modifications at
any time to the software and/or the documentation without approval
or notification. The software described in this document is provided
under the software license and may be used in accordance with
such license. By using the software you agree to the conditions
and rules stated in the License agreement.
Except as expressly provided, Off-Site Labs, Inc., makes no warranties,
either express or implied, with respect to the software to provide
a particular function. The software is licensed solely on an "AS
IS" basis. In no event shall Off-Site Labs, Inc. be liable
for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages
for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business
information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of
the software.
<U><B>License Agreement:</B></U>
The term "REGISTERED version" identifies all versions
of the software defined in this document. The software defined
in this document is being distributed as a SHAREWARE version.
The term "SHAREWARE version" means that the defined
software may be freely uploaded to FTP sites, Usenet newsgroups,
bulletin board systems, and other such sites for distribution
providing its users download the software for trial purposes.
SHAREWARE versions of the software defined in this document shall
not be distributed in CD-ROM disks or any other media without
the express authorization of the author. CD-ROM distribution is
granted to any institution or organization where the SHAREWARE
version is uploaded by the authorizing agent, Off-Site Labs, Inc.
<U>Single User Licensee:</U> Off-Site Labs, Inc. grants you a
single user, registered license for use on a single computer which
is not used as a server. Installation of the software on a network
is prohibited for this type of license.
The use of this licensed software outside the boundries of this
license agreement is not permitted unless the licensee obtains
a separate license from Unisys.
This license does not authorize or permit the licensee to use
any other product or perform any other method or activity involving
the use of LZW unless the licensee is separately licensed in writing
by Unisys.
<U>Site license:</U> This license is granted for a limited number
of copies to an institution or organization. Contact Off-Site
Labs, Inc. for more information.
The software product and the documentation are supplied as copyrighted
material and contain proprietary information. All rights are reserved.
The software and documentation is protected under Copyright Law
of the United States of America.
Portions of Thumb Print are licensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302
and foreign counterparts.
Windows, Windows 95, Internet Explorer are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape Communications, the Netscape
Communications logo, Netscape, Netsite and Mozilla are trademarks
of Netscape Communications Corporation. All other products, brand,
or trade names used in this documentation are the trademarks of
their respective trademark owners.