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- Registration
- Scott M. Baker, smbaker@primenet.com
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I have decided to include several of my shareware programs into a sort of
- "package deal". Most of these programs share a similar code base and it works
- out best of I just lump them all together. Paying the modest $15 shareware
- registration entitles you to use of all of the programs listed in this
- agreement.
- Registration is good for all versions -- past, present, and future -- of the
- programs listed in this file. You only need to register once.
- Paying the $15 registration fee entitles you to use of allof the following:
- 1. SBNews/Newsbot ... SBNEWSxx.ZIP and/or SBN32_xx.ZIP
- An automated news retrieval utility. Automatically downloads, uudecodes,
- and displays images from binary newsgroups. Many bells and whistles.
- 2. SBJV ... SBJV16xx.ZIP and/or SBJV32xx.ZIP
- Jpeg/Gif/Bmp/Pcx Image file viewer. Includes visual thumbnail index,
- catalog generator, and download categorizer.
- 3. SBRail ... SBRAILxx.ZIP
- Model Railroad ScreenSaver.
- 4. SB Image Explorer ... SBIMGxx.ZIP
- Image browsing utility; Similar in format to the popular Windows-95
- Explorer. Supports thumbnail browsing, etc.
- 5. SB Log ... SBLOGxx.ZIP
- Log statistics generator for web sites. Generates a comprehensive
- statistics report in html format from the log files of your web site.
- 6. SB Pop ... SBPOPxxx.ZIP
- Internet Email Notifier. Watches your incoming email and alerts you when
- new mail arrives.
- 7. SB Slot ... SBSLOTxx.ZIP
- Slot machine simulator and 3D game for Windows-95 with DirectX support.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Registration Policy (via US-Mail):
- 1. Mail $15 (a personal check made out to "Scott M. Baker" is fine) to my
- US-Mail address. Include your EMAIL address with the check. [You can also
- register online via credit card; see below]
- 2. I will generate a registration code that corresponds to the email you
- included. I will email this registration code back to you at the address
- you provided.
- 3. Load up newsbot/sbjv/sbimg and select Register from the menu. Enter your
- email and the code I provided. The program will now be registered. [Note:
- For SBRail, the register info may be located by pushing <setup> from the
- Windows-95 screensaver configuration box]
- 4. Your registration is good forever, and will be supported under ALL FUTURE
- VERSIONS of these programs.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Online Registration via Credit Card:
- I support online credit card registration with a secure web server. You can
- find my software registration page at
- http://www.newsrobot.com/credit/credit.html.This page includes instructions and
- will direct you to the ordering page which is located on a secure server.
- The secure server supports the Secure Sockets Layer and encrypts your credit
- card information so that it cannot be intercepted or tampered with by anyone.
- It's a widely accepted standard and absolutely the safest way to do business on
- the web. You can also fax credit card information to me at 520-797-8325 if
- you'd prefer.
- I usually process registrations fairly quickly, so you should see your code
- within a few hours. I guarantee that I will have it processed within 24 hours.
- So far, my average turn-around time has been approximately 1-2 hours.
- Once you have received your code, you may proceed with the registration as
- described in the "Registration Policy (via US-Mail)" section above.
- The charge will appear on your credit card as "SB Software".
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Specific registration benefits include:
- 1. Removal of "shareware delay" in SBNews/Newsbot, SBJV, and SBImg.
- 2. Newsbot's automatic start command line feature.
- 3. By supporting the author, you encourage me to continue devoting work to
- the project, which in turn causes me to create a superior product, which
- ultimately benefits you!
- Please do consider registering this shareware if you continue to use it. The
- programming is very involved and time consuming, and it really gives me a lot
- more incentive to add new features if I receive compensation for my work.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How to contact me:
- US-Mail:
- Scott M. Baker
- 2241 W Labriego
- Tucson, Az 85741
- My Bulletin board:
- I've taken the BBS down due to lack of use. Please use my Internet email
- address instead at smbaker@primenet.com.
- Email:
- smbaker@primenet.com
- My Homepage:
- * http://smbaker.simplenet.com
- * ... or ... http://www.newsrobot.com
- Fax/Answering Machine:
- * You can fax credit card information to 520-797-8325. Please do not use
- this number for technical support. I prefer to do all technical support
- via email as it's cheaper, more convenient, and easier to keep track of.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Find the latest SBNews/Newsbot at this address:
- * http://www.newsrobot.com/sbnews/sbnews.html
- Find the latest SBJV at this address:
- * http://www.newsrobot.com/sbjv/sbjv.html
- Find the latest SBRail at this address:
- * http://www.newsrobot.com/trains/trains.html
- Find the latest SB Image Explorer at this address:
- * http://www.newsrobot.com/sbimg/sbimg.html
- Find the latest SB Pop at this address:
- * http://www.newsrobot.com/sbpop/index.html
- I also try to maintain recent copies of my shareware on the following sites:
- * Tucows: http://www.tucows.com
- * Coast-To-Coast Software Repository: http://www.coast.net
- * Winsite: http://www.winsite.com
- If all of the above fail, you might want to try the shareware.comsearch site.
- Their address is http://www.shareware.com.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- About the shareware philosophy:
- Many of you are familiar with shareware, but for some it is a new concept.
- Shareware is not free software. Shareware simply entitles you to evaluate the
- software for a certain period of time before having to pay for it. That way,
- you can make sure that the software is really worthwhile before you have to
- part with your hard-earned money.
- While I usually do not place an explicit evaluation term on my programs, I
- would expect that if you find the software useful for 30 days or more, then you
- should pay for it. It's the right thing to do. Paying for the software is
- usually referred to as "registering", and when your payment is received, I will
- send you a registration code. This registration code can then be entered into
- the software, removing any "nag" features (such as "delays") that might be
- present. Most of my programs also have an about box that proudly displays your
- name, so that all your friends will know that you supported the software.
- All of my software features a lifetime registration policy. You only have to
- register once. If I release a new version of a particular program, your
- registration is automatically good for it. You need never register again.
- So why should you register? Registering provides me with the financial support
- that I need to continue my programming efforts. The more registrations I
- receive, the greater my incentive to continue working on a project. The more
- work I put into a project, the better the finsihed product, and the more you'll
- enjoy it. So you can see that by registering you ultimately benefit yourself!