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- "Pro Motion 32bit" Order Form
- Please fill in every field, print the form and send it with the
- corresponding material to:
- c/o Jan Zimmermann
- Gruener Winkel 2
- D-09127 Chemnitz
- Germany
- Name: ______________________________________________________
- Company: ______________________________________________________
- Address: ______________________________________________________
- City: ______________________________________________________
- State : ______________________________________________________
- Zip/Country: ______________________________________________________
- Phone: ____________________ Fax: ________________________
- E-mail: ______________________________________________________
- The following informations are voluntary. We ask you to fill in these too,
- because we will consider these informations for future developments to
- offer more efficient software.
- My computer has...:
- a CPU of type
- ( ) 486 ( ) 586 ( ) 686
- ( ) Pentium ( ) Pentium Pro ( ) other:_______________
- with a clock of:____MHz
- ____MB RAM
- a grafics-device with ____MB Video-memory
- I use the operating system(s):
- ( ) Windows 3.x ( ) Windows 95
- ( ) Windows NT ( ) OS/2
- ( ) OS/2 Warp ( ) MS DOS/DR DOS
- ( ) others:______________________________________
- I wish to order the following items:
- Copies: Price per copy:
- _______ x US$ 59,-
- + Shipping:
- ( ) US$3,- within Europe
- ( ) US$5,- outside Europe
- + Fee for remittance via bank/cheque-payment from outside Germany:
- ( ) US$10,- from within Europe
- ( ) US$13,- from outside Europe
- = US$____,-
- (If you use remittance via bank or cheque-payment, you have to pay the
- fee your bank charges yourself!)
- Date:_____________ Signature:________________________