39 Set poster to portrait mode, using current paper size.
40 Set poster to landscape mode, using current paper size.
41 Set a custom page size and shape.
43 Select the border pattern
44 Select the type of object to paste
46 Change size of selected picture
47 Reset picture size to original
48 Paste a bmp,wmf,gif, or jpg file into poster
49 Select a printer or Change the printer settings
50 Redraw the poster screen
51 Set the character color
52 Set global options
54 Insert an OLE object
56 Edit the OLE object
57 Create Banner of unlimited width
58 About shareware registration
59 Import the border from a *.wmf file
60 Make characters bigger
61 Make characters smaller
62 Edit picture or graphic
63 Edit or add text
64 Toggle graphics toolbox appearance
65 Bring object to the front of display
66 Push object to the back of display
67 Draw a line (SHIFT for horizontal/vertical)
68 Draw a rectangle (SHIFT for a square)
69 Draw a rounded box (SHIFT for a square)
70 Draw an oval (SHIFT for a circle)
79 Change the character fonts
80 File operation menu
81 Editing operations menu
82 Change the appearance of the text
83 Create and edit graphics
84 Change the appearance of the page
85 Get Help
86 Change spacing between characters or lines.
87 Change size of characters.
88 Change character font.
89 Select a drawing tool.
90 Change line & frame width
91 Change line or frame style
92 Change fill pattern
93 Select automatic drop-shadow (3D).
94 Select a border for the poster.
95 Select a background color.
96 Rotate text line or individual characters.
97 Wrap words or characters at end of line.
98 Rotate a graphics object.
99 Change interline spacing for all lines on page.
101 Insufficient memory
102 Too many characters
103 Can't make dlgproc
104 Can't make dialog box
105 Invalid font
106 Can't make fontfamily callback
107 Too many fonts in use already
108 Cannot make font
109 Invalid bitmap number
110 Too many pictures
111 Can't create metafile
112 Cannot load file due to bad data in file.
113 File is not a POSTER save file.
114 Cannot open file
115 Can't copy metafile
116 Can't GetMetaFileBits
117 Invalid size of metafile
118 Can't GlobalLock metafile copy
119 Can't Global Free
120 Cannot write save file - probably out of disk space.
121 Cannot open save file
122 Can't display bitmap
123 Cant DeleteDC(hMem)
124 Too many metafile pictures
125 No metafile in clipboard
126 Can't copy metafile from clipboard
127 Can't play metafile
128 Invalid metafile pointer in release
129 Release_metaf delete error
130 Can't load printer driver
131 Can't setup printer
132 Can't create printer font
133 Insufficient disk space to print poster
134 Insufficient memory to print poster
135 Cannot print poster.
136 Invalid scale,width,or height
137 Invalid font size
138 Invalid page size
139 Not a bitmap
140 Too many bitmaps
141 Warning: bitmap too high\nWill be compressed.
142 Warning: bitmap too wide\nWill be compressed.
143 Cant create the bitmap
144 Improperly formatted *.bmp file
145 'Print as bitmap' option will not work with your printer.
146 Only a Metafile (picture) can be pasted as a border.
147 File is not a 'Placeable Metafile'.
148 Improperly formatted metafile file
149 Can't setup as an OLE client
150 Too many OLE objects
151 Can't save ole object
152 Please clear your poster (using NEW) before switching to Banner mode
153 Can't save a file that has no text
154 Invalid margin
155 Invalid page size or margin
156 Invalid page range for printing.
157 This picture cannot be moved with the mouse. Insert or delete characters to move it.
158 Can't print bitmap picture.
160 Internal error: No entry to delete in DeleteDL
161 Internal error: Zero address for a display list entry
162 Internal error: Display entry and text pointer to entry don't match.
163 Internal error: No display-llist entry for border.
164 Sorry, but Poster 2.x cannot read SAVE files from Poster 1.x.
165 Your banner exceeds 1 line. \nTo fit multiple lines, either make the font smaller (text->smaller), or make the banner taller (page->Custom size).
166 NOTE: This tool creates a new box of text, disconnected from the rest of your poster.\nTo add to existing text, click on 'A' and then click next to an existing character.
167 NOTE: The font dialog box will set the font name, but not the font size.
168 To adjust picture size: click & drag a handle. \nTo move picture: add or delete text.
169 To adjust picture size: click & drag a handle.\n (To keep shape constant, stretch a corner). \nTo move picture: click inside picture and move.
172 Current poster will be lost. Save it first?
173 POSTER is shareware.\nPlease use it to generate posters, signs, banners, and murals.\nIf POSTER works well for you, then after a few uses you are expected to register it. \nRegistration is only $14, includes fancy borders
174 Copy the file "ORDER.TXT" from your Poster directory (or folder) to your printer to create an order form.
175 Invalid Registration Code
176 Turn GRID on (View->Grid) for SNAP to work
177 CAUTION:File created under an earlier version of POSTER.\nYour poster has been reformatted for better character spacing.\nThis may change line breaks and spacing between lines.\nPlease check and correct breaks and spacing
178 Text box not selected. \nTo Rotate , Arch, or Warp text:\n1. Create a text box using the Automatic 'Text' tool \n (lower left corner of tool box).\n2. Type in text.\n3. Select the box (Ctrl+mouse click)\n4. Select Text->Rotate.. or Arch... or Warp..
179 Value must be between -360 and 360.
180 This feature only available in the Registered version of Poster.\nSee Help->Registration.
181 Printed Size is based on last File->Print command.\nTo set printed size:\n1. Select File->Print\n2. Select print size.\n3. Select 'Save Settings'.
182 To apply bitmap to text:\n1.Create black text on white background.\n2.Move bitmap over text.\n3. Select bitmap, then select Text->Apply Bitmap.
183 To learn about POSTER, click on "Tutorial".\nFor detailed help, click on "Help".\nTo create a poster, click on the shape of the poster or banner, and then just start typing.
184 Rotation and Arch only works on Automatic Text Boxes \n(Tool in lower left corner of toolbox)
185 No item selected. Select 1 or more items before using this option.
186 Do you want a simple rectangular border?
187 Do you want to see page breaks?
188 Do you want to use 'quick-start' to build a simple poster or banner?
189 This command only deletes a metafile or bitmap used as a border or background.\nTo delete a simple border, select "Simple Borders".
190 To rotate text boxes, select Text->Rotate->Line.
191 Caution: Method C will take about 30 seconds per character.
192 Caution: Colored or white text may not print correctly.
202 Change line and frame width
203 Change line & frame color
205 Change object fill color
206 Display object on top of text
207 Display object underneath text
208 Make line solid.
209 Set dashed line.
214 Set line width to .1 inch (2.5 mm)
215 Set line width to .2 inch (5 mm)
216 Set line width to .3 inch (8 mm)
217 Set line width to 0.4 inch (10 mm)
219 Set line wdith to 1/2 inch (12 mm)
232 Draw a closed polygon. double-click to finish it.
233 No line around box,circle, etc.
234 Draw an arrow at 1 end
235 Draw an arrow at other end
236 Draw an arrow at both ends
237 No arrows
238 Draw a multiple line segment. Double-click to end..
239 Draw a section of a pie.
241 Reset character width to normal.
242 Increase space between characters
243 Decrease space between characters
244 Reset line spacing to normal
245 Increase space between lines
246 Decrease space between lines
247 Special Text Effects: 3D, subscript, etc:
250 Draw a closed chord
251 Draw a shadow behind box, circle, etc.
252 Don't draw any shadows.
253 White Background (default)
254 Back Background
255 Dark Grey background
256 Grey background
257 Light Grey background
258 Specify background color
259 Wrap the line at a word boundary.
260 Wrap the line at a character boundary.
261 Don't wrap the line if it's too long.
262 Show full page on screen (no zoom).
263 Zoom to double size.
264 Zoom to 4x.
265 Zoom to 8x.
266 Zoom to 16x.
267 Zoom to 12x.
268 Do NOT show grid on screen.
269 Show grid at 1 inch or 2 cm. increments.
270 Show grid at 1/2 inch or 1 cm. increments.
271 Show grid at 1/4 inch or 0.5 cm. increments.
272 Show grid at 1/8 inch or 0.25 cm. increments.
273 Snap graphics to grid intersection points.
274 Start the POSTER Tutorial.
275 Show the POSTER example posters.
276 Normal spacing between all lines.
277 Slightly wider spacing between all lines.
278 Rotate the entrie line in a text box
280 Rotate individual characters, but line stays horizontal.
281 Set line width to 0.01 inch (0.2 mm)
282 Set line width to 0.02 inch (0.4 mm)
284 Group selected graphics items into one item.
285 Break a group up into separate items.
286 Rotate a graphics object.
287 Displays page divisions, based on last Print command.
290 Apply selected bitmap to text characters.
291 Zoom to actual size to the printed.
292 Turn off ruler display.
297 Display ruler, grid, and status line using a scale of 1 page (1x)..
298 Display ruler, grid, and status line using the scale from last Print command.
299 Toggle grid on top or underneath text and graphics.
305 OLE - (OLESTREAM) stream error
306 OLE - Non static object expected
307 OLE - Critical data missing
308 OLE - Error while drawing
309 OLE - Invalid metafile
310 OLE - Client chose to abort metafile drawing
311 OLE - Failed to get/set clipboard data
312 OLE - Requested format is not available
313 OLE - Not a valid object
314 OLE - Invalid option (link update / render)
315 OLE - Invalid protocol
316 OLE - One of the pointers is invalid
317 OLE - Objects are not equal
318 OLE - Invalid handle encountered
319 OLE - Some general error
320 OLE - Invalid class
321 OLE - Command syntax is invalid
322 OLE - Data format is not supported
323 OLE - Invalid color palette
324 OLE - Not a linked object
325 OLE - Client doc contains objects
326 OLE - Incorrect buffer size passed to E_OLE api
327 OLE - Drive letter in doc name is invalid
328 OLE - Failed to establish connection to network
329 OLE - Invalid name (doc name, object name)
330 OLE - Server failed to load template
331 OLE - Server failed to create new doc
332 OLE - Server failed to edit object
333 OLE - Server failed to open document
334 OLE - Object is not open for editing
335 OLE - Failed to launch server
336 OLE - Failed to communicate with server
337 OLE - Error in termination
338 OLE - Error in execute
339 OLE - Error in show
340 OLE - Error in doing verb
341 OLE - Item could be missing
342 OLE - Server can't recognize item format
343 OLE - Server doesn't support rename
344 OLE - Failure of poking native data to server
345 OLE - Server failed to render native data
346 OLE - Server failed to render presentation data
347 OLE - Server is blocked
348 OLE - Server is not registered
349 OLE - Trying to register same doc multiple times
350 OLE - Server or client task is invalid
351 OLE - Object is out of date
352 OLE - cant load OLE object
353 OLE - Can't display - blank object
354 Change zoom (magnification) for poster display.
355 Display a grid to align graphics objects.
356 Change the way the poster is displayed.
401 LaserJet 4: If you have printing problems,\nSelect Printer Setup -> 'Printer Resolution'=300 DPI,\nOptions -> 'Graphics mode'=Raster, 'Graphics Quality'=High,\n'Print TrueType as Graphics'
402 Postscript: If you have printing problems,\nSelect Printer Setup -> Options -> Advanced -> 'TrueType Fonts'\n'Send to printer as' -> 'Bitmap(Type 3)'
403 For best results, Please set\nPrinter Resolution to 300 dpi\nusing File->Print Setup.
406 Are you using continuous-feed (banner) paper ?
519 Failed to delete object
524 Failed to create object
535 Failed to allocate
700 Outline text and graphics with bounding boxes.
701 Display text markers such as end-of-line and tab.
702 Select ALL text in the main text flow (but not in disconnected text boxes).
703 Activate the quick-start poster setup option.
704 Space lines close together.
705 Space lines very close together.
706 Space lines very far apart.
707 Import a text file (*.txt) into the poster.
708 Delete current background or fancy border (but not simple borders).
709 Paste a border or background into poster from the clipboard.
720 Turn off gradient background.
723 Gradient moves from left of poster (color 1) to right (color 2).
724 Gradient moves from top of poster (color 1) to bottom (color 2).
725 Specify 1st gradient (left or top of poster).
726 Speify 2nd gradient color (right or bottom of poster).
727 Select a font size.
728 Reshape (Warp) the text in the selected Automatic Text Box.
740 Create a color gradient (transition) between 2 colors.
741 Colors move from top to bottom.
742 Colors move from left to right.
744 Arch or Warp all text in a text box.
745 Crop or adjust brightness,contrast,or color of a bitmap picture.
746 Crop, adjust brightness, contrast, color of background bitmap.
747 Reshape selected polygon or polyline.
748 Create a Horizontal Poster with same shape as your printer paper.
749 Create a Vertical Poster with same shape as your printer paper.
750 Create a long banner that is one page high.
751 Specify a custom size and shape of a poster or banner.
752 Toggle the ruler on or off.
753 Select color of ruler.
754 Select color of grid.
755 Draw an Arc.
768 Warning: Improper link options.
769 Warning: Static object
770 Warning: Couldn't clone object.
771 Warning: Failed to notify library.
772 Your picture will display in only 16 colors, but it will be printed using all 16 million colors.
773 Should your jpeg picture's colors be reduced to 256 colors for both display and printing?
774 These operations only work on 256-color bitmaps.
775 You must select a bitmap (bmp, gif, or jpg) before editing it.
776 Invalid bitmap dimensions.
777 POSTER 5 cannot load OLE objects created by POSTER 3.
778 Converting file from POSTER 3 format.\nWhen you SAVE this file, only POSTER 5 will be able to read it.
779 To print a page, first click on it to zoom in, then push Print button.
780 This feature is not available in banners.
32772 Justify text to both left and right margins.