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Text File | 1997-11-08 | 67.3 KB | 2,072 lines |
- @
- File [open] Options
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Open File [Graphic/Movie/Sound/Thumbnail/QuikShot/Slide/PlayBin/Icon/Web Page] - [first icon on toolbar]
- The first thing you want to do is click on Open to select the graphics to view.
- You will be brought to the File Selector.
- Cr
- Cr
- The File Selector is the window you use to select the graphics, animations, movies, and sound files from.
- Cr
- Cr
- Select the files by using the drive & directory list boxes.
- Cr
- If any files are on a selected drive or directory, they will be displayed in the files list box.
- Cr
- If you want to view one of these files, just highlight it and click on the Accept button.
- Cr
- If you don't see any files in the file list box, then try switching directories or drives until you do see files.
- [In Windows 95, the directories are called folders.]
- Cr
- This will display the graphic for you.
- Once it's displayed, you can customize the graphic in many ways (see Edit Graphics)10.
- Cr
- Cr
- This is a MDI [multiple document interface] graphic program.
- You may open as many graphics as you have memory for.
- Cr
- In fact, you may open animations, graphics, sound, and movies all at once, and move between them with a click
- of the mouse.
- Cr
- Cr
- INFO - For information on a graphic, or a quick open, or cascade, click the right mouse button on the graphic.
- This opens a small info window on the graphic [handy if the Info bar is off].
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- FILE COMMANDS - File Selector
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Available are some handy file commands to help manage your graphic collection.
- Cr
- Also.. check out the online help for keys to use to tag multiple files!
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The directory option allows you to create a new directory [folder] for your files.
- Just enter in the new name you want and click on accept. The directory is now ready
- for files.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- This will rename the highlighted file to whatever name you like.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The move command moves the highlighted file to a new directory or drive.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The copy-drop command allows you to copy all the highlighted files and place the
- copies in a new directory or drive leaving the originals where they are.
- Cr
- Once you have clicked on the copy button, go and select the directory you want to
- place the copies in, then click on drop.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- You have two ways to erase files:
- Cr
- Cr
- 1. You can move them to the trash bin for future deletions.
- Cr
- 2. You can have them removed from your hard drive instantly.
- Cr
- You will be allowed to confirm each deletion, or have them all removed with one click.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- When this button is enabled [on] you will be able to view the highlighted file.
- Cr
- This works for text, zip, help, and miscellaneous files.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The preview window displays all the graphics, movies, and sound files for you.
- Cr
- When you highlight a file and the preview window is activated [depressed], it will
- display or play the file.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The preview button [V], will display the highlighted graphic full screen.
- Cr
- The [P] button will play a movie or sound file.
- Cr
- The [S] button will stop a movie or sound file.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The custom lists are kept track of for quick loading.
- Cr
- Pressing any of these buttons loads them. They are as follows:
- Cr
- 1. The Slide Show 2. The Screen Saver 3. QuikShots 4. Thumbnails 5.The Play Bin
- Cr
- Cr
- To save a custom list, just click on the [S] button above the custom list box once you have
- loaded the custom list with your selected files (see Keys & Mice)32.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- This will encode the highlighted file [E].
- Cr
- The [D] button decodes the highlighted file.
- Cr
- Cr
- This feature is for transferring files over the internet.
- Cr
- Cr
- You have two search methods included.
- Cr
- Cr
- 1. Use the [F] button to search your hard drive for files.
- Cr
- 2. Use the Quick Directory Find text box for searches once in a selected directory.
- Cr
- Cr
- The [F] button will search your hard drive [forward] from the directory you are
- currently in. If you're on the root [the bottom of the drive], it will search
- the complete drive.
- Cr
- Cr
- The Quick Directory Find works like this..
- Cr
- Start typing the file you are looking for.. and it will automatically bring you to it,
- if.. it's there!
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The type list box is a VERY important feature for the file selector.
- Cr
- By selecting file types in this list you can narrow the viewing selections to the type
- you want. By clicking on BMP for example will display just the BMP's in the current
- directory. You can click on as many as you want.
- Cr
- Cr
- To clear the list [view all types again], just click on the [C]button.
- Cr
- Cr
- To view JUST graphics [no txt, htm, zip..], double-click on the list itself.
- Cr
- Cr
- This feature is also how you see multiple icons and Web pages.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The drive buttons save and restore any drive and directory to memory.
- Cr
- This allows you to open and go to a saved directory of your choice.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The file list and custom list boxes both accept drag & drop.
- Cr
- Cr
- Use the right mouse button to drag a file or group of files to the custom
- list box from the file list box.
- Cr
- Cr
- Use the right mouse button to drag a file up & down the custom list box.
- Cr
- Cr
- You can of course also use the arrow buttons between the two boxes to move files
- into the custom list.
- Cr
- Cr
- The custom list box also accepts files from Windows File Explorer [as does Makaha itself].
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- This will run the complete current directory. The correct files will be extracted, so..
- don't worry if the directory has different types of files in it.
- Cr
- Cr
- Use the spacebar to advance one graphic at a time, and the backspace or enter
- keys to backup one graphic.
- Cr
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- To save the graphic you are viewing, click on its titlebar to make sure it's the active window.
- This applies to any graphic you are viewing, or customizing.
- Then click on Open, then Save File. In the file selector window, type in the file name that you
- want to give your new graphic.
- Cr
- Cr
- Example:
- Cr
- Win95-Folder
- Cr
- Drive Directory File name
- Cr
- | | |
- Cr
- C:\Viewpro\Logo.Png
- Cr
- Cr
- Type in the Extention of the type of graphic you want. The Extention is the last three
- characters of the graphics name.
- Cr
- Cr
- Example: Logo.Png, Logo.Bmp, Logo.Jpg, as so on... Don't forget the [.] between the
- name and the Extention.
- Cr
- You can omit the extention all together if you like, and just give the graphic a name without one.
- But it's much handier to just give it one for later reference. Like if you want to view just
- the PNG files, or just the JPG files.
- Cr
- Cr
- Once you have done this, select the Compression (see Compression)42, and flavour of the type
- of graphic you want to save your new graphic as.
- Cr
- Cr
- For the Extention, select the one from list that you typed in [Even if you select a different
- type, the type you select will over-ride your typed Extention.
- If you do that, rename the graphic later to reflect the new type].
- This will save and Convert the file if needed, in one step.
- Cr
- Cr
- Some types of graphics don't give you much to change, others.. like JPG, offer lots of options.
- Cr
- @
- '
- View Options
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- NORMAL brings the graphic back to its original size if you use any of the other options below.
- Cr
- Cr
- ZOOM does just that! It allows you to enlarge or shrink the viewing of the graphic.
- Cr
- Zoom works on a toggle button.. if you have zoom toggled on, the button stays depressed until you
- click on [turn off] the button again. If you're not using the toolbar, then go and un-check the option.
- Cr
- Cr
- Drag Zoom lets you clip an area of the graphic to zoom in on.
- Cr
- Place the mouse cursor on the upper left corner of the spot you want to zoom in on.
- Now while holding down the mouse button, drag it across and down the screen.
- Once you see the outline of the clipped area the way you like it, release the mouse button.
- That clipped area is now zoomed in on.
- Cr
- Cr
- You can reclip the same area again for an even closer look. If you zoom in to much,
- all you'll see are giant colored boxes. Clicking the Right mouse button restores the
- graphic to its original zoom size.
- Cr
- Cr
- FIT TO WINDOW will fit the graphic [proportionally] to the window size.
- Cr
- Cr
- STRETCH will stretch the graphic to the window size.
- Cr
- Cr
- SNAP brings the window back to the graphic size.
- Cr
- Cr
- The Above View features have icons on the toolbar.
- Cr
- '
- #
- Go to Open File to use the CONVERT feature.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- You can convert a graphic file to any one of 21 different formats.
- Keep in mind the bits per pixel [BPP] for each graphic. If you have a 24-bit graphic and you
- select a 8-bit format to convert too, you will lose some quality in the graphic conversion.
- Cr
- Cr
- You can convert any number of graphics at one time, just highlight the files you want to convert
- and click on the convert button. If you do convert more then one at a time, all graphics will be
- converted to the same format selected.
- Cr
- Cr
- You will be given a list of available formats to convert to, select one, plus any options
- like the bits per pixel [BPP] (see Color)12 and the quality of the compression
- (see Compression)10. At this time you can also choose to add a thumbnail [64 pixels or less]
- (see Thumbnails)33 to the graphic [CMP & JPG only].
- Cr
- Cr
- Once you've done that.. click on accept and all the files will be converted to the new format.
- Cr
- The original files are not deleted [erased]!
- Cr
- Cr
- If you select a file to convert with the same name that already exists in the directory,
- it will be overwritten.
- Cr
- #
- $
- RESIZING allows you to shrink or enlarge a graphic to fit whatever you need it for.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Resizing can effect the graphic four different ways.
- Cr
- Cr
- 1. You can maintain the aspect ratio of width to height.
- Cr
- 2. You can set your own width and height.
- Cr
- 3. You can use or not use resample to keep the graphic perportioned to it's size.
- Cr
- 4. The more you shrink or enlarge, the more detail you lose.
- Cr
- Cr
- A new resized copy is created and the original copy is left alone allowing you to
- resize from the original again if needed.
- Cr
- Cr
- The new copy is not saved yet! You must save it in the format you want. You can use
- the autosave feature (see AutoSave)6 to save it to the autosave directory with or without
- thumbnails (see Thumbnails)33. Or, you can use the save command from the main menu
- Cr
- (see File Open Commands)1 .
- Cr
- $
- %
- There are two different types of screen CAPTURES supported.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- 1. The Top screen capture [whatever you see while using Makaha].
- Cr
- 2. The Desk top capture [anything on the screen under Makaha].
- Cr
- Cr
- You can use the function keys F1 & F2 to invoke a capture.
- Cr
- You can also use the Tray Menu if Makaha is minimized or in the background.
- Cr
- Cr
- The new screen capture is not saved yet! You must save it in the format you want.
- You can use the autosave feature (see AutoSave)6 to save it to the autosave directory
- with or without thumbnails (see Thumbnails)33. Or, you can use the save command from
- the main menu.
- Cr
- Cr
- Use the crop (see Edit Commands)10 feature to size it or capture a portion of the screen capture.
- %
- ^
- AUTOSAVE is a real handy feature that lets you automatically save the top active graphic
- into a choice of 7 different formats.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The new file will be given a unique name and placed
- in the autosave directory off of the Makaha directory, or you can pre-select a directory
- (see Preferences)41 under [Directories] preferences.
- Cr
- Cr
- The file name will always start with the word AUTO, plus a number beside it, AUTO####.BMP, the number
- is incremented. The EXTention will default to the one you selected.
- Cr
- Cr
- This feature also includes the ability to automatically include a thumbnail (see Thumbnails)33 with
- each autosave [CMP & JPG only].
- Cr
- Cr
- Pressing F3 or using the pull-down menu will invoke this feature.
- Cr
- ^
- *
- PRINT, prints the top active graphic to the printer.
- Use your printers setup for adjustments.
- *
- +
- You must have a SCANNER and the required drivers for this feature.
- Your Scanner must be TWAIN compliant. The TWAIN interface is typically used by Scanners, but it's also
- applicable to devices like Digital Cameras, and Frame Grabbers. You must have TWAIN drivers already installed
- for your scanner to use the Acquire Scan option.
- Cr
- Cr
- If the Select Source option is disabled, your TWAIN driver could not be located.
- Cr
- The Acquire window is resident in your TWAIN driver, and is not a part of The Viewer Pro32-Makaha.
- Cr
- Makaha supports 16 and 32 bit twain drivers.
- Cr
- This feature also works with frame grabbers and digital cameras.
- Cr
- To scan, grab, or load from a camera just follow your capture programs software prompts,
- and when it's finished, Makaha will automatically load the graphic into a new file.
- Cr
- Cr
- The new scanned graphic is not saved yet! You must save it in the format you want.
- You can use the autosave feature (see AutoSave)6 to save it to the autosave directory
- with or without thumbnails (see Thumbnails)33. Or, you can use the save command from
- the main menu.
- Cr
- +
- |
- The VISUAL EDITOR lets you view your graphics while you edit them.
- Cr
- Cr
- The screen might look a little confusing at first, but after awhile you will get the hang of
- it. It's actually really simple.. you use the scrollbars to change the value of each function,
- then just click on the button to the right of the scrollbar to activate the new value.
- Cr
- Cr
- If you don't like the results, just click on the UNDO button and try again.
- Cr
- Use the SET button to set the last undo to.
- Cr
- You can even paste whatever is on the clipboard to the background of your graphic.
- Cr
- Place something in the clipboard by copying a graphic before you use visual editor.
- Cr
- Cr
- The small buttons marked [S]ave and [L]oad will save your settings for future editing.
- Cr
- Cr
- The new edited graphic is not saved yet! You must save it in the format you want.
- You can use the autosave feature (see AutoSave)6 to save it to the autosave directory
- with or without thumbnails (see Thumbnails)33. Or, you can use the save command from
- the main menu.
- Cr
- |
- <
- Edit File Options:
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Copy, copies the active [top most] graphic to the Windows clipboard.
- You can now load the clipboard into any other graphic program [paint].
- Or paste it as a new file.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Paste, pastes the copied [or whatever is in the clipboard] to a new file.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Crop allows to you crop portions of any graphic displayed.
- Cr
- Place the mouse cursor on the upper left corner of the spot you want to crop. Now while holding down the
- mouse button, drag it across and down the screen. Once you see the outline of the cropped area the way
- you like it.. release the mouse button.
- Cr
- You may re-crop as often as you like, until you use Set Crop [below].
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Set Cropped sets the area you cropped in to its own file.
- Click on Set Crop to redisplay the NEW graphic window with the cropped area.
- Now go through the File Save routine to save the cropped graphic.
- Cr
- The above Edit features have icons on the toolbar.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The undo feature only works with the last loaded graphic. Even if you switch windows,
- the new active window will receive the Undo graphic.
- Cr
- Use the SET UNDO command to make the top active graphic the undo graphic.
- Cr
- Cr
- LOAD Graphic into PAINT program
- Cr
- This will load the top most graphic into the windows Paint
- program for editing. Remember to save the file after you have done your editing.
- It will be loaded as Work.Bmp.
- Cr
- The directory [folder] it's saved to is "Makaha" or your installation directory.
- Cr
- Cr
- The default Paint Program is Windows C:\WINDOWS\PAINT.EXE
- You can change this by going to Preferences and typing in the PATH to your paint program.
- Cr
- <
- >
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The Image options let you do things like, Rotate the graphic to any degree.
- Reverse the graphic. Flip it upside down and back again. Shear the graphic to any angle.
- Plus Resize it. [these options become permanent with a File Save].
- Cr
- Cr
- There are also some cool effects you can apply to your graphics, like Emboss or Mosaic.
- Cr
- The best advice here is to tell you to just play around with them. Anything you do to a graphic does
- not take effect until you save it! So you can apply any of the effects you want to a graphic without
- them taking affect until you save it. Plus, you have Undo, if you want to try out something else.
- Cr
- Cr
- This applies to the Filters as well. Keep trying different ones at different degrees until you get the
- effect you're looking for.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- MEDIAN applies a median filter to the bitmap.
- Cr
- Cr
- MOSAIC applies a mosaic [tiling] filter to the bitmap.
- By dividing the bitmap into tiles of a specified size and changing the color of all pixels
- in each tile to the average color of pixels within the tile.
- Cr
- Cr
- POSTERIZE applies a poster effect to the bitmap.
- Cr
- Cr
- OIL applies an oil-painting effect to the bitmap.
- Cr
- Cr
- SOLORIZE applies an effect that mimics the accidental exposure of photographic film to light.
- It does so by inverting all color data with an intensity value greater than or equal to the
- threshold that you specify.
- Cr
- Cr
- AVERAGE changes the color of each pixel in the bitmap to the average color of pixels in its
- neighborhood. This results in a blur effect.
- Cr
- Cr
- UNDERLAY combines the specified bitmap as an underlying texture for the current one.
- This is most effective when the underlying image is a filtered one, such as an embossed image.
- Cr
- Underlay can be interesting. Try opening a bunch of graphics and then select this option.
- You can place any of the opened graphics as an Underlay of the top active graphic.
- You can get some very interesting effects this way.
- Cr
- Cr
- EMBOSS applies an emboss effect to the bitmap, letting you specify the depth and direction of the effect.
- Cr
- Cr
- SPATIAL FILTER imposes a spatial filter on the bitmap. Spatial filters are used for operations such
- as sharpening an image or detecting edges within the image. This method works best with 24-bit, 16-bit,
- or grayscale bitmaps. If a bitmap uses a color palette, this method matches the new brightness value
- of each pixel to the nearest color in the existing palette.
- Cr
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Image Format Terminology
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The terminology for image formats can be confusing because there are often several ways of describing
- the same format. This section explains what the terms mean.
- Cr
- Cr
- A 32-bit image is a specialized true-color image used for an Alpha channel or CMYK color spacing.
- Cr
- Cr
- If an image is 24 bits per pixel, it is also called a 24-bit image, a true color image, or a 16M color image.
- Sixteen million is roughly the number of different colors that can be represented by 24 bits, where there
- are 8 bits for each of the red, green, and blue values.
- Cr
- Cr
- If an image is 16 bits per pixel, it is also called a 16-bit image, a hi color image, or a 32K color image.
- Thirty-two thousand is roughly the number of different colors that can be represented by 16 bits, where
- there are 5 bits for each of the red, green, and blue values. [Devices that specify 64K color support
- are also referring to 16-bit images, but they are counting the left-over bit.]
- Cr
- Cr
- If an image is 8 bits per pixel, it is also called an 8-bit image or a 256-color image.
- Two hundred fifty-six is the number of different colors that can be achieved by using
- the image data as 8-bit indexes to an array of colors called a palette.
- Cr
- Cr
- If an image is 4 bits per pixel, it is also called a 4-bit image or a 16-color image.
- Sixteen is the number of different colors that can be achieved by using the image data as 4-bit
- indexes to a palette.
- Cr
- Cr
- If an image is 1 bit per pixel, it is also called a 1-bit image, a black and white image, a 2-color image, or a
- bitonal image. Two is the number of different colors that can be achieved by using the image data as 1-bit indexes
- to a palette. The palette can contain colors other than black and white, although black and white are most common.
- Cr
- Cr
- The same terminology is applied to video cards. For example, an 8-bit card is one that is capable of
- displaying 256 colors.
- >
- ?
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- SEPARATE separates the bitmap by color plane to produce one grayscale bitmap per plane.
- You can specify any of several color-space models, including CMYK.
- Cr
- Cr
- PLANES is the array of grayscale bitmaps created by the ColorSeparate property.
- Cr
- Cr
- MERGE creates a color bitmap by merging grayscale bitmaps that were created as color separations.
- Cr
- Cr
- ADDNOISE adds random pixels to the bitmap, letting you specify the percentage of coverage
- and the color plane.
- Cr
- Cr
- HUE changes the bitmap hue.
- Cr
- Cr
- SATURATION changes the color saturation of the bitmap.
- Cr
- Cr
- SHARPNESS sharpens or blurs the bitmap.
- Cr
- Cr
- INTENSITY DETECT METHOD filters the bitmap to detect colors in a specified intensity range.
- Intensity levels range from 0 to 255 for each color plane [red, green, and blue].
- This method processes each plane separately. If a value falls within the range, it is raised to 255,
- and if it falls outside the range, it is lowered to 0.
- Cr
- Cr
- HALFTONE converts the bitmap to a halftone.
- Cr
- Cr
- GRAYSCALE converts the bitmap to grayscale
- Cr
- Cr
- GAMMA CORRECT adjusts the intensity of colors in a bitmap by changing the gamma constant that is
- used to map the intensity values.
- Cr
- Cr
- INVERT inverts the colors of the bitmap, like a photographic negative.
- Cr
- Cr
- CONTRAST changes the contrast of the bitmap.
- Cr
- Cr
- FILL fills the bitmap with the specified color.
- Cr
- Cr
- STRETCH INTENSITY increases the contrast in an image by centering, maximizing, and proportioning
- the range of intensity values.
- Cr
- Cr
- HISTOGRAM EQUALIZE equalizes the bitmap.
- Cr
- Cr
- HISTOGRAM CONTRAST increases or decreases the contrast of the image in a bitmap, using a histogram
- to determine the median brightness.
- Cr
- ?
- /
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- You wanted more then a few options for the Slide Show... so you now have about a hundred!
- Cr
- Cr
- There is so much to try to explain.. it's best again for you to just play around
- with this feature awhile and see what it can do!
- Cr
- Cr
- Here is an attempt to cover it for you though..
- Cr
- Okay.. the first thing you want to do is select some files for the slide show (see Selecting Files)14
- on how to do this.
- Cr
- Cr
- Once that is done.. go to slide options and start selecting some effects. Use the TEST button
- to try out the effects.
- Cr
- I'll explain some background options first. You can have a single background picture that all the other
- effects will run on top off. This is the [BackPic] option. This only supports BMP's right now.
- The files name will be added to the caption bar for reference.
- Cr
- Or you can have it a solid color, or a gradient color running across the background.
- Cr
- Cr
- Now for Transitional EFFECTS.. the effects available are all listed in the drop down list boxes.
- Cr
- You can have multiple [up to 5] passes, with each pass a different effect.
- The effects also have colors associated with them. By changing the start and ending colors
- you can drmatically change the effect look.
- Cr
- Cr
- PAINT Effect
- Cr
- This works the same as opening a graphic in Makaha. It will open on the selected effect, then go
- into the transition effects.
- Cr
- Cr
- By adding FRAMES to the picture, you can again change or enhance the effect you are trying to get.
- Cr
- The frame option is completely customizable. You can set the width, highlight and shadow colors,
- and the border colors.
- Cr
- Cr
- The frame setting also sets the frame setting for the FULL SCREEN viewing.
- Cr
- Cr
- With the TEXT option you can add your name or company name to the slideshow.
- Cr
- Cr
- The SOUND feature will play a list of files in a row, or a single file in a loop.
- (see Music-Movies)15.
- Cr
- Cr
- DELAY is set in milliseconds.. [1000 = 1 second] Time period between slides.
- Cr
- Cr
- [While Running] The [S] key is used to start/stop the slide show. While in stop mode, use the
- spacebar to advance the slide show one frame at a time, and the backspace key to back-up a frame.
- Cr
- Cr
- The TRANSPARENCY feature will make the selected color transparent while running the slide show.
- Cr
- Cr
- WAND adjusts the size of the wand for transition effects. The color choosen adds to the effect.
- Cr
- Cr
- MOUSE turns on/off the mouse pointer while the slide show displays.
- Cr
- Cr
- FIT TO SIZE will adjust the graphic to fit the size of the screen allowing you to view the
- complete picture during the slide show.
- Cr
- Cr
- SHAPES.. ya got me! Try transparent on transparent.. or not.
- Cr
- Cr
- /
- \
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Selecting slide show files is very simple!
- Cr
- Go to the file selector (see Open Files)1 and place all the files you want in the slide
- show in the custom list box and then save it!
- Cr
- Cr
- You may add movies [mpeg, avi, and mov] and sounds [wav, and midi] to the list.
- Cr
- The movies will take their turn along with the graphics, but the music files will all
- play in sequence one after the other in the background.
- Cr
- \
- q
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The SOUND feature will play a list of files in a row, or a single file in a loop.
- Cr
- The sound files can be added at the same time you select the slide show files (see File Open)1 .
- Cr
- Or.. you can select a file here [options] for the single loop file. This file will also be kept in
- memory for later use, and displayed in the caption bar along with the BackPic picture address.
- Cr
- Cr
- The MOVIE files are also added at the same time as the graphic and sound files (see Movies)23.
- Cr
- Cr
- The great thing about this slide show is that you don't have to move all the files into one directory,
- or convert them first into other types to play them!
- Cr
- Just leave them right where you have them now. Include them in the custom list.. and presto!
- Cr
- Cr
- You can place them anywhere you like of course, all in one directory if you want. It doesn't matter.
- Cr
- If you erase the file at a future date, the missing file will not cause an error.. it will just
- skip the error and move on to the next file. Check your list once in awhile.. use preview to see if
- it's still there, if not, remove it from the custom list and re-save it.
- Cr
- Cr
- q
- w
- Text File Viewing
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- TEXT files are not just files with the .txt extention, they can have almost any extention.
- Cr
- Cr
- As an example: .Ini, .Me, .Lst, .Diz, .Doc, are all text files, and the list is a lot bigger.
- Cr
- Cr
- When the VIEW button lights up [is enabled], that means the highlighted file is a text file
- that Makaha can display for you.
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha will try to determine which viewer to load. Either Wordpad or Notepad. Makaha expects
- these viewers to be in their default directories [both are included with Windows95 & NT].
- Cr
- Cr
- HELP files can also be displayed. Try using search from the root drive while the .Hlp extention
- type is highlighted, and you will get all the .Hlp files on that drive.
- Cr
- Cr
- HTML or HTM files can also be displayed one page at a time. To view a list of web pages (see Web Pages)24.
- Cr
- HTML files are web pages from off the internet [or that you have created].
- Cr
- If the associated graphics to the web page are available, they will be displayed as well.
- This includes animations.
- Cr
- w
- e
- Zip File Viewing
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The program PKZIP by PKWARE Inc. is required to use this option.
- Cr
- The program must also be on your PATH. [see your DOS manual for an explanation on what a PATH is].
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha will view the graphics, text, and help files inside a zip file without the need to unzip
- the file first. This comes in real handy if after you view the zip file and decide you don't
- want it.. you can just erase it without going through a complete decompression and install.
- Cr
- Cr
- Another benefit is.. you can keep your graphics in the zip files to save hard drive space.
- Cr
- Cr
- While viewing graphics, the graphic will be displayed in the PREVIEW window (see Open Files)1 .
- Cr
- The text will be imported in to the built-in viewer. If it's not displayed correctly, you can then
- load it in to Wordpad right from the built-in viewer.
- Cr
- Cr
- A zoom option has been supplied for better reading. [exactly as the one supplied here].
- Just click on the magnifier above to use zoom.
- Cr
- Cr
- If you do see a graphic that you want.. use the EXTRACT button to extract just the highlighted
- file. The EXTRACT ALL button will do just that, extract all the files in the zip file and place them
- in Makaha's TEMP directory.
- Cr
- Cr
- You must keep track of what you extract in to the temp directory. If you try to use this as an
- install program, PKZIP will ask for overwrite prompts for files with the same name [like SETUP.EXE]
- which almost all programs have today. Makaha will not keep track of the files you extract!
- Cr
- Cr
- If you want to keep the files you have now in the temp directory but also want to extract other files.
- Use the create directory [see Open Files] option, then move the files you want to keep in to the
- newly created directory.
- Cr
- Cr
- e
- r
- Cursors
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- You can view cursors
- Windows Cursor [CUR]. This is a file format for storing Windows cursors [mouse pointers].
- Makaha does not load or save transparency information in these files.
- Cr
- Cr
- The size when you write these images should be exactly 32-by-32 pixels.
- Cr
- r
- t
- Icon Viewing
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha is not designed as an icon editor!
- Cr
- You can view icons just like any other graphic, one at a time, or you can view all the icons
- in a directory at once. To view all the icons in a directory, highlight the .Ico extention
- in the TYPE list box, then click on accept. This will load the icon viewer. The icon viewer
- lets you turn any clicked on icon to a Bitmap [BMP].
- The size when you write these images can be no larger than 255-by-255 pixels.
- Cr
- t
- y
- Fax Viewing
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha supports reading and writing of the following 1-bit formats that are commonly
- used in FAX transmissions:
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF CCITT. These are compressed TIFF files that are commonly used for FAX transmission and document imaging.
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF CCITT Group 3. These are TIFF CCITT files in a format that is more advanced and more compressed than TIFF CCITT.
- Makaha supports both 1-dimension and 2-dimension variations of this format.
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF CCITT Group 4. These are TIFF CCITT files in a format that is more advanced and more compressed
- than TIFF CCITT Group 3.
- Cr
- Cr
- CALS Raster. These are CCITT Group 4 CALS raster files. CALS is a United States government standard.
- Cr
- Cr
- IOCA [ICA]. This is the Image Object Content Architecture developed by IBM.
- Makaha supports these files in an MO:DCA wrapper with embedded 1-bit CCITT Group 3 or Group 4 images.
- Makaha also supports IOCA files without an MO:DCA wrapper.
- Cr
- Cr
- WinFax Group 3. This is a FAX format created by Delrina for Group 3 support.
- Cr
- Cr
- WinFax Group 4. This is a FAX format created by Delrina for Group 4 support.
- Cr
- Cr
- FAX Group 3. This is a raw FAX format [without a header] for Group 3 support.
- Makaha supports both 1-dimension and 2-dimension variations of this format.
- Cr
- Cr
- FAX Group 4. This is a raw FAX format [without a header] for Group 4 support.
- Cr
- Cr
- AWD. [WIN32 only] This is a Microsoft FAX format.
- Cr
- y
- u
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- QuikShots is designed to place all the files in an easy to view and operate
- container. Eight shots at a time can be viewed. Use the slidebar to backup and advance
- thru the list of files.
- Cr
- Cr
- A LEFT click on any quikshot, will view the quikshot full screen.
- Cr
- A RIGHT click will load the quikshot.
- Cr
- u
- i
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The PlayBin is your custom list of graphics that can be loaded any time by pressing Ctrl-B.
- Cr
- First you must select (see Open Files)1 , and save some files for the playbin.
- Cr
- After you've done that, pressing Ctrl-B anytime will load the playbin files.
- Cr
- To stop the files from loading, press the 'Esc' key.
- Cr
- Cr
- You can change the files anytime you like by going back into the file selector.
- Cr
- Cr
- i
- o
- Cr
- MPEG, AVI, and MOV
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- To run MPEG and MOV files you must have the required drivers.
- You can get the drivers from our web site at: http://users.aol.com/brandyware
- Cr
- Cr
- Selecting movies is the same as graphic files. The extentions are .AVI, .MPG, and .MOV.
- You can view them in the preview window.
- Cr
- Cr
- The movies size can be resized by dragging the windors borders.
- Cr
- A right click on the movie opens the control panel.
- Cr
- Cr
- To run the Movies you have a VCR style control on the bottom of the screen.
- Cr
- You have play, pause, stop, capture, eject, next frame, last frame, next movie, last movie.
- Cr
- Cr
- The CAPTURE button [record button] will capture and display the current frame
- in the movie. To capture a certain frame, use the movie control panel [right click on movie opens controls]
- Start & End function. You must still save the captured frame.
- Cr
- Cr
- Click on the EJECT button to close the movie.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- The control panel allows a little more control over the movie.
- Cr
- You can adjust the volume, contrast, brightness, speed and frames. [certain movies can't be adjusted]
- Cr
- The Start & End frames, allows you to enter the frames starting and ending points.
- The movie will play just the frames between the two points.
- Cr
- The functions are just ignored if they are not supported.
- Cr
- Cr
- o
- p
- Cr
- HTM or HTML Files
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- This is meant to view a web page offline [not connected to the internet].
- Cr
- Web pages can be run one at a time, or from a list.
- Cr
- Cr
- To run a list of them, select all the pages you want (see Open Files)1 and then highlight
- the extention .Html in the TYPE list box before you click on accept.
- Cr
- Now all the selected pages can be displayed using the back and forward keys on the top of
- the web viewer.
- Cr
- Cr
- To edit the actual text.. if using Explorer, right click on the page and select view source code.
- Cr
- Cr
- If the associated graphics are in the same directory, then they will be displayed along
- with the text [animations included].
- Cr
- Cr
- If you are online [connected to the internet], and click on a link, you should be brought to the page.
- This can be handy to see if the link is still valid if you're updating the page.
- Cr
- p
- a
- Cr
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha supports WAV & MID sound files.
- WAV & MID sound files run on a VCR style control.
- Pretty basic stuff here.. you can play your sound files one at a time or the whole directory at once.
- Cr
- Cr
- Click on the button displaying this symbol [>>], to view the last directory of sound files.
- Clicking on the [A] will play All the files in the directory.
- The ? will show info on a 8-bit WAV file.
- The volume controls only work for the WAV sound files.
- The Music window can be dragged around the screen.
- Cr
- a
- s
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The CD Player has built-in VCR style controls. It will automatically detect a musical CD in your CD drive.
- Cr
- Cr
- When the CD Player has found a song to play, the Play button will be enabled.
- A red light indicates that the CD Player has paused, stopped playing, or can't detect a CD in the drive.
- Cr
- A green light indicates the CD Player is ready to play music.
- Cr
- The Single Step button moves you to the next or previous song.
- Cr
- The Track [or song number] is displayed for your convience so you can go right to your favorite song.
- Cr
- To turn off the CD Player, click on it with your Right mouse button.
- Cr
- Cr
- You can listen to music while you view graphics! To keep listening to your CD Player while working in
- another program, just minimize Makaha!
- Cr
- CD Player has icon on toolbar.
- The CD Player window can be dragged around the screen.
- Cr
- s
- d
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The screen saver supports all the same graphic formats as Makaha.
- Cr
- Cr
- Select and save the screen saver files.. they will be displayed in the order they
- are in the custom list.
- Cr
- Cr
- You don't have to move any of the graphics, they can be on different drives and
- directories, and they can be of any type supported (see File Types)41.
- Cr
- Cr
- To Run The Screen Saver:
- Cr
- Go to Display, then Screen Saver. From the list, select MSS.
- Cr
- You can use preview, but the options are in Makaha's Slide Show Options.
- Cr
- The file MSS.SCR [the screen saver program] was copied to the
- Windows directory when Makaha was installed.
- The file SAVERLST.TXT [your custom list] is also found in the Windows directory.
- Cr
- Cr
- Warning: If a file is removed at a later date from your hard drive, you should
- update the custom list to reflect the change, Makaha will not do this automatically.
- Cr
- d
- f
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- To use the internet features you must have a internet browser and an
- internet connection. Sending e-mail also requires a mail program if one is not
- built into the browser.
- Cr
- Cr
- This will load your browser and go to the supplied internet address.
- Cr
- You can change the address anytime you like, but it must be in correct
- HTML format. Example: http://users.aol.com/brandyware
- Cr
- Cr
- f
- g
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- All you need to do to use any graphic as Windows wallpaper, is make the graphic
- you want the active graphic by clicking on it, then click on the wallpaper
- icon at the top. Makaha will convert it to a Windows 24-bit BMP file, rename it
- to "Makaha Wallpaper", and place it in the Windows directory. It will then inform
- Windows of the change.
- Cr
- Cr
- You can tile it, center it, remove it, and replace it at will.
- Cr
- g
- h
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The Encode/Decode option is for encoding the graphics for communications
- transfers [internet, WWW, E-Mail].
- Cr
- Cr
- Supported is: UUEncode/UUDecode
- Cr
- Cr
- To ENCODE a file, highlight it and then click on the [E] button.
- Cr
- This will leave the original file alone, and make an encoded copy with the
- same name, but the extention will be replaced with: .UUE
- Cr
- Example: Graphic.Jpg to Graphic.UUE
- Cr
- Cr
- To DECODE a file, highlight an encoded file with the UUE extention,
- then click on the [D] button.
- Cr
- Cr
- This will overwrite the original file if it's in the same directory to the
- original files name and extention. So if you don't want it overwritten,
- move the original file to a different directory, then decode the file.
- Cr
- Cr
- h
- j
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Uninstall..
- Cr
- If for some insane reason you need to uninstall Makaha.. this utility has been supplied for you.
- It will remove all files installed, and the Program Group will also be removed.
- Cr
- But you may need to remove the text files from the Makaha Directory. Use the file manager
- for this.
- Cr
- Cr
- Tray Icon..
- Cr
- Cr
- This little feature is handy if you're working in another program
- and need to use a quick screen capture, or load the scanner, or just
- close down fast.
- Cr
- Cr
- To get the latest version of Makaha:
- Cr
- http://aol.com/brandyware/index.html
- Cr
- Our Address:
- Cr
- Brandyware Software
- Cr
- 1930 S. Westwood St. #47
- Cr
- Mesa, Arizona 85210
- Cr
- 602 756-1580
- Cr
- Cr
- Disclaimer..
- Cr
- Cr
- All trademark names are for identification purposes only and belong to their
- respective companies.
- Cr
- Cr
- Understand.. you run Makaha at your own risk. Brandyware Software will not be held liable
- for any damages that incur to your system while running Makaha.
- Cr
- Cr
- Help File..
- Cr
- Cr
- This help file can be customized by editing it with a text editor like Wordpad.
- You must follow the format of the help file for it to work properly.
- Cr
- This is not recommended though. If you do customize it.. make a backup of it first
- in case the format is not correct.
- Cr
- This is the format:
- Cr
- A "Cr" means Carriage Return. At this point a new line of text will be started.
- The single letter or character represents a new help topic. You can not change
- this letter or the help file will not display correctly. But.. you can insert
- anything and as much as you like between the single letters.
- Cr
- j
- k
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Little tricks for the mouse and keys to perform!
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- see main menus for shortcut keys.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Right button = Info.
- Cr
- Left button is used for dragging the graphic.
- Cr
- Esc key = stop loading group of graphics.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Right button = Page movement.
- Cr
- Left button = is used for dragging the graphic.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Right button = Reduce. Left button = Enlarge
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Right button = Return to normal.
- Cr
- Left button = sets area to zoom in on.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Any button stops slide show.
- Cr
- S key = single step mode. S key again = return to auto mode.
- Cr
- Spacebar = advance one grahic in slide show while in single step mode.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Left button on icon converts the icon to a BMP graphic.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Right button = load quikshot.
- Cr
- Left button = view full screen.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Right button = load thumbnail.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Right button = drag highlighted files to the custom list.
- Cr
- Left button = select files. Drag to select more then one file.
- Cr
- Hold Ctrl + Left button = select multiple files.
- Cr
- Left button click + Hold Shift = select between top & bottom selected files.
- Cr
- Right button in custom list drags file up/down in custom list.
- Cr
- Cr
- k
- l
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- To create thumbnails, you must either convert them using the thumbnail option,
- or AutoSave (see AutoSave)6 them. Two types are supported, .CMP and .JPG.
- Cr
- Makaha places the thumbnail in the original file, when viewing thumbnails,
- only the thumbnail portion is loaded for fast retrieval.
- Cr
- Whenever a thumbnail is created, Makaha keeps track of it for quick loading
- of all thumbnails. If a graphic that has a thumbnail in it is erased at a
- later date, Makaha will update the list automatically.
- Cr
- Cr
- If you move a graphic after you created the thumbnail, it will be erased from
- the list. The only way to place it back on the list is to do another conversion
- on it, or edit the file "Thumb.Dta" and edit the path.
- Cr
- Cr
- The size of the thumbnail will be 64 pixels by 64 pixels by 8 or 24 bits
- depending on what bits you select to save it in.
- Cr
- l
- z
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The only types of thumbnails supported are .CMP and .JPG (see File Types Supported)41.
- Cr
- Cr
- You must convert (see Convert)3 to one of these types and select the
- "Save With Thumbnail" feature to create thumbnails.
- z
- x
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- While viewing your thumbnails, you can group them anyway you like!
- Cr
- To group your thumbnails, first enter in a new group name in the text box.
- Now click on the [Group] button. That's it! You're done. Now, when the thumbnail
- window is up, select the group from the pulldown list and the group will be loaded.
- Cr
- Cr
- To customize a group, click on [Drag], an empty list box will pop-up for you
- to fill with your new custom group. To add a thumbnail to the new group, click
- and drag the thumbnails caption to the list box and release the mouse button.
- Add as many thumbnails to the new group as you want.
- Cr
- Cr
- Now add a new group name, and click on [Done].
- Cr
- You can have up to 32,000 different groups of thumbnails.
- x
- c
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The Autoload thumbnail feature will load all the thumbnails you have
- created. It doesn't matter what drive or directory the thumbnail is in,
- as long as it's in the same directory as it was when you created the
- thumbnail. The best way to use this feature is to create a special
- directory for your thumbnails [graphics] and move all the ones you want
- to keep in this directory. Then create your thumbnails with them.
- Cr
- Cr
- Use the compression (see compression)42 of either .CMP or .JPG to reduce
- the size of the graphics as well to save hard drive space.
- Cr
- Cr
- If you move a graphic that has a thumbnail, it will be deleted from the
- Autoload list and you will either have to convert or edit the file "Thumb.Dta"
- and change the path to the new drive and directory for that graphic.
- Cr
- You can find the "Thumb.Dta" file in the default Makaha directory.
- Any text editor [like notepad] will work to edit this file.
- Cr
- c
- v
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- To unlock your copy of Makaha after it's thirty day evaluation, enter
- in the upgrade code in the sign off screen. This will make your copy
- fully functional again.
- Cr
- Cr
- Of course to receive this upgrade code, you have to register with us or
- a represenative of ours for the price in the register form [see main help menu].
- Cr
- Cr
- As of now you can get a copy from "Computer Bits & Bytes" at:
- Cr
- http://www.combits.com
- Cr
- Cr
- They accept all major credit cards.
- Cr
- Cr
- Or...
- Cr
- Cr
- "ShareIt Registration" at:
- Cr
- http://www.shareit.com
- Cr
- Cr
- They accept all major credit cards, including the EuroCard for Europe.
- Cr
- v
- b
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha will automatically play any animated GIF file when opened or previewed.
- Cr
- Click on the animation with the Right mouse button to bring up the
- page options. You must first stop the animation to move forward or
- backward in the animation list.
- Cr
- b
- n
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- To create GIF animations, open all the graphics you want inside the animation.
- Cr
- Now select [Create Animations] and all the files you loaded will be listed
- for you [it doesn't matter what type you load, they will all be converted to GIF].
- Cr
- Now select the order you want them in by placing them in the Create list
- box by highlighting them and clicking on the down arrow [for picture] or right arrow
- for [Banners].
- Cr
- Cr
- Try to make all the graphics the same size and resolution for best results.
- Cr
- Also, the smaller the graphic, the smoother the animation.
- Cr
- Cr
- Next, select your options.
- Cr
- The DELAY feature is for the delay between the showing
- of each graphic. This is in milliseconds. 1000 ms = 1 second.
- Cr
- Cr
- The same SIZE feature will resize all the graphics to the size of the highlighted
- graphic in the create list.
- Cr
- Cr
- The LOOP option will play the newly created animation in a continuous loop.
- Cr
- Otherwise it will play the list of files just once and stop.
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Sets the animation playback disposal method.
- The disposal method can be different for each bitmap in a list [but it is usually the same].
- Cr
- Cr
- The TEST button will test the animation file for you before you save it.
- This is good for time delay checking.
- Cr
- Cr
- All files when saved, are all automatically converted to GIF's and saved in the
- "AutoSave" directory [off Makaha directory] as ANI##.GIF files. You can use the rename
- command later to change the name to whatever you like (see File Open)1 .
- Cr
- Cr
- The [Picture / Banner] options will display the preview window in either
- a picture or banner style. If you're creating banners.. try to make them
- all the same size for an even animation effect.
- n
- m
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Preferences allow you to save certain settings for the next session.
- Cr
- Cr
- Dithering, specifies the type of dithering to use when loading an image with 256 colors or less.
- Cr
- Cr
- Paint with fixed Palette, images that are less than 16 bits per pixel require a palette, which is an array of
- color values. The value of each pixel in one of these images is an index into the palette. [Images that are
- 16 bits per pixel or higher store the color values directly in the image, as pixel values.] The number of colors in
- a palette is limited to the highest possible index value. For example, if an image is 8 bits per pixel, it can have
- a palette of 256 colors, which is the number of different colors that can be referenced by using the pixel values
- as 8-bit indexes. If an image file is less than 16 bits per pixel, the file contains a palette, and when you load
- the image into a bitmap, the palette is also loaded into the bitmap.
- Cr
- Cr
- Paint While Loading, shows the graphic while it's loading in the graphic window.
- Cr
- Cr
- Show Open Options, checked, will show the Open Options window every time you view a
- new graphic. Unchecked, it will open the graphic in its default resolution.
- Cr
- Cr
- Show Progress Bar, displays a progress bar whenever you change the graphic by any means above. This is
- a handy option.
- Cr
- Cr
- Show Toolbar, displays the icons on the top of Makaha for quick access.
- Cr
- Cr
- Show Infobar, displays the graphics statistics on the bottom row.
- Cr
- Cr
- Tooltips, gives you quick info on what a command button will do.
- Cr
- Cr
- Unload File Selector, unloads it from memory.
- Cr
- Cr
- AutoSave & Work directories: This option allows you to select which directory to save
- your files to. The drive and directory selected will become the default drive and directory.
- Cr
- Cr
- Load Max Screen, loads "Makaha" full screen on startup.
- Cr
- Cr
- Select Wipe Effect, allows you to add effects to opening a graphic.
- Cr
- Cr
- Main Window Effect, will turn off the effects for the main window.
- Cr
- Cr
- Frame for Full Screen, places a frame around the full screen graphic.
- Cr
- Cr
- Fit Graphic in Full Screen, lets you view the complete graphic, even if it's larger
- then full screen.
- Cr
- Cr
- Back Ground Colors, lets you choose the color for the Full Screen, Slide Show, Info bar,
- Info Text, & Makaha background.
- Cr
- Cr
- Remove Wallpaper, This will remove the wallpaper from Windows background.
- Cr
- Cr
- Edit Loading of Paint, Put the PATH to your paint program here. On default.. C:\WINDOWS\PAINT.EXE
- Cr
- Cr
- m
- 2
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Compression Using LEAD [CMP] and JPEG [JPG] Formats
- Cr
- Cr
- Compression of color and grayscale graphic image files is useful because the files are big.
- They can range from 100 kilobytes to more than 200 megabytes.
- Cr
- Cr
- Compressing the image files does the following:
- Cr
- 1. Dramatically decreases the storage requirements
- Cr
- 2. Improves the input and output speed within a system
- Cr
- 3. Improves the transmission speed over networks or phone lines
- Cr
- Cr
- Image files can be reduced to 200 times smaller than their original size.
- Cr
- The LEAD CMP compression format was created by LEAD Technologies, Inc., and it delivers a
- much smaller file size and better image quality than other compression techniques,
- including JPEG. LEAD's CMP file format allows for decompression to a 24-bit medium at 24-bit
- color and to an 8-bit medium at 8-bit color without sacrificing image quality.
- Cr
- This eliminates the need to convert all images to 8 bits in order
- to support the low end videos or to save one 8-bit file and one 24-bit file.
- Cr
- The result is one much smaller file size that can be viewed on a 24-bit video card at
- 24-bit true color, as well as on an 8-bit VGA card at 256 colors.
- Cr
- 2
- 7
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- [AVI] Windows Movies
- Cr
- Cr
- [MPG] MPEG Movies
- Cr
- Cr
- [MOV] Quicktime Movies
- Cr
- Cr
- [WAV] Windows Sample Sounds
- Cr
- Cr
- [MID] MIDI Music Files
- Cr
- Cr
- [HTM] HTML Web Pages
- Cr
- Cr
- [TXT] Most text files
- Cr
- Cr
- [ZIP] Zip files
- Cr
- Cr
- [HLP] Windows Help Files
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- JPEG and LEAD Compressed [JPG and CMP]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- LEAD. This is the LEAD CMP compressed format for grayscale and color images. This format results in smaller
- files and better image quality than industry-standard formats.
- Cr
- Cr
- Progressive LEAD. This is a LEAD format that is useful for transmitting images.
- Cr
- Cr
- JFIF. This is the JPEG File Interchange Format. Makaha supports YUV 4:4:4, 4:2:2, and 4:1:1
- color spacing, and YUV 4:0:0 for grayscale.
- Cr
- Cr
- Progressive JPEG. This is a JFIF format that is useful for transmitting images.
- Makaha supports YUV 4:4:4, 4:2:2, and 4:1:1 color spacing, and YUV 4:0:0 for grayscale.
- Cr
- Cr
- JTIF. This is the JPEG Tagged Interchange Format. Makaha supports YUV 4:4:4, 4:2:2,
- and 4:1:1 color spacing, and YUV 4:0:0 for grayscale.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- GIF and TIFF with LZW Compression
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha reads and writes the following LZW-compressed formats.
- Note that these formats require an upgrade after 30 days, as explained in the LZW License Instructions.
- Cr
- Cr
- GIF. This is the Graphics Interchange Format created by CompuServe for storing and exchanging
- color raster images. You can read and write the following bits per pixel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
- Cr
- Cr
- Animated GIF. This is a multipage GIF format that can be played as an animation by displaying the
- images sequentially. Makaha lets you create and play the animations.
- You can read and write the following bits per pixel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF LZW. These files use the Tagged Image File Format with LZW compression.
- Cr
- Makaha can read and write TIFF files that use RGB, CMYK, or YCbCr color space.
- Cr
- You can read the following bits per pixel, without regard for the color space: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32.
- Cr
- You can write the following bits per pixel, with RGB color space: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32.
- Cr
- You can write the following bits per pixel, with CMYK color space: 24, 32.
- Cr
- You can write the following bits per pixel, with YCbCr color space: 24.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF Without LZW Compression
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha reads and writes several TIFF formats that do not require an LZW license.
- Cr
- TIFF is a tag-based file format designed to promote universal interchanges of digital image data.
- Cr
- Because TIFF files do not have a single way to store image data, there are many versions of TIFF.
- Makaha supports the most common TIFF formats. The usual file extension is TIFF for single-image
- files, and MPT for multipage files [which can contain many images].
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha can read and write TIFF files that use RGB, CMYK, or YCbCr color space.
- Makaha can also read and write files with PackBits compression.
- Cr
- You can read the following bits per pixel, without regard for the color space: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32.
- Cr
- You can write the following bits per pixel, with RGB color space: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 32.
- Cr
- You can write the following bits per pixel, with CMYK color space: 24, 32.
- Cr
- You can write the following bits per pixel, with YCbCr color space: 24.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- BMP Formats
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha reads and writes the following BMP formats:
- Cr
- Windows Bitmap [BMP]. This is a file format created by Microsoft. Some BMP images are
- compressed with an RLE-type compression.
- Cr
- You can read and write the following bits per pixel, without RLE compression: 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32.
- Cr
- You can read and write the following bits per pixel, with RLE compression: 4, 8.
- Cr
- Cr
- OS/2 Bitmap [OS/2 BMP]. These are files created on an OS/2 operating system.
- Cr
- Makaha supports both 1.x and 2.x formats.
- Cr
- You can read and write the following bits per pixel, without RLE compression: 1, 4, 8, 24.
- Cr
- You can read [but not write] the following bits per pixel, with RLE compression: 4, 8.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Icons and Cursors [ICO and CUR]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha reads and writes Windows Icon and Cursor files.
- Cr
- Windows Icon [ICO]. This is a multipage file format for storing one or more Windows icons.
- The background color when you read these images is always black.
- The size when you write these images can be no larger than 255-by-255 pixels.
- [Neither the width nor height can be greater than 255.]
- Cr
- You can read multipage files with the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8.
- Cr
- You can write single-page files with the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8.
- Cr
- Cr
- Windows Cursor [CUR]. This is a file format for storing Windows cursors [mouse pointers].
- Cr
- Makaha does not load or save transparency information in these files.
- Cr
- The size when you write these images should be exactly 32-by-32 pixels.
- Cr
- You can read and write 1-bit, single-page files.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- PCX Formats [PCX and DCX]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha reads and writes the following PCX formats:
- Cr
- Cr
- PCX. This is a file format created by ZSoft.
- This format compresses its image data with the RLE type compression.
- Cr
- Cr
- DCX. This is a multipage PCX format that enables a file to contain more than one image.
- It is handled the same as a regular PCX file, except for the multipage feature.
- For PCX and DCX files, you can read and write the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8, 24.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Kodak Formats [PCD and FPX]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha supports the following Kodak formats:
- Cr
- Cr
- PhotoCD [PCD]. This is a common high-resolution format for images on CD-ROM.
- An image file can contain one or more physical resolutions, with fixed dimensions.
- You can choose which resolution to load, and thus control the size of the resulting bitmap.
- Cr
- You can read the following bits per pixel: 8, 24.
- You cannot write PhotoCD files. They are read-only.
- Cr
- Cr
- FlashPix [FPX]. [WIN32 only] This Kodak format is newer than PhotoCD.
- This format can also contain more than one physical resolution, but without fixed dimensions.
- You can choose which resolution to load, and thus control the size of the resulting bitmap.
- Cr
- You can read and write the following bits per pixel: 8, 24.7
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Exif Formats [TIFF and JPG]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Exif is a standard for image files created with digital cameras and other input devices.
- The standard is set by the Japan Electronic Industry Development Association, and formally it is
- called the Digital Still Camera Image File Format Standard.
- Cr
- Cr
- Exif files contain either uncompressed TIFF images or compressed JPEG images.
- Cr
- Makaha reads and writes the following Exif formats:
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF. This is a tag-based file format designed to promote universal interchanges of digital image data.
- You can read and write 24 bits per pixel.
- Cr
- Cr
- JPG. This is the JPEG format with YUV 4:2:2 sampling.
- The Exif standard requires the width of the image to be a multiple of 16 and the height to be a multiple of 8.
- You can read and write 24 bits per pixel. [Grayscale is not supported.]
- For more information, refer to Compression Using LEAD and JPEG Formats.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Windows Metafile Format [WMF]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The Windows Metafile [WMF] format is a vectored format that may or may not also contain a raster image.
- Cr
- When reading a WMF file, Makaha converts all of the image data to a raster image.
- Cr
- When writing a WMF file, Makaha saves all of the image data as a raster image within the WMF file.
- Therefore, if you load and save a WMF file, you convert any vectored image data that the original contained.
- For WMF files, you can read and write the following bits per pixel: 8, 24.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- PhotoShop 3.0 Format [PSD]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Photoshop 3.0 [PSD] is the format produced by the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor.
- Cr
- For PSD files, you can read and write the following bits per pixel: 1, 8, 24.7
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Portable Network Graphics Format [PNG]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- PNG [Portable Network Graphics] is a replacement for the GIF format.
- It is a full-featured [non-LZW] compressed format intended for widespread use without legal restraints.
- Cr
- You can read the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32.
- You can write the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8, 24.
- Cr
- Cr
- Makaha supports reading [but not writing] interlaced PNG files.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Truevision TARGA Format [TGA]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Truevision TGA [TARGA] is a file format created by Truevision Inc.
- Makaha supports all uncompressed and RLE compressed TGA file formats.
- Cr
- For TGA files, you can read and write the following bits per pixel: 8, 16, 24, 32.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Encapsulated PostScript [EPS]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- PostScript Raster [Encapsulated PostScript]. These files are used primarily on PostScript printers.
- Cr
- These printers usually offer more variety of fonts and higher resolution than standard laser printers.
- Cr
- EPS files will work on any PostScript compatible printer and any end-user application that supports
- placement of EPS files in its work space.
- Cr
- The image that you read from an EPS file can be either a PostScript raster image or an embedded TIFF image.
- Cr
- The image that you write to an EPS file is always a PostScript raster image.
- Cr
- For a PostScript raster image, you can read the following bits per pixel: 1, 8.
- Cr
- For an embedded TIFF image, you can read the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32.
- Cr
- You can write only an 8-bit PostScript raster image, which is grayscale.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- SUN Raster Format [RAS]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- SUN Raster [RAS] is a format native to Sun UNIX platforms.
- For RAS files, you can read and write the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8, 24, 32.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- WordPerfect Format [WPG]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- The WordPerfect [WPG] format can contain vectored or raster images.
- Makaha handles only the raster images.
- For WPG files, you can read and write the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Macintosh Pict Format [PCT]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Macintosh Pict [PCT] files are produced using Macintosh QuickDraw, and are used in desktop publishing and imaging applications.
- For PCT files, you can read and write the following bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8, 24.
- Cr
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- Bitonal [1-Bit]
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Cr
- Cr
- LEAD 1-Bit Format [CMP]
- Cr
- LEAD 1BIT is a proprietary 1-bit LEAD compressed format that has better compression and
- performance than other 1-bit formats. You can read and write files in this format.
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF CCITT and Other FAX Formats
- Cr
- Makaha supports reading and writing of the following 1-bit formats that are commonly
- used in FAX transmissions:
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF CCITT. These are compressed TIFF files that are commonly used for FAX transmission and document imaging.
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF CCITT Group 3. These are TIFF CCITT files in a format that is more advanced and more compressed than
- TIFF CCITT. Makaha supports both 1-dimension and 2-dimension variations of this format.
- Cr
- Cr
- TIFF CCITT Group 4. These are TIFF CCITT files in a format that is more advanced and more compressed than
- TIFF CCITT Group 3.
- Cr
- Cr
- CALS Raster. These are CCITT Group 4 CALS raster files. CALS is a United States government standard.
- Cr
- Cr
- IOCA [ICA]. This is the Image Object Content Architecture developed by IBM.
- Cr
- Cr
- WinFax Group 3. This is a FAX format created by Delrina for Group 3 support.
- Cr
- Cr
- WinFax Group 4. This is a FAX format created by Delrina for Group 4 support.
- Cr
- Cr
- FAX Group 3. This is a raw FAX format [without a header] for Group 3 support.
- Makaha supports both 1-dimension and 2-dimension variations of this format.
- Cr
- Cr
- FAX Group 4. This is a raw FAX format [without a header] for Group 4 support.
- Cr
- Cr
- AWD. [WIN32 only] This is a Microsoft FAX format.
- Cr
- Cr
- Miscellaneous 1-Bit Formats [MAC, IMG, and MSP]
- Cr
- Makaha supports reading and writing of the following 1-bit formats:
- Cr
- Cr
- MacPaint [MAC]. These Macintosh Paint files are commonly used for monochrome clip art.
- Cr
- Cr
- GEM Image [IMG]. These files are native to the Graphical Environment Manager developed by Digital Research.
- Cr
- Cr
- Microsoft Paint [MSP]. These files from early versions of Windows are used for black-and-white
- drawings and clip art.
- Cr
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