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Pascal/Delphi Source File
191 lines
{ import library for LGDUTI32.DLL
this DLL contains some special function and some exported functions
from SYSUTILS - to avoid the overhead of having SYSUTILS in every DLL ...
unit LgdUti;
uses Windows;
{ File open modes }
fmOpenRead = $0000;
fmOpenWrite = $0001;
fmOpenReadWrite = $0002;
fmShareCompat = $0000;
fmShareExclusive = $0010;
fmShareDenyWrite = $0020;
fmShareDenyRead = $0030;
fmShareDenyNone = $0040;
{ File attribute constants }
faReadOnly = $00000001;
faHidden = $00000002;
faSysFile = $00000004;
faVolumeID = $00000008;
faDirectory = $00000010;
faArchive = $00000020;
faAnyFile = $0000003F;
{ File mode magic numbers }
fmClosed = $D7B0;
fmInput = $D7B1;
fmOutput = $D7B2;
fmInOut = $D7B3;
{ Seconds and milliseconds per day }
SecsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60;
MSecsPerDay = SecsPerDay * 1000;
{ Days between 1/1/0001 and 12/31/1899 }
DateDelta = 693594;
{ Generic filename type }
TFileName = string;
{ Search record used by FindFirst, FindNext, and FindClose }
TSearchRec = record
Time: Integer;
Size: Integer;
Attr: Integer;
Name: TFileName;
ExcludeAttr: Integer;
FindHandle: THandle;
FindData: TWin32FindData;
function StrCopy(Dest, Source: PChar): PChar; stdcall;
Function LgdAboutBox (window:hwnd; icon: hicon; pchName: PChar; pchCR: PChar;
fFullVersion: boolean; iFactor: integer): integer;
function FindFirst({const} Path: PChar; Attr: Integer;
var F: TSearchRec): Integer; stdcall;
function FindNext(var F: TSearchRec): Integer; stdcall;
procedure FindClose(var F: TSearchRec); stdcall;
Function LgdUti32Version: integer; stdcall;
Function StrPas (pchSource: PChar): string; stdcall;
Function StrLen (pchSource: PChar): integer; stdcall;
Procedure StrLCopy (dest, source: PChar; cLen: integer); stdcall;
Procedure StrPCopy (dest: PChar; s:string); stdcall;
Procedure LgdModuleName (hInst: integer; var achDir, achName, achExt: string); stdcall;
Procedure LgdSleep (var lLgdSleep: LongInt; lSleep: LongInt); stdcall;
Procedure LgdRegOpenKey (var p: pointer; achOwner, achSaver: string); stdcall;
Procedure LgdRegCloseKey (var p: pointer); stdcall;
Procedure LgdRegGetString (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem, achDefault: string; var achValue: string); stdcall;
Procedure LgdRegSetString (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem, achValue: string); stdcall;
Procedure LgdRegGetInteger (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem, achDefault: string; var iValue: integer); stdcall;
Procedure LgdRegSetInteger (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem: string; iValue: integer); stdcall;
Procedure LgdRegGetDouble (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem, achDefault: string; var dbValue: double); stdcall;
Procedure LgdRegSetDouble (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem: string; dbValue: double); stdcall;
Function MyGetTickCount: integer; stdcall;
Function GetWin32Version: LongInt; stdcall;
Procedure GetMem (var P; iSize: integer);
Procedure FreeMem (var P);
const LgdUtiDll = 'LGDUTI32.DLL';
Procedure GetMem (var P; iSize: integer);
Pointer (p) := GlobalAllocPtr (GHND, iSize);
Procedure FreeMem (var P);
GlobalFreePtr (Pointer (p));
Pointer (p) := nil;
function StrCopy(Dest, Source: PChar): PChar;
external LgdUtiDll index 1;
Function LgdAboutBox (window:hwnd; icon: hicon; pchName: PChar; pchCR: PChar;
fFullVersion: boolean; iFactor: integer): integer;
external LgdUtiDll index 2;
function FindFirst({const} Path: PChar; Attr: Integer;
var F: TSearchRec): Integer; stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 3;
function FindNext(var F: TSearchRec): Integer; stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 4;
procedure FindClose(var F: TSearchRec); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 5;
Function LgdUti32Version: integer; stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 6;
Function StrPas (pchSource: PChar): string; stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 7;
Function StrLen (pchSource: PChar): integer; stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 8;
Procedure StrLCopy (dest, source: PChar; cLen: integer); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 9;
Procedure StrPCopy (dest: PChar; s:string); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 10;
Procedure LgdModuleName (hInst: integer; var achDir, achName, achExt: string); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 11;
Procedure LgdSleep (var lLgdSleep: LongInt; lSleep: LongInt); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 12;
Procedure LgdRegOpenKey (var p: pointer; achOwner, achSaver: string); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 13;
Procedure LgdRegCloseKey (var p: pointer); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 14;
Procedure LgdRegGetString (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem, achDefault: string; var achValue: string); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 15;
Procedure LgdRegSetString (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem, achValue: string); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 16;
Procedure LgdRegGetInteger (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem, achDefault: string; var iValue: integer); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 17;
Procedure LgdRegSetInteger (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem: string; iValue: integer); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 18;
Procedure LgdRegGetDouble (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem, achDefault: string; var dbValue: double); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 19;
Procedure LgdRegSetDouble (var p: pointer; achTopic, achItem: string; dbValue: double); stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 20;
Function MyGetTickCount: integer; stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 21;
Function GetWin32Version: LongInt; stdcall;
external LgdUtiDll index 22;