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- HyperSnap-DX brings professional quality, conveniently executed
- Windows 95 and NT screen captures to your fingertips.
- It was designed for ease of use, with powerful and useful
- features to aid the professional as well as support the needs of
- the occasional user. Use it just a few times - you'll find it to
- be indispensable.
- Some of the more impressive features are listed here; this
- is but a partial list. Current users will want to see the list
- of new features in the Changes area at the end of this file.
- The best way to get to know HyperSnap-DX is to simply use it!
- Save your image as a BMP, GIF, or JPEG file. GIFs can
- optionally be interlaced and include transparent backgrounds,
- and HyperSnap-DX can create progressive JPEGs, perfect for
- World Wide Web page use. Choose your color depth for BMP
- captures, too.
- NEW! Now you can capture images from within DirectX or 3Dfx Glide
- Applications! Grab those special game and other captures you could
- never do before, with completely accurate coloring, courtesy of
- HyperSnap-DX.
- Web, Help File, and Documentation Authors, don't miss what
- HyperSnap-DX can do for you!
- -GIF images can be saved as interlaced files, with transparent
- backgrounds, and three levels of color reduction.
- -JPEGs have save options for a user-defined percentage of
- output quality, and the "fade-in" format.
- -The Quick Save feature is a lifesaver -- just keep on making
- those captures, without interruption. HyperSnap-DX saves them
- each to an individual, sequentially named GIF or JPEG file,
- in the custom format you choose, for your later use. You can
- even set a timer to automatically execute a capture every 'x'
- seconds!
- -Include the cursor image in your Web Page or Help File image
- to better display your product shot or call attention to a
- specific item.
- -The Window capture feature makes my day. The feature captures
- whole windows and sections of windows that are automatically
- highlighted, even little buttons, without squinting at the
- screen to make sure you get every pixel of the edge of a cap-
- ture target. A definite eye-saver.
- NEW! HyperSnap-DX includes two new capture definitions to
- save time! You can now capture the active window, with or
- without its frame, at the click of a hot key. HyperSnap-DX
- continues to offer the custom window capture feature described
- above.
- The built-in Crop feature is great for making final edits to
- your capture without transferring it to another program. And
- thankfully, there's an Undo Crop feature to mitigate the
- "oops!" factor.
- A recently introduced feature allows SCROLLING AND
- portions not shown on your screen! Perfect for capturing
- entire WEB pages and printing them, including background
- images, something that your web browser probably can't do!
- Choose your own HotKeys to quickly capture the entire Desktop,
- any Rectangle you outline, or the highlighted Window or
- Client, and automatically repeat the capture every x seconds
- or by using another HotKey.
- Automatically save each of your captures to a file by default
- -- you can even trigger new captures every x seconds and have
- the filename incremented.
- Print your capture direct from HyperSnap-DX -- it will expand
- the image to the size of the paper and margins that you set,
- and even add a frame, reverse, or reduce the output to black
- and white!
- Drag and Drop BMP, GIF, and JPEG files on HyperSnap-DX to open
- them!
- NEW! Browse through directories of supported images --
- HyperSnap-DX will display them in alphabetical order at the
- touch of your PageUp or PageDown key.
- NEW! View a capture in full screen mode using a hot key.
- For complete information on all that HyperSnap-DX brings to
- you, open the help file (HSDX.HLP) for a screen image
- that provides an instant overview of its many features and
- functions. Yes, HyperSnap-DX's help file graphics were captured using
- HyperSnap-DX!
- They said...
- ------------
- "I just tried out your screen capture program. Easy to
- configure, easy to use. Very well done!!! Congratulations.
- It's the best I've seen to date."
- "Just downloaded and took a quick look, If Snapshot (now HyperSnap-DX) works as
- well as I think it will, this will save me tons of time
- documenting an Access app I'm working on. Definitely cool,
- especially the ability to grab the client window with a
- single keystroke! If it works OK on my NT machine (3.51
- retail build), you can expect a registration check!!" (it
- did, of course, and we got our check.)
- "I've had no problems with capturing the PowerPoint cursors.
- This is great, most of the other utilities that I've tried
- haven't been able to do this."
- "Like the product, great for anyone who needs to hammer home
- their point with a screen print!"
- "Finally a program I can use to capture screens on the Net!"
- "I'm a telcommunications engineer for the Canadian
- government. Your product was just what I was looking for
- when creating manual for my users."
- "Thanks Greg, Really cool, simple to use, come in handy
- kinda program. I appreciate the quick response with
- registration number."
- "In all my years of Help File authoring I never did use
- a dedicated screen capture program. SnapShot/32 (HyperSnap-DX)
- changed that --I use it all the time and it save me tons of
- time."
- We're ready and waiting for your comments!
- ------------
- Install this program by running the self-extracting archive,
- HySnap.exe or SETUP.EXE (e.g. double click on its icon). You
- will be prompted for the target folder, where HyperSnap-DX files
- will be installed. A HyperSnap-DX group (menu) will be created
- in your Windows 95 or NT Start menu, together with an
- "Uninstall" icon that will completely remove HyperSnap-DX if
- necessary.
- If the uninstall script file (UnHSDX.bat in your Windows
- directory) was accidently deleted, you may still completely
- uninstall HyperSnap-DX by running:
- hsdx -uninstall
- and then deleting its files and directory manually. To recreate
- HyperSnap-DX menu under Windows 95 "Start" button you may run
- again HySnap.exe, if you saved it, or just run:
- hsdx -install
- and enter the same directory where HyperSnap-DX is already
- installed.
- Register your copy of HyperSnap-DX by selecting "Register" under
- the program's Help menu, or from within the help menu. This
- program is a 'try before you buy' shareware program that relies
- on your support for continued development, and single user
- registration is only $25.00. When you register HyperSnap-DX you
- will receive a code that fully enables the software and become
- eligible for priority support. You will also be able to obtain
- free updates of the program through our Web page (address below)
- with which you can use your registration code, until the next
- major release.
- You may also purchase HyperSnap-DX licenses in our WEB Store
- on the Internet. It uses secure connection to insure privacy.
- Hyperionics Web Store accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express
- and Discover/Novus credit card payments.
- To register copies of HyperSnap-DX please use the "Register"
- program usually provided with HyperSnap-DX to make payments. We
- accepts different payment methods, including credit card and
- checks/money orders. You may also mail us your check or money
- order directly, provided that it is drawn on a US bank, payable
- to "Greg Kochaniak".
- Greg Kochaniak
- Hyperionics
- 3146 Chestnut Street
- Murrysville, PA 15668, USA
- e-mail: gregko@hyperionics.com
- http://www.hyperionics.com
- License cost for HyperSnap-DX 3:
- Single licenses: $25 each, or $7.50 upgrade from HyperSnap 2
- Site license: $750, or $300 upgrade from HyperSnap 2
- (Site licenses cover a single organization for an area
- of up to one hundred miles (160 km) in radius.)
- World-wide license: $2000 or $700 upgrade from HyperSnap 2
- HyperSnap-DX may be also registered using CompuServe SWREG forum (GO
- SWREG) and search for HyperSnap-DX. The price for single
- user license over CompuServe is $27 due to the 15% charge they
- impose.
- Distribution is permitted provided you follow these
- instructions: You are free to make copies of the distribution
- archive (HYSNPxxx.ZIP or HySnap.exe) and pass it along to others
- for their evaluation provided that no modifications or additions
- are made to the software, its documentation, or any associated
- files, and it is not bundled in a distribution of any other
- software .
- Support is available through the addresses listed above, whether
- you are a registered user or not. Registered users receive
- priority treatment, of course. E-mail will always receive the
- quickest response.
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- ============================================================
- Changes log:
- As you can see, HyperSnap-DX receives continual attention as we
- listen to users' comments and suggestions to make it the best
- screen capture utility for Windows 95 and NT possible. Your
- input is always welcome.
- Greg Kochaniak, Hyperionics
- 3146 Chestnut Street, Murrysville, PA 15668, USA
- e-mail: gregko@hyperionics.com
- http://www.hyperionics.com
- 1997.11.13 HyperSnap-DX 3.07.00
- Added ability to capture screens from Win32 games using GLIDE
- (3Dfx) technology. Improved DirectX captures - no more color
- shifts and less crashes.
- 1997.10.14 HyperSnap-DX 3.06.00
- Pasting HyperSnap-DX pictures into some programs, e.g. Lotus
- Notes, would produce black picture. Fixed.
- Fixed auto-scroll for MS Office 97 and Internet Explorer 4
- 1997.08.07 HyperSnap-DX 3.05.01
- Bug fix - in Quick Save mode, if the time between the captures
- was long, there were problems starting the Explorer and some
- other applications on Windows 95. Also fixed: pressing a hot
- key in Quick Save timed mode will abort the mode promptly,
- without waiting for the next auto-snap to happend.
- 1997.07.18 HyperSnap-DX 3.05 (there was no public rel. of 3.04)
- Added "Send by Email" item to the file menu. With MAPI enabled
- mailer this will let you send the current picture to any email
- recipient as GIF, BMP or JPEG file attachment.
- Prepared HyperSnap-DX for localization (translation into other
- languages)
- Fixed a problem in saving BMP files: if the file was loaded from
- disk or saved with some options, changing BMP options (color depth)
- had no effect.
- Added information about Hyperionics Web Store to "About" and
- "Register" boxes.
- 1997.05.21 HyperSnap-DX 3.03
- Added "Continue on error" check box to Quick Save dialog, so that
- Quick Save is not aborted on a file error like "file busy" if you
- want to save to the same file and e.g. continue pushing it to a
- WEB server.
- Added "Center Image on Page" to "Page Setup" dialog.
- 1997.05.05 HyperSnap-DX 3.02
- Worked around a bug in Word 97 - it would not paste correctly
- some of our 256 color DIB pictures (displayed big red X instead).
- 1997.04.25 HyperSnap-DX 3.01
- On capture menu, if Quick Save item is checked on, and you click
- on it while holding the Shift key on the keyboard, this will pop
- up Quick Save setup dialog again, instead of checking the item off.
- Fixed: Page Up/Down keys would not work correctly if you started
- HyperSnap-DX with file name argument (to view the file) in a current
- directory.
- Fixed: Page Up/Down keys would not display files in alphabetical
- order on Windows 95 (or FAT partitions under NT).
- 1997.04.16 HyperSnap-DX 3.00
- Final Release of version 3.00.
- 1997.04.09 HyperSnap-DX 3.00 Beta 8
- New help file is in.
- Small fixes in DirectX capture. If you are in regular windows mode
- (not in DX full screen apllication), the DirectX capture hot key
- will now snap the whole desktop instead of the active window. This
- is to fix a problem where for some games not the whole screen was
- captured.
- 1997.04.03 HyperSnap-DX 3.00 Beta 7
- Fixed a small problem with the information about bitmap resolution,
- written to bmp and jpeg files. Made Quick Save append .bmp extension
- to file name if you forget to specify any extension.
- Extended the beta expiry date to April 30, 1997.
- 1997.03.28 HyperSnap-DX 3.00 Beta 6
- Fixed the problem with Quick Save for DirectX captures.
- Added new license code.
- Added -initfrom:filename command line option. It may be used when
- starting HyperSnap-DX like:
- hsdx -initfrom:c:\HySnap\hsdx2.ini
- where hsdx2.ini is the initialization file (with hot keys etc.) for
- HyperSnap-DX. Normally it would read the options from the registry.
- This feature allows you to have multiple configurations with different
- settings. The initial copy of the ini file may be created with
- hsdx -dumpopts
- command line switch.
- 1997.03.26 HyperSnap-DX 3.00 Beta 5
- This is the first public beta test version of HyperSnap-DX 3.00
- (List of chages from SnapShot/32 and HyperSnap 2 releases
- deleted)