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- This upload is created to accompany my original Star Trek First Contact03 v2
- theme zip file by me which had been stolen (Vassilis themes).
- òTHEME NAME: Star Trek First Contact02
- òZIP FILE NAME: Star Trek First Contact02
- òFILE SIZE: 1.47mb
- òCATEGORY: Star Trek/Sci Fic/TV
- òAUTHOR'S NAME: Mitchell Buchwalter
- òAUTHOR'S URL: http://members.aol.com/BHBplus/index.html
- òAUTHOR'S E-MAIL: BHBplus@aol.com
- òTHEME DESCRIPTION: An old Star Trek favorite returns, a classic battle
- between arch rivals. Now with this theme you can feel the heat of emotions.
- With this theme you get all of the following: Animated pointers, all new
- Logo's (startup/wait & down), screen saver and the STFC Lazerdisc movie poster
- wallpaper as contributed with permission by Redman.
- Distribution/use of this Desktop scheme is governed by the following conditions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- - Only distribute desktop scheme in its original form without changes any
- changes prior to author's original theme or his permission.
- - Do not charge anything for distributing. When distributing the Readme
- files must remain intact and always included with file!
- - For personal use only. Commercial use strictly prohibited!