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Windows Desktop Theme | 1999-11-08 | 4.2 KB | 137 lines |
- ;Theme Created with MiThemes v0.6c
- ;Visit http://www.plusthemes.com to get your FREE copy
- [CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\DefaultIcon]
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- empty=Indian recycle empty.ico,0
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- [Control Panel\Cursors]
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- Help=pawprint.cur
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- Wait=Rain.ani
- NWPen=Jc-pen.ani
- No=
- SizeNS=Blue-P Size NS.cur
- SizeWE=Blue-P Size NS.cur
- Crosshair=Blue-P Cross.cur
- IBeam=Blue-P Beam.cur
- SizeNWSE=Blue-P Size NWSE.cur
- SizeNESW=Blue-P Size NESW.cur
- SizeAll=Blue-P Move.cur
- UpArrow=
- DefaultValue=Windows default
- [Control Panel\Desktop]
- Wallpaper=Fallen_Brother.jpg
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- Pattern=(None)
- ScreenSaveActive=0
- [AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\.Default\.Current]
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- DefaultValue=
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- DefaultValue=hollowlog.wav
- [AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\Close\.Current]
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- DefaultValue=
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- DefaultValue=
- [AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\Ringout\.Current]
- DefaultValue=
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- DefaultValue=
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- DefaultValue=loon.wav
- [AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\SystemExit\.Current]
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- [AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\SystemStart\.Current]
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