Dolphin Frolic Theme by Tootsie's Theme Shop -
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The wallpaper and graphics for system screens for this theme are from
Note: If you don't like the dolphin Normal Select pointer, there's a plain arrow. Rename DolphinArrow.cur to DolphinNormal.cur after deleting or renaming the original DolphinNormal.cur.
To install the theme, simply double click the Dolphin Frolic.exe file. The default is to C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes but you can browse and change the destination directory if you store your themes elsewhere. You need a theme installation program such as MS Plus! or Desktop Themes to then choose the Dolphin Frolic.theme file as your active theme. To uninstall the theme, delete the Dolphin Frolic folder and the Dolphin Frolic.theme file.
Inside the theme's folder there are three system screens included which are the 'Startup', 'Wait' and 'Shut Down' screens. To install these, double click on the Dolphin Frolic Logos.exe file and your logo screens will install automatically. To re-install your original logo screens, simply double click on the Dolphin Frolic Logos.exe again. If you have any questions, there's also a Logos Help file inside the theme's folder.
The wav files are compressed and require Microsoft Net Show. If you're running Windows 95 and this has not been installed on your system, go to this site for a free download from Microsoft:
If you're running Windows 98, Net Show is on your Win98 CD. If it has not been installed, have your CD handy and go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Windows Setup, and double click Multimedia. Put a check mark in Audio Compression and Net Show 2.0 and then follow the directions once you've inserted your Windows 98 CD.
If you have Windows 95 and a CD of MSIE 4.0 or higher, you may also find Net Show on that CD.
If you have further problems, please go to this site for a complete explanation and another alternative. See the Emergency section at The Theme Doctor's site.