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- /*
- ORBIT, a freeware space combat simulator
- Copyright (C) 1999 Steve Belczyk <steve1@genesis.nred.ma.us>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #define VERSION "1.01"
- /* At one point I needed these to keep VC++ from including it own
- GL headers */
- /* #define __glu_h__ */
- /* #define __gl_h_ */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #ifndef WIN32
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <GL/gl.h>
- #include <GL/glu.h>
- #include </mesa/mesa-3.0/include/GL/glut.h>
- #include <winsock.h>
- #else
- #include <GL/gl.h>
- #include <GL/glu.h>
- #include <GL/glut.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef ALLOCATE
- #define EXTERN
- #else
- #define EXTERN extern
- #endif
- #ifdef WIN32
- #pragma warning(disable:4013) /* blah() undefined; assuming extern returning int */
- #pragma warning(disable:4033) /* blah() must return a value */
- #pragma warning(disable:4716) /* blah() must return a value */
- #endif
- /* THETA is rate of rotation in radians per second */
- #define THETA (1.6)
- /* Maximum change in velocity, per second, at full throttle */
- #define DELTAV (0.2)
- /* Coefficient of current velocity added to acceleration under warp speed */
- #define WARP_COEFF (0.2)
- /* Throttle limits for arcade mode, in kps */
- #define MAX_THROTTLE (10000.0 / KM_TO_UNITS1)
- #define MAX_WARP_THROTTLE (1000000.0 / KM_TO_UNITS1)
- #define SCREENWIDTH (640)
- #define SCREENHEIGHT (480)
- void DrawScene(void);
- void Reshape(int, int);
- void MovePlayer();
- double Dist2();
- double rnd();
- double Time();
- double Theta();
- double Dotp();
- double Mag();
- double Mag2();
- void Log (char *fmt, ...);
- void Mprint (char *msg, ...);
- void Cprint (char *c, ...);
- void DoConnect (void);
- void DoChat (void);
- void DoDrop (void);
- void DoLoad (void);
- void DoName (void);
- EXTERN int ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight;
- EXTERN double fov;
- /* Stuff to remember about the player */
- #define FLIGHT_NEWTONIAN (0)
- #define FLIGHT_ARCADE (1)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- char name[64]; /* Player name */
- char model[128]; /* Ship model (for multiplayer) */
- double pos[3]; /* Player position */
- double up[3]; /* Camera "up" vector */
- double view[3]; /* Viewing direction */
- double right[3]; /* Right-hand vector */
- double move_forward, move_backward,
- move_up, move_down,
- move_pitchleft, move_pitchright,
- move_left, move_right; /* Motion */
- int flightmodel; /* Newtonian or arcade */
- double vel[3]; /* Player's velocity */
- double throttle; /* Throttle for arcade mode */
- int score; /* Player's score */
- double shields; /* Strenth of shields */
- double maxshields; /* Maximum shields */
- int weapon; /* Current weapon */
- double msl_idle; /* Weapon idle time */
- int waypoint; /* Selected waypoint */
- double dead_timer; /* Time to die */
- int still; /* Not changing orientation */
- int viewlock; /* True if view locked on something */
- } player;
- /* Clipping planes */
- EXTERN double clipnear;
- EXTERN double clipfar;
- #define DEAD_TIME (5.0)
- EXTERN int vulnerable; /* If player can be killed */
- EXTERN int joy_available; /* True if we have a joystick */
- /*
- * Joystick values:
- *
- * x,y - stick position
- * r - stick twist
- * z - throttle position
- */
- EXTERN double joy_x, joy_xmin, joy_xmax,
- joy_y, joy_ymin, joy_ymax,
- joy_r, joy_rmin, joy_rmax,
- joy_z, joy_zmin, joy_zmax;
- EXTERN int joy_buttons; /* State of joystick buttons */
- EXTERN int joy_throttle; /* True to use joystick throttle */
- EXTERN double deadzone; /* Joystick dead zone */
- #define DEADZONE (0.1) /* Joystick dead zone */
- EXTERN int mouse_x, mouse_y; /* Stuff for mouse */
- EXTERN int last_mouse_x, last_mouse_y;
- /* Timer stuff */
- #define MAXDELTAT (0.1)
- EXTERN long ticks_per_sec;
- EXTERN double deltaT;
- EXTERN double absT;
- EXTERN double fps;
- #ifdef WIN32
- EXTERN _int64 last_ticks;
- #else
- EXTERN int last_ticks;
- #endif
- /* Stuff for the stars */
- #define NSTARS (2000)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- double x,y,z; /* Star coords */
- double mag; /* Star magnitude */
- double bright; /* Point brightness */
- double bright2; /* Brightness for sparse starfield */
- } star[NSTARS];
- EXTERN int star_list; /* Starfield display lists */
- EXTERN int star_list_sparse;
- EXTERN int star_list_dense;
- EXTERN int starfield; /* Display starfield? */
- EXTERN int paused; /* True if game paused */
- /* Whether or not to display the HUD */
- EXTERN int drawhud;
- /* Whether or not to show the frame rate */
- EXTERN int showfps;
- /* Stuff for the message console */
- #define CONSLINES (10)
- #define CONSBUF (128)
- #define CONSAGE (3.0)
- #define CONSHEIGHT (10)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- double age[CONSLINES]; /* How long each line has been on screen */
- int next; /* index of next line to use */
- char buf[CONSLINES][CONSBUF]; /* messages */
- } console;
- /* Gravity stuff */
- EXTERN int gravity; /* Is gravity on or off? */
- #define G (0.025)
- #define RMIN (2.0)
- /* Allow full stop? */
- EXTERN int fullstop; /* True if full stop allowed */
- /* Regular warp or super warp engines? */
- EXTERN int superwarp;
- /* Stuff for missiles */
- #define NMSLS (32)
- #define MSL_EXPIRE (5.0)
- #define MSL_IDLE (0.2) /* Min seconds between missiles */
- #define TARGET_MSL_IDLE (2.0) /* Same for targets */
- #define MSL_MIN_AGE (0.1) /* Time before msl can hit something */
- #define MSL_VEL (0.5)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- double pos[3]; /* Missile position */
- double vel[3]; /* Missile velocity */
- double age; /* Missile age (0 == not in use) */
- int friendly; /* True if player launced missile */
- int weapon; /* What type of weapon this is */
- int owner; /* Who owns this missile (-1 if player) */
- } msl[NMSLS];
- /* Space junk */
- EXTERN int junk; /* True to draw space junk */
- /* Stuff for explosions */
- #define NBOOMS (32)
- #define BOOM_TIME (1.0) /* Length of explosion in seconds */
- EXTERN int palette_flash; /* True to flash whole screen */
- EXTERN struct
- {
- double pos[3]; /* Explosion position */
- double age; /* Explosion age (0 == not in use) */
- int light; /* Index of corresponding light[] entry */
- double angle; /* Angle to rotate boom */
- double size; /* Size of this boom */
- } boom[NBOOMS];
- #define X .525731112119133606
- #define Z .850650808352039932
- #ifdef ALLOCATE
- double icos_data[12][3] =
- {
- {-X, 0, Z}, {X, 0, Z}, {-X, 0, -Z}, {X, 0, -Z}, {0, Z, X}, {0, Z, -X},
- {0, -Z, X}, {0, -Z, -X}, {Z, X, 0}, {-Z, X, 0}, {Z, -X, 0}, {-Z, -X, 0}
- };
- #else
- extern double icos_data[12][3];
- #endif
- #ifdef ALLOCATE
- int icos_index[20][3] =
- {
- {0, 4, 1}, {0, 9, 4}, {9, 5, 4}, {4, 5, 8}, {4, 8, 1},
- {8, 10, 1}, {8, 3, 10}, {5, 3, 8}, {5, 2, 3}, {2, 7, 3},
- {7, 10, 3}, {7, 6, 10}, {7, 11, 6}, {11, 0, 6}, {0, 1, 6},
- {6, 1, 10}, {9, 0, 11}, {9, 11, 2}, {9, 2, 5}, {7, 2, 11}
- };
- #else
- extern int icos_index[20][3];
- #endif
- EXTERN double boom_data[12][3];
- #ifdef ALLOCATE
- double boom_color[12][4] =
- {
- {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0},
- {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0},
- {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0},
- {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0}
- };
- #else
- extern double boom_color[12][4];
- #endif
- /* Sound stuff */
- EXTERN int sound; /* True for sound effects */
- /* Constants */
- enum sounds {
- };
- /* Functions */
- int InitSound (void);
- int PlayAudio (enum sounds);
- void FinishSound (void);
- EXTERN int show_names; /* True to show names of things */
- /* Lights stuff */
- EXTERN struct
- {
- float pos[4]; /* Light position */
- float color[3]; /* Light color */
- double age; /* Age of light (0 == not in use) */
- int gl_num; /* GL number of light */
- } light[NLIGHTS];
- /* Target stuff */
- #define NTARGETS (32)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- double pos[3]; /* Target position */
- double vel[3]; /* Target velocity */
- double view[3]; /* Viewing direction */
- double up[3]; /* Up vector */
- double right[3]; /* Right vector */
- double age; /* Target age (0 == unused) */
- double range2; /* Distance from player */
- double move_forward, move_backward,
- move_up, move_down,
- move_pitchleft, move_pitchright,
- move_left, move_right; /* Motion */
- double msl_idle; /* How long laucher has been idle */
- char name[32]; /* Target name */
- int list; /* Target display list */
- int score; /* Points for destroying this target */
- int model; /* Index of target's model */
- int strategy; /* This target's strategy for ThinkTarget() */
- int hidden; /* True if hidden */
- int invisible; /* True if invisible */
- int friendly; /* True if on our side */
- double shields; /* Shield strength */
- double maxshields; /* Maximum shields */
- double shieldregen; /* How fast shields regenerate */
- double turnrate; /* How fast it can turn */
- double maxvel; /* How fast it can accelerate */
- int weapon; /* Current weapon */
- } target[NTARGETS];
- #define TARGDIST (0.02)
- #define MINFIREDIST (1.0 / KM_TO_UNITS1)
- #define MAXFIREDIST (3000.0 / KM_TO_UNITS1)
- #define TARG_MAXRANGE (50000.0 / KM_TO_UNITS1)
- /* Radar stuff */
- EXTERN double radarR, radarCOS, radarSIN;
- EXTERN struct
- {
- int center[2]; /* Center of radar on screen, in pixels */
- double fcenter[2]; /* Floating version */
- int radius; /* Radius of screen, in pixels */
- double fradius; /* Floating version */
- int list; /* Display list */
- } radar;
- /* Other HUD stuff */
- EXTERN struct
- {
- double throt_min[2]; /* Coords of throttle display */
- double throt_mid[2];
- double throt_max[2];
- double targ_name[2]; /* Coords of target name */
- double targ_range[2]; /* Target range */
- double vel[2]; /* Player velocity */
- double shields_min[2]; /* Player shields */
- double shields_max[2];
- double weapon[2]; /* Weapon name */
- double targshields_min[2]; /* Target shields */
- double targshields_max[2];
- double waypoint[2]; /* Current waypoint */
- } hud;
- /* Shield stuff */
- #define SHIELD_REGEN (5.0)
- /* Texture stuff */
- EXTERN GLubyte planet_tex[256][256][3]; /* Planet texture */
- EXTERN int planet_list;
- /* Screen shot stuff */
- EXTERN int screen_shot_num;
- /* Planet stuff */
- #define NPLANETS (32)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- int hidden; /* Don't draw */
- double dist; /* Distance from primary */
- double pos[3]; /* Planet position */
- double theta; /* Solar angle */
- double radius; /* Planet size */
- double oblicity; /* Oblicity (inclination from orbital plane) */
- double radius2; /* Radius squared */
- double range2; /* Distance^2 from player */
- double absrange2; /* Absolute range (ignoring radius) */
- double mass; /* Mass, for gravity calculation */
- float color[3]; /* Average color */
- int texid; /* Texture id */
- GLubyte tex[256][256][3]; /* Texture */
- char texfname[32]; /* Name of texture file */
- char name[32]; /* Planet name */
- int is_moon; /* True if this is a moon */
- int primary; /* Index of primary if moon */
- int list20; /* Display lists */
- int list80;
- int list320;
- int orbitlist; /* Display list for orbit */
- double angvel; /* Angular velocity in degrees per second */
- int custom; /* True if customized */
- } planet[NPLANETS];
- #define ORBIT_SECTORS (360)
- /* Planet detail levels */
- EXTERN int slices0, stacks0,
- slices1, stacks1,
- slices2, stacks2;
- EXTERN int textures; /* True to draw textures */
- EXTERN int realdistances; /* True for correct planet distances */
- EXTERN int draw_orbits; /* True to draw orbits */
- EXTERN int orbit; /* True to make planets orbit */
- EXTERN double compression; /* Time compression */
- EXTERN int first_vertex; /* For texture fixing */
- EXTERN double maxtdiff;
- /* Unit conversions */
- #define KM_TO_UNITS1 (6000.0) /* Radii */
- #define KM_TO_UNITS2 (6000.0 / 1000000.0) /* Distances */
- /* Model stuff */
- #define NMODELS (32)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- int in_use; /* True if in use */
- char name[32]; /* Model name */
- int list; /* Display list */
- double lobound[3];
- double hibound[3]; /* Coords of bounding box */
- double radius;
- double radius2; /* Radius of bounding sphere */
- } model[NMODELS];
- /* Mission stuff */
- EXTERN struct
- {
- double cursor[3];
- double player[3];
- char briefing[4096];
- char fn[128];
- int verbose;
- } mission;
- /* Strategies */
- #define STRAT_DONOTHING (0)
- #define STRAT_SIT1 (1)
- #define STRAT_SIT2 (2)
- #define STRAT_SIT3 (3)
- #define STRAT_SIT4 (4)
- #define STRAT_HUNT1 (5)
- #define STRAT_HUNT2 (6)
- #define STRAT_HUNT3 (7)
- #define STRAT_HUNT4 (8)
- /* Message stuff (messages in center of screen) */
- EXTERN struct
- {
- char text[4096]; /* Message text */
- int len; /* Length in pixels */
- double age; /* Age in seconds */
- } message;
- /* Max time to keep message on screen */
- #define MSG_MAXAGE (30)
- /* Rings stuff */
- #define NRINGS (4)
- #define MAX_RING_RANGE (200.0 * 200.0)
- #define RING_SECTORS (32)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- int primary; /* Which planet */
- int list; /* Display list */
- int texid; /* Texture id */
- GLubyte tex[256][8][4]; /* Texture */
- double r1, r2; /* Inner, outer radii */
- char fn[64]; /* Texture file name */
- } ring[NRINGS];
- EXTERN int rings; /* True to draw rings */
- EXTERN int ring_sectors; /* Sectors per ring */
- /* Event stuff */
- #define NEVENTS (32)
- #define ACTIONS_PER_EVENT (64)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- char name[32]; /* Event name */
- int pending; /* True if hasn't happened yet */
- int enabled; /* True if enabled */
- int trigger; /* Event type */
- int ivalue; /* Event values */
- double fvalue;
- char *cvalue;
- double pos[3]; /* Event position */
- /* Actions */
- struct
- {
- int active;
- int action; /* Event actions */
- int ivalue;
- double fvalue;
- char *cvalue;
- } action[ACTIONS_PER_EVENT];
- } event[NEVENTS];
- /* Event triggers */
- #define EVENT_NULL (0)
- #define EVENT_APPROACH (1)
- #define EVENT_DESTROY (2)
- #define EVENT_SCORE (3)
- #define EVENT_ALARM (4)
- #define EVENT_DEPART (5)
- #define EVENT_TRUE (6)
- #define EVENT_STOPNEAR (7)
- #define EVENT_SHIELDS (8)
- /* Event actions */
- #define EVENT_MESSAGE (10)
- #define EVENT_HIDE (11)
- #define EVENT_UNHIDE (12)
- #define EVENT_ENABLE (13)
- #define EVENT_DISABLE (14)
- #define EVENT_LOADMISSION (15)
- #define EVENT_STOP (16)
- #define EVENT_BOOM (17)
- #define EVENT_FLASH (18)
- #define EVENT_MOVEOBJECT (19)
- #define EVENT_MOVEPLAYER (20)
- #define EVENT_MOVEPLANET (21)
- #define EVENT_HIDEPLANET (22)
- #define EVENT_BETRAY (24)
- /* Target lock stuff */
- #define LOCK_ENEMY (0)
- #define LOCK_FRIENDLY (1)
- #define LOCK_PLANET (2)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- int target; /* Locked target, -1 if none */
- int type; /* Target type */
- } lock;
- /* Weapons stuff */
- #define NWEAPONS (10)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- char name[32]; /* Name of weapon */
- double yield; /* How much damage it does */
- double speed; /* How fast it goes */
- double idle; /* Time between shots, in seconds */
- double expire; /* How long till it dissipates */
- int renderer; /* How to draw */
- float color[3]; /* Color */
- double range2; /* Range of weapon squared */
- } weapon[NWEAPONS];
- #define NPLAYER_WEAPONS (4)
- EXTERN int warpspeed; /* True if using warp engines */
- /* Mouse stuff */
- EXTERN struct
- {
- int left, right, up, down;
- int x, y;
- int flipx;
- int flipy;
- } mouse;
- EXTERN int mouse_control;
- /* Video mode stuff */
- EXTERN int fullscreen; /* To use glutFullScreen() */
- EXTERN char gamemode[64]; /* To use glutGameMode() */
- /* Game state stuff */
- #define STATE_INIT (1)
- #define STATE_NORMAL (2)
- #define STATE_DEAD1 (3)
- #define STATE_DEAD2 (4)
- #define STATE_LOADGAME (5)
- #define STATE_GETTEXT (6)
- EXTERN int state; /* Game state */
- /* Stuff for loads and saves */
- #define NSAVES (10)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- char fn[128]; /* Mission file name */
- int time; /* Time stamp */
- } save[NSAVES];
- EXTERN int nsaves;
- /* Waypoints */
- #define NWAYPOINTS (32)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- double pos[3]; /* Waypoint location */
- } waypoint[NWAYPOINTS];
- EXTERN int nwaypoints; /* Number of active waypoints */
- /*
- * Network stuff
- */
- #ifndef WIN32
- #define SOCKET int
- #endif
- /* Undef this to use ASCII packets only. Good if the two machines
- don't use IEEE floats */
- #define ORBIT_PORT (2061)
- /* Timing stuff */
- #define MAXCLIENTIDLE (60.0)
- #define MAXSERVERIDLE (120.0)
- #define PINGINTERVAL (20.0)
- #define CLIENTPOSINTERVAL (0.33)
- #define ROLLCALLINTERVAL (30.0)
- #define POSNINTERVALSMALL (0.33)
- #define PINGFAST (100.0)
- #define PINGSLOW (400.0)
- EXTERN int am_server; /* True if I'm a server */
- EXTERN int am_client; /* True if I'm a client */
- void SendASCIIPacket (SOCKET socket, char *fmt, ...);
- void SendBinaryPacket (SOCKET socket, char *fmt, ...);
- /* Stuff to remember about each client */
- #define NCLIENTS (16)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- int active; /* True if the client is active */
- int is_me; /* True if this client is me */
- int target; /* Index of target structure for this client */
- SOCKET socket; /* This client's socket */
- double ping; /* Ping time for this client */
- double posninterval; /* How often to send position reports to this client */
- struct
- {
- double idle; /* How long since we heard from this client */
- double ping; /* How long since we pinged this client */
- double posn[NCLIENTS]; /* How long since we reported this client's
- position to each other client */
- double rollcall; /* Time since we sent a roll call to this client */
- } timer;
- char pkt[1024]; /* Packet currently being received */
- int ptr; /* Index of next byte in pkt */
- int state; /* Binary packet state */
- int remain; /* Bytes remaining in this binary packet */
- int frags; /* Number of kills */
- char ip[32]; /* IP address of client */
- } client[NCLIENTS];
- /* Some server stuff */
- EXTERN struct
- {
- SOCKET listening_socket; /* Socket server listens on */
- int client; /* Number of server's client */
- int port; /* Port to listen on */
- char ip[32]; /* My IP address */
- } server;
- /* Network game flags */
- #define FLAG_GRAVITY (0x01)
- #define FLAG_FLIGHTMODEL (0x02)
- #define FLAG_FULLSTOP (0x04)
- #define FLAG_REALDISTANCES (0x08)
- #define FLAG_ORBIT (0x10)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- SOCKET socket; /* Socket client uses to talk to server */
- char pkt[1024]; /* Packet being received */
- int ptr; /* Next byte in pkt */
- int state; /* Binary packet state */
- int remain; /* Bytes remaining in this binary packet */
- int client; /* Our client number */
- int urgent; /* We have an urgent position report */
- struct
- {
- double server; /* Time since we heard from server */
- double pos; /* Time since we last reported position */
- } timer;
- } clientme;
- /* States for binary packets */
- #define NETSTATE_MAGIC (1) /* Waiting for Magic byte */
- #define NETSTATE_SIZE (2) /* Waiting for size byte */
- #define NETSTATE_PACKET (3) /* Reading packet */
- #define NET_MAGIC (0x56) /* Magic start-of-packet byte */
- /* Binary packet types. HIGH BIT MUST BE SET! */
- #define PKT_POSS (0x80) /* Short position */
- #define PKT_POSL (0x81) /* Long position */
- #define PKT_POSU (0x82) /* Urgent position */
- #define PKT_POSN (0x83) /* Regular position */
- #define PKT_PLAN (0x84) /* Planet position */
- #define PKT_VCNT (0x85) /* Vacancy report */
- #define PKT_PING (0x86) /* Ping to get latency */
- EXTERN double recv_bps, xmit_bps; /* Receive, transmit rates */
- EXTERN int recv_bytes, xmit_bytes; /* Bytes received/sent */
- /* Stuff for reading in text */
- #define TEXTSIZE (128)
- EXTERN struct
- {
- int yes; /* True if typing */
- char buf[TEXTSIZE]; /* Buffer */
- int index; /* Index into buffer */
- char prompt[32]; /* Prompt */
- void (*func)(void); /* Function to call when done */
- } text;