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- /*
- ORBIT, a freeware space combat simulator
- Copyright (C) 1999 Steve Belczyk <steve1@genesis.nred.ma.us>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #define ALLOCATE
- #include "orbit.h"
- int tm, frames, total_frames;
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- /* Kick random number generator */
- srand (time(NULL));
- /* Check for joystick */
- InitJoy();
- /* Init the performance timer */
- InitTimer();
- /* Set up the player viewpoint, etc */
- InitPlayer();
- /* Initialize all sorts of other stuff */
- InitStuff();
- /* Open a window */
- OpenWindow (argc, argv);
- frames = 0;
- total_frames = 1;
- tm = time(NULL);
- /* Loop forever */
- glutMainLoop();
- }
- OpenWindow (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- /*
- * Open a window
- */
- {
- char *p;
- glutInit (&argc, argv);
- glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);
- glutInitWindowPosition (0, 0);
- glutInitWindowSize (ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);
- if (!strcasecmp (gamemode, "no"))
- {
- glutCreateWindow ("Orbit");
- }
- else
- {
- glutGameModeString (gamemode);
- glutEnterGameMode();
- }
- if (fullscreen) glutFullScreen ();
- glutDisplayFunc (DrawScene);
- glutReshapeFunc (Reshape);
- /* Define lights, etc */
- Lights();
- glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
- /* Put up some driver info */
- p = (char *) glGetString (GL_VENDOR);
- Log ("OpenWindow: OpenGL vendor: %s", p);
- p = (char *) glGetString (GL_RENDERER);
- Log ("OpenWindow: OpenGL renderer: %s", p);
- p = (char *) glGetString (GL_VERSION);
- Log ("OpenWindow: OpenGL version: %s", p);
- }
- CreateUniverse ()
- /*
- * And Then There Was Light
- */
- {
- /* Initialize keyboard */
- InitKeyboard();
- /* Initialize the mouse */
- InitMouse();
- /* Construct the starfield display list */
- MakeStarList();
- /* Initialize planets */
- InitPlanets();
- /* Init AC3D textures */
- InitTextures();
- /* Ring stuff */
- InitRings();
- /* Init the HUD */
- InitHud();
- /* Initialize sound */
- InitSound();
- /* Initialize the network */
- InitNetwork();
- /* Okay, load a mission */
- if (mission.fn[0] != 0)
- {
- /* Load mission from prefs file */
- ReadMission (mission.fn);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Read default mission */
- ReadMission ("train01.msn");
- }
- }
- void DrawScene()
- /*
- * Draw the scene
- */
- {
- double v[3], t;
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! DrawScene()"); */
- /* Are we still initializing? */
- if (state == STATE_INIT)
- {
- /* Create everything */
- CreateUniverse();
- /* Mark new state */
- state = STATE_NORMAL;
- }
- /* Figure out how many seconds (in deltaT) have elapsed since the last
- time we were here */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! DeltaTime()"); */
- DeltaTime();
- /* Handle the network */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! DoNetwork()"); */
- DoNetwork();
- /* Read the keyboard */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! Keyboard()"); */
- Keyboard();
- /* Handle the joystick */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! Joystick()"); */
- if (joy_available && !paused) JoyStick();
- /* Do the mouse */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! DoMouse()"); */
- if (mouse_control && !paused) DoMouse();
- /* Move the planets */
- if (orbit) MovePlanets();
- /* Move the player */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! UpdatePlayer()"); */
- if (!paused) UpdatePlayer ();
- /* Move the targets */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! MoveTargets()"); */
- if (!paused) MoveTargets ();
- /* Move the missiles */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! MoveMissiles()"); */
- if (!paused) MoveMissiles ();
- /* Process any outstanding events */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! DoEvents()"); */
- DoEvents();
- /* Clear the screen */
- if (palette_flash == 2)
- {
- /* Flash red */
- palette_flash = 0;
- glClearColor (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }
- else if (palette_flash > 0)
- {
- /* Flash white */
- palette_flash = 0;
- glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- }
- else
- {
- glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }
- /* Set up viewing transformation */
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glLoadIdentity();
- /* Compute a point along line of sight */
- Vadd (v, player.pos, player.view);
- gluLookAt (0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- player.view[0], player.view[1], player.view[2],
- player.up[0], player.up[1], player.up[2]);
- /* Draw the star field here */
- if (starfield) DrawStars();
- Lights();
- /* Draw the world */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! DrawWorld()"); */
- DrawWorld();
- /* Do some 2-D stuff just to prove I can */
- /* if (am_client) Log ("!!! Hud()"); */
- Hud();
- /* Swap buffers */
- glFlush();
- glutSwapBuffers();
- /* Keep on Displayin' */
- glutPostRedisplay();
- frames++;
- total_frames++;
- if (0 == (frames % 50))
- {
- t = Time();
- fps = 50.0 / t;
- frames = 0;
- recv_bps = ((double) recv_bytes) / t;
- xmit_bps = ((double) xmit_bytes) / t;
- recv_bytes = xmit_bytes = 0;
- tm = time (NULL);
- }
- }
- void DrawSplash()
- /*
- * Draw minimal screen for startup splash
- */
- {
- double v[3];
- int tmphud;
- Reshape (ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);
- glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- /* Set up viewing transformation */
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glLoadIdentity();
- /* Compute a point along line of sight */
- Vadd (v, player.pos, player.view);
- gluLookAt (player.pos[0], player.pos[1], player.pos[2],
- v[0], v[1], v[2],
- player.up[0], player.up[1], player.up[2]);
- /* Draw the star field here */
- /* if (starfield) DrawStars(); */
- /* Do some 2-D stuff just to prove I can */
- tmphud = drawhud;
- drawhud = 0;
- Hud();
- drawhud = tmphud;
- /* Swap buffers */
- glFlush();
- glutSwapBuffers();
- /* Keep on Displayin' */
- glutPostRedisplay();
- }
- void Reshape (w, h)
- GLsizei w, h;
- {
- double ratio;
- ScreenWidth = w;
- ScreenHeight = h;
- ratio = (double) w / (double) h;
- glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity();
- gluPerspective (fov, ratio, clipnear, clipfar);
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glViewport (0, 0, w, h);
- /* Recompute the HUD stuff */
- InitHud();
- }
- static float MaterialColor[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
- static float JunkColor[] = {0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0};
- static double MissileColor[] = {1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0};
- static float TargetColor[] = {1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0};
- DrawWorld ()
- /*
- * Draw the world
- */
- {
- /* Draw planet */
- DrawPlanets();
- /* Draw space junk */
- if (junk)
- {
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, JunkColor);
- Junk();
- }
- /* Draw missiles */
- DrawMissiles ();
- /* Draw targets */
- DrawTargets();
- /* Draw explosions */
- DrawBooms ();
- /* Draw planetary rings */
- DrawRings();
- /* Show names of things */
- if (show_names) ShowNames();
- }
- Print (font, string)
- void *font;
- char *string;
- {
- int len, i;
- len = strlen (string);
- for (i=0; i<len; i++)
- {
- glutBitmapCharacter (font, string[i]);
- }
- }
- InitStuff()
- /*
- * Misc initilization
- *
- */
- {
- vulnerable = 1;
- joy_throttle = 0;
- deadzone = DEADZONE;
- absT = 0.0;
- starfield = 1;
- drawhud = 1;
- showfps = 0;
- gravity = 0;
- junk = 1;
- palette_flash = 0;
- sound = 1;
- show_names = 0;
- screen_shot_num = 0;
- rings = 1;
- textures = 1;
- mission.fn[0] = 0;
- paused = 0;
- mouse_control = 1;
- strcpy (gamemode, "no");
- fullscreen = 0;
- player.flightmodel = FLIGHT_NEWTONIAN;
- strcpy (player.name, "Sparky");
- strcpy (player.model, "light2.tri");
- ring_sectors = RING_SECTORS;
- stacks0 = 3;
- slices0 = 7;
- stacks1 = 6;
- slices1 = 13;
- stacks2 = 12;
- slices2 = 24;
- mouse.flipx = 0;
- mouse.flipy = 0;
- state = STATE_INIT;
- realdistances = 0;
- fov = 90.0;
- text.yes = 0;
- text.buf[0] = 0;
- text.index = 0;
- text.prompt[0] = 0;
- text.func = NULL;
- fullstop = 1;
- player.still = 1;
- draw_orbits = 0;
- orbit = 0;
- compression = 1.0;
- player.viewlock = 0.0;
- server.port = ORBIT_PORT;
- superwarp = 1;
- clipnear = 0.01;
- clipfar = 100000.0;
- /* clipnear = 0.001;
- clipfar = 100000.0; */
- /* Set initial screen size */
- ScreenWidth = SCREENWIDTH;
- ScreenHeight = SCREENHEIGHT;
- /* Initialize the log file */
- InitLog();
- Log ("InitStuff: ORBIT Version %s", VERSION);
- /* Read the preferences file */
- ReadPrefs();
- /* Read stars data file */
- ReadStars();
- /* Initialize the message console */
- InitConsole();
- /* Initialize the message system */
- InitMessage();
- /* Initialize the object models */
- InitModels();
- /* Initialize the missiles */
- InitMissiles();
- /* Weapons */
- InitWeapons();
- /* Initialize explosions */
- InitBooms();
- /* Initialize lights */
- InitLights();
- /* Initialize targets */
- InitTargets();
- /* Initialize events */
- InitEvents();
- /* Self-promotion */
- Cprint ("Orbit %s, by Steve Belczyk <orbit@genesis.nred.ma.us>", VERSION);
- Cprint ("http://genesis.ne.mediaone.net/orbit");
- }
- double Theta (v)
- double v[3];
- /*
- * Compute angle vector v points to
- */
- {
- double th;
- th = (double) acos ((double) v[0]);
- th = th * 180.0 / 3.14159;
- if (v[1] < 0.0) th = (-th);
- return (th);
- }
- #ifdef WIN32MOUSE
- Mouse()
- /*
- * Process the mouse
- */
- {
- GetCursorPos (&point);
- mouse_x = point.x;
- mouse_y = point.y;
- if (mouse_x > last_mouse_x) player.move_right = 1.0;
- if (mouse_x < last_mouse_x) player.move_left = 1.0;
- if (mouse_y > last_mouse_y) player.move_up = 1.0;
- if (mouse_y < last_mouse_y) player.move_down = 1.0;
- last_mouse_x = last_mouse_y = 400;
- SetCursorPos (400, 400);
- }
- #endif
- Gravity (deltav, pos)
- double deltav[3], pos[3];
- /*
- * Compute change in velocity due to planet's gravity
- */
- {
- double r, rr, dv, dp[3], v[3];
- int p;
- deltav[0] = deltav[1] = deltav[2] = 0.0;
- for (p=0; p<NPLANETS; p++)
- {
- /* Distance to planet */
- Vsub (dp, planet[p].pos, pos);
- rr = Mag2 (dp);
- /* Ignore planets too far away */
- if (rr > 200.0*200.0) continue;
- /* Don't stand so close to me */
- if (rr < RMIN) rr = RMIN;
- r = sqrt (rr);
- dv = G * planet[p].mass / rr;
- Vmul (v, dp, dv);
- Vdiv (v, v, r);
- Vadd (deltav, deltav, v);
- }
- }
- Junk()
- /*
- * Draw space junk to give visual cues of motion
- */
- {
- double x, y, z;
- glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
- glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
- glColor3d (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- x = (double) (int) player.pos[0];
- y = (double) (int) player.pos[1];
- z = (double) (int) player.pos[2];
- PieceOfJunk (x+0.5, y+0.5, z+0.5);
- PieceOfJunk (x-0.5, y+0.5, z+0.5);
- PieceOfJunk (x-0.5, y-0.5, z+0.5);
- PieceOfJunk (x+0.5, y-0.5, z+0.5);
- PieceOfJunk (x+0.5, y+0.5, z-0.5);
- PieceOfJunk (x-0.5, y+0.5, z-0.5);
- PieceOfJunk (x-0.5, y-0.5, z-0.5);
- PieceOfJunk (x+0.5, y-0.5, z-0.5);
- glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
- glEnable (GL_LIGHTING);
- }
- PieceOfJunk (x, y, z)
- double x, y, z;
- /*
- * Draw a single piece of space junk
- */
- {
- double r, v1[3], v2[3];
- glPushMatrix();
- /* Figure how much to spin junk */
- r = absT - ((double)(int)absT);
- r = 360.0 * r;
- /* Draw the junk */
- v1[0] = x; v1[1] = y; v1[2] = z;
- Vsub (v2, v1, player.pos);
- glTranslated (v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]);
- glRotated (r, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- glBegin (GL_POLYGON);
- glNormal3d (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- glVertex3d (-.003, -.003, 0.0);
- glVertex3d (.003, -.003, 0.0);
- glVertex3d (0.0, .003, 0.0);
- glEnd();
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- ShowNames()
- /*
- * Show the names of things
- */
- {
- glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
- ShowPlanetNames();
- ShowTargetNames();
- glEnable (GL_LIGHTING);
- glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- }
- LookAt (view, up)
- double view[3], up[3];
- /*
- * Set up a transformation so a model will be drawn pointing the
- * right direction (view) and upright (up)
- */
- {
- double v1[3], v2[3], cos, th, thd, up2[3];
- /*
- * This thing is really ugly and inefficient. It does sqrt's,
- * sin's, cos's, acos's, and asin's like there's no tomorrow.
- *
- * In theory we should be able to build a little matrix like
- * gluLookAt() does, but I could never get that to work. I
- * suspect what's needed is the inverse or transpose of the
- * gluLookAt() matrix, but I don't understand linear algebra
- * well enough to know.
- *
- * If you can improve this thing please let me know.
- */
- /* Make vector along positive X axis */
- v1[0] = 1.0;
- v1[1] = 0.0;
- v1[2] = 0.0;
- /* Cross-product of X-axis and view vector is vector to
- rotate about */
- Crossp (v2, v1, view);
- /* Check for special case of null v2 (vectors are the same) */
- if (0.0 == Mag2 (v2))
- {
- v2[1] = 1.0;
- }
- /* Get cosine of angle between X axis and view vector */
- cos = Dotp (view, v1);
- /* Normalize the vector to rotate about */
- Normalize (v2);
- /* Compute angle to rotate */
- th = acos (cos);
- thd = th * 180.0 / 3.1415926535;
- /* Now we've got the model pointed in the right direction,
- but the up vector is probably wrong. This is the only
- way I could think of to do this but boy it's ugly. */
- /* Figure out new up vector in up2 */
- v1[0] = v1[1] = 0.0;
- v1[2] = 1.0;
- RotateAbout (up2, v1, v2, -th);
- Normalize (up2);
- /* Rotate */
- glRotated (thd, v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]);
- /* Cross product of current up and desired up is vector
- to rotate about */
- Crossp (v2, up2, up);
- /* If v2 is null, we're already facing the right way */
- if (0.0 == Mag2 (v2)) return;
- Normalize (v2);
- thd = acos (Dotp (up2, up)) * 180.0 / 3.1415926535;
- /* We rotate around the (rotated) view vector or negative view
- vector depending which way v2 points */
- if (Dotp (v2, view) > 0.0)
- glRotated (thd, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- else
- glRotated (thd, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }