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- /*
- ORBIT, a freeware space combat simulator
- Copyright (C) 1999 Steve Belczyk <steve1@genesis.nred.ma.us>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include "orbit.h"
- /*
- * Routines to manipulate object models.
- * Models are stored as "triangle" files in the "models" directory.
- */
- InitModels()
- /*
- * Set up models structures
- */
- {
- int m;
- for (m=0; m<NMODELS; m++)
- {
- model[m].in_use = 0;
- model[m].name[0] = 0;
- model[m].list = (-1);
- }
- }
- ResetModels()
- /*
- * Get rid of all models
- */
- {
- int m;
- for (m=0; m<NMODELS; m++)
- {
- model[m].in_use = 0;
- model[m].name[0] = 0;
- if (glIsList (model[m].list)) glDeleteLists (model[m].list, 1);
- model[m].list = (-1);
- }
- }
- int FindModel ()
- /*
- * Find an unused model
- */
- {
- int m;
- for (m=0; m<NMODELS; m++)
- {
- if (!model[m].in_use) return (m);
- }
- Log ("FindModel: Out of models! Increase NMODELS in orbit.h!");
- FinishSound();
- CloseLog();
- exit (0);
- }
- struct tri_struct
- {
- int v1, v2, v3;
- int hex;
- int done;
- double norm[3];
- } *tri;
- struct vert_struct
- {
- double v[3];
- } *vert;
- int ntris;
- int nverts;
- int verts;
- int parity;
- int orphans;
- int length;
- int stripped;
- int lasthex;
- int LoadModel (name)
- char *name;
- /*
- * Load a triangle file, make display list, return list ID
- */
- {
- char fn[32];
- FILE *fd;
- int hex, m, len;
- double v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], n1[3], n2[3], norm[3];
- /* Hand off if it's an AC3D model */
- len = strlen (name);
- if ( (len > 3) && (!strcasecmp (&name[len-2], "ac")) )
- {
- return (LoadAC3D (name));
- }
- /* See if it's already loaded */
- for (m=0; m<NMODELS; m++)
- {
- if (!strcmp (model[m].name, name)) return (m);
- }
- Log ("LoadModel: Loading model %s", name);
- /* Allocate space for triangles and vertices */
- if (NULL == (tri = (struct tri_struct *)
- malloc (4096 * sizeof (struct tri_struct))))
- {
- OutOfMemory();
- }
- if (NULL == (vert = (struct vert_struct *)
- malloc (4096 * sizeof (struct vert_struct))))
- {
- OutOfMemory();
- }
- /* Find an unused model index */
- m = FindModel();
- strcpy (model[m].name, name);
- model[m].in_use = 1;
- /* Get a list id */
- model[m].list = glGenLists (1);
- glNewList (model[m].list, GL_COMPILE);
- /* Construct file name */
- sprintf (fn, "models/%s", name);
- /* Open it */
- if (NULL == (fd = fopen (fn, "r")))
- {
- Log ("LoadModel: Can't open %s, giving up!", fn);
- return (-1);
- }
- ntris = 0;
- verts = 0;
- nverts = 0;
- orphans = 0;
- lasthex = -1;
- /* Read them triangles */
- while (10 == fscanf (fd, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %i",
- &v1[0], &v1[1], &v1[2], &v2[0], &v2[1], &v2[2],
- &v3[0], &v3[1], &v3[2], &hex))
- {
- Vdiv (v1, v1, 100.0);
- Vdiv (v2, v2, 100.0);
- Vdiv (v3, v3, 100.0);
- /* Compute normal */
- Vsub (n1, v3, v2);
- Normalize (n1);
- Vsub (n2, v1, v2);
- Normalize (n2);
- Crossp (norm, n1, n2);
- Normalize (norm);
- /* Make triangle structure */
- tri[ntris].v1 = AddVertex (v1);
- tri[ntris].v2 = AddVertex (v2);
- tri[ntris].v3 = AddVertex (v3);
- Vset (tri[ntris].norm, norm);
- tri[ntris].done = 0;
- tri[ntris].hex = hex;
- ntris++;
- }
- fclose (fd);
- /* Make models about the same size in network games */
- if (am_client || am_server) ScaleModel (m);
- /* Make into triangle strips */
- MakeStrips();
- glEndList();
- /* Construct bounding box */
- ModelBounds (m);
- free (tri);
- free (vert);
- return (m);
- }
- MakeStrips()
- /*
- * Since the triangle model consists of sparse triangles and we
- * want to use triangle strips for performance, this routine slices
- * and dices the triangles to make them into strips where it can.
- * The result is not optimal, but it typically cuts the number of
- * transformed vertices in half and sometimes does much better.
- */
- {
- int t, a;
- Log ("MakeStrips: Total triangles: %d", ntris);
- Log ("MakeStrips: Total vertices: %d", nverts);
- /* While there are more */
- while ((-1) != (t = FindTriangle()))
- {
- verts += 3;
- parity = 0;
- stripped = 0;
- length = 1;
- /* While there is an adjacent triangle */
- while ((-1) != (a = FindAdjacent(t)))
- {
- if (length == 1)
- {
- Normal (t);
- Vertex (tri[t].v1);
- Vertex (tri[t].v2);
- Vertex (tri[t].v3);
- }
- Normal (a);
- Vertex (tri[a].v3);
- stripped++;
- tri[t].done = 1;
- tri[a].done = 1;
- t = a;
- verts++;
- parity = !parity;
- length++;
- }
- if (!stripped)
- {
- flop (t);
- while ((-1) != (a = FindAdjacent(t)))
- {
- if (length == 1)
- {
- Normal (t);
- Vertex (tri[t].v1);
- Vertex (tri[t].v2);
- Vertex (tri[t].v3);
- }
- Normal (a);
- Vertex (tri[a].v3);
- stripped++;
- tri[t].done = 1;
- tri[a].done = 1;
- t = a;
- verts++;
- parity = !parity;
- length++;
- }
- }
- if (!stripped)
- {
- flop (t);
- while ((-1) != (a = FindAdjacent(t)))
- {
- if (length == 1)
- {
- Normal (t);
- Vertex (tri[t].v1);
- Vertex (tri[t].v2);
- Vertex (tri[t].v3);
- }
- Normal (a);
- Vertex (tri[a].v3);
- stripped++;
- tri[t].done = 1;
- tri[a].done = 1;
- t = a;
- verts++;
- parity = !parity;
- length++;
- }
- }
- if (!stripped)
- {
- Normal (t);
- Vertex (tri[t].v1);
- Vertex (tri[t].v2);
- Vertex (tri[t].v3);
- /* We get here if triangle t couldn't be put
- in a triangle strip */
- tri[t].done = 1;
- orphans++;
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- Log ("MakeStrips: Rendered vertices: %d (would have been %d, bare minimum %d)",
- verts, 3*ntris, nverts);
- Log ("MakeStrips: Orphaned triangles: %d", orphans);
- }
- int FindTriangle()
- {
- int t;
- for (t = 0; t<ntris; t++)
- {
- if (!tri[t].done) return (t);
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- int FindAdjacent (t)
- int t;
- {
- int a, i;
- for (a=0; a<ntris; a++)
- {
- if ( (a != t) && (!tri[a].done) )
- {
- if (parity == 0)
- {
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- if ( (tri[t].v2 == tri[a].v2) &&
- (tri[t].v3 == tri[a].v1) &&
- (tri[t].hex == tri[a].hex) )
- return (a);
- flop (a);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- if ( (tri[t].v3 == tri[a].v2) &&
- (tri[t].v1 == tri[a].v1) &&
- (tri[t].hex == tri[a].hex) )
- return (a);
- flop (a);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (-1);
- }
- flop (t)
- int t;
- {
- int v;
- v = tri[t].v1;
- tri[t].v1 = tri[t].v2;
- tri[t].v2 = tri[t].v3;
- tri[t].v3 = v;
- }
- int Veq (v1, v2)
- int v1, v2;
- {
- return (v1 == v2);
- }
- int AddVertex (v)
- double v[3];
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<nverts; i++)
- {
- if ( (v[0] == vert[i].v[0]) &&
- (v[1] == vert[i].v[1]) &&
- (v[2] == vert[i].v[2]) ) return (i);
- }
- Vset (vert[nverts].v, v);
- nverts++;
- return (nverts-1);
- }
- Vertex (v)
- int v;
- {
- glVertex3d (vert[v].v[0], vert[v].v[1], vert[v].v[2]);
- }
- Normal (t)
- int t;
- {
- float color[3];
- if (tri[t].hex != lasthex)
- {
- lasthex = tri[t].hex;
- color[0] = ((float) (tri[t].hex / 65536)) / 256.0;
- color[1] = ((float) ((tri[t].hex % 65536) / 256)) / 256.0;
- color[2] = ((float) (tri[t].hex % 256)) / 256.0;
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, color);
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, color);
- }
- glNormal3dv (tri[t].norm);
- }
- ModelBounds (m)
- int m;
- /*
- * Construct bounding box of model m
- */
- {
- int i, v;
- double mm;
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- model[m].lobound[i] = model[m].hibound[i] = vert[0].v[i];
- }
- for (v=1; v<nverts; v++)
- {
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- if (vert[v].v[i] < model[m].lobound[i])
- model[m].lobound[i] = vert[v].v[i];
- if (vert[v].v[i] > model[m].hibound[i])
- model[m].hibound[i] = vert[v].v[i];
- }
- }
- Log ("ModelBounds: Lo bounds: %lf %lf %lf", model[m].lobound[0],
- model[m].lobound[1], model[m].lobound[2]);
- Log ("ModelBounds: Hi bounds: %lf %lf %lf", model[m].hibound[0],
- model[m].hibound[1], model[m].hibound[2]);
- /* Figure radius of bounding sphere */
- model[m].radius = Mag (model[m].lobound);
- if ((mm = Mag (model[m].hibound)) > model[m].radius)
- model[m].radius = mm;
- model[m].radius2 = model[m].radius * model[m].radius;
- }
- ScaleModel (m)
- /*
- * Make models a uniform size
- */
- {
- double ratio;
- int v, i;
- /* Compute existing model bounds */
- ModelBounds (m);
- if (model[m].radius == 0.0) return;
- /* Want everything to have a radius of, say, 0.030 */
- ratio = model[m].radius / 0.030;
- /* Scale all the vertices */
- for (v=0; v<nverts; v++)
- {
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- vert[v].v[i] /= ratio;
- }
- }
- }