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- Extrait du SKY2000 - Master Star Catalog (Myers+ 1997)
- Organisation du catalogue :
- Les Θtoiles sont rΘparties dans 184 zones de 15x15 degrΘs selon le mΩme
- principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
- ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
- dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
- du centre de zones premiΦre zone
- ------------- ------------ --------------
- 7.5 24 1
- 22.5 22 25
- 37.5 19 47
- 52.5 15 66
- 67.5 9 81
- 82.5 3 90
- -7.5 24 93
- -22.5 22 117
- -37.5 19 139
- -52.5 15 158
- -67.5 9 173
- -82.5 3 182
- Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
- Dans chaque fichier les Θtoiles sont triΘes par magnitude .
- Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
- SKYrec = record ar,de :longint ;
- mv,b_v,d_m :smallint;
- sep : word;
- sp : array [1..3] of char;
- dm_cat : array[1..2]of char;
- dm : longint;
- hd,sao :longint ;
- end;
- - ar : ascention droite J2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- - de : declinaison J2000 * 100'000
- - mv : magnitude visuelle * 100
- - b_v : indice de couleur B-V * 100
- - d_m : diffΘrence de magnitude ( double ) * 100
- - sep : separation en seconde ( double ) * 100
- - sp : classe spectrale
- - dm_cat: catalogue BD
- - dm : numΘro BD
- - hd : numΘro du catalogue HD
- - sao : numΘro du catalogue SAO
- Type Intervalle Format
- ------------ -------------------------- -------------------
- Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
- SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
- Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
- Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
- Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
- Description originale du catalogue :
- V/95 SKY2000 - Master Star Catalog (Myers+ 1997)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SKY2000 - Master Star Catalog - Star Catalog Database
- Myers J.R., Sande C.B., Miller A.C., Warren Jr. W.H., Tracewell D.A.
- <Goddard Space Flight Center, Flight Dynamics Division, 1997>
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ADC_Keywords: Astrometric data; Cross identifications; Combined data
- Description:
- The SKYMAP Star Catalog System consists of a Master Catalog stellar
- database and a collection of utility software designed to create and
- maintain the database and to generate derivative mission star catalogs
- (run catalogs). It contains an extensive compilation of information on
- almost 300000 stars brighter than 8.0 mag.
- Introduction:
- The original SKYMAP Master Catalog was generated in the early 1970's.
- Incremental updates and corrections were made over the following years
- but the first complete revision of the source data occurred with Version
- 4.0. This revision also produced a unique, consolidated source of
- astrometric information which can be used by the astronomical community.
- The derived quantities were removed and wideband and photometric data in
- the R (red) and I (infrared) systems were added. This version, the most
- recent, is discussed in detail in sky.txt.
- Confer.txt describes these upgrades in detail. There are some
- deficiencies that exist in the SKY2000 Master Catalog that we are aware
- of. These items will be researched and corrected in future SKY2000
- Master Catalog releases. (See deficient.txt).
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- sky0.dat 463 10236 Data for stars in RA < 1 hour
- sky1.dat 463 10233 Data for stars in 1 h <= RA < 2 h
- sky2.dat 463 10084 Data for stars in 2 h <= RA < 3 h
- sky3.dat 463 9829 Data for stars in 3 h <= RA < 4 h
- sky4.dat 463 10423 Data for stars in 4 h <= RA < 5 h
- sky5.dat 463 13702 Data for stars in 5 h <= RA < 6 h
- sky6.dat 463 16944 Data for stars in 6 h <= RA < 7 h
- sky7.dat 463 16880 Data for stars in 7 h <= RA < 8 h
- sky8.dat 463 15002 Data for stars in 8 h <= RA < 9 h
- sky9.dat 463 12544 Data for stars in 9 h <= RA < 10 h
- sky10.dat 463 11487 Data for stars in 10 h <= RA < 11 h
- sky11.dat 463 10611 Data for stars in 11 h <= RA < 12 h
- sky12.dat 463 10154 Data for stars in 12 h <= RA < 13 h
- sky13.dat 463 10370 Data for stars in 13 h <= RA < 14 h
- sky14.dat 463 10685 Data for stars in 14 h <= RA < 15 h
- sky15.dat 463 11334 Data for stars in 15 h <= RA < 16 h
- sky16.dat 463 11934 Data for stars in 16 h <= RA < 17 h
- sky17.dat 463 13046 Data for stars in 17 h <= RA < 18 h
- sky18.dat 463 15477 Data for stars in 18 h <= RA < 19 h
- sky19.dat 463 16492 Data for stars in 19 h <= RA < 20 h
- sky20.dat 463 16064 Data for stars in 20 h <= RA < 21 h
- sky21.dat 463 13324 Data for stars in 21 h <= RA < 22 h
- sky22.dat 463 11789 Data for stars in 22 h <= RA < 23 h
- sky23.dat 463 10841 Data for stars with RA >= 23 h
- sky.txt 80 713 Detailed discussion
- confer.txt 80 418 Paper prepared for AIAA meeting
- deficent.txt 80 38 Known deficiencies
- ref.dat 75 186 *Reference table
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on ref.dat:
- Although a format table is provided for this file, it should be noted
- that the complete reference usually occupies several lines. Moreover,
- the secondary reference is in the same bytes as the prime reference.
- Finally, in order to indicate the source of the reference, symbols are
- used in addition to the reference number itself.
- See also: Flight Dynamics' Star Catalog Database
- http://fdd.gsfc.nasa.gov/attitude/skymap.html
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: sky*.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 8 I8 --- ID Skymap number
- 9- 14 I6 --- HD ?Henry Draper number
- 15 I1 --- HD_dup *? HD duplicity indication
- 16 A1 --- u_HD HD identification uncertain
- 17- 22 I6 --- SAO ?Smithsonian Astrophy. Obs. cat. number
- 23 A1 --- SAO_comp SAO component
- 24- 25 A2 --- DM_cat Durchmusterung catalog
- 26- 28 I3 deg DM_zone ?Durchmusterung zone
- 29- 33 I5 --- DM_num ?Durchmusterung number
- 34 A1 --- DM_comp Durchmusterung component
- 35 A1 --- DM_supp Durchmusterung supplement letter
- 36 A1 --- u_DM_num [: ] DM identification uncertain
- 37- 40 I4 --- HR ?Harvard Revised Photometry num. (=BS)
- 41- 50 A10 --- WDS Washington Catalog of Double Stars num.
- 51- 55 A5 --- WDC_comp WDS components
- 56 A1 --- u_WDS [: ] WDS identification uncertain
- 57- 62 I6 --- PPM ?Position and Proper Motion number
- 63 A1 --- u_PPM [: ] PPM identification uncertain
- 64- 71 I8 --- ID_merg ?Skymap num. of last skymap entry merged
- with this star
- 72- 81 A10 --- name Star name (or AGK3 number)
- 82- 91 A10 --- var Variable star name (or
- doubtful variability)
- 92- 93 I2 h RAh Right ascension (J2000) hours
- 94- 95 I2 min RAm Right ascension (J2000) minutes
- 96-101 F6.3 s RAs Right ascension (J2000) seconds
- 102 A1 --- DE- Declination sign
- 103-104 I2 deg DEd Declination degrees (J2000)
- 105-106 I2 arcmin DEm Declination minutes (J2000)
- 107-111 F5.2 arcsec DEs ?Declination seconds (J2000)
- 112-117 F6.2 arcsec u_pos ?Position uncertainty
- 118 A1 --- n_pos Blended position flag
- 119-120 I2 --- r_pos Source of position
- 121-127 F7.4 arcsec/a pmRA ?Proper motion in RA (J2000)/cos(Dec)
- 128-134 F7.3 arcsec/a pmDE ?Proper motion in Dec (J2000)
- 135-136 I2 --- r_pm ?Source of proper motion data
- 137-142 F6.1 km/s RV ?Radial velocity
- 143-144 I2 --- r_RV ?Source of radial velocity data
- 145-150 F6.3 arcsec Plx ?Trigonometric parallax
- 151-156 F6.4 arcsec u_Plx ?Trigonometric parallax uncertainty
- 157-158 I2 --- r_Plx ?Source of trigonometric parallax data
- 159-167 F9.6 --- GCI_X *GCI unit vector in X (J2000)
- 168-176 F9.6 --- GCI_Y *GCI unit vector in Y (J2000)
- 177-185 F9.6 --- GCI_Z *GCI unit vector in Z (J2000)
- 186-191 F6.2 deg GLON Galactic longitude (B1950)
- 192-197 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic latitude (B1950)
- 198-203 F6.3 mag V ?Observed visual magnitude (V or v)
- 204-208 F5.2 mag V_der ?Derived visual magnitude
- 209-213 F5.3 mag u_V ?Derived v or observed visual magnitude
- uncertainty
- 214 A1 --- n_V [b]Blended visual magnitude flag
- 215-216 I2 --- r_V ?Source of visual magnitude
- 217 I1 --- d_V ?V magnitude derivation flag
- 218-223 F6.3 mag B ?B-magnitude (observed)
- 224-229 F6.3 mag B-V ?B-V color (observed)
- 230-234 F5.3 mag u_B ?B or (B-V) magnitude uncertainty
- 235 A1 --- n_B [b]Blended b-magnitude flag
- 236-237 I2 --- r_B ?Source of b-magnitude
- 238-243 F6.3 mag U ?U-magnitude (observed)
- 244-249 F6.3 mag U-B ?U-B color (observed)
- 250-254 F5.3 mag u_U ?U or (U-B) magnitude uncertainty
- 255 A1 --- n_U Blended u-magnitude flag
- 256-257 I2 --- r_U ?Source of u-magnitude
- 258-261 F4.1 mag mag_ptv ?Photovisual magnitude (observed)
- 262-263 I2 --- r_mag_ptv ?Source of ptv magnitudes
- 264-267 F4.1 mag mag_ptg ?Photographic magnitude (observed)
- 268-269 I2 --- r_mag_ptg ?Source of ptg magnitudes
- 270-299 A30 --- Sp_MK Morgan-Keenan (MK) spectral type
- 300-301 I2 --- r_Sp_MK ?Source of MK spectral type data
- 302-304 A3 --- Sp *One-dimensional spectral class
- 305-306 I2 --- r_Sp ?Source of one-dimen. spectral class
- 307-313 F7.3 arcsec sep ?Separation of brightest and second
- brightest components
- 314-318 F5.2 mag del_mag ?Magnitude difference of the brightest
- and second brightest components
- 319-325 F7.2 yr per_orb ?Orbital period
- 326-328 I3 deg PA ?Position angle
- 329-335 F7.2 yr date ?Year of observation (AD)
- 336-337 I2 --- r_dup ?Source of multiplicity data
- 338 A1 --- b_del_mag Passband of multiple star mag. dif.
- 339-345 F7.4 deg dis_near ?Distance to nearest neighboring star in
- the master catalog
- 346-352 F7.4 deg dis_2 ?Dist. to nearest neighboring master
- cat. star no more than 2 mag. fainter
- 353-360 I8 --- ID_A ?Skymap number of primary component
- 361-368 I8 --- ID_B ?Skymap number of second component
- 369-376 I8 --- ID_C ?Skymap number of third component
- 377-381 F5.2 mag mag_max ?Maximum variable magnitude
- 382-386 F5.2 mag mag_min ?Minimum variable magnitude
- 387-391 F5.2 mag var_amp ?Variability amplitude
- 392 A1 --- n_var_amp Passband of variability amplitude
- 393-400 F8.2 d var_per ?Period of variability
- 401-408 F8.2 d var_Epoch ?Epoch of var. in JD - 2400000
- 409-411 I3 --- var_typ ?Type of variable star
- 412-413 I2 --- r_var ?Source of variability data
- 414-419 F6.3 mag mag_1 ?Passband #1-magnitude (observed)
- 420-425 F6.3 mag v-mag_1 ?v - passband #1 color
- 426-430 F5.3 mag u_mag_1 ?Passband #1 uncertainty in mag. or col.
- 431 A1 --- mag_1_sy *Passband #1 photometric system
- 432 A1 --- p_mag_1 *Passband #1
- 433-434 I2 --- r_mag_1 ?Source of passband #1: mag. or color
- 435-440 F6.3 mag mag_2 ?Passband #2-magnitude (observed)
- 441-446 F6.3 mag v-mag_2 ?v - passband #2 color
- 447-451 F5.3 mag u_mag_2 ?Passband #2 uncertainty in mag. or col.
- 452 A1 --- mag_2_sy *Photometric system passband #2
- 453 A1 --- p_mag_2 *Passband #2:
- 454-455 I2 --- r_mag_2 ?Source of passband #2: mag. or color
- 456-461 F6.3 mag mag1-mag2 ?Passband #1 - passband #2 color
- 462 A1 --- n_mag_1 [b]Blended passband #1 mag/color flag
- 463 A1 --- n_mag_2 [b]Blended passband #2 mag/color flag
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on HD_dup:
- 1. indicates this the brighter component of a system with a companion
- >= 0.3 mag.
- 2. indicates this is the fainter component of a system with a companion
- <= 0.3 mag. fainter e
- 9 indicates that this is a blend of two HD stars. The HD number is the
- lower of the two.
- Note on GCI_X:
- cos(Dec)*cos(RA)
- Note on GCI_Y:
- cos(Dec)*sin(RA)
- Note on GCI_Z:
- sin(Dec)
- Note on Sp:
- i.e. HD, AGK3, or SAO
- Note on mag_1_sy:
- Photometry is on the RI system. This byte indicates whether it is
- Johnson or Russian)
- Note on p_mag_1:
- Filter used (currently, only R)
- Note on mag_2_sy:
- Photometry is on the Johnson, Eggen, or Cousins system. This byte
- indicates which.
- Note on p_mag_2:
- Filter used (currently, only I)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: ref.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 6 A6 --- ID *Reference number
- 8- 27 A20 --- name Common name of catalog
- 29- 75 A47 --- ref Complete reference
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on ID:
- * Items referenced in this paper
- ( ) = via SKYMAP Master Star Catalog, Version 3.7
- [ ] = new sources for Version 4.0
- < > = new sources for Version 4.0a
- All other sources added for Versions 4.1 and 4.2
- In addition to the main reference, this column gives a secondary
- reference for those taken from Skymap 3.7.
- Acknowledgement:
- The ADC thanks Dr. W.H. Warren Jr. for his help resolving some
- of the problems and uncertainties we had with the interpretation
- of the data.
- ================================================================================
- (End) N.G. Roman [ADC/SSDOO] 25-Jul-1997