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- Calcul de la position des planΦtes .
- Le programme SERIES est traduit en PASCAL .
- Les fichiers originaux des sΘries ont ΘtΘ modifiΘs afin de permettre leur
- accΦs en PASCAL :
- - Un zΘro est ajoutΘ aprΦs le point dΘcimal.
- - Un espace est ajoutΘ pour sΘparer deux champs contigus.
- - Pour les distinguer ces fichiers sont renommΘs SERIE96P.xxx
- Description originale du catalogue :
- VI/87 Planetary Ephemerides (Chapront+ 1996)
- ================================================================================
- Ephemerides of planets between 1900 and 2100
- Chapront J., Francou G.
- <Bureau des Longitudes, Group : Dynamics of Solar System (1996)>
- ================================================================================
- ADC_Keywords: Ephemerides
- Keywords: planets - ephemerides - celestial mechanics
- Description:
- Planetary motions have been represented with series resulting of
- an approximation by frequency analysis of JPL numerical
- integration DE403.
- Series represent the heliocentric coordinates of planets as
- functions of time between 1900 and 2100 for the 9 bodies :
- Mercury, Venus, Earth-Moon Barycenter, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
- Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
- The method allows to compute planetary ephemerides with the aid
- of compact tables and keeps accuracy of published ephemerides.
- Authors' Address:
- J. Chapront, G. Francou
- Bureau des Longitudes
- Group : Dynamics of Solar System
- 77, avenue Denfert-Rochereau
- F-75014 Paris - France
- E-mail : jchapron@bdl.fr francou@bdl.fr
- Phone : (33) 1 40 51 22 71 (33) 1 40 51 22 60
- Fax : (33) 1 46 33 28 34
- Contents:
- The presentation of the series is given in file series96.doc. The
- planetary series are in files series96.xxx (one file per planet).
- A Fortran subroutine series96.sub (96.12) uses the series for
- computing the heliocentric rectangular coordinates of planets. A
- Fortran program series96.f is provided to illustrate the use of the
- series in the case of the computation of astrometric coordinates.
- An executable DOS program, planeph.exe, allows to compute the
- most usual planetary ephemerides with the series between 1900
- to 2100. The file planeph.doc gives explanations for using
- this program with the data sets planeph.tab and planeph.loc.
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- series96.doc 79 522 Notice for the use of the series.
- series96.mer 39 14764 Series values for Mercury
- series96.ven 39 5077 Series values for Venus
- series96.emb 39 3810 Series values for Earth-Moon barycenter
- series96.mar 39 3378 Series values for Mars
- series96.jup 39 662 Series values for Jupiter
- series96.sat 39 578 Series values for Saturn
- series96.ura 39 438 Series values for Uranus
- series96.nep 39 422 Series values for Neptune
- series96.plu 39 442 Series values for Pluto
- series96.sub 72 271 Fortran77 subroutine for the use of the series
- series96.f 72 620 Fortran77 program (astrometric coordinates)
- planeph.doc 129 754 Notice for the use of the program planeph.exe
- planeph.exe 512 678 *Executable program (DOS)
- planeph.loc 512 1841 *Locations coordinates (used by planeph.exe)
- planeph.tab 512 945 *Planetary tables (used by planeph.exe)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on planeph.exe, planeph.loc, planeph.tab:
- These are binary files which can be used only on DOS systems.
- They must be copied in BINARY mode !
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- See also:
- VI/66 : Precession Formulae and Mean Elements for Moon and Planets
- (Simon et al., 1994)
- VI/79 : Lunar Solution ELP 2000-82B (Chapront-Touze+, 1988)
- VI/81 : Planetary Solutions VSOP87 (Bretagnon+, 1988)
- VI/88 : Ephemerides of Pluto based on DE200 (Chapront+ 1995)
- J/A+AS/109/181 : Ephemerides of outer planets (Chapront 1995)
- References:
- Bretagnon P., Francou G., 1988, A&A 202, 309 (1988A&A...202..309B)
- Chapront J., 1995, A&AS 109, 181 (1995A&AS..109..181C)
- Simon J.L., Bretagnon P., Chapront J., Chapront-Touze M., Francou G.,
- Laskar J., 1994, A&A 282, 663 (1994A&A...282..663S)
- ================================================================================
- (End) G. Francou [BDL], F. Ochsenbein [CDS] 28-Jan-1997