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- Extrait de NGC 2000.0 (Sky Publishing, ed. Sinnott 1988)
- Organisation du catalogue :
- Les nΘbuleuses sont rΘparties dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon le mΩme
- principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
- ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
- dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
- du centre de zones premiΦre zone
- ------------- ------------ --------------
- 15 12 1
- 45 9 13
- 75 4 22
- -15 12 26
- -45 9 38
- -75 4 47
- Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
- Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
- NGCrec = record ar,de :longint ;
- id : word;
- ic : char;
- typ : array [1..3] of char;
- l_dim : char;
- n_ma : char;
- ma,dim:smallint;
- cons : array [1..3] of char;
- desc : array[1..50] of char;
- end;
- - ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- - de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- - id : numΘro NGC ou IC
- - ic : I pour IC , blanc pour NGC
- - typ : type d'objet
- - l_dim : limite de la taille
- - n_mag : p si magnitude photographique
- - ma : magnitude * 100
- - dim : plus grande dimension en minutes * 10
- - cons : constelation
- - desc : description
- Type Intervalle Format
- ------------ -------------------------- -------------------
- Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
- SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
- Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
- Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
- Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
- Description originale du catalogue :
- VII/118 NGC 2000.0 (Sky Publishing, ed. Sinnott 1988)
- ================================================================================
- Copyright Notice:
- This catalog is copyrighted by Sky Publishing Corporation, which has
- kindly deposited the machine version in the data centers for permanent
- archiving and dissemination to astronomers for scientific research
- purposes only. The data should not be used for commercial purposes
- without the explicit permission of Sky Publishing Corporation.
- ================================================================================
- Description:
- NGC 2000.0 is a modern compilation of the New General Catalogue of
- Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (NGC), the Index Catalogue (IC), and the
- Second Index Catalogue compiled by J. L. E. Dreyer (1888, 1895, 1908).
- The new compilation of these classical catalogs is intended to meet
- the needs of present-day observers by reporting positions at equinox
- B2000.0 and by incorporating the corrections reported by Dreyer
- himself and by a host of other astronomers who have worked with the
- data and compiled lists of errata. The object types given are those
- known to modern astronomy. The catalog lists object ID, object type,
- positions in equinox B2000.0, source of modern data (see NGC 2000
- paperback copy), constellation, object size, magnitude, and the
- description of the object as given by Dreyer. The order of the new
- catalog is strictly by right ascension, the NGC and IC objects being
- merged into one machine-readable file.
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- ngc2000.dat 96 13226 The NGC 2000.0 Catalogue
- names.dat 70 227 Index of Messier and common names
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-per-byte Description of file: ngc2000.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 5 A5 --- Name NGC or IC designation (preceded by I)
- 7- 9 A3 --- Type *Object classification
- 11- 12 I2 h RAh Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
- 14- 17 F4.1 min RAm Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
- 20 A1 --- DE- Declination 2000 (sign)
- 21- 22 I2 deg DEd Declination 2000 (degrees)
- 24- 25 I2 arcmin DEm Declination 2000 (minutes)
- 27 A1 --- Source *Source of entry
- 30- 32 A3 --- Const Constellation
- 33 A1 --- l_size [<] Limit on Size
- 34- 38 F5.1 arcmin size ? Largest dimension
- 41- 44 F4.1 mag mag ? Integrated magnitude, visual or photographic
- (see n_mag)
- 45 A1 --- n_mag [p] 'p' if mag is photographic (blue)
- 47- 96 A50 --- Desc *Description of the object
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on Type: the field is coded as follows:
- Gx Galaxy
- OC Open star cluster
- Gb Globular star cluster, usually in the Milky Way Galaxy
- Nb Bright emission or reflection nebula
- Pl Planetary nebula
- C+N Cluster associated with nebulosity
- Ast Asterism or group of a few stars
- Kt Knot or nebulous region in an external galaxy
- *** Triple star
- D* Double star
- * Single star
- ? Uncertain type or may not exist
- blank Unidentified at the place given, or type unknown
- - Object called nonexistent in the RNGC (Sulentic and Tifft 1973)
- PD Photographic plate defect
- Note on Source: sources that have been used to correct or update
- modern data in NGC 2000.0 (type, positions, magnitude, and size).
- Uppercase letters denote special NGC and IC errata lists, which have
- usually been accorded more weight than the source catalogues
- themselves. In parentheses after each citation is the number of times
- it has been used to update NGC entries (first number) and those in
- the IC (second number).
- A Archinal, Brent A. Version 4.0 of an unpublished list of errata to
- the RNGC, dated March 19, 1987. (110,0)
- a Arp, H., "Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies", 1966ApJS...14....1A (1,2)
- (Catalog <VII/74>)
- c Corwin, Harold G., Jr., A. de Vaucouleurs, and G. de Vaucouleurs,
- "Southern Galaxy Catalogue", Austin, Texas: University of Texas
- Monographs in Astronomy No. 4, 1985. (152,564)
- (Catalog <VII/116>)
- d Dreyer, J.L.E., New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of
- Stars (1888), Index Catalogue (1895), Second Index Catalogue (1908).
- London: Royal Astronomical Society, 1953. (28,2157)
- D Dreyer, J.L.E., ibid. Errata on pages 237, 281-283, and 366-378.
- (158,28)
- F Skiff, Brian, private communication of February 27, 1988. (93,36)
- h Holmberg, E., "A Study of Double and Multiple Galaxies",
- Lund Annals, 6, 1937. (13,2)
- k Karachentsev, I.D., "A Catalogue of Isolated Pairs of Galaxies
- in the Northern Hemisphere"; also, Karachentseva, V.E.,
- "A Catalog of Isolated Galaxies." Astrofiz. Issled. Izv. Spetz.
- Astrofiz., 7, 3, 1972, and 8, 3, 1973. (0,4)
- (Catalogs <VII/77>, <VII/82>, <VII/83>)
- m Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A., and V.P. Arhipova,
- "Morphological Catalog of Galaxies", Parts I-V.
- Moscow: Moscow State University, 1962-74. (9,679)
- (Catalogs <VII/62> and <VII/100>)
- n Reinmuth, K., "Photographische Positionsbestimmung von NebelRecken"
- Veroff der Sternwarte zu Heidelberg, several papers, 1916-40. (0,4)
- o Alter, G., B. Balazs, and J. Ruprecht, Catalogue of Star Clusters
- and Associations, 2nd edition. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1970. (5,0)
- (Catalogs <VII/5>, <VII/44> and <VII/101>)
- r Sulentic, Jack W., and William G. Tifft, "The Revised New General
- Catalogue of Nonstellar Astronomical Objects (RNGC)".
- Tucson, Arizona:University of Arizona Press, 1973. (4016,0)
- (Catalog <VII/1>)
- s Hirshfeld, Alan, and Roger W. Sinnott, eds., Sky Catalogue 2000.0,
- Vol.2, Cambridge, Massachusetts:
- Sky Publishing Corp. and Cambridge University Press, 1985. (3098,238)
- t Tully, R.B., "Nearby Galaxies Catalog". New York: Cambridge
- University Press, 1988.
- A preliminary version on magnetic tape (1981) was used here. (23,17)
- (Catalog <VII/145>)
- u Nilson P.N., Uppsala Ceneral Catalogue of Galaxies.
- Uppsala: Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, 1973. (15,543)
- (Catalog <VII/26>)
- v de Vaucouleurs, G., A. de Vaucouleurs, and H.C. Corvin, Jr.,
- Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies. Austin, Texas,
- University of Texas Press, 1976.(118,206)
- (Catalog <VII/112>)
- x Dixon, R.S., and George Sonneborn, "A Master List of Nonstellar
- Optical Astronomical Objects (MOL)". Columbus, Ohio,
- Ohio State University Press, 1980.
- It should be noted that most of the information for codes
- a,h,k,m,n,o,u and z was extracted from the magnetic-tape
- version of this catalogue.
- The x code refers to IC objects identified in a literature
- search by these authors. (0,526)
- z Zwicky, F., E. Herzog, and P. Wild, "Catalogue of Galaxies and
- Clusters of Galaxies", Vol.I. Pasadena, Calif., California Institute
- of Technology, 1961. Also, successive volumes through 1968. (1,380)
- (Catalog <VII/49>)
- Note on Desc: description of the object, as given by Dreyer or
- corrected by him, in a coded or abbreviated form. The abbreviations
- and their combination are fully described in the introduction
- to the published catalog.
- ab about
- alm almost
- am among
- annul annular or ring nebula
- att attached
- b brighter
- bet between
- biN binuclear
- bn brightest to n side
- bs brightest to s side
- bp brightest to p side
- bf brightest to f side
- B bright
- c considerably
- chev chevelure
- co coarse, coarsely
- com cometic (cometary form)
- comp companion
- conn connected
- cont in contact
- C compressed
- Cl cluster
- d diameter
- def defined
- dif diffused
- diffic difficult
- dist distance, or distant
- D double
- e extremely, excessively
- ee most extremely
- er easily resolvable
- exc excentric
- E extended
- f following (eastward)
- F faint
- g gradually
- glob. globular
- gr group
- i irregular
- iF irregular figure
- inv involved, involving
- l little (adv.); long (adj.)
- L large
- m much
- m magnitude
- M middle, or in the middle
- n north
- neb nebula
- nebs nebulous
- neby nebulosity
- nf north following
- np north preceding
- ns north-south
- nr near
- N nucleus, or to a nucleus
- p preceding (westward)
- pf preceding-following
- p pretty (adv., before F. B. L, S)
- pg pretty gradually
- pm pretty much
- ps pretty suddenly
- plan planetary nebula (same as PN)
- prob probably
- P poor (sparse) in stars
- PN planetary nebula
- r resolvable (mottled, not resolved)
- rr partially resolved, some stars seen
- rrr well resolved, clearly consisting of stars
- R round
- RR exactly round
- Ri rich in stars
- s suddenly (abruptly)
- s south
- sf south following
- sp south preceding
- sc scattered
- sev several
- st stars (pl.)
- st 9... stars of 9th magnitude and fainter
- st 9..13 stars of mag. 9 to 13
- stell stellar, pointlike
- susp suspected
- S small in angular size
- S* small (faint) star
- trap trapezium
- triangle triangle, forms a triangle with
- triN trinuclear
- v very
- vv _very_
- var variable
- * a single star
- *10 a star of 10th magnitude
- *7-8 star of mag. 7 or 8
- ** double star (same as D*)
- *** triple star
- ! remarkable
- !! very much so
- !!! a magnificent or otherwise interesting object
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: names.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 35 A35 --- Object Common name (including Messier numbers)
- 37- 41 A5 --- Name *NGC or IC name, as in ngc2000.dat
- 43- 70 A28 --- Comment Text of comment, if any
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note on Name: this field may be blank for Messier objects without
- NGC or IC counterparts.
- when one object corresponds to several entries in ngc2000,
- the Object is repeated (e.g. Copeland's Septet appears 7 times)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History by Wayne H. Warren Jr., December 1989:
- It is important, even for users of the machine-readable catalog
- and this documentation, to also have a copy of the published book.
- In addition to the tables and reference sources mentioned in this
- document, the book provides an introductory section with a brief
- history of the NGC and IC catalogs, a count of objects by
- constellation, information on Dreyer's descriptions, a table cross
- index of Messier and NGC/IC designations, and a table of common names
- for NGC objects. The book also contains a table of right ascensions
- for NGC and IC objects.
- A magnetic tape containing NGC 2000.0 was received from
- William E. Shawcross of Sky Publishing Corporation on August 14, 1989.
- According to Mr. Shawcross, the file supplied to the ADC was an
- unmodified version of the one used to produce the book, and it still
- contained the TEX commands employed to produce the special symbols
- present in the printed version. As received, the file also contained a
- single copyright text record at its beginning. The text record was
- removed to an added first file in the archived version and
- supplemented with a small amount of additional information. The TEX in
- the data file was replaced by standard characters to represent the
- information. Special symbols, such as "\Delta", "\bigcirc", etc., were
- changed to their spelled-out equivalents.
- The size field was modified to add decimal points to integer
- numbers and to align all values properly so that the field can be
- processed with a single format specification. The magnitude field was
- modified by moving the "p" code for photographic magnitude to its own
- byte in order to remove it from the numerical field. Decimal points
- were added to all integer numbers in this field also.
- The catalog data file was run through the ADC General
- Verification Program, which checks data ranges and for various other
- problems that can be detected in a systematic way.
- Further history:
- The standardised document was generated in April 1977 at CDS
- (James Marcout, Francois Ochsenbein).
- Acknowledgements:
- Appreciation is expressed to William E. Shawcross for responding to a
- request from the ADC to make NGC 2000.0 available to the scientific
- community in machine-readable form. Mr. Shawcross also arranged for a
- copy of the machine-readable TEX file to be created for deposit in the
- archives of the data centers. I am grateful to both Mr. Shawcross and
- to Roger W. Sinnott for reviewing a draft copy of this document and
- making comments. The comments resulted in the finding and elimination
- of a few TEX symbols that were missed during the initial work.
- The meticulous documentation initiated by Wayne H. Warren at ADC
- (December 1989) is the basis of the present document.
- References:
- Dreyer, J.L.E. 1888, "New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of
- Stars", MmRAS, 49, Part I (reprinted 1953, London: Royal Astronomical
- Society)
- Dreyer, J.L.E. 1895, "Index Catalogue of Nebulae Found in the Years 1888 to
- 1894 with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue", MmRAS, 51,
- 185 (London: Royal Astronomical Society, reprinted 1953)
- Dreyer, J.L.E. 1908, "Second Index Catalogue of Nebulae Found in the Years
- 1895 to 1907; with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue
- and to the Index Catalogue for 1888 to 1894", MmRAS, 59, Part 2, 105
- (London: Royal Astronomical Society, reprinted 1953)
- Sulentic, J. W. and Tifft, W. G. 1973, "The Revised New General
- Catalogue of Nonstellar Astronomical Objects"
- (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press; catalog <VII/1>).
- ================================================================================
- (End) Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 03-Apr-1997