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- *****************************************************************************
- * Lets Make KISS Data - Windows version *
- * Introductory tutorial on creating KISS data *
- * Copyright: Original data by(C)1995 by RERE *
- * Windows version by HYuu *
- * Translated by Hitoshi Ozawa *
- * Release 1995/11/15 *
- *****************************************************************************
- Please read the README.TXT file before continuing.
- This file contains explanation of how to make your own KISS data.
- 1. Sections *****************************************************************
- 2. Let's Begin!
- 3. TEST01.BMP
- 4. TEST03.BMP
- 5. TEST03.BMP
- 6. TEST04.BMP
- 7. TEST05.BMP
- 8. Naming Files
- 9. Let's Make CEL (*.CEL) and Palette Files (*.KCF)
- 10. Let's Make a Configuration File (*.CNF)
- 11. What to Do After Makikng a Configuration File
- 12. Little Bit on KISS/GS (General Specification)
- 13. Advanced WSVC Usage
- 2. Let's Begin! *************************************************************
- After downloading all necessary software (see the README.TXT file for
- required software), let's start drawing some pictures.
- I've made some drawing as an example on steps I'm using to make KISS data.
- They are contained in files TEST01.BMP to TEST06.BMP. Please use some Windows
- drawing tool (PaintBrush will do) to view these files. I've also written
- below explanation on each file.
- As you view these files and read the following explanations, please draw
- your own picture. After getting though all steps outlined below, you'll have
- completed a KISS data and become a KISS creator!
- 3. TEST01.BMP ***************************************************************
- First, draw a nude figure.
- This will become the base figure for all other figures, so take your time
- to draw until you are really satified with it. Since this is your first time,
- it may be better to draw some simple figure.
- If you skimp on this drawing, the final KISS data will not come out quite
- right. Take your time and draw the best figure possible.
- 4. TEST02.BMP ***************************************************************
- Second, copy the nude figure and draw underclothes directly on top of it.
- Surround each item (undercloth) with a rectangle. These will be used later
- to create underclothes CEL data using WSVC.
- WSVC will trim extra margins off items, so surround it a little bigger than
- the actual item.
- 5. TEST03.BMP ***************************************************************
- Repeat step 4 and draw other clothes. Make everybody happy by making
- plenty.
- Copy a cloth you've drawn and change it color. You've just created another
- item to add to a collection.
- Take your time and draw some go elegent clothes. You're character will
- look nice in them.
- 6. TEST04.BMP ***************************************************************
- ΓΌ@Don't forget to make drawings displaying parts that contain parts that are
- hidden by other items (behind drawings).
- KISS supports transparent colors and item layerings. It looks better if
- parts that were hidden are displayed when an object on top is moved. This
- technique will widen the range of things you could do with KISS.
- To make items that are to move together, draw a point 1 dot to the right
- on the upper left hand corner of the square. This will prevent WSVC from
- optimizing margins and shifting items.
- This point will be erased by WSVC so don't worry about erasing it yourself.
- Don't make a mistake on where this dot is place. It should be 1 pixel to
- the right of the upper left hand corner of the square.
- Save the drawing to a file.
- 7. TEST05.BMP ***************************************************************
- Finished drawing all items?
- If you've finished them, it's time to use WSVC!
- Execute WSVC and open files you've drawn.
- If there is an error, go back to the drawing tool and check to make sure
- that all squares are properly drawn and there are no extraneous dots.
- 8. Naming Files *************************************************************
- WSVC will automatically name files, but it is better to name them yourself
- to make them more understandable.
- Double click within a rectangle. A dialog box will appear asking for a
- a file name. Enter the file name this item is to have. CEL file extension
- is automatically appended.
- Next, double click outside a rectangle. A dialog box will appear asking for
- a file name. Enter the name of color palette file. KCF file extension is
- automatically appended.
- File name should be composed of character [A-Z0-9_] (alphanumeric
- characters and underline). This is limitation is defined by KISS
- specification so please obey it.
- 9. Let's Make CEL (*.CEL) and Palette Files (*.KCF) *************************
- There is a large button in the dialog box asking for a file name. Wasn't
- there? Choosing this button will actually create all CEL and palette files.
- Specify the directory to create these files in the directory box.
- Many files are created at once so be sure not to make a mistake specifying
- the directory. You'll regret it.
- To view the created data, use CEL viewer - WCEL.
- If you didn't change file name, the sample data will create the following
- files:
- T_OR01K.CEL body
- T_OR02K.CEL sailor uniform's cuffs
- T_OR03K.CEL sailor uniform - behind
- T_OR04K.CEL sailor uniform
- T_OR05K.CEL scarf
- T_OR06K.CEL skirt
- T_OR07K.CEL pant - front
- T_OR08K.CEL pants - behind
- T_OR09K.CEL scarf - behind
- T_OR10K.CEL right shoe
- T_OR11K.CEL right show - behind
- T_OR12K.CEL left sock
- T_OR13K.CEL right sock
- T_OR14K.CEL sport brassiere - front
- T_OR15K.CEL sport brassiere - behind
- T_OR16K.CEL left shoe
- T_OR17K.CEL left shoe - behind
- When a drawing is saved in WSVC, it creates files with WSC files extensions
- by default.
- If the original picture file is named TEST06.BMP, WSC will create a file
- named TEST06.WSC in the same directory.
- CEL file name and options are saved in the WSC file. When the original
- drawing file is re-opened, WSC file is automatically opened to the last
- saved CEL file name and options are assigned to items.
- 10. Let's Make a Configuration File (*.CNF) *********************************
- Configuration file must still be created using a text editor such as a
- Windows' Notepad.
- Configuration file contains information on how each CEL are to be
- displayed, what color palette file to use, and how large to make a window
- that is to display these KISS data.
- There is a format on how these specifications are to be defined. If it
- seems difficult, try playing around with some one else's to get a feel.
- Below is the Configuration file used to display the example KISS data:
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Text after ';' are comments
- ;
- (640,400) ;window size
- ;
- %T_OR00K.KCF ;color palette file. File name is specified after the '%' sign.
- ;
- [0 ;border color. Not used by WKISS.
- ;
- ;
- ; Followings are CEL data specifications
- ;
- ; Items are specified in order of how they are displayed.
- ; Items specified first are displayed on top of all items specified after it.
- ; Items with the same number after '#' are grouped. When one of them is moved
- ; using a mouse, all items in the same group are moved with it. Examples are
- ; items with 'behinds'.
- ; In KISS terminology, groups are called 'Objects'.
- ;
- ; [: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] corresponds to screens number that an object is displayed.
- ; In KISS terminology, screens number is called 'Sets'.
- ;
- #0 T_OR02K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;sailor uniform's cuffs
- #1 T_OR05K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;scarf
- #0 T_OR04K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;sailor uniform
- #2 T_OR06K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;skirt
- #3 T_OR16K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;left shoe
- #4 T_OR10K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;right shoe
- #5 T_OR12K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;left sock
- #6 T_OR13K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;right sock
- #7.10 T_OR14K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;sport brassiere - front
- #8.10 T_OR07K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;pant - front
- #9.999 T_OR01K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;body
- ;
- ; '.999' above signifies the body is to be a fixed (unmoveable) object.
- ; Large number signifies that the object is to be fixed to a spot
- ;
- #8 T_OR08K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;pants - behind
- #7 T_OR15K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;sport brassiere - behind
- #3 T_OR17K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;left shoe - behind
- #4 T_OR11K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;right show - behind
- #0 T_OR03K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;sailor uniform - behind
- #1 T_OR09K.CEL : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;scarf - behind
- ;
- ;
- ; Following specifies where objects are to be displayed on a screen.
- ; They are specified in object number (number after '#') order.
- ;
- ; It is not necessary to specified them. They will be created by WKISS.
- ; Therefore, run WKISS and move objects around to their proper place
- ; to specify these settings.
- ;
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- $0 164,112 184,118 178,178 211,341 191,338 214,319 192,317 186,118 171,169
- 174,42
- 11. What to Do After Making a Configuration File ****************************
- Execute WKISS and open the Configuration file (*.CNF) you just created.
- Move items as when you are playing with KISS data to place items to where
- you want them to appear by default when other users view them. After you put
- clothes on your character, save it.
- Congratulations!!! You've just finished making a KISS data.
- 12. Little Bit on KISS/GS (General Specification) ***************************
- KISS data must be made in accordance with KISS/GS (KISS General
- Specifications).
- CEL and palette data created by WSVC conform to KISS/GS v1.00.
- KISS data are randed according to maximum windows size and number of
- palette colors.
- It is possible to view data of lower ranks then the viewer specifies on
- different platforms.
- This specification is available from http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/
- [KISS] - [Specification].
- 13. Advanced WSVC Usage *****************************************************
- The example explained above only uses fixed size CEL data. Furthermore,
- there is an advanced technique called "distributed multiple layering". It
- allows layered CEL to be more simply created.
- Finally, please refer to the WSVC help file for further features on how to
- use this utility.