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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LHA Version 2.55E Manual
- Ver 2.55 Jan. 04, 1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Haruyasu Yoshizaki SDI00506@niftyserve.or.jp
- pcs02846@asciinet.or.jp
- FEM12376@pcvan.or.jp
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Translated and Edited by: Hitoshi Ozawa h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp
- homepage: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0. Liability
- -----------------
- The author and the developer of this software will not take
- responsibility for any damage that may result from the use of this
- software. The files contained in LHA255.EXE are distributed "as is"
- and without any expressed and implied warranties. The user assumes
- the entire risk of using the software.
- 1. Introduction
- -----------------
- LHarc, a precursor to the LHA file utility, became one of the
- standard file compression/extraction utility in Japan despite its
- slowness. I am also pleased that some overseas users have taken
- to using this tool.
- I, however, have continued on my research for a new compression
- algorithm even after releasing LHarc to the public. The fruit of
- my two years of research is incorporated in the new utility, LHA
- which I would now like to make public.
- (Feb. 24, 1991 Yoshizaki)
- Differences between LHA and LHarc:
- ----------------------------------
- Improvements:
- - Higher compression
- LHA offers a higher compression rate than LHarc especially when
- compressing large files. On the other hand, compression rate is
- worse for files smaller than few hundred bytes.
- - Faster file extraction
- Extraction algorithm was changed to static Huffman algorith from
- dynamic Huffman algorithm to decrease file extraction time.
- Nevertheless, compression time did not decrease as much as I
- expected.
- Degradation:
- - Increased memory usage
- LHA requires more memory. Use caution when executing LHA from
- another program or in a child process. When LHA detects memory
- shortage, it will try to continue by decreasing compression rate.
- - Only upward compatible with LHarc
- Files compressed by LHA can not be extracted by LHarc. However,
- files compressed by LHarc may be extracted by LHA.
- 2. Copyright
- -----------------
- LHA is copyrighted by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
- Microsoft is a registered trademark and MS-DOS is a trademark of
- Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other
- countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or
- registered trademarks of their respective holders.
- 3. Simple Usage Examples
- -------------------------
- To extract files with directories:
- lha x [archive file name]
- NOTE: Extension should be specified with archive file name.
- Example: lha x temp.lzh
- The above command extracts all files contained in archive
- file TEMP.LZH.
- To archive files to an archive file:
- lha a [archive file name] [file name]
- NOTE: Do not specify archive file name extension. Archived files
- are created with extension LZH.
- Example: lha a temp test1.txt test2.txt
- The above command compresses files TEST1.TXT and TEXT2.TXT
- and creates an archive file TEMP.LZH.
- To convert an archive to to self-extraction format:
- lha a [archive file name]
- NOTE: Do not specify file extension. Self-extracting file with EXE
- extension is created from archive file with LZH extension.
- Example: lha s temp
- The above command creates self-extracting file TEMP.EXE with
- files contained in archive file TEMP.LZH.
- 4. Usage
- ---------
- A. General Format:
- ==================
- ΓΌ@LHA <command> [-<option>[-+012|WDIR]...] LZH [[DIR\] [FILE]...]...
- <command>: One or more command listed in section B.
- When omitted, displays quick LHA help
- <option>: one of options below:
- LZH: archive filename
- DIR: base directory name
- FILE: compression/extraction file name
- (may include path)
- WDIR: working directory name
- B. <command>
- =============
- a (Add) Add file to an archive file
- File(s) specified by FILE are compressed and added to the
- archive file (LZH file). If the archive file does not
- exists, it will be created. If the file already exists
- in the archive file, it will be overwritten. (Refer also
- to u (Update) and m (Move) commands.)
- < Example 1 > LHA a ex *.exe
- Compress all files with extension EXE in the current
- directory and add to (or create) a EX.LZH archive file.
- u (Update) Add/Update file in an archive file
- File(s) specified by FILE are compressed and added to the
- archive file (LZH file). If the file already exists in
- the archive file, the file will be added to the archive
- only when the modification date of the file is more
- recent than the one in the archive file. (Refer also to a
- (Add) and m (Move) commands.)
- < Example 2 > LHA u ex *.c
- Compress all files with extension C in the current
- directory and add/update to a EX.LZH archive file.
- If the file already exists in the archive file, the file
- will be added to the archive only when the modification
- date of the file are more recent than the one in the archive.
- m (Move) Move file to an archive file
- File(s) specified by FILE are compressed and moved to the
- archive file (LZH file). If the file already exists in
- the archive file, the file will be added to the archive
- only when the modification date of the file is more
- recent than the one in the archive file. All files
- (including those that were not actually updated to the
- archive file) will be deleted.
- Specify the -c option to override the date comparision
- and update all specified files.
- < Example 3 > LHA m ex *.c
- Similar to Example 2, but delete all files with extension
- C in the current drive after updating the archive file.
- Have the same result as executing the following 2
- operations:
- LHA u ex *.c
- del *.c
- f (Freshen) Replace file in an archive file
- Similar to the u (update) option but only update the file
- that already exists in the archive file. Files that do
- not already exist in the archive files are not added to
- the archive.
- Specify the -c option to override the date comparison and
- replace all specified files.
- < Example 4 > LHA f ex lha.doc
- Replace file LHA.DOC in the archive file EX.LZH if the
- modification date is more recent than those in the
- archive file.
- d (Delete) Delete file from an archive file
- File(s) specified by FILE are deleted from the archive
- file (LZH file).
- < Example 5 > LHA d ex lha.doc
- Deletes file LHA.DOC from the archive file EX.LZH.
- e (Extract) Extract file from the archive file
- File(s) specified by FILE are extracted from the archive
- file (LZH file). If FILE is not specified, all files
- in the archive file are extracted.
- If the file to be extracted already exists in the current
- directory, the file will be extracted only when the
- modification date of the file is more recent than the one
- in the current directory.
- Specify -c option to override the date comparison and
- extract all specified files.
- Files compressed by LHarc (-lzs-, -lz4-, -lz5-) may also
- be extracted.
- <Example 6 > LHA e ex
- Extract all the files included in the archive file
- < Example 7 > LHA e ex *.com
- Extract all the files with extension COM from the
- archive file EX.LZH.
- x (eXtract) Extracts directory with files from the archive file
- File(s) specified by FILE are extracted with their
- corresponding directory from the archive file (LZH file).
- If the directories does not exist, they are created.
- If FILE is not specified, all files in the archive
- file are extracted.
- Same as executing LHA E -x1m1.
- < EXample 8 > LHA x ex
- Extract all the files included in the archive file
- EX.LZH with their directories. If file \BIN\CG86.EXE is
- included in the archive file EX.LZH, BIN directory is
- created in the current directory and CG86.EXE file is
- extracted to this sub-directory.
- p (Print) Print content of an archive to the standard output
- File(s) specified by FILE are extracted and their
- contents are printed to the standard output. If FILE is
- omitted, contents of all files in the archive file is
- printed to the standard output.
- < Example 9 > LHA p ex lha.doc
- Extracts file LHA.DOC from the archive file EX.LZH and
- displays its contents on a screen.
- < Example 10 > LHA p ex lha.doc > prn
- Extracts file LHA.DOC from the archive file EX.LZH and
- print it out to a default printer.
- l (List) Lists file names
- Information corresponding to file(s) specified by FILE
- are printed to the standard output. If FILE is omitted,
- information concerning all files in the archive file is
- printed to the standard output.
- To display the full path name with the file names,
- specify x option. Files with path are displayed with a
- '+' prefixed to their names.
- <Example 11> LHA l ex
- Information concerning all files in the archive file
- EX.LZH are displayed on the screen.
- v (View) View file information
- Same as l -x1.
- t (Test) Execute CRC test on the archived file
- CRC (cyclic redundancy check) test is executed on
- file(s) specified by FILE.
- This option is also used to check for the originality of
- the distributed LHA.EXE file. The original LHA.EXE
- displays "This file seems to be ORIGINAL distributed
- from H.Yoshi." when LHA t lha.exe is executed.
- It may not make too much sense testing itself, but
- testing if the new copy of the LHA.EXE program for
- originality may prevent unsolicited problems.
- LHA is not able to test files that have been altered by
- LEXEM, DIET, PKLITE, and LZEXE and files compressed by
- LHarc.
- < Example 12 > LHA t ex
- Test integrity of all files contained in file EX.LZH.
- < Example 13 > LHA t lha.exe
- Test if the file LHA.EXE is the original file distributed
- by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
- s (Self-extract)
- Convert archive file (LZH file) to self-extracting
- format (SFX file). Two types of self-extracting files
- may be created. The default option, -x0, which is assumed
- when type if not specified, creates a small model file
- that may only self-extract to the current directory.
- Size of a file created by this option is smaller than
- the file created by the large model, but sub-directories
- may not be recreated nor files executed during file
- extraction.
- The second type, the large self-extracting model, is
- able to recreate subdirectories and execute programs
- during file extraction but the archive file is larger
- then those created by the small model.
- < Example 14 > LHA s ex
- Convert archive file, EX.LZH, to small model
- self-extraction file, EX.EXE.
- WARNING: It is necessary to first create an archive file that is
- to be converted to a self-extracting format. 's' option
- does not create a self-extracting file directly a regular
- file.
- C. <-option>
- =============
- Options may be specified to more fully customize file
- manipulation operations. Generally, options are specified
- with numericals 0, 1, 2, or 3, but some commands do not
- distinguish between 1 and 2. For some options, it is
- possible to toggle between values 0 and 1 by specifying
- '+' and '-'. Additionally, options may also be prefixed
- by a '/' instead of a '-' to conform to the MS-DOS
- command syntax.
- -x[0|1] Use eXtended file names
- When -x1 is specified as a file compression option, path
- name is saved along with the file name.
- When -x1 is specified as a file extraction option, files
- saved with directory information are extracted to their
- corresponding directories. If a directory does not exist,
- they are created.
- When -x0 is specified, only file name is save to the
- archive file and files are extracted to the current path.
- If file tc\include\sys\stat.h is compressed to an
- archive file with its path, -x0 option compressed only
- file name STAT.H to the archive file while -x1 saves
- the complete path tc\include\sys\ with the file name.
- When extracting from the created archive, -x0 extracts
- STAT.H file to the current directory while -x1 creates
- directories tc\include\sys in the current directory
- and extracts STAT.H file in created directory.
- When -x0 option is specified with the -l option, only
- file names are listed with their attributes while
- -x1 option lists directory names with files names.
- -p[0|1] Distinguish files by Path names
- When -p1 is specified as a file extraction option, files
- with a same name in different paths are distinguished.
- When a numerical is omitted after the 'p', 1 is assumed.
- If files stat.h and tc\include\sys\stat.h is compressed
- to an archive file, TC.LZH:
- LHA e TC.LZH stat.h
- tries to extracts both file stat.h and file
- tc\include\sys\stat.h to the current directory.
- (Only the one most recently modified file is
- extracted.)
- LHA e -p TC.LZH stat.h
- extracts only the stat.h file without the path
- name in the current directory.
- LHA e TC.LZH sys\stat.h
- extracts only the file stat.h file in the
- tc\include\sys\ directory to the current
- directory.
- -c[0|1] (ignore file modification day/time)
- When -c1 is specified with 'u', 'f', 'e', or 'x' command,
- file modification time check is not executed. This
- option may be used to restore the old copy of a file
- from the archive file.
- When a numerical is omitted after the 'c', 1 is assumed.
- -m[0|1|2] (do not display query Messages)
- When -m1 or -m2 is specified as an option, all query
- messages (eg. Overwrite? [Y/N]) are answered with a
- Y(es).
- -m1 and -m2 differs in the following ways when extracting
- files from an archive:
- -m1 Overwrite a file only when last modification
- date/time of archive file is more recent.
- -m2 Extract all files regardless of modification date.
- Affix consecutive number from 000 to 999 as file
- extension when file with the same already exists.
- -a[0|1|2] (ignore file Attributes)
- When -a1 or -a2 is specified, file attribute is ignored
- when compressing files (ie. system and hidden files are
- also compressed) and file attributes are preserved when
- extracting files from an archive file.
- Compression:
- -a0 (default setting)
- System and hidden files are not compressed to an
- archive file. However, files with read-only
- attribute are compressed with their attribute
- intact in the archive file.
- -a1 Compress all files with their attributes
- -a2 Compress all files with their attributes but also
- keep directory name when specified with -r2x1
- option (same as -d1 option). Directory name is
- listed with -lhd- attribute when archive is listed.
- Extraction:
- -a0 System and hidden files are not extracted from the
- archive file. Read-only files are extracted, but
- files attributes will not be preserved.
- -a1 All files are extracted with their attributes
- intact.
- -r[0|1|2] (Recurse operation)
- When -r1 or -r2 is specified, a command is executed
- recursively in specified subdirectories.
- -r0 Do not search sub-directories. (default option)
- -r1 File name specification mode
- Path name is extracted from the FILE name, and
- command is executed recursively in its
- subdirectories. Used to apply command all files
- with matching files names in different directories.
- -r2 Directory specification mode
- Apply command recursively to all files in a
- specified directory and its subdirectories.
- WARNING: LHarc actually replaced -r with -x when
- extracting files. However, LHA treats -x
- and -r differently. Be sure to use the proper
- option.
- < Example 15 > LHA a -r1 source.lzh \source.c \source\*.h
- Compress files with extensions C and H from directory
- \SOURCE and all its subdirectories.
- < Example 16 > LHA a -r2x1 a:\*.*
- Compress all files in drive A and all files in its
- subdirectories with their directories intact.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- (1) How do I backup disk A: ?
- LHA a /r2x1 temp a:\
- where temp is the name of the archive file
- (2) How do I extract all directories and files to drive b:?
- LHA x arc.lzh b:\
- where ARC.LZH is the name of the archive file.
- -w[0|1|<Directory name>] (assign Working directory)
- Specify directory where temporary files are created.
- When -w is followed by a directory name, temporary files
- are created in the specified directory. If only -w1 is
- specified without a directory, temporary files are created
- in the current directory.
- When -w option is entirely omitted, temporary files are
- created in the same directory as the archive file and this
- temporary file is renamed to an archive file name at the
- end of the operation.
- Additionally, when environmental parameters TMP or TEMP is
- set, the specified directory is used.
- 'w' option may be benefitial in the following situations:
- 1. When there are not enough free space in the
- directory (drive) where the archive file resides.
- 2. To speed operations by creating temporary files on
- devices with faster I/O access time such as RAM
- disk or hard disk instead of fds.
- < Example 17 > LHA a -wd:\ arc.lzh *.*
- Create temporary files on drive D: to compress all files
- in the current directory to archive file ARC.LZH.
- -t[0|1] (update Time stamp)
- When -t1 is specified, modification date and time of the
- archive file is set to the most recent date/time of files
- contained in the archive.
- When -t0 (default) is specified, modification date/time
- of the archive file is set to date/time when the archive
- file was created or modified.
- -z[0|1|2] (Zero compress file to archive)
- When -z1 or -z2 is specified, files are archived to an
- archive file without being compressed.
- -z1 Do not compress all files that are to be archived.
- -z2 Do not compress files with extension ARC, LZH, LZS,
- PAK, ZIP, and ZOO. Compress other files.
- -z3<extension>
- Beside files with extension specified with -z2
- options, do not compress files with extension
- <extension>.
- Wildcard characters '*' and '?' may be used to
- specify <extension>. (Refer to section F for
- further information on wild card characters.)
- Extension separator '.' is ignored. It may be
- included in <extension> or excluded.
- To specify files without any extension, specify
- '-z.' as an option.
- Multiple extensions may be specified by
- sequentially defining extensions to be
- uncompressed.
- (eg. -zexe -zcom)
- < Example 18 > LHA a -zcom -zexe archive.lzh *.*
- Archive all files in the current drive to file
- ARCHIVE.LZH but do not compress files with extension COM
- and EXE.
- -o[0|1] (use Old compression algorithm)
- When -o1 is specified, files are compressed in an format
- that can be extracted using LHarc ver1.xx. -h0 option
- is automatically specified when -o1 is specified.
- Using this option with LHA creates archive file that is
- more compressed than using LHarc.
- -h[0|1|2] (select Header format)
- Select header format of the archive file. The default
- setting is -h1.
- -i[0|1] (do not Ignore case)
- When -i1 is specified, file(s) specified by FILE are
- treated case sensitivity.
- Some OSs are case sensitive to file names. Thus, files
- contained in an archive file may contain files names with
- upper and lower case characters. Use -i1 option to
- extract files from these archives.
- NOTE: File names of files archieved from MS-DOS are all
- converted to upper case letters.
- a. When manipulating files in an archive file
- (commands f, d, s, e, x, t, p, l, v)
- -i0 Do not distinguish between upper and lower case
- file names.
- -i1, -i2
- Distinguish between upper and lower case file
- names.
- b. When compressing files to an archive file
- (commands a, u, m)
- -i0 Convert all file names to upper case letters.
- -i1 Convert all file names with wild card characters
- ('*' and '?') to upper case letters.
- -i2 Convert all file names with wild card characters
- ('*' and '?') to lower case letters.
- (Refer to section F for further information on wild
- card characters.)
- -n[0|1|2] (do Not display progress report)
- When -n1 or -n2 is specified, file compress/extraction
- progress are not displayed.
- -n0 Display progress report.
- -n1 Do not display ooo..... progress report.
- -n2 Do not display ooo..... progress report and
- file names.
- -l[0|1|2] (display Long file name)
- When -l1 or -l2 is specified, path name is displayed with
- file name.
- -l0 Display only file name.
- -l1 Display path name to be/save in archive file with
- file name. Used to display where in the archive
- file the file is being archived.
- -l2 Display path name of accessed file name with file
- name. Used to display where the files being
- archived is located.
- Note:When -l1 or -l2 is specified, each file is displayed
- in 2 rows.
- < Example 19 > LHA a -r1x1l2 link.lzh c:\link.*
- Archives all files named 'link.' in all directories
- below C:\ and display path name of file being archived
- with the file name.
- --[0|1|2] (allow file name starting with option switch indicator)
- When --1 or --2 is specified, file name may start with
- a LHA option switch indicator, '-' and '@'.
- (Refer to Section E for information on file starting with
- '@'.)
- /-0 Do not allow file name to start with '-' and '@'
- -l1 Allow file name to start with '@'.
- -l2 Allow file name to start with '@' and '-'.
- WARNING: Do not use --0. LHA will mistake it for a
- file name.
- -s[0|1] (Do not display Skipped file message)
- When -s1 is specified, 'Skipped <Filename>' message is
- not displayed. LHA by default displays a skipped message
- and do not archive/extract files if a file with the same
- name but with more recent modification date already
- exist.
- -s0 Display skipped file message.
- -s1 Do not display skipped file message. Used when LHA
- is executed from a batch file.
- -d[0|1] (save Directory name)
- When -d1 is specified, all files (including system and
- hidden files) and all files in all subdirectories are
- archived.
- NOTE: Same as specifying -r2x1a2 option.
- -f[0|1] (Forcefully write files without checking free disk space)
- When -f1 is specified, files are archived/extracted
- without first checking for free disk space.
- Specify this switch when an error occurs executing LHA
- on some networked computers.
- D. Base Directory
- ==================
- Base directory may be specified to compress files from and to
- extract files to several different directories.
- Base directory may be specified instead of moving to another drive
- and directory to archive/extract files. Furthermore, several
- different directories may be specified in one statement.
- NOTE: When fd drive (eg. A:) is specified, LHA uses the current
- drive. (Current drive may be displayed by changing to the
- drive.)
- < Example 20 >
- A>LHA x program c:\bin\ *.exe *.com c:\temp\ *.man *.doc
- ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
- The above statement is equivalent to executing the following
- set of commands:
- A>C:
- C>LHA x d:\program *.com *.exe
- C>cd \temp
- C>LHA x d:\program *.man *.doc
- To extract a single file to several directories, it is necessary
- repeatly extracted to each directory.
- WARNING: When several extract to directories are specified to
- extract a single file, the file is only extracted to the
- first specified directory.
- E. MS-DOS Redirection and Batch File
- =====================================
- MS-DOS file redirection and pipes and LHA batch file are used to
- compress/extract many files.
- MS-DOS restricts number of characters on a single command line.
- This restriction limits length of a LHA command disallowing many
- files to be compressed/extracted with a single command.
- a. Batch File
- Batch files contains command, options, and parameters to be
- executed.
- 1. Batch files name are refered by prefixing the file name with
- with a character '@'.
- 2. A command may extend across multiple lines. A carriage return
- is replaced with a space when batch file is executed.
- WARNING: Batch file may not be called from within another batch
- file.
- File name starting with a '@' within a batch file is
- treated as a regular file starting with character '@'.
- b. Pipes and Redirections.
- A regular text file with content obeying LHA batch file guidelines
- (refer to a. above) may be piped or redirected to LHA.EXE.
- However, a batch file may be specified from this text file.
- < Example 21 >
- C> LHA l /n1 parts > files.txt
- C> LHA a newparts @filess.txt
- The first command line writes contents of archive file, PARTS.LZH,
- to a textfile FILES.TXT.
- The second command line takes the content of this FILES.TXT and
- creates a new archive file named NEWPARTS.LZH.
- Optional parameters may be added to the first command line to
- create a new archive file containing files selected from the
- original archive file, PARTS.LZH.
- < Example 22 >
- C> dir /b | sort | lha a all
- This command line makes a list of files in a current directory
- (excluding system and hidden files) without displaying file
- attributes, sort this list, and create an archive file, ALL.LZH,
- containing these files.
- Thus, ALL.LZH file will contain files in the current directory
- in alphabetical order.
- F. Wild Card Characters (supported after Ver.2.54)
- ==================================================
- Along with the regular MS-DOS wild card character set, LHA supports
- wild card character supported by LSI C. LHA supports the following
- set of wild card characters:
- ? replace with one other character excluding '.' character.
- * replace with text string excluding '.' character.
- (may be null string)
- + replace with text string including '.' character.
- (may be null string)
- [] replace with a character within the parenthesis. Able to
- specify range using '-' character. (eg. [a-z] to specify
- all lower case characters between 'a' and 'z'.)
- < Example 23 >
- FLABO[_~][1-9A] matches with files FLABO_1 through FLABO_A,
- FLABO~1 through FLABO~A but does not match with
- FLABO_ and FLABO..
- FLABO[_~]* matches with all files except FLABO..
- FLABO[_~]+ matches with all files.
- G. Environmental Variables
- ===========================
- Environment variables are usually set in MS-DOS in the AUTOEXEC.BAT
- file. Use a text editor to set the following variable in this file.
- a. LHA and LHARC
- Set whether to use LHA.EXE or LHARC.EXE. The default setting is
- b. TMP and TEMP
- Set working directory (directory where temporary files are created).
- When omitted or when the specified directory could not be found,
- working directory is set to the current directory.
- When both TMP and TEMP are set, working directory is set to the
- directory set by TMP. (Refer also to -w option.)
- c. TZ
- Set the time zone (eg. EST, PST). Used to adjust time when archiving
- with -h2 option or when extracting files archived by -h2 option.
- If time zone is not set correctly, file version control supported by
- LHA may not work properly, and files may not be updated.
- To set to the Eastern Standard Time (US), SET TZ=EST+5. To set to
- Japanese time zone, SET TZ=JST-9.
- H. Return Codes
- ================
- LHA returns the following return codes after execution. They may be
- used in batch files or in other programs to detect errors.
- Code Description
- 0 Normal termination (No error).
- 1 File extraction error. CRC error, not enough free disk space,
- or file not found when extracting files from archive.
- 2 Fatal error. Process terminated without modifying archive
- file.
- 3 Failed to convert temporary files to an archive file.
- Temporary archive files named LHTMP???.LZH, created in the
- working directory, may manually be renamed to an archive file
- (extension LZH).
- I. Temporary File Names
- ========================
- LHA finds the first available file name with LHTMPxxx.LZH (where
- xxx is a consecutive number between 000 and FFF) in the working
- directory to use as a temporary file. It is usually not necessary
- to know about this file during normal LHA execution.
- 5. Self-Extracting Archive File (SFX)
- -------------------------------------
- General Extraction Format:
- <Self-extraction file> [-x] [-!] [-eDIR] [DIR]
- /x: do not create new directory.
- /!: auto-execution batch enable.
- /a: restore file attributes.
- [/eDIR],[DIR]; specify directory to extract.
- Self-extraction files are executable archive files (with EXE
- extension) that extract files within itself when executed. They may
- also be extracted using LHA tools. Example of a self-extracting
- file is the LHA file that this file was archived in.
- LHA is only able to convert archive files created by LHA utility
- to a self-extraction file. It is not able to convert archive files
- created by LHarc.
- Specifying either -x0 and -x1 options creates small model and large
- model self-extracting files respectively. LHA self-extracting files
- also have the following features:
- A. Telop
- =========
- When files are self-extracted from a LHA archive, file named
- '!' is extracted in a memory and its contents is display on a
- screen instead of being extracted to a file on a disk. After
- displaying the content of a file, user is prompted with [Y/N].
- If 'Y' is entered, process is continued. If 'N' is entered,
- process is terminated.
- B. Directory Specification (effective only when self-extracting
- =========================== archive file was created with -x1
- option. i.e. large model self-
- extraction files.)
- Directory where files in a large model self-extracting archive
- file are to be extracted may be specified.
- < Example 24 >
- LHA255.EXE c:\user
- Extracts files in self-extracting archive file, LHA255.EXE to
- directory C:\USER. Files may also be extracted to a directory
- using LHA with the 'e' command:
- LHA e -x0 lha255.exe c:\user
- C. Auto Execution (effective only when self-extracting
- =================== archive file was created with -x1 option.
- i.e. large model self-extraction files.)
- A batch file named !.BAT in the archive may automatically be
- executed after extracting files from large model
- self-extraction file by specifying -! option. !.BAT file is
- always extracted to the current directory even when extraction
- directory is specified. If a file named !.BAT already exists in
- the currently directory, it will be over written. Furthermore,
- !.BAT must be included in the archive file. A file named !.BAT
- in the current directory will not be executed after files are
- self-extracted.
- There are 2 types of LHA self-extracting files, small and large.
- They are created by specifying -x0 and -x1 options when converting
- an archive file to a self-extracting format.
- a. Small Model (Default)
- Creation command format: LHA s -x0 <archive file>
- Small model self-extracting files only contains file name
- information and do not contain directory information. Even if
- archive file to be converted contains directory information,
- created self-extracting file will not. Thus, small model self-
- extracting files can only be extracted to the current directory.
- Furthermore, !.BAT file will not be executed when small model file
- is extracted. However, telop files are extracted in memory.
- Finally, LHA small model self-extraction file does not have archive
- file limitation as is imposed with LHarc.
- b. Large Model
- Creation command format: LHA s -x1 <archive file>
- Large model self-extracting files has an advantage of supporting
- all functions described above. Additionally, if archive file that
- was converted contained directory information, large model files
- creates necessary directories when files are extracted. To stop
- directories from being created, specify the -x option when
- invoking self-extraction.
- 6. Compatibility between LHA and LHarc
- ----------------------------------------
- LHA is upward compatible with LHarc but much has been changed.
- Followings are only some of the differences between these two
- tools and is not a comprehensive list.
- Files are not sorted
- The major difference between LHA and LHarc is that LHarc sorts
- files when creating a new archive file while LHA does not.
- To archive file in sorted order, use an utility such as dsort,
- ordir, and fd to sort the files in the directory before
- archiving them. Files in an archive file may also be sorted
- by executing a following command line:
- C> dir /b | sort | lha a all
- This command archives all files excluding hidden and system
- files to ALL.LZH in ascending sorted order.
- -x option must be explicitly specified with -r option
- -r option is supported to extract files in LHA. Therefore,
- -x option is no longer activated with -r option.
- Support x command
- x command is supported in LHA to create subdirectories and
- extract files. x command is equivalent to 'e -x1m1' command.
- Self-extraction file changes
- LHA executes !.BAT file in the self-extracting file while LHarc
- executes AUTOLARC.BAT file. Furthermore, -! option must be used
- to execute a batch file, and keyword may not be used in LHA to
- stop execution.
- Internal date/time convension
- LHA keeps track of date/time by recording time difference
- measured in seconds between 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC and current
- date/time. If erroneous date/time is specified, LHA is unable
- to record them.
- 7. Acknowledgments
- ------------------
- Following software were used to develop LHA:
- A-MACROS /Structured Assembler Macros, from AMSCLS.INC
- (c) Hortense S. Endoh 1986,1987 ver.2.10.
- Thank you very much for offering this excellent software.
- Furthermore, following software were used to develop LHA ver.2.55:
- 1. LSI C-86 ver 3.30b by LSI Japan
- I was just content that I thought that I was able to contribute to
- improvement in data compression algorithm and influence tools such
- PKZIP and PAK, but I would like thank people who have further
- encouraged me to continue with my research to make this version
- possible.
- I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Haruhiko
- Okumura and members of SIG Science on PCVAN BBS (Japan) for
- the assisting in improving compression algorithms.
- To K. Miki who provided me with an place to hold a research
- in archiving and also for offering an opportunity to introduced
- archiver tools to the public.
- To K.Okubo who introduced and supported LH113c on overseas
- networks such as CompuServe and GEnie.
- To the late Irvin Hoff, CP/M sysop Compuserve, who reviewed
- the English version for spelling, grammar, and phrasing
- correctness while struggling with cancer.
- To the members of FHONYAKU forum in Nifty Serve who prepared
- the original English LHA manual.
- Finally, I would like to offer the deepest gratitude to all
- LHarc and LHA users.
- 8. Distribution
- -------------------
- LHA may be freely distributed if the following conditions are
- obeyed:
- 1. Copyright notifications must not be altered in any way.
- 2. All documentation files must be included with the
- distribution file.
- 3. If any modification is made to any of the files, part that
- was modified must be explicitly stated with the name and
- contact address (Email, street address, or phone number) of
- the person who made the modification.
- 4. Make it apparent that LHA is FREE SOFT.
- It is necessary to state this in the program description.
- 5. If this program is to be mentioned or included in any
- publication, it is necessary to state LHA copyright
- information.
- 6. LHA must be distribution on a medium that is not
- copyprotected.
- If all of the above conditions are satisfied, it is not necessary
- and even discouraged to send the author a mail to obtain a
- distribution permission.
- Lastly, all files have have been compressed (including self-
- extraction files) using LHA may be distributed without any
- notification.
- 9. Support
- -------------------
- LHA is supported in FLABO forum on Nifty Serve BBS (Japan).
- To users who do not have accesss to Nifty Serve, support for LHA
- is provided by internet E-mail.
- Please send all bug report, questions, opinions, suggestions, or
- any other comments to:
- Haruyasu Yoshizaki SDI00506@niftyserve.or.jp
- pcs02846@asciinet.or.jp
- FEM12376@pcvan.or.jp
- Hitoshi Ozawa h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp
- homepage: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/
- 10. References
- -------------------
- 1. Knuth, D.E., "Dynamic Huffman Coding", J.Algorithms, 6:163-180.
- 2. Kurita, T., "Hard Disk Cook Book", 1987, Shoeisha,Tokyo.
- 3. Kurita, T., "Tool Box of Computing", Huffman Coding, BIT,
- 70:100-101,1988.
- 4. Okumura,K.,Masuyama,K.,Miki,K., "Practice and theory of Data
- Compression", The Basic, 70(March):1-65,1989.
- 5. Fiala,E.R., and Greene,D.H., "Data Compression with Finite Win-
- dows", Communication ofACM, 32:490-595,1989.
- 6. Okumura,H., and Yoshizaki,H., "Introduction to Compression
- Algorithm", C Magazine 3:1:44-68,1991.
- - end -