100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
102 %lu KB
103 %lu KB Free on %c:
104 Unavailable
105 Property Sheet
108 Property Sheet
111 Property Sheet
116 Property Sheet
127 Timeless Time & Expense\n\nTimeless\nTimeless Time & Expense Files (*.tls)\n.TLS\nTimeless\nTimeless Time & Expense Document
129 Month
136 Displays a Tip of the Day.
137 Ti&p of the Day...
138 Did you know...
142 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory
151 Trouble reading the tips file
152 &Help
154 Create a new report
168 Time
170 Property Sheet
178 Property Sheet
194 To Do Properties
199 Property Sheet
221 Progress
20611 You must select a shortcut before clicking Remove.
20612 You must select a macro before clicking Create.
20613 Reset All will set all shortcuts back to their defaults. Any shortcuts you have created will be forgotten. Are you sure you want to do this?
20614 (Unassigned)
20615 That key combination is reserved and may not be reassigned.
20616 &Other...
20617 New (Insert)
20618 Delete (Delete)
20619 Move Up (Alt+Up Arrow)
20620 Move Down (Alt+Down Arrow)
20621 Press the Ctrl key to prevent docking.
20622 &Reset
20623 &Delete
20624 Customize
20663 Enter
20664 Error
32800 Start Timer
32801 Add New Time Entry
32802 Delete Time Entry
32803 Stop the active Time Entry
32804 Show TimeEntry Properties
32809 Set Timeless Time & Expenses Options\nOptions
32846 Edit the current selection's properties\nProperties
32850 Add a new time entry\nNew Time Entry
32854 Add a new report\nNew Report
32855 Add a new expense entry\nNew Expense
32856 Start the timer on the current task\nStart Timer
32858 Stop the current active timer\nStop Timer
32859 Cancel Menu
32861 Displays a Tip of the Day.
32865 Delete the selected item\nDelete
32875 Show Expense Entry Properties
32876 Delete Entry
32877 Start the Timer
32882 Rename the selected item\nRename
32891 Starts a tutorial to help you learn Timeless Time && Expense.\nTutorial
32892 Displays information on how to order Timeless Time && Expense.\nOrder.
32893 View Entries by Task\nTask View
32894 View Entries by Date\nDate View
32895 Add a new To Do Item\nNew To Do Entry
32899 Complete the selected To Do entry\nComplete
32900 Complete the selected To Do entry\nComplete
32902 Export report data\nExport
32903 Export selected report's data\nExport
32904 Move Calendar to Today\nGo to Today
32905 Move Calendar to a Selected Date\nGo to Date
32906 Display reports as large icons.
32907 Display reports in a list.
32908 Select all entries
32909 Archive entries\nArchive
32910 Display reports details in a list.
32912 Manage Contacts\nOptions
32913 Manage Projects\nProjects
32916 Pause or Resume the timer\nPause or Resume Timer
32919 Edit the current selection's contact\nContact
32922 Display reports details in a list.
32923 Hide Inactive Tasks\nHide Inactive
32924 Move to a different day
32928 Activate or Inactivate a selected task\nInactivate
32930 Delete entry
38000 1 Minute
38001 3 Minutes
38002 5 Minutes
38003 10 Minutes
38004 15 Minutes
38005 30 Minutes
38006 1 Hour
38007 6 Minutes
40000 The Time Entry conflicts with another Time Entry.
40001 The End Time must be later than the Start Time.
40002 Due to rounding of the active time entry, it has the same start and end time. Would you like to delete it?\n\nAnswering 'No' will round the end time to the nearest minute.
40003 Select a the type for the report.
40004 Select a date range for the report.
40005 The end date cannot before the start date.
40006 Select a time frame to summarize this report by.
40007 Select a task level to summarize this report by.
40008 Enter a name for this report.
40009 The Start Time must be before the current time on an active task.
40010 Cannot move Task: The destination task is the same as the source task.
40011 Cannot move Task: The destination task is a sub task of the source task
40012 Cannot move Task: The destination task level is not above the source task level.
40013 Invalid registration. Enter Registration Name and Number exactly as they were provided to you.
40014 Enter a To Do Description.
40015 Enter a start date.
40016 Enter an end date.
40017 Start date must be on or before end date.
40018 Invalid Date.
40019 A name is required for contact.
40020 Error %1 retrieving project information for %2.
40023 No resource is selected. Without selecting a resource, you will not be able to update the project from Timeless Time & Expense.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
40024 Error %1 updating project information for %2.
40025 Cannot move Task: The destination task was imported from a project.
40026 Cannot move Task: The source task was imported from a project.
40027 Cannot add entry: The task is a project summary task.
40028 Cannot move To Do entry: The entry was imported from a project.
40029 This file was created with an newer version of Timeless Time & Expense. It cannot be loaded with this version.
40032 Cannot delete task. There is a project task below it in the task hierarchy.
40033 Cannot move entry: The destination task is a project summary task.
41000 This version of Timeless Time & Expense is Unregistered. After a 30 day evaluation period, you are required to purchase and register Timeless Time & Expense if you continue to use it. \n\nAfter 30 days you will still be able to report on your existing Time and Expense entries but you will not be able to enter new ones.
41001 days remain on your Shareware evaluation period.
41002 Your Shareware evaluation has expired. Please register to regain full use of Timeless Time & Expense.
41003 Are you sure you want to delete the
41004 and all its sub tasks?
41005 Task has entries. Would you like to rollup all entries to the
41006 ?\n\nAnswering No will delete all entries.
41007 Are you sure you want to delete the report
41008 Are you sure you want to delete the selected Time Entry?
41009 Are you sure you want to delete the selected Expense Entry?
41010 Are you sure you want to delete the activity
41011 Are you sure you want to delete the expense type
41012 Are you sure you want to delete the payment method
41013 \n\nThe payment method for all expense entries using
41014 will become unassigned.
41015 \n\nThe activity for all time entries using
41016 \n\nThe expense type for all expense entries using
41017 Are you sure you want to delete the selected To Do Entry?
41018 This file was created with an older version of Timeless Time & Expense. Loading it will automatically convert it to the new format. Would you like to continue loading?
41019 Are you sure you want to delete the selected Time Entries?
41020 Are you sure you want to delete the selected Expense Entries?
41021 Are you sure you want to delete the selected To Do Entries?
41022 Are you sure you want to delete the selected reports?
41023 Unhandled Exception %1
41024 This expense item will always be used for mileage calculation even if you change the name.\n\nDo you still want to edit this expense type?
41025 Are you sure you want to delete the contact - %1?
41026 Are you sure you want to delete the project - %1?
41027 %1 has been deleted from project. Item moved to project parent.
41028 %1 is now a summary item and has entries. These entries will not be updated in the project.
41029 Imported Project Entry
41030 Updated %i of %i Tasks.
41031 Updated %i of %i Tasks.
41032 Updating Tasks from Project
41033 Updating Tasks in Project
41034 The unregistered version of Timeless Time & Expense is limited to updating only the first 10 items.
41035 This file appears to be a different one that was originally imported. Continue?
41036 The Project was not found in the previous location. Would you like to look for the file?
41037 This invoice is set to use the next invoice number, but it already has one. Would you like to replace the current invoice number with the next invoice number?
41038 Time Entries have previously been entered using the old rate information. Would you like to lock the rates on all time entries which are marked to use billing defaults?\n\nAnswering "No" will cause existing time entries marked to use billing defaults to use the newly entered rate.
41039 This project management interface requires Timeless Time & Expense to be registered.