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- Timeless Time & Expense 1.30 Registration Form/Invoice
- After ordering, you will receive your registration number to unlock
- Timeless Time & Expense by e-mail or postal mail. The registration
- number will eliminate all 'unregistered' messages as well as allow
- you to continue to use Timeless Time & Expense past the 30-day
- trial period.
- Ordering by check: To order by check send this order form and a
- check to MAG Softwrx, 2628 Stevens St, Madison WI, 53705 USA.
- Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or you can send
- international postal money orders in US dollars.
- Credit card ordering: For information on ordering by MasterCard,
- Visa, American Express, or Discover by phone, FAX, email, or
- postal mail, see the Credit Card Ordering section.
- Site licenses: A site license for Timeless Time & Expense entitles
- an organization to receive one copy of the distribution disks
- and to duplicate them for the specified number of copies.
- Be sure to verify order information on the MAG Softwrx website at
- http://www.magwsoftwrx.com before placing your order.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Timeless Time & Expense 1.30
- Please Type or Print Clearly.
- Single Copy ____ copies at $42.99 each = ______
- Site License
- 2 to 10 computers: ____ computers at $39.99 each = ______
- 11 to 99 computers: ____ computers at $36.99 each = ______
- 100+ computers: ____ computers at $33.99 each = ______
- [ ] Do not ship diskettes _FREE_
- [ ] Ship 3.5" disks inside the US at $4 per order ______
- [ ] Ship 3.5" disks outside the US at $6 per order ______
- Wisconsin residents add 5.5% sales tax + ______
- Total payment ______
- Prices guaranteed through June 1999.
- Name: ______________________ Date:___________
- Company: _______________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________
- City, State, Zip: _______________________________________
- Country: _______________________________________
- Day Phone: ______________ Eve: _________________
- Electronic Mail address: ________________________________
- How did you hear about Timeless Time & Expense?
- _________________________________________
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Timeless Time & Expense Credit Card Ordering Information:
- You can place secure credit card orders through PsL via the
- World Wide Web using the Order link on the MAG Softwrx home
- page at http://www.magsoftwrx.com.
- You may also place MasterCard, Visa, American Express and
- Discover orders through PsL.
- You can also call PsL at 800-242-4775 Ext. 15243 or
- 713-524-6394 Ext.15243 between the hours of 7:00 am and
- 6:00 pm CST Monday-Thursday and 7:00 am and 12:30 PM CST on
- Fridays, except holidays.
- You can reach PsL by fax to 1-713-524-6398 or Internet mail
- at 15243@pslweb.com.
- Credit card orders can be mailed to PsL at P.O. Box 35705,
- Houston, TX 77235 USA.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Timeless Time & Expense 1.30 - PsL #15243
- Please Type or Print Clearly.
- Single Copy ____ copies at $42.99 each = ______
- Site License
- 2 to 10 computers: ____ computers at $39.99 each = ______
- 11 to 99 computers: ____ computers at $36.99 each = ______
- 100+ computers: ____ computers at $33.99 each = ______
- [ ] Do not ship diskettes _FREE_
- [ ] Ship 3.5" disks inside the US at $4 per order ______
- [ ] Ship 3.5" disks outside the US at $6 per order ______
- Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax + ______
- Total payment ______
- Prices guaranteed through June 1999.
- Ship To: Name: ______________________ Date:___________
- Company: _______________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________
- City, State, Zip: _______________________________________
- Country: _______________________________________
- Day Phone: ______________ Eve: _________________
- Electronic Mail address: ________________________________
- Credit Card: [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA [ ] AMEX [ ] Discover
- Credit Card Number: _____________________________________
- Expiration Date: _____________________________________
- Name On Card: _____________________________________
- Billing Address: _____________________________________
- (if different
- from above) _____________________________________
- _____________________________________
- How did you hear about Timeless Time & Expense?
- _________________________________________
- *** MAG Softwrx CANNOT be reached at the numbers above. ****
- *** These numbers are for PsL, a credit card order taking ****
- *** service only. ****
- =============================================================
- Any questions about the status of the shipment of an order,
- refunds, registration options, product details, technical
- support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses,
- etc., must be directed to MAG Softwrx, 2628 Stevens St,
- Madison WI, 53705, USA or by Internet mail to
- support@magsoftwrx.com or sales@magsoftwrx.com.
- =============================================================