101 This attempt has failed. If this is a network installation, you may not have the right to update or create files within the application's directory. You should consult your network administrator for assistance.
102 This file can be easily loaded into any text editor and examined. However, to enable us to correct the problem, you should send the contents of the file to Fineware Systems.
103 In addition, please provide a narrative description of what you were doing, whether it can be repeated, and the steps necessary to recreate the error. The more detail you provide, the better our chances of correcting the problem. Thank you!
104 If this is not a network based install, you may have problems with your disk or file allocation tables. It may even be something as simple as running out of disk space.
105 is attempting to update it's error log.
106 The previous error has been written to a file called ERRORS.LOG which can be found within
107 Activate and display the window, Restore if already or minimized or maximized.
108 Activate the window in its current size and position.
109 Activate and maximize the window.
110 Activate and minimize the window.
111 Show the window in its current state, but do not activate it.
112 Show the window in its most recent size and position, but do not activate it.
113 Activate and display the window.
114 cannot be located. It may no longer exist.
115 occurred deleting file:
116 There is some problem that prevents printing. Some possible causes are:
117 You don't have a printer selected from the Windows Control Panel.
118 There is some problem that prevents the program from communicating with your printer. Some possible causes are:
119 Your printer is not online.
120 Your printer is jammed or out of paper.
121 You tried to print graphics to a printer than can accept only text.
122 You don't have a printer installed.
123 If you don't have a printer installed, select Cancel and you won't be asked about this again.