167 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed folder
168 Trouble reading the tips file
169 &Help
172 Current Image Information
211 Histogram
262 Horizontal Cylinder
263 Vertical Cylinder
264 Horizontal Perspective
265 Vertical Perspective
266 Pinch
267 Punch
381 Combine 4 greyscale images into one 24 bit image\nCombining
500 Edge Enhance
501 Edge Enhance More
502 Find Edges
503 Find Vertical Edges
504 Find Horizontal Edges
505 Trace Contour
506 Add Random Noise
507 Add Uniform Noise
508 Despeckle
509 Dilate
510 Emboss
511 Erode
512 Median
513 Mosaic
514 Hot Wax
515 Blur
516 Blur More
517 Soften
518 Soften More
519 Sharpen
520 Sharpen More
521 Gaussian Blur
522 Motion Blur
523 Unsharp Mask
550 Circle
551 Cylinder - Horizontal
552 Cylinder - Vertical
553 Pentagon
554 Perspective - Horizontal
555 Perspective - Vertical
556 Pinch
557 Punch
558 Skew
559 Wind
700 Tool Bar
705 Brush Palette
801 Airbrush
805 Paint Brush
809 Clone Brush
813 Eraser Brush
817 Flood Fill
821 Freehand Selection
825 Line Tool
829 Magic Wand
833 Shape Tool
837 Selections
841 Photo Retouching Brushes
845 Color Replacer
849 Zoom
853 Crop
857 Picture Tube
900 Change what the magic wand looks at to determine an edge\nMatch Mode
901 Change how different two pixels must be to be considered an edge\nTolerance
902 Change the style of the current brush\nType
903 Change the mode that the clone brush will operate in\nMode
904 Change the shape of the current brush\nShape
905 Change the size of the current brush\nSize
906 Change the current paper texture\nTexture
907 Change the opacity or transparency of the current brush\nOpacity
908 Change the opacity or strength of the clone brush\nOpacity
909 Change the size of the clone brush\nSize
910 Change the shape of the clone brush\nShape
911 Change the current selection type\nType
912 Change the current selection feathering factor\nFeather
913 The current zoom factor for this view\nZoom Factor
914 Change the fill style\nStyle
915 Change the match tolerance for the fill tool\nTolerance
916 Change the match requirements for the fill area\nMatch Mode
917 Change the shape of the eraser brush\nShape
918 Change the size of the eraser brush\nSize
919 Change the opacity or strength of the eraser brush\nOpacity
920 Change the opacity or strength of the effect\nOpacity
921 Change the shape of the effected area\nShape
922 Change the size of the effect brush\nSize
923 Change the type of retouch effect to be applied\nMode
924 Change the opacity of the air brush\nOpacity
928 Change the tolerance of the color replacer brush\nTolerance
929 Change the shape of the color replacer brush\nShape
930 Change the size of the color replacer brush\nSize
931 Change the options for the current fill style\nFill Options
932 Change the width of the outline for the current shape\nOutline Width
933 Change width of the line\nWidth
934 Change the size of the air brush "tip"\nSize
935 Change the shape of the air brush "tip"\nShape
936 Change the style of the current shape\nStyle
937 Picture Tube Scale\nScale
938 Picture Tube Scale\nScale
939 Change the type of line\nType
940 Crop the current selection\nCrop
941 Merge all layers while cloning\nMerge
942 Select the Picture Tube to draw\nTube
943 Change the opacity of the fill\nOpacity
944 Change Picture Tube options\nTube Options
945 Apply the deformation\nApply Deformation
946 Base the magic wand on the merged layers\nSample Merged
947 Cancel the deformation\nCancel Deformation
948 Toggle anti-aliasing along the edges of lines\nAntialias
949 Change type of selection\nType
950 Toggle anti-aliasing along the edges of a selection\nAntialias
951 Change object shape\nShape
1071 Brush Hardness (%d - %d%%)
1072 Brush Opacity (%d - %d%%)
1073 Brush Density (%d - %d%%)
1103 Brush Opacity (%d - %d%%)
1104 Brush Density (%d - %d%%)
1179 The current maximum, minimum, and average histogram values\nHistogram Statistics
1180 Enable / Disable the Luminance Channel Display\nLuminance Channel
1243 Load Brush
1244 Save Brush
1245 Brush Size (%d - %d Pixels)
1246 Brush Hardness (%d - %d%%)
1247 Brush Size (%d - %d Pixels)
1252 Brush Shape
1256 Brush Step (%d - %d%%)
1257 Brush Step (%d - %d%%)
1259 Brush Options
1352 Blend Channel
1454 The file "%s" does not exist or cannot be read. Please check the file name and access privileges.
1455 The browse module cannot be loaded.
1457 The plug-in module failed to start.
1459 No effects can be performed on this type of image.
1460 This application is unable to write to its INI file and cannot continue.\nPlease check file access privileges in your program folder or Windows folder.
1461 &Save Ctrl+S
1462 Save &As... F12
1463 &Update
1464 Save Copy &As... F12
1465 &Close
1466 &Close and Return to
1467 This tool can only be used on 24 bit color or greyscale images.
1468 This tool can only be used when undo is turned on.
1469 You must specify a clone source by right-clicking or clicking on the image with the shift key down before you can use the clone brush.
1470 The clone source is no longer 24 bit color or greyscale. Please select a new clone source.
1471 &Restore
1472 Sub Type:
1473 The clone source and destination images are not the same type. Please select a new clone source.
1476 &Close Ctrl+F4
1477 &Image Information
1478 Yes
1479 No
1480 Disabled
1481 In Memory
1482 On Disk
1483 Image can be saved to this format.
1484 Image cannot be saved to this format.
1485 MBytes
1486 KBytes
1487 Bytes
1488 Memory Required:
1490 The plug-in module returned an undefined error. (%i)
1491 Loading Plug-in Filters
1492 Installing
1493 Applying %s
1494 There was not enough memory or disk space to update the undo buffer. Would you like to discard your previous undo history and try again?
1495 Filling Area
1496 Rendering Text
1497 Pasting
1498 Rectangle
1499 Oval
1500 Polygon
1501 Execute an external plug-in filter. Press CTRL to display about box for plug-in.
1502 There are no other windows open to merge from.
1503 Creating mask channel
1504 mask
1505 This Window
1506 Cutting
1507 Clearing
1508 Copying
1509 Equalizing Histogram
1510 Stretching Histogram
1511 Lose all changes since your last save?
1512 The current image has a different size than the undo buffer.\nYou cannot use the eraser brush at this time.
1513 The current image has a different pixel depth than the undo buffer.\nYou cannot use the eraser brush at this time.
1514 There is nothing to undo. You cannot use the eraser brush at this time.
1515 The selected plug-in filter does not support the current image format.
1516 Non Continuous
1517 Continuous
1518 Stepped
1519 Veloc. Sensitive
1520 Plug-in &Import
1521 Reading
1522 Saving
1523 An error occured. File was not converted.
1524 Unknown format. File skipped.
1525 Batch conversion started.
1526 User abort. Processing halted.
1527 ..OK.
1528 User pressed ESC. File skipped.
1529 Output file exists. Not overwriting.
1530 Output file exists. Overwriting.
1531 &Close
1532 Batch conversion complete.
1533 Double-click on the color you wish to edit
1534 Click on the color to select or double-click to edit
1535 Log File|*.log|All Files|*.*||
1536 File(s) successfully converted.
1537 Paint Shop Pro will only work on 256 color or better displays. Please increase the color depth of your display system.
1538 Plug-in &Export
1539 Necessary size / BPP conversion could not be completed.
1540 See the help contents item "16 Color Displays" for more information.\nWould you like this message displayed in the future?
1541 Error creating temporary file
1542 You cannot edit the palette of a 2 color image
1543 There is no default printer installed.
1544 P&lug-in Filters
1545 Export
1546 Decrease Color Depth-64K Colors
1548 Applying mask channel
1549 Inserting Selection
1550 Printing
1551 Paint Shop Pro is processing an image, please wait.\nOr, go back to Paint Shop Pro and press Esc to abort the operation.
1552 Resample
1553 Resampling
1557 PAL - Jasc Palette|*.pal|PAL - Microsoft Palette|*.pal||
1558 Batch Conversion Status (File %i of %i)
1559 The requested function is in use by another program. Would you like to wait?
1560 Applying Deformation
1561 This action will cause you to lose your image mask. Is this OK?
1563 General
1564 Loading
1565 Saving
1566 Misc
1950 Palette Order
1951 Luminance
1952 Hue
1960 Image:
1961 Free:
1962 Press ESC to abort
1963 Million
1966 Decreasing Color Depth
1979 Unable to use this printer.
1980 Unable to load the printer driver.
1981 The default printer driver is invalid. Use Control Panel or Printer Setup to select a valid printer driver.
1982 Unable to print the image.
1983 Unable to delete the file.
1984 Unable to open the data file.
1985 Are you sure you want to delete
1986 Unable to create the new file.
1987 Unable to open the file.
1988 This filename is in use. Do you want to overwrite the existing file?
1989 The filename "%s" is in use. Do you wish to overwrite this file?
1991 An error has occurred while trying to read from the file.
1992 An error has occurred while trying to write to the file.
1993 Clipboard in use, unable to empty.
1994 Unable to get the image.
1995 That tool may only be used during Normal Viewing.
1996 Clipboard in use, unable to copy.
1997 Decreasing the number of colors failed.
1998 Inverting the image's colors failed.
1999 The maximum number of images you can have open at one time is 30.
2000 Division Factor cannot be 0.
2001 There is no filter to delete.
2002 The input and output directories must be different.
2003 Not enough memory, close one or more applications and try again.
2004 The following error occurred while attempting to restore the undo information from disk.\n%s
2005 Resizing the image failed.
2006 Padding the image failed.
2007 An error occurred while trying to save the undo image.
2008 The marked area you defined has a width or height less than 5. Do you want this area marked?
2009 Applying Filter
2010 Applying Palette
2011 Bitmap
2012 Byte Header
2013 Cancel
2015 Define New Filter
2016 Are you sure you want to delete this filter?
2017 This object has been changed.\nUpdate
2018 before proceeding?
2019 Fax Group 3
2020 Fax Group 4
2021 The filter must have a name.
2022 Has a Header
2023 You must first highlight a file.
2025 Interlaced
2026 Would you like to invert the colors?
2027 Marking -
2028 Million
2029 No Header
2030 Non-interlaced
2032 Unable to update the client document.
2033 New-
2035 At least one of the color components must be selected.
2036 You must first highlight the filter to be edited.
2037 Picture in
2038 Rotating
2039 Run Length
2040 Save changes to
2041 ?
2042 Save Palette As
2043 Standard
2044 Standard IMG
2046 Type
2047 The number of unique colors in this layer is %lu.
2048 Unknown
2049 The format of this file is unknown.
2050 The file format of
2051 is unknown.
2052 Would you like to update the client document before severing the connection?
2053 Untitled
2054 The text will not fit on the image.
2055 Rendering object
2056 The object in the clipboard is larger than the current image.
2057 Not enough memory for undo buffer.
2058 Binary
2059 Ascii
2061 16 Million
2062 K
2063 M
2064 Registering Formats
2065 No Transparent Index
2066 Transparent Index
2067 Comp. Level:
2069 &Start
2070 R
2071 G
2072 B
2073 H
2074 S
2075 L
2076 O
2077 Error: The printer driver did not accept the image. Please check that you have adequate free space on your temporary drive. If you do then please contact the printer manufacturer for an updated printer driver.
2078 ░
3100 Colors
4000 Layer Name
4100 Layer Visibility Toggle
4200 Protect Transparency Toggle
4300 Layer Group Toggle
4400 Layer Opacity (0 - 100%)
4500 Layer Blend Mode
4600 Enable Layer Mask Toggle
4700 Link Mask Toggle
4900 Add New Layer
5000 Delete Layer
5100 Left or right-click in this area to pick a color\nColor Picker
5101 Click on one of the colors to change the current color set\nCurrent Colors
5102 Indicates the red value (0..255) of the current color\nRed Value
5103 Indicates the green value (0..255) of the current color\nGreen Value
5104 Indicates the blue value (0..255) of the current color\nBlue Value
5108 Shows the color under the dropper tool\nDropper Color
8000 None
8001 The extension %s is defined for this format
8002 The extension %s is used by another format: %s.
8050 Unknown
8051 None
8545 Decrease Color Depth-32K Colors
8547 Decreasing Color Depth
8555 Resizing
8964 Adjusting for Color Boost
8965 Building Color Map
8967 Building Histogram
8979 Increasing Color Depth
10001 Left-click to bring image forward, left-click and drag to move the visible image area\nArrow
10002 Zoom in or out on the image (left-click to zoom in or right-click to zoom out on the image)\nZoom
10003 rotate, resize, skew, or distort the current layer\nDeformation
10004 Click and drag to select an area to crop, then double-click to crop\nCrop
10005 Left-click to move the layer position; right-click to move the current selection\nMover
10006 Define a geometric selection area (Use the SHIFT key to add to a selection, or use the CTRL key to remove from the selection)\nSelection
10007 Define a freehand selection area (Use the SHIFT key to add to a selection, or use the CTRL key to remove from the selection)\nFreehand
10008 Select similar regions of the image (Use the SHIFT key to add to a selection, or use the CTRL key to remove from the selection)\nMagic Wand
10009 Pick up a color from the image (left-click for foreground color, right-click for background color)\nDropper
10010 Draw on image using various styles of paint brushes\nPaint Brushes
10011 Copy part of an image to another area on the same image, or to another image.\nClone Brush
10012 Replaces one color in the image with another (double-clicking will automatically replace the color throughout the entire image)\nColor Replacer
10013 Draw on image using various photo retouching tools\nRetouch
10014 Erase parts of the image\nEraser
10015 Draw a set of images as you move the brush\nPicture Tube
10016 Draw on the image using an airbrush\nAirbrush
10017 Fill an area of the image\nFlood Fill
10018 Add text to the image\nText
10019 Draw a line on the image (Use SHIFT to constrain the line and/or ALT for polyline)\nLine
10020 Draw shapes on the image\nShapes
15000 Load Selection Area
15001 Save Selection Area
15002 The dimensions of the current image are too small to allow the selection to be placed at its original location.\nDo you wish to place the selection at the upper-left of your image instead?
15003 Flipping Image
15004 Mirroring Image
15005 Adding Border
15006 Adjusting Color
15007 Save Mask Channel
15008 Load Mask Channel
15009 This is not a valid mask file
15010 Width: %i Height: %i
15011 Unavailable
15012 %i Bits Per Pixel (%s Colors)
15013 1 Bit Per Pixel (2 Colors)
15014 Please enter a valid file name
15015 Max: %i (%i%%) Min: %i Avg: %i
15016 Select Folder
15017 Select
15018 Version
15019 Batch Conversion
15020 H&ue:
15021 &Saturation:
15022 Your selection is too close to the edge of the image to complete this operation. Please move your selection farther away from the image's edge.
15023 Log - Log File|*.log||\n
15024 PAL - Palette File|*.pal||
15025 Floating
15026 You have moved the floating selection completely outside the image area. Do you wish to have the floating selection deleted?
15062 Paint Shop Pro version 5 cannot run under the current operating system.\nPaint Shop Pro 5 requires a minimum of Windows 95 or Windows NT version 4.0. Please contact Jasc Software, Inc. for a version compatible with your current operating system.
15063 The plug-in module made an invalid request to Paint Shop Pro. The plug-in module will be terminated.
15064 OEM ID: %u
15065 Processors %u
15066 Processor Type %u
15075 MMX Support %s
15076 Hardware Configuration:
15077 Total Managed Memory %lu%s
15078 Total Handles: %lu
15079 File Map Threshold: %lu%s
15090 %sPlugins
15100 %sImages
15101 %s - [ACQUIRING]
32771 View the image normally, with no zoom factor\nNormal Viewing
32772 Zoom in x2 (Increase the apparent size by 2x)\nZoom in x2
32773 Zoom in x3 (Increase the apparent size by 3x)\nZoom in x3
32774 Zoom in x4 (Increase the apparent size by 4x)\nZoom in x4
32775 Zoom in x5 (Increase the apparent size by 5x)\nZoom in x5
32776 Zoom in x6 (Increase the apparent size by 6x)\nZoom in x6
32777 Zoom in x7 (Increase the apparent size by 7x)\nZoom in x7
32778 Zoom in x8 (Increase the apparent size by 8x)\nZoom in x8
32779 Zoom in x9 (Increase the apparent size by 9x)\nZoom in x9
32780 Zoom in x10 (Increase the apparent size by 10x)\nZoom in x10
32781 Zoom in x11 (Increase the apparent size by 11x)\nZoom in x11
32782 Zoom in x12(Increase the apparent size by 12x)\nZoom in x12
32783 Zoom in x13 (Increase the apparent size by 13x)\nZoom in x13
32784 Zoom in x14 (Increase the apparent size by 14x)\nZoom in x14
32785 Zoom in x15 (Increase the apparent size by 15x)\nZoom in x15
32786 Zoom in x16 (Increase the apparent size by 16x)\nZoom in x16
32787 Zoom out x2 (Decrease the apparent size by 2x)\nZoom out x2
32788 Zoom out x3 (Decrease the apparent size by 3x)\nZoom out x3
32789 Zoom out x4 (Decrease the apparent size by 4x)\nZoom out x4
32790 Zoom out x5 (Decrease the apparent size by 5x)\nZoom out x5
32791 Zoom out x6 (Decrease the apparent size by 6x)\nZoom out x6
32792 Zoom out x7 (Decrease the apparent size by 7x)\nZoom out x7
32793 Zoom out x8 (Decrease the apparent size by 8x)\nZoom out x8
32794 Zoom out x9 (Decrease the apparent size by 9x)\nZoom out x9
32795 Zoom out x10 (Decrease the apparent size by 10x)\nZoom out x10
32796 Zoom out x11 (Decrease the apparent size by 11x)\nZoom out x11
32797 Zoom out x12 (Decrease the apparent size by 12x)\nZoom out x12
32798 Zoom out x13 (Decrease the apparent size by 13x)\nZoom out x13
32799 Zoom out x14 (Decrease the apparent size by 14x)\nZoom out x14
32800 Zoom out x15 (Decrease the apparent size by 15x)\nZoom out x15
32801 Zoom out x16 (Decrease the apparent size by 16x)\nZoom out x16
32804 Preferences\nPreferences
32805 Change settings that affect the programs operation\nGeneral Program Preferences
32806 Changes how the program loads and saves various format specific information\nChanges format specific options
32808 Browse through images on disk\nBrowse
32809 Lose current changes and reload image\nRevert
32810 Convert numerous files at one time\nBatch Conversion
32811 Clear the image or selected area and replace with the background color\nClear
32812 Empty the data in the clipboard, freeing up memory\nEmpty Clipboard
32813 Paste data from clipboard as new image\nPaste as new image
32814 Paste data from clipboard into the current image\nPaste as new selection
32815 Paste data from clipboard into the selected area\nPaste into selection
32816 Edit the current document using all available screen space\nEdit full screen
32818 Paste data from clipboard into the current image\nPaste As New Selection
32819 Paste data from clipboard into the selected area\nPaste Into Selection
32820 Empty the data in the clipboard, freeing up memory\nEmpty Clipboard
32821 Enable or disable the grid on the image\nDisplay Grid
32822 Show or hide the histogram window\nToggle Histogram Window
32824 Show or hide the painting tools\nToggle
32825 Show or hide the selection tools\nToggle Select Toolbox
32826 Show or hide the tool control panel\nToggle Tool Control Panel
32900 Colorize the image\nColorize
32901 Reverse the colors/brightness of the image\nNegative Image
32902 Reduce the number of channels in image\nPosterize
32903 Invert all colors over a certain threshold\nSolarize
32904 Edit the palette for the current image\nEdit Palette
32905 Load a palette from disk and apply to the current image\nLoad Palette
32906 Save the current palette from image to disk\nSave Palette
32907 Count the number of unique colors used in this layer\nCount Colors
32908 Adjust the brightness and/or contrast\nBrightness/Contrast
32909 Adjust the brightness of the highlights and shadows\nAdjust Highlights/Shadows
32910 Adjust the hue, saturation and/or lightness\nAdjust Hue/Saturation/Lightness
32911 Adjust the red, green, and/or blue\nAdjust RGB
32912 Apply gamma correction to the image\nGamma Correction
32913 Equalizes the relative brightness of the current image\nEqualize Relative Brightness
32915 Stretch the contrast of the current image so that all possible values are used\nStretch Contrast
32916 Decrease the number of colors to 2\nDecrease Colors to 2
32917 Decrease the number of colors to 16\nDecrease Colors to 16
32918 Decrease the number of colors to 256\nDecrease Colors to 256
32919 Decrease the number of colors to 32K\nDecrease Colors to 32K
32920 Decrease the number of colors to 64K\nDecrease Colors to 64K
32921 Decrease the number colors to a value you select\nDecrease Colors to X
32922 Increase the number of colors to 16\nIncrease Colors to 16
32923 Change the hue of a selected range of colors\nHue Map
32924 Increase the number of colors to 256\nIncrease Colors to 256
33000 Flip the image from top to bottom\nFlip Image
33001 Mirror the image from left to right\nMirror Image
33005 Add a border to the image\nAdd Border
33006 High quality image resize\nResample
33007 Browse through the different filters available\nFilter Browser
33008 Apply, create or edit a user defined filter\nUser Defined Filters
33009 Toggle the mask edit / image edit mode\nMask Edit
33010 Enhance the edges in the image\nEdge Enhance Filter
33011 Strongly enhance the edges in the image\nEdge Enhance More Filter
33012 Enhance high contrast edges in the image\nFind Edges Filter
33013 Enhance horizontal edges in the image\nFind Horizontal Edges Filter
33014 Enhance vertical edges in the image\nFind Vertical Edges Filter
33015 Trace the contours in the image\nTrace Contour Filter
33016 Blur the image\nBlur Filter
33017 Heavily blur the image\nBlur More Filter
33018 Sharpen the image\nSharpen Filter
33019 Sharpen the image\nSharpen Filter
33020 Heavily sharpen the image\nSharpen More Filter
33021 Soften the image\nSoften Filter
33022 Heavily soften the image\nSoften More Filter
33023 Add noise to the image\nAdd Noise Filter
33024 Remove spots in the image\nDespeckle Filter
33025 Enhance the light areas of the image\nDilate Filter
33026 Emboss the image\nEmboss Filter
33027 Enhances the dark areas of the image\nErode Filter
33028 Apply a median cut filter to the image\nMedian Cut Filter
33029 Apply a mosaic effect to the image\nMosaic Filter
33030 Apply a motion blur effect to the image\nMotion Blur Deformation
33031 Apply a wind-blur effect to the image\nWind Deformation
33032 Add a mask to the current image\nAdd Mask
33033 Remove the mask from this image\nRemove Mask
33034 Browse the different deformations available\nDeformation Browser
33035 Apply a pinch effect to the image\nPinch Deformation
33036 Apply a punch effect to the image\nPunch Deformation
33037 Apply a horizontal cylinder effect to the image\nCylinder-Horizontal Deformation
33038 Apply a vertical cylinder effect to the image\nCylinder-Vertical Deformation
33039 Apply a circle effect to the image\nCircle Deformation
33040 Apply a pentagon effect to the image\nPentagon Deformation
33041 Skew the image\nSkew Deformation
33042 Apply a special sharpen filter to the image\nUnsharp Mask Filter
33043 Apply a horizontal perspective effect to the image\nHorizontal Perspective Deformation
33044 Apply a vertical perspective effect to the image\nVertical Perspective Deformation
33045 Drop a shadow below the current selection\nDrop Shadow
33047 "Cut" the current selection out of the image\nCutout
33048 Make the current image or selection look like a push button\nButtonize
33049 Create a coated effect over the image\nWax coating
33050 Create a chiseled effect around the current selection\nChisel
33051 Apply a variable size Gaussian blur\nGaussian Blur
33052 Crop the image, leaving only the selected area\nCrop
33100 Create a rectangular area suitable for seamless tiles\nSeamless Tile
33101 Change the size of the image\nResize
33102 Change the size of the drawing "canvas" while leaving the current image contents alone\nCanvas Size
33103 Increase the number of colors to 16 million (24 bit)\nIncrease Colors to 16 million
33104 Remove the color information from the image\nGrey Scale
33106 Capture a defined area\nCapture Defined Area
33107 Capture the full screen\nCapture Full Screen
33108 Rotate the image\nRotate Image
33109 Capture the client area of a window\nCapture Client Area
33110 Capture a window\nCapture Window
33111 Capture a specific window object\nCapture Object
33112 Include the cursor when performing a capture\nInclude Cursor During Capture
33113 Setup the hot key to be used for capturing\nHot Key Setup
33114 Close all of the images on the screen\nClose All Images
33115 Duplicate the current image\nDuplicate Image
33116 Fit the window to the image\nFit Window To Image
33117 Display the help contents page for Paint Shop Pro\nHelp Contents
33118 Search the help system for a particular word or phrase\nSearch Help
33119 Display instructions on using the Windows Help System\Windows Help System
33120 Display instructions on using the Windows Help System\nWindows Help System
33121 Change how the program saves various format specific information\nFile Format Preferences
33122 Disable the undo feature\nDisable the Undo
33123 The Undo memory will be written to disk\nUndo Written to Disk
33125 Delete the image file from the disk\nDelete Image from Disk
33126 Acquire an image from a TWAIN compliant device\nAcquire Image
33127 Select TWAIN source\nSelect TWAIN Source
33128 View the image through the current mask\nMasked Image
33129 Show or hide the tool palette\nToggle Tool Palette
33130 Show or hide the control palette\nToggle Control Palette
33131 Show or hide the color palette\nToggle Color Palette
33133 Switch to or from mask edit mode\nEdit Mask Mode
33134 Delete the current mask channel attached to the image\nDelete
33135 Select the entire image\nSelect All
33136 Invert the current selection area\nInvert Selection
33137 Load a selection from disk\nLoad Selection
33138 Save a selection to disk\nSave Selection
33202 Setup the parameters for a capture\nCapture Setup
33203 Start a capture\nStart Capture
33204 Remove the current selection\nSelect None
33205 Feather the existing selection\nFeather Selection
33206 Convert the current regular selection into a floating selection\nFloat Selection
33207 Place the current floating selection into the image\nDefloat
33208 Paste data in clipboard into a new image\nPaste as New Image
33210 Remove Black areas around selection\nRemove Black
33211 Remove white matte\nRemove White
33212 Set a color range to be considered transparent in the selection\nSet Transparent
33213 Create a new empty (blank) mask channel for this image\nCreate Empty
33214 Create a new mask from a loaded image\nMask from Image
33215 Make a mask that hides everything but the selection\nMask from selection
33216 Load a mask from disk\nLoad
33217 Save the mask image to disk\nSave Mask
33218 Invert the current mask\nInvert
33223 Display batch processing options
33224 Invalid or corrupted batch processing file
33225 Define a pattern for filling and tiling\nDefine Pattern
33227 Define the current selection as a pattern for filling or tiling\nDefine Pattern
33242 View details about the current image\nImage Information
33250 Customize the toolbar\nCustomize Toolbar
33254 Displays a Tip of the Day.
33258 View the current document full screen (Press <ESC> to exit preview mode)\nFull Screen Preview
33259 Paste the clipboard contents into the existing image with the background color transparent
33260 Paste data from clipboard into the current image using the background color as transparent\nPaste As Transparent Selection
33261 The plug-in filter are currently loading
33262 Execute the Jasc Software Image Robot application
33300 Changes to a different folder\nNew Folder
33301 Close the browser window\nClose
33302 Sort the file\nSort
33303 Select thumbnails based upon a given criteria\nSelect
33304 Update the thumbnails, delete unreferenced thumbnails, and add new thumbnails\nUpdate
33305 Find a file name\nFind
33306 Repeat the last find\nRepeat
33307 Copy the file to a new location on the disk\nCopy
33308 Delete the thumbnail and delete its file from the disk\nDelete
33309 Move the file to a new location on the disk\nMove
33310 Rename the image file\nRename
33311 View information about the image file\nInfo
33312 Open current thumbnail for viewing/editing\nOpen
33313 Resize the browser window to fit the current thumbnail size\nFit
33314 Combine images via arithmetic operations\nArithmetic
33315 Split a 24 bit image into its red, green, and blue components\nSplitting
33316 Combine 3 greyscale images into one 24 bit image\nCombining
33317 (Loading Plug-ins...)
33318 The plug-in filters are currently loading in the background. Please wait until loading is complete at which time the plug-in menu items will appear.
33319 &Purchasing
33320 You are missing the Paint Shop Pro help system and order forms. If reinstalling Paint Shop Pro does not correct the problem, please contact Jasc Software or your local distributor for a complete version.
33530 Create a new selection from the current mask channel\nSelection From Mask
33531 Add a new layer to your image\nNew Layer
33532 Delete the current layer from your image\nDelete Layer
33533 Duplicate the current layer\nDuplicate Layer
33534 Merge all the layers into one\nMerge Layers
33535 Edit this layer\nEdit Layer
33568 Changes file associations and extensions\nAssociations and extensions
33569 Show or hide the brush palette\nToggle Brush Palette
33570 View and optionally undo multiple changes to the image\nUndo History
33571 Refresh the drive and directory tree listing in the left pane
33572 Free any memory or disk space used by the Undo command\nEmpty Undo
33576 View or modify the current layer's properties\nLayer Properties
33577 View only the current layer\nView Exclusive
33578 View all layers\nView All
33579 Bring the current layer to the top\nBring to top
33580 Move the current layer down one spot\nMove Down
33581 Bring the current layer one step forward\nBring forward
33582 Send the current layer to the bottom\nSend to Bottom
33583 Move the current layer up one spot layer\nMove Up
33584 Show or hide the layer window\nToggle Layer Window
33585 Copy the current merged selection to the clipboard\nCopy Merged
33599 Make a mask that shows everything but the selection\nMask from selection
33600 Make a new mask that obscures the entire layer New Mask
33601 Make a new mask that shows the entire layer New Mask
33602 Promote a floating selection to a new layer\nPromote Selection
33603 Display or hide the image window rulers\nToggle Rulers
33604 Hide or show the various Paint Shop Pro tool bars and windows\nToolBars&Windows
33607 Access the Kodak digital Camera\nAccess Camera
33608 Change settings for a Kodak digitial camera\nCamera Settings
33610 Fill transparent areas of DIB with background color
33611 Fill transparent area of DIB with background color
33613 Show or hide the brush tip palette\nToggle Brush Palette
33614 Show or hide the layer palette\nToggle Layer Palette
33616 Reset the all layer blend ranges to the default values.
33617 Paste the clipboard contents into the current document as a new layer\nPaste as New Layer
33623 Merge this layer with all the ones in front of it into one layer\nMerge Forward
33627 Load a selection from an Alpha Channel attached to this image\nLoad Selection
33628 Save the current selection to an Alpha Channel attached to this image\nSave Selection
33629 Load a layer mask from an alpha channel\nLoad Mask
33630 Save the current layer mask to an alpha channel\nSave Mask
33632 Remove a black matte from the current selection\nRemove Matte
33633 Remove a white matte from the current selection\nRemove Matte
33634 Select similar areas \nSelect Similar
33635 Expand selection\nGrow Selection
33637 Split a 24 bit image into its hue, saturation, and lightness components\nSplitting
33638 Combine 3 greyscale images into one 24 bit image\nCombining
33639 Combine 3 greyscale images into one 24 bit image\nCombining
33640 Defringes a selection\nDefringe selection
33641 Remove a flat fringe color from the current selection\nDefringe Selection
33642 Split a 24 bit image into cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components\nSplitting CMYK
33643 Change settings that affect the RGB to CMYK conversion\nCMYK Conversion Preferences
33644 Keep the selection marquee from appearing on the image\nHide Marquee
33645 Expand the current selection\nExpand Selection
33646 Contract the current selection\nContract Selection
33647 Remove a flat fringe color from the current layer\nDefringe Layer
33648 Remove a black matte from the current layer\nRemove Matte
33649 Remove a white matte from the current layer\nRemove Matte
33651 Merge all the visible layers into one\nMerge Visible
33660 Launch your Internet browser and connect to Jasc Software's WWW page
33661 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the Paint Shop Pro help page
33664 Combine 4 greyscale images into one 24 bit image\nCombining
33665 Promote a floating selection to a new layer
33666 Place the current floating selection into the image
33669 Save the image as a Picture Tube\nExport as a Picture Tube
33671 Launch your Internet browser and check for updated versions of Paint Shop Pro
33674 Check or adjust the monitor's gamma setting
33675 Configure the color management options
33676 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the Paint Shop Pro Designer Studio page
33677 Launch email system to send mail to technical support
33684 Set one of the palette colors to transparent\nSet Transparency
33685 View the background through the transparent color\nView Transparency
33686 Set one of the palette colors to transparent\nSet Transparency
33687 View the background through the transparent color\nView Transparency
33688 Execute the Jasc Software Animation Shop application
33740 View/Hide the Color Palette
33741 View/Hide the Control Palette
33742 View/Hide the Histogram Window
33743 View/Hide the Layer Palette
33744 View/Hide the Status Bar
33745 View/Hide the Tool Bar
33746 View/Hide the Tool Palette
33747 Customize the Tool Bar
34000 Add a new layer to your image\nAdd New Layer
34001 Duplicate the current layer
34002 Delete the current layer from your image
34003 View or modify the current layer's properties
34004 Merge all the visible layers into one\nMerge Visible
34005 Merge all the layers in the current document into one layer\nMerge
34006 View only the current layer\nView Exclusive
34007 View all layers\nView All
34008 Promote a floating selection to a new layer\nPromote to Layer
34009 Place the current floating selection into the image
40100 Execute this external plug-in filter
57344 Paint Shop Pro 5
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new image\nNew
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close this image\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the page layout settings\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57610 Update the container to show any changes\nUpdate
57611 Save a copy of the active document with a new name\nSave Copy
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Clear the selection or image\nClear
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection from the current layer and put it into the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut out the selection and put it into the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
57649 Arrange the icons on the screen\nArrange Icons
57650 Cascade the images on the screen\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display general information about Paint Shop Pro\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Display the help contents page for Paint Shop Pro\nHelp Contents
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59143 Press ESC to Abort
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle Toolbar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61215 Activate this window
61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview
63000 Brightness/Contrast
63001 % &Brightness:
63002 % &Contrast:
63003 Highlight/Midtone/Shadow
63004 % H&ighlight:
63005 % &Midtone:
63006 % &Shadow:
63007 Hue/Saturation/Lightness
63009 % H&ue:
63011 % &Saturation:
63013 % &Lightness:
63014 Red/Green/Blue
63015 % &Red:
63016 % &Green:
63017 % &Blue:
63018 Colorize
63019 Posterize
63020 &Bits Per Channel:
63021 Solarize
63022 &Threshold:
63023 Increasing the color depth
63024 Load Palette
63025 Applying Drop Shadow
63026 Gradient / pattern fills can only be performed on 24 bit or greyscale images.
63027 You must define a pattern using the control palette's "options" button before using this fill style.
63028 You already have a mask channel. Do you wish to replace your current mask with a new one?
63029 Rendering Text
63030 Computing Destination
63031 Output size: %d x %d
63032 Resampling Input
63033 Converting Image #1
63034 Converting Image #2
63035 Splitting
63036 Combining
63037 Channel combining can only be done when all of the source images you select are of the same height and width.
63038 In order to use this function there must be at least one greyscale image currently open .
63039 Red
63040 Green
63041 Blue
63042 Cyan
63043 Magenta
63044 Yellow
63045 Black
63100 DC_NoErr
63101 A bad argument was passed to the camera driver
63102 Can not close the camera driver, as camera was not first closed.
63103 No camera can be found.
63104 This operation can only be completed when there are no pictures in the camera. Please delete all the pictures before performing this operation.
63105 This function is not supported by the attached camera.
63106 User cancelled operation.
63107 This operation requres a memory card to be installed in the camera, and no card could be found.
63108 Error communicating with the camera. Check connections and try again.
63109 This function is not supported by the current camera driver.
63110 An error occurred while processing the image.
63111 The camera is not compatible with the firmware being downloaded. Please check the camera driver for compatibility.
63112 Could not allocate enough memory for operation. Please free memory and try again.
63113 The camera memory is too full to complete the operation. Please delete some images or increase the available memory in the camera before trying again.
63114 The camera or driver was not properly opened.
63115 The operation could not be completed because the camera is in ROM mode.
63116 The camera could not be opened because it is allready opened by another process.
63117 The operation could not be completed because the camera was not in ROM mode.
63118 DC_ROMModeOpen
63119 This version of camera driver is not compatible with the current camera SDK. Please reinstall this software.
63120 The camera driver can not be loaded. Please check the installation and try again.
63121 System error.
63123 The camera driver does not support the currently connected camera. Please check for a newer version.
63125 The picture could not be taken because the album is full.
63133 Unknown error.
63500 Unable to delete the original file.
63501 Unable to locate the file jcd.dat. Please reinstall this application.
63502 An error occurred while renaming the file.
63503 Copy To
63504 Move To
63505 Deleting File(s)
63506 Moving File(s)
63507 Copying File(s)
63508 Are you sure you want to delete all the files associated with the selected thumbnails?
63509 Scanning for new files...
63511 Updating the Thumbnails...
63512 Browse -
63513 Thumbnail Sort
63514 Thumbnail:
63515 %u x %u x %s - (%u of %u)
63516 %u out of %u selected
63517 Reading File
63518 Saving File
63519 Are you sure you want to send '%s' to the Recycle Bin?
63520 Are you sure you want to send all the files associated with the selected thumbnails to the Recycle Bin?
63521 No thumbnails matched your selection criteria.
63522 Unable to find a match for the specified search text.
63523 Unable to find another match for the specified search text.
63524 View information about the image file
63525 Open current thumbnail for viewing/editing
63526 Page %u
63527 Creating a seamless pattern
63528 Buttonizing the image
63529 Applying a wax coating
63530 Applying Cutout
63531 Filter must have one or more non-zero values
63532 Current pattern
63533 A pattern must be selected
63534 Invalid value: must be between %ld and %ld
63535 Image Size: %d x %d
63536 Current Size: %d x %d (%.3f)
63537 The following error occurred while attempting to write the undo information to disk:\n%s
63538 &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
63539 Unavailable
63542 PaintBrush
63543 Replacer Brush
63544 Clone Brush
63545 Retouch Brush
63546 Shapes Tool
63547 Line Tool
63548 Flood Fill
63549 Air Brush
63550 Text Tool
63551 Modify Selection
63552 Paste
63553 Background
63554 Layer &%i - "%s" Ctrl+%i
63555 Layer%i
63556 There was not enough memory or disk space to save the undo information. Undo will be disabled for this session. Try changing the storage method under File/Preferences/General/Undo, freeing up memory, freeing up disk space, or disabling undo.
63557 Delete Selection
63558 New Selection
63559 Float+Move Selection
63560 Move Selection
63561 Defloat+Delete Selection
63562 Copy of %s
63564 is not accessible\n
63565 This function can only be perfomed on an image with a single layer. The current image has multiple layers which must be merged before the function can be applied. Would you like to merge the layers and proceed with this process?
63566 This operation could not be completed because the current layer does not contain any active data within the current selection area.
63567 Move Layer Position
63568 Change Layer Order
63569 Cropping
63570 Merging Layers
63571 Last: %d,%d x %d,%d - %d x %d
63572 You have placed a large amount of data in the clipboard. This data may take up quite a bit of memory and could degrade system performance if left on the clipboard. Would you like to leave this data on the clipboard so that it will be available to other applications?
63600 The floating selection must be defloated before you can crop the image. Would you like the floating selection defloated now?
63601 Layer View
63602 Layer Group
63603 Select Area
63604 Crop Area
63605 Starting Download
63606 Starting Decompression
63607 Ending Decompression
63608 Ending Download
63609 Decompressing Image
63610 Downloading Image
63611 Getting Thumbnails
63612 , Press Cancel to abort...
63613 The atttached camera does not support this operation
63614 You must first select an area to crop by left-clicking in the document and dragging out a rectangle encompassing the area of interest.
63615 Lighten Brush
63616 Darken Brush
63617 Soften Brush
63618 Sharpen Brush
63619 Emboss Brush
63620 Dodge Brush
63621 Burn Brush
63622 Increase Saturation Brush
63623 Decrease Saturation Brush
63624 Smudge Brush
63625 Eraser Brush
63626 Protect Transparency
63627 Floating Selection
63628 Adjusting canvas size
63629 Increase Lightness Brush
63630 Decrease Lightness Brush
63631 Increase Hue Brush
63632 Decrease Hue Brush
63633 Change Saturation Brush
63634 Change Lightness Brush
63635 Change Hue Brush
63636 Change Color Brush
63637 The destination folder cannot be the same as the source.
63638 This tool can only be used on 24 bit per pixel color images.
63639 A different version of Paint Shop Pro was used to create this document. Please use the same version of Paint Shop Pro to access this document.
63640 This is not a Paint Shop Pro document.
63641 Multiple Selection
63642 Are you sure you want to delete the current layer?
63643 Promote To Layer
63644 Grey Channel
63645 Red Channel
63646 Green Channel
63647 Blue Channel
63648 Black Channel
63649 Transparent
63650 Paste as new layer
63651 New Channel
63652 Load From Alpha
63653 Save To Alpha
63654 Selection #%i
63655 This operation could not be completed because there is no active area within the current mask.
63656 *MASK*
63657 Zoom %i:%i
63658 Promote Layer & Edit Properties
63659 Invalid Picture Tube file. Picture Tubes must be 24 BPP, and contain 1 layer with transparency.
63660 This tool can not be used because the current layer does not contain any active data.
63661 Hue
63662 Saturation
63663 Lightness
63664 This function can not be completed because this document already contains the maximum number of allowable layers. Please merge 2 or more layers using the Layers / Merge command before attempting this function again.
63665 Channel value: %d\nBlend opacity: %d%%
63666 Scaling Picture Tube
63667 Apply Deformation?
63668 Interactive Deformation
63669 Contract Selection
63670 Expand Selection
63671 Feather Selection
63673 There are more than %i layers in this document. The last %i layers will not be loaded.
63674 Merged
63675 The following error occurred while attempting to create the disk undo buffer for this document:\n%sUndo will be disabled for this session.
63676 The plug-in encountered a scanner problem.
63677 The plug-in could not detect scanner.
63678 The plug-in returned a "memory full" error.
63679 The plug-in returned a "disk full" error.
63680 Importing: %s.
63681 Exporting: %s.
63682 The plug-in cannot read format.
63683 Reading %s.
63684 Writing %s.
63685 Are you sure you want to delete this alpha channel?
63686 The plug-in generated a general protection fault.
63687 The plug-in could not be loaded.
63688 Are you sure you want to move the deformation control outside the boundaries of the document?
63689 Could not apply the deformation using the specified settings.
63690 Could not apply the deformation using the specified settings. Size of deformed image exceeds maximum size allowed.
63691 Would you like this mask merged into the current layer?
63692 The following error occurred while accessing the custom brushes:\n %s
63693 Could not match filter case.
63694 Others...
63695 Are you sure you want to delete the selected custom brush?
63704 To save the image as a Picture Tube, the image must be 24 bit and have only one layer with a transparency.
63705 There was an error saving the Picture Tube control file.
63706 Given the current Cells Across and Cells Down, the Total Cells field is incorrect.
63707 There is a problem opening the currently selected tube file.
63708 Paint Shop Pro could not launch your World Wide Web browser. Please check that it is installed properly.
63709 Selection is larger than the allowed size of %dx%d.
63710 Could not find device profile. Color matching will be disabled. If you want to use color matching, install the necessary device profiles and enable color matching using the options under File/Preferences.
63711 Paint Shop Pro was unable to create a file in the Windows temporary directory (currently %s.) Please ensure that you have write permission for this directory and and adequate space is available.
63712 Load Mask
63713 Paint Shop Pro was unable to load the requested plug-in filter. The plug-in may not be installed properly or may be missing files. (Plugin: %s)
63714 Paint Shop Pro was unable to access the requested plug-in.
63715 Brush Tip
63716 Tool Controls
63717 Pixels Per Inch:
63718 Pixels Per cm:
63720 Inches
63721 Cm
63722 %i x %i Pixels
63723 Kodak Digital Camera File (*.kdc)| *.kdc|All Files (*.*)| *.*||
63724 Save Kodak Digital Camera File(s)
63725 Delete Alpha Channel
63726 An image processing function is currently in progress on this document.\nPlease wait until it is complete until closing.
63727 No currently open documents contain alpha channels.
63728 Delete all Paint Shop Pro registry entries?
63729 Cro&p to Selection Shift+R
63730 Cro&p Shift+R
63731 Are you sure you want to remove all file associations from Paint Shop Pro?
63732 &Import
63733 Export
63734 Are you sure you want to delete all the images?
63735 %i Bit per pixel samples are not currently supported by Paint Shop Pro.
63736 Please choose a user directory
63737 Paint Shop Pro could not overwrite the specified file. Please make sure you have the necessary file and directory permissions.
63738 A TWAIN acquire session is currently running. It must be shut down before exiting. Do you want Paint Shop Pro to close your TWAIN data source for you?
63739 Changing the palette of a greyscale image will force the image to be converted to 8 bit indexed color.
63740 Select Color From Palette
63742 In order to set palette transparency this image must be reduced to 1 background layer and 256 colors. Would you like to do this now?
63743 This is an evaluation version of Paint Shop Pro.\nYou may use it for 30 days. If after your 30 day evaluation\nperiod you would like to continue to use Paint Shop Pro, you\nmust purchase the licensed version.\nYou are on day %i of your 30 day evaluation period.\n
63744 This is an evaluation version of Paint Shop Pro.\nYou have exceeded your 30 day trial period. This program\nwill stop functioning after 60 days. Please click on the\nOrder button to purchase the licensed version.\nYou are on day %i of your 30 day evaluation period.\n